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Preview IS 14581: Guidelines for formulation and operation of a Suggestion Scheme in an organization

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14581 (2006): Guidelines for formulation and operation of a Suggestion Scheme in an organization [MSD 4: Management and Productivity] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14581:2006 mm%5- qmim@5TTFwTTimdvJT * m * fit-qti?ff Rm’l=d (waTj@MJT) Indian Standard GUIDELINES FOR FORMULATION AND OPERATION OF A SUGGESTION SCHEME IN AN ORGANIZATION (First Revision ) [Cs 03.100 0 BIS2006 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 2006 Price Group 3 ManagementandProductivity Sectional Committee, MSD4 FOREWORD This lndian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the drafl finalized by the Management and Productivity Sectional Committee had been approved by the Management and Systems DivisionCouncil. A suggestion scheme is a management encouraged scheme through which the employees can offer their ideas voluntarily for rectification of deficiency, improvements leading to better method of work and/or financial savings, betterworkculture and environment. Suggestion scheme isatotal employee involvement programme. The progress of the organization depends upon the creative ability of its employees and this directly contributes to the enrichment of the organization. It is a medium throughwhichthehidden ideasinaperson arebrought outandputtomeaningful andproductive useforthebetterment oftheorganization. Itisbelievedthatevery individual willfindhisworkmoremeaningful andchallenging whenheisgiventheopportunity tomakecontinuous improvement andcreate valuetoit. The objective ofthe scheme isto enthuse employeestocome forward voluntarily with suggestions thattheyhave inmindwhichcould contribute totheenhancement ofproduction, safework practices, quality, cost/waste/overhead reduction and conservation of the environment, etc. Cooperation fkomtheemployees andsustained support fromthetopmanagement, apart flom total involvementofboth inalleventsconnected with suggestion scheme arethemainpillars onwhich suggestion scheme isbuilt. Itprovides a direct upward communication channel for the employees to put forward their ideas and thus providing an open environment. IS 14581:2006 Indiati SYmdard GUIDELINES FOR FORMULATION AND OPERATION OF A SUGGESTION SCHEME IN AN ORGANIZATION (First Revision ) 1 SCOPE d) Management’s encouragement to employees to give suggestions. Thisstandardprovides guidelines fortheformulation and implementationofa suWestionschemeinanorganization. 2.5 The major indices ofsuccess of suchascheme are: 2AIMS OFSUGGESTION SCHEME a) Number of employees participating in a year vis-d-vis total number ofemployees, 2.1 Asuggestion scheme isa formal mechanism, which b) Tangible savings accrued per year, encourages employees to contribute constructive ideas c) Intangible gains, for improving their organization including its working environment. d) Number of suggestions received and accepted, e) Number of suggestions implemented out of the 2.2 Themainemphasis ofthe suggestion schemeishow accepted suggestions, and tomotivate employees andcontribute tothemanagement o Time taken for evaluation of suggestions. of change. It basically aims to generate ideas from employees at all levels in order to improve standardized 3 DEVELOPMENT/AREAS OFSUGGESTIONS procedures for enhancing productivity, quality and cost reduction.However,thesuccessofsuchschemesdepends 3.1 The progress ofan organization comesthrough well onthecommitment ofthetop management. implemented good ideas. Any idea to improve upon an existing condition can be turned into a suggestion. For 2.3 In the context of employee involvement process, evolving effective suggestions, some of the questions suggestion scheme fidtills avariety of purposes. Itcan; thatcan beasked are given asfollows: a) drive both employee involvement and work a) [s this activity/process necessary? improvement, i) Canitbeeliminated? b) improve both organizational and personal ii) Canitbesimplified? performance, iii)Can itbecombined with someotheractivity? c) embrace both the team and individual, iv) Canitbesplit? d) lookatthestrategic value ofan ideaasbeing both v) Canthe split ofthe activity benefit? tangible and intangible, vi) Canthe effort andtime bereduced? e) helpinidenti~ing waysfordesignanddevelopment vii)Can the sequence of activity be changed for ofknowledge management systems, and the better? o helpinidentifying andencouraging creative talent b) 1sthere any wastage of resources? intheorganization. i) Can itbe avoided? 