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Preview IS 14178: Pressurised irrigation equipment - Terminology

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14178 (1994): Pressurised irrigation equipment - Terminology [FAD 17: Farm Irrigation and Drainage Systems] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 14178 : 1994 Indian Standard PRESSURIZEDTRRIGATIONEQUIPMENT- TERMINOLOGY UDC 631.347 : 001.4 @ BIS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 October 1994 Price Crmp 6 noitagirrI tnempiuqE dna smetsyS lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DAF 35 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the noitagirrI tnempiuqE dna smetsyS lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the dooF dna erutlucirgA noisiviD .licnuoC dezirusserP noitagirri ‘stnempiuqe are gnimoceb yrev ralupop syad-a-won ni the dleif of .erutlucirga nI order ot ezirailimaf htiw the ygolonimret gnieb desu 1.i siht dleif a decir was tlef ot prepare a dradnats no .ygolonimret ehT smret evah neeb degnarra ni lacitebahpla order. nI the noitaraperp of siht dradnats ecnatsissa has neeb devired CODmorf : CT/OSI CS/32 18 N 264 snoitinifeD‘ of dezirusserp noitagirri ,’stnempiuqe deussi yb lanoitanretnI noitazinagrO for noitazidradnatS ( 0SI ). SI 14178 : 1994 Indian Standard PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT - TERMINOLOGY 1 SCOPE 2.9 Angle Pattern Check evlaV 1.1 sihT standard srevoc eht noitinifed rof A kcehc evlav for noitallatsni at a noitcnuj suoirav smret detaler ot dezirusserp noitagirri neewteb lacitrev dna latnoziroh snoitisop ni tnempiuqe . hcihw eht axes fo eht telni and teltuo dra at thgir selgna ot hcae .rehto 2 TERMINO~LOGY 2.10 Angle Valve 2.1 Accuracy Level ehT noitaived fo eht teltuo erusserp morf eht A valve having yllareneg a lacirdnilyc ydob ni erusserp gnittes ro gnittes deralced yb eht hcihw eht ydob sdne era at thgir selglla ot each .rerutcafunam other dna ni hcihw eht sixa fo eht mets is ni enil htiw that fo eno ydo’b .dne 2.2 Activating Chamber 2.11 erutrepA eziS Space ni eht gnitarepo msinahcem no eno ro htob sides fo eht notsip ro mgarhpaid ni hcihw noisnemiD desserpxe ni ,snorcim fo eht -repa eht retaw erusserp is dehppa ot nepo ro esolc erut ni the retlif ,tnemele hcus as eht retemaid eht .evlav fo a dnuor gninepo ro eht edis fo a erauqs .gninepo 2.3 Activating Valve 2.12 citamutuA gninaelC-fleS reniartS retliF A yllaunam detarepo evlav ro a yllaciluardyh detarepo evlav ro a cirtemulov evlaJ\ ro other A retlif gnivah citamotua gnihsulf ytilibapac as epyt fo evlav hcihw is desu ot nepo and shut ffo denimreted yb erusserp ,laitnereffid noitarud fo a wolf fo retaw hguorht eht lortnoc .daeh ,noitaretlif emulov fo retaw ,deretlif ro yb emos rehto lacisyhp ytitnauq ro yb yna noitanibmoc 2.4 Adjustable Pressure Regulator fo .eseht erusserP rotaluger ni hcihw eht erusserp gnittes 2.13 yrailixuA srotcudnoC nac eb detsujda yllanretxe tuohtiw gniriuqer tnemecalper fo parts ni eht noitaluger .ylbmessa esohT srotcudnoc desu ot yrrac tnerruc secived that era ton deriuqer rof tnemevom fo eht 2.5 Adjustable Stop .enihcam eciveD ot-desu adjust eht tnemevom egnar fo 