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IS 14560-1: Horology - Mineral and Sapphire Glass for Wrist Watch Cases, Part 1: Dimensions, Material and Test Procedures PDF

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Preview IS 14560-1: Horology - Mineral and Sapphire Glass for Wrist Watch Cases, Part 1: Dimensions, Material and Test Procedures

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14560-1 (1998): Horology - Mineral and Sapphire Glass for Wrist Watch Cases, Part 1: Dimensions, Material and Test Procedures [PGD 23: Horology] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14560 ( Part 1 ) : 1998 Indian Standard YGOLOROH - LARENIM DNA SAPPHIRE SSALG ROF TSIRW HCTAW SESAC PART 1 DIMENSIONS, MATERIAL AND TEST PROCEDURES - SPECIFICATION ICS 39.040. IO 0 BIS 199X BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BIIAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARC; NEW DELHI 110002 December 1998 Price Group 2 ll-“.--___ II~L____ --II ygoloroH lanoitceS ,eettimmoC LM 23 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS (Part 1) was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilani’t yb the ygoloroH lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devoroppa yb the thgiL lacinahceM gnireenignE noisiviD Council. sihT dradnats seificeps the sepyt of the watch sessalg ni lacigoloroh .seirtsudni tI osla seificeps the used lanoisnemid dna the lairetam stnemeriuqer gnola htiw the test erudecorp for talf watch sessalg ot he desu no tsirw watches. sihT dradnats si gnieb dehsilbup ni two parts as :swollof Part I ,snoisnemiD lairetam dna test serudecorp Part 2 teksaG ,snoisnemid lairetam dna !spt serudecorp nI the noitaraperp of siht dradnats yrassecen ecnatsissa has neeb devired morf SHIN h I - ,OI deussi yb the semroN De eirtsudnI’L ,eregolroH .essiuS of roF the esoprup gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 0691 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav (revised)‘. ehT rebmun of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor off eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav ni siht .dradnats IS 14560 (Part 1) : 1998 Indian Standard YGOLOROH - LARENIM DNA SAPPHIRE SSALG ROF TSIRW HCTAW SESAC PART 1 DIMENSIONS, MATERIAL AND TEST PROCEDURES - SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE 4 SNOISNEMID sihT dradnats (Part )I seificeps the lanoisnemid 4.1 Sizes ,tnemeriuqer lairetam dna test erudecorp for talf ehT dradnats sezis of the larenim dna erihppas ssalg larenim dna erihppas ssalg for tsirw watch cases. llahs eb morf aid X.00 mm ot aid 35.00 mnt ni steps of S.0 mm for dnuor ,ssalg htiw a ecnarelot +fo 0.02 .mm 2 REFERENCE nI the case of shaped sessalg the ezis dna ecnarelot llahs eb as agreed nopu neewteb the reilppus dna the ehT gniwollof naidnI dradnatS sniatnoc noisivorp .remotsuc ehT ssenkciht dna the refmahc snoisnemid hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni siht text, setutitsnoc llahs eb as specified in Tables 1. 2 ;w.l 3. snoisivorp of siht .dradnats tA the emit of ,noitacilbup the noitide detacidni was .dilav llA sdradnats are Table 1 Mineral Glass Thickness and Chamfer tcejbus ot noisiver dna seitrap ot stnemeerga desab no Heights siht dradnats are degaruocne ot etagitsevni the ytilibissop of gniylppa the tsom tnecer noitide of the dradnats nevig :woleb SI No. Title [ Item 1 Tolerance / DimenTsi ons I 3073 : I%7 tnemssessA of ecafrus ssenhguor 3 TERMINOLOGY See .giF .1 --c+ a - E i 7 TYPE 9 (SHAPED) IS 14560 (Part 1) : 1998 Table 2 Sapphire Glass Thickness and Chamfer 5.2 Glass Material Heights (clause4. 1) 52.1 Composition ufMinern1 G1m.s All dimensions in milliu%trcs lareniM ssalg llahs eb of muidos etacilis ssalg of the rehtie of the gniwollof noitisopmoc : Item Tolerance Dimensions a) muiclaC edixo 5 ot 7 tnecrep r +O.lO 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80 I.