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IS 14231-3: Cabled Distribution Systems for Television and Sound Signals, Part 3: Active Coaxial Wideband Distribution Components PDF

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Preview IS 14231-3: Cabled Distribution Systems for Television and Sound Signals, Part 3: Active Coaxial Wideband Distribution Components

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14231-3 (1995): Cabled Distribution Systems for Television and Sound Signals, Part 3: Active Coaxial Wideband Distribution Components [LITD 7: Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14231 ( Part 3 ) : 1995 Indian Standard CABLED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS FOR TELEVISION AND SOUND SIGNALS - SPECIFICATION PART 3 ACTIVE COAXIAL WIDEBAND DISTRIBUTION COMPONENTS UDC 621-397-743 : 621~375.12 @ BIS 1995 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARCJ NEW DELHI 110002 July 5991 Price Group 8 oidaR snoitacinummoC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTL 20 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( traP 3 ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht oidaR snoitacinummoC lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht scinortcelE and noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC ehT seires fo standards no delbac noitubirtsid metsys rof noisivelet and dnuos signals esirpmoc fo eht gniwollof parts: traP 1 ytefaS stnemeriuqer traP 2 citengamortcelE yti!ibitapmoc rof metsys and stnenopmoc ( rednu preparation ) traP 3 evitcA laixaoc dnabediw noitubirtsid stnenopmoc traP 4 evissaP laixaoc dnabediw noitubirtsid stnenopmoc traP 5 dnedaeH sihT standard ( traP 3 ) states eht muminim deetnaraug ecnamrofrep stnemeriuqer fo. niatrec sretemarap rof evitca laixaoc dnabediw noitubirtsid stnenopmoc and seifitnedi eht deetnaraug secnamrofrep snoitacificeps that shall eb dehsilbup yb eht .srerutcafunam tI osla syal nwod eht cisab sdohtem fo tnemerusaem fo eht lanoitarepo scitsiretcarahc fo eht evitca stnenopmoc ni redro ot assess eht ecnamrofrep fo eseht .stnenopmoc sihT standard is ylegral desab no CEI tnemucod G21 ( ttceS ) 129 delbaC‘ noitubirtsid metsys rof noisivelet and dnuos signals : traP 3 evitcA laixaoc dnabediw noitubirtsid .’stnenopmoc roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer rof this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI (13241 :)3traP 5991 Indian Standard CABLEDDISTRIBUTIONSYSTEMSFOR TELEVISIONANDSOUNDSIGNALS- SPECIFICATION _ PART 3 ACTIVE COAXIAL WIDEBAND DISTRIBUTION COMPONENTS 1 EPOCS tnemerus fo nruter ssol oitar fo tnempiuqe gnitarepo ni eht ycneuqerf egnar 5 zHM ot sihT standard 1 750 .zHM seilppa ot all dnabdaorb sreifilpma desu ni delbac noitubirtsid .smetsys llA tupni and tuptuo strop fo eht tinu shall teem eht noitacificeps rednu all snoitidnoc fo -otua srevoc eht yeneuqerf egnar 5 zHM ot citam and manual gain slortnoc and htiw yna 1 750 .zHM noitanibmoc fo ni-gulp srezilauqe and -aunetta seilppa ot yaw-eno and yaw-owt -piuqe srot .dettif .tnem syal nwod eht cisab sdohtem fo -erusaem Equipment required tnem fo eht lanoitarepo scitsiretcarahc fo a) A signal rotareneg ro peews ,rotareneg eht evitca stnenopmoc ni redro ot assess elbatsujda revo eht ycneuqerf egnar fo eht enamrofrep fo eseht .stnenopmoc eht tnempiuqe gnieb .detset seifitnedi eht deetnaraug ecnamrofrep eraC shall eb nekat ot erusne that eht snoitacificeps that shall eb dehsilbnp yb signal rotareneg ro peews rotareneg eht .srerutcafunam tuptuo seod ton