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IS 14871: Products in Fibre Reinforced Cement - Long Corrugated or Asymmetrical Section Sheets and Fittings for Roofing and Cladding - PDF

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Preview IS 14871: Products in Fibre Reinforced Cement - Long Corrugated or Asymmetrical Section Sheets and Fittings for Roofing and Cladding -

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14871 (2000): Products in Fibre Reinforced Cement - Long Corrugated or Asymmetrical Section Sheets and Fittings for Roofing and Cladding - [CED 53: Cement Matrix Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14871:2000 W?69n7m wwumRmmihmG——— mvm’’?“l%Jl* fit TF$tWikl{ m WFm Tm6twt&---ff@f@ Indian Standard PRODUCTS IN FIBRE REINFORCED CEMENT — LONG CORRUGATED OR ASYMMETRICAL SECTION SHEETS AND FITTINGS FOR ROOFING AND CLADDING — SPECIFICATION ICS 91.100.40 @BIS 2000 BUREAU OF IN DIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 2000 . Price Group 7 Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee, CED 53 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee hadbeenapproved bytheCivil Engineering Division Council. This standard hasbeenformulated tofuifill theneedforaspecification ofnonasbestosfibre cement flatsheets. Specially formulated andtreated synthetic organic fibresandcellulose fibreshavebeenusedinpractices forthe manufacture of thisproduct. In theformulation of this standard, due weightage hasalsobeengiven totheinternational coordination among the standards and practices in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country. This hasbeen achieved byderiving assistance from: a) 1S0 9933:1995 Products infibre-reinforced cement—Longcorrugat&dorasymmertical sectionsheets andfittings forroofing andcladdhg, International Organization for Standardization b) 1S0 390:1993 Products infibre-reinforced cement—Sampling andinspection, International Organiza- tion for Standardization. The composition of thetechnical committee responsible forformulation ofthisstandard isgiven atAnnex E. For thepurpose ofdeciding whether aparticular requirement ofthis standard iscompiled with,the final value, observed orcalculated, expressing theresultofatestshallberounded offinaccordance withIS2:1960 ‘Rules forrounding offnumerical values(revised)’. Thenumber ofsignificant placesretained intherounded off value should be thesame asthatof thespecified value inthis standard. IS 14871:2000 Indian Standard PRODUCTS IN FIBRE REINFORCED CEMENT — LONG CORRUGATED OR ASYMMETRICAL SECTION SHEETS AND FITTINGS FOR ROOFING AND CLADDING — SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE levelwhichforthepurposes ofsampling inspection is the limitofasatisfactory process average’) 1.1 Thisstandardcoversthe requirements forstraight fibrecement profiled sheetsofmorethan0.9mlength, 3.4 As-Delivered — In the same condition as the and their fittings used as roofing and cladding producer intends to supply the product after materials. It also specifies tests for checking these completing all aspects of the process including characteristics aswell asmarking and conditions for maturing and whenappropriate, painting. acceptance. 3.5 Fibres 1.2 Some of these requirements may apply, after a) Discrete elements randomly dispersed, agreement between the manufacturer and the b) Continuous strands andtapes, and purchaser, tocurved corrugated sheets. c) Nets orwebs. 1.3 This standard does not apply to asbestos cement 3.6 Breaking Load — Maximum load achieved profiled sheets which arecovered byIS459. during the bending test and representing the load-bearing capacity of thesheets atthe testspan. 