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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 14177 (1994): Guidelines for painting system for hydraulic gates and hoists [WRD 12: Hydraulic Gates and Valves] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS14177:1994 Indian Standard GUIDELINES FOR PAINTING SYSTEM FOR HYDRAULIC GATES AND HOISTS CDU 626.422'2: 621'75)5'3 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS KANAM .NAVAHB 9 RUDAHAB HAHS RAFAZ GRAM WEN IHLED 2Uoo11 rhotcO 4991 Price Group 3 ciluardyH setaG and sevlaV lanoitceS ,eettimmoC RVD 12 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht ciluardyH setaG and sevlaV lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht reviR yellaV noisiviD .licnuoC ,setaG its deddebme parts, stsioh and-its gnitroppus serutcurts dluohs eb 4tcetorp against noisorroc eud ot citamilc ,noitidnoc lacimehcoib noitcaer and noisarba eud ot tnereffid secrof gnitca no ,ti esiwrehto eseht stnempiuqe yam etaroireted ot an tnetxe that eht tnemecalper fo parts yam cmoccb yrassecen and hcus lliwstnemecalper emoceb yrev .tluciffid tI is, ,erofereht dednemmocer that a elbatius gnitniap metsys dluohs eb .detpoda nI eht noitalumrof fo this standard assistance morf eht gniwollof snoitacilbup evah neeb :devir& )1 l-1058-OSI : 8891 noitaraperP fo leets substrates crofcb noitacilppa fo paints and detaler stcudorp - Visual assessment fo ecafrus .sscnilnaclc )2 SB 4232 : 1967 noitacificepS rof ecafrus hsinif fo dcnaclc-tsalb lccls rof .gnitniap )3 hsidewS dradnatS 00955USlS Rust sedarg rof leets secafrus and noitaraperp sedarg roirp ot evitcetorp .gnitaoc roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tncmcriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser of a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof :!nidnuor ffo laciremun seulav .‘)desi*rer( ehT rchmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 14177 : 1994 Indian Standard GUIDELINES FOR PAINTING SYSTEM FOR HYDRAULIC GATES AND HOISTS EPOCS 3.4 ehT lacimehc noitisopmoc fo eht paint dluohs 1 eb deredisnoc elihw gnitceles eht epyt fo paint. sihT standard syal nwod eht sdohtem fo -araperp 4 ECAFRUS NOITARAPERP PRIOR OT noit fo leets ,secafrus gnitniap noitarepo and paint NOITACILPPA FO TNIAP metsys elbacilppa ot ciluardyh ,setag stsioh and rieht gnitroppus .serutcurts 4.0 roF ecnerehda and ytilibarud fo eht paint metsys ti is ylemertxe tnatropmi that a elbatius 2 SECNERRFER ecafrus noitaraperp is deirrac .tuo ehT naidnI Standards detsil woleb era yrassecen 4.1 ehT srotcaf hcihw ecneulfni eht ecnamrofrep stcnujda ot this standard. fo gnitniap metsys :era IS No. Title )a ecneserP fo llim elacs and rust. 1477 traP( )1 : edoC fo ecitcarp- rof gnitniap fo )b ecneserP fo ngierof lairetam hcus as ,lio 1971 suorref slatem ni :sgnidliub traP I ,esaerg .cte tnemtaerterP tsrif( )noisivrr )c eliforP fo eht .ecafrus 1477 traP( )2 : edoC fo ecitcarp rof gnitniap fo )d ecneserP fo dedlew ,ecafrus rettaps dna 1971 suorref slatem ni :sgnidliub Part 2 prahs .stcejorp gnitniaP tsrif( revision) 4.2 Types of Surface Preparation 2339 : 1963 muinimulA tniap rof lareneg 4.2.1 Blast Cleaning sesoprup ni laud .reniatnoc