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IS 14927-2: Cable Trunking and Ducting Systems for Electrical Installations, Part 2: Cable Trunking and Ducting Systems Intended for Mounting on Walls or Ceiling PDF

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Preview IS 14927-2: Cable Trunking and Ducting Systems for Electrical Installations, Part 2: Cable Trunking and Ducting Systems Intended for Mounting on Walls or Ceiling

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14927-2 (2001): Cable Trunking and Ducting Systems for Electrical Installations, Part 2: Cable Trunking and Ducting Systems Intended for Mounting on Walls or Ceiling [ETD 14: Electrical Wiring Accessories] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” f IS 14927 (Part 2): 2001 Indian Standard CABLE TRUNKING AND DUCTING SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS PART 2 CABLE TRUNKING AND DUCTING SYSTEMS INTENDED FOR MOUNTING ON WALLS OR CEILINGS ICS 29.120.10 0 BIS 2001 BUREAU OF IN’D IAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 2001 Price Group 3 Electrical Wiring Accessories Sectional Committee, ET 14 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, afier the draft finalized by the Wiring Accessories Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. / This standard covers the requirements ofcable trunking and ducthg systems commonly known ascable casing and taping intended for mounting on walls or ceilings. The cable trunking and ducting systems isusedto accommodate and where necessary, segregate the conductors, cables or cords. This standard isto be read in conjunction with Part 1ofthis standard which covers the general requirements of cable trunking and ducting. Clauses which are applicable (which means that the relevant provisions of that clause apply) ornot applicable andthenecessary changes, wherever required, areindicated accordingly. Clauses which are additional to those of Part 1are numbered starting from 101; additional table is numbered 101 and additional Annex is lettered AA. Should, however, any deviation exists between Part 1and this standard, the provision of later shall apply. This standard isbased on IEC 61084-2-1(1 996) ‘Cabletrunking and ducting systems for electrical installations: Part 2Particular requirements, Section 1Cable trunking and ducting system intended to mounting on walls and ceilings’ issued by the International Electrotechcnical Commission (IEC). It is intended to bring out other parts of the standard on cable trunking and ducting systems for other areas of application, for example, for installation on poles and installation in cabinet at alater date depending upon the need of the manufacturer and users. For the purpose of deciding whether aparticular requirement ofthis standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding of numerical values (revise@ the number of significant places retained inthe rounded off value should be the same asthat of the specified value in this standard. ~’, IS 14927 (Part 2) :2001 .: Indian Standard CABLE TRUNKING AND DUCTING SYSTEMS . -1 “$ FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS PART 2 CABLE TRUNKING AND DUCTING SYSTEMS INTENDED FOR MOUNTING ON WALLS OR CEILINGS 1SCOPE 4.101 Themanufacturer shall give instruction onhow to install the system to ensure compliance with the This standard (Part 2) specifies requirements forcable standard. TheInstructions shallgivethe classification trunking and ducting systems intended for mounting oftheCT/DS according to6. Ifthe,system isintended on walls or ceilings. The cable trunking and ducting for the suspension of loads, the manufacturers systemsaccommodate and,wherenecessary, segregate instructions shall include information on the conductors, cables or cords and other electrical maximum load and method of suspension. equipment. The systems are intended to be mounted directly on walls or ceilings, flush or semiflush or 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR TESTS indirectly on walls or ceilings, or on structures away This clause of Part 1is applicable except as follows: from on walls or ceilings. Additional subclause: Cable trunking and ducting system are hereinafter called CT/DS. 5.101 The tests of the various clauses are carried out on the samples as specified in Table 101. This standards does not apply to conduits, cable trays or cable