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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14707 (1999): Methyl Acrylate [PCD 9: Organic Chemicals Alcohols and Allied Products and Dye Intermediates] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS14707 :1999 Indian Standard LYHTEM ETALYRCA - NOITACIFICEPS ICS 71.080.01 0 BIS 1999 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 1999 Price Group 3 cinagrO slacimehC )suoenallecsiM( lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DCP 9 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the cinagrO slacimehC )suoenallecsiM( lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the ,muelorteP laoC dna detaleR stcudorP noisiviD .licnuoC lyhteM etalyrca si decudorp yb the noitacifiretse of cilyrca dica or yb .elirtinolyrca tI has elitasrev esu ni the gnirutcafunam of suoirav ciremylop sniser dna .serbit tI si desu for gnicudorp lyhtemylop ,etalyrcahtem desu as rehtael .srednib tI has na tnatropmi elor as water tnemtaert slacimehc for noitacifirup dna ti osla smrof a part of egnahcxe-noi .sniser lyhteM etalyrca si a elbammalf .diuqil stI sruopav nac mrof evisolpxe serutxim htiw ria dna are ylralucitrap .tnatirri tI dluohs eb kept yawa morf heat secruos dna slacimehc that nac esuac sti noitaziremylop yltneloiv gnivlove elbaredisnoc heat. elbaredisnoC ecnatsissa has neeb devired morf the gniwollof lanoitanretnI noitacificeps ni noitaraperp of siht .dradnats MTSA D 0891-4631 tseT dohtem for water ni elitalov stnevlos MTSA D 16 -31 1985 tseT dohtem for ytidica ni elitalov stnevlos MTSA D 3891-5213 tseT dohtem for MEHQ ni sselruoloc ciremonom etalyrca esters dna cilyrca sdica MTSA D 4891-2633 tseT dohtem for ytirup of etalyrca esters yb gas yhpargotamorhc MTSA D 789l-9074 noitacificepS for lyhtem etalyrca roF‘ the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav .‘)desiver( ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 14707 : 1999 Indian Standard LYHTEM ETALYRCA - NOITACIFICEPS c) Batch ,rebmun ni code or esiwrehto ot -ne 1 SCOPE elba the tol of erutcafunam ot eb traced kcab sihT dradnats sebircserp the stnemeriuqer dna morf ;sdrocer dna the sdohtem of gnilpmas dna test for lyhtem .etalyrca 4 Net ssam of the .lairetam 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES Table 1 Requirements for Methyl Acrylate (Clause 3) ehT gniwollof naidnI sdradnatS are yrassecen stcnujda ot siht .dradnats ehT sdradnats niatnoc snoisivorp Sl Characteristic Require- Method of hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni siht text etutitsnoc No. ment Test, Ref to snoisivorp of siht .dradnats tA the emit of ,noitacilbup I h 7 the snoitide detacidni were .dilav llA sdradnats are Annex ISNo. tcejbus ot ,noisiver dna seitrap ot stnemeerga desab (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) no siht dradnats are degaruocne ot etagitsevni the i) ,yassA tnecrep yb ,ssam h4in 99.5 A - ytilibissop of gniylppa the tsom tnecer snoisiver of ii) ytidicA sa( cilyrca ,)dica 10.00 B - the sdradnats