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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 15030 (2001): Terephthalic Acid [PCD 9: Organic Chemicals Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediates] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Is 15030:2001 &a W7mTWFF NF1—Rmqftl-s-fafmz Indian Standard TEREPHTHALIC ACID — SPECIFICATION ICS71.080.40 0 BIS2001 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 November2001 Price Group 7 -.-q OrganicChemicals (Miscellaneous) SectionalCommittee,PCD9 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Organic Chemicals(Miscellaneous) SectionalCommitteehadbeenapprovedbythePetroleum, CoalandRelatedProducts DivisionCouncil. 1 * Terephthalicacid(C8HC0,)isderivedbyoxidationofpara-xylene. Itisalsocommercially knownaspara-phthalic acid;benezene-para-dicarboxylic acidor1,4benzenedicarboxylicacid. Itisrepresentedbythefollowingstructural andmoleculw forrnuale: COOH y-“- (MOLECULAWREIGHT- 176) ,!. fy: ’ [MolecularFormula: C,H,(COOH),] . Itisused intheproduction ofsynthetic resins, fibers and filmsbycombination withglycols. Composition oftheCommittee responsible forformulation ofthisstandard isgiven inAnnex K. For thepurpose ofdeciding whether aparticular requirement ofthisstandard iscomplied with, thefinal value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960 ‘Rulesforrounding offnumerical values(revised). Thenumberofsignificant placesretained inthe rounded off value should bethe same asthat of the specified value inthis standard. _ Is 15030:2001 , Indian Standard TEREPHTHALIC ACID — SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE Table 1Requirements For Terephthalic Acid This standardprescribes requirements andmethodsof (Clause3.2) sampling andtestforpure terephthalic acid. S1 Characteristic Requirement Method of Test No. (Ref to Annex) 2 REFERENCES (1) (2) (3) (4) The following Indian Standards contain provisions i) Moisture content, 0.2 A percent by mass, Max which through reference in this text, constitute the ii) Colour, in Hazen 10 B provisions ofthisstandard. Atthetimeofpublication, units, Mu the editions indicated were valid. All standards are iii) Ash content, 10 c subject torevision andparties toagreements based on ppm,Max iv) Acid value, 675*2 D this standard are encouraged to investigate the mgKOFf/g possibility of applying the most recent editions ofthe v) Total of iron, cobalt, 8(each not E standard indicated below: manganese and greater than chromium 2 ppm) ISNo. Title vi) Total of sodium, iO(each not F magnesium, potassium, greater than 265:1993 Hydrochloricacid~ourthrevision) calcium and Nickel 2 ppm) ppm, Max 266:1993 Sulphuric acid(third revision) vii) 4-carboxybenzaldehy de, 20 G (Method A, 460(Patt1):1985 Specification for test sieves : ppm, Max andMethod C) Part 1 Wire cloth test sieves viii) p-toluic acid, ppm, 150 G(Method A (third revision) Max and Method B) 915:1975 One-mark volumetric flasks 4 PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING (’@Wrevision) Terephthalic acid has very low toxicity. The use of 1070:1992 Specification forwaterforgeneral dust masks is advisable when handling terephthalic laboratory use (third revision) acid. Finely divided organic products which are 2362:1993 Determination of water by Karl combustible are liable to explosion should the dust Fisher method (firstrevision) contentoftheatmospherebehighandif ignitionoccurs. 4161:1967 Nessler cyli nders Goodhousekeepingis,thete.fore,advisabletominimize 3 REQ~ theamount ofdust when terephthalic acid ishandled. The atmosphere of any silo or pneumatic transfer 3.1 Description equipment where dust explosions could occur should beblanketedwithinertgastobelow 10volumepercent The material shall be in the form of white crystalline oxygen content. freeflowingpowderandfreefromextraneous impurities like dust and dirt. Terephthalic is insoluble in water, 5 PACKING AND MARKING chloroform, ether, acetic acid but slightly soluble in 5.1 The material shall be supplied in bulk containers alcohol andcompletely