2 REFERENCES 4 SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND UNITS The Indian Standards given in Annex A contain For the purpose of this standard the following letter provisions which, through reference in this text, symbols shall have the meaning indicated against constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of each,whereothersymbolsareused,theyareexplained publication, the editions indicated were valid. All attheappropriate place. standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to a — Pitch ofthe corrugation, inmm investigate thepossibility ofappl ying themostrecent e,el, e2 — Thickness of thesheet, inmm editions of thestandards indicated i nAnnex A. f — Deflection,inmm,inthebreakingloadtest — Deflection, in mm, at 20 percent of the fo.2 3 TERMINOLOGY specified load inthebreaking loadtest For the purpose of this standard, the following fo.7 — Deflection, in mm, at 70 percent of the definitions shall apply. specified load inthebreaking loadtest A — h.7 -A.2s in mm 3.1 Acceptance Test — Test to establish whether a h — Height ofthecorrugation, inmm batchofproducts conforms toaspecification. Thetests hd — Height of the edge of the descending are performed on samples drawn either from corrugation atedge, inmm continuous production or from aconsignment. h — Height of the-edge of ascending om 3.2 Type Test — Test concerned with the approval corrugation atedge, inmm L — Ratio oftheestimation f, to1, of a new product and/or a fundamental change in formulation and/or method of manufacture from L1 — Upperestimationat95percentconfglence which the effects cannot be predicted on the basis of leveloftheresultMlinthewarmwatertest previous experience. L, — Lower estimation at 95 percent confidence level of the result M2in the Thetestisperformed ontheas-delivered product. The warm water test testisrequired todemonstrate conformity ofageneric 1,,12,[B — Lengths ofthe sheet, inmm product toaspecification. 1 — Clearspan, inmm, between the supports inthebreaking bending moment test 3.3 Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) — When a continuous series of lots are considered, the quality 1JA~m~lin~~che~~~ittrmAQLof4percentmeansthatbatches containingupto4pereentdefectiveitemshaveahighprobability ofacceptance. IS 14871:2000 WI,W’2—, Widths of the sheet, inmm pigments which are compatible with the fibre w~ reinforced cement may be added. The inorganic Ml — Average value of the test result of the hydraulic binder shall be either 33 grade ordinary control specimen of the first lot for the Portland cement conforming to IS 269 or 43 grade warm water test ordinary Portland cementconforming toIS811 2or53 Mz — Average value of the test result of the grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to specimens after the warm water test IS 12269orPortland pozzolana (flyashbased)cement m — Mass of the specimen, in g, after drying conforming toIS 1489(Part 1)orPortland pozzolana when determining the apparent density cement (calcined clay based) conforming to IS 1489 P — Breaking load, in N, for the bending (Part 2) or rapid hardening cement conforming to IS moment test 8041 or Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455. P, — Breaking loadper metre width, inN/m Flyash usedshallbeconforming toIS 3812. s, — Standard deviation ofthespecimens with NOTE—IncaseofPortlandpozzoksnacement andPortland average Ml slagcement,additionofpozzolanicmaterialsandslagshallnot S2 — Standard deviation ofthespecimens with bepermitted. average it42 5.2 General Appearance and Fhdsh v — Apparent volume, in cm3, of the Thesurfaceofthesheetsintended tobeexposed tothe specimens for theapparent density test weathershallbegenerally ofsmooth finish.Variations w — Width of the sheet for the breaking load of the surface appearance, due to the method of test inm manufacture, which do not impair the strength or we — Effective width performance ofthesheets, arepermitted. — Apparent densit~of specimen, ing/cm3 P The sheets may be left with their natural colour or 5 SHEETS colouring matter may be added in the composition. 