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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14910 (2001): Mechanical Vibration and Shock - Human Exposure - Biodynamic Coordinate Systems [MED 28: Mechanical Vibration and Shock] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Is 14910:2001 ISO 8727:1997 Tiw%– Indian Standard MECHANICAL VIBRATION AND SHOCK — HUMAN EXPOSURE — BIODYNAMICSCOORDINATE SYSTEMS ICS 13.160 0 BIS 2001 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, !4BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 February 2001 Price Group 7 Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee, ME 28 NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 8727:1997 ‘Mechanical vibration and shock— Human exposure — Biodynamicscoordinatesystems’issud bythe InternationalOrganization forStand- ardization (ISO) was adopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations ofthe Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee and approval ofthe Mechanical Engineering DivisionCouncil. The text of ISO standard has been approved as suitable forpublication as IndianStandard without deviations. In the adopted standard, certain conventions are not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention isespecially drawn tothe following: a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard appear referring to this standard, they should be read as‘IndianStandard’. b) Comma (,) hasbeen usedasadecimal marker, whileinIndianStandards, the current practice is to use a point (.) asthe decimal marker. Inthis adopted standard, reference appears to the following International Standard for which Indian Standard also exists.The corresponding IndianStandard which istobesubstituted initsplace isgiven below along with itsdegree of equivalence for the editionindicated: International CorrespondingIndian Degree of Standard Standatd Equivalence ISO 5805:1997 IS 13281:1999 Mechanical vibration Identical and shockaffecting man — Vocabulary The concerned technical committee has reviewed the provision of 1S0 1503:1977 ‘Geometrical orientations and directions ofmovements’ referred inthisadopted standard and has decided that itis acceptable for use inconjunction withthisstandard. Forthe purpose ofdeciding whether aparticular requirement of thisstandard iscomplied with,thefinal value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules forroundingoff numerical values (revised). The number of signifi- cant places retained inthe rounded offvalue should bethe same asthat ofthe specified value inthis standard. Is 14910:2001 ISO 8727:1997 Indian Standard MECHANICAL VIBRATION AND SHOCK — HUMAN EXPOSURE — BIODYNAMICS COORDINATE SYSTEMS 1 Scope This International Standard specifies anatomical and basicentric coordinate systems for biodynamical measurements,.for reference purposes in cognate standards development, and for precisely describing human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock. The segmental anatomical coordinate systems defined in this InternationalStanda?dare forthe head, rootofthe neck (driving-pointforthe head and neck system), pelvis,and hand.General principlesare statedforthe establishmentofcorrespondinganatomicalcoordinatesystemsforother skeletal body segments. The biodynamicscoordinate systems defined in this International Standard can sewe as frames of reference for the descriptionand measurement of bothtranslationaland rotationalvibrationand shock motionaffectinghumans. NOTES 1 Although defined for human subjects, these anatomical coordinate systems are adaptable, using a knowledge of comparative anatomy, tonon-humanprimatesortootheranimalspecies whoseskeletal anatomy isrecognizablycomparable, radiographically,withthe relevantanatomyofhumans. 2 When the need arisesforothersegmental anatomicalcoordinatesystems (e.g. forthe arm, wrist,legorfoot),these should be defined according to correspondingprinciplesof anatomy and of standardization, and may be proposed for inclusionin subsequentrevisionsofthisinternatio nalStandard. 3 This InternationalStandard recognizesnodifferencebetween male andfemale skeletal anatomy bearinguponthe definition anduseofbiodynamicscoordinatesystems. Moreover,thesame principlesapplywhendefininganatomical coordinatesystems for children, and for non-human mammalian species used in ethical biodynamics research, development, testing and evaluation. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this InternationalStandard. Atthe time of publication,the editionsindicatedwere valid. Allstandards are subjectedto revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityofapplyingthe mostrecenteditionsofthe standardsindicatedbelow. MeFnbersof IEC and ISO maintain registersofcurrentlyvalidInternationalStandards. ISO 1503:1977, Geometrical orientationanddirectionsofmovements. 1S0 5805:1997, Mechanical vibrationand shock— Human exposure— Vocabulary. IS 14910:2001 ISO 8727:1997 3 Biodynamlc coordhtate systems Standard biodynamicscmrdinate systemsshallbeused,ifpracticable,whenever collecting,transforming,analysing, reporting,describing,comparing, or evaluating human mechanical vibrationand shock input data and consequent human body structural and system responses. NOTES 1 Abiodynarniccoordinatesystemmaybe orientedwithrespecttoahierarchyofcoordinatesystemswithininertialspace (see figuresA.1 and A.2). Such inertial reference systems may be geocentric, in which the principalor normal axis lies in the directionofearth’sgravity,orbasicentric,originatinginthecontactingswface (orsomefullyorientatable structureconnected rigidlythereto)throughwNch theforceormotionofinterestistransmittedtothebody.Baaicentrfccoordinatesystemsmay,for example, bedefinedwithrespecttothestructureofavehicle,aworkplace,oralaboratory,toanimmediatesourceofvibration orshockaffectingpersons,suchasavibratingtoolorappliance,ortoaresearchvibrationmachine,motionsimulatororimpact device. For research and evaluation purposes, a biodynamicscoordinate system may itself provide the external frame of reference for an instrumentationcoordinate system, used to define inertial measurements made upon or withinthe human body. 2 Geometricallyspeaking,thehumanbodymay,foranygivenposture,betreatedasafully-orientedobject(see figureA.3). 3 The use of coordhate systems originatingin amorphousor flexible soft-tissueor surface anatomical features which are deformable orfreely mobilewithinthe body (e.g. coordinatesystems Ioosefydefined as centred inthe heart orthe buttocks) precludes the precise acquisitionorcompatfsonofbiodynamicsdata, and isaccordinglydeprecated. The anatomical systems defined in this International Standard all originate in, and are oriented with respect to, radiographically or stereotactically determinable (includingpalpable) bony landmarks. Moreover, these systems are adaptable, forthe purpose of comparative biodynamics, to mammalian species other than humans, and to mechanical analcgue models (dummies or manikins) of humans. 4 A radiographicallydeterminable landmark means one that, for research or reference purposes,can be visualized, and its positionmeasured, by methods of X-ray or ultrasonicradiographicalanthropcmetry. It may also be (but not necessarily is) determinablestereotactically,ifitispalpable (orreliablyrelatedtostructuresthatare palpable) inthe surface anatomy. Itisof courserecognizedthatinmanyareas andapplicationsitmaybeimpossibleorimpracticaltodefinethe relevantbonyanatomy by radiographicalmethods. Nevertheless, the applicable anatomical coordinatesystem orsystems shouldbe identifiedwhen inertialmeasurements are made on humans,andthe measurements relatedtothe standardanatomical coordinatesystem(s) totheextentpracticable. 3.1 Direction All orthogonal coordinate systems adopted in biodynamics shall be defined as right-handed (see figureA.4). Definitionsof x-, y- and z-axes for anatomical coordinate systems shall be in accordance with ISO 5805 (see figuresA.5 andA.6 forexamples ofthese axes). Definitionsoforientationsandaxes forbasicentricsystems(e.g. in vehicles)shallbe inaccordancewiththe principlesofISO 1503. NOTE— An exception to the rule regarding right-handedness of the coordinate system may be made in the case of the anatomicalcoordinatesystem(hand)adoptedspecificallyformeasurementsinthelefthand(see 3.4.1). 