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IS 14555: Automotive vehicles - Evaporative Emissions from Vehicles Equipped with Spark Ignition Engines - Method of Measurement PDF

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Preview IS 14555: Automotive vehicles - Evaporative Emissions from Vehicles Equipped with Spark Ignition Engines - Method of Measurement

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14555 (1998): Automotive vehicles - Evaporative Emissions from Vehicles Equipped with Spark Ignition Engines - Method of Measurement [TED 2: Automotive Primemovers] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14555 : 1998 Indian Standard EVITOMOTUA SELCIHEV - EVITAROPAVE SNOISSIME MORF SELCIHEV DEPPIUQE HTIW KRAPS NOITINGI SENIGNE - METHOD FO TNEMERUSAEM ICS43.060; 13.040.50 (13BIS1 998 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWDELHI December 1998 Price Group 7 evitomotuA srevomemirP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DET 2 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht evitomotuA srevomemirP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht tropsnarT gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC ehT dlofinam esaercni ni eht noitalupop fo ruof sreleehw ni ruo yrtnuoc has rehtruf desaercni eht snoissime gnitaname morf eht selcihev and suoires tnemnorivne and htlaeh .sdrazah ehT tvoG rednu lartneC rotoM elciheV seluR deificeps that eht ruof deleehw selcihev deppiuqe htiw spark noitingi )enilosag( senigne shall ylpmoc htiw eht stimil fo evitaropave snoissime deificeps ni .meht nI weiv fo eht ,evoba eht eettimmoc tlef eht deen ot evlove a standard ot enimreted eht evitaropave noissime morf eht ruof deleehw spark noitingi denigne selcihev and assessment fo ytimrofnoc fo eht selcihev ot eht seulav detalupits yb eht tvoG morf emit ot .emit elihW gniraperp eht standard elbaredisnoc assistance has neeb devired :morf 144/19/CEE riA noitullop yb noissime morf rotom selcihev eruxennA III fo Ranganathan sliateD fo Standards rof noissimE fo suoesaG stnatulloP morf lorteP denignE eettimmoC tropeR selcihV and serudecorPtseT evitceffE traP(.1991.40.10morf IIIV fo :toD PATJRVMKTSOM 611-511 sliateD fo Standards fo evitaropave and esacknarc snoissime morf lortep senigne and tset serudecorp evitceffe morf )%.4.1 ehT eettimmoc elbisnopser rof eht noitaraperp fo this standard is nevig ni xennA D. nI gnitroper eht stluser fo a tset ro sisylana edam ni ecnadrocca htiw this standard, fi eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac is ot eb dednuor ,ffo ti shall eb enod ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo -iremun lac seulav ( revised )’ SI 14555 : 1998 Indian Standard EVITOMOTUA SELCIHEV - EVITAROPAVE SNOISSIME MORF SELCIHEV DEPPIUQE HTIW KRAPS NOITINGI SENIGNE - METHOD FO TNEMERUSAEM 1 SCOPE IS No. Title sihT standard seificeps eht dohtem rof noitanimreted :]83:p[ 1990 daeL kcolitna sdnuopmoc in fo eht ssol fo snobracordyH )CH( yb noitaropave morf gasoline by gravimetric method eht leuf smetsys fo ruof deleehw selcihev deppiuqe (second revision ) htiw krapS noitingI )enilosag( .senigne P[ : )93 : 1990 ruopaV