secafruS gniriuqer tsalb gninaelc dluohs eb /dnas 2932 : 1974 ,lemanE ,citehtnys roiretxe (a) tohs/tirg detsalb retfa noitacirbaf roirp ot .gnitniap gnitaocrednu (b) gnihsinif (ftrst yvaeH stisoped fo esaerg ro lio yam eb devomer yb )noibver eht tnevlos ekil naelc ,larenim ,stirips lolyx ro ,etihw ,enilosag .cte roirp ot dnas .gnitsalb llamS 3 NOITCELES FO GNITNIAP METSYS seititnauq fo esaerg lio~ro yam eb devomer yb eht 3.0 ehT gniwollof srotcaf dluohs enimreted eht gnitsalb ssecorp ni hcihw ,esac ,revewoh eht epyt fo gnitniap metsys ot eb :detpoda evisarba dluohs ton eb desuer fi ti sniatnoc -tffus a) ;noitacoL tneic lio ro esaerg ot redner ti eibatiusnu rof tsalb b) citamilC ;noitidnoc gninaelc .sesoprup ehT egareva ecafrus ssenhguor retfa gnitsalb-dnas dluohs ton deecxe 40 .snorcim )c Water ,ytilauq rof ,elpmaxe ,ytinilaS dna tsalB gninaelc dluohs eb demrofrep htiw /dnas )d noitisopmoC fo .tniap ’ tohs/tirg as rep stnemeriuqer ni.nevig SI 1477 (Part 3.1 Lomtion 1) : 1971. tsalb-retfA ,gninaelc ebdluohsecafruseht deitaeic morf esool dna.tsud sirbed ylbareferp yb air ehT gnitniap metsys ot eb detpoda sdneped no tsalb htiw eht pleh fo .rewolb noitacol fo eht ,erutcurts tnenopmoc ro tnempiuqe gnitaler ot retaw erusopxe taht si rehtehw ti si roF eht esoprup fo ecafrus ,noitaraperp tsalb -naelc degrembus rednu ,retaw yllaitrap degrembus gni si deifissalc otni ruof sessalc as nevig ni rednu ,retaw evoba ,retaw yllanoisacco degrembus ot rednu retaw ro si ot eb ni ,tcatnoc htiw etercnoc .ecafrus Class ‘A’ sihT si eht tseb ytilauq fo tsalB .gninaelc elohW 3.2 C@natic Conditions .i ecafrus fo leets dluohs eb denaelc ot bare latem ehT citamilc noitidnoc fo eht area erehw eht -piuqe tuohtiw yna ni~laudi’ser yna .mrof tnem si ot eb dellatsni osla syalp a trap ni eht Class ‘B’ , : ., ,_ noitceles fo gnitniap .metsys rednU siht ssalc at tsael 95 tnecrep fo ecafrus fo 3.3 eulav dna ytinilas fo- retaw si ot eb leets dluohs eb denaelc ot bare latem tpecxe emos The pH deredisnoc elihw gnitceles eht epyt fo hsinif .taoc ylthgit dednob eudiser ni eht mrof fo tsur/elacsllim 1 SI 14177 : 1994 .ylno ehT tnetxe fo eudiser dluohs ton eb erom naht eb dewolla ot yrd ro ot nedrah erofeb eht -deeccus 10 tnecrep fo yna elgnis erauqs gnivah na area fo gni taoc si .deilppa ylweN denaelc ro detniap -rus 6.25 .’mc ecaf dluohs niamer ni a derevoc pohs detcetorp morf ,erutsiom ,noitasnednoc noitanimatnoc dna ssalC ‘C’ gnizeerf serutarepmet litnu eht tniap si ylhguoroht rednU .siht ssalc at tsael 80 tnecrep fo ecafrus fo .deruc hcaE taoc dluohs eb ylhguoroht deird dna leets dluohs eb denaelc ot bare latem tpecxe emos deruc erofeb noitacilppa fo gnideeccus .staoc eraC ylthgit dednob eudiser ni eht mrof fo tsur/elacsllim dluahs eb nekat ot tneverp noitanimatnoc fo -rus .ylno ehT tnetxe fo eudiser dluohs ton eb erom naht secaf neewteb staoc fo .tniap 40 tnecrep fo yna elgnis erauqs gnivah na area fo 6.25 .2mc llA staoc dluohs eb deilppa ni hcus a rennam taht ecudorp na neve mlif fo mrofinu ssenkciht -moc Class ‘II’ yletelp gnirevoc all srenroc dna .seciverc gnitaoC rednU siht ssalc at tsael 65 tnecrep fo ecafrus fo dluohs eb enod yb deifilauq srekrow decneirepxe ni leets