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IS 14596: Coir Products - 2 ply coir yarns spun by manual operation (Superseding IS 2295) PDF

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Preview IS 14596: Coir Products - 2 ply coir yarns spun by manual operation (Superseding IS 2295)

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14596 (1998): Coir Products - 2 ply coir yarns spun by manual operation (Superseding IS 2295) [TXD 25: Coir and Coir Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS14596:1996 a ( Superseding IS 2295 : 1964 ) v7?tfk7m Indian Standard COIRPRODUCTS- 29PLYCOIRYARNS SPUNBY MANUALOPERATION- SPECIFICATION ICS 59.060.01 G BIS 1998 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARC NEW DELHI 110 002 Price Group 4 December 1998 -- .- ._.. -- -- _. . .-- - _____. _ _^._ ”,_... 1.1 -.I--“ ,-.__ ~~‘____ __-“-c _-,. II-.- .x~-” _^_. 52xT,eetrimmoClanoitceSstWdorPrioCdnariQC FOREWORD sihT IndianS tandardw as adoptedb y the Bureauo f Indian Standa&, aftert he tfard dezilanif yb eht rioC and rioC stcudorP lanoitces eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht elitxeT noisiviD .licnuoC noitalumroF fo naidnI dradnatS no eht tcejbus hcihw was nekat up at eht tseuqer fo rioC draoB dluow edivorp eht much neededa mumnceo f qualityo f coir yam used in mar~ufkctuotef otherc oir products. nI this standard tpmetta has neeb edam ot etalupits eht smron ni tcepser fo raenil ytisned ,)eganmn( turns rep ,crtem gnikaerb ,daol erutsiom ,tnetnoc salt and sand tnetnoc ni noitidda ot stnemeriuqer fo ruoloc and leef otrehtih .dkliccps nI redro ot revoc compkter angeo f 2-pb%oir yamisn one standardi,t supersedesI S 2295 : 1964 roirepuS ‘ OGNEJNA epyt .’nray For the putpose of deciding whethera particularr equiremen fot this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif .eulav devresbo or cabdated, expressingt he result fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 s&F‘ for roundingo ff numericavl alues( revised)‘.T he numbero f signifkant secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav shouldb e the samea s that of the specifiedv alue ni this sta&.rd. SI 14596 : 1998 Indian Standard RIOC STCUDORP - 29PLY RIOC SNRAY NUPS BY LAUNAM NOITAREPO - NOITACIFICEPS larutan thgil nworb ot yerg yllausu spun ni 11 ot 15 1 SCOPE .erocs Thisstandard srevoc stnemeriuqer and sdohtem fo stset rof ylp-2 rioc snray spun yb manual ,noitarepo ,yleman 3.5 ydulnathsA Yarn ,mayognejnA .MognejqA ,nray yrotarA ,nray Alappat leehW spun ylp-2 ,nray muidem detsiwt edam tuo fo ~p,rnayeropyeB,may~,mayydumathsA~may of ,nray ydnaliuQ yam, dnamaygnipoR .nrayemoc5k muidem and trohs delpats etihw rioc erbif thgil nworb ot yerg ni chur, yllausu spun ni 8 ot 13 .erocs 3.6 maYheaeB ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era yrasse;wn stcnujda ot this standard: leehW ro h&spun, tfos detsiwt 2.