ladders, electrical accessories, for example, Table 101 Samples Required switches, socket-outlets orthe like,forwhich separate Indian Standards apply, or current carrying parts Setof Description ClauseRefto within the system. Sample IS14927(Part1) The different types of the systems are shown in A OnelengthofCT/DSandoneofeach 7, 9.1,9.3,9.5 figure 101 and described in Annex A. CT/DSfittings B Three250-rnrnlengthsofCT/DS 9.3.1, 9.3.2 2 REFERENCES c 2mofCT/DSmountedwithcables 9.4 andelectricalaccessories Thefollowing Indian Standards arenecessary adjuncts D Threemembranesassembledinthe 9.6.3, 9.6.4 to this standard: s- 1SNo. Title E Tbreeglandsassembledinthesystem 9.7.2 11000 (Part 2/ Fire hazard testi ng: Part 2 Test F Threecomponentswithcable 9.101 anchorage Sec 1): 1984 methods, Section 1 Glow wire test G Sixlengthsof2mofCT/DSwith 10.2.3,10.2.4 and guidance cover 14927 (Part 1): Cable trunking and ducting systems H Sixlengthsof250-mmoftrunking 10.2.5,10.2.6 2001 for electrical installations: Part 1 orductinglengthswithcover General requirements J Threelengthsof250-mmoftrunking 10.3.3 orductinglengthswithcover 3 TERMINOLOGY K Threelengthsof250-mmofCT/DS 10.3.101 withcover This clause of Part 1is applicable except asfollows: L Onelengthof250-mmofCT/DS 10.5.101 Additional Sub-clause: withApparatusmountingdevice M Onelengthof250-mmofCT/DS 10.6.2 3.101 Cable Anchorage withcover N Threelengthsof600-mmofCT/DS 11,12 A device intended to relieve strain on conductors withcoverandfittings especially atterminals orterminations ortoprevent a cable from becoming detached from anenclosure. 6CLASSIFICATION 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This clause of Part 1isapplicable except asfollows: This clause of Part 1isapplicable except asfollows: 6.4.1 Addition: Additional subclause: The use of flame propagating CT/DS isnot allowed. 1 IS 14927 (Part 2) :2001 6.6.2 AdditionalClasstj?cations: The test is then repeated with the cable anchorage fitted with a cable with the greatest outside diameter CT/DS giving protection against powerful for which it is intended. water jets (IP x 6). After each test, the cable shall not have moved more CT/DS giving protection againsttheeffects than 3mm inthe cable anchorage and the sheaths of of temporary immersion inwater (IP x 7). the cables shall show no signs of abrasion. CT/DS giving protection againsttheeffects 9.4.1 Add the following sentence: of continuous immersion in water (IP x 8). The test ismade afier the removal of all parts, which 7 MARKING can be removed without the aid of atool. This clause of Part 1isapplicable except asfollows: 10MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 7.1Add the following attheendofthefirstparagraph: This clause of Part 1isapplicable except as follows: “except that thenumber ofthe specificationmay, asan 10.3Impact Test alternative,begiven inthemanufacturer’s instructions.” 10.3.1 Add the following sentence: Additional subclause: No blow shall be applied within 50 mm of the ends, 7.101 CT/DS shall bemarked with thetype reference, orto knockouts which may be acatalogue number. Additional subclause: 7.102 BIS Standard Mark Trunking and ducting systems shall The CT/DS may also be marked with the Standard withstand impacts likely to occur under classified Mark. installations and permanent application temperature. 7.102.1 The use of standard mark isgoverned by the Thetestiscarriedoutonthree sampleseach250 ~~mm provisions oftheBureau ofIndian StandardrAct, 1986 long, and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of conditions under which the licence for the provided with fittings, if any. All the samples are use ofstandard mark maybe granted tomanufacturers assembled and mounted as in normal use, according or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of tothemanufacturers instructions, onapiece ofwooden Indian Standards. fibreboard of 19mm thickness. 