dluohs eb denaelc ot bare latem tpecxe emos gniylppa eht cificeps gnitaoc .slairetam ylthgit dednob eudiser ni eht mrof fo tsur/elacsllim rennihT dluohs ton eb dedda ot yna .tniap -woH .ylno ehT fotnetxe eudiser dluohs ton eb erom naht ,reve fi ,desu stnevlos dluohs eb elbitapmoc eht 60 tnecrep fo yna elgnis erauqs gnivah na area fo with tniap slairetam gnieb .deilppa 6.25 .2mc 4.2.2 yarpS noitacilppa dluohs eb demrofrep htiw sselria Hand and Power Toal Cleaning yarps .tnempiuqe yarpS snug dluohs eb detius ot eht secafruS dluohs eb .deraperp yb dnah dna rewop epyt fo tniap gnieb desu dluohs‘,dna eb detarepo loot gninaelc hcus as ,gniparcs .eriw ,gnihsurb htiw ,secifiro selzzon dna air erusserp detius ot eht enihcam gnihsurb dna .gnidnirg roirP ot dnah dna epyt fo tniap dna sti .ycnetsisnoc tniaP sfop. dluohs rewop loot ,gninaelc yna yvaeh reyal fo tsur dluohs eb deppiuqe htiw snaem fo gnillortnoc air ro diuqil eb devomer yb ,gnippihc elbisiv ,lio ,esaerg trid dna no~erusserp eht top yltnednepedni fo erusserp-eht rehto ngierof lairetam dluohs eb yb,denaelc gnisu fo eht .nug senilriA dluohs eb deppiuqe htiw retaw stnevlos yb eht esu fo naelc larenim ,stirips lolyx ro spart rof evitisop lavomer fo desnednoc .erutsiom etihw .enilosag retfA dnah dna rewop loot ,gninaelc eht ecafrus dluohs eb denaelc fo esool tsud dna hsurB noitacilppa fo gnimirp staoc dluohs eb .sirbed erofeB noitacilppa fo remirp taoc na absor- .dediova fI hsurb si ot eb ,deilppa tniap lairetam tnab si ylbareferp deilppa ot evomer yrev enif .tsud ebdluohs deilppa htiw gnideeccus ,staoc hcae taoc fo mrofinu ,egarevoc llew dehsurb ,tuo gnivael on sihT epyt fo ecafrus noitaraperp yam eb desu ylno .stcefed ni eht esac fo llams stnenopmoc fo eht tsioh -piuqe tnem erehw tsalb gninaelc si ton .elbisaef llA ,gninaelc ecafrus noitaraperp dna gnitaoc -pa 5 GNITNIAP noitacilp krow dluohs eb enod retfa eht strap are yletelpmoc detacirbaf dna enihcam dehsinif dna 5.1 Application of Paints dekcehc ni eht .pohs ehT strap dluohs eb .-sid ecafruS noitaraperp sevael eht lairetam ni -luv delbmessa ot eht tnetxe yrassecen ot elbane -naelc elbaren .noitidnoc tI si erofereht laitnesse taht :mi gni dna ,gnitaoc esoht ,secafrus hcihw are -seccani yletaidem retfa ecafrus noitaraperp tub ton retal elbis elihw .delbmessa retfA hsinif gnitaoc dna naht a emit pag fo 6 ,sruoh eht derapeFp ecafrus fo ,gtriru’c trap dluohs eb delbmessaer as deriuqer rof eht leets latem dluohs eb derevoc htiw a remirp tnempihs dna gnitaoc no stlob ro snoitcennoc taht .taoc lliw ton eb devomer ni noitcere dluohs eb dehcuot .pu fi emos secafrus are ni elbissecca rof gnitniap A remirp taoc tonnac eb detcepxe ot tsal rof na eht gnitaoc dluohs eb deilppa yb peehs niks evisnetxe .doirep tI tsum eviecer hsinif staoc erofeb .srebuad ti .setaroireted remirP detaoc selcitra ni egarots dluohs eb denimaxe yreve wef skeew ot enimreted relloR noitacilppa fo gnitaoc metsys dluohs eb rehtehw lanoitidda gnitniap si .dedeen fI,.dediova ti si laitnesse ot esu eht gnitaoc lairetam ehT air erutarepmet at eht emit fo noitacilppa tsum os deilppa ti dluohs eb mrofinu dna ni neve ,staoc ton eb woleb dnaCOO1 evitaler ytidimuh dluohs ton tuohtiw .stcefed ehT dnoces taoc dluohs eb deilppa eb evoba 90 .tnecrep tniaP lairetam dluohs eb thgir-ta elgna ot eht tsrif .taoc ylhguoroht dexim at eht emit fo .noitacilppa hcaE 5.2 Painting System taoc fo remirp dna tniap dluohs elbitapmoceb htiw eht_ suoiverp dna tneuqesbus .staoc hcaE taoc ehT gnitniap metsys dluohs ylbareferp eb deirrac dluohs eb eerf morf ,snur ,spord ,selohnip ,evaw tuo ni eht pohs ni redro ot erusne doog ytilauq ,spal sgas dna yrassecennu hsurb skram dna dluohs .lortnoc gniredisnoC eht ytilicaf elbaliava ni eht 2 SI 14177 : 11994 taht,pohs is, eht tohs/dnas blasting, eht noitacilppa gniniatnoc( ton less than %58 cniz no yrd fo remirp taoc dluohs ylbairavni eb deirrac tuo ni )mlif dluohs eb deilppa ot evig a latot yrd eht .pohs mlif ssenkciht fo 70 f 5 .snorcim 2) revO eht ehT tsrif gnihsinif taoc dluohs osla ylbareferp eb Lifting beamlhfting tackles - deraperp secafrus owt staoc fo cniz -sohp deirrac tuo ni eht .pohs fI eud ot lacitcarp snosaer etahp remirp dluohs eb deilppa gnivig a yrd eht gnihsinif taoc is deilppa ni eht dleif eht dehsinif nilif ssenkciht fo 40 snorcim rep .taoc taoc dluohs eb deilppa nihtiw eht emit‘ gap -rep dettim yb eht paint rerutcafunam neewteb eht )3 Exposed embedded parts - revO eht remirp taoc and dehsinif .taoc nI emos sesac lanif deraperp secafrus eno taoc fo cinagroni cniz taoc fo dehsinif paint yam eb deirrac tuo ni eht dleif etacilis remirp ylbareferp( ssel-ria )yarps fi retni taoc dnob .stimrep gnivig a yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 70 + 5 snorcim dluohs eb .deilppa ylevitanretlA owt staoc gniruD gnitniap. ,snoitarepo all stainless ,leets fo cniz hcir remirp gniniatnoc( ton less than eznorb lekcin and rehto denihcam ecafrus tnecajda %58 cniz no yrd )mlif dluohs eb deilppa ot latemot krow ot eb detniap dluohs eb detcetorp yb evig a latot yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 75 +- 5 gnirevoc htiw masking epat ro rehto elbatius .snorcim .snaem lateM krow hcihw has neeb pohs detniap dluohs eb Finishing coats deldnah htiw erac os as ot evreserp eht pohs taoc ni revO eht remirp staoc eht gniwollof dehsinif staoc eht tseb elbacitcarp .snoitidnoc erofeB gnideecorp dluohs eb :deilppa htiw yna gnitniap ,noitarepo eht esab latem .dluohs denaelceb and all eht saera fo eht pohs paint hcihw 1) Gates and stoplogs - gnihsiniF taoc dluohs tsisnoc fo owt staoc fo sseltnevlos ratlaoc era ’evitcefed ro degamad dluohs eb .detniaper yxope paint. esehT dluohs eb deilppa at an lateM krow tnecajda ot dleif ,dlew gnittevir ro -tlob lavretni fo 24 .sruoh hcaE taoc dluohs evig gni erehw eht pohs paint gnitaoc has neeb degamad a muminim yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 150 + 5 eud ot handling ro eud ot dluohs.taeh eb denaelc .snorcim ehT latot yrd mlif ssenkciht fo all ylhguoroht ot esopxe eht esab latem and dluohs eb eht staoc gnidulcni remirp gnitaoc dluohs .detniaper tniaP deilppa ot hcus saera dluohs eb fo ton eb less than350 .snorcim eht emas sepyt as desu rof eht lanigiro pohs .taoc 2) Lifting beam - gnihsiniF taoc dluohs -noc gniruD noitacirbaf/ylbmessa eht ecafrus no hcihw sist fo owt staoc fo dykla desab suoecacim rehtona rebmem spalrevo rof