2.4 The critical success factors for any suggestion ii) Cantheseresourcesbemoreoptimallyutilized? schemewillbe: c) Are there any unsafe equipment or practice? Can a) Employee creativity, innovativeness and his/her suggestions be made regarding their safety participation; aspects? b) Top management’s continuous support for d) Canitimprove theservice/product quality,service providing a conducive climate for nurturing the standard or cut down service time? suggestion scheme and aperiodic review bythem e) Canitimprove process efilciency? of itsfimctioning; f) Isthereanyscopeforimprovementinhousekeeping c) Quality evaluation of the suggestions; and orenvironment? IS 14581:2006 3.2 Somemore questions that can be asked withrespect 3.5 The following areas are excluded from being to the reduction inthe amount of paper and paper work considered as an eligible suggestion: are: a) Suggestiononorganization’s/Government policies, a) Can the number of copies be reduced? Does etc; everyone receiving copies really require that b) Personal grievance or complaint regarding wage, information? promotion or any other; b) 1sthere anyduplication of information? c) Suggestions already received under the scheme; c) Cantheinformation provided indifferent formsbe d) Collective bargaining matters; and combined inone? e) Acriticism directed atother statYemployee. d) Canthe processing of documents be made faster? e) Isallthe information relevant? 4SUGGESTION EVALUATIONCOMMMTEE f) Can the paper work be reduced or eliminated throughuseofalternatemodelikeelectronicmedia, 4.1 A suggestion evaluation committee should be constituted by the organization comprising senior level etc. personsornominated representatives drawnfromvarious disciplines, whoshould beassigned thetaskofassessing 3.3 Suggestions can also be made with respect to the the practicability including accrued savings, onetime or satisfactionlevelofthecustomers,byaskingthefollowing recurring, from the suggestions and recommend awards questions: onmerit. The departmental head ofthe suggestor should a) Are your customers, both internal and external, be a co-opted member in the Committee. One of the satisfied? members of this Committee should be designated as b) Doesyour organization have a formal mechanism coordinator. All suggestions should be forwarded to the for assessing this? coordinator, who will be assigned the task of operating c) Isthere anyprocedure for taking follow-up action the suggestion scheme within the organization. oncomplaints anddissatisfaction ofthecustomers? 4.1.1 However,incaseoflargeorganizations,department- d) 1s there a mechanism for utilizing the wisecoordinator could be designated forbetter handling feedback received from customers for continual of the suggestion scheme. A centralized online system improvement? couldbedeveloped inwhichthedepartmental coordinator couldenterthesuggestionsreceived fkomthedepartmental Theanswertothesequestions will leadtogeneration ofa employees. The online system should have debils ofthe number of effective suggestions. suggestor, the date of suggestion proposal, suggestion details and status of suggestion. This will avoid 3.4 The suggestions canbemade inthe following areas: misunderstanding andprovide record oforigin incaseof a) Buildingupabetter image~f t heorganization; overlapping suggestions. These suggestions should be b) Achievingorganizational goalsmore effectively; forwarded to the coordinator for consideration of the suggestions evaluation committee. c) Quality issues; d) Improving productivity; 4.1.2 Since the suggestion scheme is a total employee e) Improving working processes and procedures, involvement programme, the organization should devise including communications; suitablemechanism toensure impartiality, objectivity and transparency of the suggestions evaluation process. f) Reduction ininput cost, wastefil expenditure and wastages; 4.2 The responsibilities of the coordinator shouldbe as g) Development of HR and increasing morale, follows: motivation andjob satisfaction; a) Responsible forinteracting betweenthesuggestion h) Standardizationandvarietyreductiotienhancement evaluation committee and the suggestor. withinthe organization; b) To receive all suggestions and immediately j) Economicindigenization; acknowledge in the prescribed format along with k) improving environment both at workplace and the serial number allotted. A single suggestion surroundings including health and safety; proposed bytwoormorepeoplejointly shouldalso m) Improving customer satisfaction; beadmissibleandasingleacknowledgementshould be issuedtothe first person orteam leader. n) Improvement inservice level;and c) Toscrutinize these suggestions fortheir eligibility p) Improvement inproduct design and developme nt. 2 IS 14581:2006 and put up only eligible suggestions to the 5.3 Each suggestion may be submitted separately inthe suggestion evaluation committee. prescribed form. ‘d) To maintain records of all suggestions received/ 5.4 Suggestions could be placed in the suggestion box scrutinized. installed by the organization at conspicuous places. e) Tocompile the suggestions received and convene Suggestions can also be forwarded by any other mode meeting of the suggestion evaluation committee includingelectronic. for assessment of the suggestions and recommendations. 