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IS 15119-1: Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open Channels, Part 1: Establishment and Operation of a Gauging Station PDF

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Preview IS 15119-1: Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open Channels, Part 1: Establishment and Operation of a Gauging Station

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15119-1 (2002): Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open Channels, Part 1: Establishment and Operation of a Gauging Station [WRD 1: Hydrometry] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15119( Part 1 ) :2002 ISO 1100-1:1996 (Superseding IS 2914: 1964) W?dh W7-m Indian Standard MEASUREMENT OF LIQUID FLOW IN OPEN CHANNELS PART 1 ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A GAUGING STATION ICS 17.120.20 (2 61S2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 April 2002 Price Group 8 IS 15119( Part 1 ) :2002 ISO 1100-1:1996 Fluid Flow Measurement Sectional Committes, WRD 01 NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( Part 1 ) which is identical with ISO 1100-1:1996 ‘Measurement of liquid flow inopen channels — Part 1: Establishment and operation of agauging station’ issued bythe International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of the Fluid Flow Measurement Sectional Committee ( WRD’01 ) and approval of the Water Resources Division Council. Inthe adopted standard, certain conventions are, however, notidentical tothose used inIndian Standards. Attention is especially drawn to the following: a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’. b) Comma ( ,) has been used as adecimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a point ( . ) as the decimal marker. CROSS REFERENCES In this adopted standarcf,” the following International Standards hatle been referred. Read”in their respective places, the foilowing Indian-Standards: International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence ISO 31 : 1992 Quantities and IS 1890 ( all p2uls) Quantities Identical units ( all parts ) and units ISO 748 Measurement of liquid IS 1192: 1981 Velocity-area Identical with elucidation inIndian flow in open channels — methods for measurement of Standard (IS 1192:1981 is under Velocity-area methods f low of water in open channels revision based on ISO 748:1997 ( fir st revision) ‘Measurement of liquid flow in open channels— Velocity-area methods’ ) ISO 772 Measurement of liquid IS 1191 : 1971 Glossary of Technically equivalent ( /S 1191.’ flow in open channels — terms and symbols used in 1971 is under revision based on Vocabulary and symbols connection with the measure- ISO 772 : 1996 ‘Hydrometric ment of liquid flow with a free determinations —470cabulary and surface ( first revision ) symbok’ ) ISO 1000:1992 S1units and IS 10005:1985 SI units and Identical recommendations for the use recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain of their multiples and of certain other units other units ISO 1070: 1992 Liquid flow IS 2912 : 1998 Liquid flow do measurement in open measurement in open channels — Slope-area method channels — Slope-area method ISO 1100-2:1982 Liquid flow IS 15119 (Part 2) : 2002 do measurement in open Measurement of liquid flow in channels — Part 2: Determina- open channels — Part 2: tion of the stage-discharge Determination of the stage- relation discharge relation (i) IS 15119( Part 1 ) :2002 1S0 1100-1:1996 International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence ISO 3454: 1983 Liquid flow IS 3912 : 1993 Sounding Technically equivalent measurement in open rods— Functional requirements channels — Direct depth ( first revision) sounding and suspension equipment ISO 3846: 1989 Liquid flow IS 14974:2001 Liquid flow Identical measurement in open channels measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — by weirs and flumes — . Rectangular broad-crested Rectangular broad-crested weirs weirs ISO 3847: 1977 Liquid flow IS6330:1971 Recommendation Technically equivalent measurement in open channels for liquid flow measurement in by weirs and flumes’— End- open channels by weirs and depth method for estimation of flumes — End depth method flow in rectangular channels for estimation , of flow in with a free overfall rectangular channels with a free overfall ( approximate method ) ISO 4359 : 1983 Liquid flow IS 14869 : 2000 Liquid flow Identical measurement in open measurement in open channels — Rectangular, channels — Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes flumes ISO 4360: 1984 Liquid flow IS 14673: 1999 Liquid flow do measurement in open channels measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — by weirs and flumes — ...... Triangular profile weirs Triangular profile weirs ISO 4369:1979 Measurement No IS exists. However work is — liquid flow in open channels — in progress formulating an IS Moving-boat method based on ISO 4369:1979 ISO 4373:1995 Measurement IS 15118:2002 Measurement do of liquid flow in open of liquid flow in open channels — Water-level channels — Water-level measuring devices measuring devices. ISO 4375:1979 Measurement IS 15117:2002 Hydrometric do of liquid flow in open determinations — Cableway channels — Cableway systems for stream gauging systems for stream gauging ISO 4377: 1990 Liquid flow IS 13083: 1991 Liquid flow do .