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Preview IS 14812: Automotive Vehicles - Rear Underrun Protective Device - General Requirements

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14812 (2005): Automotive Vehicles - Rear Underrun Protective Device - General Requirements [TED 6: Automotive Body, Chassis, Accessories and Garage Equipments] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14812:2005 wmmTEm-ftmi3?mw@fa7— 3TbH1-q WmT=4 j@m ( %wl ) Indian Standard AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES — REAR UNDERRUN PROTECTIVE DEVICE — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (First Revision) ICS43.040.60 C) BIS2005 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 January 2005 Price Group 3 Automotive Body, Chassis, Accessories andGarage Equipment Sectional Committee, TED 6 FOREWORD ThisIndian Standard (First Revision) wasadopted bytheBureau ofIndian Standards, afterthedraft finalized by the Automotive Body, Chassis, Accessories and Garage Equipment Sectional Committee had been approved by the Transport Engineering Division Council. Thepurpose ofthisstandard istoofferprotection againstunderrunning of M2,M3,N2,N3,T3andT4categories of vehicles inthe event of rear collision with vehicles of categories M1,N1;two and three wheelers with low height. Inthisrevision categories ofvehicles areidentified whereprotection isoffered against underunning andtheterm two wheeler have been included inplace ofscooter andmotor cycles. Inthepreparation ofthis standard considerable assistancehasbeenderived from ECERegulation 58,Revision 1 (Incorporating the 01 series of amendments) – Uniform Provisions concerning the Approval of a) Rear Underrun Protective Devices (RUPDS), b) Vehicles with regard tothe Installation ofanRUPD of anApproved Type, c) Vehicles with regard totheir Rear Underrun Protection (RUP). The composition ofthe Committee responsible for formulation ofthis standard isgiven inAnnex B. For the purpose ofdeciding whether aparticular requirement ofthis standard iscomplied with, the final value, ‘ observedorcalculated,expressingtheresultofatestoranalysis,shallberoundedoffinaccordancewith IS2:1960 ‘Rulesforrounding offnumerical values(revisec$’. The number ofsignificant placesretained intherounded off value should be the sameasthat ofthe specified value inthis standard. r. ........ IS 14812:2005 Indian Standard AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES — REAR UNDERRUN PROTECTIVE DEVICE — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (First Revision) 1 SCOPE do not differ withrespect to the essentialpoints asthe widthoftherearaxle,thestructure,thedimensions,the 1.1 This standard applies to the rear underrun shape,andthe materialsof therear part of the vehicle, protection offered by complete vehicles ofcategories thecharacteristicsofthesuspensioninsofarastheyhave M2, M3, N2, N3, T3 and T4 as defined in IS 14272 abearingontherequirementsspecifiedin3. (Part 1) :1995 ‘Automotive Vehicles — Types — Terminology: Part 1— Three and four wheelers’. 2.3Unladen Vehicle — Meansthevehicle inrunning order, unoccupied and unladen but complete with 1.2 Thisstandard isnotapplicable tothetractive units coolant, lubricant, tools, aspare wheel (if provided as forarticulated vehicles,trailers specially designed and standard equipment bythe vehicle manufacturer) and constructed for the carriage of very long loads of 90percent fuel. indivisible length, such astimber, steel bars, etc, and vehicles where Rear Underrun Protection Device 2.4Maximum Weight ofVehicle— Meanstheweight (RUPD) isincompatible with their use. stated by the vehicle manufacturer to be technically permissible. 1.3 This standard applies to: 2.5 Rear Underrun Protective Device — Means 1.3.1 Rear Underrun Protective Devices which are components whose combined function satisfies the intended tobefitted tovehicles ofcategories M2,M3, requirements setout in3.3 and 3.4. N2,N3, T3and T4 asdefined inIS 14272(Part 1). 