~1~ nray edam tuo fo etihw ro nworb rioc ,erbif larutan nworb-hsidder ni SI .oN of Title ruoloc containingr emnants ,htip yllausu spun ni 11 ot 14 .erocs 832 : 1985 sdohteM rof noitanimreted fo twist ni yarn (first revision ) 3.7 maYeropyeB :0701 1992 Reagent grade water ( third revision ) leehW ro hand spun, tfos detsiwt ylp-2 ,nray edam tuo :0761 1991 fonoitanimrek-maY-selitxeT fo etihw rioc ,=bif larutan nworb ot thgil yerg ni ,ruoloc kambtanoitagnolednadaolgnikaerb .erocs9ot6ninupsyllausu fo elgnis strand ( dnoces revision ) 3.8 Pamr maY :9536 1971 rof gninoitidnoc selitxet Method leehW spun ylp-2 nray yrev drah detsiwt and mrofinu XXKoNIVlRzT3 denaelcllewdelpatsmuidemrognolfotuoedamdenhxet etihw rioc erbif fo thgil nworb ni ,ruoloc yllausu spun ni roF eht esoprup fo this ,dradm& gniwollof smret and 6 ot 12 .erocs snoitinifed shall .ylppa 3.1 ognejnA Yarn 3.9 ydarliuQ Yam leehW ro hand spun muidem detsiwt ylp-2 nray edam leehW spun 2.~1~ ,nray drah detsiwt and mrofinu ,derutxet edam tuo fo gnol delpats and llew denaelc tuo fo gnol ro muidem delpats etihw rioc erbit larutan thgil nworb ot yerg ni ,ruoloc yllausu spun ni 8 ot 12 etihw rioc erbif fo larutan thgirb ruoloc , yllausu nups ni .erocs 11 .erocso2ot 3.2 ognejnA M, Yam 3.10 RopingYam leehW spun ylp-2 ,may yrev drah detsiwt and mrofinu Hand spun 2ply yam soft twisted made out of medium ,derutxet edam tuo fo gnol delpats and llew denaelc or short stapled white coir fibre of brown to grey in etihw rioc erbif fo larutan thgirb ,ruoloc yllausu spun ni colour, containing remnants fo ,htip yllausu spun ni 4 ot 6 .erocs 10 ot 15 .erocs 3.3 yrotarA Yam 3.11 emoc)k Yam leehW spun ylp-2 may htiw muidem detsiwt elgnis leehW ro hand spun 2-ply yarn soft or medium twisted strand and drah detsiwt ni gnilbuod ylriaf mrofinu ni made out of white coir fibre of natural brown to grey. ,ssenkciht gnivah sseniriah edam tuo of gnol ro muidem usually spun in 11 to 17 score. delpats etihw erbif fo thgil larutan colour, usually spun 3.12 egarotS fo Yam ni 11 to 18 score. A rebmun gnitacidni the fineness ro ssenesraoc fo rioc 3.4 Alappat Yarn nray hcihw is deniatbo yb gnidivid eht rebmun of strands leehW ro hand spun ylp-2 nray muidem ,detsiwt edam that dluoc eb laid yrev esolc ot hcae rehto tuohtiw gnippalrevo ni a htgnel fo 0.914 m ro( eno )dray yb 20. out of white coir fibre varying in colour from bright 1 . SI %541 : 1998 3.13R nnnage of nraY ot eb lauqe ot eht mass denimreted yb adding 17.5 tnecrep ot its yrd-nevo mass. htgneL fo nray ni sertem rep kg ro teef rep .dnuop 6.2 ehT yrd-nevo mass fo hcae elab shall eb detaluclac 4 SEPYT AND GRADES morf its ten mass, and eht erutsiom tnetnoc fo eht ;tol The rioc may shall eb deifissalc otni sepyt and sedarg eht rettal gnieb denimreted as debircserp ni xennA C. as nevig ni 1oc 1 and 2 fo elbaT 1 w,R slNEMERIuQERS NOTE--Oven-dry mass i W, -- 100 5.1 ruoloC where ehT nray shall eb deilppus ni yna fo eht larutan sruoloc as deificeps ni .redro/tcartnoc llA selab fo nray ni a W,= net mass of the bale in the standard atmosphere; and tnemngisnoc shall eb fo mrofinu ruoloc tuohtiw skaerts R = moisture content, percent. ro edahs .noitairav roF eht esoprup fo gnirapmoc eht 7 PACKING ,ruoloc elpmas delaes yb lautum