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Preview IS 14673: Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes - Triangular profile weirs

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14673 (1999): Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes - Triangular profile weirs [WRD 1: Hydrometry] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Indian Standard DIUQIL WOLF TNEMERUSAEM NI OPEN SLENNAHC BY SRIEW AND SEMULF - RALUGNAIRT ELIFORP SRIEW ICS 17.120.0 Q BIS 1999 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDA,RDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1999 Price Group 6 diulF wolF tnemerusaeM lanoitceS ,eettimmoC RVD 1 FOREWORD sihT idnI tandard was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht diulF wolF merusaeM %a t lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht reviR yellaV noisiviD .licnuoC suoiraV sdohtem era detpoda rof tnemerusaem fo wolf fo retaw ni nepo slennahc ekil yticolev aera ,dohtem epols aera ,dohtem ,cte gnidneped nopu eht ,lennahc wolf ,snoitidnoc gnirusaem tnempiuqe .cte ralugnairT eliforp sriew era desu rof wolf tnemerusaem ni nepo slennahc rednu ydaets wolf .snoitidnoc sihT naidnI dradnatS no diuqil wolf tnemerusaem yb ralugnairt eliforp sriew has neeb deraperp desab no 0SI 4360 : 1984 diuqiL‘ wolf tnemerusaem ni nepo slennahc yb sriew and semulf - ralugnairT eliforp ’sriew and, ,erofereht is yllacinhcet tnelaviuqe ot eht 0SI .dradnatS roF tnemerusaem fo seitniatrecnu ecnerefer shall eb edam ot 0SI 5 168 : 1978 tnemerusaeM‘ fo diulf -wolf noitamitsE fo ytniatrecnu fo a wolf etar ,’tnemerusaem ecnis gnidnopserroc naidnI dradnatS no eht tcejbus is ton elbaliava as .tey roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav .‘)desiver( ehT rebmun fo tnactfingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas SB that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. IS 14673 : 1999 Indian Standard DIUQIL WOLF TNEMERUSAEM NI OPEN SLENNAHC BY SRIEW AND SEMULF - RALUGNAIRT ELIFORP SRIEW 1 EPOCS 5.1 Selection of Site sihT dradnats seificeps sdohtem for the tnemerusaem 5.1.1 A yranimilerp yevrus llahs eb edam of the of the wolf of water ni nepo slennahc rednu ydaets lacisyhp dna ciluardyh serutaef of the proposed ,etis wolf snoitidnoc gnisu ralugnairt eliforp .sriew ehT ot check that ti smrofnoc (or yam eb edam ot )mrofnoc wolf snoitidnoc deredisnoc are ydaets swolf hcihw are ot the stnemeriuqer yrassecen for tnemerusaem yb a yleuqinu tnedneped no the maertspu head dna denword .riew swolf hcihw dneped no maertsnwod as llew as 5.1.2 ralucitraP noitnetta dluohs eb diap ot the maertspu .slevel gniwollof serutaef ni gnitceles the :etis 2 SECNEREFER 4 ytilibaliavA of na etauqeda htgnel of -nahc ehT gniwollof sdradnats niatnoc snoisivorp hcihw len of raluger cross ;noitces hguorht ecnerefer ni siht text, etutitsnoc noisivorp of b) ehT gnitsixe yticolev ;noitubirtsid siht .dradnats tA the emit of noitacilbup the snoitide cl ehT ecnadiova of a steep ,lennahc fi ;elbissop detacidni were .dilav llA sdradnats are tcejbus ot 4 ehT effects of