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IS 15418: Wall Coverings in Roll form for Finished Wall Papers, Wall Vinyls and Plastic Wall Coverings - PDF

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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15418 (2003): Wall Coverings in Roll form for Finished Wall Papers, Wall Vinyls and Plastic Wall Coverings - [CED 5: Flooring, Wall Finishing and Roofing] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15418:2003 W?dhm i’1-afaa GTTmhTa&l-r?wu Tnm n rad * wkb 3TFIW–JTfaf?llw Indian Standard WALL COVERINGS IN ROLL FORM FOR FINISHED WALL PAPERS, WALL VINYLS AND PLASTIC WALL COVERINGS — SPECIFICATION ICS91.180 fCIBIS2003 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DE LHI 110002 Price Group 6 November 2003 Flooring, WallFinishing and Roofing Sectional Committee, CED 5 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Flooring, WallFinishing.and Roofing Sectional Committee had been approved bythe Civil Engineering Division Council. Wallcoverings made ofpaper/wall vinyl and plaster are used inhouses aswell as incommercial buildings. This standard intends to give auniform requirements for dimension, grade, colour fastness, spongeability application to the above types of wall coverings. Inthe formulation ofthis standard, considerable assistance hasbeen derived from EN233:1989 ‘Wallcoverings inroll form — Specification for finished wall coverings’. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation.ofthis standard isgiven at Annex F. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value, t observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number ofsignificant places retained inthe rounded off values should be the same as that of the specified value inthis standard. IS 15418:2003 Indian Standard WALL COVERINGS IN ROLL FORM FOR FINISHED WALL PAPERS, WALL, VINYLS AND PLASTIC WALL COVERINGS — SPECIFICATION 1 SC(.)PE ISNo. Title 1.1 This standard covers the following: 15401:2003 Wall covering in roll form — Vocubalary and systems a) It specifies requirements for dimensions, minimum spongeability and grade of 3 DEFINITIONS washability and colour fastness to light. The definitions given inIS 15401 shall apply. b) Itgives the symbols, to beused for marking purpose, for these characteristics and also 4 DIMENS1ONS for matching, methods of application and 4.1 General removal. c) Itspecifies requirements for marking. 4.1.1 Theareaoftherollshallbe5.326m2+3percent. d) It gives the designation system. 4.1.2 Thenominalwidthandlengthshallbedeclared; thepermitted deviation fromthedeclared values shall 1.2 The marking requirements of this standard are primarilyforinformation oftheconsumerandtoenable be-not more than 1.5percent. optimum use to be made of the product. 4,1.3 The nominal width shall be not less than 1.3 This standard applies to finished wall paper, wall 500mmandnotgreater than 530mm. vinyl and plastics wall covering supplied inrolls for 4.1.4 Sampling fortesting shallbeinaccordance with hanging on to walls and ceilings by means of an Annex A. adhesive covering thewhole ofthe interface between the wall covering and the support and those are not 4.2 Method ofMeasuring-Dimensions intended to be decorated after hanging. 4.2.1 Dimensions shall be measured in accordance 1.4 Excluded from this standard arerigid materials, with Annex B. materials not attached or not wholly attached by adhesive, wall coverings for subsequent decoration, 4.2.2 Theedgesofa roll shallbestraight andparallel textile wall coverings, heavy dutywallcoverings and to itsentire length, over to the following extent: non-decorative wall coverings such as wall linings a) Straightness — Overany 1mlengththeedges orthose with special properties, forexample, thermal shallnotdeviatemorethan 1mmfromstraight. or acoustic insulation. b) Paruffeli& — Thethree width measurements “2 REFERENCES taken in accordance with B-3(a) shall not The standards given below contain provisions which differ bymore than 1mm. through reference inthis text, constitute provisions 5 SPONGEABILITY