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Preview IS 14448: Code of practice for reinforcement of rock slopes with plane wedge failure

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14448 (1997): Code of practice for reinforcement of rock slopes with plane wedge failure [CED 48: Rock Mechanics] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14448: 1997 (Reaffirmed - 2012) Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR REINFORCEMENT OF ROCK SLOPES WITH PLANE WEDGE FAILURE ICS 93.020 1997 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October 1997 Price Group 5 AMENDMENT NO.1 DECEMBER 2006 TO IS 14448: 1997CODE OF PRACTICE FOR REINFORCEMENT OFROCK SLOPES WITH PLANE WEDGE FAILURE (Page 1, clause 3.5.2, heading and line 1) - Substitute 'Tendon' for 'Tandon'. (Page2, clause4.1, line S) - Substitute 'parameters affecting the slope stability'lor'slopeparameters'. (Page2,clause4.2.4, line8)- Insert'that.is' after'parallel'. (Page3,clause6.1, line3)- Substitute'occurs'lor'occures'. (Page 3, clause 6.3.6, line 7) - Substitute 'hydrofracturing' for 'hydrofacturing'. (J)age 4,clause6.4, line1)- Delete '(F. A.L.)'. (Page4,clause6.4.2.3, line2)- Substitute '6'for '5'. (Page4, clause7.1, lines2 and3) - Delete 'that is' and insert'Itshould beensuredthat.'after'peovided'. (Page 4,clause7.1,line4)- Substitute'vegetation'lor'vegitation'. (Page 5,clause8.1, line1)- Substitute'offor 'or'. (Page 5,clause8.4, line 3)- Substitute 'obtained'for 'obtianed'. (Page 5,clause9.2.1.1, line4)- Substitute '9'for ';'. [J)age6, Fig. 2(a)]- Substitute ''tip'for ''Vb'. (CED48) •Reprolf&PbyUnit,8IS,NewDelhi,India RockMechanicsSectionalCommittee,CED48 FOREWORD This Indian Standard wasadoptedbytheBureauofIndianStandards,afterthedraftfinalizedbyRock MechanicsSectionalCommitteehadbeenapprovedbytheOvilEngineeringDivisionCouncil. This IndianStandardisanattempt tobringmoreIndianStandardscoveringtypesofreinforcementand its design invarious rock engineeringapplications. Landslides, slips, rockfalls are someof the termsUsed to describe the movement of rocks under the influenceofthegravity. Thesemovementssometimesbecomeseriouslydamagingorevendisastrous. In highways,foundationsandhydraulicengineeringstructuresinrock,thereisaneedforassessingthedegree ofstabilityofman-madeaswell asnaturalslopes. Stability can usually be improvedby addinglimproving the shear resistance of the rock-mass or by increasingthesystemsresistingforceagainstslidingbytyingoranchoringlboltingtheslidingrockwedge orslabtotheparentrock-mass. Rock-reinforcementcanbeeffectivelyusedtostabilizetheunstablenaturalorartificialslopes,which are isolatedbyjointsandfaults. Therock-reinforcementconsistingofrock-bolts,rockanchors/cableanchors,. canbeusedmorefrequentlywithorwithoutsteelstraps,welded meshor chainlink, mesh/fabric-link, etc.Thefrequentuseofrock-reinforcementtostabilizetherock-slopesisduetoitsfollowingadvantages: a) Versatility, b) Simpletoapplyinvariousrockconditions, c) Relativelyinexpensive, d) Flexibleperformance,and e) Easilycombinedwithothercontrolmeasures. TechnicalCommitteeresponsiblefortheformulationofthisstandardisgiveninAnnexA Inreportingtheresultofatestoranalysisinaccordancewiththisstandard,ifthefinalvalue,observedor calculated,is tobe roundedoff,it shallbedoneinaccordancewithIS2: 1960'Rulesforroundingoff numericalvalues(revised)'. Thenumberofsignificantplacesretainedintheroundedoffvalueshouldbe thesameasthatoftheSpecifiedvaluein thisstandard. IS 14448:1997 Indian Standard CODE OF PRACTICE FOR REINFORCEMENT OF ROCK SLOPES WITH PLANE WEDGE FAILURE 1 SCOPE anchoring/reinforcing. This term also includes subterranean cavities and artificial as well as Thisstandardcoversthedesignaspectsor'remtor naturalslopes. cementof rock-slopes with planewedge failuret • Thisstandarddoesnotcoverthetypeofrockbolts 3.4 Rock-Medium and their installation. This will becovered by Rocksareunderstoodin theirnaturalpositionand Indian Standardon 'TypeofRockbolts andtheir infills,anditincludessolidrock-masses. installation'(draftunderpreparation). 