2.14 yrailixuA slenaP eht gnitarepo msinahcem up ot lluf gninepo ro gnisolc fo eht .evlav desolcnE seilbmessa fo yrailixua lortnoc secived 2.6 Air Release and/or Vacuum Relief Valve rof eht ,enihcam hcus as rotom ,srellortnoc ,syaler ,sehctiws and ,sremrofsnart tub ton A evlav hcihw snepo yllacitamotua ot wolla ria gnidulcni eht main rellortnoc ro main start and morf eht erehpsomta ot retne eht retaw enilepip pots noitcnuf .sehctiws A noitcnuj xob si ton gnirud eganiard fo eht enil ro/dna gnitnev fo na yrailixua .lenap ria morf eht retaw enilepip ot eht erehpsomta gnirud gnillif ro gnirud lamron noitarepo fo eht 2.15 egarevA Outside Diameter of Aluminium enilepip rednu .erusserp Tube 2.7 Alclad Tube ( Cladded Tube ) T edistuo he citemhtira ,sretemaid naem derusaem fO owt ylralucidneprep at eno -ssorc A ebut gnivah no htob edisni and edistuo -rus .noitces secaf a yllacigrullatem dednob muinimula ro muinimula yolla gnitaoc that is cidona ot eht 2.16 egarevA Wall Thickness fO muiniurulA eroc lairetam and erofereht stcetorp eht eroc Tube morf .noisorroc The arithmetic naem fo thgie stnemerusaem of 2.8 Ambient Temperature llaw ,ssenkciht yllauqe decaps dnuora the ecnerefmucric of eno ,noitces-ssorc tub ton no erutarepmeT fo eht sgnidnuorrus ni eht egnar the dlew enil ni eht esac fo dedlew .sebut fo 25 f 5°C. 1 IS 14178: 1994 2.17 Backflow Preventer 2.27 Clogged Filter Element A lacinahcem ylbmessa dengised ot tneverp A filter tnemele hcihw has detcelloc a ytitnauq dednetninu wolfkcab of water otni a -agirri-non of dilos stnanimatnoc hcus that ti tonnac noit noitces of the water ylppus metsys ni order niatniam the tsehgih wolf rate dednemmocer yb ot protect tsniaga ttne y of slairetam hcihw yam the rerutcafunam tuohtiw gnideecxe the safe etutitsnoc a htlaeh hazard. mumixam erusserp drop. 2.18 llaB evlaV 2.28 Closing Disk A evlav ni hcihw a llab nac eb denrut ot evom A part of the ,rotarutbo evitcepserri of sti shape, sti port or ports evitaler ot the ydob seat ports no hcihw the ksid face si demrof dna ot hcihw ot lortnoc the wolf of .diulf the ksid gnicaf ,gnir fi ,desu si ,deruces 2.19 hcneB erusserP Loss 2.29 Closing Torque erusserP ssol ni the gnitset metsys neewteb the ehT tsellams euqrot deriuqer ot eveihca lluf erusserp taps htiw the tested nemiceps ssenthgit of the evlav at lanimon .erusserp .dedulcni 2.30 Comprehensive Regulation Range 2.20 ydoB gnidiviD llaW llA the elbissop detaluger serusserp or -aluger ehT largetni part of the ydob hcihw separates noit segnar that nac eb deniatbo htiw a erusserp the telni dna teltuo ports dna no hcihw the rotaluger yb the ,noitidda noitcuder or -ecalper evlav seat si .demrof tnem of gnitaluger stnenopmoc ( ,sgnirps ,sksid etc ). 