1.3.2 The installation on vehicles of categories M2, 3GENERAL REQUIREMENT M3, N2, N3, T3 and T4 of Rear Underrun Protective 3.1 The vehicles shall be so constructed and/or Devices which have been type approved by this equipped as to offer effective protection over their standard. whole width against underrunning tlom the rear by 1.3.3 Vehicles of categories M2, M3,N2, N3, T3 and vehicles of categories Ml and N1and two and three T4 equipped with an RUPD which has not been wheelers with lowheight. separatelyapprovedbythisstandardorsodesignedandl 3.2 Any vehicle in the categories M2, M3, N2, N3, orequipped thatitscomponent partscanberegardedas T3 or T4 shall be deemed to satisfy the condition set totally orpartially fulfilling the function ofRUPD. out in3.1 provided that: 1.4 Purpose 3.2.1 Vehicles inthe categories M2 and M3; The purpose of this standard is to offer effective Satisfiestheconditions setoutin3.3and3.4;or protection against underrunning of vehicles covered under this standard inthe event of rear collision with If the ground clearance of the rear part of the vehicles of categories Ml and N1; two and three unladen vehicle does not exceed 550 mm for M2 and wheelers with lowheight. 700 mm for M3 category over a width which is not shorterthanthatoftherear axlebymorethan 100mm 2TERMINOLOGY oneither side(excluding anytyre bulging close tothe ground). 2.1 Vehicle — Means anymotor vehicle intended for use on the road, with or without bodywork, having Where there are more than one rear axle, the width to atleast four wheels and a maximum design speed be considered isthat of the widest. exceeding 25 km/h and itstrailers with the exception Where the device iscontained inorcomprised by“the for vehicles which run on rails, agricultural tractors vehicle bodywork which itself extends beyond the and construction machinery. width of the rear axle the requirement that the RUP 2.2Vehicle Type —Meansacategoryofvehicleswhich shallnot exceed that ofthe rear axle shall not apply. 1 IS 14812:2005 This requirement shall besatisfied at leastonalineat 3.3.2 Thewidth ofthedevice shall atnopoint exceed a distance of not more than 400 mm from the rear the width ofthe rear axle measured atthe outer most extremity ofthe vehicle. points ofthewheel, excluding the bulging ofthe tyres closetotheground, nor shall itbe more than 100mm One such recommended RUPD configuration for M3 shorter on either side. where there is more than one buses isgiven inAnnex A, asan example. rearaxle,thewidthtobeconsidered isthatofthewidest 3.2.2 Vehicle inthe categories N2, N3, T3 and T4. rear axle. Where the device is contained in or comprised by the vehicle body work which itself Vehicle isequipped withaspecialrearunderrun extends beyond the width of the rear axle the protective device inaccordance withtherequirements requirement that the RUP must not exceed that of the of 3.3 and 3.4. rear axle shallnot apply. The vehicle issodesigned and/or equipped at 3.3.3 The section height of the cross-members shall therearthatbyvirtue oftheirshapeandcharacteristics, benotlessthan 100mm.The lateralextremities ofthe its component parts can be regarded asreplacing the cross-membersshallnotbendtotherearorhaveasharp rear underrun protective device, Components whose outer edge; this condition isfulfilled when the lateral combined function satisfies the requirements set out extremities of the cross-member are rounded on the in3.3 and 3.4 are considered to form arear underrun outside and have a radius of curvature not less than protective device. 