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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15336 (2003): Textiles - Acrylic Yarn for Hosiery [TXD 31: Man-Made Fibres, Cotton and their Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15336:2003 Indian Standard TEXTILES — ACRYLIC YARN FOR HOSIERY — SPECIFICATION ICS 59.080.20; 61.020 GB1S2003 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN> 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI I10002 Price Group 3 Man-Made Fibres, Cotton and Their Products Sectional Committee, TX 31 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Man-Made Fibres, Cotton and Their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Textiles Division Council. Acrylic yarn is being extensively used in the manufacture of hosiery goods. It is produced in a variety of design and colours as non-bulky or bulky yarn. In order to safeguard consumer interest, it is essential to standardize the quality of acrylic yarn for hosiery based on performance characteristics. The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex C. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. IS 15336:2003 Indian Standard TEXTILES — ACRYLIC YARN FOR HOSIERY — SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE 6 MARKING This standard prescribes the quality requirements for 6.1 Each cone ofyarn shallbemarked withthefollowing: non-bulky and bulky acrylic yarn used in the a) Count ofyarn followed by the word ‘Acrylic manufacture of hosiery goods. yarns for hosiery’; 2 REFERENCES b) Type ofyam, that is,non-bulky yams or bulky yarns; The Indian Standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which throw reference in this text, c) Net mass of yarn in package; constitute provisions of this standard. At the time d) Indication of the source of manufacture; of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All e) Batch No. or month and year of manufacture; standards are subject to revision, and parties to and agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most recent f) Any other information required by the buyer or by the law in force. editions of the standards indicated in Annex A. 6.2 Each bale orcase containing cones shall be marked 3 TERMINOLOGY with the following: For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given a) Count of yarn followed by the word ‘Acrylic in IS 1324 and as given below shall apply. yarns for hosiery’; 3.1 Acrylic Shrinkable Fibre b) Net mass of yarn in bulk packing; When acrylic fibre isstretched under heat and cooled c) Gross mass of yarn in bulk packing; whilst under tension, it attains lateral shrinkage of d) Indication of the source of the manufacture; the order of 16to 22 percent. Such fibres are known e) Batch No. or month and year of manufacture; as acrylic shrinkable fibres. and When these (shrinkable) fibres are subjected to heat ~ Any other information required by the buyer accompanying water under specific condition, infree or by the law in force. state show effective contraction. 6.3 BIS Certification Marking Conventional bulky acrylic yarn is made by mix Each cone and the bulk packing may also be marked spinning of fibre having low shrinkage orno shrinkage with the Standard Mark. and fibre having high shrinkage indefinite proportion. 6.3.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by Such spun yarn, if heat treated by water or by steam, the provisions ofthe Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, becomes bulky because fibre of no shrinkage bulges 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. outward, with fibre of high shrinkage as core. The details of conditions under which the license for 3.2 Bulky Yarn the use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers maybe obtained from the Spun yams made fi-omstaple fibres having ahigh degree Bureau of Indian Standards. of resilience in which the apparent density is much lower than the real density. 