erusserp yb dieR dohtem 2 SECNEREFER (first revision ) ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb niatnoc snoisivorp P[ : )28 : 1990 latoT dael tnetnoc ni enilosag yb hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni this ,txet etutitsnoc -orp enidoi edirolhconom dohtem noisiv fo this standard. At eht emit fo ,noitacilbup eht 14600 : 1998 evitomotuA selcihev - tsuahxE snoitide detacidni erew .dilav llA standards era snoissime - suoesaG stnatullop tcejbus ot ,noisiver and seitrap ot stnemeerga desab morf selcihev deppiuqe htiw no this standard era degaruocne ot etagitsevni eht spark noitingi senigne - ytilibissop fo gniylppa eht tsom tnecer snoitide fo eht dohteM fo tnemerusaem standards detacidni :woleb 3 Y;KuONIWlRET IS No. iWe roF eht e&prup fo this standard eht gniwollof 1448 sdohteM fo tset rof muelortep snoitinifed shall .ylppa and its :stcudorp 3.1 P[ : :161 1990 ytisneD fo edurc muelortep and Calibrating Gas diuqil muelortep stcudorp yb A ylesicerp desylana gas erutxim fo a nwonk -necnoc retemordyh method )noisiverdriht( noitart desu ot etarbilac eht lacitylana stnemurtsni no a cidoirep basis and ni noitcnujnoc htiw ralimis P[ : :181 1990 noitallitsiD ( second revision ) gnitarbilac gas sdnelb fo gnireffid .noitartnecnoc P[ : :132 1990 nobracordyH sepyt ni diuqil muelortep stcudorp yb -eroulf 3.2 Chassis Dynamometer tnecs rotacidni noitprosba dohtem A yrotarobal rewop noitprosba tinu elbapac fo ( third revision ) simulating ot a detimil eerged eht daor noitarepo fo a .elcihev ehT retemomanyd shall possess ytilibapac ot P[ : 261 : 1990 kconK scitsiretcarahc fo rotom etalumis eht aitreni and daor daol rewop depoleved sleuf yb eht rotom dohtem yb a .elcihev P[ : 281 : 1990 noitadixO ytilibats fo rotom elcyC enilosag and noitaiva sleuf 3.3 Driving (. second reviston ) A ecneuqes fo an enigne ro elcihev gnitarepo sedom P[ : 291 : 1990 tnetsixE mug ni sleuf yb tej yllausu dengised ot etalumis daor egasu fo eht .elcihev noitaropave ( second revision ) P[ : :143 1990 noitanimreteD fo sulphur 3.4 Evaporating Emissions in petroleum products (lamp leuF sruopav )snobracordyH( dettime otnI eht method) ( second revision ) erehpsomta morf eht .elcihev IS 14555 : 1998 tnecrep fo lluf elacs revo a 15 setunim doirep rof all 3.5 Flame Ionization Detector (FID) lanoitarepo .segnar An lacitylana tnemurtsni desu rof gninimreted eht nobrac noitartnecnoc fo snobracordyh ni tsuahxe gas. ehT ytilibataeper fo eht sresylana desserpxe as standard noitaived shall eb retteb than 1 tnecrep 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS fo lluf elacs noitcelfed at orez and at 80 f 20 tnecrep fo lluf elacs no all eht segnar .desu 4.1 ehT elcihev shall eb ni doog lacinahcem -idnoc noit and shah evah neeb nur ni tsaelta 3 000 mk ro eht ehT lanoitarepo segnar fo eht resylana shall eulav as dednemmocer yb eht rerutcafunam erofeb eht eb nesohc ot evig eht tseb noituloser revo eht .tset ehT evitaropave noissime lortnoc metsys shall ,tnemerusaem noitarbilac and kael gnikcehc .erudecorp eb detcennoc and gninoitcnuf yltcerroc revo this doirep and eht nobrac retsinac detcejbus ot 5.3.2 Hydrocarbon Analyser Data