tnemeerga yam eb .desu 5.2 tlaS Content The hauks fo may shall eb dekcap as deerga ot neewteb eht reyub and eht .relles The tlas tnetnoc fo may desserpxe as muidos ,edirolhc shall ton deecxe 5.5 tnecrep no eht thgiew fo denoitidnoc GNIKRAM8 ,nray nehw detset yb eht dohtem debircserp ni 8.1 A lebal gnivig eht gniwollof sralucitrap shall eb .BxermA dehcatta ot hcae :elab 5.3 Moisture Content )a epyT and edarg rebmun fo eht nray , and ehT erutsiom tnetnoc fo nray nehw detset yb eht dohtem debircserp ni xennA C shall ton deecxe )b ynA rehto noitamrofni deriuqer yb eht reyub ro ’ dradnatsnidaninneted)mayfo(ssam~notn~epO.51 yb eht law ni .ecrof .erehpsomta 8.1.1 BIS Certification Marking 5.4 Sand Content The hanks and eht elab yam osla eb dekram httw eht The sand tnetnoc fo nray nehw detset yb eht dohtem StandardMark. nevig ni xennA D shall ton deecxe 2.0 .tnecrep 8.1.2 ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb 5.5 Construction rehtOdna stnemeriuqeR eht snoisivorp fo Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 The may shall mrofnoc ot eht lanoitcurtsnoc sliated and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT and rehto stnemeriuqer as nevig ni elbaT 1. sliated fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw eht ecnecil rof esu fo dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro 6 CORRECTED INVOEE MASS srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI 6.1 ehT detcerroc eciovni mass fo eht tol shall eb nekat Standards. Table 1 Constructional Details of2-Ply Coir Yams ( Clauses 4 and 5.5 ) of epLl Grade No. Scorrge Linear Density Turns/m Cuir Yarn )xowM (Runnage) Mifl m/kg (1) )2( (3) (4) Anjengo YAI 17+ 360 YA2 161 to 17 330 +A3 IS-b to 16 300 51 YA4 14+ to 275 YA5 13+ to 14 240 YA6 I2+ to 13 220 YA7 11-b IO 12 200 Anjtngo M YMl 14-b I90 YM2 1.St lo 14 170 2 IS 14596 : 1998 Table 1 (concluded) spe of Grade No. Sewage Linear Density Turns/m Bra&g Coir Yarn (Apwx) (Runnrge) niM Load, N m/kg Mtn (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) YM3 12+ to13 150 81 + ot 83 275 YM4 11-c to 12 130 78 + ot ai 295 YM5 IO+ ot II 110 75 + ot 78 310 Aratory YRI 17+ 330 88 + II5 YR2 16+ ot 17 300 84+to88 135 YR3 IS+ ot 16 280 80 + ot 84 175 YR4 14+ ot I5 260 76 + ot 80 195 SRY 13+ ot 14 240 72 + ot 76 215 YR6 b-21 ot 13 220 68 + ot 72 200 YR7 11+ ot 12 200 64 -‘ ot 68 250 Alappat lLY b-41 230 52 + l7j YL2 13+ ot 14 190 50 + ot 52 225 YL3 12+ ot 13 180 48 + ot 50 250 YL4 11+ ot 12 :70 44 + ot 48 265 Ashtamudy YDI 12+ 14u 50 + 295 YD2 *11 ot 12 130 48+toM 310 YD3 10+ ot 11 120 46 + ot 48 350 YD4 9+ ot IO 110 42+to46 370 YD5 a+ to 9 l-09 10 38 + ot 42 390 Beach YBL 13+ 260 46 + 90 YB2 12+ to 13 25O 44 + to46 70 YB3 11+ to 12 240 42 + to44 60 BOypoW IW at 90 38 + 390 YY2 7+ t0 a 80 34 + to38 420 YY3 6+ to 7 70 32 f ot 36 440 waP IPY 11+ 140 56 + 300 YP2 IO+ ot 11 130 50 + ot 56 320 i YP3 9+ ot 10 115 46 + ot 50 340 YP4 8+to 9 105 42 + ot 46 370 YP5 7+ ot 8 95 3a+t042 400 YP6 6+ ot 7 85 36 + to40 440 ydhiuQ YQ1 It+ 130 48 + 390 YQ2 lO+ ot 11 120 46 + ot 48 470 YQ3 9+ ot 10 110 44 + ot 46 540 YQ4 8+to 9 100 40 + ot 44 590 gnipoR YOl 5+ 60 26 + 390 YO2 4+ ot 5 55-OS 22 + ot 26 430 emocb lW 16+ 300 58 + 30 Yv2 IS+ ot 16 280 54 f t0 58 40 Yv3 14+ ot 15 260 50 4, ot 54 50 Yv4 13+ ot 14 240 46 + ot 50 80 Yv5 12+ ot 13 220 43 + to48 IO0 6VY II+ ot 12 200 40 + to 45 125 Method of Test xennA A xennA E SI 832 s1 1670 IS 145% : 1998 . sand tnetnoc fo ,nray hanks drawn at eht etar fo 9 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR eno hank morf hcae elab ni eht ssorg elpmas shall etutitsnoc eht tset .elpmas ehT tset sncmiccps ees( 9.1 Sampling ,l-B l-C and D-l) shall be drawn at eht etar fo eno nemiceps morf hcae hank ni eht tset .elpmas ehT lsct 9.1.1 Lot snemiceps rof erutsiom tnetnoc shall eb dehgiew The bales of rioc nray fo emas epyt and edarg dereviled yletaidemmi reit sampling OI diova an> egnahc ni ot a reyub against eno hctapsed eton shall etutitsnoc a eht mass eud ot noitprosba ro noitprosed fo crutsioin .tol eud ot cirehpsomta .snoitidnoc fI ti is ton elbissop ot hgiew ,yletaidemmi eht hanks shall cb dekcap ni 9.1.2 ehT ytimrofnoc fo a tol ot eht stnemeriuqer fo eht enehtylop bags ro rehto thgit-ria reniatnoc noos retfa standard shall eb denimreted no eht basis fo eht stset sampling. deirrac tuo no eht selab detceles morf .ti 9.3 airetirC for Conformity 9.1.3 Unless esiwrehto deerga ot neewteb eht reyub and eht ,relles eht rebmun fo selab ot eb detceles morf ehT tol shall eb deredisnoc gnimrofnoc OI eht eht tol shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw ioc 2 fo elbaT 2. stn~nerm of siht standard fi eht gniwollof snoitidnoc era :deifsitas ehT slioc shall eb detceles at .modnar nI redro ot erusne ssenmodnar fo ,noitceles all eht slioc ni eht )a ehT egareva fo all eht seulav fo .cgarocs .cgannur sadere@unyllairesebyamtol 1,2,3, . . . . . dnanoosdna turns rep ertem and gnikaerb daol era ni ebyamelabhtryreve rebmunetisiuqerehtlitnudetceles ecnadrocca htiw eht elbacilppa eulav fo eht is ,deniatbo r gnieb eht largetni trap fo N/n erehw N is tnaveler ;edarg and eht tol ezis and n is eht elpmas .ezis )b ehT egareva and eht egnar detaluclac morf eht 9.2 ‘kt Sample and Test Specimens tset stluser rof salt ,tnetnoc erutsiom tnctnoc 9.2.1 ruoloC and sand tnetnoc yrsitas eht snoitidnoc nevig woleb : roF gninimreted eht ,ruoloc hanks drawn at eht etar fo eno hank morf hcae elab ni eht ssorg elpmas shall +F 0.6 5 mumixaM timil detacidni ni eht etutitsnoc eht tset .elpmas etairporppa sesualc 9.2.2 ,egurocS raeniL Density, snruT rep orteM and Where Breaking Load eulav deniatbo yb gnidivid eht sum fo x’= eht tset stluser yb eht rebmun fo tset roF gninimreted eht ,egarots raenil ytisned ,)eganmn( ,stluser and turns rep ertem and gnikaerb daol fo ,nray hanks drawn at modnar at eht etar fo eerht hanks frome ach bale in R = the diffbence neewteb eht ixam mum and the gross samples hall constitu tet he test sample.T he eht muminim seulav fo eht ISCI .stluser totaln umbero f test specimenss ha l l be ni ecnadrocca fo3lochtiw .2elbaT - )c morF eht tset stluser rof turns