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IS 14425: Guide for manufacture of glass reinforced polyester resin mouldings PDF

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Preview IS 14425: Guide for manufacture of glass reinforced polyester resin mouldings

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14425 (1997): Guide for manufacture of glass reinforced polyester resin mouldings [PCD 12: Plastics] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” hdian Standard EDIUG ERUTCAFUNAMROF FO SSALG DECROFNIER RETSYLOP NISER SGNIDLUOM ICS 83.120 OBIS 1997 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 ecirP puorG 4 January 1997 scitsalP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC PCD 12 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht scitsalP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht ,muelorteP laoC and detaleR stcudorP noisiviD .licnuoC tI is dezingocer that rof eht yrotcafsitas ngised fo glass decrofnier retseylop niser ,sgnidluom ti is yrassecen ot evig lacitirc noitaredisnoc ot eht noitceles and esu fo htob niser metsys and eht .tnemecrofnier roirP ot eht ecnatpecca fo a ralucitrap ngised ti yam eb yrassecen ot ekatrednu a emmargorp fo noitaulave stset tnaveler ot eht cificeps .snoitacilppa ehT esoprup fo this ediug is ot etatilicaf eht noitaraperp fo etauqeda semehcs rof eht ytilauq lortnoc fo glass decrofnier retseylop niser sgnidluom rof tnemeerga neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus tI is ton dednetni ni this ediug ot laed htiw eht cificeps ,melborp tub htiw eht stset fo a enituor erutan nekatrednu ot erusne eht deunitnoc ylppus fo yrotcafsitas .sgnidluom elbaredisnoC assistances evah neeb devired elihw gniraperp this ediug morf SB traP:9454 0791:1 ediuG‘ ot ytilauQ lortnoC stnemeriuqeR rof decrofnieR scitsalP ,sgnidluoM traP 1 retseyloP niser sgnidluom decrofnier htiw dnarts-deppohc mat ro ylmodnar detisoped glass ’serbit issued yb hsitirB Standards .)1SB(noitutitsnI IS 14425 : 1997 Indian Standard EDIUG ROF ERUTCAFUNAM FO SSALG DECROFNIER RETSEYLOP NISER SGNIDLUOM 1 SCOPE SI No. Title 11320 : 1996 Glass erbiI sgnivor rof eht -ecrofnier This ediug sekam snoitadnemmocer rof eht noitaraperp tnem fo retseylop and edixop~e fo a emehcs ot lortnoc eht ytilauq fo sgnidluom edam niser smetsys morf glass erbil stnemecrofnier dednob htiw dellif ro dellifnu retseylop niser .smetsys 11551 : 1996 Glass erbif dnarts-deppohc mat )MSC( rof eht tnemecrofnier fo 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ,yxope cilonehp and retseylop niser ehT gniwollof standards niatnoc snoisivorp ,hcihw smetsys ( first revision ) hguorht ecnerefer ni this txet etutitsnoc snoisivorp :11431 1992 Glass decrofnier retseylop hguod fo this standard. At eht emit fo ,noitacilbup snoitideeht gnidluom sdnuopmoc detacidni erew .dilav llA standards era tcejbus ot noisiver and seitrap ot stnemeerga desab no this standard 13360 sdohteM-scitsalP fo gnitset era degaruocne ot etagitsevni ytilibissop fo gniylppa traP( teS/S :)11 :scitsalp traP 5 lacinahceM eht tsom tnecer snoitide fo eht standards detacidni 1992 ,seitreporp