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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14589 (1999): Zinc priming paint,epoxy based ,two pack -Specification [CHD 20: Paints, Varnishes and Related Products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” : SI 98541 9991 Indian Standard CNIZ GNIMIRP ,TNIAP EPOXY BASED, KCAP-OWT - NOITACIFICEPS ICS 87.060.99 0 BIS 1999 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS * MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 April 1999 Price Group 3 lairtsudnI stniaP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CHD 031 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the lairtsudnI stniaP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC cniZ stniap dnif a ediw egnar of snoitacilppa for noisorroc noitcetorp of nori dna .leets esehT stniap nac eb desu enola tub yllausu deyolpme as remirp coat as a part of the evitcetorp metsys for gnol mret noisorroc .noitcetorp cniZ detnemgip stniap are osla desu as noitacirbaferp sremirp for the noitcetorp of evisarba tsalb denaelc leets setalp dna detacirbaf stnenopmoc of spihs dna other .serutcurts riapeR of degamad dezinavlag dna cillatem cniz deyarps sgnitaoc si deirrac tuo yb gnisu cillatem cniz .stniap sihT dradnats has neeb prepared htiw the mia ot cater for the stnemeriuqer of cniz stniap for esu as sremirp dna noitacirbaferp stniap gnivah tnereffid degree of noisorroc .noitcetorp roF gnitset ,sesoprup etairporppa slenap of deificeps ezis llahs eb .desu ehT slenap yam eb denaelc tsrif gnisu elbatius tnevlos ekil larenim tirips dna neht hguorht evisarba tsalb gnisu dnas or dellihc tirg of etairporppa ezis [see SI 1477 (Part 1) : 1971 ‘Code of ecitcarp of gnitniap of slatem ni :sgnidliub Part 1 tnemtaert-erP tsrif( ’)noisiver dna SI 9954 : 198 1 lairotciP‘ ecafrus noitaraperp sdradnats for gnitniap of leets ;’secafrus for .]ecnadiug esehT yam eb rehtruf denaelc yb gnisu ,hsurb gnisaerged dna .gniyrd ecafruS eliforp of ,slenap prepared ni hcus a ,yaw eil neewteb 53-52 .snorcim Care, ,revewoh si deriuqer ot eb nekat ot tneverp noitanimatnoc of slenap gnirud gninaelc dna .gnitset ehT yrotcafsitas ecnamrofrep of cniz gniniatnoc stniap sdneped ylegral no rieht yticapac ot niatta esolc tcatnoc neewteb cniz selcitrap dna nori dna leets ecafrus ot eb protected. ehT esolc lacirtcele tcatnoc stimrep ni gniveihca etauqeda cinavlag noitcetorp of the leets etartsbus yllaicepse rednu eniram .snoitidnoc oT erusne hcus lacirtcele tcatnoc ti semoceb laitnesse ot evomer lla llim ,elacs tsur dna yna other noitanimatnoc morf the leets ecafrus ot eb .detniap ehT cniz ,stniap therefore, llahs eb deilppa ylno ot yrev ylluferac prepared ,leets ylbareferp evisarba tsalb denaelc ecafrus esolc ot Sa, ytilauq ot hsidewS .dradnats tI si tnatropmi ot lortnoc the ecafrus .ssenhguor sihT si ylniam deveihca yb the noitceles of correct ezis of tirg or shot dna etairporppa ria .erusserp ehT eliforp thgieh deniatbo llahs eil neewteb 57-05 snorcim (see SI 3073 : 1967 tnemssessA‘ of ecafrus ’ssenhguor dna SI 10707 : 1983 stnemurtsnI‘ for tnemerusaem of ecafrus ssenhguor yb eliforp ;’sdohtem for .)ecnadiug noitisopmoC of the eettimmoC elbisnopser for the noitalumrof of siht dradnats si nevig ni xennA .F roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav .