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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1551 (1991): Carbon papers for typewriter [CHD 14: Printing, Inks, Stationary and Allied Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 1551 :1991 Indian Standard CARBON PAPERS - TYPEWRITERS - SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) UDC 676’263’32 @ BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October 1991 PriceG roop2 yrenoitatS and deillA stcudorP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 014 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( dnoceS noisiveR ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht yrenoitatS and deillA stcudorP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni 1959. tI was desiver desab no eht noitalumrof fo -hiceps noitac rof esab repap rof nobrac ,repap SI 3413 : 1966 esaB‘ repap rof nobrac repap tsrif( noisiver .‘) nI eht thgil fo eht ecneirepxe deniag hguorht its esu and tneuqesbus noisrver fo SI 3413 ni 1977, niatrec stnemdnema erew issued ot eht desiver SI 1551. As a tluser ruof stnemdnema erew issued gnirud eht last .edaced sihT noisiver has neeb nekat up ot etaroprocni all esoht stnemdnema issued. nI eht lanigiro standard eht esab repap gniniatnoc ton less than 40 tnecrep ,nottoc xalf ro pmeh had neeb deificeps rof all sedarg fo nobrac .repap nI eht tsrif noisiver esab repap -niatnoc gni 100 tnecrep ,nottoc xaB ro hamp had neeb deificeps rof thgil thgiew nobrac repap and esab repap fo ton less than 40 tnecrep ,nottoc xalf ro hamp had neeb deificeps rof rehto sedarg fo nobrac .repap An lanoitidda ,edarg ,yleman yvaeh thgiew had osla neeb .dedulcni roP eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ,ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 :. 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( desiver .‘) ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor eulavfIo dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. Is 1551 : 1991 Indian Standard CARBONPAPERS-TYPEWRITERS- SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) a s eerf,elbissop morf nip ,seloh ,sesaerc delpmirc 1 EPOCS srenro: ro sides, .cte tI shall eb derutcafunam C 1.1 sihT standard sebircserp eht stnemeriuqer y) gnitaoc eussit repap no eno edis htiw a t and eht sdohtem fo samplrng and tset rof elbarefsnar nobrac kni gnitaoc yrassecen ot t nobrac ,srepap ,kcalb ,eulb neerg elprup and ev$ eht deriuqer gniypoc .seitilauq ehT -taoc t ,der rof esu htiw .retirwepyt i ng shall eb ,htooms mrofinu and eerf morf E .ssenigdumi tI shall evah on ycnednet ot tesffo 1.2 sihT standard seod ton revoc detaoc-kcab I ro stain no lamron handling nehw tfel ni nobrac repap hcihw lliw eb derevoc rednu a tcatno: htiw gniypoc steehs ro etarapes as standard. ; sekal nehw ni .esu 2 SECNEREFER ! 5.2 esaB repaP ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era yrassecen , ehI esab repap desu ni eht erutcafunam fo eht stcnujda ot this standard: I lairetam shall mrofnoc ot epyT 1 fo SI 3413 : 7791 ni esac fo edarG 1, and ni esac fo sedarG IS No. Title 2, 3 and 4 shall mrofnoc ot epyT 1 ro epyT 2. 