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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15201 (2002): Hydrogen - Code of Safety [CHD 8: Occupational Safety, Health and Chemical Hazards] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” p, ;, , - IS 15201:2002 Indian Standard HYDROGEN — CODE OF SAFETY ICS 13.300;11.100.20 C)BIS 2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 September 2002 Price Group 4 1 i“ lndustr-ial Safety and Chemical Hazards Sectional Committee, CHD 8 FOREWORD This Indian Slandard was adopted bythe Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized bythe Industrial Safelyand chemical Hazards Sectional Committee had been approved bythe Chemical Division Council. Hydlogen is used in the hydrogenation of edible and petroleum oils, in the synthesis of ammonia, methanol, hydrochloric acid,aluminium alkyls, higher alcoholsandaldehydes, inthereduction ofmetaloxides(suchasiron ore) and in welding. Liquid hydrogen isanimportant cryogemc fluid. Hydrogen isa highly flammable liquid or gas and has adangerous fire and explosion hazard. Exposure to high lc~clsofhydrogen g_asconcentration can causesuffocation for lackofoxygen. Contact with liquid hydrogen can cause frostbite. There isno1S0 Standard onthis subject.Inthepreparation ofthis Code,considerable assistance hasbeenderived from the following publications: a) Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Volume No. 3, 10th edition, Wiley—Interscience Publication, John Wileyand Sons.Inc., 2000. b) Recommendations on the Transport ofDangerous Goods, %h revised edition, United Nations, Geneva, 1995. c) Material SafetyData Sheets, Phase-I, byIndian Chemical Manufacturers Association, 1991. d) Handbook ofToxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens, Volume II, 3rd edition, Marshall Sittig, Noycs Publications, Park Ridge, NewJersey, USA,1991. c) Chemical Safety Data Sheets, Flammable Chemicals, Volume 5, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, 1992. ~ Hydrogen: Production and Marketing, W.N. Smith, J.G. Santangel, ACS Symposium series 116,1980. g) Encyclopedia ofChemistry, S.P.Parker, McGraw Hill, 1982. h) Gaseous Hydrogen Stations, Industrial Gases Committee, 32 Boulevard de la Chapelle, 75880, Paris, Ccdcx 18,France, September 1980. The composition ofthe Committee responsible forformulation ofthis standard isgiven in Annex A. IS 15201:2002 Indian Standard HYDROGEN— CODE OF SAFETY 1 SCOPE 4.1.4 UNNunlber 1.1 This code prescribes physical and chemical 1049 for gas(hydrogen, compressed), and properties of hydrogen gas, the nature of hazards 1966forliquid (refrigerated liquid). 4 associated with it,preventive measures forcontrolling the hazards, and essential information on storage, 4.1.5 CASNumber handling, labelling, transportation, waste disposal, 1333-74-0 training ofpersonnel, personal protective equipment, first aidand tire fighting. 4.1.6 Class 1.2 This code does not, however, deal with any 2(flanimable gas). specification for design of buildings, chemical 4.1.? MolecularMass engineering plants, method andingredients usedinthe manufacture, equipment for waste disposal and 2.01594. operation control. 4.2 Physigal Properties 2 REFERENCES 4.2.1 Description The Indian Standards listed below contain provisions Colorless, odourless and tasteless gas. which through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. Atthetime ofpublication, 4.2.2 Boiling Point the editions indicated were valid. All standards are (-) 252.8”C. subject to revisions, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the 4.2.3 Melting Point possibility of applying the most recent editions ofthe (-) 259.2”C. standards: 4.2.4 Vapour Density @lir= 1) IS No. Title 4155:1966 Glossary of terms relating to 0.069. chemical and radiation hazards and 4.2.5 Density, g/1 hazardous che micals 4379:1981 Identification of contents of 0.0899. industrial gas cylinders ~rst 4.2.6 Vapour Pressure (Hg in mm) revision) 1570 at –250”C. 3 TERMINOLOGY 4.2.7 Volubility For thepurpose ofthis standard, the definitions given inIS4155 shall apply. Slightly soluble in alcohol and ether. 