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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15616 (2006): Alphacypermethrin, Technical [FAD 1: Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15616:2006 Indian Standard ALPHACYPERMETHRIN, TECHNICAL — SPECIFICATION ICS65.100.10 . . (3 BIS 2006 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 January 2006 Price Group 2 l Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis Sectional Committee, FAD 1 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis Sectional Committee hadbeen approved bythe Food and Agriculture Division Council. Alphacypermethrin, technical, is an insecticide employed inthe preparation of insecticidal formulations for the control of agricultural insect pests. Alphacyperrnethrin isthe common name accepted byInternational Organization for Standardization (1S0) fora recemate comprising two isomers Rand Sofrx-cyano-(3-phenoxyphenyl) methyl (1R)-cis-3-(2-2 dichlorovinyl)- 2-2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylate. The empirical formula, structural formula andthe molecular massof alphacypermethrin are indicated below: Empirical Formula Structural Formula Molecular Mass CZ2H,9C12N0, 416.32 H3C CH3 cl cl FA’~*&oD H CN Inpreparation of this standard, due consideration has been given to theprovisions ofthe Insecticide{ Act,, 1968 andtheRulesframedthereunder. However,thisstandard issubjecttotherestrictions imposedundertheInsecticides Act and Rules, wherever applicable. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value, observed or calculated, expres sing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding of f numerical values (revise~’. The number ofsignificant places retained inthe rounded off value should be the same asthat ofthe specified value inthis standard. AMENDMENT NO. 1 OCTOBER 2010 TO IS 15616 : 2006 ALPHACYPERMETHRIN, TECHNICAL — SPECIFICATION (Foreword, para 3) — Add the following at the end of the para: 'The cis-2 isomer of Cypermethrin is called Alphacypermethrin.' [Page 3, Annex A, clause A-2.4.6(b)] — Substitute '9.0 min' for '8.0 min'. [Page 4, Annex B, clause B-1.4.3(a)] — Delete '[(1R cis)R + (1 Scis)S]'. [Page 4, Annex B, clause B-1.4.3(b)] — Add the following after cis-2 isomer: ' [(1R cis)S + (IS cis)R]'. (FAD 1) Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India IS 15616:2006 Indian Standard ALPHACYPERMETHRIN, TECHNICAL — SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE 4 PACKING This standard prescribes therequirements andmethods The material shall be packed according to the of sampIing and test for alphacypermethrin technical. requirements given inIS 8190 (Part 1). 2 REFERENCES 5 MARKING The following standards contain provisions which 5.1 Thecontainers shallbear legibly and indelibly the through reference inthis text, constitute provisions of followinginformation andotheradditional information, this standard. At the time of publication, the editions as is required under the Insecticides Act, 1968, and indicated were valid. All standards are subject to Rules framed thereunder: revision and parties to agreements based on this a) Nameofthe material; standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards b) Nameand address ofthe manufacturer; indicated below: c) Batch numbeL 1SNo. Title d) Date ofmanufacture; 1070:1992 Reagent grade water (third revision) e) Date ofexpiry; 6940:1982 Methods of test for pesticides and 9 Net mass of contents; their formulations @st revision) g) Nominal alphacypermethrin content, percent 8190 Requirements for packaging of (m/m); (Part 1): 1988 pesticides: Part 1 Solid pesticides h) A cautionary notice as worded in the (second revision) Insecticides Act, 1968 and Rule_sframed 10946:1996 Methods of sampling for technical thereunder; and grade pesticides (.fht revision) j) Any other information required under the Standards of Weights and Measures 3 REQUIREMENTS (Packaging Commodities) Rules, 1977. 