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Preview IS 14882: Damping Materials - Graphical Presentation of the Complex Modulus

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14882 (2000): Damping Materials - Graphical Presentation of the Complex Modulus [MED 28: Mechanical Vibration and Shock] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14882:2000 1s0 10112:1991 IndianStandard -.....— DAMPING MATERIALS — GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF THE COMPLEX MODULUS ICS 17.160 0 BIS 2000 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October 2000 Price Group 5 Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee, ME 28 NATIONAL FOREWORD TiIIs Indian Standard which isidentical with ISO 10112:1991 ‘Damping materials –Graphical presentation otthe complex modulus’ issued bythe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of the Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sechonal Committee and approval of the Mechanical Engineering Division Council. The text of ISO standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without —..— deviations. In the adopted standard, certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Ind!an Standards. Attention is especially drawn to the following: r a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’. b) Comma (,) has been used as adecimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a full point (.) as the decimal marker. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement ofthis standard iscomplied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revisec/)’. The number ofsignificant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. IS 14882:2000 ISO 10112:1991 Indian Standard DAMPING MATERIALS — GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF THE COMPLEX MODULUS 1 Scope T(t) is the shear stress; y(l) is the shear strain; This International Standard establishes the graph- ical presentation of the complex modulus of P@) and Q@R)are polynomials in ~. viscoelastic vibration damping materials which are microscopically homogeneous, linear and The operator~ is defined as thermorheologically simple. The complex modulus pR= dfd tR (2) may be the shear modulus, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, longitudinal wave propagation modulus, The reduced time differential dtR is defined as or Lame modulus, This graphical presentation is convenient and sufficiently accurate for many vi- dtR= dt/(z7(T) .. (3) bration damping materials. where The preferred nomenclature (parameters, symbols and definitions) is also given. t is time, in seconds; The primary purpose of this International Standard ~T(7) is the dimensionless temperature shift is to improve communication among the diverse function [z] dependent on temperature, technological fields concerned with vibration. damp- T, in kelvin. ing materials. The Fouriet’ transform (ft.) of equation (1) leads to the definition of G, the complex shear modulus valid for steady-state sinusoidal stress and strain, as 2 Nomenclature G(ju.)R)= 7+(j@R)/y*@R) = Q~mR)/~(&) (4) 2.1 Complex modulus where T*@R) denotes the ft. of ?(t) The operator form of the constitutive equation for the The reduced circular frequency, a~R,is given as linear, isothermal, isotropic, microscopically homo- OR= UXZfi7] = 2nfR= 2nfa7(7] .,. (5) geneous, thermorheologically simple [see equation (7)] viscoelastic material being deformed which is a product of co, the circular frequency, in in shear is defined 111as radians per second, and the dimensionless tem- ~~)T(f) = ~(@f(f) ,., (1) perature shift function, while~R and f denote the re- duced cyclic frequency and the cyclic frequency, in where hertz. 1 IS 14882:2000 1s0 10112:1991 The complex shear modulus is dependent on both modulus, 1, and to the longitudinal wave propa- frequency and temperature gation modulus W= A+ 2G, G = G(c~,7) ...