2.21 dednoB 2.31 tneiciffeoC of noitubirtsiD ,ytimrofinU UDC A elbailer noitcennoc ot erusne the deriuqer ehT ytimrofinu of water noitacilppa rate at a lacirtcele ytivitcudnoc neewteb latem parts nevig erusserp dna ,gnicaps expressed as a deriuqer ot eb yllacirtcele .detcennoc ,egatnecrep yb the nesnaitsirhC .dohtem 2.22 ertneC toviP 2.32 rotcel&C nA detamotua noitagirri enihcam gnitsisnoc of elcatpeceR desu for gnitcelloc the water -sid a enilepip gnitator dnuora a tovip tniop dna charged yb the relknirps or yb the reyarps detroppus yb a rebmun of delleporp-fles towers. gnirud the test of noitubirtsid ytimrofinu or of ehT water si deilppus at the tovip tniop dna yarps .noitubirtsid swolf sdrawtuo hguorht the enilepip dna si detubirtsid yb reyarps or relknirps selzzon 2.33 Collector Ring detacol gnola the .enilepip nA ylbmessa of pils sgnir for gnirrefsnart 2.23 Check Mechanism lacirtcele ygrene morf a yranoitats ot a gnitator ehT part or ylbmessa of gnivom parts hcihw .rebmem sesolc the water passage nehw flow ceases or yb 2.34 lortnoC rotcudnoC .erusserp-kcab A rotcudnoc that seirrac tnerruc ot lortnoc 2.24 Check Valve secived yrassecen for tnemevom of the .enihcam A evlav hcihw stimrep wolf ni eno noitcerid 2.35 lortnoC gnibuT ylno dna stneverp lasrever of wolf yb snaem of na citamotua check .msin~ahcem ehT evlav llamS retemaid gnibut that stimsnart a dnammoc snepo yb the wolf of diuqil dna sesolc yb the yllaciluardyh yb enil :russerp ot dna morf the thgiew of the check msinahcem or yb -inahcem erusserp rebmahc of the ciluardyh .evlav lac erusserp ( e. g. gnirps ) nehw the wolf ceases. 2.36 lortnoC evlaV 2.25 Clamping Band yrailixuA evlav operated ,yllacinahcem -irtcele ,yllac ,yllaciluardyh or yllacitamuenp dna desu gniR or ekil-dnab ecived desu for gninethgit ot etavitca the yllaciluardyh operated .evIav the tnioj neewteb gnittime epip dna .gnittif 2.37 lacitirC erusserP Drop Before eruliaF 2.26 Clean Pressure Drop ehT mumixam elbawolla erusserp ecnereffid ehT erusserp drop ni a naelc reniarts derusaem across each gniretlif tnemele of the reniarts htiw a wolf of naelc water rednu lamron hcihw lliw ton esuac eruliaf of the retlif .snoitidnoc .tnemele IS 14178 : 1994 -. esaeleR of ria at a hgih wolf rate nehw 2.38 Declared Preset Pressure the epip metsys si gnieb dellif htiw water. ehT water erusserp at the teltuo of the preset erusserp rotaluger as preset dna deralced yb 2.47 Duration of Automatic Flushing Cycle of a the manufacturer gnisu a ecnerefer yticolev of Filter 1 .s/m ehT doirep of emit gnirud hcihw water dna trid are dehsulf tuo of the retlif aiv the hsulf evlav 2.39 Denting Factor gnirud each citamotua gnihsulf .elcyc A retemarap detupmoc as the tcudorp of the muminim elisnet dleiy htgnerts ni MPa dna the 2.48 Earthed erauqs of the llaw ssenkciht of the ,ebut ni mm for gnitaulave the ytiliba of na muinimula ebut detcennoC ot earth or emos gnitcudnoc ydob ot dnatshtiw lanretxe lacinahcem gnidaol -htiw hcihw sevres ni ecalp of earth. tuo tnenamrep lacol .noitamrofed 2.49 Earthed rotcudnoC 2.40 Diameter of Coverage A tiucric rotcudnoc hcihw si yllanoitnetni earthed. ehT retemaid of the area wetted yb the .relknirps 2.50 gnihtraE rotcudnoC 2.41 mgarhpaiD evlaV ehT rotcudnoc desu ot tcennoc tnerruc-non gniyrrac latem parts of a enihcam ot a ecivres A evlav ni hcihw a elbixelf mgarhpaid -utitsnoc earthed rotcudnoc ro/dna na gnihtrae edortcele tes the gnisolc dna gnitaluger msinahcem ot .rotcudnoc lortnoc the wolf of diulf hguorht the .evlav 2.51 evitceffE retemaiD of egarevoC 2.42 ksiD ecaF eciwT the ecnatsid of the reyarps morf the A htooms face of the rotarutbo