8 DIMENSIONS Thetestapparatus according toFig.2ofPart 1together with the samples, is placed in a refrigerator, the This clause of Part 1isapplicab l e. temperature ofwhich ismaintained atthe appropriate value specified inPart 1,Table 1,CO13within +l“C. 9 CONSTRUCTION After 2h, each sample isinturn placed in position in This clause of Part 1isapplicable except asfollows: the apparatus such that ablow can be applied fwstly Additional subclause: tothecentreofalength,or cover, ifany,andsecondly on each side facing, even if the impact is not at the 9.1.101 The cable anchorage, ifany, shall be suitable centre point ofthehammer. No blow shallbe applied for the different types of cables which maybe used. within 50mm of the ends, or to knockouts. The sheath of the cable shall be clamped within the cable anchorage. A blow is applied on the front face of the fitting mounted on each of the three samples under test. Compliance is checked by inspection and by the Impact locations areevenly scattered onthe front face following test. of the tested fitting. The cable anchorage is fitted with a cable with the Front face means a face logically exposed to blows smallest outside diameter forwhich itisintended. The when the fitting ismounted. The line separating two screws, if any, are tightened with 2/3 of the torque front faces ispart ofboth faces and maybe hit during given in Part 1,Table 2. the test. The specimen is kept for 30 min at atemperature of Thehammer isallowed tofallsothatanimpact energy 60 + 2°C with the specimen still at this temperature, according to Part 1,Table 4 is applied. The mass of anaxial force of 50N* 5‘Aisapplied tothe cable for the hammer and the fail height shall be as specified 60*5s. in Part 1,Table 4. -1 IS 14927 (Part 2) :2001 10.3.4 Add a second paragraph: be included, ifnecessary, to prevent the movement of the apparatus mounting device during the test. Neither the cover nor the fittings shall be ejected, accept that this does not apply to knockouts. A force of 100+5N isapplied tothe apparatus fixing device ofthe apparatus mounting device for 60 + 5 s 10.4 Linear Deflection Test in the most unfavorable direction within the angle Replacement: of 45 to 90”C from the front surface. For suspended CT/DS all system components shall During the test the apparatus mounting device shall withstand the static stresses that can be expected in not become detached. normal use when mounted according to the Immediately afler this test, the apparatus mounting manufacturer instructions. deviceissubjectedtoatorque of3+0.2Nm, clockwise Compliance is checked by the following test. and anticlockwise respectively. (Test is under consideration) The duration of the test shall be 60 ~~s in each direction. 10.5 External Load Test During the test the apparatus mounting device shall Additional subclause: not turn more than 15° ftom its initial position. 10.5.101 Apparatus mounting devices shall be firmly attached to the main part of the system. 11 RESISTANCE TO FLAME PROPAGATION Compliance is checked by the following tests: This clause of Part 1is applicable. If the results of the tests are dependent on the 12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS temperature, the tests are carried out at 40 * 2°C the This clause of Part 1is applicable. appropriate temperature specified in Part 1,Table 1, Col3. 13EXTERNAL INFLUENCES A sample of atrunking length of250 +5mm isfitted This clause of Part 1is applicable. with an apparatus mounting device according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Other components may b 3 IS 14927 (Part 2) :2001 ANNEX A (Clause 1.1) INFORMATION A This Annex of Part 1isapplicable except as follows. A-1 Types of trunking and ducting systems for wall or ceiling installation. Replace- Defmition For Mounting ment No. in Fig. 101 1 Trunking and Insulated conductors, cables, Surface on wall or ceiling, on accessories cords, mounting devices for walls mounted horizontal or 7 apparatus vertical, ceiling suspended 11 12 13 5 Trunking and Insulated conductors, cables, Surface on wall or ceiling on accessories cords, mounting devices for walls mounted horizontal or apparatus vertical, ceiling suspended 2 Ducting and Insulated conductors, cables, Surface on wall or ceiling, on accessories cords, mounting devices for walls mounted horizontal or 8 apparatus vertical, ceiling suspended 10 12 3 Trunking and Insulated conductors, cables, Flush in wall or ceiling, in walls t accessories cords, mounting devices for mounted horizontal or vertical 9 apparatus 6 Skirting, trunking Insulated conductors, cables, Surface onwall and ceiling and accessories cords, mounting devices for apparatus A-2 Not applicable. e l I 11 L 0 n b ’ n I 0 H 0 N I I 5 0 m I II 0 u -) I I I I S 1 4 0w 92 7 (P a r t 2 ) :2 0 0 1

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