yna desaercni maertspu water ,noisiver dna seitrap ot stnemeerga desab no siht level eud ot the gnirusaem ;erutcurts dradnats are degaruocne ot etagitsevni the ytilibissop )e snoitidnoC maertsnwod gnidulcni hcus -ni of gniylppa the tsom tnecer snoitide of the sdradnats secneulf as ,sedit secneulfnoc htiw other detacidni :woleb ,smaerts eciuls gates, smadllim dna other SI No. eltiT gnillortnoc serutaef hcihw thgim esuac -bus I 19 1 : 197 1 yrassolG of smret dna slobmys desu degrem ;swolf ni noitcennoc htiw the tnemerusaem r) ehT ytilibaemrepmi of the dnuorg no hcihw of diuqil wolf htiw a free ecafrus the erutcurts si ot eb ,dednuof dna the -secen (first revision) ytis for ,gnilip gnituorg or other ni-gnilaes 1192 : 198 1 yticoleV area sdohtem for -erusaem revir ;snoitallatsni tnem of wolf of water ni nepo g) ehT ytissecen for doolf sknab ot enifnoc the slennahc (first rev ision) mumixam egrahcsid ot the ;lennahc 9 116 : 1979 noitacificepS for water stage recorder )h ehT ytilibats of the sknab dna the ytissecen taolf( )epyt for gnimmirt ro/dna tnemtever ni larutan 3 SNOITINIFED DNA SLOBMYS ;slennahc roF the esoprup of siht naidnI ,dradnatS the snoitinifed )j ehT ecnaraelc of rocks or sredluob morf the nevig ni SI 119 1 llahs .ylppa ehT slobmys desu ni siht deb of the approach ;lennahc dna naidnI dradnatS are nevig ni xennA .A k) ehT effect of ;dniw dniw nac evah a -disnoc elbare effect no the wolf ni a revir or revo a 4 STINU FO TNEMERUSAEM ,riew yllaicepse nehw these are ediw dna the ehT stinu of tnemerusaem desu yb siht dradnats are head si llams dna nehw the gniliaverp dniw sdnoces dna .sertem si ni a esrevsnart .noitcerid 5.1.3 fI the etis does ton possess the scitsiretcarahc 5 NOITALLATSNI yrassecen for yrotcafsitas ,tnemerusaem the etis llahs snoitidnoC gnidrager yranimilerp ,yevrus noitceles of eb detcejer sselnu elbatius stnemevorpmi are ,etis ,noitallatsni the approach ,lennahc ,ecnanetniam .elbacitcarp tnemerusaem of head, dna gnillits or taolf sllew hcihw 5.1.4 fI na noitcepsni of the inaerts ‘shows that the are yllareneg yrassecen for wolf tnemerusaem are nevig gnitsixe yticolev noitubirtsid si ,raluger neht ti yam ni the gniwollof .sesualc-bus ehT ralucitrap eb demussa that the yticolev noitubirtsid lliw niamer stnemeriuqer for the ralugnairt seliforp sriew are nevig yrotcafsitas after the noitcurtsnoc of a .riew yletarapes ni 8. IS 14673 : 1999 51.5 fI the gnitsixe yticolev noitubirtsid si ralugerri for a htgnel lauqe ot at tsael evil semit sti dna on other etis for a eguag si ,elbisaef eud .htdaerb noitaredisnoc llahs eb nevig ot gnikcehc the c) nI a larutan maerts or revir the noitces-ssorc noitubirtsid after the noitallatsni of the riew dna ot llahs eb ylbanosaer mrofinu dna the lennahc gnivorpmi ti fi .yrassecen llahs eb thgiarts for hcus a htgnel as ot erusne raluger yticolev .noitubirtsid 5.1.6 lareveS sdohtem are elbaliava for gniniatbo a erom esicerp noitacidni of ralugerri yticolev )d fI the yrtne of the approach lennahc si hguorht :noitubirtsid yticoleV rods, staolf or snoitartnecnoc of a dneb or fi the