1848 : 1981 gnitirW and gnitnirp srepap ( second revision ) 5.3 eziS 3413 : 1977 esaB repap rof nobrac repap ehI ezis fo eht nobrac repap shall eb as tsrif( noisiver ) deerga ot neewteb eht resahcrup and eht 4174 : 1974 retirwepyT snobbir ( Jirst .reilppus ehT ecnarelot dewolla no eht ezis revision ) shall eb f 1.5 mm no hcae .edis 4395 : 1987 yrassinkos lG and fo smret deilla gnitaler seirtsudni ot 5.4 Carbon kroW ehT nobrac krow shall eb denifed-llew and .raelc (first revision ) thgiL shall ton evah yna elbaicerppa tceffe 4905 : 1968 sdohteM rof modnar sampling no eht depyt nobrac .krow erehT shall eb a gradual, ton ,tpurba ssol fo ssentcnitsid fo .eht 3 YGOLONIMRET nobrac seipoc nehw yldetaeper depyt at eht roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht -inifed emas .ecalp gnitaoC fo nobrac repap shall ton snoit nevig nr SI 4395 : 1987 shall .ylppa tceffa ni yna yaw eht etihw ,repap steehs .desu 5.5 ecnatsiseR fo gnilruC 4 SEDARG ehT nobrac repap shall ylpmoc htiw eht tset erehT shall eb ruof sedarg fo nobrac ,srepap rof ecnatsiser ot gnilruc as debircserp ni :yleman xennA A. edarG 1 - thgiL thgiew 5.6 ehT lairetam shall osla ylpmoc htiw eht edarG 2 - muideM thgiew stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT 1 nehw detset yb eht sdohtem debircserp ni eht ,sexenna as edarG 3 - dradnatS thgiew detacidni ni 1oc 7 fo eht .elbat edarG 4 - yvaeH thgiew 6 GNIPEEK YTILAUQ 5 STNEMERIUQER 6.1 ehT lairetam shall eunitnoc ot yfsitas all l;5 noitpircseD eht stnemeriuqer debircserp rednu 5 and shall osla niamer eerf morf lagnuf htworg rof a ehT nobrac repap shall eb eerf morf ,sehsimelp doirep fo at tsael owt sraey morf eht etad fo ekil ,selknirw ,sevaw sraet and ,stuc and as raf .gnikcap 1 IS 1551 : 1991 :noitamrofni 7 PACKING AND MARKING emaN and ruoloc fo eht ;lairetam 7.1 Packing e) edarG and ;ezis Unless esiwrehto deerga ot neewteb eht -rup b, resahc and eht ,reilppus 25 ro 100 steehs fo )c noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ;erutcafunam nobrac repap shall eb ylbatius dekcap ni a )d hctaB rebmun ni edoc ro esiwrehto ot tekcap hcihw yam eb rehtie a redlof ro -drac elbane eht tol fo erutcafunam ot eb draob .xob nehW erom than 25 steehs era decart kcab morf ;sdrocer and dekcap ni a ,tekcap a noitacramed teehs fo evitcnitsid ruoloc shall eb dedulcni retfa yreve )e htnoM and raey fo .gnikcap 25 .steehs 8 SnMPLING 7.2 Marking evitatneserpeR samples fo eht lairetam shall hcaE ,tekcap ,yleman redlof ro draobdrac xob eb drawn and degdujda as debircserp ni shall eb dekram htiw eht gniwollof xennA D. Table 1 Requirements For Carbon Papers For Typewriter ( Clause 5.6 ) stnemeriuqeR For Method of SI Characteristic __-_.-__-----A-- ,--------- Test ( Ref No. edarG 1 edarG 2 edarG 3 edarG 4 ot Annex ) )1( )2( (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) i) ecnatsbuS fo esab 11.5 f 1.0 155 ,j 1.0 20.5 f 1.5 27.0 f 1.5 B ,repap *m/g )ii ,gnitaoC g/ma 10.0 f 1.0 ll*O& 1.0 12.0 + 1.5 14.0 +_ t:: B - 1.0 )iii ytilibaruD ( -inim s 9 10 12 C mum number of impressions at the same spot ) iv) Manifolding 8 6 5 4 C ( minimum number of copies ) A ANNEX ( esualC 5.5 ) TEST FOR CURLING ,ecaf detaoc-nobrac .pu-edis retfA eno etunim A-l PROCEDURE erusaem eht snoitrop fo eht owt worran sides A-l.1 ecalP owt steehs fo nobrac repap no a fo hcae teehs hcihw era ni tcerid tcatnoc htiw eriw ,neercs detaoc-nobrac edis ,nwod ni a eht talf .ecafrus gninoitidnoc moor ni hcihw evitaler ytidimuh fo 65 f 2 tnecrep and erutarepmet fo 27& 1°C A-l.2 ehT lairetam shall eb deredisnoc era .deniatniam retfA eht steehs evah neeb yrotcafsitas fi ton less than 80 tnecrep fo eht denoitidnoc rof eno ,ruoh evomer eht steehs sum fo eht latot shtgnel fo eht worran sides era