gnidlew dluohs eb nori edixo paint. hcaE taoc fo paint dluohs denaelc and detniap and neht eht yradnoces -mem evig a muminim yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 65 + 5 reb dluohs eb decalp no eht yramirp rebmem ot .snorcim ehT lavretni neewteb staoc dluohs diova ecafrus tfel .detniapnu taeH tnatsiser paint eb 24 .sruoh ehT latot yrd mlif ssenkciht fo dluohs eb .desu all staoc gnidulcni remirp gnitaoc dluohs ton eb less than 200 .snorcim 5.2.1 Gates and Appurtenances 3) Exposed embedded parts - gnihsiniF taoc ecafruS noitaraperp tsisnoc fo owt staoc fo sseltnevlos ratlaoc gniwollof sessalc fo blast gninaelc rof ecafrus yxope paint. esehT dluohs eb deilppa at an The noitaraperp dluohs eb .detpoda sliateD fo sessalc lavretni tuobafo 24 .sruoh hcaE taoc dluohs era nevig ni 4.2.1. evig a yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 150 :fr 5 .snorcim ehT latot yrd mlif ssenkciht lla~fo eht staoc 1) Gates and stop logs - As rep Class B ro gnidulcni remirp gnitaoc dluohs ton eb less Class A than 350 .snorcim )2 ssalKep C ro Class .B Liftingbeams - As )3 Exposed embedded parts - As rep Class B 5.2,2 Hoists and Supporting Structure ro Class A. dluohS eb enod as Srrflace preparation - JXmer coat rep eht stnemeriuqer fo Class B nevig ni retfA ecafrus noitaraperp eht gniwollof remirp nI esac ecafruseht noitaraperp is enod yllaunam yb staoc dluohs eb :deilppa eriw brush, lacinahcem ,sloot ,cte daetsni fo sand )1 Gates and stoplogs - revO eht deraperp blasting all suorref secafrus desopxe ot erehpsomta secafrus taoc,eno fo cinagronI cniz etacilis ro retaw shall eb nevig a taoc fo rust evitibihni ylbareferP( sselria )yarps dluohs eb deilppa etahpsohp wash yb brush yletaidemmi gniwollof gnivig a yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 70 + 5 .snorcim gninaelc noitarepo and ecafrus shall eb ylhguoroht ylevitanretlA owt staoc fo cniz hcir remirp dettew htiw rust evitibihni wash at a etar -pa 3 SI 14177 : 1994 yletamixorp 30 2m/lm and dewolla ot yrd rof 24 gni ot SI 2339 : 1963 rD citehtnyS lemane .sruoh Rinsing retfa snoitacilppa is yllareneg ton gnimrofnoc ot SI 2932 : 1974 ot evig a yrd deriuqer tub dehcaernu eudiser fi yna shall eb mlif ssenkciht fo 25 + 5 .tabc/snprcim devomer yb gnipiw eht detibihni ecafrus htiw damp )3 Hydraulich oist - denihcamnuLlA suorref ,htolc nihtiw eno ruoh retfa rust gnitibihni wash has secafrus tsioh( ,rednilyc rednilyc ,sdaeh deird ylhguoroht and retfa gnivomer detcaernu ciluardyh ,gnipip epCp ,sgnittif tennob ,eudiser eht noitacilppa fo remirp and gnitniap as )revoc desopxe ot retaw dluohs eb nevig owt detacidni ni eht gniwollof paragraph shall eb -rac staoc fo sseltnevlos laoc rat yxope paint. deir .tuo hcaE taoc dluohs evig a yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 150 f 5 .snorcim latoT yrd mlif ssenkciht fo Primer coat all eht staoc gnidulcni remirp taoc dluohs 1) Structural component - owT staoc fo cniz ton eb less than 350 .snorcim secafruS -xenu etahpsohp remirp dluohs eb .deilppa yrD desop ot retaw dluohs eb nevig eno taoc fo mlif ssenkciht fo 40 + 5 norcim rep taoc dykla desab suoecacim edixo,nori paint ot dluohs eb .nevig evig yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 65 k 5 snorcim )2 Machinery - tpecxE denihcam ,secafrus all dewollof yb owt staoc fo citehtnys lemane secafrus fo yrenihcam~eht gnidulcni gniraeg paint gnimrofnoc ot SI 2932 : 1974 ot evig ,gnisuoh gnitfahs gniraeb ,slatsedep ,cte yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 25 + 5 .taoc/snorcim dluohs eb nevig eno taoc fo cniz etahpsohp ehT lavretni neewteb staoc dluohs eb 24 gnimirp paint ot evig a muminim yrd mlif .sruoh ehT latot yrd mlif ssenkciht dluohs ssenkciht fo 50 .snorcim srotoM and rehto ton eb less than 175. .snorcim liO tank, -noc thguob tuo smeti dluohs osla eb detniap fi lort ,tenibac tsioh ,smaeb epip stroppus and .yrassecen ,spmalc ,sreddal ,cte dluohs eb nevig eerht )3 Hydraulic hoist - llA denihcamnu suorref staoc fo muinimula paint gnimrofnoc ot secafrus tsioh( ,rednilyc rednilyc ,sdaeh SI 2339 : 3%I ro citehtnys lemane -mrofnoc ciluardyh ,gnipip epip ,sgnittif tennob gni ot SI 2932 : 1974 ot evig a yrd mlif )srevoc desopxe ot retaw dluohs eb. nevig ssenkciht fo 25 2 5 snorcim rep .taoc ehT eno taoc fo cinagroni cniz etacilis -referp( latot yrd mlif ssenkciht fo all eht staoc -ni ylba sselria )yarps ot evig a yrd mlif ssenkciht gnidulc remirp taoc dluohs ton eb less than fo 70 & 5 snorcim and secafrus desopxenu 125 .snorcim ot retaw dluohs eb nevig owt staoc fo cniz 41 Unmachineds urfnces -The dehsinifnu sur- etahpsohp remirp paint gnivig a yrd mlif secaf fo eht notsip and eht dehsinifnu ssenkciht fo 40 f 5 .taoc/snorcim liO tank secafrus fo rednilyc sdaeh dluohs eb cleaned lortnoc ,stenibac tsioh smaeb and epip sup- and nevig eerht staoc fo lyniv /niser trop dluohs eb nevig eno taoc fo cniz -sohp detanirolhc rebbur ot evig a mlifytd -kciht etahp gnimirp paint gnivig a muminim yrd ness fo 30 + 5 ,taoc/snorcim ot niatbo a mlif ssenkciht fo 50 + 5 .snorcim muminim yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 125 snorcim 4) Unmachined surfaces - llA denihcamnu gnidulcni remirp .taoc secafrus dluohs eb nevig eno remirp taoc fo 5.2.3 Machined Surfaces detanirolhc rebbur desab cniz etahpsohp remirp evigot a yrd mlif ssenkciht fo 50 + 5 llA denihcam secafrus fo suorref latem gnidulcni .snorcim wercs sdaerht hcihw lliw eb desopxe gnirud ship tnem ro elihw awaiting noitallatsni dluohs eb Finishing coats denaelc yb elbatius tnevlos and nevig a yvaeh )1 Structural component - The hsinif paint mrofinu gnitaoc fo enilosag elbulos elbavomer rust dluohs tsisnoc fo eno taoc fo deykla desab dnuopmocevitneverp .tnelaviuqero -rusdenihcaM suoecacim nori edixo paint at yrd mlt”l secaf dluohs eb detcetorp htiw eht evisehda sepat ssenkciht fo 65 f 5 dewollof yb owt ro rehto elbatius means during the cleaning and staoc fo citehtnys lemane paint -mrofnoc gnitniap noitarepo fo rehto .stnenopmoc gni ot SI 2932 : 1974 ot evig yrd mlif -kciht ness fo 25 + 5 snorcim rep taoc ro citehtnys 4.2.S Painting of Embedded Parts in Contact with lemane paint. ehT lavretni staoc.neewteb Concrete dluohs eb 24 .sruoh ehT latot yrd mlif -kciht llA secafrus fo deddebme parts hcihw era ot emoc ness fo all eht staoc gnidulcni remirp taoc ni tcatnoc htiw etercnoc dluohs eb denaelc as given dluohs ton eb less