wolf si degrahcsid otni the eyd nac eb desu ni llams ,slennahc the rettal gnieb lennahc hguorht a tiudnoc of rellams -ssorc lufesu ni gnikcehc snoitidnoc at the mottob of the ,noitces or at na ,elgna neht a regnol htgnel of .lennahc A etelpmoc dna evitatitnauq tnemssessa of thgiarts approach lennahc yam eb deriuqer ot yticolev noitubirtsid yam eb edam yb snaem of a eveihca a raluger yticolev .noitubirtsid tnerruc .retem etelpmoC noitamrofni tuoba the esu of 4 erehT llahs eb on elffab reraen ot the stniop tnerruc sretem si nevig ni SI 1192. of tnemerusaem naht evif semit the mumixam head ot eb .derusaem 5.2 Installation Conditions )f rednU niatrec ,snoitidnoc a gnidnats evaw yam rucco maertspu of the gniguag ,ecived 5.2.1 General for ,elpmaxe fi the approach lennahc si steep. ehT etelpmoc gnirusaem noitallatsni stsisnoc of na dedivorP siht evaw si at a ecnatsid of ton ssel approach ,lennahc a gnirusaem erutcurts dna a naht 30 semit the mumixam head ,maertspu maertsnwod .lennahc ehT snoitidnoc of each of these wolf tnemerusaem lliw eb ,elbisaef tcejbus ot three stnenopmoc affect the llarevo ycarucca of the noitamrifnoc that a raluger yticolev -ubirtsid .stnemerusaem noit stsixe at the gniguag .noitats noitallatsnI stnemeriuqer edulcni hcus serutaef as riew 5.2.3 Measuring Structure ,hsinif lanoitces-ssorc shape of ,lennahc lennahc ,ssenhguor ecneulfni of lortnoc ,ecived maertspu or ehT erutcurts llahs eb digir dna thgitretaw dna elbapac maertsnwod of the gniguag .erutcurts of gnidnatshtiw doolf wolf snoitidnoc tuohtiw noitrotsid dna .erutcarf tI llahs eb at thgir selgna ot ehT noitubirtsid dna noitcerid of ,yticolev denimreted the noitcerid of wolf dna llahs mrofnoc ot the yb the serutaef deniltuo ni 51.1 evah na tnatropmi snoisnemid nevig ni the tnaveler .sesualc ecneulfni no the ecnamrofrep of the .riew 5.2.4 Downstream of the Structure ecnO na noitallatsni has neeb ,detcurtsnoc the resu llahs tneverp yna egnahc hcihw dluoc affect the ehT lennahc maertsnwod of the erutcurts si of on egrahcsid .scitsiretcarahc ecnatropmi as hcus fi the riew has neeb so dengised that the wolf si raludom rednu lla gnitarepo .snoitidnoc 5.2.2 Approach Channel A maertsnwod eguag llahs eb dedivorp ot erusaem nO lla snoitallatsni the wolf ni the approach lennahc retawliat slevel ot enimreted nehw degrembus wolf llahs eb ,htooms free morf ecnabrutsid dna llahs evah .srucco a yticolev noitubirtsid as lamron as elbissop revo the nI the tneve of the ytilibissop of gniruocs maertsnwod lanoitces-ssorc area. sihT nac yllausu eb deifirev yb hcihw nonemonehp yam osla dael ot the ytilibatsni of noitcepsni or .tnemerusaem nI the case of larutan the ,erutcurts ralucitrap erusaem ot tneverp siht smaerts or srevir siht nac ylno eb deniatta yb gnivah a gnineppah yam eb .yrassecen gnol thgiarts approach lennahc free morf snoitcejorp rehtie at the edis or no the .mottob sselnU esiwrehto A crest gnippat dna separate gnillits llew llahs eb dettif deificeps ni the etairporppa ,sesualc the gniwollof fi the riew si dengised ot operate ni a denword lareneg stnemeriuqer llahs