solubleinalkalis. of 1000 kg in flexible woven plastic or packages as 3.2 The material shall also comply with the agreed tobetween the purchaser and the supplier. requirements given in Table 1, when tested in 5.2 Marking accordance to the methods referred in CO14 of the Table1. Thepackages shallbemarked withthefollowing: a) Nameofthematerial, 3.3 Particle Size b) Indication ofthe source of manufacture, Notmorethan36percent bymassofthematerial shall c) Netmassofthematerial inthecontainer, and pass through 56micron IS sieve [seeIS 460 (Part 1)] d) Lotorbatch number. and not more than 6 percent by mass of the material 5.2.1 BIS Certification Marking shallberetainedon250micronISSievewhentestedin accordance tomethod given inAnnex H, Thecontainers may alsobemarked withthe Standard Mark. 1 . IS 15030:2001 .— The useof the Standard Mark isgoverned by 6.1 Testsshall beconducted according tothemethod theprovisions ofBureau ofIndianStandardsAct, 1986 oftestreferred inCOI4of Table 1. —+J “.. and the rules and regulations made thereunder. The 6.2 Quality ofReagents details of conditions under which the licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to Unlessspecifiedotherwise,purechemicalsanddistilled manufacturers orproducers maybe obtained from the water(seeIS 1070)shallbeusedintests. Bureau ofIndian Standards. NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicals that do 6 TESTMETHODS not contain impurities, which affect the results of analysi. ANNEX A [Table 1,S1No. (i)] DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE CONTENT A-1 GENERAL A-1.l Takeabout2gofthematerialanddetermine the moisture content by-KarlFischer method asdescribed Moisture content is determined by using the Karl inIs 2362 Fischer method. ANNEX B [Table 1,S1No. (ii)] DETERMINATION OF COLOUR — HAZEN B-1 GENERAL on a water-bath. When the metal has dissolved, evaporate the solution to dryness. Add 1 ml of Twomethods, namely,Method AandMethod Bhave hydrochloric acid and again evaporate to dryness. beenprescribed. Incaseofdispute, Method Ashallbe Repeat thisoperation twice. treated asreferee method. B-2 METHOD A B-2.3.4 N,N-Ditnethy~ormamide B-2.1 Outline oftheMethod B-2.4 Preparation of Colour Standard The co[our of a 5% solution of terephthalic acid in Dissolve0.50gofthecobah chloride hexahydrate and .N,N-Dimethylformamide iscom pared withthatofthe wholeofthechloroplatinic acid(seeB-2.3.3) in50ml ,. colourstandardandexpressedintermsof Hazencolour ofthehydrochloric acid. Warm,ifnecessary,toobtain units. TheHazencolour whichisdefinedasthecolour aclearsolutionandaftercooling, pour intothe500-ml ofanaqueoussolution,containing 1partpermillionof one-markgraduatedflask.Dilutewithwatertothemark. platinum intheformofchloroplatinic acidand2parts This solution hasacolour of500Hazen colour units. permillionofcobaltchloride(COCI,.6H,0). B-2.4.1 Pipette 5mlofthesolution (seeB-2.4) intoa B-2.2 Apparatus 250-mlone-mark graduated flaskanddilutewithwater B-2.2.1 Nessler Cylinder — two, 100 ml capacity to the mark. The diluted solution corresponds to a each(seeIS4161). colourof 10Hazen unitsandshould alwaysbefreshly B-2.2.2 One Mark Volumetric Flasks — 250 ml and prepared. 500mlcapacities(seeIS915). B-2.5 Procedure B-2.2.3 Erlenmeyer Fiask— 250ml. Weighaccurately 5.0 g of the material into a250-ml B-2.3 Reagents Erlenmeyer flask and add 100 * 0.5ml of N, B-2.3.1 Cobaltous Chloride Hexahydrate — solid. N-Dimethylformamide. Shakethestopperedflaskuntil all of the sample is dissolved. Transfer the solution B-2.3.2 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid — intoaNesslercylinder andcompare thecolour against conforming toIS265. awhite background with thecolour standard taken in B-2.3.3 Chloroplatinic Acid theotherNesslercylinder. Thematerial shallbetaken Dissolve 250mgofplatinum insmallquantity ofaqua to have passed the test if the colour of the sample solution isnotdarker thanthat ofthecolour standard. regiacontained inaglassorprocelain basisbyheating 2 Is 15030:2001 B-3 METHOD B B-3.4.3 HazenDiscs— 0.70and70-250 Hazenunits. B-3.1 