1.82 percent solubleinwater at 20”C. 4 GENERAL INFORMATION AND 4.3 Chemical Properties PROPERTIES 4.3.1 Reactivity 4.1 General Inforrnatioh Hydrogen is stable under normal temperature and 4.1.1 Chemical Name pressure. Violent reaction orignitiov takes place with Hydrogen. air in presence of catalyst like platitmm and similar metals containing absorbed oxygen or hydrogen, 4.1.2 Common Name bromine, iodine, dioxane + nickel, lithium, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel+ oxygen, oxygen difluoride. Liquid hydrogen, para hydrogen, hydrogen (compressed), dihydrogen. 4.4 Fke and Explosion Hazard Properties 4.1.3 Molecular Formula 4.4.1 Auto Ignition Temperature H,. 400”C IS 15201:2002 4.4.2 F1ashPoint on before work. Cuffless trousers should be worn outside boots or over high top shoes to shed spilled Notpertinent, liquid. 4.4.3 Flammability 6.3 Respiratory Equipment Explosive limits with air,percent(v.lv) Hydrogenisasimpleasphyxiant. Itcanreplaceoxygen a) Upper explosive limit (UEL) : 74.2 and lead to suffocation. An approved self-contained breathing apparatus with afull facepiece operated in b) Lower explosive limit (LEL) : 4.0 positive pressure mode should be used in oxygen 4.5 Corrosion Properties b deficient environments. Not corrosive. 7 STORAGE, HANDLING, LABELLING AND TRANSPORT 5 TOXICITY INFORMATION AND HEALTH EFFECTS 7.1 storage 5.1 Toxicity 7.1.1 General Precautions Hvdrogen isnottoxicexceptthat itmayasphyxiate. It Hydrogen mustbestoredtoavoid contact with n;ay displace the oxygen in a workplace atmosphere heat, flames, sparks and oxygen. Sources of ignition and thus actasan asphyxiant. suchassmoking andopenflamesareprohibited where hydrogen isused, handled orstored. 5.2 Routes of Entry Metal containers involving transfer of large Skinand inhalation. quantities ofhydrogenshouldbegrounded andbonded. Piping shouldbeelectrically bonded and grounded. 5.3 Health Effects Containers mustbeequipped with self-closing 5.3.1 (.!ontac:tof [.iquid Hydrogen with Skin valves, pressure vacuum bungs and flame arrestors. Direct contact ofbodytissue with liquid hydrogen can Only non-sparking tools and equipment, cause cold burns orfrost bite. especially when opening and closing containers of 5.3.2 .4,@yxiation hydrogen should beused. Hydrogen displaces the oxygen in the workplace Wherever hydrogen is used (handled, atmosphere. If atmosphere does not contain enough manufactured or stored), approved explosion-proof oxygen then inhalation can cause dizziness, un- electrical equipment and fittings should beused. consciousness or even death. Automatic or manual shutdown processes, 6 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQU IPMENT sprinklers, gas and heat sensors with early warning audio-visual alarms, flooding, water spraying, 6.1 General extinguishing systems,explosion relief devices should beavailable in storage areas. Personal protective equipment is not an adequate substitute for good, safeworking conditions, adequate The building shall have good low and high ventilation and intelligent conduct on the pafi’of the level natural ventilation. In areas where natural employees. One should keep firmly in mind that ventilation is not possible, forced ventilation equip- personal pro[ectiveequipment protects onlythepason ments should be installed. wearing it and other unprotected workers in the area may beexposed todanger. 7.1.2 Indoor Storage 6.2 Non-Respiratory E(iuipment Avoid mechanical damage or overheating of storage tanks andcylinders. Personal protecting equipment should include non- The vents from the storage tanks, relief valve rcspiratoryequipment likesplash-proof safetygoggles mustbe led to a safelocation to avoid any explosions and faceshield when working with liquid, unless fhll with suitable flame arrestors fitted init. facepiece respiratory protection is worn for eye protection. safetyhelmetsforheadprotection andboots 7.1.3 Outdoor Storage or high top shoes for footprotection. Where exposure to cold equipment, vapours, or liquid may occur, Outside storage tanks maybe located at least cmp!oyccs should wear special clothing designed to 15 metres away from building or adjacent to blank prc~cn[ the freezing of body tissues. All protective masomy building walls. The location should be away clothing (suits, shirts with long sleeves, insulated from any flammable liquid storage with adequate glo~cs) should be clean, available each day, and put approved fire protection system. 