detacidni .woleb tnecrep yb ,ssam xaM iii) ,ruoloC oC-tP ,elacs xaM 00.02 - 8678 SI No. eltiT )vi ,retaW tnecrep yb ,ssam 02.00 - 2632 265 : 1987 cirolhcordyH dica (third revision) MUX 1070 : 1992 retaW tnegaer grade (third revision) v) srotibihnI sa( lyhtem 021 c - 2362 : 1973 noitanimreteD of water yb lraK ,)enoniuqordyhrehte mpp Max rehcsiF dohtem (f;rsr revision) 4905 : 1968 Methods for modnar gnilpmas 4.2.1 BIS Certification Marking 8768 : 1988 Method of tnemerusaem of ruoloc ni diuqil lacimehc stcudorp ni nezah ehT sreniatnoc yam osla eb dekram htiw the dradnatS stinu tsrif( revision) ehT.kraM esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb the snoisivorp of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 3 REQUIREMENTS 1986 dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT lyhtem etalyrca llahs ylpmoc htiw the sliateD of snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil for the stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT 1. esu of the dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam or ,srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf the 4 PACKING AND MARKING uaeruB of naidnI .sdradnatS 4.1 Packing 5 SAMPLING sA agreed ot neewteb resahcrup dna .reilppus gnilpmaS llahs eb enod as nevig ni xennA D. 4.2 Marking 6 QUALITY OF REAGENTS ehT lairetam llahs eb ylbigel dekram htiw the sselnU deificeps ,esiwrehto erup slacimehc dna gniwollof :noitamrofni dellitsid water (see SI 1070) llahs eb deyolpme ni a) emaN of the ;lairetam tests. )b noitacidnI of ecruos of ;erutcafunam ETON - eruP‘ ’slacimehc llahs naem slacimehc taht od ton niatnoc seitirupmi hcihw tceffa eht stluser .sisylanafo SI 14707 : 1999 ANNEX A elbaT[ 1, lS .oN (i)] DETERMINATION OF ASSAk A-l GENERAL Detector kcolb 240 reirraC gas muileH sihT test dohtem srevoc the noitanimreted of the ytirup of lyhtem etalyrca yb gas yhpargotamorhc ,dna ni etarwolF nim/lm 80 ,noitidda sedivorp a snaem for gnirusaem niatrec lacipyT noitneter ,emit nim 9.6 seitirupmi hcus as slohocla dna other esters. retaW ehT-ETON evoba sag cihpargotamorhc snoitidnoc era -seggus dna ytidica are derusaem yb other sdohtem dna the .evit ,revewoH rehto CG htiw tnereffid snmuloc yam eb desu stluser are desu ot ezilamron the cihpargotamorhc dedivorp snoitarbilac/noitazidradnats era enod retfa gnittes pu .seulav cihpargotamorhc snoitidnoc rof eht deriuqer .noituloser 2-A SUTARAPPA A-3 PROCEDURE ecudortnI a evitatneserper nemiceps otni the 1.2-A hpargotamorhC hpargotamorhc gnisu tneiciffus nemiceps ot erusne a ynA gas diuqil cihpargotamorhc tnemurtsni gnivah a muminim 10 tnecrep recorder noitcelfed for a 0.1 emalf noitazinoi detector. tnecrep noitartnecnoc of ytirup at the tsom evitisnes gnittes of .tnemurtsni gnisU the emas snoitidnoc as nmuloC htgnel 6 m (20 ft) for tnenopmoc noitacifitnedi dna ,noitazidradnats .D.I 6.4 mm 4/l( )ni record the peaks of lla stnenopmoc at noitaunetta egniryS 2 CL1 gnittes that edivorp mumixam peak .sthgieh elpmaS ezis 2-l lp 4-A NOITALUCLAC Recorder A gnidrocer