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Preview IS 15713: Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components - Pressure regulator

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15713 (2006): Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components - Pressure regulator [TED 26: Automotive vehicles on NCES] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15713:2006 Reaffirmed - 2011 Wi’i+hm n “~ -q – f;q&f ~, . . * * (-) @wFJllaihem-m AT@rm IndianStandard ROAD VEHICLES — COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS — PRESSURE REGULATOR ICS 43.060.040 0 BIS 2006 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 2006 Price Group 3 Automotive VehiclesRunning onNon-conventional Energy Sources Sectional Committee, TED 26 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted bytheBureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized bytheAutomotive VehiclesRunningonNon-conventional Energy Sources Sectional Committee hadbeen approved bytheTransport Engineering Division Council. Inthe formulation ofthis standard considerable assistance hasbeen derived from the following standards issued bytheAutomotiveResearchAssociation ofIndiaandtheInternationalOrganization forStandardization respectively: AIS 024 (Amd 4 to version 3) — Safety and procedural requirements for type approval of CNG operated vehicles AIS-028 ( Version3) — Code of practice for useofCNG fuel in internal combustion engine vehicles 1S0 15500-9:2001 — Roadvehicles –- Compressed natural gas(CNG) fuel system components — Part9: Pressure regulator Thisstandard isoneofthe series ofIndian Standards published onCNG onboard fuel system components. Other standards inthis series are: 1SNo. Title 15710:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — General requirements and definitions 15711:2006 Roadvehicles—Compressed naturalgas(CNG) fuelsystemcomponents —Performance and general test methods 15712:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components —Automatic valve (solenoid valve) 15714:2006 Roadvehicles—Compressed naturalgas(CNG)fuelsystemcomponents —Gas/airmixer 15715:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — Conduit (ventilation hose) 15716:2006 Road vehicles — Colnpressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — CNG high pressure fuel line (rigid) with end connections [having pressure exceeding 2.15 MPa (21.5 bar)] 15717:2006 Roadvehicles—Compressednaturalgas(CNG)fiel systemcomponents—Petrolsolenoid valve (automatic/manual) 15718:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — CNG high pressure fuelline(flexible hose)withendconnections [having service pressure exceeding 2.15 MPa (21.5 bar)] 15719:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — Electrical wiring kit 15720:2006 Roadvehicles—Compressednaturalgas(CNG)fhelsystemcomponents—Compartments/ sub-compartments 15721:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) — Fire retardant material for seat, upholstery, roof and side lining 15722:2006 Road vehicles –- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — CNG low pressureflexiblefuellinewithendconnections[CNGfhellinehavingpressurenotexceeding 2.15 MPa (21.5 bar)] 15723:2006 Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components’— Current limiting devices (Continued on third cover) AMENDMENT NO. 1 JUNE 2012 TO IS 15713 : 2006 ROAD VEHICLES — COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS — PRESSURE REGULATOR (Page 1, clause 4.2, first line) — Insert the words ‘if provided’ after ‘relief valve’. (Page 2, Table 1) — Add the following Note at the end of the Table 1: ‘NOTE — The tests electrical over voltages, insulation resistance, and minimum opening voltage are applicable only, if the regulator has integrated solenoid valve.’ (Page 3, Table 2) — Substitute the following for the existing table: Table 2 Test Temperatures and Pressures (Clause 5.3) Test Pressure Temperature Stage (Factor × Working Pressure) oC First Test Second Test (1) (2) (3) (4) – 40 or –20 Inlet to 1 0.75 0.025 20 Inlet to 1 0.025 1.5 120 Inlet to 1 0.05 – 40 or – 20 Chambers 0.75 0.025 20 downstream of Inlet 0.025 1.5 to 1 120 0.05 (Page 3, clause 6.1) — Substitute the following for the existing: ‘6.1 Each Pressure regulator shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following: a) Manufacturer’s name, trade-mark or symbol; b) Part No. or unique identification mark; 1 Amend No. 1 IS 15713 : 2006 c) Working pressure and temperature range or service pressure; and d) Date of manufacture or batch number.’ [Page 3, clause 7(j)] — Substitute the following for the existing: ‘Drawings with relevant dimensions and material.’ (TE D 26) Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India 2 IS 15713:2006 IndianStandard ROAD VEHICLES — COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS — PRESSURE REGULATOR 1SCOPE ISNo. l’itle 1.1 This standard specifies definitions, test methods 15710:2006 Roadvehicles—Compressednatural andrequirementsofpressureregulator ofCNGonboard gas (CNG) fuel system components fuel system component intended for use on motor — General requirements and vehicles defined in IS 14272 (Part 1), two wheelers definitions and construction equipment vehicles (CEV). 15711:2006 Roadvehicles—Compressednatural 1.1.1 This standard is applicable to CNG fiel system gas (CNG) tlel system components components intended to use on vehicles using — Performance and general test compressed natural gas in accordance with IS 15320 methods (mono-fiel orbi-fiel applications). 3 DEFINITIONS 1,1.2 Itisnot applicable to the following: Forthepurpose ofthisstandardthefollowingdefinition a) Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system inaddition to those given inIS 15710 shall apply. components located upstream of, and 3.1 Lock-up Pressure — Stabilized outlet pressure including, the vaporizer; ofthe regulator atzero flow. b) Fuel containers; c) Stationary gas engines; and 4CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY d) CNG fuel systems components for the 4.1 The pressure regulator shall comply with the propulsion ofmarine craft applicable provisions of IS 15710 and IS 15711, and 1.1.3Thisstandardisbasedupon a servicepressurefor with the tests specified in5. compressed natural gas as a fiel at 20 MPa (200bar) 4.2 Apressurerelief valve shallbe ofatypethatresets settled at 15“C. Other service pressures could be afterrelieving itisintendedthatdownstreamcomponents accommodated by adjusting the pressure by the be protected from exposure to cylinder pressure. appropriate factor (ratio). For example, a 25 MPa (250bar) servicepressure systemwi llrequirepressures 4.3 A pressure relief valve may be integral to the tobemultipliedby 1.25.Allreferencestopressureareto pressure regulator, or not. beconsideredgaugepressuresunlessotherwisespecified. 4.4 The pressure regulator shall have a factory-set 2REFERENCES maximum outlet pressure. The maximum outlet pressure rating and the inlet pressure rating shall be The following standards contain provisions, which marked onthe regulator. through reference inthis text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication the editions 5TESTS indicated were valid. All standards are subject to 5.1 Applicability revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility The tests required to be carried out are indicated in of applying the most recent editions of the standards Table 1. indicated below: 5.2 Hydrostatic Strength 1SNo. Title 5.2.1 Test the pressure regulator according to the 14272 Automotive vehicles — Types — procedure for testing hydrostatic strength specified in (Part 1): 1995 Terminology: Part 1Three and four Is 15711. wheelers 15320: 2003/ Natural gas — Designation of the 5.2.2 Test the inlet of the first stage of the pressure ISO 15403: quality of natural gas for use as a regulator using a pressure of four times the working ~ooo compressed fuel for vehicles pressure. 1 1S 15713:2006 Table 1Tests Applicable (Clause 5.1) Test Applicable TestProcedureasRequired SpecificTestRequirements byIS15711 ofThisStandard (1) (2) (3) (4) Hydrostaticstrength x x X(see5.2) Leakage x x X(see5.3) Excesstorqueresistance x x — Bendingmoment x x — Continuedoperation x x X(see5.4) Corrosionresistance x x — Oxygenageing x x — Electricalover-voltages x x Non-metallicsyntheticimmersion x x Vibrationresistance x xl) Brassmaterialcompatibility x x — Insulationresistance x — X(see5.5) Minimumopeningvoltage x — X(see5.6) Pressureimpulse x . X(see5.7) Waterjacket freezing x — X(see5.8) lJThevibration resistance test inlS 15711isnotapplicable ifthe pressureregulatorisenginemounted. 5.2.3Testtheinletorinlets ofthedownstream stageor ofthe service pressure, The duration ofeach stages atfour times the working pressure. cycleshallbenot lessthan 10s. Theregulator shall comply with 5.3 atroom temperature at 5.2.4Testtheoutletchamber, port andalloutletfittings the completion ofthis test. atfourtimes theworking pressure, or0.4MPa(4bar), whichever isthe greater. c) Repeat the cycling procedure of(a) at 120°C attheservicepressure for 1percentofthetotal 5.3 Leakage number of cycles. Test the pressure regulator at the temperatures and d) Repeatthe cycling procedure of(b) at 120“C pressures given inTable 2. attheservicepressure for 1percentofthetotal number ofcycles. Theregulator shallcomply 5.4 Continued Operation with 5.3 at 120°C at the completion of this The regulator shallbe able to wit hstand 