2 IS 15201:2002 Cylinders must be protected from direct sun While handling bycrane orderrick, asuitable ‘., rays. Prowsion of shed should be done for outdoor platform, cradle or boat should be used. Use rack or storage ofcylinders. chain to hold cylinders in place when hooked up for d discharging. 7.1.4 Bulk Storage (Non-refrigerated) Do not place or handle cylinders where they Hydrogen islighter than air and anyleakgoes might form part ofanelectrical circuit. uptheatmosphere readily.Itshallbestoredingastight ‘1 containers either in atmospheric condition or under Do not remove protection cap unless ready to pressure. withdraw hydrogenfrom thecylinder. Appropriate and standard valves must be used. Explosive gas check of ! Storage area should be protected by tire valves and fittings should be done before usage. hydrants and automatic sprinklers for extinguishing a ‘i tire. Use only standard colour code (Red colour withoutanyband)forhydrogen cylinders (seeIS4379). The storage tanks shall be designed as per Cylinders for hydrogen, whether full orempty standard code. should never be used as rollers for moving heavy or Each storagetank shallbeequipped withrelief bulky articles. valves. Vent pipes from the valves should terminate No one should tamper with numbers, upward and should have a flame arrestor. Suitable markings, ortestdates stamped oncylinders. provision should be nrdde to prevent anything from entering the vents. Adrain should alsobearranged at When the cylinder is empty, disconnect it, thebottom ofthevent pipe.Anydischarge through the insertthevalveplugandreplacethe cylinder protective relief valves should not enter work area or contact cap. source ofignition. Store empty cylinders separate from filled 7.2 Handling cylinders and fasten an ‘EMPTY’ tag on cylinders immediately upon emptying. Closevalve, replace plug 7.2.1 General or nut onvalve outlet and secure valve protecting cap Hydrogen should be handled wearing an snugly. approved respirator, chemical resistant gloves and 7.3 Labelling safety goggles and other protective clothing (see 6). a) Anyvesselcontaining hydrogen should carryan A Sources ofignition suchassmoking and open identi~ing labelor stencil. ,‘---’- flames areprohibited where hydrogen ishandled. b) Label should beasper rules and regulations. ~j Safety recommendations and safe operating c) Each cylinder must be labelled with procedures should be strictly follow e d by the persons ‘FLAMMAELE GAS’ ‘CLASS 2’. handling hydrogen. 7.4 Transportation 7.2.2 Handling of Cylinders 7.4.1 Labelling Before filling the cy~nder with hydrogen, Labels : Class 2 labels must be displayed on the check and contlrm for its vdldlty. It shall have valid transport vehicle: testcerttilcate fromtheconcerned authorities. Cylinder a) Compressed gas : UN No. 1049,and must be hydraulically tested before filling hydrogen b) Refrigerated liquid : UN No. 1966. gas. Both seller and consumer must verifi that the period ofdate oftesting isstillvalid. 7.4.2 Pre-departure Checks for Vehicles Carqying Hydrogen in Cylinders inManifold Systems Mounted Cylinders should never be subjected torough on Trucks , handling or to abnornral mechanical shock such as Prior toandafterloading, thedrivers must take dropping, bumping, dragging or sliding. They should a complete inspection ofthe vehicle to ensure that it always be kept in vertical position. meets all performance safety requirements and is Ropes,slings,hooks,tongsandsimilarhandling roadworthy for transporting hydrogen. A few of the devices which mayproduce sparks orstatic electricity numerous items that are checked are the lights, tyres, shouldnotbeusedduring handling anduseofhydrogen suspensions andbrakes. cylinder. The driver should maintain a log entry book A suitable hand truck, fork truck or similar forcritical parameters likepressure, etc,during transit. device to which the cylinders can be firmly secured Ensure availability of fire extinguishers should beusedfor transporting the cylinders. (DCP/carbon dioxide )onthevehicle. 