‘)desiver( ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats SI 14589 : 1999 Indian Standard CNIZ GNIMIRP ,TNIAP EPOXY BASED, KCAP-OWT - NOITACIFICEPS 1 SCOPE 5.4 Mass per 10 Litres sihT dradnats sebircserp stnemeriuqer dna sdohtem The ssam of 10 sertil of the lairetam nehw denimreted of gnilpmas dna test for cniz gnimirp ,tniap yxope yb dohtem debircsed ni SI 101 (Part eeS/l 7) llahs eb desab ni ,kcap-owt desu for the noisorroc noitcetorp neewteb 81-51 kg for grade I dna muminim 21.5 kg of leets dna detacirbaf .serutcurts for grade 2. 2 REFERENCES 5.5 ehT slairetam for grade 1 dna grade 2 llahs osla ylpmoc htiw the stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT 1. ehT naidnI sdradnatS detsil ni xennA A niatnoc snoisivorp hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni siht text, Table 1 Requirements of Zinc Priming Paint, etutitsnoc snoisivorp of siht naidnI .dradnatS tA the Epoxy Based, Two-Pack emit of ,noitacilbup the snoitide detacidni were .dilav Sl Characteristics Requirements Methods of llA sdradnats are tcejbus ot noisiver dna seitrap ot No. b Test, Ref to stnemeerga desab no siht dradnats are degaruocne ot 1edarG‘ edarG ’2 IS 101 etagitsevni yb dated or detadnu the ytilibissop of and Annex gniylppa the tsom tnecer snoitide of the .sdradnats (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) i) ycnetsisnoC tniaP llahs eb ni hcus a traP teS/l 5 noitidnoc taht rewop 3 TERMINOLOGY gnixim secudorp a htooms roF the esoprup of siht ,dradnats the snoitinifed nevig dna mrofinu tniap elbatius rof noitacilppa ni SI 1303 llahs .ylppa ii) gniyrD xaM,emit - 03 nim traP teS/3 1 iii) hsiniF htoomS dna ttam traP c&3 4 4 GRADES )vi ruoloC yerG yerG traP ceSl4 2 erehT llahs eb two grades as nevig .woleb )v elitaloV ,rettam 54 03 traP ceSl2 2 tnecrep yb ,ssam MUX 4.1 edarG 1 )iv tnemgiP ,tnetnoc 05 56 traP ceSI8 2 tnecrep yb ,ssam Min tniaP gnimirp ,cniz noitacirbaferp - for noitcetorp of )iiv emuloV ,sdilos 82 53 traP ceSl8 6 evisarba tsalb denaelc leets dna detacirbaf .stnenopmoc tnecrep yb ,ssam Min )iiiv yrD mlif ,ssenkciht 02 54 traP ceSl3 2 4.2 edarG 2 ,snorcim Min )xi hsalF ,tniop ,C“ niM 51 51 traP teS/l 6 tniaP gnimirp cniz - desu enola or as remirp coat for )x noitcetorP tsniaga 01 syad 82 syad traP ceSl6 1 tniap .smetsys noisorroc rednu noitasnednoc -idnoc snoit gnisu evisarba 5 STNEMERIUQER detsalb leets lenap )ix ecnatsiseR ot tlas )’yarps 8 syad 03 syad xennA C 5.1 Composition )iix tceffE fo gnidlew oT ssap eht tset xennA D ehT remirp llahs eb desab no a kcap-owt yxope rednib )iiix gnipeeK ytilauq toN ssel naht 1 raey traP ceSI6 2 deruc htiw edimaylop dna ,tnevlos gnidneped nopu )vix toP ,efil niM h6 h6 xennA E stnemeriuqer dna detnemgip htiw cniz tsud dna ” sihT