Recording System lamron ,esu rehtien rednu gniog lamronba gnigrup ehT nobracordyH resylana shall eb dettif htiw a ron lamronba .gnidaol ecived ot drocer eht lacirtcele signal tuptuo rehtie yb 4.2 ehT etairporppa ecnerefer leuf desu rof eht tset a pirts trahc redrocer ro yb rehto data gnissecorp is derficeps ni xennA A. metsys at a ycneuqerf fo tsaelta ecno ni a .etunim ehT gnidrocer metsys shall evah gnitarepo scitsiretcarahc 5 TESTEQUIPMENT tsaelta tnelaviuqe ot eht signal gnieb dedrocer and shall edivorp a tnenamrep drocer fo .stluser ehT drocer 5.1 Chassis Dynamometer shall wohs a evitisop noitacidni fo eht gninnigeb and 5.1.1 ehT chassis retemomanyd desu rof eht -erusaem eht dne fo eht leuf tank gnitaeh and toh kaos doirep tnem fo evitaropave snoissime shall teem eht -eriuqer rehtegot htiw eht emit despale neewteb start and stnem detalupits ni 4.2.6 fo SI 14600. noitelpmoc fo hcae .tset 5.2 Evaporative Emission Measurement Enclosure 5.4 Fuel Tank Heating System ehT evitaropave noissime tnemerusaem erusolcne 5.4.1 ehT leuf ni eht elcihev )s(knat shall eb detaeh shall eb a gas-tight ralugnatcer gnirusaem rebmahc yb a elballortnoc ecruos fo taeh ylbareferp yb a elba ot niatnoc eht elcihev rednu .tset ehT elcihev shall gnitaeh pad fo 2 .wK ehT gnitaeh pad shall ylppa taeh eb elbissecca morf all sides and eht ,erusolcne nehw ylneve ot eht tank walls neewteb eht level fo eht sleuf ,delaes shall eb gas-tight ni ecnadrocca htiw os as ton ot esuac yna lacol gnitaehrevo fo eht .leuf xennA .B ehT renni ecafrus fo eht erusolcne shall eb taeH shall ton eb deilppa ot eht ruopav ni eht tank elbaemrepmi ot .snobracordyh tsaeltA eno fo eht evoba eht .leuf secafrus shall etaroprocni a elbixelf elbaemrepmi lairetam ot wolla noitazilauqe fo erusserp segnahc 5.4.2 ehT gnitaeh ecived shall ekam ti elbissop ot gnitluser morf small segnahc ni .serutarepmet Wall ylneve taeh eht leuf ni eht tank ot 30°C morf 16°C nihtiw ngised shall eb hcus as ot etomorp doog noitapissid a noitarud fo 60 setunim htiw eht erutarepmet rosnes fo .taeh ehT erutarepmet fo eht wall shall ton pord denoitisop as deificeps ni 6.1.1. ehT gnitaeh metsys woleb 20°C at yna tniop gnirud .gnitset shall cb elbapac fo gnillortnoc leiil erutarepmet ot nihtiw f 1.5”C fo eht deriuqer erutarepmet gnirud eht tank 5.3 Analytical Test Equipment gnitaeh .ssecorp 5.3.1 Hydrocarbon Analyser 5.5 ‘Ikmperatum Recording System ehT erehpsomta nihtiw eht rebmahc shall eb 5.5.1 ehT erutarepmet ni eht rebmahc shall eb dedrocer derotinom yb using a‘ nobracordyh rotceted fo eht at owt stniop yb erutarepmet srosnes hcihw era emalf noitazinoi rotceted )DIF( .epyt elpmaS gas shall detcennoc os as ot wohs a naem .eulav ehT -rusaem eb drawn morf eht dim tniop fo eno edis wall ro foor gni stniop shall eb dednetxe yletamixorppa 0.1 m otni fo eht rebmahc and yna ssap-yb wolf shall eb denruter eht erusolcne morf eht lacitrev ertnec enil fo hcae edis ot eht ,erusolcne ylbareferp at a tniop yletaidemmi nwod wall at a *9.0fothgieh 0.2 .m maerts fo eht gnixim .naf 5.5.2 ehT erutarepmet fo eht leuf )s(knat shall eb ehT nobracordyH resylana shall evah a dedrocer yb snaem fo eht rosnes