3.1 Description 5.2 BIS Certification Marking The material shall be inthe form of off-white to light brown coloured, free flowing yowder. It shall be free The product may also be marked with the Standard from extraneous matter. Mark. 3.2 The material shall comply with the requirements 5.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by specified inTable 1. the provisions ofthe Bureau tflndian Standards Act, Table 1Requirements for Alphacypermethrin, Technical (Clauses 3.2 and 7.1) sl Characteristic Requirement Method ofTest, Refto No. / A \ Annexofthis Clauseof Standard 1S6940 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) O Alphacypermethrin content,percentbynmss,A4irr 957 A — ii) (1Rcis)Rand(1Scis)Sisomers,percentbymass,Mm 3.5 B . iii) Transisomer,percentbymass,IUux 0.5 B — iv) Alkalinity (asNaOH),percentbymass,Mm 0.25 . 11.3 v) Moisturecontent,percentbymass,Max 0.25 — 4s 1 IS 15616:2006 1986and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. 7 TESTS The details of the conditions under which the licence 7.1 Testsshall becarried out bythe methods referred for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to to inCO14and 5ofTable 1. manufacturers orproducers maybe obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. 7.2 QuaIity of Reagextts Unlessspecified otherwise,purechemicals andreagent 6 SAMPLING grade water (see IS 1070) shallbe employed intest. Representative samples ofthematerial shallbedrawn, NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemical that do not asprescribed in IS 10946. contain impurities whichaffecttheresultsofanalysis. ANNEX A [Table 1, fi’1No. (i)] DETERMINATION OF ALPHACYPERMETHRIN CONTENT A-1 GENERAL A-2.3 Reagents Alphacypermethrin content isdetermined bytheHPLC A-2.3. 1 Internal Standard — Benzyl benzoate. method (see A-2). This will be the routine as well as A-2.3.2 Alphacypermethrin Reference Standard— of referee method. known purity. A-2 HPLC METHOD A-2.3.3 Di-isopropyl Ether — HPI,CISpectroscopic A-2.1 Principle grade. AHPLC unitwith aUV detector isused forthis assay. A-2.3.4 n-Pentane — HPLC/Spectroscopic grade. Usingsolutions containing known amountsofstandard a[phacypermethrin and internal standard, theresponse A-2.3.5 Toluene — AR grade. factor (RF), for alphacypermethrin and internal A-2.4 Procedure standard is arrived at. A solution containing known mass of the technical sample and internal standard is A-2.4.1 Preparation ofInternal Standard Solution injected subsequently. The percentage of Weighaccurately about 2.0 gof internal standard (IS) alphacypermethrin inthe sample isthen computed by intoa 100mlstandard volumetric flask and add about standard relationship. 20 ml oftoluene to dissolve the contents. Make up to A-2.2 Apparatus volumeusingtohtene. Shakewelltohomogenize. This willgive a20mg/ml solution of internal standard. A-2.2. 1 High Performance Liquid Chromatography — Equipped with a printer plotter-cum-integrator or A-2.4.2 Preparation of Working Standard So[ution computer and UV detector, and preferably with Weighaccurately about 100mg ofalphacypermethrin chromatographic software. The suggested parameters reference standard, in duplicate, into two 100 ml aregiven below, andtheseoperating conditions caa be standardvolumetric flasks.Pipette out 10mlofinternal varied, provided standardization isdone. standard solution into each flask. Ultrasonicate for Column : Stainless steel, 250 mm x about5mintodissolvethecontents.Dilute withmobile 4.6 mmid., packedwithsilica phase to themark and mix well to homogenize. Label of 5~m particle size these solutions asCAand CB respectively. Detector : UV (1 =280 nm) A-2.4.3 Preparation of Sample Solution Mobile phase : 3.0percent (v/v)Di-isopropyl ether inn-pentane. Weigh accurately 100mg of the technical sample (or Flow rate : 1.5ml/min. EC sample containing an equivalent amount of alphacypermethrin) in duplicate, into two 100 ml Sample size : 20 pl standardvolumetric flasks.Pipette out 10mlofinternal Temperature : Ambient (25 +2°C). standard solution into each flask. Make up to volume A-2.2.2 Glassware — Standard volumetric flasks of withmobile phase andmixwell. Label these solutions 100ml capacity. Bulbpipettes of 10ml capacity. as SAand SBrespectively. 