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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13969 (1994): Sampling of Ground water - Guidelines [WRD 3: Ground Water and Related Investigations] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS :96931 1994 ,*m fqGR Wi?Wf + TS* +? $ rTr;iT$ *TV R lc Indian Standard SAMPLING OF GROUNDWATERS- GUIDELINES UDC 628’112 : 543’3 $J BIS 1994 BUREAU OF 1NDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAK MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 4 dnuorG retaW dna yranimilerP noitagitsevnI lanoitceS ,eettimmoC RVD 3 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the dnuorG retaW dna yranimilerP noitagitsevnI lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the reviR yellaV noisiviD .licnuoC sihT dradnats slaed htiw the gnilpmas of ,sretawdnuorg the seuqinhcet ot eb desu dna the gnildnah of retaw selpmas deniatbo morf retawdnuorg .secruos ehT lareneg esoprup of gnilpmas semmargorp ylnommoc desived for sretawdnuorg si ot yevrus the ytilauq of retawdnuorg ,seilppus ot detect dna assess retawdnuorg noitullop dna ot tsissa ni retawdnuorg ecruoser .tnemeganam nI the noitaraperp of siht dradnats elbaredisnoc ecnatsissa has neeb devired morf OSI 5667 ( Part I 1 1 : 1993 retaW‘ ytilauq - gnilpmaS : Part 11 ecnadiuG no gnilpmas of .’sretawdnuorg roF the esoprup of gnidiced whether a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer of siht dradnats si deilpmoc ,htiw the lanif ,eulav devresbo or ,detaluclac gnisserpxe the tluser of a test or ,sisylana llahs eb dednuor off ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ for gnidnuor off laciremun seulav (revised I’. The number of tnacifingis secalp deniater ni the dednuor eulav dluohs eb the emas as that of the deificeps eulav off ni siht .dradnats IS 13969 : 1994 Indian Standard GNILPMAS FO SRETAWDNUORG - SENILEDIUG 1 SCOPE ,tseretni ti si elbasivda ot esu laiceps tnempiuqe derutcafunam morf ,ssalg sselniats ,leets or 1.1 sihT dradnats stneserp ecnadiug no the other lairetam elbapacni of gnihcael cinagro ngised of gnilpmas ,semmargorp gnilpmas -inhcet .stneutitsnoc seuq dna the gnildnah of water selpmas devired morf retawdnuorg for ,lacisyhp lacimehc dna lacigoloiborcim .tnemssessa 4.1.1 it4aterialsfor Borehole Construction 1.2 sihT dradnats does ton revoc gnilpmas detaler elbatiuS slairetam for gnirotinom eloherob gnisac ot the yad-ot-yad lanoitarepo lortnoc of -dnuorg dna neercs are deriuqer ot diova noitacifidom ot water snoitcartsba for elbatop or other ,sesoprup the yrtsimehc of retawdnuorg .selpmas dedaerhT tub si denrecnoc htiw the lareneg ytilauq stnioj no llew gnisac are dednemmocer so that ecnallievrus of .sretawdnuorg esuaceB of the seulg dna stnemec do ton ecudortni lanoitidda ytixelpmoc of retawdnuorg ,smetsys ynam cificeps ksir of elpmas .noitacifidom A ediw yteirav of gnilpmas snoitacilppa lliw * tsilaiceps slairetam are elbaliava for esu ni eloherob -noc lacigoloegordyh ecivda hcihw eb’tdu:i’ac deliated .noitcurts nI weiv of rieht wol cost, daerpsediw ni siht .dradnats ytilibaliava dna ysae ,gnildnah the nommoc scitsa!pomreht ( ylbaton digir CVP ) are -mocer 2 SECNEREFER dednem for tsom retawdnuorg gnilpmas .sesoprup ,revewoH retawdnuorg that si ylhgih -tanimatnoc ehT gniwollof sdradnats are yrassecen stcnujda ot ed htiw citehtnys cinagro stnevlos lliw attack dna the :dradnats etaroireted CVP llew gnisac dna .neercs nI hcus secnatsmucric sselniats leets or -roulfartetylop IS No. Title enelyhte are the slairetam dednemmocer for 3025 (Part 1) : Methods of gnilpmas dna test eloherob noitcurtsnoc esuaceb of rieht ,tnatsiser 1986 lacisyhp( dna lacimehc I for treni character. water dna waste water : Part 1 gnilpmaS 4.2 Types of Equipment 4410 (Part /ll yrassolG of smret gnitaler ot