*. measurement in open measurement in open channels — Flat-V weirs channels — Flat-V weirs ISO 6416:1992 Measurement No IS exists. However work is — of liquidflow inopen channels— in progress formulating an IS Measurement of discharge by based on ISO 6416:1992 the ultrasonic ( acoustic ) method (ii) IS 15119( Part 1 ) :2002 ISO 1100-1:1996 .. International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence ISO 8368: 1985 Liquid flow IS‘12752 :1989 Guidelines for Technically equivalent measurement in open the selection of flow gauging channels — Guidelines for the structures selection of flow gauging structures lSO/TR 9123:1986 Liquid flow No IS exists — measurements in open channels — Stage-fall-discharge relations ISO 9196: 1992 Liquid flow No IS exists. However wo;k is — measurement in open in progress formulating an IS channels— Flowmeasurements based on ISO 9196:1992 under ice conditions ISO 9213:1992 Measurement No IS exists — of total discharge in open channels — Electromagnetic method using a full-channel- width coil ISO9555-1:1994 Measurement IS9163 ( Part1) :1973 Dilution Technically equivalent of liquid flow in open methods of measurement of channels — Tracer dilution steady ~w : Part 1 Constant method for the measurement rate injection method of steady flow — Part 1: General ,..- ISO9555-2:1992 Measurement No IS-exists — of liquid flow in open channels — Tracer dilution method for the measurement of steady flow — Part. 2: Radioactive tracers ISO9555-3:1992 Measurement No IS exists — of liquid flow in open channels — Tracer dilution metho’d for the measurement of steady flow — Part 3: Chemical tracers ISO9555-4:1992 Measurement No IS exists — of liquid flow in open channels — Tracer dilution method for the measurement of steady flow — Part 4: Fluorescent tracers REFERENCES TO ERRORS AND CLARIFICATIONS IN TEXT The Technical Committee while adopting the text of this International Standard felt necessary to provide a clarification on the selection criteria for the site as follows: ‘The site selected for obsewation of stage should also be governed by the principles of network design and should be guided by the following criteria for an ideal gauge site: (iii) IS 15119( Part 1 ) :2002 ISO 1100-1:1996 a) The general course of the stream is straight for about 100 m upstream and downstream from the gauge site. b) The total flow is confined to one channel at all stages and no flow by passes the site as subsurface. c) The stream bed is not subject to scour and fill and is free of aquatic growth. d) Banks are permanent, high enough to contain floods, and are free of brush. e) Unchanging natural controls are present in the form of a bedrock outcrop or other stable riffle during lowflow, and achannel constriction for high flow, or afall or cascade that isunsubmerged at all stages to provide a stable relationship between stage and discharge. If not satisfactory natural low-water control exists, then installation of an artificial control should be considered. f) A site is available, just upstream from the control, for housing the stage recorder where the potential for damage by water-borne debris is minimal during flood stages. The elevation of the stage recorder itself should be above any flood likely to occur during the life of the station. g) The gauge site is far enough upstream from the confluence with another stream or from tidal effect to avoid any variable influences, which the other stream or the tide may have on the stage at the gauge site. h) Asatisfactory reach for measuring discharge atallstages isavailable within reasonable proximity of the gauge site. It is not necessary that low and high flows be measured at the same stream cross-section. j) The site is readily accessible for ease in the installation and operation of the gauging station. k) Facilities for telemetry or satellite relay can be made available, if required. m) If ice conditions might occur, it will still be possible to record stage and measure discharge’. .- ... (iv) IS 15119 (Partl ):2002 ISO 1100-1 :1996 Indian Standard MEASUREMENT OF LIQUID FLOW IN OPEN CI-IANNELS PART 1 ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A GAUGING STATION ISO 1000:1992, S/ units and recommendations for the 1 Scope use of their multip/es and of certain other units. 1.1 This part of ISO 1100 deals with the establish- ISO 1070:1992, Liquid f/ow measurement in open ment and operation of a gauging station for the channels — Slope-area method. measurement of stage or discharge, or both, of a lake, reservoir, river or artificial open channel. ISO 1100-2:1982, Liquid f/ow measurement in open channe/s — Part 2: Determination of the stage- discharge relation. 