3 \ I IS 15201:2002 Ensureavailabilit yofemergency kit on the 8.1.2 Ifspillsorleaksofhydrogen occur,onlyproperly vehicle. protectedpersonnel shouldremain intheareaandentry to”othersshouldberestricted. Ensure availability of transport emergency (TREM) card and instruction manual during 8.1.3 Eve~ organization handling hydrogenmustform transportation onthevehicle. anemergency responseteam, which isavailable round the clock. Spills or leaks should be handled by the 7.4.3 During Transportation emergen~ response team specially trained to handle Do not smoke in the cabin. All sources of emergency situations. ignition must be kept away from the truck during ~, 8.1.4 Ifspillsorleaksdevelop,takemeasures tohasten I tmnsportation. thedissipation ofharmful vapours. Driver should follow specified route only, 8.1.5 Incaseofamajor spillorequipment rupture, the maintain speed limit, never park the truck near exposed area should be evacuated and unprotected residentia]areas, drive truck carefully and observeall personnel must not re-enter the area unless declared rulesand signals, avoidovertaking ofmoving vehicles safe. and donot leavethe truck without watch atanytime. 8.1.6 Properrespirato~protection shouldbeprovided Norepairs involving gascutting, welding, etc, for use by personnel entering the area for tests shouldbedoneduring transportation period.Ifrequired or to repair damaged equipment as high hydrogen at all, repairs should be done by authorized and concentration mayexist. competent personnel ofmaintenance departnlent/plant who are deputed bymanufacturer/supplier. 8.1.7 Stopflowof gas/shut offleak, ifit can be done without risk. The driver should physically inspect complete mounting periodically and immediately report any 8.1.8 Ifsourceofaleakisacylinderandtheleakcannot abnormality tothe supplier. be stopped in place, remove the leaking cylinder to a safeplace in the openair, and repair leak orallowthe Incaseofemergency (for example leaks,fires, cylinder to empty. accident, etc)followthe instructions mentioned inthe ‘Instruction manual during transportation’ tocontrol 8.1.9 Inboth gasor liquid spills, remove all ignition and mitigate an emergency. Immediately contact sources. nu]nufacturer/supplier, police, RTO, fire brigade and 8.2 Evacuation other localauthorities. Iftherelease isnotcontained in anappropriate device ..-. 7.4.4 Drivers Training or system, all personnel not appropriately protected The basics ofany effective safetyprogramme must evacuate the contaminated spaces. Evacuation fortransportation ofhydrogen isadeq u ate training. ofadditional areasshouldbeconsideredasaprecaution j againstthespreadofthereleaseorsubsequentexplosion Each driver must be cmefidly selected and orfire. receiveadequate amount ofclassroom training, audio- visual instructions and job training. The training 8.3 Waste Disposal must be done at certified regional training institutes. Tobeburnt under control condition. Management must personally qualifi each driver before he isallowed to deliver hydrogen. 9 FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE FIGHTING Systematictraininghetraining andreviewsmust 9.1 General becarried outtoensure that proficiency ismaintained. Hydrogen is highly flammable. Hydrogen flame is Drivers mustbetrained inthe following: almost invisible and can causesevereexplosions. Itis a) Safedriving methods; easily ignited with many sources of energy, some of b) Actions tobetaken during emergency which are listedbelow: c) Proper useoffireextinguishers, emergencykits, a) Open flames; TREM cards, instruction manuals, etc;and b) Electrical equipments; d) Communication with manufacturer/supplier. c) Electrostatic sparks; 8 SPILLAGE, LEAKAGE ANDWASTE d) Sparks from striking objects; DISPOSAL e) FrictiorK f) Thermite sparks; 8.1 SIJill:lge/Leill{t~ges g) Air oroxygen, other oxidants; 8.1.1 Frequent inspections of equipment, containers h) Hot surfaces; and vessels containing hydrogen should be made to j) Hothydrogen leaking into ambient aiq dnd detect or prevent leaks. k) Catalytic surfaces. 