ofthisstandard. Atthetimeofpublication,theeditions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to For a wall covering to comply with this standard it revision and parties to agreement based on this shall be possible to wipe off the hanging adhesive standard areencouragedto investigate thepossibility whilst it isstill damp from the front face of the wall of applying the most recent editions ofthe standard coveringwith adampcloth orsponge without causing indicated below: visible damage. IS No. Title Accordingly the wall covering, when tested in 2454:1985 Methods for determination of accordance with Annex C for spongeability, shall fastness of textile materials to exhibit no damage or change, comparison with the artificial light(Xenon lamp) (first reference.piece, that would detract from appearance revision ) asawall covering on awall. 7888:1976 Methods of test for flexible. The symbol to be used to indicate this degree of polyurethane foam spongeability isshown inTable 1,S1No.1.1, 1 Table 1Symbols for-Marking Purposes (Clause 5 ) Category Description Symbols Designation and S1No. Character 1 Spongeability 11 Spongeableattimeofhanging A 2 Washability 2.1 Washable - B 2.2 Extra-washable c B 2.3 Scrubbable D = 3 Colour Fastness to Light 3.1 Moderate a 3 3.2 Good 5 o 4 Pattern Matching *() 4.1 Free match I (with, added, the 4.2 Straight match l dimensions ofdesigns * repeat in cm, for example 50) I (with, added, the dimension of design + 4.3 Offset match repeat and distance * offset in cm, for I example 50/25) 4.4 Reverse alternative lengths It 2 Table 1(Continued) Category Description Symbols Designation and S1No. Character 5 Means of Application’) 5.1 Adhesivetobeappliedtothe G wallcovering 5.2 Adhesivetobeappliedtothe J supporttobedecorated H fs!l 5.3 Prepasted(Readypasted) K 6 Method of Removal 6.1 Strippable Il? 1 62 Peelable 2 Ik 63 Wetremovable 3 k 7 Miscellaneous 7.1 Overlap anddouble cut & 7.2 Duplex embossed Ill I)Where symbols in this Categov require to be used in combination, forexample, 5.1 and 5.2, the necessarYSymbols shall be given as shown, separated by a+sign of equivalent size to these symbols. 6 WASHABILITY 6.2 When tested in accordance with Annex C, accordingto itsgradeofwashability,thewallcovering 6.1 If the wall covering is claimed to be washable shall exhibit no visible damage or change, in during life after hanging, at-cording to its grade of comparisonwiththereferencepiece,thatwoulddetract washability,itshallbetermedwashable,extra-washable from itsappearance asawall covering on awall. or scrubbable. 3 1S15418:2003 6.3 Thesymbols to beusedfor indicating the grade c) Product description, ofwashability shallbeasshowninTable 1,S1No.2.1 d) Identification of product, that is, pattern to2.3. number, batch number, 6.4 A wall covering unable tomeet the minimum e) The width, length and area of the roll, grade ofwashability asspecified shall notbetermed f) Forawashablewallcovering, itswashability washable. It shall not carry awashability symbol. grade, that is, whether washable, extra- washableorscrubbable,usingtheappropriate 7 COLOUR FASTNESS TO LIGHT symbol from category 2ofTable 1, 7.1 Two grades of colour fastness to this standard g) The grade of colour fastness to light, that arerecognized: is, whether moderate or good, using the a) Moderate; numerical rating not lessthan 3; appropriate symbol from category 3 of and Table 1, b) Good; numerical rating not lessthan 5. h) The means of application, using the appropriate symbol(s) from category 5 of 7.2 The numerical rating for colour fastness to light Table 1,and shall be determined inaccordance with Annex D. A .0 The needtoreverse alternate lengths, ifthis wall covering to standard shall not have a rating of is an essential requirement for satisfactory less than 3. appearance, using the symbol 4.4 from 7.3 The symbols to be used for indicating the grade category 4ofTable 1. of colour fastness to light shall be as shown in 9.2 Additional Markings Table I, SINO.3.1 and3.3. Ifnecessary, the following information shall begiven 8 MATCHING, APPLICATION, REMOVAL onroll, onalabeloronaninformation sheet