General B-3.5 Procedure Themethod isforthedetermination ofthecolour ofa Measure 75 ml of 2N potassium hydroxide solution solution of pure terephthalic acid in potassium into a 100ml beaker. Whh constant stirring carefully hydroxide. add 10.0 g of sample. When dissolved fill a 50 ml Nessletiser cylinder tothemark with thesolution and B-3.20 utline of the Method place inthe right hand compartment of the Lovibond The sample is dissolved in aqueous potassium Nessleriser cylinder tothe mark with thesoh.ttionand hydroxide and thecolour of the solution measured in place inthe right hand compartment of the Lovibond Hazenunits. Nessleriser. Fill the second Nessleriser tube to the B-3.3 Reagents markwith2Npotassium hydroxide solution andplace inthelefthandcompartment oftheNessleriser. Stand Potassium hydroxide sohttion — 2Naqueous. theNessleriser before auniform source of white light B-3.4 Apparatus andcompare thecolour ofthesample withthecolours inthestandardHazendisc;rotatethediscuntilacolour B-3.4.1 Lwibond Nessleriser match isobtained. B-3.4.2 Nessleriser Cylinders— onematchedpairof Report thecolour inHazen units. 50mlcylinders(seeIS4161). ANNEXc [Table 1,SINO.(iii)] DETERMINATION OF ASH C-1 APPARATUS (see Note 1) by means of a suitable burner. Afger ignition, placethedishinthemuffte furnace at550 C C-1.l Muffle Furnace andremovethesamefromthefurnacewhenallcarbon C-1.2 Blast Burner isremoved (seeNote2). Placethedishwithashinthe desiccator for 30 minutes. Take the massof thedish C-1.3 Platinum Dish — 50 ml. and its contents. ,.. - C-1.4 Micro Balance NOTES 1 A minimum of 304)g of sample is to be incinerated. ,. C-1.5 Crucible Tongs —madeofstainlesssteel 2 Once the sample has been reduced to a carbonaceous ash,extremecaremustbeexercisedinhandlingthedish. If withplatinum tips. the dish is handled in the usual manner with the tongs, carbonmaybetransferred to the tips of the tongs and may C-1.6 Glazed Porcelain Plates add carbon to the ash when the dish is removed from the furnace. In order to prevent this source of serious error, turn the tongs with tips pointing upward and pick up the C-2 PROCEDURE dishbyplacingthearcsof thetongsaroundthe bodyofthe dish. The dishshould not makecontact with the refractory Clean theplatinum dish free from grease andsaltsby lining of the furnace as particles of platinum may be soaking in hot chromic acid, washing with 1:1 HCi scratched off thus changing its mass. followedbydistilledwater. Placethedishinthemuffle C-3 CALCULATION furnacewiththeOhelpofplatinum tippedcrucibletongs and heat at500 C for 30 minutes. Remove the dish fromthefurnaceandplaceitonacleanporcelainplate which isfreeofdustparticles. Allow thedishtocool forone minute and transfer ittoadesiccator which is where placed near the micro balance. Takethe mass of the Ml= massingofempty dish, emptydishandagainwithsampleofthematerialtothe Mz= massingofempty dish withsample, and nearest0.1g. Placethedishwithmaterialonatriangle MJ= massingofdish with ash. supported by a tripod and ignite the sample IS 15030:2001 ,I“ , ANNEX D ] [Table 1,S1No. (iv)] -, DETERMINATION OF ACID VALUE .,,,,.+, ,,. , {. D-1 GENERAL ofphenolphthaleinindicator. Titratewith0.5Msodium ,, hydroxide solution to a permanent pink end point. Thematerialisdissolvedinpyridine,dilutedwithwater { Carry out a blank determination simultaneously and titrated with aqueous sodium hydroxide to excludingthematerial. phenolphthalein end point. D4 CALCULATION D-2 REAGENTS D-2.1 Pyridine ~1 - V2)xMx56.1 Acidvalue,mgKOH/g = D-2.2 Phenolphthalein— 1percentsolutioninethanol. w where D-2.3 Sodium Hydroxide —0.5Maqueoussolution. v, = Volumeinmlofsodium hydroxide consumed D-3 PRmuRE withsample, V* = Volume inmlofsodiumhydroxide consumed Weighaccuratelyabout 1gofthematerialintoa100-ml withblank, beaker. Add 25 ml of pyridine and stir until all the M= Molarity ofsodium hydroxide, and sampleisdissolved. Add25mlofwaterandtwodrops w= Massof sample taken forthe test. ANNEX E [Table 1,SINO.