denoitisop ni eht leuf esnopser emit ot 90 tnecrep fo lanif gnidaer fo tank as deliated ni 5.1.1. less than 1.5 sdnoces and its ytilibats shall eb retteb than 2 tnecrep fo lluf elacs at orez and at 80 f 20 5.5.3 ehT serutarepmet shall .tuohguorht( eht 2 1s 14555 : 1998 evitaropave noissime )tnemerusaem eb dedrocer ro 6 TSET PROCEDURE deretne otni a data gnissecorp metsys at a ycneuqerf 6.1 tseT Preparation tsaeltafo eno rep .etunim 6.1.1 roirP ot tset eht gniwollof shall eb :derusne 5.5.4 ehT ycarucca fo eht erutarepmet gnidrocer metsys shall eb nihtiw f 1°C and eht erutarepmet shall )a ehT tsuahxe metsys fo eht elcihev shall ton eb elbapac fo gnieb devloser ot %4.0 tibihxe yna .skael 5.5.5 ehT gnidrocer ro data gnissecorp metsys shall b) ehT elcihev shall eb maets .denaelc eb elbapac fo gnivloser emit ot f 15 s. cl ehT fuel tank (s) of the vehicle shall be equipped 5.6 Fans htiw a erutarepmet rosnes ot elbane eht erutarepmet ot eb derusaem at eht dim tniop 5.6.1 yB eht esu fo eno ro erom snaf ro srewolb htiw fo eht leuf ni eht leuf tank nehw dellif ot eht DEHS )s(rood ,nepo ti shall eb edam elbissop ot 40 tnecrep fo its .yticapac ecuder eht nobracordyH noitartnecnoc ni eht rebmahc ot tneibma nobracordyh .slevel )d lanoitiddA ,sgnittif sretpada fo secived shall 5.6.2 ehT rebmahc shall evah eno ro erom snaf ro eb dettif ot wolla etelpmoc gniniard fo eht leuf srewolb fo yticapac ni eht egnar fo 0. I ot 0.5 mVs ot tank. ylhguoroht xim eht erehpsomta nihtiw eht .erusolcne 6.1.2 ehT tset )citamehcs( eludehcs is debircsed tI shall eb elbissop ot attain an neve erutarepmet and ni xennA C. nobracordyh noitartnecnoc ni eht rebmahc gnirud .stnemerusaem ehT elcihev ni eht erusolcne shall ton 6.1.3 The elcihev shall eb nekat otni eht tset aera erehw eb detcejbus ot a tcerid maerts fo ria morf eht snaf ro eht tneibma erutarepmet is neewteb 20 and 30°C. .srewolb 6.1.4 ehT retsinac fo eht elcihev shall eb degrup rof 5.7 Calibrating Gases 30 setunim yb gnivird eht elcihev at 60 h/mk at eht retemomanyd gnittes as deificeps ni 4.2.7 fo SI 14600. 5.7.1 ehT gniwollof erup gases shall eb desu rof ylevitanretlA eht retsinac yam eb degrup yb passing noitarbilac and noitarepo ,sesoprup ria ta( tneibma erutarepmet and )ytidimuh hguorht ti )a deifiruP citehtnys ria ytirup( < 1 mpp Cl at a wolf etar hcihw shall eb lacitnedi ot eht lautca ria ,tnelaviuqe < 1 mpp CO, < 400 mpp CO2,S 0.1 wolf hguorht eht retsinac when operating the vehicle mpp )ON and 02 tnetnoc neewteb 18 ot 2 1 at 60 km/h. ehT retsinac shall eb yltneuqesbus tnecrep yb .emulov dedaol htiw owt lanruid noissime .stset b) nobracordyH resylana 1erif gas 04( f 2 tnecrep 6.1.5 ehT leuf )s(knat shall eb deitpme using eht leuf zH and ecnalab eH htiw less than 1 mpp C2 tank )s(niard dedivorp rof this .esoprup sihT shall eb tnelaviuqe nobracordyH and less than 400 enod os as ton ot yllamronba egrup ron yllamronba mpp COI) daol eht evitaropave lortnoc secived dettif ot eht )c enaporP )8HG( fo muminim 99.5 tnecrep .elcihev lavomeR[ fo eht leuf )s(pac is yllamron .ytirup deredisnoc tneiciffus ot eveihca this .]esoprup 5.7.2 noitarbilaC and span gases shall eb elbaliava 6.1.6 ehT