morf eht neercs and ecalp no a talf glass -rus ni tcatnoc htiw eht talf .ecafrus 2 SI 1551 : 1991 ANNEX B [ 1, smetI )i( dna )ii( 1 Table NOITANIMRETED FO ECNATSBUS FO ESAB REPAP AND MASS FO GNITAOC l-B TSET ECEIP ssecca ot all its .secafrus ehT tset eceip shall eb demeed ot evah dehcaer muirbiliuqe nehw noitidnoC a teehs fo nobrac repap as -ircserp eht stluser fo owt evitucesnoc sgnihgiew at an deb ni 1.1.2-B and tuc tuo a tset eceip lavretni fo eno ruoh od ton relaid yb erom gnirusaem 10.0 mc x 10.0 .mc hgieW ti than 4-O tnecrep fo eht latot mass. .yletarucca 2-B GNITAOCED 3-B NOITALUCLAC 1.2-B ekaT a elbatius ytitnauq fo nobrac edirolhcartet ro a erutxim fo lauqe semulov fo 1.3-B ecnatsbuS fo esab ,repap g/m” = >_ nobrac edirolhcartet and enoteca ni a .rekaeb gnirB eht stnetnoc ot liob no a htab-retaw erehw and esremmi eht tset eceip otni eht gniliob tnevlos litnu eht eussit is .naelc gniruD this iV1 =c mass, ni g, fo eht tset eceip retfa noitarepo dloh eht tset eceip htiw specrof ,gnitaoced and and etatiga hguorht eht .tnevlos taepeR eht A = ,aera ni ,2m fo eht tset .eceip noitarepo htiw a hserf ytitnauq fo ,tnevlos fi .yrassecen retfA eht gnitaoc has neeb 2.3-B gnitaoC no eht ,repap g/m” = + M-M ,devomer yrd eht detaoc ,repap noitidnoc ti ( ees 1.1.2-B ) and hgiew .yletarucca erehw 1.1.2-B Conditioning dnepsuS eht tset eceip ni a gninoitidnoc M= mass, ni g, fo tset eceip erofeb rebmahc ni hcihw evitaler ytidimuh fo 65 & 2 ;gnitaoced tnecrep and erutarepmet fo 27-j= 1°C era -niam Ml = mass, ni g, fo eht tset eceip retfa deniat ( erutarepmet dluohs ton yrav yb erom ;gnitaoced and than f 1°C ni a nevig seires fo stset ) ni hcus a yaw that gninoitidnoc erehpsomta has eerf A = ,aera ni ma, fo eht tset .eceip ANNEX C 1, smetI )iii( dna )vi( ] [ TabZe TSET FOR YTILIBARUD AND GNIDLOFINAM C-l GNITSET SUTARAPPA C-2 TSET FOR YTlLIBARUD ehT stset debircsed shall eb edam no yna sui- yranidrO gnipyt repap fo ecnatsbus 40 g/m” elbat ,enihcam tnaem rof gnitset nobrac srepap ( ees SI 1848 : 1981 ) shall eb desu rof making and retirwepyt ,snobbir htiw ylhserf denaelc eht .tset A eceip fo tuoba 5 mc x 3 mc fo eht acip epyt A .oN 1 netalp and a retirwepyt nobrac repap deriuqer ot eb detset shall eb nobbir ( ees SI 4174 : 1977 ) shall eb .desu kcuts ot a pirts fo yranidro gnipyt ,repap 40 ,Lm/g fo tuoba 10 mc x 4 ,mc using erusserp NOTE - sadiaH enihcam derutcafunam yb Haida evitisnes evisehda esolullec epat ni hcus a yaw gnireenignE, oC ,dtL weN York ASU( ) dna okafurP derutcafunam yb lraK ,!kcarK revannoH that eht nobrac detaoc edis fo eht nobrac ( ynamreG ) era eht owt elbatius senihcam rof siht repap shall eb upwards. sihT ylbmessa is neht .tset nI ,esac rehtie fo eht owt senihcam era ton yleruces kcuts ot eht egairrac fo eht -epyt ,elbaliava eht erudecorp deniltuo ni 2-C yam eb .dewollof ,retirw using erusserp evitisnes evisehda 3 SI 1551 : 1991 esolullec ,epat htiw eht nobrac detaoc edis -ot C-3 TSET FOR GNIDLOFINAM wards eht .egairrac tI shall eb derusne that this ylbmessa seod ton tfihs elihw .gnipyt rehtonA yranidrO gnipyt repap fo ecnatsbus 40 g/ma teehs fo gnipyt ,repap 40 g/ma shall eb detresni ( ees SI 1848 : 1981 ) shall eb desu rof this .tset ni eht retirwepyt ni eht usual yaw and tset A tneinevnoc ezis teehs rof this tset is 9 mc .detrats epyT a enil gnitsisnoc fo rettel g 01( x 20 .mc A tsrif teehs and ypoc steehs htiw semit ) ni latnoziroh .wor Using elbuod