7 PACKING 4 COMPOSITION OF ACRYLIC YARN Unless otherwise agreed, the yarn shall be packed in accordance with the procedure laid down in either The acrylic yarn shall be spun from acrylic staple lS21940r IS2195. fibres as bulky or non-bulky yarn. The identification of the fibre shall be done as per the tests prescribed 8 SAMPLING in IS 667. The yarn maybe grey or dyed. 8.1 Lot 5 REQUIREMENTS Inany consignment the bales or cases containing yarn The acrylic yarn shall meet the requirements given in of the same type and of the same nominal count shall Table 1. constitute a lot. I IS 15336:2003 Table 1 Requirements of Acrylic Yarn for Hosiery ( Cfause 5) SI Characteristics Requirements Method of Test, Ref to No. r \ ~ Non Bulky Bulky A ~ ‘Grey Dyed’ ‘Grey Dyed’ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) i) Count CVpercent 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 IS 1315 — ii) Single yarn tenacity, gf/m 20.0 17.O 13.0 10.0 IS 1670 — iii) CVofsingle yam tenacity percent 15.0 15.O 15.0 15.0 IS 1670 — iv) U, percent 14.0 14.0 13.0 13.0 IS 7703 ( Part 5 ) — v) Thin, per I 000 m 90 95 60 75 — vi) Thick, per 1000 m 155 180 125 155 — — vii) Neps, per 1000 m 160 195 135 155 — — viii) Imperfections, per 1000 m 395 470 . — — ix) Shrinkage, percent 2.5 l 1 2.5 * 1 22*1 1.5* I — Annex B x) Colour fastness: 1)Light — 5 or better — 5 or better IS 2454 — 2) Washing — 4 or better . 4 or better IS 687 — NOTES 1 The unevenness values are only for single ply yarn and itcan beexpressed as coefficient ofvariation of unevenness using the formula CVpercent = 1.25 x U percent. 2 The speed and sensitivity levels ofuser may beasgiven below, subject toagreement between the buyer and the seller: a) Speed : 400mlMin b) Thick : + 50 percent c) Thin : – 50 percent d) Nep : + 200 percent 3 Tenacity values are the minimum required and other values specified are the maximum. 4 Bulky yarns may consist of minimum 30 percent shrinkable fibres. 8.2 Samples shall be drawn from each lotto determine sample at least five cones shall be drawn at random its conformity with the requirem ents of the standard. from each of the selected bale or case. The number of leas to be prepared from each cone shall not be 8.3 Unless otherwise agreed to between the buyer greater than 6. As far as possible, equal number of and the seller the number ofcases orbales tobeselected leas shall be prepared from each of the selected cone. from a lot shall be in accordance with Table 2. The The number of leas so prepared from the lot shall be bales or cases shall be selected at random and inorder equal to 30. to ensure the randomness of selection, guidance may be obtained from 1S4905. 8.4.1 In case single yarn tenacity is determined, the number of tests shall not be less than 50. Table 2 Sampling 8.5 Criteria for Conformity ( Clause 8.3) The lot shall be considered as conforming to’the S1 No. Lot Size Sample Size requirements ofthis standard, ifthe following conditions (1) (2) (3) are satisfied: i) up to 3 I a) Coefficient of variation for the count is less ii) 4 to 10 2 than the specified values; iii) llto30 3 b) Tenacity, is greater than or equal to the iv) 31 to 50 5 minimum specified values, and the coefficient v) Over 50 8 of variation is less than the specified values; and 8.4 In case two or less bales or cases are selected in c) Allthe test specimens examined for, evenness, the sample, at least 10cones shall be drawn at random shrinkage inboiling water, and colour fastness from each of the selected bale or case. However, in shall satisfy the relevant requirements. case three or more bales or cases are selected in the 2 IS 15336:2003 ANNEX A ( Clause 2 ) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS [S No Title IS No. Title 667:1981 Methods for ide~tification of 2194:1963 Code for sea worthy packaging of textile fibres (first revision) man-made fibre fabrics 687:1979 Method for determination of 2195:1964 Code for inland packaging of colour fastness of textile materials man-made fibre fabrics and man- to washing: Test 1 ( second made fibre yarns revision ) 2454:1985 Methods for determination of colour 1315:1977 Method for determination of linear fastness of textile materials to density of yarn spun on cotton artificial light (xenon lamp) (first system (first revision ) revision ) 1324:1966 Glossary of textile terms relating 4905:1968 Methods for random sampling to man-made fibre and fabric industry (first revision ) 6359:1971 Methods for conditioning oftextiles 1670:1991 Textiles — Yarn — Determination 7703 Methods of test continuous, of breaking load and elongation at (Part 5):1987 filament polyester and polyamide break of single strand ( second fiat yarn: Part 5 Unevenness revision ) percentage ANNEX B [ Table 1,S1No. (ix), Col 8 ] DETERMINATION OF SHRINKAGE OF ACRYLIC YARNS FOR HOSIERY