leuf )s(knat shall eb dellif htiw deificeps tset gniniatnoc erutxim fo ,H,C and deifirup citehtnys .ria 1erif at a erutarepmet neewteb 10°C and 14’C ot 40 f 2 ehT eurt snoitartnecnoc fo a noitarbilac gas shall eb tnecrep fo its )rieht( lamron leuf .yticapac ehT selcihev nihtiw f 2 tnecrep fo eht detats .serugif ehT ycarucca leuf )s(pac shall ton eb decalper at this .tniop fo eht detulid gases deniatbo elihw using a gas 6.1.7 nI eht esac fo selcihev dettif htiw erom than eno redivid shall eb nihtiw f 2 tnecrep fo eht eurt .eulav leuf tank, all eht tanks shall eb detaeh ni eht emas ,yaw ehT snoitartnecnoc deificeps ni xennA B yam osla eb as debircsed .woleb ehT serutarepmet fo eht tanks deniatbo yb eht esu fo a gas redivid using citehtnys shall eb lacitnedi ot nihtiw f 1.5”C. ria as eht tnatulid gas. 6.1.8 ehT leuf yam eb yllaitini detaeh ot eht starting 5.8 Additional Equipment erutarepmet fo 16 f 1°C. ehT etulosba ytidimuh ni eht tset aera shall eb 6.1.9 As noos as eht leuf sehcaer eht erutarepmet fo elbarusaem nihtiw f .5 tnecrep and eht erusserp shall 14OC, eht leuf tanks(s) shall eb .delaes nehW eht eb elbarusaem nihtiw f 0.1 kPa. erutarepmet fo eht leuf tank sehcaer 16 f 1 “C, a raenil 3 SI 14555 : 1998 taeh dliub fo 14 i C’S.O revo a doirep fo 60 f 2 deorez and .dennaps setunim .snigeb ehT erutarepmet fo eht leuf gnirud 6.2.4 ehT leuf )s(knat shall eb deitpme as deificeps eht gnitaeh shall mrofnoc ot eht noitcnuf woleb ot ni 6.1.5 and dellifer htiw tset leuf at a erutarepmet *nihtiw l.YC: neewteb 10 and 14°C ot 40 f 2 tnecrep fo eht )s(knat 1 lamron cirtemulov .yticapac ehT leuf )s(pac fo eht T, = Tc,+ 30 )*( elcihev shall ton eb dettif at this .tniop 6.2.5 nI esac fo selcihev dettif htiw erom than eno erehw leuf tank, all esoht tanks shall eb detaeh ni eht ralimis Tr = deriuqer erutarepmet ,)C“( yaw as deificeps ni 6.2.6 and 6.2.7. ehT serutarepmet fo eht tanks shall eb at mrofinu erutarepmet ot nihtiw To = laitini erutarepmet fo tank ,)C‘( and f 1.5”C. t = emit morf start ot eht tank taeh dliub ni 6.2.6 ehT tset elcihev shall eb thguorb otni eht tset .setunim erusolcne htiw eht enigne dehctiws ffo and eht ehT despale emit fo eht taeh dliub and erutarepmet swodniw and eht egaggul stnemtrapmoc ni nepo esir shall eb .dedrocer .noitidnoc ehT leuf tank srosnes and eht leuf tank gnitaeh ,ecived fi ,yrassecen shall eb .detcennoc droceR 6.1.10 retlA a doirep fo ton erom than eno ,ruoh eht eht leuf erutarepmet and eht ria erutarepmet nihtiw eht snoitarepo fo leuf gniniard and gnillif shall nigeb erusolcne .yletaidemmi ehT gnigrup naf fi llits gnidrocca ot 6.1.5 ot 6.1.8. gnitarepo shall eb dehctiws ffo at this .emit 6.1.11 nihtiW owt sruoh fo eht dne fo eht tsrif lanruid 6.2.7 ehT leuf yam eb yllaicifitra detaeh ot eht gnitaeh doirep eht dnoces lanruid gnitaeh noitarepo starting erutarepmet fo 16 f 1°C. shall nigeb as deificeps ni 6.1.9 and eb detelpmoc htiw eht gnidrocer fo eht erutarepmet esir and despale emit 6.2.8 As noos as eht leuf )s(erutarepmet sehcaer 14”C, fo eht taeh .dliub eht leuf )s(knat and eht rebmahc shall eb delaes ni hcus a yaw that yeht niamer gas-tight. 