noitceS 11 :woleb noitanimreteD fo noitatnedni hardness fo plastics yb snaem fo SI .oN Title retemorud erohS( )ssendrah 2824: 1975 dohteM rof gninimreted eht evitarapmoc gnikcart xedni fo dilos 3 PARAMETERS REQUIRING CONTROLS insulating slairetam rednu tsiom 3.1 Materials snoitidnoc (first revision) nI emos ,sesac rof etauqeda ,lortnoc ti ins yrassecen 3396: 1979 sdohteM fo tset rof emulov and ot yficeps eht ralucitrap niser and tnemecrofnier ot ecafrus seitivitsiser fo lacirtcele eb .desu nI eseht sesac eht reilppus shall eb deriuqer insulating slairetam ( $rst ot eetnaraug that eht stnemeriuqer fo eht deificeps revision ) edarg evah neeb .tem 4486: 1967 dednemmoceR sdohtem rof eht 3.1.1 stnemeriuqeR rof segnar fo retseylop niser desu noitanimreted fo eht ytivitimrep and shall mrofnoc ot SI :6476 1994. ehT epyt and egasod cirtcele noitapissid rotcaf fo fo ,tsylatac retomorp/rotarelecca metsys shall eb ni lacirtcele insulating slairetam at ecnadrocca htiw eht s’rerutcafunam .noitadnemmocer ,rewop oidua and oidar seicneuqerf gnidulcni ertem shtgnelevaw 3.1.2 stnemeriuqeR rof segnar fo tnemecrofnier ot eb 6262 : 1971 dohteM fo tset rof rewop rotcaf desu shall mrofnoc ot eht tnaveler SI 11273 : 1992, and cirtceleid tnatsnoc fo lacirtcele SI SIdna6991:02311 .ylevitcepser6991:15511 insulating liquids 3.2 Visual noitanimaxE 6746 : 1994 detarutasnU retseylop niser hcaE gnidluom shall eb denimaxe ot erusne that ti is smetsys (first revision ) yllaitnatsbus eerf morf gnidurtorp ,serbif ,sdiov pits, 8543 sdohteM fo gnitset :scitsalp ,selbbub ,skcarc ,sretsilb niser hcir ro niser devrats traP( teS/4 :)1 traP 4 trohS mret lacinahcem ,saera ro ngierof .srettam 1984 ,seitreporp noitceS 1 noitanimreteD fo elisnet seitreporp 3.3 ssenikcaT 11273 : 1992 nevoW gnivor scirbaf fo ’E‘ glass hcaE gnidluom shall eb denimaxe ot erusne that ti has erbif on ecafrus .ssenikcat ($rst revision ) 1 IS 14425 : 1997 lliw ton ylirassecen tneserper eht denibmoc glass and 3.4 Mass rellif .tnetnoc nI emos sesac ti is lufesu ot kcehc eht mass fo hcae .gnidluom nI hcus sesac eht elbatpecca noitairav ni A elbatius tset dohtem is debircsed ni xennA A fo mass fo hcae gnidluom shall eb deerga neewteb eht SI .2991:11431 resahcrup and eht .reilppus 3.7 eruC of Resin 3.5 Dimensions oT erusne that eht niser metsys is yletauqeda ,deruc a muminim eulav rof eht ’locraB‘ hardness fo eht 3.5.1 Tolerances gnidluom shall eb deerga ehT eulav nesohc shall ehT secnarelot fo all laitnesse snoisnemid shall eb eb detaluclac no 90 tnecrep fo eht muminim hardness deerga neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus roF deificeps rof eht deruc metsys yb eht niser .reilppus ecnadiug elbaT 1 lists lamron secnarelot rof eht ETON ~ ehT ssendrah eulav si erutarepmet ,tnedneped ssenkciht fo a .gnidluom dna ti yam eb yrassecen rehtie ot etouq a tset erutarepmet 3.5.2 htiw a ecnarelot fo C”2* ro muminim seulav rof a egnar Measurement fo .erutarepmet roF small sgnidluom a retemorcim htiw an livna fo ton tI shall osla eb deerga at secalp~hcihw no eht gnidluom less than 12 mm retemaid is ;elbatius rof egral sgnidluom stnemerusaem