B-1 PRINCIPLE of27* 2°C (see IS6359): This test method covers the determination ofshrinkage a) Reel 109.7 meter ( 120 yard ). Yarn ofyarns inskein form when immersed inboiling water. (80 revolutions ). Allmeasurements are made when the yarn isatstandard b) Lace loosely in three places. conditions. c) Hang the skein over the hook on the vertical B-2 APPARATUS meter ruler. a) Skein reel 1.37 mcircumference, d) Attach the proper weight (see Table 3), based b) Lacing string, on yarn count, to the lower end of the skein. c) Metre ruler mounted vertically with’O’ mark e) After the skein has hung with attached weight at the top and hook to hold the yarn at ‘O’ for 30s, measure the length of the skein with mark, weight attached. Record this value as ‘original skein length’ ‘say.A’, d) Woven mesh bags of nylon or polyester, and e) Vessel for boiling skeins. o Twist the skein once into a shape of eight (8) and fold over, twist and fold again to give B-3 PROCEDURE afour coil loop about 21%”indiameter. Place the skeininamesh bag. Make all skein length measurements in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles maintained g) Boil at 100°C for 30 min in water containing atarelative humidity of65+2percent and temperature 2 percent non-ionic detergent. 3 IS 15336:2003 h) Cool to 50”C by overflow rinsing with cold A–B Shrinkage, percent = — Xloo water. A j) Centrifuge skeins lightly QIsqueeze out excess Table 3 Count Range — Single Yarn water by hand. [Clause B-3 (d)] k) Remove skeins from mesh bag and air dry, S1No. Metric Count English Count Weight or use hot air at atemperature below 10O°C. kg m) Then recondition each dried skein in the (1) (2) (3) (4) standard atmosphere for testing textiles (see i) upto 17 up “to10 1.600 1S6359). ii) 17 to 34 10to 20 1.130 n) Measure skein length using the same weight iii) 34 to 51 20 to 30 0.680 used to determine original length. Record iv) 51 to 68 30 to 40 0.510 as length after boil-off ‘say B’. v) 68 to 102 40 to 60 0.340 P) Calculate boil-off shrinkage to nearest 0.1 vi) 102 to 136 60 to 80 0.230 percent as follows: 4 ANNEX C ( Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Man-Made Fibres, Cotton and Their Products Sectional Committee,TX31 Organization Representative(s) The Arvind Mills Ltcf,Ahmedabad DRP.R. ROY(Chairman ) Ashima Ltd. Ahmedabad SHWDEE~AKPAIWILEKAIi , Central Institute for Research inCotton Technology, Mumbai DKG. F.S. HUSSAIN DKR. P.NACHAN~.(Alternate ) Century Textiles and Industries Ltd, Mumbai SHRIMAHESHSHARMA SHRIV. HAIWHARAN(A1/ernate ) Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai SHRIN. G. WAtiLE .%RIMATIR~.NuTALWANI( Alzernate ) Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals (Inspection SHKIA. K. SF-H:CiAL Wing ), New Delhi SHKISUNOriRLAL(Alternate ) Gwalior Rayon, Gwalior REPWSENTATIVI; Indian Cotton Mills’ Federation. New Delhi SHRID. K. NAI~ SHi+U. K. JOSHI(Alternate ) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Pwm B.L. DEOIWRA PKo~R. CHATTOIIADHYA(YAlternate ) Ministry of Defence (DGQA ), New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE Ministry of Det’ence (R& D). New Delhi SHRIR. INDUSHEKHAR SHRIASHOKYADAV(Alternate ) Morarjee Gokuldas Spinning andWeavingMills Ltd,Mumbai REPRESENTATIVE Office of the Textile Commissioner, Mumbai SHRIS. K.PATRA SHRIS. P.SHARMA(Aher-rrate) Reliance Industries Ltd, Ahmedabad REPRLXI;NTATIVI: Synthetic andArt Silk Mills Association, Mumbai SHWV.S. CHALKE Textiles Committee, Mumbai SHRIJ. D. BARMAN SHRIA. K. !%N(Alternate ) The Ahmedabad Textile Industry, Association Research SHRIJ. M. GROVER Association, Ahmedabad DRS. REHMAN(Alternate ) The Bombay Textile Research Association, Mumbai SHRIG. D. BATWAL The Rajasthan Spinning and Weaving Mills Ltd, Kharigram SHRIN. K. SHRIVASTVA (Bhilwara ) The Southern India Mills’ Association, Coimbatore SH~IP.R. SUBRAMANIAN SHRIK. SELVARAJU(Alternate ) The Synthetic and Art Silk Mills Research Association, SHRIM. K. BARDHAN Mumbai DRARUPK. RAKSHIT(Alternare ) Vardhaman Spinning and General Mills Ltd, Ludhiana SHRIV. K. GOYAL Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJT1), Mumbai DRA. R. KHARE SHRI S.P. BCIRKAR(Alternate ) BIS Directorate General SHRIP.BHATNAGARD, irector& Head (TXD ) [Representing Director General (Ex-ofiicio )] MemberSecretary SHRIARUNSINGH Joint Director (TXD ), BIS 5

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