इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1448-147 (1998): Methods of test for petroleum and its products, Part 147: Determination of potential gum in motor gasoline [PCD 1: Methods of Measurement and Test for Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Lubricants] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 1448 [P :147]:1998 REAFFIRMED ~ ~ m··~ 1:Jtt~ ~ q5T [ -qr : J 147 ~~#~~etr~ Indian Standard METHODS OF TEST FOR PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS [P : 147] DETERMINATION OF POTENTIAL GUM IN MOTOR GASOLINES res 75.080 ©BIS 1998 BUREAU OF INDIAN ST ANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1998 PriceGroup 2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 NOVEMBER 2004 TO IS 1448 (PART 147) : 1998 METHODS OFTEST FOR PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS [P: 147] DETERMINATION OFPOTENTIALGUM IN MOTOR GASOLlNES (Page3,clause12)- Substitutethefollowing fortheexistingmatter: <Theresultof two determinationson the same sampleshould not differ by more than theamountgiven below: 3 Potentialgum,glm Repeatability Reproducibility Upto50 20 30 51 - 100 30 40 101-200 40 60 r rcn ri ReprographyUnit,BIS,NewDelhi,India MethodsofMeasurementandTestforPetroleum,PetroleumProductsandLubricantsSectional Committee.PCD 1 FOREWORD This Indian Standard[P:147] wasadopted bytheBureau ofIndian Standards. afterthedraft finalized by the MethodsofMeasurementandTestforPetroleum, Petroleum Products andLubricantsSectional Committeehad been approved bythePetroleum,Coal andRelated Products Division Council. This Indian standard is primarily based on ASTM D 873-88 Standard test method for oxidation stability of aviation fuels (Potential Residuemethod) issued bytheAmericanSociety forTesting andMaterials(USA). In-reportingtheresultofthetestmadeinaccordancewiththisstandard. ifthefinalvalue,observedorcalculated. isto berounded off, it shall bedone inaccordance withIS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding offnumerical values (revised).' IS1448[P :147] :1998 Indian Standard METHODS OF TEST FOR PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS [P : 147] DETERMINATION OF POTENTIAL GUM IN MOTOR GASOLINES 1 SCOPE solution in the aged fuel and as the toluene acetone soluble portion of the deposits on the glass sample Thistestmethoddescribes determination ofpotential container.Thepotentialgumisobtained asn-heptane guminmotorgasolines. insoluble portion of evaporation residue obtained by 2 NORMATIVEREFERENCES evaporatingtheagedfuelalongwiththewashingfrom theglasssamplecontainer, understandardconditions The following Indian Standards contain provisions ofthetest. which, through reference in this text, constitute provisionsofthisstandard. Atthetimeofpublication 5 APPARATUS the editions indicated were valid. All standards are 5.1 ForOxidationofSample subjecttorevision,andpartiestoagreementsbasedon the standard are encouraged to investigate the Oxidation bath, oxidation bomb, Glass sample possibilityofapplyingthemostrecenteditionsofthe container and cover, Bomb Accessories, Pressure standardsindicatedbelow: Gauge and needle valve, Thermometers, same as prescribed inMethod AofIS 1448[P:28]. ISNo. Title 5.2 ForDeterminationofEvaporationResidue 170: 1986 Acetone (thirdrevision) Evaporation bath,Flow meter,Glass beaker,Cooling 1447: 1966 Methods ofsampling ofpetroleum vessel,Thermometer,Balance, same asprescribed in anditsproducts IS 14481P :29]. 1448 Methods of test for petroleum and 6 MATERIALS itsproducts 6.1 GumSolvent [P:28]: 1985 Oxidation stability of motor gasoline andaviation fuels(second A mixture of equal volume of reagent grade toluene revision) (seeIS 1839)andacetone(seeIS 170). [P:29] : 1982 Existent gum in fuels by jet 6.2 Air-Filtered evaporation (second revision) Supplied atapressure notmorethan 345mbar(34.5 1839: 1961 'Toluene,reagentgrade kPa). 