5.1 General Composition They may also receive adherent coloured or uncolored coating intheir either sidesurfaces. The product shall be composed essentially of an inorganic hydraulic binder (see Note) or a calcium 5.3 Classification silicate binder formed by the chemical reaction of a 5.3.1 According toNominal Height of Corrugations siliceous (includes ground silica, pulverized fuel ash The sheets shall be of categories based on height of and amorphous silica) and calcareous material their corrugations, h (see Fig. 1) and minimum reinforced byorganic fibresandlorinorganic synthetic thickness, einaccordance withTable 1. fibres. Pozzolanic materials, process aids, tillers and 1- a -1 ~ SMOOTHFACE SMOOTHFACE ** FIG. 1 GENERALPROFILESOFLONGCORRUGATEDORASYMMETRICALSECTIONSHEETS 2 Is 14871:2000 Table 1 Category and Class (Minimum Breaking Load in N/m) (Clauses 5.3.1,5.3.3, C-1.2.1 and C-4) Category Minimum Class Thickness, A c \ e, mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A(15mm<h555mm) 3 6(N3 800 1000 1400 — — — — — — B(25mm<h<55mm) 4 — — 1000 1400 2000 2500 3300 — — — C(40mm<h<80mm) 4.5 — — — 1400 2000 2500 3300 4250 — — D(tX)orrn<h<150mrn) 5.5 — — — — — — 3300 4250 5600 7400 NC)TE—ThesheetsbeingcommonlymanufacturedinIndiaatthetimeofformulationofthisstandardfallunderCategoryBandC andClass7. 5.3.2 According to Thickness Standard dimensions for corrugated sheet shall include length, overall width, effective nominal Type A—The thickness of the sheets shall be thicknessofsheet,anddepthandpitchofcorrugations. approximately constant throughout the width of The profile and other dimensions shall be tested in profile (see Fig. 2). accordance withAnnex B. Type B—The thickness of the sheets shall vary regularly between the valley and the crown for Width corrugated sheets or between the lower part and the upper part of ribs for asymmetrical section sheets, in The width shall be the arithmetic average of Wl, W2 thesame cross-section (seeFig. 2). and Wjasshown inFig. 3. 5.3.3 According to Minimum Breaking LQadin Thickness Bending Foreachcategory ofsheettheminimum breaking load Each individual thickness measured according toB-3 requirement shall beasgiven inTable 1. ‘ shallnotbelessthan the values given inTable 1. 5.4 Characteristics Number of corrugations 5.4.1 Dimensions The number of corrugations to be considered for designation shall be the number of complete Within the provisions of this standard, the nominal corrugations of thesheet. dimensions shall be declared by the manufacturer. ---L f e -L ?- / -h TYPE-A e, ? Le, T el >e2 TYPE-B FIG.2 PROFILESWITHCONSTANTANDVARYINGTHICKNESS 3 IS 14871:2000 A Al Wz?Z d,,~ ~,+-, COAN;/AOL CAL,PE,,LC)CK FIG.3 ARRANGEMENTFORMEASUREMENTOFLENGTHANDWIDTHOFSHEET Tolerances on dimensions 5.4.2 Mechanical Characteristics Following tolerances shall apply to nominal NOTE— Fornon-roofing andcladding applications, alternative mechanical characteristics may be agreed between the dimensions given by the manufacturer: manufacturer and thepurchaser. a) Tolerance on pitch, a : load a<vsmm +4.0 When tested in accordance with Annex C, sheet shall -2.0 ‘m have abreaking load atleast equal to the requirements 75mm<a S180mm +6.0 specified in Table 1. -2.0 ‘m 180mm<a S260 mm +8.0 Defection -3.0mm When tested inaccordance with Annex C, the increase 260 mm< a +9.0 indeflectionfi, between applying 20 percent ~0,2)and -3.0mm 70 percent V0,7)of the load specifying the class shall Tolerance for pitch of corrugation relates to not exceed the conventional value, fgiven by the measurement over extreme corrugation. foilowing equation : b) Tolerance on height of corrugation, h : f = O.7X1O-3X+ 15mm ShS45mm *2mm 45mm ShS150mm +3 J = fo.7-fo.2 -5mm 5.4.3 Physical Characteristics c) Tolerances on length * 10 mm d) Tolerances onoverall Width andeffective width, With the exception of, these characteristics +10 shall bedetermined onproducts as-delivered wherever we .5 mm practical. The results are identified as applying to e) Tolerance on nominal thickness, e: t 10 per- coated or uncoated materials. Failure of the coating cent but not more than 10.6 mm ofthe nominal does not constitute failure of the product. thickness. Impermeability f) Out of squareness of sheets: less than 10mm. g) Tolerance on height of edges: The producer When tested in accordance with Annex D, traces of shall specify this tolerance in their literature moisture may appear on the under