3.2 Biodynamics coordinate systems for the whole body 3.2.1 Wholebody anatomical coordinate system For most purposes (for example, when consideringforce or motion inputsto the whole body from a contact or supportingsurface uponwhichthe personisstandhg, sittingor lying),the anatomicalcoordinatesystemofchoice shallbethatdefinedforthepelvis(see 3.3.4). NOTES 1 Whenpracticalconsiderationsclearfydictatethatitismore appropriateto do so, whole-body inputsmay be defined with referencetoanalternativesystemwithinthetorso,which,togetherwiththepostureandtheorientationofthebodywithrespect tothe source ofthe vibrationorshock, shouldbe defined unambiguouslywhen reportingdata referenced to this alternative coordinate system. For example, whole-body inputsappfied mainly to a person’sback, as from a vibratingseat-back or a motorizedbackpack appfiance, may be relatedtothe uppertorsoanatomicalcoordinatesystem. Unless otherwisespecified, whole-bodyvibrationorshockshallbedeemed tobeappfiedtopereonsinthe(conventional)“normal”anatomicalposition,that is,withthe z-axis ofthe principalaxial segmental (i.e. head andtrunk)anatomicalcoordinatesystemsapproximately parallel, the limbsaligned, and the palms facing forward.When a particularposture is adopted (e.g. sitting)duringhuman vibration 2 IS 14910:2001 ISO 8727:1997 measurements, asprwise anaKempt =~*ible $houldbe mtito~i~the relative odentatiM of~H~mdhate systems relevant to the measurement. This may be done by quant~lng the extent of rotationof the principalaxes of each segmental anatomical coordinate system (and, ifappropriate, displacement ofthe system’s origin)withrespect to itsnormal anatomicalposition. 2 Bilateral (left-right) skeletal symmetry of the human body is an assumption implicit in the adoption of the anatomical coordinatesystemsrecommended inthisInternationalStandard. 3.2.2 Basicentric coordinate systems for the whole body Basicentric coordinate system for standing persons Origin: The midpointofa lineinthe planeofacontactsurface(e.g. a ship’sdeckorthefloorofa vehiclecontaining standingcrew or passengers) supportingthe standingperson, paesing beneath the lowermost pointsof the heel bones(calcanei). NOTE— The orientationofthislineintheplaneofthecontactsurfacecan bedefinedwithrespecttothecoplanar orientation ofthatsurfaceasapracticalmatter,whenthereisahabitualstanceuponit(e.g.ofahumanoperatorataworkstation). Orientation: The y-axis isthe linedefined above, withthe positivedirectionlyingto the sub~t’s left.The x-axis passes throughthe origin,liesinthe plane ofthe contactsurface, and isperpendiculartothe y-axis. The z-axis is mutuallyperpendiculartotheothertwoaxes (hence, normaltothecontactsurface). NOTE— The orientations of a basicentric coordinate system with respect to the direction of gravity (or to a geocentric coordinatesystem) varieswiththeorientationofavehicle andwiththe relativeorientationofavehcle andwiththeorientation of supportingsurfaces withinthe vehicle. It may from time to time happen that the z-axes of the major anatomical (head, pelvis),basicentricandgeocentriccoordinatesystemsareallapproximatelyaligned, aswhenapersonstandsonaship’sdeck in a calm sea and gazes ahead at the horizon. However, non-alignment is more frequently the rule (for example, when a personreclinesinacarseat whilethevehicleisclimbingahill,see Basicentric coordinate system for seated persons Origin: The midpointof a line inthe plane of a contact surface (e.g. a vehicle seat) supportinga seated person, passingthroughthe pressurearea ofthebuttocksandbeneaththe lowermostpointsoftheischialtuberoaities. NOTE— The orientationofthislineintheplane ofthecontactsurfacecan be definedwithrespecttothecoplanarorientation ofthatsurfaceasa practicalmatter,whenthere isa habitualsittingpositionandseat alignment(e.g. ofa humanoperatorata workstation). Orientation: Defined with respectto the originand the plane ofthe contact surface ina manner similarto that in which a basicentric system for standing persons is defined above. The directionof the yaxie is positiveto the subject’sleft. NOTES 1 Ina normalsittingposture,the orientationofthe principalaxisofthebasicentriccoordinatesystemforpersonsseated ona flatseat maybeassumed toapproximatetothatofthecorrespondingaxisoftheanatomicalcoordinatesystem(pelvis), 2 Forsome applications,a basicentricccmrdinatesystemforavehicledriver(ora mechanical humananaiogue) originatingat the seat index point, SIP, (see ISO 5353) is used as a frame of reference, for example, in ergonomic or human factors engineeringevaluationsoftractorseatsandthelike.Itsusepresupposesthattheseat ianormallypositionedandcentredinits rangesofadjustmentwithrespecttothevehicleframe, andrelatesmeasurements tothegeometryofthevehicle. Reference to the H-point (equivalent to the SIP for a normal adjustment of a tractor operator’s seat) is sometimes used for human engineering purposes in the automotive industry.This practice, which has not been generally accepted int6rnational!y,is generallynotusedinthecontextofbiodynamicalevaluationsofhumanexposuretovehiclevibrationandshockmotiin. 