3.5 Anchor 2 REFERENCES Itisadevicetotransferforces inagivendirection The Indian Standards given below contain fromthestructuretotherock-medium. Ananchor provisions which through reference in this text, iscomposedofthreeparts. constituteprovisionofthisstandard. Atthetime 3.5.1 TheAnchorHead of publication, the editionsindicated werevalid. Allstandardsaresubjecttorevision,andpartiesto Itis situatedat theexternal (movable) endofthe agreementsbasedonthisstandardareencouraged anchor,itisused forconnectingtheface/baseplate to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most andtransferring ofanchoring forces to the rock recenteditionsofthestandardsindicatedbelow: massandalsousedforprestressingoftheanchors. ISNo. Title 3.5.2 TheTandon 456 :1978 Code of practice for plain and Tandonisthemiddlepartoftheanchorconnect reinforced concrete (third ingthe head and the root. The tandon usually revision) allows,byits elasticdeformation,establishingof permanent prestress of the anchor during the 4031 Methods of physical test for anchoringprocess. (Part5) :1988 hydraulic cement:Part 5Deter mination of initial and final 3.5.3 TheAnchorRoot settingtimes(firs:revision) It is situated at the internal (distant)end of the 11309 :1985 Method for conducting pull-out anchorandis usedforfixing the anchorinto the testoranchorbarsandrockbolts rock-mass. 3.5.4 AnchorRope/Cable 3 TERMINOLOGY Itconsistsofstrandsofsteelwireshavinghighyield 3.1 Forthepurposeof thisdraftcode,thefollow stress. Generally thesteelwires havesize2-7mm ingdefinitionsshallapply. diameter. 3.6 Anchoraae 3.2 Anchoring This ensures the co-operation of the rock By anchoring, a compressive force is introduced medium with the structure, consisting of steel into the rock-mass directly towards the critical bars/bolts and bundles/strands of steel wires/ joint. Theanchoringcreatesacompressivestress ropes/cables.Theeffectofanchoringisincreased whichincreases theinherentstrengthoftherock byprestressing theanchorageinitsfreesection, mass and help the rock-mass to support itself that is betweentheendfixedin therockandthe againstsliding. externalanchorflxedinthestructure. 3.3 Structure 3.7 FixedAnchorLength (F.A.1.,.) Itdenotesanyconstructionworkonor belowthe It is the length of that part of the rock-anchor surfaceofslopewhosestabilityistobe securedby farthestawayfromthestructuresoverwhichtensile IS 14448:1997 forces are transmitted to the surroundingrock- control measures depending upon the riskin mass. F.A. L. shallDotbe lessthan60and100d. volvedinit,inshorttermaswellas inlongterm. fordeformedandplainbarsrespectively, 4.2 Model ofFailures where 4.2.1 There are mainly three type of modesof d. == diaofbar/bolt/cable. fallures intherockslopes namely planarslide, 3 The extensive field studyhas shown that F. A. L. dimensionalwedgefailureandtopplingfailure. In shallbeasperTable1: thiscodeonlyonemodethatisplanewedgefailure isdescribed(ste Fig.1). Table1 FIxedAnchorLenathforDifferentRock 4.2.2 Theplanewedgefailureoccursundergravity Conditions alone when a rock-mass rests on an inclined 8) 2m,forveryaoodrockcondiliona (RMR- 81to1(0) geologicaldiscontinuity,suchasbeddinglweakness b) 3m,foraoodrockOODditionl (RNa• 61to 80) planethat daylightsintothefreeslopefacethatis c) 4m,forfairlpoorroe.*condilioDi (RMR- 21to 60) 'l'f>'l'p [su Fig. 1(b»). Incaseof3dimensional d) 6m,forvaypoorrockconditions (RMR. 0to 20) wedgefailure, plane maybe assumed atapparent dipofintersectionofjoints('Pi). 4 REQUIREMENTOFSTABIU1Y 4.2.3 MovementshowninFig. l(c),supposesthat 4.1 The stability of natural or artifidal slopes therestraintofslidinghasbeenovercomenotonly generallydepend upon the geometry, frequency along the surface ofsliding/failure but along the andorientationofjoint sets,dipofslopeandits lateralsidesoftheslideaswell. planeof weaknessand condition of the slopes. Other slope parameters are climate, hydrology, 4.2.4 Sliding shall occurwhenthe inclinationof tectonic movements, presenceof brecciaand theplaneofSlip shallbe greater than thefriction humanactivitiesin immediateand/or adjacent angleofthat planethat is'lip >tPJ [s~t