2.5 mm. 3.3 Adevice forprotection againstunderrunning from 3.3.4 The device may beso designed that its position the rear, generally consists of a cross-member and atthe rear ofthe vehicle can be varied. Inthis event, linking components connected to the chassis side there shall be a guaranteed method of securing it i~ members or to whatever replaces them. It shall have the service position sothat any unintentional change the following characteristics: of position is precluded. It shall be possible for the 3.3.1 The device shall be fitted asclose tothe rear of operator tovarytheposition ofthedevice byapplying the vehicle aspossible. When the vehicle isunladen, aforce not exceeding 40daN. the lower edge ofthe device shall atnopoint bemore than 550 mm above the ground for M2, N2, N3, T3 3.4 Performance Requirements and Evaluation or T4 categories of vehicles. In case of M3 category 3.4.1 Thedeviceshallofferadequateresistancetoforces of vehicles, the lower edge of the device shall at no applied parallel tothe longitudinal axis of the vehicle, point be more than 700 mm above the ground (see andbeconnected,whenintheserviceposition withthe Fig. 1). chassissidemembers orwhatever replaces them. n. Maximum 550 or700 mm asapplicable UNLADEN All dimensionisnmillimetres. NOTE — The exact transverse location of points P, andP2istobespecified bythe manufacturer within the limits shown. FIG. 1 POSITIONOFREAR UNDERRUNPROTECTIVEDEVICE ANDTHERESISTANCE POINTSPi, Pz ANDP3 2 ... ,.. .k 1S 14812:2005 Thisrequirement shallbesatisfiedifitisshown b) On a part of the chassis of the vehicle type thatbothduringandaftertheapplication,thehorizontal forwhichtheRUPDisintended;thispartshall distance between the rear of the device and the rear be representative of the vehicle type(s) in extremity of the vehicle does not exceed 400 mm at question; or anyofthepointsP,, PzandP3(see Fig. 1).Inmeasuring c) On arigid test bench. this distance, any part of the vehicle which is more than3mabovetheground whenthevehicle isunladen Incaseof(a) and(b) above, the parts used to shall be excluded. connect the RUPD to part of vehicle chassis or to the rigid bench shall be equivalent to Point P, are located 300 + 25 mm from the those which are used to secure the RUPD longitudinal planes tangential to the outer edgesof the when itisinstalled onthe vehicle. wheelsontherearaxle;pointPzwhicharelocatedonthe linejoining point PI, are symmetrical to the median Test conditions for vehicles longitudinalplaneofthevehicleatadistanceffomeach other of 700 to 1000 mm inclusive,the exactposition a) The vehicle shall be at rest on a level, flat, being specified bythe manufacturer. The heightabove rigid and smooth surface. thegroundofpointsP, andP2(seeFig. 1)shallbedefined b) Thefrontwheelsshallbeinthestraight-ahead bythevehiclemanufacturerwithinthelinesthatbound position. the device horizontally. Theheight shallnot, however, c) The tyres shall be inflated to the pressure exceed 600 mm when the vehicle isunladen.P3is the recommended bythe vehicle manufacturer. centrepointofthestraightlinejoining pointP2. d) The vehicle may, ifnecessary to achieve the 3.4.2 A horizontal force equal to 12.5percent of the test forces required, be restrained by any maximum technically permissibleweightofthevehicle method, this method to be specified by the butnot exceeding 25kNshallbeapplied successively vehicle manufacturer. to both points P, and to point P3. e) Vehicles equipped with hydropneumatic, 3.4.3 A horizontal force equal to 50 percent of the hydraulicorpneumatic suspensionoradevice maximumtechnically permissibleweightofthevehicle forautomatic levellingaccording toloadshall butnotexceeding 100kNshallbeappliedsuccessively be tested in the normal running condition to both points Pz. specified by the manufacturer. 