evah a hgih cinomrah states eht muminim deetnaraug -rofrep tnetnoc as this nac esuac suoires ecnam stnemeriuqer fo niatrec -arap .ycaruccani .sretem b) A VSWR egdirb htiw ni-tliub ro etarapes 2 SECNEREFER RF .rotceted ehT naidnI Sl.andards detsil ni xennA D era ehT ycarucca fo tnemerusaem is -neped yrassecen stcnujda ot this standard. tned no eht ytilauq fo eht VSWR .egdirb 3 SMRET AND SNOITINIFED nI ralucitrap no eht ytivitcerid and no eht nruter ssol fo eht tset trop fo eht .egdirb roF eht escprup fo this standard, eht smret and roF ,elpmaxe .giF 2 shows eht mumixam snoitinifed nevig ni SI 13420 ( traP 1 ) : 1994 ycarucca deveihca yb a egdirb htiw 46 Bd shall .ylppa ytivitcerid and 26 Bd nruter .ssol 4 SDOHTEM FO TNEMERUSAEM lC An .epocsollicso sihT esualc senifed cisab sdohtem fo -erusaem 4 detarbilaC .sehctamsim .tnem ynA tnelaviuqe dohtem that serusne eht emas ycarucca yam eb desu rof assessing -rofrep Connection of equipment .ecnam ehT tnempiuqe shall eb detcennoc as ni .giF 1. Unless detats ,esiwrehto all stnemerusaem shall eb deirrac tuo htiw 0 Bd ni-gulp srotaunetta Measurement procedure and .srezilauqe ehT noitisop fo elbairav -noc slort desu gnirud eht stnemerusaem shall eb NOTES .dehsilbup 1 llA laixaoc tupni and tuptuo ,strop rehto than esoht rednu tset shall eb detanimret ni 7.5 .smho ehT tset pu-tes shall eb llew dehctam revo eht 2 erusnE that ereht is on ylppus egatlov no eht trop deificeps ycneuqerf band. gnieb derusaem as this dluoc egamad eht .egdirb fI ti si yrassecen ot esu a egatlov gnikcolb ,ecived 1.4 raeniL noitrotsiD esu eno htiw a doog nruter ssol oitar ( 10 Bd retteb naht tnemeriuqer .) 4.1.1 Return Loss Ratio 3 ylnO doog ,ytilauq detarbilac .srotcennoc srotpada ehT dohtem debircsed is elbacilppa ot eht -aem dna selbac llahs eb .desu 1 IS 14231 ( Part 3 ) : 1995 ._ - VSWR-BRIDGE SWEEP DEVICE . GENERATOR UNDER TEST osClLLOSCOPE FIG. 1 MEASUREMENOTF RETURNL oss RATIO .A 0 10 20 30 LO dB FIG. 2M AXIMUMA CCURACYA, , FOR MEASUREMENOTF RETURN ssoL RATIOU SINGV SWR BRIDGE WITH DIRECTIVITY OF 46 Bd AND TESTP ARTR ETURNL oss OF 26 dB. ehT tnemerusaem erudecorp sesirpmoc eht ,smret hcae detareneg morf eno ro erom fo eht gniwollof :spets ( assumed ladiosunis ) smret ni eht ,tupni and ylralucitrap yb eht noitcaretni fo owt ro erom )a tcennoC eht tnempiuqe as nwohs ni .giF 1. .smret ehT refsnart noitcnuf fo eht ecived nac )b teS eht signal rotareneg tuptuo level hcus eb desserpxe as: that eht TUD is ton .dedaolrevo )c esU eht detarbilac sehctamsim ot -ilac V tuo = ,a + . . a. . ,V cte.. in + asVd + a, Vd + . . . . . . . . . + a, Vi2 + etarb eht yalpsid no eht .epocsollicso fI eht tupni signal has m ladiosunis ,smret d) tcennoC eht TUD as nwohs ni .giF 1 and Vi, neht this nac eb desserpxe as: kcehc eht nruter ssol revo eht deificeps ycneuqerf .egnar Vilin= V,sin(w,t+(61)+V,sin(w,t+~,)3- . . , . . . . . . +rmw(nismV ),4 4.1.2 Flatness ehT tuptuo signal is neht a seires fo smret hcae sdohteM fo stnemerusaem er.a llew nwonk and fo hcihw nac eb desserpxe ni eht lareneg :mrof a‘ noitpircsed fo eht erudecorp is ton .yrassecen CVia, sin ( wit + 4i ) 4.1.3 ChrominancejLuminance Delay Inequality erehw dohteM fo tnemerusaem as nevig ni SI 13420 IW is eht sum ro ecnereffid fo largetni evitisop ( traP 1 ) : 1994 shall eb .elbacilppa selpitlum fo eno ro erom fo eht tupni -neuqerf ,seit rof :elpmaxe ,’ 4.2 Non-Linear Distortion 4.2.1 4% 2 wl-w894w, + wg, 22, + WI + ws General sihT yam eb nettirw ni a lareneg mrof as raenil-non ,ecived eht noisserpxe rof eht In a tuptuo