Fig.1(b)]. area, underground openings. Blasting bring However,inthecaseofunreinforcedsteepslopes about,years later. changesaffectingthestability ('I'r > goo - 'lip+tPj - A), failure may occurby ofslopes. over-topplingandthesameisnotconsideredhere. Intoppingfailure.thestrikesofslopeandjointsare 4.1.1 When any slope (naturaVartificial) shows nearlyparallelwithin± ISOandthedipdirection the signof instability, then it becomesessential to stabilize the slope by adopting the effective ofbeddingplanes/continuousjointsisoppositeto (0) (b) ee) (d) FIo.l P1...ANBWEDGBFAILUREGEOMETRY 2 IS14448:1997 that oftheslope.. The horizontal component of geological, climatic, hydrological, tectonic move earthquake acceleration Is accounted for by A ments and human activities in the immediate which is equal to tan-aa. Safecutslopeangleto andloradjacentareaofthestructures. check over-toppling is therefore equal to 6.2 ForstabilizJngtherockslopes,cementgrouted (cxf - 'l'p +tPj - A).safecutslopeangletocheck rock-anchors/bolts/cablesshouldbe used. 3dimensionalwedgefanureisequaltotheangleof intersectionofcriticaljointplanes. 6.3 CementGrout 4.2.5 The most likely plane of weakness/critical Thedelaybetweendrillingtheholeanditsgrouting plane,alongwhichslidingwilloccurinrelationto shouldalwaysbekeptminimumandasapolicy,one theorien18tionoftheslopefaceshouldbeassesssed should always drill and grout the anchor on the from the kinematicmodel analysis/stereographic sameday. The possibilityofsignificant shrinkage plots, in the groutdiminishing tbe intimatecontactbe tweenthe groutandrockmightprovideaweaker S PRINCIPLEOFROCKREINFORCEMENT surfacethan that adjacentto thesteel. Hence,it 5.1 Therockreinforcementreinforcesandmobil shouldbeensuredthat thegrouteitherincludes a zes the inherent strength of rock-medium which smallamount ofa suitableexpanding elementor helpstheslopetosupportitself. that the mixis such that the shrinkagewouldbe insignificant. 5.2 The rock shall be reinforced by the steel bolts/cables to take over the tensilestressesand Thefollowingspecificationsforacementgroutare alsoapartoftheshearstresseswhichincreasesthe recommendedtoprovidetlowability,expansionon stabilizingforceordecreasesthedisturbinglsliding hardeningand higher shear strength to transfer force. loadfromtheanchorthroughthegrouttotherock. 5.3 Therock-medium shallbelockedbyinduced 6.3.1 Thereshallbenoindicationsofthefalseset prestressing in the boltswhichactivates/increases [see IS4031 (Part5»). thefrictionalforcesalongthesurfaceofseparation 6.3.% Aflow timeof2Sto30seconds throughthe in the anchorage zone and transfer the load of standard flow cone (volume 1 725 ml, orifice unstablerock wedgeto the deeper parent rock diameter12.5mm). mass. 6.3.3 Minimumcompressivestrength(ona7.5em -S.4 The densityof rock-reinforcement caneasily diametercylinder and 15emlong)shouldbe 285 be modified bychanging itsdiameter,lengthand kwcm2,after28days.Thewatercementratioofthe spacingwhichisfrequently requiredbylocalrock groutshouldbe0.4to0.5. massconditions. Anotheradvantageisthatitcan be easily combined with additional control 6.3.4 Theamountofaluminiumpowdernecessary measuressuchasshotcretinganddrainagesystem, toobtainexpansion(toavoldshrinkage)shouldnot etc. bemorethan0.005percentbyweightofcement,for a grout of 0.4 to 0.5watercement ratio. Other !.! Tests tobeConducted admixturesmayalsobeusedtoreduceshrinkage. !.5.1 Kinematic Test Excessi'lequantityofaluminiumpowdershouldbe Thistestshallbeagraphicalrepresentationofrock avoidedbecauseitproducesfoaming inthegrout, faults/joints, etc, on the spherical stereographic especiallywhenthewatercementratioisalsohigh. planefromwhichthe mostlikely unstablewedge/ Hence,bothshouldbestrictlycontrolled, criticalplaneofweaknessmaybeassessed. '.3.5 FQrcement mortar grout, equal part of !.5.2 Pull-outTest cement and sand are first mixedand sufficient wateristhen addedto bringthe mortar toastiff Thepull-outtestshouldbeconductedatsiteasper consistency. The maximumparticle sizeofsand IS 11309 for assessing the anchor load bearing shouldlotexceed2mm. capacity and for the checking of the designed/as sumedF.A. L.ofaparticularanchor. 