hcihw sekam reyarps morf the farthest rotcelloc that detcelloc tcatnoc htiw the ydob seat nehw the evlav si at tsael OI tnecrep of the egareva ytitnauq of .desolc water detcelloc ni the srotcelloc gnirud emit the reyarps operates at lanimon gnikrow 2.43 Disk Facing Ring .erusserp A gnir or dnuor eti.lp of tnereffid lairetam morf the gnisolc ksid deruces ot the ksid dna desu 2.52 Effective~Length of a Lateral Move Machine ot erusne water ssenthgit nehw the evlav si ehT noisnemid lellarap ot the epip enil of the .desolc area ot eb ,detagirri hcihw si yllanoitnevnoc detaluclac as the ecnatsid neewteb the two tsom 2.44 noitubirtsiD evruC ecnatsid reyarps or relknirps selzzon no the egarevA evruc of sthgieh of water detalumucca enilepip sulp 75 tnecrep of the wetted suidar ni srotcelloc dial tuo gnola the yarps ,suidar as of each dne reyarps or .relknirps a noitcnuf of the secnatsid of the srotcelloc fI a noitrop of the area rednu the enilepip si morf the .sreyarps desu for the water ylppus metsys dna ton for crop ,noitcudorp that ecnatsid dluohs ton eb 2.45 Drain or Flush Valve dedulcni ni the noitinifed of the evitceffe .htgnel A evlav yllamron dellatsni at t.he mottob of nI siht case, the evitceffe htgnel si the ecnatsid the reniarts dna dednetni for gniniard or -hsuH neewteb the two tsom tnatsid reyarps or gni the reniarts .gni~suoh relknirps ,selzzon sulp 75 tnecrep of the wetted suidar of each ,elzzon sunim the ecnatsid desu 2.46 lauD noitcnuF-elgniS riA esaeleR ro/dna for the water ylppus .metsys muucaV feileR evlaV fI the evitanretla noitinifed for evitceffe htgnel A evlav gnitsisnoc of two :sevlav a hgih erusserp si ,desu ti llahs eb ylraelc stated ni the test ria esaeler evlav dna a wol erusserp ria esaeler .stluser .evlav ehT evlav operates yletarapes ni -drocca etna htiw rieht noitcnuf dna llifluf three 2.53 Effective Radius of a Centre Pivot Machine :snoitcnuf ehT suidar of the ralucric dleif area ot eb - esaeleR of ria morf the epip metsys at ,detagirri hcihw si yllanoitnevnoc detaluclac as gnikrow ;erusserp the ecnatsid morf the tovia tniop ot the lanimret - noitcejnI of ria at a hgih wolf rate gnirud relknirps no the emlepip sulp 75 tnecrep of the eganiard of water morf the epip ;metsys wetted suidar of the lanimret reyarps or IS 14178: 1994 .relknirns fI an noitanretla rof evitceffe radius 2.64 retliF tnemelE ,desu ti shall ebA ylraelc detats ni eht tset A reniarts tnenopmoc gnitsisnoc fo a detarofrep .stluser .etaln .neercs .hsem discs. ro a noitanibmoc fo 2.54 noitagnolE ;esehi dednetni ’ot niater dilos stnanimatnoc regral than a nevig ezis morf eht retaw gniwolf esaercnI ni eht esoh htgnel desuac yb hguorht eht .tnenopmoc .noitazirusserp 2.65 gnittiF 2.55 rettimE ynA gnitcennoc ecived elbatius rof tnemhcatta eciveD dettif ot an noitagirri laretal and ot eht gnittime epip htiw ro tuohtiw a gnipmalc dednetni ot time retaw ni eht mrof fo spord ro band. suounitnoc wolf at rettime setar ton gnideecxe 15 h/l tpecxe gnirud .gnihsulf 2.66 dexiF gnitteS erusserP rotalugeR 2.56 rettimE telnI erusserP rotaluger htiw dexif erusserp gnittes hcihw tonnac eb .deirav tnioP at hcihw retaw sretne eht .rettime 2.67 taolF ( taolF )ylbmessA 2.57 rettimE teltuO A tnenopmoc nihtiw eht evlav ydob esohw gninepO ro puorg fo sgninepo ni an rettime cificeps thgiew is less than that fo retaw and morf hcihw retaw is dettime and detcerid ot hcihw is dednetni ot taolf nopu eht retaw hcihw eno ylraelc elbahsiugnitsid .noitacol sllif eht ytivac fo eht evlav .ydob nehW eht toalf 2.58 rettimE epiP seals at eht feiler elzzon ( rehtie yltcerid ro yb snaem fo a trap fo eht taolf ylbmessa ,) eht suounitnoC ,epip esoh ro gnibut htiw noitarofrep f ecro gnitca no eht taolf ro( eht gnitavele ro rehto ciluardyh secived demrof ni eht epip f ecro ,) as llew as rehto secrof hcihw poleved gnirud noitcudorp and dednetni ot time retaw nihtiw eht ,evlav laes eht feiler elzzon and ni eht mrof fo spord ro suounitnoc ,wolf at tneverp retaw morf gniwolf tuo fo eht ria noissimer setar ton gnideecxe 15 l/h. .evlav 2.59 rettimE- tinU 2.68 wolF etaR noitceS fo eht epip-dettime detaeper at -retni ehT emulov fo retaw gniwolf hguorht eht evlav ,slav morf hcihw retaw is dettime ot eno ylraelc rep tinu fo .emit elbahsiugnitsid .noitacol 2.69 gnihsulF lortnoC msinahceM 2.60 dnE nuG A tes fo eno ro erom reyarps ro relknirps A msinahcem hcihw slortnoc eht gnihsulf noitca selzzon dellatsni no eht distal (dne s ) fo a fo eht retlif as denimreted yb eno fo a -ibmoc ertnec tovip ro a laretal evom enihcam ot noitan fo lacisyhp seititnauq hcus as erusserp esaercni eht detagirri .aera ehT dne (nug s ) ,laitnereffid noitarud fo ,noitartlif emulov fo yllausu (etarepo s ) rof ylno a noitrop fo eht retaw ,deretlif .cte emit ot mrofnoc ot metsys .seiradnuob 2.70 gnihsulF rettimE 2.61 tnelaviuqE elzzoN retemaiD rettimE elbapac fo gnihsulf deretlifnu selcitrap ehT laciteroeht elzzon teltuo retemaid -upmoc morf eht ydob fo eht rettime tuohtiw gniggolc det no eht basis fo etar fo wolf ( gmtcelgen .ti epahs fo elzzon teltuo .) 2.71 gnihsulF erusserP laitnereffiD 2.62 rezilitreF knaT ehT erusserp laitnereffid neewteb owt ,stniop A dezirusserp reniatnoc detcennoc ot eht eno maertspu and eno maertsnwod fo eht retlif noitagirri ,.metsys ni lellarap ro ni ,enil and tnemele hcihw setaitini eht gnihsulf .elcyc hcihw is desu ot tcejnI a rezilitref noitulos otni eht metsys as a tluser fo noitavitca fo a 2.72 gnihsulF evlaV erusserp pord ni eht epip ot hcihw ti is A evlav hguorht hcihw gnihsulf retaw is dis- .detcennoc degrahc morf eht .retlif 2.63 rezilitreF tinU 2.73 detnuoM-tnorF A rezilitref pmup ( ,lacirtcele ciluardyh ro rehto ,) ro a rezilitref tank hcihw is desu ot gnitnuoM fo elbaecalper secived os that yeht tcejni rezilitref snoitulos otni eht noitagirri yam eb yllaudividni decalper morf eht tnorf fo .metsys an erusolcne tuohtiw gnivomer slenap-bus ro 4 IS 14178 : 1994 suoremun other ,secived ot niag access ot 2-83 Hydraulically Operated Valve neddih ,stun or ot evomer a rear erusolcne evlaV operated yb snaem of water .erusserp .revoc 2.84 Hydraulic Valve 2.74 Front-Wired evlaV that smrofrep the gninepo dna gnisolc gnitnuoM of elbaecalper secived so that yeht noitarepo of na noitagirri metsys yb gniylppa yam eb yllaudividni deriw morf the tnorf of na or gnisaeler the gnitsixe water erusserp ni the