3.4.4Theforcesspecified in3.4,2and3.4.3aboveshall beapplied separately, onthesameguard. Theorder in The specified forces shall be applied by rams which the forces are applied may be specified by the which are suitably articulated (for example by means manufacturer. ofuniversaljoints) andshall beparallel tothe median longitudinal planeofthevehicleviaasurface notmore 3.4.5 Whenever apractical test i s performed toverify than 250 mm in height (the exact height shall be compliance withtheabovemetioned requirements, the indicatedbythemanufacturer) and200mmwide, with following conditions shall be fulfilled: aradius ofcurvature of5+ 1mmatthe vertical edges; Test conditions for RUPDS thecentreofthesurface isplaced successively atpoint At the request of the manufacturer the test may be Pi, Pzand P,. conducted either: 3,4.6 At the request of manufacturer and with the a) On a vehicle of the type for which the test consent of testing agency the test procedure RUPD isintended; inthiscasethe conditions described in 3.4.1 to 3.4.5 may be simulated by set out in3.4.5.2 shall be observed; or calculations. . ...” ANNEX A (Clause 100(App~$#k!ATIYE DIMN.) \CHASSIS FRAME(RSAR) .. El I ~ o m -.’~ \ /’ Ad \ SECTION -AA DETAIL; AT ‘C’ , ~untiLEBwcwTORyp,-NcUP I HOLES ONC~3S BOTTOM FLANGE CHASSIS FRAME MBRLH 1I &WSB WE OUTOF S.0mm T313C — STEEL PUTFS ARETOBEUSSO FOR ‘-- SUPPORT3NC THERUFD STRUC3JTMr ~+ RECOMMENDED !TITWCTURS (lt5FSR DETAILS AT‘D’) ;+ / / 1 VIEW ON”ARROW- ‘B’ --------.—. ASPARTOFBUSBODY~ FUNCTION ASRSAR uNDER RUNPROTEC3TON DEYICE (EEEDETAIL-’3PROW~) BR3DCING CHANNEL -3 NOS. REARVIEW —SOSQ,TOBE x2.SmmTHK.-. ~ EY2?22:;;WLATE ANT TO‘(7 SHAPE) 6 1 , l f! 1 IWV---1-1 \\//\\ I e’ ~oLss*13.0F0RM12 FA.STEN*RS ==== DETAILS OFRECOMMENDEDSTRUCTURE MATL STEELTO1SS061 DETAILSAT‘D’ All dimensions inmiilimetres. TYPICAL RECO MMENDEDRUPD CONFIGURATIONFORM3 CATEGORY Bus FORDIMENSIONALREQUIREMENTS IS 14812:2005 ANNEX B (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Automotive Body, Chassis, Accessories andGarage Equipment Sectional Committee. TED 6 Organization Representative(s) Automotive Research Association of India, Pune SHRJBALRAIBHANOT(Chairman) Smu S. M. HARGAPURKA(ARlternate) Ashok Leyland Ltd, Chennai SHR1C. B. S. MENON SHRJK. HARJKRJSHNA(MNternafe) Association State Road Transport Undertakings, New Delhi DIRECTOR(TECHNICAL) Autoliv IFB India Ltd, Bangalore SHRJV. RAGHU SHRJS. RANGARAJA(NAlternate) Automotive Component Manufacturers Association, New Delhi ASSISTANDTIRECTOR Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune SmuT. M. BALARAMAN SHRJV. M. MANEL(Alterrrale) Bajaj Tempo Ltd, Pune SHRJP. R. SHJVARAMAN SHRJA. M. KULKARN(IAherrraie) Central Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute (CFMITI), SHRIS. C. JAIN P.O. Budni (M.P.) Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune SHRJN. R. KACHARE SHRJP. S. MUNOL(JAlternate) Controllerate of Quality Assurance (Vehicles), Ahmednagar JomT CONTROLLE(RID-B) DEPUTYCONTROLLE(IRD-B) (Alferrrale) Eichrx Motors Ltd, Pitharnpur SHRJRAJJNDERS. SACFUXWA SFOUVIMALMULCHANDA(MAlfernate) General Motors India Pvt Ltd, Halol GENERALMANAGER(R&D) Institute of Road Traffic Eduction (IRTE), New Delhi SHRJROHJTBALUJA Jaico Automobile Engineering Pvt Ltd, Bangalore SHRJVJNAYKULKARNI JCBL, Lalru (Punjab) SHRJSANDEEPDEwm_r Ku Rajshree Parmra Memorial Foundati on, Pune SHJUCHANOMAML. PARMAR Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation, Mumbai SHSUP. N. RAJGOPADHVE SHRJKARATE(Alternate) Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Nashik SHRJB. BHAUMJK SHRJR. V. DESHMUK(HAlternate) Maruti Udyog Ltd, Gurgaon SHRJP. AGRAWAL SJUUR. K. PARMJOO(Alternate) Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, New Delhi SHRJB. N. DAS SHRJR. K. JAISWAL(Alternate) Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi SHRJALOKRAWAT Neptune Equipments (P) Ltd, Mumbai SHRJS. P. SHAH Office of the Transport Commissioner, Mumbai SHRJS. B. SAHASRAaUDHE Ordnance Factory Board, Vehicle Factory, Kolkata SHRJK. N. ARYA SrouM. L. SUD(Alternate) Rubby Coach Builders Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRJMANOJD. KAPASHI SHJUMATMJANJAJUM. KAPASH(JAherrrate) Small Scale Industries, New Delhi SHRJJ. K. ARYA Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures (SIAM), New Dehli SHRJATANUGANGUU SHRJSOMJTSHARMA(Alternate) Sutlej Motors Ltd, Jalandhar SHRJK. S. WILKHU 5

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