50000 cycles test. without any failure when tested according to the e) Repeat the cycling procedure of(a) at–20°C following procedure. Where the stages of pressure and 50 percent of service pressure for regulationareseparate, theservicepressure in(a)to(f) 1percent ofthe total number of cycles. isconsideredtobetheworkingpressureoftheupstream o Repeat the cycling procedure of(b) at–20°C stage: and 50 percent of service pressure for a) Recycle the regulator for 95 percent of the 1percent of the total number of cycles. The total number of cycles at room temperature regulator shall comply with 5.3 at –20”C at and at the service pressure. Each cycle shall the completion ofthis test. consist offlowuntil stable outlet pressure has !3) At the completion of the cycles, the lock-up been obtained, after which the gas flow shall pressure downstream oftheregulator shallnot beshut-off byadownstream valve within 1s, exceed the lock-up pressure. until the downstream lock-up pressure has stabilized. Stabilized outlet pressures are 5.5 Insulation Resistance defined assetpressure+ 15percent foratleast Thistest isdesigned to check for apotential failure of 5 s. The regulator shall comply with 5.3 at the insulation between the two-pin coil assembly and room temperature at intervals of 20 percent, the pressure regulator casing. 40 percent, 60 percent, 80 percent and 100percent of room temperature cycles. Apply 1000 Vdcbetween one of the connector pins b) Cycle the inlet pressure of the regulator for and the housing of the pressure regulator for at least 1percent ofthetotainumber ofcyclesatroom 2s. The minimum allowable resistance shall be temperature from 100 percent to 50 percent 240 k!il 2 IS 15713:2006 Table2 Test Temperatures and Pressures (Clause 5.3) s} Temperature Percentage InletTestPressure No. “c MPa[bar] & f % FirstTest SecondTest (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) i) -20 1 15[150] 0.5[5] ii) 27 1 0.5[5] 30[300] iii) 120 1 0.5[5] iv) –20 2,3,... 0.75Xworkingpressure 1 @ 27 2,3,... 1 1.5Xworkingpressure vi) 120 2,3,... 1 1.5Xworkingpressure 5.6 Minimum Opening Voltage 6.2.1 The useofthe Standard Mark isgoverned bythe provisions oftheBureau ofZndian Standards Act, 1986 The minimum opening voltage at room temperature and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The shallbe<6Vfora 12Vsystemand< 16Vfora24V details of conditions under which the licence for the system. use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the 5.7 Pressure Impulse Bureau of Indian Standards. a) Subject the pressure regulator with its first stage valve rendered filly open to a sudden 7 TECHNICAL INFORMATION TO BE application ofits service pressure atitsinlet. SUBMITTED BY THE COMPONENT Thepressureregulatorshallretainorreleasethe MANUFACTURER pressurewithoutanypermanent deformation. Technical information to be submitted by the b) Record the lock-up pressure ofthe regulator. component manufacturer forcomponent typetest(type approval) shall contain at leastfollowing information: 5.8Water Jacket Freezing a) Name ofthe manufacturer, a) Fill the regulator or water jacket, which normallycontains ananti-tleeze solution,with b) Manufacturing plant address, water to normal capacity and expose it at c) Part number, –20”Cfor24h.Attach 1msectionsofcoolant d) TypeNo./Model No., hose to the coolant inlet and outlet of the e) Number of pressure reduction stages in the regulator orwaterjacket. regulator, b) Following theti-eezingconditioning, conduct f) Working pressure of each stage, an external leakage test at room temperature g) Rated voltage ofthe solenoid coil (if any), according to 5.3. . h) Operating temperatures, and Aseparate sample maybe used forthis test. j) Drawings: Detailed dimensional assembly drawing inA3 size induplicate shall contain 6MARKING information like drawing No., Rev.No., part 6.1 Each pressure regulator shall be permanently Nos., bill of material (comprising part Nos. marked with: of individual items, grade for metallic parts, generic name andcompound number fornon- a) Manufactures name, trade-mark or symbol, metallic parts used inthepressure regulator), b) Part No. or unique identification mark, ratedtorque ofinletandotherthreaded fittings c) Service pressure and temperature range, details ofthemarking onthecomponent with d) Date ofmanufacture or batch number, and proper authentication. e) ISnumber ofthis standard. 8NUMBER OF SAMPLES FOR TESTING 6.2 BIS Certification Marking Minimum 7 numbers of the CNG pressure regulator Each pressure regulator may also be marked with the assemblies shall be submitted to the test agency for 131SStandard Mark. complete typetesting alongwithminimum 10numbers 3

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