eb deilpmoc :htiw noitidnoc or fi there si a ytilibissop that the riew yam nword ni the .erutuf a) ehT deretla snoitidnoc-wolf eud ot the -noc noitcurts of the riew thgim evah the effect of ehT rettal secnatsmucric yam esira fi the deretla wolf gnidliub pu slaohs of sirbed maertspu of the snoitidnoc eud ot the noitcurtsnoc of the riew evah ,erutcurts hcihw ni emit thgim effect the wolf the effect of gnidliub pu slaohs of sirbed yletaidemmi .snoitidnoc ehT ylekil laitneuqesnoc segnahc maertsnwod of the erutcurts or fi revir works are ni the water level llahs cb nekat otni tnuocca deirrac tuo maertsnwod at a retal date. ni the ngised of gniguag .snoitats 6 ECNANETNIAM )b nI na laicifitra lennahc the cross noitces- llahs eb mrofinu dna the lennahc llahs eb thgiarts ecnanetniaM of the gnirusaem erutcurts dna the 2 IS 14673 : 1999 approach lennahc si tnatropmi ot eruces etarucca the approach lennahc of ralimis snoitroporp ot the suounitnoc .stnemerusaem llew-gnillits ot elbane tlis dna other sdilos ot elttes .tuo roF ease of ecnanetniam the krowepip yam eb tI si laitnesse that the approach lennahc ot sriew dluohs .devlav eb kept naelc dna free morf tlis dna noitategev as far as elbacitcarp for at tsael the ecnatsid deifjceps ni 5.2.2. roF deliated noitpircsed of the llew-gnillits (see ehT taolf llew dna the yrtne morf the approach lennahc SI 9116). llahs osla eb kept naelc dna free morf .stisoped 7.3 oreZ Setting ehT riew erutcurts llahs eb kept naelc dna free morf A snaem of gnikcehc the zero gnittes of the -daeh gnignilc sirbed dna care llahs eb nekat ni the process gnirusaem secived llahs eb ,dedivorp gnitsisnoc of a of gninaelc ot diova egamad ot the riew crest. mutad detaler ot the level of the .riew 7 TNEMERUSAEM FO DAEH A zero check desab no the level of the water nehw the wolf ceases si elbail ot suoires errors morf ecafrus 7.1 General noisnet effects dna llahs ton eb .desu ehT head maertspu of the gnirusaem erutcurts yam eb sA the ezis of the riew dna the head no ti ,secuder derusaem yb a ,eguag-kooh eguag-tniop or eguag-ffats llams errors ni noitcurtsnoc dna ni the zero gnittes where spot stnemerusaem are ,deriuqer or yb a dna gnidaer of the gnirusaem-daeh ecived emoceb of eguag-gnidrocer where a suounitnoc record si ,deriuqer greater .ecnatropmi dna ni ynam cases ti si elbareferp ot erusaem heads ni a separate llew-gnillits ot ecuder the effects of water 8 SPECIFICATION FOR THE STANDARD WEIR ecafrus .seitiralugerri ehT segrahcsid nevig yb the gnikrow noitauqe are 8.1 Description cirtemulov ,serugif dna the diuqil ytisned does ton 8.1.1 ehT riew sesirpmoc na maertspu epols of affect the cirtemulov egrahcsid for a nevig head 1 )lacitrev( ot 2 )latnoziroh( dna a maertsnwod epols dedivorp that the evitarepo head si deguag ni diuqil of 1 )lacitrev( ot 5 .)latnoziroh( ehT noitcesretni of of lacitnedi ,ytisned fI the gniguag si deirrac tuo ni a these two secafrus smrof a thgiarts enil crest, separate ,llew a noitcerroc for the ecnereffid ni ytisned latnoziroh dna at thgir selgna ot the noitcerid of wolf yam eb yrassecen fi the