tset llahs eb enod ta lavorppa egats .ylno elbatius .srednetxe ehT cillatem cniz tnetnoc nehw 6 GNIKCAP DNA GNIKRAM ,detaluclac as nevig ni xennA ,B no the selitalov-non noitrop of the tniap for grade 1 llahs eb ton ssel naht 6.1 gnikcaP 65 tnecrep yb( )ssam dna for grade 2 llahs eb ton ssel ehT lairetam llahs eb packed as agreed ot neewteb the naht 85 tnecrep yb( .)ssam resahcrup dna the .reilppus 5.2 cillateM cniz tsud desu ni the noitalumrof llahs eb as per grade 2 of SI 46 11. 6.2 gnikraM 5.3 ehT gnixim noitroporp of two tnenopmoc lairetam ehT lairetam llahs eb dekram htiw the gniwollof llahs eb a elpmis oitar yb .ssam :sralucitrap 1 SI 145g9 : 1999 a) emaN dna grade of the ;lairetam or srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf the uaeruB of )b noitacidnI of the ecruos of ;erutcafunam naidnI .sdradnatS c) Net ssam of the ;lairetam 7 GNILPMAS d) Batch No. or tol No., ni code r? ;esiwrehto evitatneserpeR selpmas of the slairetam llahs eb nward dna as debircserp ni SI 101 (Part teS/l 1). e) htnoM dna raey of .erutcafunam 6.2.1 BIS Certification Marking 8 TSET SDOHTEM ehT tcudorp yam osla eb dekram htiw dradnatS Mark. 8.1 ytilauQ of stnegaeR ehT esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb sselnU deificeps ,esiwrehto erup slacimehc dna the snoisivorp of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 dellitsid water (see SI 1070) llahs eb deyolpme ni tests. dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT ETON - eruP‘ ’lacimehc llahs naem slacimehc taht od ton sliated or snoitidnoc rednu hcihw the ecnecil for the niatnoc seitirupmi hcihw tceffa eht stluser fo .sisylana esu of dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam ANNEX A (Clause 2) TSIL FO DERREFER NAIDNI SDRADNATS IS No. Title SI No. Title 101 Methods of gnilpmas dna test (Part teS/4 2) : lacitpO tests no tniap ,smlif for ,stniap sehsinrav dna detaler 1989 noitceS 2 ruoloC (third revision) :stcudorp (Part teS/6 1) : ytilibaruD tests no tniap ,smlif (Part teS/l 1) : tseT no diuqil stniap lareneg( dna 1988 noitceS 1 ecnatsiseR ot ytidimuh 1986 ,)lacisyhp noitceS 1 gnilpmaS (third rednu snoitidnoc of noitasnednoc revision) (third revision) (Part teS/l 5) : tseT no diuqil stniap lareneg( dna (Part teS/6 2) : ytilibaruD tests no tniap ,smlif 1989 ,)lacisyhp aoitceS 5 ycnetsisnoC 1989 noitceS 2 gnipeeK seitreporp (third (third revision) revision) (Part teS/l 6) : tseT no diuqil stniap lareneg( dna (Part teS/8 2) : stseT for stnemgip dna other ,sdilos 1987 ,)lacisyhp noitceS 6 hsalF tniop 1990 noitceS 2 stnemgiP dna elitalov-non (third revision) rettam (third revision) (Part teS/l 7) : tseT no diuqil stniap lareneg( dna (Part teS/8 6) : stseT for stnemgip dna other ,sdilos 1987 ,)lacisyhp noitceS 7 Mass per 10 1993 noitceS 6 emuloV sdilos sertil (third revision) 513 : 1994 dloC dellor wol nobrac leets sheets (Part teS/2 2) : tseT no diuqil stniap lacimehc( dna spirts ifourth revision) 1986 ,)noitanimaxe noitceS 2 elitaloV 1070 : 1992 retaW for lareneg yrotarobal esu rettam (third revision) (third revision) (Part teS/3 1) : stseT no tniap mlif ,noitamrof 1303 : 1983 Glossary of smret gnitaler ot stniap 1986 noitceS 1 gniyrD emit (third (second revisidn) revision) 1499 : 1977 Method for yprahc tcapmi test (Part teS/3 2) : stseT no tniap mlif ,noitamrof )hcton-U( for slatem (first revision) 1989 noitceS 2 mliF ssenkciht (third 1608 : 1995 lacinahceM gnitset of slatem - revision) elisneT gnitset (second revision) (Part teS/3 4) : tseT no tniap mlif ,noitamrof 4611 : 1991 cillateM cniz powder cniz( )tsud 1987 noitceS 4 hsiniF (third revision) (second revision) IS 14589 : 1999 . ANNEX B (Clause 5.1) NOITANIMRETED FO CILLATEM CNIZ B-O LARENEG B-l.4 Zimmerman-Neinhardt Solution cillateM cniz si detamitse yb gninimreted the latot Prepare eno ertil of ,noitulos gniniatnoc 67 g of gnicuder power yb gnivlossid ti ni detaludica cirref esenagnam etahplus ,)O,H4,0SnM( 130 lm of edirolhc noitulos dna gnitartit htiw dradnats muissatop ciruhplus dica (sp gr 1.84) dna 138 lm of cirohpsohp etanagnamrep .noitulos dica (85 .)tnecrep B-l REAGENTS 2-B ERUDECORP B-l.1 Standard Potassium Permanganate Solution 1.2-B hgieW 0.2 g of the elpmas of the .tnemgip (0.1 N) refsnarT yletaidemmi ot a yrd 600 lm llaw-yvaeh Heat 5 g of muissatop etanagnamrep ),OnMK( for eno reyemnelrE ksalf dna add 50 lm of the cirref edirolhc ruoh at 100 + .C°2 evlossiD 3.16 g of muissatop .noitulos ylthgiT stopper the ksalf dna etatiga etanagnamrep ni water dna etulid ti ot eno .ertil wollA yltnatsnoc for yletamixorppa 15 .setunim sA noos as ti ot dnats for 7 .syad retliF hguorht a muidem ytisorop lla cniz tsud si ,devlossid add 50 lm of the dettirf csid dna ezidradnats tsniaga muidos etalaxo as tdrahnieR-namremmiZ noitulos dna 250 lm of water. :swollof etartiT htiw 0.1 N muissatop etanagnamrep .noitulos evlossiD 0.25 ot 0.30 g of muidos etalaxo ni 250 lm of 2.2-B gnikaM a knalb ,noitanimreted gniwollof the hot water )C°09-09( dna add 15 lm ciruhplus dica (1 : 1). emas erudecorp dna gnisu the emas stnuoma of etartiT at ecno htiw ,OnMK ,noitulos gnirrits the diuqil stnegaer except the .tnemgip ylsuorogiv dna .ylsuounitnoc ,OnMK noitulos tsum ton eb added erom yldipar naht 10 ot 15 etunim/lm dna the 3-B NOITALUCLAC tsal 0.5 ot 1 lm llahs eb added esiwpord htiw ralucitrap care ot wolla each drop ot eb ylluf desiruoloced erofeb etaluclaC the tnecrep of cillatem cniz as wollof : the txen drop si .decudortni ehT noitulos llahs ton eb cillateM ,cniz woleb C°06 yb the emit the dne tniop has neeb reached. tnecrep peeK ,OnMK noitulos ni a nworb dereppots-ssalg ssalg elttob dna store ni a dark .ecalp yb ssam = [(V-B) x N x 0.032 7/w] 100 2.l-B cirreF edirolhC noituloS where v = lm of ,OnMK noitulos deriuqer for Prepare a noitulos gniniatnoc 20 g of cirref edirolhc .noitartit ,,lCeF( 6qO) dna 20 lm of 20 tnecrep muidos .noitulos tI si elbasivda ot ekam pu eno s’yad tnemeriuqer at a .emit B = lm of ,OnMK noitulos deriuqer for noitartit of ,knalb ETON - 05 lm fo noitulos si yllamron deriuqer rof eno -imreted .noitan N = ’ytilamroN‘ of the ,OnMK ,noitulos dna =w ’smarG‘ of elpmas .desu B-l.3 Sodium Acetate Solution ETON - fI yllacificeps ,derised cillatem cniz tnetnoc yam eb evlossiD 200 g of suordyhna muidos acetate denimreted sa rep MTSA D 125 - 09 dradnatS tset sdohtem rof (NaC,H,O,) or 332 g of NaC,H,O,, 3H,O ni water dna lacimehc sisylana fo cniz tsud cillatem( )cniz ,redwop sa na etulid ti ot 1 .ertil evitanretla .dohtem 3 IS 14589 : 1999 ANNEX C [Table 1, SZN o. (xi)] RESISTANCE TO SALT SPRAY TEST C-O GENERAL each kram 50 mm gnol gnisu a gnittuc edge at tsael 0.75 mm .ediw Expose the detniap slenap ot tlas water ehT coated slenap are detcejbus ot tlas yarps for yarps test ylsuounitnoc as debircsed ni 3 of SI 101 detalupits rebmun of syad dna the mlif si denimaxe (Part teS/6 1) for the deificeps test .doirep ,revewoH for yna .noitaroireted fi yllacificeps derised yb the ,resahcrup tnettimretni erusopxe of the slenap ot laicifitra sea water test as C-l PROCEDURE debircsed ni 4 of SI 101 (Part teS/6 1) yam osla eb C-l.1 Prepare test slenap of ezis 150 mm X 1.5 mm of deirrac .tuo dlim leets gnimrofnoc ot epyT DD of SI 5 13 hguorht 2.l-C enimaxE the lenap yllausiv for yna mlif evisarba tsalb (see .)droweroF ylppA a coat of the noitaroireted dna noisorroc of the .leets egappirC llahs remirp yb gniyarps ot ecudorp derised yrd mlif ton eb erom naht 3 mm no rehtie edis of the ebircs ssenkciht dna wolla ot yrd for neves .syad nI the elddim senil for gnissap the test. of lenap ekam a ebircs kram gnidnetxe pu ot ,latem ANNEX D [Table 1, SZN o. (xii)] DETERMINATION OF EFFECT OF WELDING a> D-O GENERAL Radiographs - esehT llahs evah a -vitisnes yti of retteb naht 2 tnecrep of the etalp ehT dlim leets setalp coated htiw the noitacirbaferp ssenkciht rednu noitanimaxe as nwohs yb na remirp are dedlew dna the dlew si denimaxe for egami ytilauq .rotacidni ytisorop dna lacinahcem seitreporp gnola htiw a lortnoc dlew .ylbmessa b) Photo-macrographs - esehT yam eb of lautca dna’ezis llahs eb nekat morf raen each D-l PRdCEDURE dne dna the ertnec of the .dlew c> Face and reverse bend test -The test -iceps D-l.1 Test Plate snem llahs eb tneb yb erusserp dnuor a remrof esU dlim leets setalp of ezis 500 mm x 150 mm x of retemaid lauqe ot three semit of the etalp 20 mm for gnikam the dlew test .seilbmessa A elgnis .ssenkciht hcton-U si edam no lanidutignol edge of each .lenap 4 Zmpact tests - esehT llahs eb deirrac tuo at tneibma erutarepmet of three yprahc hcton-U 2.l-D noitaraperP of dleW ylbmessA test snemiceps prepared ni ecnadrocca htiw evisarbA tsalb (see )droweroF two setalp gnidulcni SI 1499. ehT snemiceps llahs eb dehcton at the edges dna cast meht htiw noitacirbaferp remirp as the lartnec enil of the ,dlew ralucidneprep ot per s’rerutcafunam snoitcurtsni gnipeek the yrd mlif the etalp .ecafrus ssenkciht nihtiw 40 ot 50 .snorcim wollA the remirp 4 Tensile test - etamitlU elisnet htgnerts llahs coat ot yrd for neves .syad Prepare the test ylbmessa eb denimreted ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 