signal ,lliw ni ,lareneg evah an ytinifni fo IW = lolp f pJwa f p3w3 f . . . . . . . . . mwmpf 2 SI 14231 ( Part 3 ) : 1995 where pl, p,, . . . . . . . . . . . ., pm are evitisop sregetni ,revewoH gniredisnoc the dradnats level -airav ( gnidulcni 0 > noit of smte,t of tnereffid order, the evitaler noitubirtnoc of redro-rehgih smret sesaercni i+ si the evitaler phase of the tuptuo ;langis htiw the level of the tupni .slangis ,ylesrevnoC a, si a tneichleoc of the refsnart ;noitcnuf fi langis slevel are wol ,hguone ylno a few of the tsewol order smret lliw ecudorp tnacifingis iV si a mret tnedneped no the tcudorp of snoitubirtnoc at the .tuptuo powers of the sedutilpma of the tupni slangis ( V,, V,, etc ) where the mus of fI lla tupni slangis are detimil ot a ycneuqerf the powers slauqe ;n dna dnab of ssel naht eno ,evatco the seicneuqerf of lla redro-dnoces smret lliw llaf edistuo of C si a laciremun .reilpitlum the dnab .stimil slangiS seicneuqerf nac osla eb detacolla ni two or erom suougitnoc-non tI dluohs eb deton that smret at the emas sdnab ni a rennam that lliw ecalp lla -dnoces ycneuqerf yam esira morf lareves tnereffid smret order ,stcudorp edistuo the .sdnab ni the refsnart ,noitcnuf that ,si for lareves tnereifid seulav of .n redro-drihT noitrotsid ,stcudorp ni ralucitrap the stcudorp that rucco at seicneuqerf -erper Each tnenopmoc of the tuptuo langis -erper detnes yb hcus na noisserpxe htiw n > 1 si a detnes yb p,a, p3h, PX, ha7 P3f9 PA Pe, Paj tonnac eb kept tuo of the dnab that sniatnoc non-linear distortion product. erehW wr si na the tupni .slangis ehT noitalumucca of -driht largetni elpi:lum of a elgnis mret ni the tunni order noitrotsid stcudorp yam therefore eb a ,langis for elpmaxe 4 ,GOC the tcudorp si regarded gnitimil factor ni the ecnamrofrep of a -ediw as a harmonic distortion product. fI ti si demrof dnab lennahc-itlum noitubirtsid .metsys morf two or erom ,smret for elpmaxe ,Qw-lw2 ti si nwonk as na intermodulation distortion product. tnemerusaeM detaler ot the gniwollof -onehp anem are :debircsed ec*liS the seulav of a,, a,, as, etc, yllausu decrease ylevitaler yldipar htiw gnisaercni seulav of ,n - noitaludomretni neewteb two or three ti si dnuof that the tnanimoderp caeni!-non elgnis ycneuqerf .slangis tuptuo slangis esira morf the smret ni refsnart - etisopmoc staeb decudorp yb a rebmun noitcnuf ni hcus a yaw that the mus P,+pz+ ,>... of elgnis ycneuqerf .slal.gis pm=n. dna n si denifed as the order of the -non - etisopmoc noitaludomssorc neewteb a raenil noitrotsid ,tcudorp for eipmaxe ,~2-,~3 si a htfif order tcudorp gnisira morf ::ht mret r&-nun of elgnis ycneuqerf .slangis .L”iVjQ ehT ni tupni slangis detneserper ni the No tnmctta edam ot ssucsid the stirem of noisserpxe are ton ylirassecen tcnitsid .slangis is the tnereffid sdohtem ni noitaler ot the -ificeps vnA cidoirep langis yam eb detneserper yb a noitac of tnempiuqe for delbac noitubirtsid seires of ladiosunis smret as ni the noisserpxe ,smetsys ron si there yna tpmetta ot etacidni for .,iV roF the tnanimoderp raenil-non tuptuo yna ecnelaviuqe neewteb ,sdohtem ni the esnes slangis ti si dnuof :taht that the stluser of eno dohtem yam eb devired 1PIV=IIiV V,P2 V8P3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vmpm morf stnemerusaem edam yb .rehtona nI fact, the noissucsid dluohs ton eb nekat neve ot os that fi the sedutilpma of lla the tupni slangis ylpmi that the gniknar of secived yb derusaem are deilpitlum yb a nommoc factor ,K the raenil-non noitrotsid si tnednepedni of the edutilpma of the ht-n order noitrotsid stcudorp dohtem of .tnemerusaem lliw eb deilpitlum yb 0I ecnis( ~~+p~+p~.