4 I I IS 15201:2002 9.2 Fire Prevention b) Sitesafetyregulations, c) Emergency response procedures (leaks/spills/ 9.2.1 Minimize allpotential sourcesofleaks. evacuation), 9.2.2 Eliminate asfaraspossibleallsourcesofignition. d) Useoftire fighting equipment, e) Useofprotective clothing/apparatus including 9.2.3 Makeprovision forisolation ofhydrogen, means breathing setswhere required, ofescape and methods ofcontrolling anyfire. f) Firstaid,and 9.2.4 Adequatemeansofdetectingfireandgivingearly g) Rescueoperations. warning, alarms in the event offire shallbeprovided. 10.1.3 In addition, individuals shall receive specific !).2.5 Emergency Response Procedures and Systems training in theactivities for which they are employed. Refresher courses should be arranged on a periodic Full emergency procedures and systems shall basis. Older employees should be re-educated. be established andperiodic rnockdrill sshouldbe carried out. 10.1.4 Each employee should know the location and correct operation of gas and fire alarm systems, The emergency response team must be well sprinklers, monitors andotherfirefighting equipment. trained with respect to ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’, standard They should know the location of safety showers, eye operating procedures (SOP), mitigation systems and washesand first aidboxes. hazards ofhydrogen handling. 10.2 Health Monitoring 9.3 Fire Fighting 10.2.1 Personal Hygiene 9.3.1 For Spill.r Which have not Ignited Employeesshouldtakeabathdailyafterfinishing work. If a spill has not ignited, use water spray to direct Eating,drinking orstoringoffoodshould beprohibited flammable gas-air mixtures away from sources of nearthe placewhere hydrogen ishandled. ignition. 10.2.2 Physical Examination 9.3.2 For Spill.~ Which have Ignited Preplacement physical examinatiorz.v Hydrogen flameisalmost invisible. Therefore proper care should be taken while approaching any Proper preplacement medical examinations of a flames fortire fighting. personnel should be carried out to determine the, physicalfitnessbefore assigning thejob. Stopflow ofthe gas, ifpossible. Periodic examination Becauseofdangerofre- ignition, hydrogenfires normally should not be extinguish ed until the supply Annual medical examination shouldbe carried out as of hydrogen has been shut off. Flashback along trail required by laws/regulations (Factories .4et/State may’ OCCLr1. Factories Rules). Iftheflowcannotbestopped,allowthecontents 11 FIRST AID ANDMEDICAL TREATMENT ofthe cylinder toburn under control. 11.1 General Principles If liquid hydrogen has ignited, use water to keep fire exposed containers cool and to protect men Firstaidtreatment shouldbestarted atonceinallcases trying to stopthe source ofaspill. of contact with hydrogen in any form or injury may result. Refer all injured persons to a physician even 10 TRAINING AND HEALTH MONITORING whentheinjuryappearstobeslight. Givethephysician adetailed account ofthe accident. 10.1 Training 11.2 First Aid Treatment 10.1.1 All personnel engaged in the operation, maintenance andattending emergencyofhydrogenand 11.2.1 Inhalation / related systems shall receive training suitable for the Inhalation of hydrogen gas causes asphyxiation. \vork on which they are engaged. Remove the affected person from exposure/ 10.1.2 Training shall be armnged to cover all the contamination area.Placehimintherecovery position aspectsandpotentialhazardsthattheparticularoperator as necessary. If breathing has stopped begin rescue is likely to encounter. Training shall cover the breathing. If heart action has stopped begin CPR. follo\ving areas: Ifmedicaloxygenandtrained personnel areavailable, a) The potential hazards ofhydrogen, administer oxygen to the affected person. If un- 5 , ! I

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