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IS 15449-2: Household Zig-Zag Sewing Machine Head, Part 2: Accuracy Requirements PDF

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Preview IS 15449-2: Household Zig-Zag Sewing Machine Head, Part 2: Accuracy Requirements

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15449-2 (2004): Household Zig-Zag Sewing Machine Head, Part 2: Accuracy Requirements [MED 29: Sewing Machines] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” 1 IS15449(Part 2):2004 mm RrqRFT-al r? m ‘b IndianStandard HOUSEHOLD ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE HEAD PART 2 ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS Ics 61.080 0 BIS2004 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS II MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 .4ugust 2004 Price Group 4 Sewing Machines Sectional Committee, ME29 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Sewing Machines Sectional Committee had been approved bythe Mechanical Engineering Division Council. This standard has been formulated to facilitate standardization andwith aview to establish quality and accuracy requirements of zig-zag sewing machine head for household purpose. Inthepreparation ofthis standard, assistance hasbeen derived from IS7491:1989 ‘Household sewing machine head — Accuracy requirements (first revision)’. The standard onhousehold zig-zag sewing machine head isbeing brought infour parts. This standard covers the accuracy requirements of household zig-zag sewing machine head, the other parts inthe series are: Part 1 General requirements Part 3 Sewing requirements Part 4 Durability requirements For the purpose of deciding whether aparticular requirement ofthis standard iscomplied with, the final value, observed orcalculated, expressingtheresultofatestoranalysis,shallberoundedoffinaccordance withIS2:1960 ‘Rules forrounding offnumerical values (revised’. The number ofsignificant places retained intherounded off value Shouldbe the same asthat ofthe specified value inthk standard. IS 15449 (Part 2) :2004 IndianStandard HOUSEHOLD ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE HEAD PART 2 ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS 1 SCOPE 2 ACCURACY REQUIREMENT Thisstandard(Part2)coverstheaccuracyrequirements 2.1 Functional Dimensions for zig-zag sewing machine head for household Clearance andheights atvarious points onthemachine purpose. shall be asfollows: SI Item Measuring Condition Measuring Direction Ref Stanalwd No. to Fig. Assembly Dimension mm i) Feed dog Height of the feed dog teeth A feed dog raised to its 1 1.2,Max above needle/throat plate highest position ii) Shuttle and Clearance between heel of Shuttle heel atbottom 2 0.25, A4in shuttle driver shuttle and corresponding mostposition 0.55, Max tip of shuttle driver iii) Needle and Clearance between needle Needle at bottom most 3 0,Min shuttle and corresponding face to position 0.05, Max shuttle iv) Presser foot Gap between presser foot Presser foot inlifted 4 5.0, Min and needle/throat plate condition v) Bight Distance between two Zig-zag bight knob at 5A 5.0’),Max (Zig-zag) extreme needle positions itsmaximum position 5B when needle vibration adjustment is at its maximum vi) Disc Clearance between disc Needle bar at its 6 0.25, Mix followe+) follower pin and the highest bottom most position point ofdiscNo. 1 ‘Optionalrequirementsdependinguponthedesignspecificationsofthesewingmachine, IS 15449 (Part 2) :2004 2.2 Assembly Clearance The assembly clearances onthe machine atvarious points shallmeet the following requirements: sl Item Measuring Condition Measuring Indicator Position Ref Maximum No. Direction to Assembly Fig. Clearance mm i) Needle Needle bar at lower a) In the direction a) Top of needle 7A 0.35 bar mostposition ofmotion bar b) At right angle to b) Near the 7B 0.20 the direction of bottom of motion needlebar ii) Thread Thread take up lever at a) In the direction a) Around thread 8A 0.65 take top, intermediate and ofmotion. hole up lever bottompositions b) At right angleto b) Around thread 8B 0.75 I the direction of hole motion iii) Shuttle a) Tip of shuttle pin at a) Along the axis a) Tip of shuttle 9 0.20 top most/bottom ofshuttlepin pin -- most position of needlebar b) Difference between b) Along the axis b) Tip of shuttle 0.08 two indicator ofshuttlepin pin readings when needle bar is at its highest and lowest position . iv) Arm At different fly wheel Axialdirection Face of rim of fly 10 0.10 shatt positions (tuim fly wheel wheel by hand). Axial pushlpull tobegiven v) Fly a) Rotate fly wheel to Axialdirection a) Face of rim of 1IA 0.25 wheel measure wobb~mg flywheel b) Rotate fly w heel to Radialdirection b) Any point on llB 0.30 measure eccentricity the periphery of rim of fly wheel vi) Feed At the highest position In the direction 01 Front edge of the 12 0.35 section of feed - dog- above motion feeddog needleplate 3 METHOD OF TESTS The method for carrying out various accuracy tests are given inAnnex A. 2 IS 15449 (Part 2): 2004 ANNEX A (Clause 3) METHOD OF TESTS A-1 FEED DOG HEIGHT Formeasurement offeeddogheight,theflywheel shall be rotated so as to