(6) A thermorheologically simple material is a material for which the complex modulus may be expressed If (and only io the dependency is expressed as as a complex valued function of one independent G = G(ja}R)= G~coaf17)] ...(7) variable, namely reduced frequency, to represent its variation with both frequency and temperature. then the material is called thermorheologically sim- NOTE1 Sometimes, the real modulus and the material ple (TRS), Furthermore, equations (1) to (7) apply loss factor are treated as independent functions of re- -----— only to linear conditions. duced frequency; while this can facilitate satisfactory applications, it is aconceptual error. Alternatively, consider a viscoelastic material el- ement which undergoes a sinusoidal shear strain [3] The complex modulus evaluated at a given tem- perature and a given frequency represents both the y = yAsin wt (8) magnitude and the phase relationships between sinusoidal stress and strain. which lags the sinusoidal shear stress by the phase angle &.: 2.2 Datacheck 7 = 7A sin(~~ + d~) .,. (9) H is presumed in this International Standard that a The sinusoidal strain and stress may be represented set of valid complex modulus data (e.g., tables 1and in complex notation as 2) has been obtained in accordance with good practice (see, for example, ref. 141),It is recom- y“ = YAejcot . ..(lo) mended that each set of data be routinely and carefully scrutinized. As a minimum, the Ig VGversus T+ = TAe j(cof + c$~) (11) Ig GM should be plotted (e.g., figure 1). If the set of data represents a thermorheologicaliy simple ma- The complex shear modulus, G, may be equivalently terial, if an adjustment of modulus for temperature defined as and density is not appropriate and if the set of data has no scatter, the set of data will plot as a curve of vanishing width. = GMcos &(l +,) tan &) = G~+jGl Each point along the arc of the curve corresponds = G’ +jG” = GR(I +jqG) ..(12) to a unique value of reduced frequency [see equation (6)3. However, this is not considered in this where plot. The material loss factor and the modulus mag- nitude are cross-plotted, and the reduced frequency, GM is the magnitude of the shear temperature, and frequency parameters do not oc- modulus; cur explicitly, No part of any scatter in this plot can be attributed to an imperfect temperature shift func- GR= G’ is the real (storage) modulus; tion. G,= G“ = GRqG is the imaginary (loss) modu- The loss factor versus modullJs magnitude logarith- lus; mic plot can reveal valuable information regarding q~ = tan & is the material loss factor in scatter of the experimental data. The width of the shear. band of data, as well as the departure of individual points from the centre of the band, are indicative of The concept holds for one-, two- and three- scatter. Acceptable scatter depends on the appli- dimensional states of stress and strain [z]. Develop- cation. Nothing is revealed about the accuracy of the ments similar to the above apply to Young’s temperature and frequency measurements or about modulus, E, to the bulk modulus, K, to the Lam6 any systematic error. 2 IS 14882:2000 ISO 10112:1991 Table 1 – Complex modulus data a~model NALF NA A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) A(6) o 0 Complex modulus model NVEM NB B(I) B(2) B(3) II(4) B(5) 8(6) 11 9 5,70 212 176 0,662 4,51OX 10-2 3,000X 10-2 B(7) B(8) B(9) B(1o) B(11) B(l2) 0,410 0,257 3,65 ------ Table 2 – Complex modulus data as a function of temperature and frequency Temperature Frequency CR G, a7m ‘~ (K) (Hz) (MPa) (MPa) 254,2 7,800 244,0 0,1300 31,72 2,7956 X 104 7“ 254,2 15,60 252,0 0,1140 28,73 2,7956 X 104 T 254,2 31,20 260,0 9,9700 x 10 2 25,92 2,7956 X 104 T 254,2 62,50 266,0 9,4100 x 102 25,03 2,7956 X 1047 254,2 125,0 275,0 9,4700 x 102 26,04 2,7956 X 104 T 254,2 250,0 281,0 7,2100 X 10-2 20,26 2,7956 X 1047’ 254,2 500,0 292,0 8,1600 x 10 2 23,83 2,7956 X 