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IS 14713: Synthetic (Fused) Mullite and Alumina Grains for Refractory Industry PDF

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Preview IS 14713: Synthetic (Fused) Mullite and Alumina Grains for Refractory Industry

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14713 (1999): Synthetic (Fused) Mullite and Alumina Grains for Refractory Industry [MTD 13: Ores and Raw Materials] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Zndian Standard SYNTHETIC(FUSED)MULLITEANDALUMINA GRAINSFORREFRACTORYINDUSTRY- SPECIFICATION SCI 81.080 0 SIB 1999 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS KANAM ,NAVAHB 9 RUDAHAB HAHS RAFAZ GRAM WEN IHLED 110002 July 1999 Price Group 1 Ores dna Raw slairetaM lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTM 13 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the Ores dna Raw slairetaM lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the lacigrullateM gnireenignE noisiviD Council. htiW the noitadargpu of leets ygolonhcet dna other process ,seirtsudni there si na egruspu ni the stnemeriuqer of hgih ytirup seirotcarfer for lacitirc .snoitacilppa ,revoeroM htiw the dipar noitelped of tnatropmi yllarutan gnirucco ,slarenim the erutcafunam dna ylppus of these lacitirc seirotcarfer ot lla seirtsudni has emoceb a .tniartsnoc htiW the evoba ni ,weiv the tnemeriuqer of citehtnys aggregate for foerutcafunam laiceps seirotcarfer lliw eb no esaercni ni gnimoc .sraey ehT gniwollof two citehtnys hgih ytirup slairetam evah neeb dedulcni ni siht :dradnats a) etilluM deretniS( dna ,)desuf dna )b animulA deretniS( dna .)desuf esehT sniarg are ylniam citehtnys slairetam dna deifissalc rednu two ,spuorg ,yleman desuF sniarG dna deretniS .sniarG ,revewoH ni siht dradnats yltneserp ylno desuf etillum dna desuf animula are .derevoc ehT deretnis grade sniarg dluow eb derevoc after slairetam are yllaicremmoc elbaliava htiw evitaler lacinhcet .sliated roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun eulav (revised)‘. ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats SI 14713 : 19’)‘) Indian Standard SYNTHETIC(FUSED)MULLITEANDALUMINA GRAINSFORREFRACTORYINDUSTRY- SPECIFICATION 1 EPOCS 5 GNILPMAS sihT dradnats seificeps the stnemeriuqer of citehtnys 5.1 Lot etillum dna animula sniarg ni desuf smrof desu for the erutcafunam of shaped or depahsnu .seirotcarfer nI yna ,tnemngisnoc lia the sgab gniniatnoc yrotcarfer sniarg of the emas epyt dna grade, derutcafunam yb 2 SECNEREFER the emas epyt dna grade, derutcafunam yb the emas ehT gniwollof sdradnats niatnoc snoisivorp hcihw mrif rednu ralimis snoitidnoc of noitcudorp llahs he hguorht ecnerefer ni siht text, etutitsnoc noisivorp of depuorg together ot etutitsnoc a .tol ehT mumixam siht .dradnats tA the emit of ,noitacilbup the snoitide ssam of yna ,tol ,revewoh llahs eb detimil ot 25 detacidni were .dilav llA sdradnats are tcejbus ot .sennot noisiver dna seitrap ot tnemeerga desab no siht dradnats are degaruocne ot etagitsevni the ytilibissop 5.2 elpmaS eziS of gniylppa _^. - the tsom tnecer snoitide of the sdradnats roF gnitelpmoc lla the tests, a nruminim ytitnauq 01‘ detacidni :woleb tuoba 50 kg si deriuqer as .elpmas sA these sniarg are SI No. Title yllamron deilppus in 50 kg HDPE or enehtyloP JcniL or etuj ,sgab the ytitnauq denoitnem woleb llahs eb :7831 1993 lareneG stnemeriuqer for the ylppus detceles at modnar morf the tol no gniwollof :sisab of lacigrullatem slairetam dnoces( revision) Lot Size Quantity: kg 4041 : 1987 yrassolG of smret gnitaler ot -carfer yrot slairetam pU ot 5 sennot 50 revO 5 sennot pu ot 10 sennot I 00 3 YGOLONIMRET Over 10 sennot pu ot 25 sennot 200 3.1 roF the esoprup of siht ,dradnats the noitinifed of 5.3 ehT detceles ytitnauq llahs eb deitpme no a smret nevig ni SI 4041 dna the gniwollof snoitinifed elbatius yrd ecafrus dna the lairetam eb ylhguoroht llahs .ylppa dexim dna decuder ot 50 kg yb gninoc dna .gniretrauq 3.2 deretniS yrotcarfeR sniarG sihT lanif elpmas llahs eb dedivid yllauqe otni three deretniS sniarg are decudorp yb heat tnemtaert at test selpmas yb evisseccus gninoc dna .gniretrauq detavele erutarepmet tuohtiw lautca gnitlem of the esehT test selpmas llahs eb used for suoirav tests hcus ssam dna yltneuqesbus dehsurc dna graded ot get as niarg ,ytisned dna tnerappa ytisorop lacimehc.dna mumitpo sniarg ,htgnerts ytisorop dna ,ytisned .sisylana etisiuqer phase dna dellortnoc niarg growth. tI yam eb deton that the emas elpmas yam eb desu lof 3.3 desuF sniarG erom naht eno test fi ti si dettimrep yb evitcepser test desuF sniarg are decudorp yb lautca gnitlem of the .sdohtem ssam evoba sti gnitlem egnar dna delooc :ylwols yltneuqesbus dehsurc dna graded. 