6.1.12 nihtiW eno ruoh fo eht dne fo eht dnoces lanruid taeh dliub eht elcihev is decalp no a chassis 6.2.9 As noos as eht leuf sehcaer a erutarepmet fo 16 retemomanyd and nevird xis naidnI gnivirD elcyC and * 1°C. a evird rof a noitarud fo 10 setunim at a deeps fo 60 /mk )a ehT nobracordyH ,noitartnecnoc cirtemorab h no a chassis .retemomanyd selpmaS fo eht tsuahxe erusserp and eht erutarepmet shall eb derusaem snoissime shall ton eb detcelloc gnirud this .noitarepo ot evig eht laitini gnidaer ,iCHC ,iP and iT rof 6.1.13 nihtiW evif setunim fo gnitelpmoc eht eht tank taeh dliub .tset gninoitidnocerp noitarepo deificeps ni 6.1.12, eht )b A raenil taeh dliub fo 14 f 0.5”C revo a doirep enigne tennob shall eb yletelpmoc desolc and eht fo 60 f 2 setunim shall .nigeb ehT erutarepmet elcihev shall eb nevird ffo eht chassis retemomanyd fo eht leuf gnirud eht gnitaeh shall mrofnoc ot and dekrap ni eht kaos .aera ehT elcihev shall eb dekrap eht noitcnuf woleb nihtiw f 1 .S”C. adnahOlfomumi.nimarof enigneehT.h63fomumixam lio and tnalooc serutarepmet shall evah dehcaer eht 6.2.10 ehT erutarepmet fo eht leuf gnirud gnitaeh shall erutarepmet fo eht kaos aera ot nihtiw f 2°C at eht eb deniatbo morf eht gniwollof :alumrof dne fo this .doirep Tt = To + +. (1) 6.2 knaT gnihtaerB noitaropavE noissimE tseT erehw 6.2.1 ehT noitarepo deificeps ni 6.2.4 yam nigeb ton deriuqeR erutarepmet ,)C“( T, = less than 9 h and ton erom than 35 h retfa eht gninoitidnocerp gnivird .elcyc To = laitinI erutarepmet fo tank ,)C‘( and 6.2.2 roirP ot ,gnitset eht gnirusaem rebmahc shall f = emiT morf start fo taeh dliub ni .setunim eb degrup rof lareves setunim litnu a elbats dnuorgkcab 6.2.11 ehT nobracordyH resylana shall eb deorez and level ni eht rebmahc is deniatta elihw eht gnixim )s(naf dennaps yletaidemmi erofeb eht dne fo .tset era ni .noitarepo 6.2.12 fI eht erutarepmet has nesir yb 14 f 0.5”C revo 6.2.3 roirP ot ,tset eht nobracordyH resylana shall eb eht 60 f 2 nim doirep fo eht ,tset eht lanif SI 14555 : 1998 nobracordyH noitartnecnoc ni eht erusolcne shall eb gnirusaem rebmahc htiw eht muminim esu fo derusaem .)fc~C( ehT emit ro despale emit fo this rotarelecca ehT.ladep enigne shall eb denrut ffo rehtegot htiw eht lanif erutarepmet and cirtemorab erofeb yna trap fo eht elcihev sretne eht gnirusaem erusserp ( r‘? and )rP rof eht toh kaos shall eb .dedrocer .rebmahc ehT emit at hcihw eht enigne is dehctiws ffo shall eb dedrocer no eht evitaropave noissime 6.2.13 ehT taeh ecruos shall eb denrut ffo and eht tntmerusaem data gnidrocer metsys and deecorp htiw erusolcne rood shall eb delaesnu and .denepo ehT eht erutarepmet .gnidrocer ehT elcihev swodniw and gnitaeh ecived and erutarepmet rosnes shall eb egaggul stnemtrapmoc shall eb denepo at this ,egats detcennocsid morf eht erusolcne apparatus. ehT fi ton ydaerla .denepo elcihev srood and egaggul tnemtrapmoc yam won eb desolc and eht elcihev devomer morf eht erusolcne 6.4.4 ehT elcihev shall eb dehsup ro esiwrehto devom htiw eht enigne dehctiws .ffo , otni eht gnirusaem rebmahc htiw eht enigne dehctiws 6.2.14 ehT elcihev shall eb deraperp rof eht Off. tneuqesbus gnivird selcyc and toh kaos evitaropave 6.4.5 