enclosed AND MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLS with theroll: 8.1 The symbols to be used for indicating ~attern a) That the wall c,overing is spongeable at the matching shall be as given in Table 1, S1No. 4.1 time ofhanging, using the symbol 1.1from to4.4. category 1ofTable 1; 8.2 The symbols to be used for indicating themeans b) Additional hanging instruction, forexample, of application shall be asgiven inTable 1S1No. 5.1 overlap anddouble cut,usingthe symbol 7.1 to5.3. from category 7of Table 1; 8.3 The symbols tobeused forindicating themethod c) Type of adhesive to be used; ofremoval aregiven inTable 1,S1No. 6.1to6.3. d) Design repeat and match, using the 8.4 The symbols to be used for indicating the appropriate symbol from category 4 of desirability ofoverlapping joins and double cutting, Table 1; and for aduplex embossed wall covering shall be as e) Method of removal, using the appropriate given inTable 1,S1No. 7.1 and 7.2 respectively. symbol from category 6of Table 1;and 9 MARKING f) Whetherthewallcoveringisduplexembossed, using the symbol 7.2 from category 7 of 9.1 Visible Markings Table 1. When compliance with this standard isclaimed, the 9.3 Consistency of Marking roll,outerwrapperoraseparatelabelinsidethewrapper of a roll of wall covering shall state the special Theinformation given inpromotional literature, mthe characteristics ofthewall covering insuchaway that pattern book, marked onthe pattern slip and marked the following information is readily visible to the on cartons shall be consistent with the information purchaser without removing anyouter wrapper from given with the roll asdefined in 9.1 and 9.2. anindividual roll: 9.4 Designation a) Number of this standard, Ifadesignation system isused forthe wall coverings b) Nameoridentification markormanufacturer, covered by this standard, it shall be in accordance supplier or distributor, withAnnex E. 4 IS 15418:2003 ANNEX A ( Clause 4.1.4) SAMPLING FOR TESTING A-1 OBLIGATORY random or, if the manufacturer in marking indicatestheorderofpackingfi-omthemaking, A-1. 1 Samples for testing shall be taken from wall the selection maybemade with reference to coverings, notless than 14daysafter manufacture, the order of packing; and inaccordance with the following except that: b) Method of cutting sheets shall be modified sothateachspecimenshallcommenceatleast No. of Sheets Minimum No. of 1mfromthe end ofthe roll and shall extend in the Lot Sheets to be Taken across the whole width of the roll; it shall porn the Lot extend notlessthan 500mmalong the length <1 ()()() 10 ofthe roll. 1000to5000 15 A-1.2 Thetotal area ofmaterial taken from each roll >5 ()()() 20 shallbetwicetheareaofthepiecesrequired fortesting a) Rolls selected for samples maybe chosen at to carryout repeat tests without re-sampling. ANNEX B ( Clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.2) METHOD OF MEASURING DIMENSIONS B-1 INSTRUMENT tobeattained whentheresults oftwoconsecutive weighings atleast 1hapart donot differ bymore Asuitable steel rule calibrated, inmm, and accurate than 0.25 percent of the total mass. to* 0.5mm. NOTE—Withgoodaircirculation, aconditioning period B-2 PREPARATION of4 to 6 h is sufficient. Measurements shall be made o n rolls selected for B-3 PROCEDURE sampling inaccordance with 4.1.4 and conditioned a) Width — Measure the width perpendicular inaccordance with the following procedure: tothelengthoftheroll atleastatthree points ontheroll which are atleast 1mapart. State The samples may be conditioned in a chamber the width as the arithmetic mean of these or test room maintained at27 + 1“Cand 65+2 measurements to the nearest mm. percent relative humidity. They shall be held in suchwaythat the conditioning airhasfreeaccess b) Length — Measure the length on one side to all the surfaces sothat their moisture content of the roll after ensuring that the roll ends attainsastateofequilibrium withthewatervapour are cut atright angles. State the length to intheatmosphere. This equilibrium isconsidered the nearest mm. 5

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