Set 6) : 1985 revir yellav stcejorp : Part 11 ,ygolordyH noitceS 8 -dnuorG 4.2.1 Pumps water A ediw yteirav of ,spmup ynam of hcihw are ,elbatrop are elbatius for retawdnuorg .noitacilppa 3 YGOLONIMRET yehT reffid yltaerg ni rieht ngised dna gnipmup yticapac dna are detius ot tnereffid snoitidnoc of 3.1 roF the esoprup of siht dradnats the eloherob noitcurtsnoc dna gnilpmas depth. snoitinifed nevig ni SI 4410 ( Part ceS/ll 6) : noitcuS tfil spmup dellatsni at the ecafrus tonnac 1985 llahs .ylppa tfil water morf erom naht 6 m dna elbisrembus cirtcele spmup are therefore dednemmocer for 4 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT tsom retawdnuorg .gnilpmas noitcuS tfil spmup dluohs ton eb deyolpme ni those snoitautis where 4.1 Materials gnilpmas si deirrac tuo ot enimaxe yliramirp the devlossid suoesag tnetnoc of .sretawdnuorg lareneG noitamrofni no the eciohc of slairetam for gnilpmas dna selttob si nevig ni SI 3025 ( Part 1 ) : 1986. ,enelyhteyloP ,enelyporpylop 4.2.2 Depth Sampling Equipment etanobracylop dna ssalg sreniatnoc are -mocer dednem for tsom gnilpmas .snoitautis Depth gnilpmas tnempiuqe ( netfo nwonk as ‘thtef’ or ’barg‘ srelpmas ) are secived that nac eb fI the lacigoloib ytilauq of retawdnuorg si ylekil derewol otni a eloherob ot tcelloc a elpmas at a ot esuac segnahc ni the lacimehc-ocisyhp -isopmoc cificeps depth. sngiseD reffid ylniam ni rieht noit of the water, as hcum thgil as elbissop dluohs gnisolc .msinahcem nepO ebut srrlpmas wolla eb dedulcxe yb gnisu euqapo elpmas .sreniatnoc wolfhguorht of water dna nac eb delaes at a nehW gnilpmas retawdnuorg for cinagro -itsnoc cificeps depth eb snaem of a lacinahcem regnessem ,stneut noitanimatnoc of the elpmas yb other or yllacirtcele operated catch. roF emos cificeps cinagro lairetam desu ni the noitcurtsnoc of the ,sesoprup hcus as gnilpmas na refiuqa -imatnoc eloherob or tneserp ni the gnilpmas tnempiuqe detan yb na elbicsimmi cinagro ,dnuopmoc a sdeen ot eb .desiminim sihT si yllaicepse tnatropmi delaes depth relpmas si .elbareferp ehT ngised where trace slevel of cinagro stneutitsnoc are of desu dluohs eb hcus that on water semoc otni 1 1S 13969 : 1994 tcatnoc htiw the elpmas reniatnoc litnu the ecived 5 GNILPMAS SERUDECORP si detavitca at the deriuqer depth. erehW other 5.1 gnilpmaS tnioP noitceleS sdohtem of gnilpmas are ,lacitcarpmi hcus as ni yrev deep srefiuqa .e.i( greater naht 100 m ), 5.1.1 General depth gnilpmas si .dednemmocer nehW gnisu gnitsixe seloherob ot niatbo dna selpmaS of water yam osla eb detcelloc ni a reliab niag access ot dnuorg water, ti si yrassecen ot gnirud gnillird ot edivorp edurc data no -dnuorg enimreted lanoitcurtsnoc sliated ot enifed morf water ytilauq noitairav htiw depth. nO other hcihw strata the elpmas si gnieb .deniatbo nehW ,snoisacco where gnipmup of a eloherob si ton wen seloherob are gnieb detcurtsnoc yllacificeps ,elbissop a elpmis reliab hcus as a dethgiew elttob roF ,gnilpmas the ngised of the eloherob ( for or other nepo reniatnoc nac eb derewol otni the ,elpmaxe the neercS ezis dna htgnel ) dna the eloherob ot tcelloc a water .elpmas ehT esu of a dohtem of noitcurtsnoc deen ot eb ,nesohc ton reliab si ylno dednemmocer for gnilpmas the ylno ot teem the gnilpmas ,tnemeriuqer tub osla ecafrus reyal of the srefiuqa dna si ton -mocer ot esiminim noitanimatnoc or ecnabrutsid of the dednem where other sdohtem are .elbaliava .refiuqa ehT esu of ,stnasaerged ,stnacirbul ,sdum slio dna etinotneb gnirud gnillird dluohs eb dediova fi at lla ,elbissop ylralucitrap nehw 4.2.3 In-situ SampIing Devices gniredisnoc gnilpmas for cinagro .sdnuopmoc oslA care si yrassecen ot erusne that seloherob esehT edulcni secived hcus as suorop spuc dna detelpmoc htiw a levarg pack dnuora a dilos retemozeip stniop that are yltnenamrep