than .snorcim~571 in ot teem eht stnemeriuqer of class D and 12- Machinery-The hsinif tniaP dluohs tsisnoc dluohs eb nevig a gnitaoc fo tnemec xetal ot tneverp fo eerht staoc fo muinimula paint -mrofnoc .gnitsur desopxE denihcam secafrus fo suorref 4 SI 14177 : 1994 latem hcihw era ot eb ni gnillor and sliding tcatnoc 6 NOITCEPSNI )INA GNIWE’I‘ dluohs ton eb detniap tub dluohs cb detaoc htiw 6.0 noitcepsnI and gnitset fo paint dluohs eb -rac yvaeh enilosag elbulos rust evitneverp .dnuopmoc deir -tuo ni ecnadrocca htiw eht snoisivorp laid nI all serusopxe erehw latem lliw eb yllaitrap -mc nwod ni SI 1477 traP( )2 : 1071. deddeb ni ,etercnoc ti is doog ecitcarp ot dnetxe eht evitcetorp gnitaoc no eht deddebmenon noitrop a 7 ECNANETNIAM NOI’I’AH~I’IO trohs ecnatsid otni eht aera retal ot eb ,deddchme 7.0 As a trap fo ecnanetniam ,noitarepo all ,setag thus gnitanimile melborp at eht noitcnuj .tniop deddebme stryp and stsioh dluohs eb detcepsni at tsael at an lavretni fo 2 .sraey fI gnitniaper is -noc 52.5 seci$uS ton ot be Pointed deredis ,yrassecen ecafrus noitaraperp dluohs eb deirrac tuo yb erairporppa hand and rewop loot The gniwollof secafrus era ton ot eb detniap unless .gninaelc elbisiV ,lio ,csacrg trid and rehto ngierof ro esiwrehto :deificeps lairetam dluohs cb denaelc yb using stnevlos yb eht a) enihcaM dehsinif ro ralimis :secafrus -woH esu fo naelc larenim spirits, lolyx ro etihw .enilosag ,reve hcus secafrus dluohs eb detcetorp htiw elihW gnidnetta ol eht ecnanetniam .gnitniap tI is a noisorroc gnitneverp .dnuopmoc ton yliranidro dednetni that latot dnuos tnerehda b) secafruS hcihw lliw eb ni tcatnoc htiw .etercnoc dlo paint ch devomer unless ti is ylevissecxe kciht ro .elbixelf cificeps,rcvcwoH dluohssnoitcurtsni eb lc sselniatS leets yalrevo .secafrus nevig no eht tnclxe fO ecafrus ot eb blast denaelc 4 secafruS ni sliding ro gnillor .tcatnoc elihw .gnitniaper e) dezinavlaG ,secafrus brass and eznorb nI gniraperp a ylsuoiverp detniap ,ecafrus ti is .secafrus yrassecen ot evomer all noisorroc and all ~paint 9 muinimulA yolla .secafrus hcihw shows ecnedive fo ,noisorroc ,gnileep -secxe 8) eraB lacirtcele srotcudnoc and insulating cvis .ssenkciht ,ssenelttirb ,gniretsilb gnilacs ro .slairetam lareneg .noitargclnisid tI is laitnesse that eht lavomer fo ehr dlo paint eb deirrac kcab dnuora eht h) tnempiuqE eman setalp and .snoitcurtsni segde fo chr rrops fo aera litnu an aera fo -etelpmoc 5.2.6 Handling Painted Metnl .Work yl rcatni and gnirehda paint ,mlif htiw on rust, ro srclsiib htaenrednu is .denialta segdE fo ylthgit lateM krow ot eb detropsnart yb liar ro kcurt dluohs tncrchda paint gniniamer dnuora eht aera ot eb eb dedaol os as ot tneverp gnitfihs and gniffucs ro dclaoccr musl ch ,dcrchtacf os that eht detniaper gauging fo eht .gnitaoc nI gnidaol and gnidaolnu ecafrus nac evah a htooms .ccnaracppa ehT -niamer and gnirud noitallatsni elbanosaer trac and dlogni paint dluohs tnciciffuscvah osnoisehda that elbatius handling tnempiuqe dluohs eb deyolpme ti lonnac cb deW as a reyal yb gnitresni a edalb fo ot peek noisarba egamad at a .muminim a llud yttup efink rednu .ti

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