retemoitnetop htiw a lluf elacs noitcelfed of 1.4-A erusaeM the area of lla peaks dna ylpitlum each 1 ,Vm lluf elacs esnopser emit area yb the etairporppa detector esnopser factors ot of 2 s or ssel correct the ecnereffid ni esnopser ot the .stnenopmoc reirraC gas muileH of ytirup 99.95 lom etaluclaC the thgiew tnecrep noitisopmoc yb gnidivid tnecrep or negortiN gas the laudividni corrected tnenopmoc areas yb the latot corrected area. Make snoitcerroc ot tnuocca for water nmuloC lairetam sselniatS/reppoC /leets dna ytidica .tneserp muinimulA diuqiL phase nocU tnacirbul 50HB 2 000 X 2.4-A etaluclaC the ssam tnecrep of each tnenopmoc or tnelaviuqe phase elbapac of as :swollof gniveihca derised noitarapes )A( x (100 - C) Mass, tnecrep = of suoirav stnenopmoc of B tseretni where diloS troppus brosomorhC dica-P washed 06-54 hsem ezis A = corrected peak ,esnopser tnevloS enelyhteM ,edirolhc tnegaer B = mus of corrected peak ,sesnopser dna C = mus of water dna .ytidica grade A-2.2 Standards for Calibrations and Identification 5-A NOISICERP DNA SAIB dradnatS selpmas of lla stnenopmoc tneserp are dedeen A-5.1 Repeatability for noitacifitnedi yb noitneter emit dna for noitarbilac of evitatitnauq .tnemerusaem Two ,stluser dluohs eb deredisnoc tcepsus fi yeht reffid yb erom naht 0.06 .tnecrep 3.2-A tnemurtsnI snoitidnoC 2.5-A ytilibicudorpeR ,erutarepmeT C“ 110 ,nmuloC lamrehtosi 110 Two stluser dluohs eb deredisnoc tcepsus fi yeht reffid yb erom naht 0.27 .tnecrep noitcejnI port 180 2 IS 14707 : 1999 ANNEX B ])ii( [Table 1, Sl No. DETERMINATION OF ACIDITY B-l GENERAL 4-B ERUDECORP sihT test dohtem srevoc the noitanimreted of latot erusaeM otni a 250 lm lacinoc ksalf 50 lm of water, fi ytidica as cilyrca ,dica ni snoitartnecnoc woleb 0.05 the elpmas si water ,elbulos or lm05 of ,lohocla fi the tnecrep ni lyhtem .etalyrca ehT nemiceps si dexim elpmas si ton yletelpmoc water .elbulos ddA 0.5 lm of htiw rehtie na lauqe emulov of water or na lauqe nielahthplonehp rotacidni .noitulos etartiT htiw water/ emulov of lohocla dna detartit htiw suoeuqa muidoS lohocla htiw 0.05 N NaOH noitulos ot the tsrif knip edixordyH noitulos ot the nielahthplonehp dne .tniop .ruoloc ettepiP 50 lm of the elpmas otni the .ksalf 2-B SUTARAPPA etartiT htiw the 0.05 N NaOH noitulos ot the emas tsrif knip ruoloc yllanigiro .deniatbo 1.2-B etteruB 10 ,lm detaudarg ni 0.05 .lm 5-B NOITALUCLAC 2.2-B reyemnelrE ksalF ytidicA as cilyrca ,dica = VN x 0.144 tnecrep yb ssam 250 .lm D 3-B STNEGAER where 1.3-B slohoclA V = NaOH noitulos deriuqer for noitartit of the ,elpmas denifeR lyhte or .lyporp-osi N = ytilamron of NaOH, dna 2.3-B nielahthplonehP rotacidnI noituloS (10 )l/g D = cificeps ytivarg of the nemiceps at the test evlossiD 1 g of nielahthplonehp ni lyhte or lyporp-osi .erutarepmet lohocla dna etulid ot 100 lm htiw the .lohocla 6-B NOISICERP DNA SAIB ETON - lonehpomorB eulb rotacidni yam osla eb .desu ytilibataepeR 0.000 8 tnecrep 3.3-B muidoS edixordyH dradnatS noitulos 0.05 N ytilibicudorpeR 0.001 4 tnecrep ETON - ,ylevitanretlA HOK noitulos yam eb .desu IS 14707 : 1999 ANNEX C [Table 1, SZN o. (v)] DETERMINATION OF INHIBITORS citeca .dica Prepare a seires of sdradnats yb gnittepip C-l GENERAL 1,2,4,6 dna 10 lm snoitrop of the MEHQ noitulos sihT test dohtem srevoc the noitanimreted of otni evitcepser 50 lm cirtemulov .sksalf etuliD each rehtelyhtemonom of enoniuqordyh (MEHQ) ni ksalf ot the kram htiw laicalg citeca dica dna xim lyhtem .etalyrca tI si elbacilppa ot the noitanimreted .llew A 10 lm touqila of each of these sdradnats of MEHQ ni the noitartnecnoc egnar morf 0 ot 1 200 sniatnoc 200, 400, 800, 1 200 dna 2 000 pg of parts per .noillim MEHQ reacts htiw suortin dica MEHQ .ylevitcepser muidos( etirtin ni cidica )aidem ot mrof the osortin enimreteD the ecnabrosba each of these sdradnats yb evitavired hcihw setarbiliuqe neewteb two serutcurts gnittepip 10 lm stouqila otni 50 lm cirtemulov sksalf as nevig :woleb gniniatnoc 20 lm of laicalg citeca .dica oT each ksalf add 1 lm of 2 tnecrep NaNO, noitulos dna etulid ot the kram htiw laicalg citeca .dica xiM llew dna wolla ot dnats for 10 .nim htiW sllec etairporppa ot the ,tnemurtsni enimreted the ecnabrosba at 420 mn gnisu citeca dica as the .knalb OCH3 0CH3 OH tcurtsnoC a noitarbilac evruc no ralugnatcer etanidrooc graph paper yb gnittolp the secnabrosba of the ehT wolley ruoloc of the osortin dnuopmoc si derusaem sdradnats at 420 mn tsniaga the smargorcim of yllacirtemotohportceps at a htgnelevaw of 420 .mn MEHQ. 2-C APPARATUS 5-C PROCEDURE mrofreP sisylana ni etacilpud dna yrrac a knalb C-2.1 Spectrophotometer hguorht the sisylana gnisu 49 lm of laicalg citeca dica htiW etacilisorob ssalg sllec for gninimreted ni ecalp of the nemiceps .noitulos ecnabrosba at 420 .mn hgieW the etairporppa tnuoma of nemiceps elbaT( 1) 2.2-C Volumetric Flasks otni a 50 lm cirtemulov ksalf gniniatnoc 20 lm of laicalg citeca .dica 50 dna 100 lm .yticapac ddA 1 lm of 2 tnecrep NaNO, noitulos ot the nemiceps 3.2-C Measuring Pipette dna etulid ot the kram htiw laicalg citeca .dica xiM llew dna wolla ot dnats for 10 .nim 5 dna 10 lm .yticapac gnisU the erudecorp dewollof for the ,noitarbilac 3-C REAGENTS enimreted the ecnabrosba of the noitulos at 420 mn htiw the knalb noitulos ni the ecnerefer .noitisop C-3.1 Acetic Acid morF the noitarbilac ,evruc enimreted the .laicalG smargorcim of MEHQ gnidnopserroc ot the ecnabrosba .deniatbo 2.3-C Monomethylether of Hydroquinone (MEHQ) (4-methoxy phenol) 6-C CALCULATION C-3.3 Sodium Nitrite Solution etaluclaC the noitartnecnoc of MEHQ ni mpp as :swollof evlossiD 2 g of muidos etirtin ni water dna etulid ot 100 .lm MEHQ, mpp = $ 4-C CALIBRATION where hgieW 0.10 g of MEHQ ot the tseraen 0.1 gm otni a =M smargorcim of MEHQ morf noitarbilac 100 lm cirtemulov ksalf gniniatnoc yletamixorppa ;evruc dna 50 lm of laicalg citeca .dica xiM llew litnu noitulos si etelpmoc neht etulid ot the kram htiw laicalg s = smarg of nemiceps desu ni the test. 4 - ~I.. ..,.. I. ._ . . IS 14707 : 1999 C-7 PRECISION C-7.2 Reproducibility owT ,stluser each the naem of ,setacilpud deniatbo C-7.1 Repeatability yb operafors ni tnereffid seirotarobal dluohs eb owT ,stluser each the naem of ,setacilpud deniatbo yb deredisnoc tcepsus fi yeht reffid yb erom naht 15 the emas operator no tnereffid syad dluohs eb tnecrep .evitaler deredisnoc tcepsus fi yeht reffid yb erom naht 4.0 tnecrep .evitaler ANNEX D (Clause 5) SAMPLING OF METHYL ACRYLATE D-l GENERAL 2.2-D roF gniniatrecsa the ytimrofnoc of the tol ot the D-l.1 selpmaS llahs eb nekat at a ecalp protected morf stnemeriuqer of siht ,noitacificeps tests llahs eb deirrac pmad ,ria tsud dna soot. tuo for each tol .yletarapes 2.l-D gnilpmaS tnemurtsni llahs eb naelc dna .yrd 3.2-D ehT rebmun of reniatnoc )n( ot eb detceles for gniward the selpmas llahs dneped nopu the ezis of 3.l-D snoituacerP llahs eb nekat ot protect the ,selpmas the tol (N) dna llahs eb ni ecnadrocca htiw elbaT 2. the lairetam gnieb ,delpmas the gnilpmas tnemurtsni dna the sreniatnoc for selpmas morf suoititnevda Table 2 Number of Containers to be Selected .noitanimatnoc for Sampling 4.l-D oT draw a evitatneserper ,elpmas the stnetnoc Lot Size No. of Containers of each ,reniatnoc detceles for ,gnilpmas llahs eb to be Selected ,dexim as ylhguoroht as ,elbissop yb elbatius .snaem 09 (n) 5.1-D ehT selpmas llahs eb decalp ni ,naelc yrd dna (1) (2) pu ot 25 2 thgit-ria ssalg or other elbatius sreniatnoc no hcihw 26 ot 50 3 the lairetam has on .noitca 51 to 100 5 101 to 300 I 6.l-D ehT elpmas sreniatnoc llahs eb of hcus a ezis that yeht are tsomla yletelpmoc dellit yb the .elpmas 301andabove 10 ETON - nehW eht ezis fo eht tol si eerht ro ,ssel lla eht -noc 7.l-D Each elpmas reniatnoc llahs eb delaes thgit-ria sreniat llahs eb .delpmas after gnillif dna dekram htiw lluf sliated of ,gnilpmas 4.2-D esehT sreniatnoc llahs eb detceles at modnar the date of ,gnilpmas raey of erutcafunam dna other morf the tol dna ot erusne the ssenmodnar of ,noitceles tnatropmi sralucitrap of the .tnemngisnoc serudecorp nevig ni SI 4905 yam eb .dewollof D-l.8 selpmaS llahs eb stored ni a looc dna yrd .ecalp 3-D TSET ELPMAS DNA EEREFER ELPMAS 2-D ELACS FO GNILPMAS 1.3-D morF each of the renratnoc detceles as ni ,3.2-D draw htiw na approprrate gnilpmas 1.2-D Lot tnemurtsni llams snoitrop of the lairetam morf llA the sreniatnoc ni a elgnis tnemngisnoc of the tnereffid parts of the .ren;atnoc ehT latot ytitnauq so lairetam nward morf a elgnis hctab of erutcafunam nward morf each of the sreniatnoc sh.!!!i re -ixorppa llahs etutitsnoc a .tol fI a tnemngisnoc si deralced or yletam lauqe ot ecirht the ytitnauq deriuqer for gnitset nwonk ot tsisnoc of sreniatnoc gniniatrep ot tnereffid .sesoprup sehctab of ,erutcafunam the sreniatnoc gnignoleb ot 2.3-D xiM ylhguoroht lla the snoitrop of the lairetam the emas hctab of erutcafunam llahs eb depuorg nward morf the emas reniatnoc ot evig a evitatneserper together dna each hcus puorg llahs etutitsnoc a elpmas for the .reniatnoc separate .tol 5

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