1608 yb gnidlew the setalp together gnisu etairporppa gnipeek the dlew tnioj ni the elddim of the elbamusnoc .sedortcele evisarbA tsalb the lortnoc test .ecalp ylbmessa setalp dna dlew ni a ralimis .noihsaf D-l.4 ehT remirp llahs eb demeed ot evah passed the test fi ytisorop ni remirp coated dlew seilbmessa does 3.l-D Examination of Test Assemblies ton exceed 10 tnecrep naht that Of lortnoc dlew ehT test seilbmessa llahs eb denimaxe for the tests .seilbmessa ehT stluser of other tests no sdlew htiw nevig :woleb remirp llahs ton eb woleb the muminim deificeps seulav of lortnoc .sdlew 4 IS 14589 : 1999 ANNEX E [Table 1, SZN o. (xiv)] DETERMINATION OF POT LIFE E-l noitidnoC the stnenopmoc of the gnitaoc for eno gnikrow efil of the .sgnitaoc gniruD siht doirep fi the ruoh at C°52 dna xim yletaidemmi ni proper oitar ot gnitaoc semoceb too suocsiv ot ,yarps evomer a llams llif the trauq nac ot yletamixorppa 1.25 mc of the top. noitrop dna add etairporppa .renniht fI the tniap dluoc ehT dil yam eb ylesooi decalp no the .nac llits eb ,denniht the dne of gnikrow efil has ton neeb reached. ehT dne of the gnikrow efil si reached nehw E-2 erusaeM the ytisocsiv yllaitini dna yreve ruoh the test lairetam )tniap( ,sleg semoceb ygnirts or tonnac ;retfaereht revewoh the lavretni yam eb denetrohs fi eb denniht for .noitacilppa .derised .4-E Report the gnikrow efil ni the etamixorppa emit E-3 ytisocsiV sdliub pu yldipar raen the dne of .stinu ANNEX F (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION lairtsudnI stniaP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CHD 3 1 Chairman Representing IKHS .R AITAHPRAM In lanosrep yticapac IRHS .K .S NARDNAHCAMAR snosiddA stniaP dna .slacimehC iannehC IRHS P .D NARDABAMAR (Alternate) IRHS .H .K AYAMOM naisA stniaP )aidnI( .dtL iabmuM IRHS .J .B NIAJ (Alternate) IRHS .M .L IDEVRUTAHC jajaB otuA ,dtL enuP IRHS .S .M ELAHTA (Alternate) RD .S HSOG regreB stniaP aidnI ,dtL attuclaC IRHS .K LAMRIN RAMUK (Alterme) IRHS .D .K HGNIS tarahB yvaeH slacirtcelE ,dtL weN ihleD IRHS .S .C ATPUG (Alternate) ARTIAM.P.SIRHS yabmoB stniaP .dtL iabmuM IRHS .N .K AHUG tnempoleveD renoissimmoC (%I), tnemnrevoG fo ,aidnI weN ihleD IRHS .R AYAYHDAPOHKUM )etanretlA( IRHS P NARAMUKAYAJ etarotceriD lareneG fo seilppuS dna ,slasopsiD weN ihleD IRHS .N .K LAHSUAK (Akrnate) IRHS .D .K LAWRAGGA etarotceriD lareneG fo lacinhceT ,tnempoleveD weN ihleD IRHS RIBSAJ HCNIS (Alternate) RD .G AHAS sreenignE aidnI ,dtL iabmuM RD P .G IRUHDUAHC eveD stniaP ,dtL iabmuM IRHS .J NAJARAGNAR ssaldooG caloreN stniaP .dtL iabmuM IRHS .K .D TNAWAS (Alternate) IRHS DIVAD NHOJ yvaeH enihcaM gnidliuB ,tnalP ihcnaR IRHS .U .P HCNIS (Alternate) EV~AWSERPER natsudniH draypihS .dtL mantapakasiV IRHS .Y .P .S NAVRIN lavaN lacigrullateM hcraeseR ,yrotarobaL iabmuM IRHS AXLNERIHD RAMJLK (Alternate) EWW.WE.ZERPER ,CGNO levnaP IRHS R. BEHL ICI aidnI .dtL attuclaC SHRI .A .R AYAYHDAPOYDNAB (Alternate) (Continued on page 6) 5

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