5.4 llA the test selpmas tested for suoirav lacisyhp dna 4 SEDARG lacimehc scitsiretcarahc llahs teem the gnidnopserroc stnemeriuqer for ecnatpecca eht’lo .tol citehtnyS etillum dna animula sniarg ni desuf smrof hdte neeb deifissalc otni three grades as :swollof 6 .LACIMEHC NOITISOPMOC Gmde ehT lacimehc noitisopmoc of the desuf etillum dna FM etilluM sniarg )desuf( animula llahs eb as nevig ni elbaT 1. ehT dohtem of FBA animulA nworb desuf test llahs eb as agreed ot neewteb the resahcrup dna FWA animulA etihw desuf the .reilppus IS 14713 : 1999 Table 1 Chemical Composition of Fused Mullite Table 2 Physical Properties of Fused Mullite and Fused Alumina Grains and Fused Alumina Grains (Clause 6) (Clurfse 7) IS Grade Chemical Analysis )tnecreP( Sl Grade Grain Apparent .oN Designation , \ No. Designation Density Porosity AlrO? Si02 Fez03 Nan0 cao g/cc (Min) Percent (M[r.rj )1( )2( )3( (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) 0-J (3) (4) 9 MF 81-47 62-22 03.0 04.0 - il MF 58.2 1 o. MUX Ma*- ii) FBA 53.3 I o. ii) FBA 59 I o. 2.0 2.0 8.0 iii) FWA 05.3 I o. Min Max MUX MUX MUX ii) FWA 99 2.0 2.0 3.0 9 PACKING Min Max MUX Max lairetaM llahs eb deilppus ni enehtylop denil or HDPE 7 PHYSICAL TESTS sgab gniniatnoc 50 kg. ehT lacisyhp stnemeriuqer of the desuf etillum dna 10 MARKING desuf animula llahs eb as nevig ni elbaT 2. ehT dohtem of tests llahs eb yllautum agreed ot neewteb ehT gnikcap gniniatnoc the lairetam llahs eb dekram the resahcrup dna the .reilppus htiw the :gniwollof 8 PARTICLE SIZE a) s’rerutcafunaM ,eman desuF etillum dna animula sniarg llahs eb deilppus ni )b edarg/epyT or yrotcarfer ,sniarg dna ezis as yllautum agreed ot neewteb the resahcrup dna c) Net .thgiew the .reilppus Bureau of Indian Standards SIB si a yrotutats noitutitsni dehsilbatse rednu the Bureau of hdian Standards Act, 1986 ot etomorp suoinomrah tnempoleved of the seitivitca of ,noitazidradnats gnikram dna ytilauq noitacifitrec of goods dna gnidnetta ot detcennoc srettam ni the .yrtnuoc Copyright SIB has the thgirypoc of lla sti .snoitacilbup No part of these snoitacilbup yam eb decudorper ni yna mrof tuohtiw the roirp noissimrep ni gnitirw of .SIB sihT does ton edulcerp the free ,esu ni the esruoc of gnitnemelpmi the ,dradnats of yrassecen ,sliated hcus as slobmys dna ,sezis epyt or grade .snoitangised seiriuqnE gnitaler ot thgirypoc eb addressed ot the rotceriD ,)snoitacilbuP( .SIB Review of Indian-Standards stnemdnemA are deussi ot sdradnats as the deen sesira no the sisab of .stnemmoc sdradnatS are osla deweiver ;yllacidoirep a dradnats gnola htiw stnemdnema si demriffaer nehw hcus weiver setacidni that on segnahc are ;dedeen fi the weiver setacidni that segnahc are ,dedeen ti si nekat pu for .noisiver sresU of naidnI sdradnatS dluohs niatrecsa that yeht are ni noissessop of the tsetal stnemdnema or noitide yb gnirrefer ot the tsetal eussi of SIB‘ ’koobdnaH dna :sdradnatS‘ ylhtnoM .’snoitiddA sihT naidnI dradnatS has depolevedneeb morf Dot : No. DTM 13 ( 3987 ). Amendments Issued Since Publication dnemA No. Date of eussI txeT detceffA UAERUB FO NAIDNI SDRADNATS :sretrauqdaeH kanaM ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg, New ihleD 110 002 smargeleT : ahtsnaskanaM senohpeleT : 323 01 3 1,323 33 75, 323 94 02 nommoC( ot lla )seciffo lanoigeR seciffO : enohpeleT lartneC : kanaM ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg 323 76 17 WEN IHLED 110 002 323 38 41 nretsaE : 41/l .C .T.I emehcS IIV M, V. .I .P Road, ihcagruknaK 3378499,3378561 ATTUCLAC 700 054 337 86 26,337 91 20 nrehtroN : 0CS ,633-533 Sector ,A-43 HRAGIDNAHC 160 022 60 38 43 1 602025 nrehtuoS : .C .I .T ,supmaC VI Cross Road, IANNEHC 600 113 1 235 02 16,235 04 42 235 15 19,235 23 15 nretseW : ,ayalakanaM E9 ,CDIM ,loraM irehdnA (East) { 832 92 95,832 78 58 IABMUM 400 093 832 78 91,832 78 92 sehcnarB : .DABADAMHA .EROLAGNAB .LAPOHB .RAWHSENABUHB .EROTABMIGC .DABADIRAF .DABAIZAHG .ITAHAWUG .DABAREDYH .RUPIAJ .RUPNAK .WONKCUL .RUPGAN .ANTAP .ENUP .TOKJAR .MARUPAHTNANAVURIHT detnirP at : tahbarP tesffO~ ,sserP weN 2-ihleD c

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