ehT erusolcne srood shall eb desolc and delaes noissime .tset ehT dloc start tset shall wollof eht tank gas-tight nihtiw owt setunim fo eht enigne gnieb gnihtaerb tset nihtiw eno .ruoh dehctiws ffo and nihtiw evif setunim at eht dne fo eht ghivird .elcyc 6.2.15 ehT gnitset ycnega yam redisnoc that eht ngised fo eht s’elcihev leuf metsys yam wolla sessol 6.4.,6 ehT start fo a 60 f 0.5 nim fo toh kaos ot eht edistuo erehpsomta at yna .tniop nI hcus esac do+rep snigeb retfa gnilaes fo eht .rebmahc ehT an gnireenigne sisylana shall eb deirrac tuo ot eht nobracordyH ,noitartnecnoc erutarepmet and etelpmoc noitcafsitas fo eht gnitset ycnega ot cirtemorab erusserp shall eb derusaem ot evig eht establish that sruopav era detnev ot eht nobrac laitini sgnidaer ,icHC iP and ,T rof eht toh kaos .tset retsinac and that &eht sruopav era yletauqeda degrup ehr‘ tneibma DEHS erutarepmet T shall ton eb less than gnirud elcihev .noitarepo 23°C and ton erom than 3 1°C gnirud eht 60 setunim toh kaos .doirep 6.3 Driving Cycle 6.4.7 ehT nobracordyH resylana shall eb deorez and ehT noitanimreted rof evitaropave snoissime is dennaps yletaidemmi erofeb eht dne fo eht 60 i 0.5 dedulcnoc htiw eht tnemerusaem fo nobracordyH nim tset .doirep snoissime revo a 60 nim toh kaos doirep gniwollof xis naidnI gnivirD selcyC and lanoitidda 15 setunim evhd 6.4.8 At eht dne fo eht 60 f 0.5 nim tset doirep at 60 h/mk no chassis .retemomanyd gniwolloF eht erusaem eht nobracordyH noitartnecnoc ni eht tank gnihtaerb sessol ,tset eht elcihev is dehsup ro .rebmahc ehT erutarepmet and eht cirtemorab erusserp esiwrehto dervueonam otno eht chassis retemomanyd shall osla eb .derusaem esehT era eht lanif sgnidaer htiw eht enigne dehctiws .ffo tI is neht nevird hguorht ,f&C IP and rT rof eht toh kaos .tset xis nabru gnivird elcyc as debircsed ni 4.2.2 fo SI 14600 7 SNOITALUCLAC and lanoitidda 15 setunim evird at 60 h/mk no chassis .retemomanyd tsuahxE snoissime yam eb delpmas 7.1 ehT evitaropave noissime stset deificeps ni 6 gnirud this noitarepo tub eht stluser shall ton eb desu wolla eht nobracordyH snoissime morf eht tank rof tsuahxe noissime epyt lavorppa .sesoprup gnihtaerb and toh kaos phases ot eb detaluclac rof hcae fo eseht phases as woleb : 6.4 Hot Soak evitaiopavE noissimE tseT 6.4.1 ehT gnirusaem rebmahc shall eb degrup rof lareves I&c xK= v x 4-01 I(CHCf ’ fp ) _ -----(CHC, ’ pd 1 setunim yletaidemmi erofeb eht tset litnu a elbats rT ,T dnuorgkcab is elbaniatbo htiw eht gnixim )s(naf .no erehw 6.4.2 roirP ot ,tset eht nobracordyH resylana shall eb c&A = Mass fo eht nobracordyH dettime revo eht deorez and .dennaps tset esahp ;)mg( 6.4.3 At eht dne fo lanoitidda gnivird rof 15 setunim V = teN erusolcne emulov ni cibuc sertem at 60 h/mk no chassis ,retemomanyd eht enigne detcerroc rof emuloveht fo eht ,elcihev htiw tennob shall eb yletelpmoc desolc and all snoitcennoc eht swodniw and egaggul stnemtrapmoc neewteb eht elcihev and eht tset stand shall eb .nepo fI eht emulov fo eht elcihev SI ton .detcennocsid ehT elcihev shall eb neht nevird ot eht ,denimreted a emulov fo 1.42 3m yam eb 5

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