face of the sheet but when it is necessary to ensure the weather in no instance shall there be any formation of water drops during 24 hof the test. tightness of the roof, only for sheets having an ascending edge one side and adescending edge Frost resistance on the other side. Sheets for frost resistant application, shall be tested in accordance with Annex D. The sheets shall then be 4 IS 14871:2000 examined foranyvisiblecracks,delamination orother 6 FITTINGS defects inthesheets, which shallnotbeofadegree as 6.1 Composition toaffect their performance inuse. The fittings shall be of composition similar to the Apparent density sheets. The manufacturer shall indicate the nominal valueof 6.2 General Appearance and Finish theapparent density of the sheets. Fittings arecomponents withparticular shapes which When measured in accordance with Annex D, the are fitted to profiled sheets and complete the roofing sheets shall have an apparent density equal to this attheverge,ridgeandeavesorperform functions such value withatolerance of ~10 percent. asventilation, daylight-admission, etc. Warmwater Fittings shallhavestraight andcleanedges. They may When tested inaccordance withAnnex D,anyvisible have lappingjoints. They may be left in their natural cracks,delamination orotherdefectsinthesheetsshall colour or colouring matter may be added in the notbeofadegree astoaffecttheirperformance inuse. composition. Theymayalsoreceiveadherentcoloured oruncolored coatings ontheir surface. The specimens shall exhibit a ratio L. m defined in D-4.4 not less than 0.70. This is equivalent to a 6.3 Characteristics decrease inloadofnotmorethan 15percent whenthe 6.3.1 Dimensions coefficient of variation is 15percent. The fittings shall have dimensions and tolerances Heat-Rain appropriate for usewith their corresponding sheets. Whentested inaccordance withAnnexD.Anyvisible 6.3.2 Physical Characteristics cracks,delamination orotherdefectsinthesheetsshall notbeofadegree astoaffecttheirperformance inuse. Frost resistance (type characteristics) 5.5 Tests This testshallbecarried out forthe fittings tobeused 5.5.1 Acceptance Tests with sheetsmeant for frost resistant applications. The following acceptance tests shall becarried out at When testedasspecified in6.3.2.2 (optional test),any the manufacturers works on sheets as-delivered, the visible cracks, delamination or other defects in the maturity of which isguaranteed by themanufacturer. fittings should not be of a degree as to affect their Sampling levels and acceptance criteria shall be as performance inuse. defined in8. These characteristics shallbedetermined onproducts Compulsory tests as-delivered wherever practical. The results are identified asapplying tocoated oruncoated materials. a) Dimensions (Annex B), and Failure ofthecoating doesnotconstitute failureofthe b) Mechanical characteristics : breaking load product. (Annex C). 5.5.L2 Optional tests (atpurchaser’s request) 63.2.2 Frost resistance test Apparent density (Annex D). The specimens shallbecutfrom complete fittings and shall be approximate y 200 mm by 200 mm. The 5.5.2 Type Tests apparatus shallbethesame asfor the sheets. These type tests should be repeated every five years Submitfivespecimenscutfromdifferent fittingstothe andlor whenever required in accordance with 3.2. same freeze/thaw cycle as for the sheets. After the These tests shall be: cycles are completed, examine them with the naked a) Mechanical characteristics : deflection eye for cracks, delamination or other defects and (Annex C), record anyobservations. Theresultcomplies withthis b) Impermeability (Annex D), standard iftheobservations areinaccordance withthe c) Frost resistance (Annex D), requirements given in6.3.2.1. d) Warm water (Annex D), and 7 MARKING e) Heat-Rain (Annex D). 7.1 Each sheet/ fitting shall be indelibly stamped or Frost resistance, warm water and heat-rain tests are marked by any suitable method, with the following optional testsaspertherequirements ofthepurchaser. information: 5

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