1.2 Requirements are specified for stage and for stage-discharge stations in natural channels and ISO 3454:1983, Liquid flow measurement in open stations with artificial structures, for direct discharge channels — Direct depth sounding and suspension _ measurement and for measurement under ice condi- equipment. tions. ISO 3846:1989, Liquid f/ow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — Rectangular broad- 2 Normative references crested weirs. The following standards contain provisions which, ISO 3847:1977, Liquid f/ow measurement in open through reference in this text, constitute provisions channels by weirs and flumes — End4epth method of this part of ISO 1100. At the time of publication, the for estimation of flow in rectangular channels with a editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject free ovetiall. to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 1100 are encouraged to investigate the ISO 4359:1983, Liquid flow measurement in open possibility of applying the most recent editions of the channels — Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO flumes. maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 4360:1984, Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — Triangular profile ISO 31:1992, Quantities and units, al! parts. weirs. ISO 748:—1), Measurement of liquid flow in open ISO 43691979, Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Velocity-area methods. channels — Moving-boat method. ISO 772:—2}, Measurement of liquid f/ow in open channels — Vocabulary and symbols. 1) To be published. (Revision of ISO748:1979) 2) To be published. (Revision of ISO772:1988) 1 .A IS 15119 (Part 1 ) :2002 ISO 1100-1 : 1996 --3 ,\ $ ISO 4373:1995, Measurement of /iquid f/ow in open 5 Stage-discharge gauging stations channels — Water-level measuring devices. (naturalchannels) ISO 4375; 1979, Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Cableway system for stream gauging. 5.1 Principle ISO 4377:1990, Liquid f/ow measurement in open Water levels (stages) of rivers, lakes or reservoirs are J channels — Flat-V weirs. used in delineating flood hazard areas, and in the de- ‘! ISO 6416:1992, Measurement of liquid f/ow in open sign of structures in or near rivers, lakes or reservoirs. channels — Measurement of discharge by the ultra- The stage or water level of a stream or lake is the ‘ sonic (acoustic) method. height of the water surface above an established da- tum plane. ISO 8368:1985, Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Guidelines for the selection of flow Water-level records are obtained by systematic ob- gauging structures. servations of a reference gauge, or from a water-level sensor. ISO/TR 9123:1986, Liquid flow measurements in open channels — Stage-fall-discharge relations. When records of water level in streams are to be used as a basis for computation of discharge, the re- ISO 9196:1992, Liquid f/ow measurement in open lation between stage and discharge should be deter- channels — Flow measurements under ice mined. conditions. In a stable channel with appropriate control of the ISO 9213:1992, Measurement of tots/ discharge in downstream water level, a single relation may exist open channels — Electromagnetic method using a between stage and discharge. In this case, the re- full-channel-width coil. lation shall be determined from discharge measure- ments at selected stages throughout the range of ISO 9555-1:1994, Measurement of /iquid f/ow in open stage experienced at the station. channe/s — Tracer dilution methods for the measure- ment of steady flow — Part 1: General. Discharges can be determined using either velocity- area methods according to ISO 748, tracer dilution ISO 9555-2:1992, Measurement of liquid flow in open methods according to ISO 9555-1, ISO 9555-2, channels — Tracer dilution methods for the measure- ISO 9555-3 or ISO 9555-4, or ultrasonic methods us- ment of steady flow — Part 2: Radio a ctive tracers. ing a temporaty installation (see ISO 6416). ISO 9555-3:1992, Measurement of /iquid f/ow in open In the case where no single relation exists between channels — Tracer dilution methods for the measure- stage and discharge, a relation may exist between the ment of steady flow — Part 3: Chemical tracers. surface slope or fall, stage and discharge which may require the establishment of a second stage (slope) ISO 9555-4:1992, Measurement of liquid flow in open gauge. Relations shall then be established on the ba- channels — Tracer dilution methods for the measure- sis of these three factors, and discharge shall be de- ment of steady flow — Part 4: Fluorescent tracers. termined from measurements of surface slope and stage (see ISO 1070 or lSO/TR 9123 as appropriate). 3 Definitions 5.2 Mainelementsof agaugingstation For the purposes of this part of ISO 1100, the defi- The main elements required for establishing the his- nitions and symbols given in ISO 772 apply. torical records of discharge in a stream from water- level records are as follows: — choice of control section or reach (see 5.2.1); 4 Lhits of measurement — stage-measuring device (see 5.2.2); The units of measurement used in this part of ISO 1100 are S1units in accordance with the appro- — stage-sensing and -recodhg device {see 5.2.3 and priate parts of ISO 31 and ISO 1000. 5.2.5); 2

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