2 IS 15616:2006 A-2.4.4 Estimation RF (standard Area of standard peak (Al) Introduce 20 pl of the working standard solutions CA solution) and CB and the sample solutions SA and SB into the = Area ofinternal standard peak (A,) HPLC unit in the indicated sequence. From the Alphacypermethrin, integrator/computer print out,notedownthepeakareas RF(sample solution) #4, xp percentagebymass= ofalphacypermethrin andinternalstandardineachcase. RF (standard solution) A42 A-2.4.5 Injection Sequence where CA1, SA1, SA2, CB1, CA2, SB1, SB2, CB2. M, = mass of alphacypermethrin reference Calculate the response factor (RF) for the pair of standard insolution CA/CB, inmg; calibrationsolutions,whichbracketthesamplesolutions, &f, . mass of alphacypermethrin in sample for example, use CA1 and CB1for SA1and SA2,etc. .Injecttwoorthreetimesuntilresponsefactor(RF)agrees solutions SA/SB, inmg; within one percent. A, = peakareaofalphacypermethrin instandard solutions CA/CB; Calculate the alphacypermethrin content as indicated under A-2.5. Az = peakareaofalphacypermethrin insolutions SA/SB; A-2.4.6 Elution Order A, = peak area ofinternal standard insolutions a) Internal standard =5.0 min CA/CB; b) Alphacyperrnethrin s 8.0 min A, = peak area of internal standard insolutions SA/SB; and A-2.5 Calculation P= percent purity of alphacypermethrin RF (sample Area of sample peak (~) reference standard. solution) = Area of internal standard peak (A,) ANNEX B [Table 1, S1No. (ii) and (iii)] DETERMINATION OF ISOMER CONTENT IN ALPHACYPERMETHRIN (TECHNICAL) BY THE HPLC METHOD B-1 HPLC METHOD Detector : UV (k =280 nm) Mobile phase : 3.0 percent (v/v)Di-isopropyl B-1.1 Principle ether inn-pentane AFIPLCunitwithanUVdetector isusedforthisassay. Flow rate : 1.5ml/min A solution containing known mass of the technical Sample size : 20.pl sampleisinjected.Thepercentageofalphacypermethrin isomers in a sample is then computed by the area B-1.2.2 Glassware — Standard volumetric flask of normalization method. 100ml capacity. B-1.2 Apparatus B-1.3 Reagents B-1.2. 1 High Performance Liquid Chromatography — B-1.3.1 Di-isopropyl Ether — HPLC/Spectroscopic Equipped with a printer plotter-cum--integrator/ grade. computer and UV detector, and preferably with B-1.3.2 n-pentane — HPLC/Spectroscopic grade. chromatographic sofiware. The suggested parameters aregivenbelow, andthese operating conditions canbe B-1.3.3 Toluene — AR grade. varied, provided standardization isdone: B-1.4 Procedure Column : Stainless steel, 250 mm x B-1.4.1 Preparation ofSample Solution 4.6 mminnerdiameter, packed withsilicaof5pm particle size Weighaccurately 100mg of sample in duplicate into 3 IS 15616:2006 two 100ml standard volumetric flasks. Dissolve the B-1.4.3 Elution Order sample and make up the volume using mobile phase, a) cis-1isomer[(1Rcis)R+(1Scis)S] ~ 8.0 min and mix well. b) cis-2 isomer s 9:0 min . B-1.4.2 Determination c) trans-1isomer s 10.5min d) trans-2 isomer z 12.0min Introduce 20 @of sample solution intotheHPLC unit. Fromintegrator/computer printout,notedownthepeak NOTE— Downthepeakareaandcalculatethepercentageof eachisomerasindicated below. area percent ofalphacypermethrin isomers. Themajor peak inthe chromatogram represents the cis-2 isomer. B-1.5 Calculation Thepeak immediately preceding this isofcis-1isomer Alphacypermethrin isomer content, Percentage and the peaks after the major peak represents trans of isomer = Area of individual isomer peak ~~O. isomers. Total areaofallisomer peaks

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