(V)] DETERMINATION OFIRON, COBALT, MANGANESE ANDCHROMIUM E-1 PRINCIPLE E3 REAGENTS Thematerialisashedintwoseparatedishesinpresence E-3.1 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid—see IS265. of sulphuric acid. Ash in one dish is dissolved in E-3.2 Concentrated !3dphuric Acid— seeIS266. concentrated hydrochloric acid and cobalt and manganese are determined by atomic absorption E-3.3 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate —tinepowder. ,. spectrophotometric method. Ash in the other dish is E-3.4 Stock Iron Solution — 1000 ppm(rdv). fused withpotassium hydrogen sulphate, dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acidand ironandchromium E-3.5 Stock Cobalt Solution-1 000ppm(WV). aredeterminedbyatomicabsorptionspectrophotometric E-3.6 Stock Manganese Solution— 1000ppm(rrdv). method. Inboth cases air/acetylene flame isused. E-3.7 Stock Chromium Solution —1000ppm(WV). E-2 APPARATUS E-4 PREPARATION OFSTANDARD SOLUTIONS E-2.1 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) — For determination of these elements using E-4.1 Standard Working Solutions AAS,detailsoftestmethodsasgiveninrelevantIndian Pipette 10.0mlofeachofthestocksolutions(seeE-3.4 Standard(seeAnnexJ)maybe referred.Typicalworking toE-3.7) intoa1000-ml flaskandmakeup tothemark conditions ofAASaregiven below forguidance only: to given 10 ppm (tiv) standard working solutions. Iron Cobalt Manganese Chromium Theseshallbeprepared fresheverytime before testing. a) Wave- 248.3 240.7 279.5 357.9 E-4.LI Standard Iron and Chromium Solutions length, nm b) HV 700 620 620 460 Take5,10and20mlofbothstandardworkingsolutions c) Band pass 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 ofiron andchromium of 10ppm (tiv) (seeE-4.1) in d) Air 16 16 16 16 e) Fuel (acetylene) 6 6 6 6 eachoffour100-mlvolumetricflasks.Add1gofground f) Burner 8 7 5 8 potassiun hydrogen sulphate and 5 percent height, mm hydrochloric acidandshake todissolve. Dilute tothe g) Lamp current, 7 7 3 5 mark with 5 percent HCI to give standard solutions mA h) Scale expansion 1 2 1 2 containing 0.5, 1.0,1.5and 2.0ppm (m/v)ofiron and j) Burner Angle O 0 0 0 chromium. 4 _fJ -a-A Is 15030:2001 E-4.1.2 Standard Cobalt and Manganese infollowing ordeq respective standards; samples and Solutions standards againforcobalt and manganese usinggiven conditions (seeE-2.1). Take5, 10,15and20mlofboth standard working solutions ofcobalt and manganese of 10ppm (W E-5.2 Fusetheresidue fromtheotherdishwith 1.00g v)(seeE-4.1) ineachoffour100-mlvolumetricflasks. ofground potassium hydrogen sulphate (KHSOd)and :.,,,..” Makeuptothemarkwith5percent HC1andshake a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid over a y well. Thisgivesstandard solutions containing 0.5, Bunsen burner. Cool, add 5 ml of concentrated 1.0,1.5and2.0ppm(m/v)ofcobaltandmanganese. hydrochloric acid, warm, ifnecessary todissolve and transferquantitatively toa 100mlvolumetric flaskand E-5 PROCEDURE make up to the mark with water. Prepare a blank by Weigh accurately about 25 g of sample into two taking 1.0g of ground potassium hydrogen sulphate separatesilicadishes. Wetthoroughly with5mlof KHSOqandafewdropsofconcentrated sulphuricacid. concentrated sulphuric acid and char completely Runthrough infollowing order; respective standards; under a vertical heater. Place the dishes in the blank samples and standards again for iron and entrance of a muffle furnace with the door open, chromium, usingthegiven conditions (seeE-2.1). andfumeuntilmostofthecarbonhasbeenremoved. E-5.3 Calculation Move the dishes further into the muffle furnace, close thedoor gently andleaveuntil allthecarbon The respective metals Clxloo has been removed. Care shall be taken that the (iron,chromium, cobalt, manganese), ppm= ~ sample does not ignite. where E-5.1 Add 5mlofconcentrated hydrochloric acid c, = iron,cobalt,chromium, manganesecontentin tooneofthedkhes, warm,ifnecessary,todissolve solution derived from sample, ppm and andtransfer quantitatively toa 100-ml volumetric M= massofthe sample taken fortest, g. flask. Makeuptothemarkwithwater.Runthrough ..~ 5

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