5.5 The suggestions may be given in simple English or o To inform the suggestor about the status of the Hindi/local language. It should describe the existing accepted suggestion fromtime to time, incasethe method, the proposed method and an explanation as to evaluation takes aconsiderable time, otherwise to whythis suggestion isbetter. Ifnecessary, sketcheslflow inform the suggestor about the result of the diagrams maybemadetoexplain theideas, evaluation. g) To carry out all such acts that calls for smooth 5.6 While suggestions necessarily mean employees functioning of the scheme. comingforwardwithasolutiontoaperceived problem, at times,anemployee may. p.erceive aproblem forwhichhe 4.3 The responsibility of suggestion evaluation maynothaveadirectsolutiontoofferbuttheorganization committee shouldbe: may be benefited once the problem is solved. The suggestor may have only some sketchy idea regarding a) to meet at periodic intervals for evaluating the solution. In such cases, a senior officer of that suggestions. department may be deputed to help the suggestor in b) toco-opt experts for assessing certain suggestions crystallizing his thoughts and giving the suggestion to requiring specialized knowledge. the coordinator. In a large organization, this may be a c) to have apositive approach to all the suggestions continuous process and separate officers ti-omdifferent andrecommend awards onmerits. departments may be earmarked for this purpose. The information regarding previous suggestions should be d) to obtain from the suggestor, if required, firther readily available to employees for guidance andto avoid details/clarifications about his suggestion. duplication ofefforts, e) tomakefinalrecommendation oftheaward. o tomaintainconfidentiality tillsuchtimetheawards 6 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION are disbursed. 6.1 As a first step, an emp.loy.ee should be made aware g) to ensure implementation of the suggestion at the about this scheme and its benefits. A conducive earliest. environment must be created and the employee must be h) to get feedback on suggestions implemented and enthused to participate wholeheartedly. Encouragement recommend necessary changes, ifneeded. to the suggestor(s) by a suitable reward along with the acknowledgement of eligible suggestion will go a long .0 to periodically provide feedback ofthe scheme to wayinachieving this goal. the top management for ensuring its continued effectiveness, suitability and also for continual 6.2 The basis for selecting the suggestions for award improvement. should be improvements proposed in any areas of k) to notify the rejected suggestions, with a note of suggestions given under 3.4. The Committee shouldnot encouragement to the suggestor(s) for their makecomparative evaluation ofthe suggestions received continued participation. buteachsuggestion should beevaluated onitsownmerit. Variouscriteria could beusedforgiving consideration for 5RECEIITOFSUGGESTIONS selection of suggestion like, a) reduction ininput cost inareas likemen,material, 5.1 Suggestions can be given by individual/group of machine andmoney leading to; employees of the organization. The organization may decidetoconsider suggestions received fromtheirretired i) Cost savings per annum. employees. ii) Foreign exchange savings (recurring/non- recurring). 5.2 The suggestion forms maybe printed inEnglish and iii)Cost reduction. Hindi/local language which may be used for receiving suggestions ffom the employees. Atypical form isgiven iv) Qualityimprovement. inAnnexAasanexample. v) Productivity improvement. IS 14581:2006 vi) Improvement inservice levels. relating to the suggestion which has been accepted, shouldtakenecessary stepsto implement thesuggestions vii) Ingenuity of suggestion (depth of study). and send a progress report of implementation to the viii)Applicability (inworkarea/entireplant). coordinator. b) Improved productivity by way of reduction in 8.3 Ifthe concerned department is of the opinion that it wastage, wastefil expenditure, improved systems wouldtake somemore time to implement the suggestion, including formarketing, etc. the samemaybe conveyed to the coordinator, Ifthere is need for modification, he may do so under intimation to 6.3 Similartypeofsuggestion received tlom twoormore the coordinator. individuals/team should be decided on first come first serve basis for evaluation of suggestions. 