~.... pm-n). nehW the slevel of lla tupni slangis are A proper noitacificeps llahs edulcni at tsael the desiar yb 1 ,Bd the level of yna, langis ht-n gniwollof :sliated order noitrotsid tcudorp lliw esaercni n ,Bd dna >a the ralucitrap effect that si ;derusaem the tnatluser noitrotsid/langis oitar lliw decrease yb ( -n 1 ) .Bd sihT pihsnoitaler lliw eb referred b) a tsil of tupni slangis that ecudorp siht ot as the dradnats level noitairav of a noitrotsid ;tceffe .tcudorp fI a noitrotsid tcudorp si eud ot -moc lc the ycneuqerf at hcihw the effect si stnenop of tnerGid order, ro/dna tnereffid order ;derusaem dna stcudorp rucco nihtiw the htdiwdnab of the ecived desu ot erusaem the level of noitrotsid 4 the deriuqer langis ot noitrotsid .oitar ,stcudorp neht the derusaem level lliw ton wollof a dradnats level .noitairav nI ,elpicnirp na eh“ tluser of the tnemerusaem llahs eb nevig as etinifni rebmun of smret si yrassecen for a -moc the worst case mumixam langis level at the ctelp noitpircsed of a raenil-non .citsiretcarahc tnenopmoc tuptuo that swolla the deriuqer 3 IS 14231( Part 3 ) : 1995 signal ot eht noitrotsid oitar ot eb .tem fI eht than eno ,evatco and shall eb derusaem using tuptuo level is depols htiw ,ycneuqerf this must owt signals ( ees l-A .) eb .denifed redro-drihT stcudorp era deretnuocne ni -ediw ehT tceffe shall eb denifed as gnieb fo a band and dnab-worran tnempiuqe and smetsys ralucitrap redro rof( elpmaxe redro-drihtr -retni and shall eb derusaem using eerht signals ( ees ’noitaludom .) 2-A .) 4.2.2 Intermodulation Equipment required a) A evitceles retemtlov gnirevoc eht Iniroduction ycneuqerf egnar fo eht tnempiuqe ro metsys ot eb .detset sihT yam eb murtceps ehT owt reirrac dohtem debircsed is elbacilppa .resylana ot eht tnemerusaem fo eht oitar fo eht reirrac ot a elgnis noitaludomretni tcudorp at a -iceps b) ehT etairporppa rebmun fo signal -areneg deif tniop nihtiw a delbac noitubirtsid .metsys srot gnirevoc eht seicneuqerf at hcihw ehT dohtem nac osla eb desu ot enimreted eht eht stset era ot eb deirrac .tuo noitaludomretni ecnamrofrep fo laudividni smeti c> A elbairav rotaunetta htiw a egnar retaerg fo .tnempiuqe than eht signal ot noitaludomretni oitar NOTE- tI dluohs eb yllaicepse deton taht eht ,detcepxe fi ton detaroprocni ni eht suoenatlumis esu fo ynam slennahc decaps yb eht retemtlov debircsed ni .)a( emas ycneuqerf lavretni stluser ni a egral rebmun fo noitaludomretni stcudorp ( ylralucitrap esoht fo eht 4 A renibmoc lliw eb deriuqer rof stset no redro-driht ) gnillaf raen eht noisiv reirrac fo a -naw tnempiuqe and smetsys htiw a elgnis tupni det noisivelet .lennahc ( .giF 3 and .giF 4 .) nI eseht ,sesac eht tnatluser ecnerefretni si fo na ylemertxe xelpmoc erutan dna na evitanretla lanoitiddA-ETON smeti yam eb ,yrassecen rof tnemerusaem erudecorp lliw eb .dedeen sihT si ,elpmaxe ot erusne eht stnemerusaem era ton derevoc yb 4.2.4. detceffa yb suoirups slangis detareneg ni eht tset tnempiuqe flesti ( xennA B .) selpmaxE fo redro-dnoces and redro-driht -retni noitaludom stcudorp era nevig ni xennA A. Connection of equipment dnoceS redro stcudorp era deretnuocne ylno ni ehT tnempiuqe shall eb detcennoc as nwohs ni dnabediw tnempiuqe and smetsys gnirevoc erom .giF 3. SIGNAL FILTERS GENERATORS VANABLE SELECTIVE ATTENUATOR VOLTMETER EM OR EQUIP. UNOER TEST FILTER ( IF REQUIRED FOR ALC) SIGNAL GENERATOR61 NOTES eht .retem If a