3 OUTLINEOFTHETESTMETHOD 6.3 n-Heptane The sample isoxidised ina bomb in thepresence of Knock test grade, conforming to the following oxygenforfourhoursunderprescribedtestconditions. requirements: The oxidised gasoline is evaporated and n-heptane Density at20°C,Kg/m3 683.80 ± 0.15 insolubleportionofevaporation residueisreportedas Distillation: potentialgum. Temperatureof50percent 98.42'7±0.025 recovery,°c 4 TERMINOLOGY Temperatureincreasefrom 0.020 For the purpose of this method, the following 20to80percentrecovery,"C,Max definitions shallapply. Freezingpoint,°cMin -90.71 4.1 PotentialGum Refractive indexat20°C 1.38770 ± Deterioration products presentattheendofaspecific 0.00015 ageing period. These deterioration products exist in Octanenumber 0.0 ±0.2 IS 1448[P :147]:1998 7 SAMP~ING morethan5°C from155°Cisnotsuitableforstandard tests. Sampling shall be done in accordance with the procedure for oxidation stability asprescribed in8.8 Heat the evaporating bath to the operating ofIS 1447. temperatures givenbelow: 8 PREPARATION OFAPPARATUS Testconditions ofoperating evaporationbath Sample Vaporizingmedium Operating 8.1 OxidationofSample ,temperature, °C , 8.1.1 Thoroughly clean a glass sample container to Bath Test well remove traces ofany adhering material.Immerse the Motorgasoline Air 160-165 150-160 containeranditscover foratleast6hoursinchromic Introduceairtoapparatusandregulatetheflowrateto acidsolution.Removethemfromthecleaningsolution bymeansofcorrosion-resistantsteeltongsandhandle give 1000±150mIls atoperatingtemperature. onlywithtongsthereafter.Washthoroughlyfirstwith 8.2.2 Wash the beakers, tare as well as sample tap water andthen withdistilled water, anddryinan beakers, with the gum solvent until free from gum. oven at 100°C to 150°Cfor 1hour.Cool thesample Rinsethoroughly withwaterandimmerse themforat containerandcovers toroomtemperature. least 6 hours in chromic acid cleaning solution/or suitabledetergent solution. Remove thebeakers from 8.1.2 Drain any fuel from the bomb and wipe the cleaningsolutionbymeansofcorrosionresistantsteel inside of the bomb and lid, first with a clean cloth tongandhandleonly withtongs thereafter. Wash the moistened withgumsolventandthenwithacleandry beakers thoroughly first with tap water then with cloth.Remove, anygumorgasolinefromtheannular distilledwateranddryinanovenat 150°Cforatleast space between the filler rod and stem with gum onehour.Coolthe beakers for 2hours inthecooling solvent. Occasionally remove thefiller rod andstem vesselplacedinthevicinityofthebalance.Weighthe andcarefully cleanbothstemandrod.Alsocleanthe tare beaker and the sample beakers tothe nearest needle valve, the quick release aircoupling and all linesleadingtothebomb.Thebomb,thevalveandall 0.1mg. connecting lines shall be thoroughly dry before each 9 PROCEDURE testisstarted. 9.1 Oxidationofthe Sample 8.1.3 If a thermostatically controlled constant temperature oxidation bath is used, adjust the 9.1.1 Bringthebomb,glasssample container andthe temperature to 100.0±0.1°c andmaintainit within fueltobetestedtoatemperatureof 15to25°C.Place thistemperature rangeforthedurationofthetest. the glass sample container in the bomb and add 100 ±1 ml of sample. Cover the sample container, 8.1.4 Ifaboiling wateroxidation bathisused,adjust closethebomb,andusingaquickreleaseair-coupling, the temperature within the range of99.5 to 100.5°c introduceoxygenuntilapressureof680to703kPais bytheadditionofwaterorahigherboilingliquidsuch attained. Allow thegas inthebomb toescape slowly as ethylene glycol. Factors are given in Table 1 to through the needle valve at a rate not to exceed 345 adjust the 4 hour ageing time ifthe bath temperature kPa/min. Repeat the charging and exhausting of the atthestartofthetestdeviates from 100°C. oxygen once more in order to flush out the air 8.2 AssemblyofAir-jetApparatus originally present. Introduce oxygen again until a pressureof689to703kPaisattained andobservefor Set up the air-jet apparatus as shown inFig. 1of leaks, ignoring an initial rapid drop in pressure IS 1448 [P : 29]. With the apparatus at room (generally notover41.4 kPa),which can beobserved temperature, adjust the airflow to givearateof 600 because of the solution of oxygen In the sample. mils for the outlet under test. Check the remaining Proceed withthetestiftherateofpressure drop does outlets for uniform air flow. Make necessary notexceed 13.8kPain10min,assumetheabsenceof adjustments to individual outlets if the rate differs leaksandproceed withthetest. bymorethan600±90mils. 9.1.2 Place the charged bomb in the described 8.2.1 Toputtheapparatusinoperation,applyheatto oxidation bath, being careful to avoid shaking and the bath and when its temperature reaches 160°C, record the time of immersion as the starting time. introduce airintotheapparatus uritilarateof 1000± Leave the bomb in theoxidation bath for the4 hours 150 dills for each outlet is reached. Measure the ageing time. Ifa boiling water bath is used and the temperature ineachwellwiththethermometerplaced temperature atthestartofthetest variesfrom 100°C, withthebulbrestingonthebottomofthebeakerinthe adjust the 4 hours ageing time by the correction well. Any well having a temperature that differs by factorsgiveninTable 1. 