bring the feed dog to its highest position abovetheneedle plate.Thedialindicator shall be so set asto accommodate both the top of the feed dogaswellastheneedle plate surface within itsrange. At this position, two readings shall be taken, one at — the top of feed dog and the other at the needle plate surface.Thedifference betweenthesetwoobservations shall indicate the maximum height of the feed dog above the needle plate (see Fig. 1). : 1 FIG.2 SHUTTLEASNDSHUTTLEDRIVERCLEARANCE L!EQLPLATE RIM FACE FIG.1 FEEDDOGHEIGHT A-2 SHUTTLES AND SHUTTLE DRIVER CLEARANCE Formeasurement oftheclearance, between shuttleand shuttle driver themachine shallbeheld inthe inclined position. Theflywheel shallberota tedwhileobserving the relative position ofthe shuttle and itsdriver tillthe shuttle heel comes tothebottom mostposition. Atthis stage,themeasurement forclearance between theheel ofthe shuttle and the corresponding tip ofthe shuttle driver shall be made by using a feeler gauge. This clearance indicates the clearance existing between the shuttle and shuttle driver (see Fig. 2). A-3 NEEDLE AND SHUTTLE Formeasurement oftheclearance, betweenneedle and FIG.3 NEEDLEANDSHUTTLECLEARANCE the corresponding face of shuttle, the machine shall beheld inthe inclined position. The flywheel shallbe A-4 PRESSER FOOT GAP rotated while observing the relative position of the needleandthecorresponding faceofshuttle,tillneedle For measurement of the presser foot gap, the presser comes to the bottom most position. Atthis stage, the foot shall be lifted to its highest position. The gap measurement forclearance between theneedleandthe betweenthebottom faceofpresser footandthesurface corresponding faceoftheshuttleshallbemadebyusing ofneedleplateshallbemeasured withasuitable gauge. a feeler gauge. This indicates the clearance existing This gap indicates the maximum clearance available between the needle and the corresponding face of between the presser foot and the needle plate of a shuttle (see Fig. 3). sewing machine (seeFig. 4). 3 IS 15449 (Part 2) :2004 A-5.2 The flywheel shall be rotated to take the two penetrations on a piece of paper (instead of cloth), placed between the needle plate and presser foot. The paper shall be taken out from the machine and the distance between the two penetrations measured with thehelpofascale.Thismeasurement shallbethebight ii iLs=- ofthe zig-zag sewing machine (see Fig. 5B). l A-6 DISC FOLLOWER For measurement of the clearance, between disc follower pinandthehighest point of discNo. 1,rotate the section of panel upwards as shown in Fig. 6. The PLATE flywheel shallberotated, while observing the relative FIG.4 PRESSUREFOOTGAP position ofthediscfollower pinandthediscNo. 1,till the needle bar comes to its bottom mosthop most A-5 ZIG-ZAG BIGHT position. Atthis stage,the measurement for clearance A-5.1 For measurement ofthe zig-zag bight width or shall be made by using a feeler gauge. This the distance between two needle penetrations (in the measurement shall indicate the clearance existing needle plate) on the left and right sides respectively, between the discfollower pin andthe highest point of the zig-zag bight knob shall be set at its maximum discNo.1(seeFig. 6). position. The feed regulator (FR) thumbscrew shall A-7 NEEDLE BAR be set at zero position or the feed throw out (FTO) knob shall be adjusted to .feed drop position (see A-7.1 With the bight knob at straight stitch position, + Fig. 5A). move the needle bar to its lowest position and place l t n 6 GQT1l-1 u FIG.5A ZIG-ZAGBIGHTWIDTH 5 mm T M!M!!!L FIG.5B ZIG-ZAGBIGHT 4 IS 15449 (Part 2): 2004 T L-J ! FIG.6 DISCFOLLOWER the dial indicator onthe top oftheneedle barusing an shallindicate the assembly clearance forneedle bar in extensionpiece, ifnecessary. Apply lighthandpressure the direction of right angle to that of the motion (see atthe bottom of the needle bar to push itup and note Fig. 7B). the indicator reading. Similarly, pull the needle bar down with the same pressure and take the second A-8 THREAD TAKE UP LEVER indicator reading. The difference between the two A-8.1 Bring the thread take up lever at its ;op/ readings shall indicate the assembly clearance for intermediate/bottom position. Placetheindicator above needle bar inthe direction of motion (seeFig. 7A). the lever around the thread hole. Pull the lever down A-7.2 With the needle bar to its lowest position and with very light hand pressure and note the indicator bightknobatstraightstitchpositionplacestheindicator reading. Similarly, push the lever up with the same near itslower tip by the side ofthe needle bar. Apply pressure and observe the second reading. The sideward light hand pressure forward and backward. difference between the two readings will indicate the Take onereading ofthe indicator ateach ofthese two clearance inthe direction ofmotion forthread take up positions. The difference between the two readings lever at itsgiven position (seeFig. 8A). I J =1 LIGHT PRESSURE LIGHT PRESSURE FIG.7A ASSEMBLYCLEARANCFEORNEEDLEBAR FIG.7B ASSEMBLYCLEARANCEFORNEEDLEBARIN INTHEDIRECTIONOFMOTION THEDIRECTIONOFRIGHTANGLETOTHEMOTION 5

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