rep crtcm dcilpfo ,nray egannur and gnikaerb ,daol eht y.cgarcva 9.2.3 tlaS Content, Moisture Content and Sand and eht egnar RJs ,denimreted and eht eulav fo Content -Xnois%npxeeht 0.4 R is rctacrg than ro lauqe roF gninimreted eht salt ,tnetnoc erutsiom tnetnoc and ot eht tnaveler .deificeps Table 2 eziS of Gram Sample and Number af Teat Specimens for Storage, Runnage, ‘lams per Metrr and BreakingLoadDetennination . (Clauses9.1.3and 9.2.2) No. of Bales No. of Bales In Na of Test Specimens inthcLot the Crou Salaplc for Storage, Unerr Density Turns per Metrc md Breaking Lord (1) (2) (3) up ot 10 2 18 II to20 3 27 21 lo 40 4 36 41 to60 5 45 61 to lob 6 54 101 and evoba I 63 4 SI 69541 : 8991 XENNA A ( Table 1 ) DORTEM FOR DE- N OF !XXBRAGE TSET SNEMICEPS wrappings fo eht nray era ni esolc tcatnoc tub tuohtiw A-l gnippalreva .sgnipparwhcusforebmunlatotkttmaC roF eht esoprup fo this ,tset seceip fo may drawn morf eht tset elpmas as ni 9.2.2 shall etutitsnoc eht tset 2.3-A etaluclaC eht egarocs fo eht tset nemiceps yb eht .snemiceps alumrof nevig :woleb 2-A SUTARAPPA latoT rebmun fo wrappings detnuoc =tYtayfoegaMcs depahslleb-bmudnedoowa,tsetsihtfoesoprupehtroF 10 1.giFninwohssategdag .desuebllahs Aa enimreteD ylralimis eht sauage ehtio gniniamer Aa PROCEDURE tset snem&q and etaluclac eht egareva fo all eht .snoitavresbo 1.3-A ekaT a tset nemiceps ees( ,)2.2.9 wind ti rednu noisnet ot tneverp gniknik tub tuohtiw gnihcterts no 4.3-A enimreteD eht ytimrofnoc fo a tol as nevig eht lartnec noitrop fo eht ,tegdag os that eht evisseccus ni 9.3 .)a( All dimensions in millimctrcs. 1 FIG. APPARATUFOS RT HED EERM~NATIO~FN& RAGE ANNEX B ( Clauses5 .2 d9.2.3 ) DOHTEM FOR NIMRETED NOITA FO TLAS TNETNOC 1-B TSET SNEMICEPS . B-3.1N itrk Acid -6 N. 1.l-B roF eht esoprup fo this ,tset tset nemiceps 53.2 revilS NitrateS olution tseteht~fnwardebllahsgSyl~~~~gnihgieW tnegaer .edarg elpmas as in 9.23. B-3.3 Nitrwbenzen-eo f 2-B GNJNOITIDNOC FO TSET SNEMICEPS B-3.4 cirreF Alum Indkator 1.2-B roirp ot ,noitaulave eht tset snemiceps shall eb B-3.5 Staehrd pdrssium ThiocyanatSe olution denoitidnoc ni standard erehpsomta at 65 f 2 tnecrep evitaler ytidimuh and 27 f 2°C erutarepmet ( ees osla B4PRocEDuRE 84rbf)9536SI h. 1.4-B yletaidemmI retfa gninoitidnoc )2-B hgiew (see eno tset .nemiceps lioB ti ni 200 lm fo dellitsid retaw 3-B STNEGAER ( ees SI 1070 ) rof 30 .nim tnaceD eht tcartxe otni a 0.3-B ylilauQ of stnegaeR rekaeb and tcartxe-m eht tset nemiceps ,eciwt hcae emit gniliob htiw 100 lm fo dellitsid retaw rof 15 ,nim and Unless deificeps esiwrehto erup slacimehc and dellitsid gnitnaced eht tcartxe otni eht emas rekaeb ( ees etoN _) retaw SI )0701 shall eb deyolpme ni .stset (see retliF eht tcartxe os ,detnaced wolla ti ot looc ot moor erutarepmet and ekam up eht emulov ot 0OS lm htiw NOTE - ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicals that do dellitsid .retaw refsnarT 25 lm fo eht tcartxe ot a lacinoc not contain impurities which affect the results of analysis. 5

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