(K) 1.20 -0.00 muisengaM edixo 4 ot .5 tnecrep E- + 0.0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 020 0.20 muidoS edixo 13.50 ot SI tnecrep -0.05 muissatoP edixo 0.05 ot 05.I tnecrep F + 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.0s muinatiT edixo 0.05 ot 0.08 tnecrep - cniZ 0.01 ot 0.03 tnecrep Table 3 Mineral and Sapphire Glass Chamfer aciliS ecnalaB Angles )b muiclaC edixo 7 tnecrep (Clause 4.1) muidoS edixo dna Item I Tolerance I ssalG Thickness, mm ! muissatoP edixo 17 tnecrep muinatiT edixo 1 tnecrep cniZ edixo 4 tnecrep , ynomitnA edixo I tnecrep XI f ”5 45” 45” 4s& 45” 45” 45” 45” muiraB edixo 2 tnecrep -P + 50 3s” 35” 356 35” 350 35” 35” aciliS ecnalaB 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.2.2 Composition of Sapphire Gluss 5.1 Requirements of Finish for Mineral and erihppaS ssalg llahs eb of 99.9 tnecrep muinimulA Sapphire Glass oxide (Al2O3). lareniM ssalg of nward sheets llahs eb dnuorg for 6JF hsinif (see SI 3073) as nwohs 2. poT dna in Fig. 5.2.3 Density mottob ecafrus dna reppu leveb llahs eb deppal ot N3 (see SI 3073) .hsinif ehT larenim ssalg ot eb ytisneD of larenim ssalg llahs he : 25 ot 2.7 g -mc ’ .denhguot ytisneD of erihppas ssalg llahs eb : 3.X ot 3.9 g .‘-mc R 0.150 MIRROR FINISH N3 .5.3 Physical Properties ehT larenim dna erihppas ssalg llahs eb raelc tnerapsnart ot the elbisiv .thgil 5.4 Defects l.- RORRIM HSINIF 3N ehT larenim dna erihppas ssalg llahs eb free morf the gniwollof :stcefed FIG. 2 RH.XJIREMENTO F FINISH Not pr, mitU -__-. ecafruS .stcefed ecntrus kcarc (puncfurcd .;tcc;~d rtc IS 14560 (Part 1) : 1998 5.5 Method for Checking the Glass Defects 6 MINERAL GLASS TOUGHNESS TEST The checking llahs eb deirrac tuo ni a dark work ,ecalp 6.1 Testing Procedure ot tneverp lla yarts larutan or laicifitra thgil hcihw yam ehT test set pu stsisnoc of a ssarb kcolb as nwohs ni ecneulfni the tluser of .noitcepsni .giF 4 dna a gnitset ecived as nwohs ni .giF 5. owT licnep spmal of I 500 lux llahs eb decalp ni ehT llab llahs eb deretnec yb snaem of a ssarb enoc latnoziroh dna lacitrev snoitisop as nwohs ni .giF 3 dna deniater ni the noitisop yb a tengam or dna the noitacifirev sdohtem llahs eb as nevig ni tengamortcele tuohtiw tcerid tcatnoc htiw the ,llab or elbaT 4. MINERAL GLASS TABLE OR STAND HORlZONlAL .GIF 3 SETUP FOK CHECKING GLASS DEFECTS Table 4 Verification Methods (Clause )5.5 ._ -~ SHAPED GLASS Method-- Requirement Levels Horizontal and Then CE FOR GLASS Vertical Lights Separately noisuffiD of Colour at the Bottom of the the Light Ray Enclosure Black White Hori- Verti- All dimensions ni .sertemillim zontal cal FIG. 4 SSARB BLOCK X X X X X (simultaneously) - ==fL X X - x x -x - I (srmultaneously) X X STEEL BALL OF b25 mm HELD 5.6 Hardness THROUGH MAGNET srekciV dna poonK ssendrah llahs eb as nevig .woleb / 5.6.1 For Mirleral Glass a) OSS ot 650 HV gnisu a srekciV ssendraH )b SO0 ot 600 KH gnisu a poonK ssendraH L 1 esler. 5.6.2 rn’F Srpphire Gluss 2 000 ot 2 SO0 KH gnisu a poonK ssendraH .retseT .GIF 5 TESTING Dwcr: IS 14560 (Part 1) : 1998 ACCEPTED REJECTED ( LINES 20 AND ABOVE) (LINES 19 AND BELOW) .GIF 6 PATTERN OF SEKUTPUR yna other elbatius .msinahcem ehT retemaid of the llab sevoorg deniatbo llahs eb nihtiw the seulav nevig in desu llahs eb 25 mm dna thgiew 0.635 N. elbaT 5. ehT gniwollof yam eb nekat care of erofeb gnitcudnoc Table 5 Scratch Groove Width the :tset (Clause 7) 4 yfireV the noitisop of the llab dna esaeler morf the farther tsom tniop dna sllaf ot the retnec of the ssalg kept no ssarb kcolb as nwohs ni .giF 4 dna .giF 5. b) ecalP the larenim or erihppas ssalg no ssarb kcolb ni hcihw the gnitaes noisivorp for ssalg si dedivorp as nwohs ni .giF 4. cl tcudnoC laitini test ni hcihw the ssalg llahs ton kaerb or .erutpur ehT sessalg llahs eb wrapped ni eussit paper dna neht 4 tcudnoC seires of evisseccus tests yb -saercni packed ni seititnauq ton gnideecxe 100 ,seceip ni gni the thgieh yb 25 ,mm llit ssalg serutpur elbatius packages ot diova noitaroireted gnirud .)skaerb( ehT ygrene of the erutpur is