gnicaps steehs fo nobrac repap shall eb delbmessa ni eunitnoc gnipyt 11 hcus senil no eht emas tops eht usual .yaw ehT delbmessa steehs shall eb fo eht nobrac .repap ehT nobrac repap shall detresni ni eht enihcam and eht eritne -yek ekam ton rewef than eht deriuqer rebmun fo ,draob htob reppu and rewol ,esac shall eb nobrac seipoc and eseht seipoc shall eb naelc nettirw eciwt revo ni detalernu .redro ehT and ,elbigel and retfa eht ,tset eht nobrac last ypoc teehs shall eb denimaxe rof .ytilibigel repap rednu tset shall ton wohs yna seloh no enoN fo eht sretcarahc shall eb .elbigelli eht detset .noitrop ANNEX D ( Item 8 ) GNILPMAS FO CARBON SREPAP FOR RETIRWEPYT D-l GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Table 2 Scale of Sampling and Permissible Number of Defectives D-l.1 elpmaS shall eb drawn morf lanigiro deneponu .stekcap No. of No. of No. of ’ Permissible 2.l-D elpmaS shall eb detcetorp morf -ronba Packets Packets to Sheets in No. of mal erusopxe ot taeh and thgil and shall ton in the Lot be Selected the Sample Defective Sheet eb dewolla ot emoc ni tcatnoc htiw yna .diuqil (‘1 (2) (3) (4) 3.l-D selpmaS shall eb dehcuot as elttil as pu ot 15 3 5 0 elbissop and tcatnoc htiw detaews hands shall 16 ot 25 6 8 0 eb .dediova 26 ot 100 10 13 0 4.1-D elpmaS shall ton eb dedlof erofeb -tset 101 to 300 15 20 1 301 to 500 20 32 2 .gni 501 and above 30 50 3 2-D ELACS FO GNILPMAS D-2.4 morF hcae fo eht stekcap detceles 1.2-D toL rednu ,3.2-D yIetamixorppa lauqe rebmun fo steehs shall eb nekat os as ot etutitsnoc eht llA eht stekcap ni a elgnis tnemngisnoc fo eht deriuqer elpmas ezis nevig ni 1oc 3 fo elbaT 2. emas ,ezis ,edarg and hctab fo ,rerutcafunam shall etutitsnoc a .tol 3-D REBMUN FO STSET AND AIRETIRC 1.1.2-D elpmaS shall eb detset morf hcae tol FOR YTIMROFNOC yletarapes rof gniniatrecsa eht ytimrofnoc fo 1.3-D llA eht steehs detceles gnidrocca ot eht tol ot eht stnemeriuqer fo this -acificeps 1oc 2 and 3 fo elbaT 2 shall eb denimaxe rof .noit stnemeriuqer nevig ni 5.1 ot 5.6. ynA teehs 2.2-D ehT rebmun fo stekcap ot eb detceles gniliaf ot yfsitas yna eno ro erom fo eht morf a tol rof sampling shall dneped nopu eht stnemeriuqer shall eb deredisnoc as .evitcefed ezis fo eht tol and shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw 2.3-D A tol shall eb deralced as gnimrofnoc 1oc 1 and 2 fo elbaT 2. ot eht stnemeriuqer fo this noitacificeps fi eht D-2.3 esehT stekcap shall eb detceles at -nar rebmun fo steehs dnuof evitcefed rednu 1.3-D mod morf eht tol and rof this ,esoprup modnar is less than ro lauqe ot eht gnidnopserroc sampling serudecorp as deificeps ni SI 4905 : elbissimrep rebmun fo evitcefed steehs nevig 1968 shall eb ,desu ni 1oc 4 fo elbaT 2. 4 Standard Mark ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht Bureau oj Indian Standards Act, I986 and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no stcudorp derevoc yb an naidnI dradnatS syevnoc eht ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo that standard rednu a llew denifed metsys fo ,noitcepsni gnitset and ytilauq lortnoc hcihw is desived and desivrepus yb SIB and detarepo yb eht .recudorp dradnatS dekram stcudorp era osla ylsuounitnoc dekcehc yb SIB rof ytimrofnoc ot that standard as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil rof eht esu fo eht dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards.

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