6.3.6 The situation where pressure grout is required, the pressure should be limited to , DESIGNCONSIDERATIONSOF 50-70 percent of overburden pressure,although ROCK-REINFORCEMENT 15percentoverburdenpressureshouldbeapplied whenever need arises. The use of excessive 6.1 The rock-boltor cable reinforcementsystem pressure loading gives rise to possibility of shouldbe designedtostabilizetheslippageofthe slope(naturaVartificial),whichoccuresduetothe hydrofacturingand surface heaving. 3 IS 14448:1997 6.3.7 Thediameterofdrill-holeshouldbe30mm The rIXed anchor lengthshall not beless morethandiameteroftheanchorsothatsufficient tban 60 and 100 times the diameterofdeformed grout-cover preventscorrosion.Suitable preven anchorbarsandplainanchorbarsrespectively. tivemeasuresshallbeadoptedtopreventcorrosion The fixedanchor lengthshall not be less dependinguponaggressivenatureofrockmass. than2.3,4,andSmforverygood,good,fair/poor/ 6.4 Therock-anchor(F. A 1.) mayfailinoneor and very poorrockconditionsrespectively. moreofthefollowing. The anchoragelengthshall beobtained from the 6.4.1 FailureofRock/GroutBond followingespresston; Thefollowingexpressionforthelengthofanchorage . P.F .....(2) based on an equivalent uniform distribution for L-~ bondstressas skinfriction alongthefixedanchor xuT. maybeused: where L a P.F. /1'C.D.T .•..(1) L =Effective/fIXedanchorlength,in mm; where F = Factorotsafety; L =Effective/rIjXedanchorlength(F.A. L.) in D :: (d. + 30 mm); d. =- Diameterof anchor bar,in mm;and mm; P =Pull-outforceperanchor,inN; fa =Permissibleshearstressin N/mm2• F == Factorofsafety; 6.4.3 Failurec[th«Anchoror TopAnchorage T = Bondstressatfailure, inN/mm2;and D =Diameterofthe borehole (d.+ 30mm), Thediameteroftheanchorbarshallbe calculated inmm. fromthefolloWing expression usingyieldstressof steel(cry);whichcanbe takenfromIS456 Theactualdistributionofbondstressisexponen- tial anddependsupon the elasticmodulusof the P= A". Uy/F .....(3) rock, grout material, diameter and length of the anchorage. However, theassumption ofuniform where distribution holds good for rocks of low elastic AI l=IS Areaofsteelbar,inmm2; modulus. Hence, a factor of safetyof 3 to 5 is Of Yieldstress of steel used for anchor, in recommended. mm2; . = F Factor of safety whichwillbe takenas Thesafebondstrength(TrlF)tobeusedforprelimi 1.30;and narydesign ofrockanchors,isgiven inTable2,if P =Pullforce(bothstaticanddynamic),inN. testdataisnotavailable. 6.4.4 BearingFailure ofRock-Mass atthe Face of Anchorage Table2 SafeBondStrengthfor Different In order to minimise bearing failure (which RockConditions depends upon the load carrying capacityof the Verypoortopoorrock (RMR- 0to40) 0.35-0.70NJmm2 rock-mass),alargebearingplatefoundedonathin condition F.ur,lO&oodrock (RMR- 41to 80) 0.70-1.05Nlmm2 grout overa largecontactarea shouldbe recom cpndltion mended. Veryloodrock (RMR- 81to1(0) 1.0S-1.40Nlmm2 7 PROCEDUREFORINSTALlATIONOF condition ROCK ANCIIORS However,theabovesafebondstrengthshouldnot bemorethanonethirtiethoftheminimumuniaxial 7.1 Thesite shallbe madeclearand cleanwhere compressivestrengthofrockmaterialorthegrout. therockanchors/rockboltsaretobeprovidedthat 6.4.2 Failurea/theGrout/AnchorBond isclayoverburdenorloosepiecesofrockordebris orvegitationshouldbe removeduptoaclearrock Ifthe uniaxial compressive strength of the grout formation. (fc)is knownthe permissible/allowable stress in shear (fa) may be obtained from the following 7.2 The drill holes should be driven slightly of expression: largerdiameter(about 30mm)than the diameter T. - fellS < 1.2N/mm2 (forplainbars) ofsteelbarswhichistobeprovidedasanchorbars. T. - jJI0 < 2.5N/mm2 (fordeformedbars) 7.3 Drillholeshouldbewashedwith watertillthe .Someumes anchor bars are pulled out clearwaterflows out fromit. Then the drillhole because ofinsufficient fixedanchorlength that is shouldbefilledwithcementgrout. Plainorribbed lengthofanchorbarsbeyondcriticaldiscontinuity. steel shallbedriveninto the drillhole filled with 4

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