8.4 The coordinator should submit a report on progress of implementation of the accepted suggestions to the 6,4 The suggestion could be rejected for any of the suggestion evaluation committee during its meetings. following reasons: If considered necessary, on review of position of a) Suggestion isnot feasible and/or implementable; implementation,theCommitteemayrequesttherespective activity heads for expediting implementation of the b) Newmethodmaybeasafety/health/enviromnental suggestion. The coordinator should receive feedback on hazard; and suggestions implemented and review for changes, if c) Cost of implementation outweighs the benefits. required. 6.5 The suggestion evaluation committeeconstituted 9 KEYTOSUCCESS OF SUGGESTION SCHEME above, will be empowered to judge and select the suggestionsfortheaward. Incasethere isaneedtomodi~ 9.1 The following key factors likeproper organizational the suggestion for its effective implementation, the setup, open management, systematic procedures, suggestionevaluationcommitteemaydosoinconsultation encouragement totheemployees, proper communication, with the respective departmental head. Specified time timelyevaluation,availabilityofresources,properpublicity norms should be laid down for evaluation ofsuggestions of the suggestions, attribute towards the success of a received. suggestion scheme in an organization. Therefore, the management shouldhelp andencourage theemployees in 7 RECOGNITION ANDREWARD thisregardbyfosteringaconducive atmosphereforproper nurturing ofthesuggestion scheme intheorganization. It 7.1 Thetypeofaward/appreciation shouldbedecidedby shouldperiodically review thesuggestion scheme,asone the Committee depending onthe merit ofthe suggestion. oftheorganization processes, forcontinual improvement. 7.2 The employee, whose suggestion has been accepted 9.2 However, the suggestion schemes that encourages for implementation by the suggestion evaluation stafftocomeforward withideascanfailmiserably ifthey Committee, should be suitably awarded appreciated. If, are not managed properly, leading to lossof morale and the suggestions given by a team are accepted for productivity- Badly-run schemes can lead to apathy, implementation, equalcredit shouldbegiventoeachteam ~esentment&d people working lesseffectively. Someof memberforaward,etc. thecommon deficiencies observed areasfollows: a) A lack of commitment and support from top 7,3 The names of the employees, along with their management; photographs, whose suggestions are accepted, may be prominently displayed onthenotice board foraspecified b) Failure to follow-up suggestions; period. They may be suitably recognized in house c) Poor communication about progress to the magazines, news letters, etc, and the same may also be suggestor; reflected intheirannual appraisal report. d) Continuously rejecting ideas; 8IMPLEMENTATION e) Failuretorecognize thecontribution forideas;and o Dumping allideasonlyononepersontodealwith, 8.1 The suggestions accepted for implementation should etc. be forwarded by the coordinator to the concerned department(s) along with the specified time period for Therefore, while reviewing the scheme, the organization itsimplementation. should also look for above factors and try to correct the deficiencies observed as a measure of continual 8.2 The concerned department, dealing withthe activity improvement. 4 . ANNEX A (Clause 5.2) ANEXAMPLE OFATYPICALFORM FOR RECEIVING SUGGESTIONS FROM EMPLOYEES NameandDesignation EmployeeIDNo. .......................................................................................................... PresentDepartment .......................................................................................................... OffIceAddressforCommunication ; .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... ResidentialAddressforCommunication : .......................................................................................................... (incaseofretired employee) .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... E-mail : .......................................................................................................... OfficeTelephoneNo. .......................................................................................................... PersonalPhoneNo. .......................................................................................................... (incaseofretired employee) Area of Suggestion .......................................................................................................... Suggestion and Advantage on its [implementation (Enclose details analysis/ sketch/justification, etc, onseparate sheets, ifrequired) (Signature) Date: For Official UseOnly SuggestionSerialNo. Acknowledgement Reference Letter dated 5

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