3 When whole-body vibration measurements are taken from a suitable formed instrumentation-mount interposed at the intertace between a riderand hisaeat (see ISO 10326-1), the mountserves as the contact surface inti~ch the originand orientation of the basicentric coordinate system for the seated pereon may be defined, that in turn provides the frame of referencefortherelatedinstrumentationcoordinatesystem. IS 1491 O:2OO1 ISO 8727:1997 4 When analysing,comparingand reportingbiodynamicaldata orinterpretinghumanvibrationand shockstandards applying to seated subjects, due allowance should be made for any significant angle that may stand between the seat and the geocentric(orvehicular)andinstrumentationcoordinatesystems. 3.3 Segmental anatomical coordinate systems NOTE— An assumption impticitin the definitionand adoption of the followinganatomical coordinate systems is that the respective body segment for which each system is established obeys to a sufficientapproximation the laws of rigid-body mechanics. (This has been demonstratedforcertain biodynamicallyimportantskeletal segments, namely, the head and the pelvis.)Forexamples, seefiguresA.1toA.6. 3.3.1 Anatomical coordinate system: head Origin: The midpointofa lineconnectingthe superiormarginsofthe rightand leftexternal auditorymeatus ofthe skull. NOTE— Inclassicalanatomy,thatlineisthebaseofatriangledefiningthetransverseplaneofthehumanskull(theapex, i.e. thethirdpointdefiningthatplane, isconventionallytheleftinfraorbitalnotch). Orientation: The x-axis ofthissystempasses posteroanteriorlythroughthe originand liesinthe transverse plane ofthe head. The y-axis passes throughthe origin,isdirectedpositivelyto the left, lies inthe same plane, and is perpendiculartothex-axis.The z-axis ismutuallyperpendiculartotheothertwoaxes and isdirectedapproximately throughthevertexoftheskull. 3.3.2 Anatomical coordinate system: root of neck Origin: The anteriorsuperiorborderofthebodyofthefirstthoracicvertebra(TI )inthemidplaneofthatvertebra. Orientation: The x-axis ofthissystem passes throughthe originand, posteroanteriorly,throughthe midpointof a lineinthemidplaneofT1 connectingtheposterosuperiorandposteroinferiorpointsoftheposteriorspinousprocess ofT1, The y-axis passes throughthe originand ismutuallyperpendiculartothe x- and z-axes. The z-axis passes throughtheorigin,liesinthe midplaneofT1, andisperpendiculartothex-axis. NOTE— The axesofthissystemarenotnecessarilyexactlyparallelwiththecorrespondingaxes ofthemajoraxialsegmental anatomicalcoordinatesystems(head, pelvis)inthenormalanatomicalposition,andtherewillinanycase be divergenceswith changesinposture.However,forthepurposesofdescribingforceandmotioninputstotheuppertorsoandthe rootoftheneck in the normal anatomical position, a sufficient approximation may be presumed to exist between the orientation for the midplane of T1 and the midsagittal plan e of the trunk. A precise descriptionof the postural relationships between body segmentsisneededtodefinetheorientationofthesesystemsininertialspace. 3.3.3 Anatomical coordinate system: upper torso Origin: The anteriorsuperiorborderofthefourththoracicvertebra(T4) inthe midsagittalplane. Orientation: Defined inthecorrespondingmannerasforT1 above. NOTE— Notein3.3.2 appliesequallytothissystem, 3.3.4 Anatomical coordinate system: pelvis Origin: The midpointofa lineconnectingthe rightand leftanteriorsuperioriliacspines.That imaginarylineforms the base ofan invertedtriangleconnectingthe anteriorsuperioriliacspineswiththe mostsuperioranteriorpointof thesymphysispubis(whichaccordinglyformstheapexofthetriangle). Orientation: The x-axis of this system projectsanteriorlyfrom the origin,it is perpendicularto the plane of the triangle defined above. The y-axis is the line passing from rightto Ieff that connects the anterior superior iliac spines.The z-axis ofthe system passes throughthe originand ismutuallyperpendiculartothe othertwo axes, it liesintheplaneofthetriangleandbisectsit. 