erutarepmet ni the llew si ni the approach .lennahc ralucitraP noitnetta llahs eb yltnacifingis tnereffid morf that of the gniwolf .diuqil nevig ot the crest ,flesti hcihw llahs possess a -llew ,revewoH ti si demussa niereh that the seitisned are denifed renroc of elbarud .noitcurtsnoc ehT crest yam .lauqe eb edam of demrof-erp ,snoitces ylluferac dengila dna ,detnioj or yam evah a elbidorroc-non latem ,tresni as 7.2 Stilling-Well or Float-Well na evitanretla ot utis-ni noitcurtsnoc .tuohguorht erehW ,dedivorp the llew-gnillits llahs eb lacitrev dna 8.1.2 ehT snoisnemid of the riew dna sti stnemtuba evah a draob-eerf of 0.6 revo the mumixam water level llahs mrofnoc ot the stnemeriuqer detacidni ni .giF .I etamitse ot eb recorded ni the .llew rieW skcolb yam eb detacnurt tub ton so hcum as ot tI llahs eb detcennoc ot the revir yb na telni epip or ecuder rieht snoisnemid ni nalp ot ssel naht 1.0 XuMh ,tols egral hguone ot timrep the water ni the llew ot for the 1 : 2 epols dna 2.0 itMh for the I : 5 .epols wollof the esir dna llaf of head tuohtiw tnacifingis .yaled 8.2 Location of Head Measurement Section sretemozeiP or eguag-tniop snoitats for the ehT gnitcennoc epip or tols ,llahs ,revewoh eb as llams tnemerusaem of head no the riew llahs eb detacol at a as ,elbissop tnetsisnoc htiw ease of ,ecnanetniam or, tneiciffus ecnatsid maertspu morf the riew ot diova ,ylevitanretla llahs eb dettif htiw a noitcirtsnoc ot pmad the noiger of ecafrus .nwodward nO the other ,dnah tuo snoitallicso eud ot short edutilpma .sevaw yeht llahs eb esolc hguone ot the riew ot erusne that ehT llew dna the gnitcennoc epip or tols llahs eb the ygrene ssol neewteb the noitces of tnemerusaem thgitretaw where dedivorp for the noitadommocca of dna the lortnoc noitces no the riew llahs eb .elbigilgen the taolf of a level recorder, the llew llahs eb of tI si dednemmocer that the tnemerusaem-daeh noitces etauqeda retemaid dna depth ot etadommocca the .taolf llahs eb detacol at a ecnatsid lauqe ot eciwt the mumixam head (2 hMa,,) maetspu of the crest. ehT llew llahs osla eb deep hguone ot etadommocca yna tlis hcihw yam ,retne tuohtiw the taolf .gnidnuorg 8.3 Condition for Modular Flow ehT llew-taolf tnemegnarra yam edulcni na etaidemretni rebmahc neewteb the llew-gnillits dna 8.3.1 wolF si raludom nehw ti si tnednepedni of 3 MAERTSPU DAEH GNILLITS WELLS CREST GNIPPAT DAEH .GIF 1 .TRIANGULARP ROFILEW EIR snoitairav ni retawliat .level sihT tnemeriuqer si tem 9 EGRAHCSID SCITSIRETCARAHC nehw the retawliat latot head evoba crest level si lauqe ot or ssel naht 75 tnecrep of the maertspu latot head 9.1 Equations evoba crest .level 9.1.1 ehT egrahcsid noitauqe for raludom wolf :si 8.3.2 A tnacifingis error ni the detaluclac egrahcsid lliw poleved fi siht oitar si exceeded, sselnu a crest Q = &vCdC2’3)3/2( bh3’* gnippat si dedivorp dna two tnednepedni head where stnemerusaem are .edam Q = the egrahcsid revo the ,riew ni cibuc 8.4 Location of Crest Tapping sertem per ;dnoces 8.4.1 ehT crest gnippat llahs tsisnoc of evif ot net Cd = the tneiciffeoc of egrahcsid -nemid-non( seloh