the .noitatropsnart ehT ,ytitnauq ssenkciht dna tcudorp of thgiew of llab dna the thgieh of drop noitangised of the lairetam llahs eb nwohs no the at hcihw the ssalg .serutpur edistuo of each package or as agreed ot ncewteh :iht ygrenE ni notweN ertem = W X H resahcrup dna the .reilppus where 9 GNIKRAM W si the thgiew of the llab ni ,notweN dna 9.1 Each package llahs eb dekram htiw the H si the drop thgieh of the llab ni .ertem s’rerutcafunam eman or ,kram-edart fi ,epyt ,ezis any, 6.2 Criteria for Acceptance ssenkciht dna ytitnauq ot erusne proper .noitacifitnedni a) ehT tcuttorp of ygrene llahs eb nihtiw 100 ot 210 N.mm. 9.2 SIB Certification Marking )b ehT nrettap of erutpur llahs eb as nevig ni .giF 6 ehT tcudorp yam osla eb dekram htiw the dralcnntS Mark. 7 SCRATCH RESISTANCE TEST 9.2.1 ehT esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb the lareniM or erihppas ssalg has ot eb dexif ni a elbatius snoisivorp of the uueruB of ttlcifmI v.dmdn~~tS ,tcl, .rotacol A dnomaid loot of dedulcni elgna 120” ot eb 6891 dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR :edam rednuereht derewol no ot the ssalg ecafrus so that the pit tsuj ehT sliated of snoitidnoc rednu hcihw the zcnecil nif touches the top surface. A load of 0. I F ot 0.25 notweN the esu of’ dradnatS Mark yam he detnarg (0 si neht deilppa no the .loot looT si devom ylmrofinu srerutcafunam or srecudorp yam eb iceniatho ~III~.I’I thtr at na tuoba .s/mpO5 eviF sevoorg of’ OI mm htgnel are uaeruB of naidnI .sdradnatS edam no the top ecafrus of the .ssalg ehT htdiw ’to the Bureau of Indian Standards SIB si a yrotutats noitutitsni dehsilbatse rednu the Bureau ofI ndiaSnt undurdAsct , 1986 ot etomorp suoinomrah tnempoleved of the seitivitca of ,noitazidradnats gnikram dna ytilauq noitacifitrec of goods dna gnidnetta ot detcennoc srettam ni the .yrtnuoc Copyright SIB has the thgirypoc of lla sti .snoitacilbup No part of these snoitacilbup yam eb decudorper ni yna mrof tuohtiw the roirp noissimrep ni gnitirw of .SIB sihT does ton edulcerp the free ,esu ni the esruoc of gnitnemelpmi the ,dradnats of yrassecen ,sliated hcus as slobmys dna ,sezis epyt or grade .snoitangised seiriuqnE gnitaler ot thgirypoc eb addressed ot the rotceriD ,)snoitacilbuP( .SIB Review of Indian Standards stnemdnemA are deussi ot sdradnats as the deen sesira no the sisab of .stnemmoc sdradnatS are osla deweiver ;yllacidoirep a dradnats gnola htiw stnemdnema si demriffaer nehw hcus weiver setacidni that on segnahc are ;dedeen fi the weiver setacidni that segnahc are ,dedeen ti si nekat pu for .noisiver sresU of naidnI sdradnatS dluohs niatrecsa that yeht are ni noissessop of the tsetal stnemdnema or noitide yb gnirrefer ot the tsetal eussi of SIB‘ ’koobdnaH dna :sdradnatS‘ ylhtnoM .’snoitiddA sihT naidnI dradnatS has neeb depoleved morf Dot : No. LM 23 ( 0204 ). Amendments Issued Since Publication dnemA No. Date of eussI txeT detceffA UAERUB FO NAIDNI SDRADNATS :sretrauqdaeH kanaM ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg, New ihleD 110 002 smargeleT : ahtsnaskanaM senohpeleT : 323 0 I 3 ,I 323 33 75, 323 94 02 nommoC( ot lla )seciffo lanoigeR seciffO : enohpeleT lartneC : kanaM ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafnZ Marg 323 76 17 WEN IHLED 110 002 3233841 nretsaE : 41/l .C .T.I emehcS IIV M, V. .I .P Road, alotkinaM 337 84 99,337 85 lh ATTJICLAC 700 054 337 86 26, 337 91 20 nrehtroN : SC0 315336, Sector ,A-43 HRAGIDNAHC 160 022 1 60 3x 47 60 20 2s nrehtuoS : C. .I .T ,supmaC VT Cross Road, IANNEHC 600 I 13 [ 235 02 16, 235 04 ::4 I 23s SI 19,235 2.1 SI nretseW : ,ayalakanaM E9 ,CDIM ,loraM irehdnA (East) 8329295.832785X IABMUM 400 093 832 78 )? ,I ?3X 78 !Y ( sehcnarB : .DABADAMHA .EROLAGNAB .LA’IOHB .KAWHSENABUHB COIMHATOKI’ FARIDAHAII. GHAXIABAD. GIJWAHAI‘I. HYDERABAD. JAIPUK. KANPIJR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PATNA. PUNTi. RAJKOT. THTRUVANANTHAPURAM.

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