2 IS 1448 [P :147] : 1998 Table1AgeingtimeCorrectionFactors 9.2.4 To each beaker containing the residue.from (Clauses 8.104and 9.1.2) oxidised gasoline add 25 ml of n-heptane and swirl gentlyfor30seconds.Treatthetarebeakerinthesame Temperature,DC CorrectionFactor manner.Allow themixturetosettle for 10minutes. 99.5 1.06 99.6 1.04 9.2.5 Decant and discard the n-heptane solution, 99.7 1.03 takingcaretopreventtheremoval ofanysolidresidue. 99.8 1.02 99.9 1.01 9.2.6 Repeat theextraction with a second portion of 100.0 1.00 100.1 0.99 25 mlof n-heptane in thesame manner asdescribed 100.2 0.98 in9.2.4and9.2.5.Iftheextractiscoloured,repeatthe 100.3 0.97 extraction withthirdportion (25m!)ofn-heptane. 100.4 0.96 100.5 0.95 9.2.7 Place the beakers including the tare, in the NOTE - To obtain the correct ageing time at the operating evaporation bath maintained at 160 to 165°C and temperature. multiplythe4hours time specified for IOODCby withoutreplacingtheconicaljets,allowthebeakersto thecorrectionfactor. dryforfiveminutes. 9.1.3 At the completion of the period of oxidation, 9.2.8 At the end of the drying period, remove the removethebombfromthebathandcoolrapidly with beakersfromthebath,placetheminthedesiccatorand waterwhilethecharging valveisstillclosed. Release allowtocool inthe vicinity ofthe balance for atleast thepressure slowly. Takethebombapartandremove 2hours. Weigh thesample beakers and tare beaker to thesamplecontainer. thenearest0.1 mg. CAUTION - Release the pressure through the needlevalveatarate nottoexceed345kPalmin. 10 CALCULATION 9.2 DeterminationofPotentialGum Calculatethepotential gum ofgasolineasfollows: 9.2.1 Transfer theoxidised fuelfromtheglass bomb Combine the results obtained separately determined liner to two glass evaporation beaker for the residues in two evaporation beakers as the potential determination ofpotential gum asgiven in9.2.2. gum. 9.2.2 Add the oxidised fuel to two sample beakers 11 REPORTING approximately half ineach beakers. Placethesample beakerandtarebeaker intheevaporation bath.When Report the potential gum to the nearest g/m3 as evaporating samples by means of air. replace the potential gum,heptane washed. conicaljet, maintainthetemperatureandtherateofair 12 PRECISION flowofthetest.Allowtheevaporation for20minutes. Wash the interior of the glass bomb liner twice with Theresultsoftwodeterminationsonthesamesample 10mlportions of gum solvent toremove gums from should not differ by more than the amount given theglass liner. Add theequal amount of washings to below: sample evaporation beakers and evaporate under the sameoperating conditions foranother 10minutes. Potentialgum, glm3 Repeatability Reproducibility Up to50 2 3 9.2.3 Attheendofheatingperiodtransferthebeakers 51- 100 3 4 from the bath to the desiccator and allow to cool at 101-200 4 6 roomtemperature for45 minutes. 3 BureauofIndian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities ofstandardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attendingto connectedmatters inthe country. Copyright BIShas the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiriesrelatingtocopyrightbeaddressed to the Director(Publication), BIS. Review ofIndian Standards Amendments are issued to standardsas the need arises on the basis ofcomments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are inpossession ofthe latestamendmentsor edition by referring to the latest issue of'BIS Handbook' and 'StandardsMonthly Additions'. ThisIndianStandard has beendeveloped from Doc: No. peD 1( 1538). AmendmentsIssuedSince Publication Amend No. Date ofIssue TextAffected BUREAUOFINDIANSTANDARDS Headquarters: ManakBhavan,9BahadurShahZafarMarg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams: Manaksanstha Telephones: 32301 31, 323 33 75, 323 94 02 (Common toall offices) RegionalOffices: Telephone Central : ManakBhavan, 9BahadurShah ZafarMarg 32376 17,3233841 NEW DELHI 110002 Eastern : 1/14 C.I.T. Scheme VII M, V.I.P. 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