retlif si ,desu neht elbissop hctamsim dluohs eb dediova yb ton gnicuder eht rotaunetta 1 ehT stnemeriuqer rof eht smeti fo test eqUipment eulav woleb 10 .Bd detacidni yb dettod senil sdneped OII the stluser fo skcehc nevig ni xennA .B ehT sretlif at eht langis 2 To diova noitaludomretni neewteb the langis rotareneg stuptuo yam eb dedeen ot sserppus ,srotareneg ti yam eb yrassecen rof eht renibmoc ot suoirups .slangis ehT evitceles retemtlov tupni eb ni eht mrof fo eno ro erom lanoitcerid srelpuoc retlif yam eb deriuqer ot tneverp noitaludomretui ni ( ees xennA B *) .GIF 3 BASIC ARRANGEMENTOF TEST EQUIPMENTF OR EVALUATIONO F THE RATLOO F SIGNAL TO INTERMODULATIONP RODUCT 4 IS 14231 ( Part 3 ) : 1995 12 -5. 4, 10 I I D .\r . 20 LO 60 60 100 200 LOO 600 1000 1750 FREQUENCY (MHz) .GIF 4 LACIHPARG NOITATNESERPER FO NRUTER Loss SEIROGETAC Measurement procedure c) Measurement ehT tnemerusaem erudecorp sesirpmoc eht teS eht signal srotareneg ot eht seicneuqerf fo gniwollof :spets eht tset signals [ ees )a( and xennA A 1, and adjust rieht stuptuo and that fo eht tnereffid )a General, stniop to eht smetsys as raf as eht tniop fo Unless esiwrehto ,deriuqer eht ecnerefer slevel tnemerusaem ot niatbo eht deificeps metsys desu ni eht stnemerusaem shall eb eht lamron gnitarepo slevel .tuohguorht gnitarepo slevel deificeps rof eht tnempiuqe ro .metsys fI eht deificeps slevel era ton tnatsnoc tcennoC eht elbairav rotaunetta and evitceles revo eht ycneuqerf egnar neht eht slevel fo all retemtlov and rehto smeti fi deriuqer ees( eht tset signals shall eb detouq ni eht .stluser xennA B ) ot eht tniop fo .tnemerusaem enuT eht retem ot hcae tset signal and eton eht -netta stnemerusaeM fo htob redro-dnoces and -driht rotau eulav al deriuqer ot niatbo a tneinevnoc redro stcudorp shall eb deirrac tuo htiw eht tset retem gnidaer R rof eht ecnerefer signal. ehT signals ylediw and ylesolc decaps revo hcae rotaunetta eulav al dluohs eb ylthgils retaerg band fo tseretni at seicneuqerf elbapac fo than eht signal ot noitaludomretni oitar -cepxe gnicudorp tnacifingis stcudorp nihtiw eht llarevo det at eht tniop fo .tnemerusaem ycneuqerf .egnar An noitpecxe ot this is tlaed htiw ni .2.1-A enuT eht retem ot eht noitaludomretni tcudorp ot eb derusaem and ecuder eht gnittes fo eht erehW eht metsys ot eb derusaem sedulcni elbairav rotaunetta ot eht eulav deriuqer ot citamotua gain lortnoc ( CGA ,) stset shall eb a2 niatbo eht emas retem gnidaer R. deirrac tuo at eht lanimon gnitarepo signal tupni .slevel ETON - nehW gnirusaem slevel of noitaludomretni ,stcudorp ti yam eb yrassecen ot tresni a retlif at the )b Calibration and checks tupni ot the retem (see xennA .B ). nI hcus secnatsni the noitresni ssol ( ni dB) of the retlif at the A kcehc shall eb edam ot enimreted fi -omrah ycneuqerf of the stcudorp llahs ob added ot the scin and rehto suoirups signals at eht stuptuo fo rotaunetta .eulav eht signal srotareneg era ylekil ot tceffa yllairetam eht stluser fo eht stnemerusaem ( ees ehT langis ot noitaludomretni tcudorp oitar ni Bd is nevig :yb xennA B .) ,I]S = al ehT evitceles retemtlov shall eb detarbilac -a2 erehw and dekcehc rof yrotcafsitas noitarepo ( ees xennA B .) rotaunetta eulav rof eht tset signal desu al - as a ecnerefer ni ,Bd and A kcehc shall eb edam rof elbissop -aludomretni noit neewteb eht signal srotareneg at eht tuptuo rotaunetta eulav rof eht -aludomretni a2 = slevel ot eb desu rof eht stset ( ees xennA B .) noit tcudorp ni .Bd 5 _ 1

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