erusolcne tuohtiw gnivomer the ,ecived -bus .metsys ,slenap or rear erusolcne srevoc ot niag access ot lacirtcele .snoitcennoc 2.85 Inlet Connection 2.75 Full Opening ,4 threaded or degnaA part at the telni ot the ria esaeler evlav or part of the ydob flesti ( ni noitisoP reached yb the gnitarepo msinahcem the mottob part of the evlav ) hcihw stcennoc nehw the evlav si rehtie ylluf nepo or nehw the the ria evlav ot the epip .metsys gnitarepo msiuahccm reaches the elbatsujda stop. 2.86 Initial Regulation Pressure ehT tsewol erusserp at the erusserp rotaluger 2.76 Globe Valve ,telni at hcihw the detaluger water erusserp A evlav gnivah yllareneg a lacirehps ydob ni nihtiw the ycarucca elbissimrep yb ( siht ) the hcihw the ydob sdne are ni enil htiw each,other dradnats si .deniatta dna ni hcihw the sixa of the mets si at thgir selgna ot that of the ydob .sdne 2.87 eniL-nl rettimE rettimE dednetni for noitallatsni neewteb two 2.77 Heavy Duty Aluminium Tubing ( Type B shtgnel of epip ( noitagirri laretal ). Tubing ) 2.88 telnI gnittiF oT eb denifed .retal gnittiF gnivah eno dne elbatius for noitcennoc 2.78 Height of Sprayer Spray ot a dradnats noitagirri epip or ecnailppa dna the other dne or sdne elbatius for noitcennoc mumixaM thgieh of the yarps evoba the reyarps elzzon nehw gnitarepo at lanimon gnikrow ot na gnittime .epip .erusserp 2.89 eniL-nI gnittiF 2.79 High Pressure or Continuous Acting Air gnittiF htiw htob sdne elbatius for noitcennoc Release Valve ot na gnittime .epip nA ria esaeler evlav htiw a llams retemaid 2.90 Insert-Type Fitting esaeler elzzon hcihw sevres ot tnev the ria trapped ni the enilepip ui ytimixorp ot the ria gnittiF hcihw spirg the epip ylno dnuora sti evlav nehw the water enilepip si rednu lamron reuni ecafrus dna hcihw osla sesaercni the gnitarepo snoitidnoc ( a gniliaverp ciluardyh retemaid of the .epip erusserp nihtiw the lamron erusserp gnikrow egnar of the water enilepip ), dna hcihw swolla 2.91 Integral Pressure Regulator yrtne of ria otni the enilepip at a wol erusserp erusserP rotaluger hcihw si na largetni part of or a erusserp lauqe ot cirhpsomta .erusserp the noitagirri ecived or si dettif yllacificeps ot the ralucitrap noitagirri .ecived 2.80 Horizontal Pattern Check Valve A check evlav for noitallatsni ni a latnoziroh 2.92 Irrigation Control Head ,noitisop ni hcihw the axes of the telni dna An ylbmessa of stnenopmoc dna sepip hcihw si teltuo are ni enil htiw each other. dellatsni at the head of the noitagirri tolp dna hcihw sevres ot lortnoc the gninoitcnuf of the 2.81 Hose noitagirri metsys morf the aspect of gninepo elbixelF decrofnier ebut for gniyevnoc water, dna gnittuhs off of the water, erusserp -aluger ylhguor dnuor ni noitces-ssorc nehw dellif htiw ,noit water ,gniretem ,noitartlif etc. water rednu lamron noitarepo ,erusserp that 2.93 noitagirrI laretaL yam eb elbispalloc nehw ytpme of water. ,4 hcnarb ylppus enil no hcihw water -ubirtsid 2.82 Hydraulically Activated and Controlled noit secived ( ,srelknirps ,srettime sreppird ) Check Valve are detnuom yltcerid yb snaem of ,sgnittif sresir oT eb denifed .retal or .sebut 5

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