4 IS 14910:2001 ISO 8727:1997 NOTES 1 The z-axisofthe anatomicalcoordinatesystem(pelvis)isapproximatelyverticalinhumansstandinguprightona horizontal surfaceorsittingerectonahorizontalflatseat. 2 The pelvicanatomicalreferencepointsdefiningthebasictriangleusedtoestablishthiscoordinatesystem,althoughtheyare normallypalpable inthe livinghumansubjectandinthecadaver(andareidentifiableradiographically)c,annotyetbedefined withcompleteprecision,fortheyare irregularityroundedbonyprominences.They may indue coursebe superseded by more exactlydeterminablepelvicreferencepointsifsuchcan beestablishedbyanatomists.Moreover, biodynamicalapplicationsof \ thiscoordinatesystemassumeapproximatebilateralsymmetryofthepelvis. 3 Inbiodynamicalmeasurements inwhichthe motionofthepelvisisassumedtogenerate the mechanicalinputtothe lumbar spine,itisnecessary inany finalanalysistodefine the locationand orientationofthe interfacebetween the sacrum andthe bodyofthefifthlumbarvertebra(L5). 4 Althoughinrecliningand recumbentpostures,substantialfractionsofthe weightofthe personmay be distributedthrough the upper body and the limbs, impressed vibrationor shock mayneverthelessbedeemedtoactthroughthepelvisorthe body’sapproximatecentreof massfor the purposesof evaluatinghumanexposureto whole-bodyvibrationor shock. Significanetxceptionstothisgeneralruleshouldbereported. 3.4 Biodynamics coordinate systems for the hand 3.4.1 Anatomical coordinate system: hand Origin: The centreofthe headofthethirdmetacarpalbone(middleknuckle)ofeitherhand. Orientation: This system isorientedtothe bonyanatomy ofthe hand bythe z-axis, the z-axis passes proximally throughthe originand isthe longaxis of the third metacarpal bone. The x-axis of the system is approximately normal to the palm of the hand, projectinganteriorly from the origin when the hand lies open in the normal anatomicalposition,i.e.palmsfacingforward(see figureA.3). The y-axis passes throughthe origin,approximately fromtherootofthefirsttothatofthelittlefinger,andismutuallyperpendiculartothex-andz-axes. NOTES 1 Aspartof a right-handedorthogonalcoordinatesystem,they-axisoftheanatomicalcoordinatesystem(hand) isdefinedas runningfromrighttoleft(i.e.fromthe rootofthe forefingertowardsthe rootofthe fittlefingerofthe righthand inthe normal anatomicalposition).The mirrorimag e ofthissystem may be appliedspecificallytomeasurements inthe lefthand, butsuch usage should be unambiguously identi fied when used as the basis for reporting hand-transmitted vibration data (see ISO5349). Useofaleft-handedanatomicalcoordinatesystem,whilereasonableforapplicationtosymmetricalpartsontheleft sideofthe body,can lead to anomalies invectoralgebra ifresultingdata are compared directfywiththose derived usinga right-handedsystem(e.g. incorrectsignofvectorcross-products). 2 The absoluteorientationoftheanatomicalcoordinatesystem(hand)necessarilyvarieswiththe positionand postureofthe hand,wristandupperlimb.Accordingly,itisrarelyparallelwiththecorrespondinglydesignatedcoordinatesystemsoftheaxial bodysegments (head, thorax,pelvis).The postureofthe arm and hand shouldbe defined as preciselyas practicablewhen referenceismade totheanatomicalcoordinatesystem(hand).The orientationofthesystem mayformanypracticalpurposes beindependentlydefinedwithreferencetoanappropriatebasicentriccoordinatesystemoriginating,forexample, inavibrating appliance, a workpiece, or a handle or control device held by the hand in question. Such a basicentric system may ‘simultaneouslyserve as theframeofreferencefortheinstrumentationcoor~nate systemwhen instrumentationisfixedtothe objectgrasped,forthepurposeofmeasuringvibrationtransmittedtothesame hand. 3 When, as iscommonlydone inhandlingvibratingtoolsorhand-heldappliances, the hand isusedtograspa cylindricalor approximatelycylindricalhandle,they-axisoftheanatomicalcoordinatesystem(hand) may notnecessarilybe assumedtolie parallelwiththe axis ofthe handle, althoughsuchan assumptionmay be a sufficientapproximationforsome measurement purposes.Itshouldbenotedthattheorientationoftheanatomicalcoordinatesystem(hand),beingdefinedbytheorientationof the thirdmetacarpal bone, is, overa wide range of movement, essentially independent offlexionorextension ofthe fingers (seefigureA.6). 5

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