era ot eb ;edam ni emos sesac ti yam stnemerusaem shall eb edam no seceip tuc morf eht eb elbarised ot eht~erusaem hardness fo eht taoc-leg gnidluom ro a citengam ssenkciht tnemurtsni shall eb as llew as eht main .gnidluom .desu 3.7.1 Test Procedure 3.6 Glass Content ehT tset rof hardness fo eht dluom shall eb edam ni ehT lanimon glass tnetnoc and stimil fo its noitairav ecnadrocca htiw eht dohtem debircsed ni xemA A nihtiw a gnidluom shall eb deerga neewteb eht resahcrup no snemiceps morf hcihw eht taoc-leg has neeb devomer and eht .reilppus nI lareneg rof a lanimon glass tnetnoc yb sanding. sihT dohtem yam eb elbacilppa ot emos fo N ,tnecrep eht elbissimrep egnar shall ton eb retaerg sgnidluom htiw ,staoc-leg tub rof erom -leg~elbixelf than )5.2-N( tnecrep ot .tnecrep~)5,7+N( staoc eht dohtem nevig ni SI 13360 ( traP teS/S )11 : 1992 is .elbatius 3.6.1 Test Procedure 3.8 ssorC Breaking Strength roF dellifnu sdnuopmoc a eudiser no noitingi tset eb~yam desu as a ,lortnoc~kciuq tub htiw sdnuopmoc ehT muminim gnikaerb-ssorc htgnerts shall eb deerga gniniatnoc treni srellif ti yam eb yrassecen ot eerga neewteb eht reilppus and eht .resahcrup A elbatius no a erom etarobale tset .erudecorp fI a eudiser no tset is debircsed ni SI 13360 ( traP teS/S 7 ) : /6991 noitingi tset is desu ti dluohs eb deton that eht eudiser 0SI 178 : 1983. Table 1 Tolerances ( Clause 3.5.1 ) Nominal thickness Moulding Moulding Matched mm from open from closed metal mould, mould, mould- mm -mm ings, mm otpU tub ton gnidulcni 5.1 +0.50 10.20 Ul.O* -0.25 I 5. ot tub ton gnidulcni 3.0 io.75 io.30 to.20 0.3 ot tub ton gnidulcni 6.0 1.li 05.0* 03.Ok 6.0 ot tub ton gnidulcni 0.21 *I.5 57.oi 04.0+ 0.21 ot tub ton gnidulcni 0.52 0.21 4.li 05.OT 0.52 dna evoba 31 o. 9.11 56.Ok 2 IS 14425 : 1997 3.9 Other Parameters iii) retaW ssenthgit rof .sreniatnoc roF ralucitrap noitacilppa noitaredisnoc shall eb nevig 3.10.2 stseT rof gnol mret ,ytilibarud rehtie no etelpmoc ot eht deen ot yficeps deerga stimil rof ~a rebmun fo sgnidluom ro etairporppa tset snemiceps yam osla eb rehto seitreporp as :swollof deriuqer and shall eb tcejbus ot tnemeerga neewteb eht dnaresahcrup eht .reilppus selpmaxE fo this epyt tseT Property Procedure fo tset :era ytilibammalF xennA B )i noitneteR fo thgil ;noissimsnart elisneT htgnerts SI traP(3458 /4 )ii gnoL mret taeh ;ecnatsiser ees 4891:)1 )iii noisarbA ;ecuatsiser tcapmI htgnerts SI traP(O6331 ceSY )4 : )vi ;eugitaF and OSI/6991 3991:081 noisserpmoC htgnerts oT eb deerga )v noitneteR fo lacinahcem .seitreporp tloB gniraeb htgnerts xennA C 4 SELECTION OF TEST SPLCIMENS AND raehS htgnerts oT eb deerga FREQUENCYOFTEST citsalE suludom ni dneb SI tlaP(3458 ceSW :)1 1984 using epyT 3 tset 4.1 Selection of Test Specimens nemiceps and etar fo pirg roF eht noitanimreted fo snoisnemid hardness and noitarapes 5 nim/mm f 20 eudiser no ,noitingi eht tset nemiceps shall eb nekat tnecrep morf eht .sgnidluom lacimehC ecnatsiser SIfoJxennA 2991:11431 lacirtcelE seitreporp SI :4282 1975 roF emos rehto ,stset ti yam eb yrassecen rof eht tset SI 9791:%33 snemiceps ot eb nekat morf a laiceps talf ,gnidluom SI 7%1:6844 edam morf eht emas slairetam and rednu eht emas 1791:2626SI noitacirbaf .snoitidnoc nI this esac ti is laitnesse that SIfoGxennA 2991:11431 eht dohtem fo noitaraperp fo this tset gnidluom is deerga ni liated neewteb eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus taeH ecnatsiser eeS etoN ETON ~- It si ton elbissop ot dnemmocer a elbatius tset ETON - It si eht s’reilppus ytilibisnopsec ot erusne taht fo trohs noitarud rof eht enituor gnitset ehtfo taeh ecnatsiser eht tset gnidluom si evitatneserper ehtfo elohw .noitcudorp fo eseht .sgnidluom It si dednemmocer taht eht lortnoc fo siht ytreporp llahs eb desicrexe yb gniyficeps taht 4.2 Frequency of Tests niser desu llahs eb na deerga epyt rof elpmaxe gniylpmoc htiw epyT 1 eriF( )tnadrater fo IS .4991:6476 ehT ycneuqerf fo tset seirav rof tnereffid sgnidluom and rof tnereffid .stset tneiciffuS sampling and gnitset 3.10 Specific Requirements shall eb deirrac tuo ot eb evitatneserper fo tcudorp 3.10.1 laicepS stset etairporppa ot cificeps snoitacilppa .ytilauq yam eb yrassecen and shall eb tcejbus ot .tnemeerga selpmaxE fo this epyt fo tset no eht etelpmoc gnidluom 4.3 Test Samples for Purchaser ro ylbmessa :era nehW detseuqer yb eht ,resahcrup tset samples shall )i stseT no ;staobefil eb deilppus evitatneserper fo eht elohw .noitcudorp )ii Radar noissimsnart scitsiretcarahc fo ehT ycneuqerf fo sampling shall eb deerga neewteb ;ssenmodnar and eht resahcrup and eht .reilppus 3 IS 14425 : 1997 ANNEX A ( Clause 3.7.1 ) DETERMINATION OF CUBE OF NISER A-l GENERAL A-2.2 Indicating Device sihT dohtem srevoc eht noitanimreted fo noitatnedni ehT gnitacidni dial shall evah 100 ,snoisivid hcae hardness fo htob decrofnier and decrofnier-non digir gnitneserper a htped fo 0.007 5 mm .noitartenep ehT plastics using a locraB rosserpmI ledoM( .oN JZYG rehgih eht gnidaer eht redrah eht .lairetam 934.1 eeS( .giF 1 .) 3-A TSET SNEMICEPS ehT locraB rosserpmi is elbatrop and erofereht elbatius 1.3-A ehT gnitset aera shall eb htooms and eerf morf rof gnitset eht hardness fo detacirbaf parts and laudividni lacinahcem .egamad tset snemiceps rof noitcudorp lortnoc .sesoprup 2.3-A tseT snemiceps shall eb at tsael 1.5 mm kciht and egral hguone ot erusne a muminim ecnatsid fo NOTE - This method is technically identical with 3 mm ni yna noitcerid morf eht rotnedni tniop ot eht ASTM D 2583-67. egde fo eht .nemiceps A-2 APPARATUS A-4 CALIBRATION A-2.1 Indentor With eht regnulp reppu ediug dekcab tuo litnu ti just segagne eht spring ecalp eht rosserpmi no a glass ehT rotnedni shall tsisnoc fo a denedrah leets detacnurt ecafrus and sserp nwod litnu eht rotartenep tniop is enoc gnivah an elgna fo 26” htiw a talf pit 0.157 mm decrof all eht yaw kcab otni eht rewol regnulp .ediug ni .retemaid tI shall tif otni a wolloh eldnips and eb ehT rotacidni shall won daer 100. fI ti seod ,ton nesool dleh nwod yb a dedaol-gnirps .regnulp eht kcol tun and nrut eht rewol regnulp ediug ni ro PLUNGER UPPER GUIDE NUT PLUNGER SPRING 4 II ASSEMBLY FRAME SCREW COVER SCREW SPRING SLEEVE POINT SLEEVE _______________________ .GIF 1 BARCOLIM PRESSOR 4 SI 14425 : 1997 tuo ot niatbo a 100 .gnidaer ,txeN daer eht ’drah‘ REBMUN FO SGNIDAER A-6 muinimula csid deilppus yb eht rerutcafunam fo eht snoitacilppA fo eht locraB rosserpmi ot decrofnier rosserpmi and, fi ,yrassecen adjust os that eht gnidaer plastics )suoenegomoh-non( slairetam lliw ecudorp is nihtiw eht egnar dekram no .csid-eht nehT od eht retaerg noitairav ni hardness sgnidaer than no -non emas htiw eht tfos .csid fI eseht sgnidaer tonnac eb decrofnier )suoenegomoh( .slairetam sihT retaerg ,deniatbo tneuqesbus stnemerusaem era ton .dilav noitairav yam eb desuac ylniam yb eht ecnereffid ni 5-A PROCEDURE hardness neewteb niser and rellif slairetam ni tcatnoc htiw eht small retemaid .rotnedni erehT is less noitairav troppuS eht tset snemiceps yb a ,drah mrif A-5.1 ni hardness sgnidaer no redrah slairetam ni eht egnar ecafrus fi yeht era ylekil ot dneb ro mrofed rednu eht fo 50 locraB and rehgih and ylbaredisnoc erom noitairav erusserp fo eht rotnedni ees( etoN .)1 ehT rotnedni ni eht sgnidaer fo .slairetam~retfos On suoenegomoh must eb ralucidneprep ot eht ecafrus gnieb .detset ,slairetam evif sgnidaer era dedeen ot maintain a ecnairav psarG eht rosserpmi ylmrif neewteb gel and tniop eveels fo egareva fo 0.28 at a locraB-06 ,gnidaer rof eht emas and tes htob no eht ecafrus ot eb .detset roF small ecnairav fo egareva at 30 ,locraB thgie sgnidaer era snemiceps this yam eriuqer eht rosserpmi gel ot eb .dedeen On decrofnier plastics, ni redro ot maintain demmihs yb eht ssenkciht fo eht .nemiceps ylkciuQ a -ecnairav egareva-fo 87.0fo 06-ta ,locraB net sgnidaer ybylppa hand tneiciffus ecrof 05( N ot 70 )N no eht era ;dedeen and 29 sgnidaer era dedeen rof eht emas gnisuoh ot erusne mrif tcatnoc htiw eht tset nemiceps ecnairav at eht 30 locraB level ees( elbaT .)2 and drocer eht tsehgih dial gnidaer ees( etoN .)2 ekaT erac ot diova sliding ro gnipparcs elihw eht rotnedni 7-A TROPER is ni tcatnoc htiw eht ecafrus gnieb .detset ehT troper shall edulcni eht :gniwollof NOTES 4 noitacifitnedI fo lairetam ;detset 1 devruC secafrus yam eb erom tluciffid ot .troppus nehW eht daol si ,deilppa gnidneb dna gnirps noitca ni eht b) gninoitidnoC fo ;nemiceps snemiceps dluohs eb .dediova )6 ledoM rebmun fo ;rosserpmI 2 tfirD ni sgnidaer morf eht mumixam yam rucco ni 4 rebmuN fo sgnidaer ;nekat emos .slairetam esehT nac eb raenil-non htiw .emit 4 egarevA fo hardness seulav dednuor ffo ot 2.5-A snoisserpmI shall ton eb edam nihtiw 3 mm fo eht tseraen elohw elacs ;gnidaer and eht egde fo eht nemiceps ro fo rehto .snoisserpmi 4 etaD fo .tset 2 Table Recommended Sample Siis To Equalii The Valiance-of-the-Average ( Clause 6-A ) Hardness Reading Coefficient Variance Minimum Scale Variance of Variation of Average No. of Readings tnecrep .A suoenegomoH slairetaM 20 2.47 0.26 0.27 9 30 2.20 D.17 0.28 8 40 1.93 0.13 0.27 7 50 I .66 0.11 0.28 6 60 1.39 0.09 0.28 5 70 1.12 0.08 0.28 4 80 0.85 ~0.07 0.28 3 .B suoenegomoH-noN slairetaM decrofnieR( )scitsalP 30 22.4 2.9 0.77 29 40 17.2 2.2 0.78 22 50 12.0 1.7 0.75 I6 60 7.8 1.5 0.78 IO 70 3.6 I .2 0.75 5 5

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