104 7 254,2 1000 337,0 7,0300 x 10 2 23,69 2,7956 X 104 T 273,2 7,800 77,30 0,6230 48,16 33,947’ 273,2 15,60 96,50 0,5410 52,21 33,947 273,2 31,20 119,0 0,4560 54,26 33,947 273,2 62,50 140,0 0,3850 53,90 33,94 1’ 273,2 125,0 162,0 0,3330 53,95 33,94 7 273,2 250,0 185,0 0,2590 47,92 33,94 T 273,2 500,0 206,0 0,2320 47,79 33,94 T 273,2 1000 242,0 0,2020 48,88 33,94 7 283,2 7,800 22,90 0,8920 20,43 2,825 T 283,2 15,60 30,70 0,8690 26,68 2,8257’ 283,2 31,20 42,10 0,8130 34,23 2,825 T 283,2 62,50 57,90 0,7310 42,32 2,825 T 283,2 125,0 77,30 0,6450 49,86 2,825 T 283,2 250,0 101,0 0,5320 53,73 2,8257’ 283,2 500,0 126,0 0,4610 58,09 2,625 T 283,2 1000 1 61,0 0,3880 62,47 2,825 T 292,2 7,800 11,10 0,7450 8,270 0,64467’ 292,2 15,60 14,00 0,8180 11,45 0,64467 292,2 31,20 18,30 0,8690 15,90 0,6446 T 292,2 62,50 24,80 0,8890 22,05 0,6446 T 292,2 125,0 34,60 0,8750 30,27 0,64467’ 292,2 250,0 48,90 0,7860 38,44 0,64461’ 292,2 500,0 68,00 0,7030 47,80 0,64467’ 292,2 1000 94,80 0,6110 57,92 0,6446 7“ 303,2 7,800 7,800 0,5520 4,306 0,1941 T 303,2 15,60 9,560 0,6610 6,319 0,1941 T 303,2 31,20 12,10 0,7620 9,220 0,1941 T 303,2 62,50 16,10 0,8560 J3,78 0,1941 7’ 303,2 125,0 22,30 0,9120 20,34 0,1941 7’ 303,2 250,0 30,70 0,8740 26,83 0,1941 T 303,2 500,0 45,60 0,8240 37,57 0,1941 T 303,2 1000 65,40 0,7470 48,85 0,1941 7’ 313,2 7,800 6,000 0,3510 2,106 4,3088 X 10-27’ 313,2 15,60 6,800 0,4480 3,046 4,3088 X 10 2T 313,2 31,20 7,940 0,5530 4,391 4,3088 X 10 2T 313,2 62,50 9,520 0,6610 6,293 4,3088 X 10-2 7’ 313,2 125,0 11,80 0,7750 9,145 4,3088 X 10-2 7’ 313,2 250,0 15,30 0,8450 12,93 4,3068 X 10-2 7’ 313,2 500,0 20,80 0,8970 18,66 4,3088 X 10-27’ 313,2 1000 30,20 0,8940 27,00 4,3088 X 102 7’ .... IS 14882:2000 ISO 10112:1991 Temperature Frequency GR qG G, ciflT) (K) (Hz) (MPa) (MPa) 333,2 7,800 5,000 0,1100 0,5500 5,0831 X 10-3 T 333,2 15,60 5,200 0,1520 0,7904 5,0831 X 10-3 T 333,2 31,20 5,480 0,2140 1,173 5,0831 X 10-3 T 333,2 62,50 5,890 0,2890 1,702 5,0831 X 10-3 T 333,2 125,0 6,450 0,3940 2,541 5,0831 X 10--3 T 333,2 250,0 7,280 0,5060 3,684 5,0831 X 10-3 T 333,2 500,0 8,690 0,6010 5,223 5,083J X AO-3T ..... 333,2 1000 11,00 0,8570 7,227 5,0831 X 10--3 T 353,2 7,800 4,950 3,2200 X 10-2 0,1594 7,6500x 10-4 T 3S3,2 15,60 5,010 4,5100 x 10-3 0,2260 7,6500x 10-4 T 353,2 31,20 5,0$0 7,0000x 10-3 0,3563 7,6500 X 10-4 T 353,2 62,50 5,210 0,1010 0,5262 7,6500 X 10-4 T 3S3,2 125,0 5,340 0,1580 0,8437 7,6500x 10-4 T 353,2 250,0 5,620 0,2360 1,326 7,6500x 10-4T 353,2 500,0 6,070 0,3170 1,924 7,6500 X 10--4 T 353,2 1O(X3 7,240 0,2680 2,085 7,6500 X 10-4 T 1 * S’ * * j 10-1 % !J * * ** * * ,*-2 1 10 102 ,03 Magnitude ofthe complex modulus, GM[MPa) Figure f – Data quality check IS 14882:2000 ISO 10112:1991 2.3 Temperature shift function a) the temperature shift function, a~7), has histori- cally had a central role; b) its slope, d(lg al-)/d T, is the crucial feature that Thk? set of complex modulus data itself implicitly causes data to be correctly shifted; and defines the temperature shift functio\n aT(7), pro- vided the experimental ranges of tem-\perature an\d\c) the apparent activation energy [z], AIi~, is of in- frequency are adequate. It is assumed that a single terest and is given by \\ temperature shift function is applicable. \ AHA= 2,303R7’2d(lg a7)/d7’ ...(13) ------ It is recommended that the following three functions where R is the gas constant be plotted for the experimental range of temperature (e.g., figure 2) because R = 0,00828 NkmlgmolK (14) 0.22 108 Ii 0,2 107 0,18 Iof’ ‘\ 0,16 \\ 10s \ \ \ \ O,lG ,OL “\ \ \ h:0.12 Uh103 \ \ \ \ \ B \ \ \ : 0,1 10z \ \ .. “.\ “. t 10 ‘.1 ‘. 0,08 1 0,06 If)-l 0,04 1()-2 0.02 1()-3 220 2140 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 Temperature (K) Key aT d(lgcz~/dT .—— —— apparentactivatimeneqy Figure 2 – Temperature shift function and its properties 5

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