of mm.OI retemaid dellird ni the riew kcolb ;)lanois htiw sertnec 75 mm apart, 20 mm nwod morf the cp = the tnieciifeoc gniwolla for the effect of riew crest no the 1 : 5 .epols ylevitanretlA sepip H 3’2 approach yticolev r, -non( yam eb dellatsni gnirud .noitcurtsnoc ehT edges of i 1 the seloh llahs ton eb dednuor or .derrub ehT ;)lanoisnemid rebmun of seloh llahs eb tneiciffus ot erusne that H = the latot head, ni ;sertcm the water level ni the llew-gnillits swollof snoitairav b z the htdaerb of the ,riew ni ;sertem ni crest noitarapes pocket erusserp tuohtiw the noitarelecca eud ot ,ytivarg ni sertem g = tnacifingis .yaled per dnoces ;derauqs dna 8.4.2 ehT mumitpo noitisop for the crest gnippat si at h - the derusaem head, ni .scrtem the ertnec of the riew crest. ehT gnippat yam eb -ffo 9.1.2 ehT egrahcsid noitauqe for denword wolf :SI crtnec no sriew rediw naht 2.0 m dedivorp that the Q = (2/J) &J.cdC2i~ ?’7hrI ecnatsid morf the emlcrtnec of the crest gnippat ot the tseraen edis llaw or reip si greater naht 1 .O .m where J’ si the denword wolf noitcuder factor -non( .)lanoisnemid 4 IS 14673 : 1999 9.2 Coefficients etercnoc or ;)tnelaviuqe 9.2.1 ehT tneiciffeoc CV for the raludom wolf noitauqe P 2 0.06 ;m si deniatbo morf .giF 2 where A si the area of the b L 0.3 ;m approach .lennahc h/p I ;5.3 dna b/h 2 2.0. 9.2.2 ehT denibmoc tneiciffeoc CJfor the denword wolf noitauqe si deniatbo morf .giF 3 where hp si the 9.4 Accuracy derusaem crest gnippat head evoba crest .level rednU 9.4.1 ehT evitaler ycarucca of wolf stnemerusaem raludom wolf ,snoitidnoc the eulav of hplh si tnatsnoc edam htiw sriew.eseht sdneped no the ycarucca of the at 0.20 dna the eulav ffo 1.00. ,ecneH rednu these is head ,tnemerusaem the stnemerusaem of snoisnemid ,snoitidnoc seulav of daerfyC morf .giF 3 edicnioc of the riew dna no the ycarucca of the stneiciffeoc as htiw seulav of CV morf .giF 2. yeht ylppa ot the riew ni .esu 9.2.3 roF water at yranidro serutarepmet dC si tsomla 9.4.2 htiW elbanosaer care dna lliks ni the noitcurtsnoc tnednepedni of h, except at yrev wol heads nehw diulf dna noitallatsni of a ralugnairt eliforp ,riew the seitreporp ecneulfni the .tneiciffeoc ,C si nevig yb the egatnecrep citametsys error ni the tneiciffeoc of gniwollof :noitauqe egrahcsid gnidulcni( CV )jdna yam eb decuded morf 312 the :noitauqe where si,h ni .sertem roF lacitcarp ,sesoprup ,C nac otlauqeteseb l.O>hrof361.1 .m laciremuN seulav of CP are nevig ni elbaT .1 9.3 Limitations ehT modnar error sdneped no the ytilauq of the research desu ot enimreted the tneiciffeoc dna yam eb ehT gniwollof lareneg snoitatimil are :dednemmocer nekat as X, = f 0.5 tnecrep ni siht case. h > 0.03 m (for a crest noitces of htooms latem 9.4.3 ehT dohtem yb hcihw the errors ni the or ;)tnelaviuqe stneiciffeoc are ot eb denibmoc htiw other secruos of h 2 0.06 m (for a crest noitces of enif errors si nevig ni 10. 1.2s” 0 1.20 115 ,' l-10 145 ’-oo+ O-00 045 . ’ 0.10 0.15 . 0.20 0.25 f .;KF 2 COEFFICIENT OF AW KOACII VELOCITY, Cv

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