dellatsni gnisac dna sneercs at cificeps slevel are ton tcejbus at a ciliceps depth ni the refiuqa morf hcihw ot short gnitiucric of refiuqa water morf tnereffid etercsid selpmas nac eb ,detcelloc esehT gnilpmas depths aiv the levarg pack. sihT nac eb deveihca secived are netfo dellatsni at tnereffid depths ni yb gnilaes the levarg gnikcap ni the ytiniciv of a .eloherob suoroP cimarec spuc yam eb desu ni the .sneercs noitnettA dluohs osla eb nevig ot the detarutasnu or detarutas .senoz oT extract the ngised of eloherob snoitallatsni at the dnuorg water that sretne the suorop ,puc a muucav si ,ecafrus ni order ot tneverp noitanimatnoc of the deilppa hguorht a ebut attached ot the .puc eloherob yb ecafrus water. erehT are other secived that wolla water ot retne hguorht a eriw hsem otni a elpmas rebmahc that si 5.1.2 Groundwater Quality Surveillance qf Potable detaucave yb gnisiru3qerp htiw desserpmoc .ria Supplies ,sretemozeiP llams retemaid sebut deneercs at nehW gnirotinom the ytilauq of retawdnuorg the dne dna nepo ot the ,ecafrus nac edivorp seilppus for elbatop or yna other ,esu lla depmup retawdnuorg selpmas morf llams retemaid ,spmup ,seloherob sllew dna sgnirps dluohs eb delpmas or yb noitcus fi the water level si esolc ot dnuorg ni order ot protect the esu ot hcihw the water si .level lareveS sretemozeip nac eb delaes at .tup roF elbatop ylppus ,sesoprup yna lanoitan tnereffid depths ni a elgnis .eloherob ( See raw water gnilpmas stnemeriuqer dluohs eb osla ). referred ot for erom deliated .ecivda 4.2.4 Packer Systems nehW gnitceles gnilpmas stniop for ylppus ,ecnallievrus ti si dednemmocer that emos -erob seloh etomer morf the noitcartsba are ,derotinom Packer smetsys edivorp a snaem of gnitcartxe ni order ot enimaxe the effect of the noitcartsba water morf cificeps depth slavretni nihtiw a no the cimanyd scitsiretcarahc of the refiuqa .eloherob ehT metsys yam tsisnoc of eno or erom (e.g. the larutan retawdnuorg ,wolf the noitairav packers hcihw nac eb dednapxe rehtie -iluardyh ni ssenkciht of the detarutas enoz ). yllac or yllacitamuenp ecno ni noitisop nwod the ,eloherob ot edivorp a .laes A water elpmas si 5.1.3 Other Groundaater Quality Purposes deniatbo morf the delaes noitces yb gnipmup or roF other gnilpmas ,sesoprup the noitceles of yb gas .tnemecalpsid A yteirav of smetsys are lamitpo gnilpmas stniop lliw eb erom tluciffid dna ,elbaliava emos for tnenamrep ,noitallatsni the others .elbatrop Packers are ton elbatius for eb yltcerid decneulfni yb the esoprup of ,gnilpmas ni noitidda ot the ralucitrap scitsiretcarahc of the esu ni seloherob htiw a levarg pack. ( See osla ). refiuqa that si gnieb delpmas ( e.g. the erutan of the retawdnuorg ,wolf whether ralunargretni or ,erussif the ciluardyh tneidarg dna the noitcerid 4.2.5 Pore Water Sampling Systems of wolf ). nI these cases ti si laitnesse ot seek tsilaiceps lacigoloegordyh ecivda ot tsissa ni the roF deliated noitamrofni tuoba retawdnuorg noitceles of the tsom etairporppa gnilpmas ytilauq at tnereffid depths ni rehtie the -utasnu .)s(tniop ehT esu of gnitsixe sllew or seloherob rated or detarutas enoz of na ,refiuqa retaw-erop dluohs ton eb deredisnoc sselnu yeht nac eb selpmas nac eb extracted morf rock selpmas nwohs ot eb elbatius for the esoprup of the deniatbo morf esoprup dellird .seloberob ehT gnilpmas .emmargorp ( nI ynam cases gnitsixe retaw-erop si extracted yb .noitagufirtnec sihT sllew dna seloherob yam ylluf etartenep the gnilpmas euqinhcet si evisnepxe dna si ton refiuqa dna eb ,nepo or ,deneercs tuohguorht dednemmocer for enituor gnirotinom esuaceb ti rieht depth, suht gnikam ti tluciffid ot enimaxe seriuqer repeated .gnillird ytilauq at cificeps depths. ) 2 SI 13969 : 1994 ,sselehtreveN emos desilareneg ecnadiug nac eb sevitcejbo of the gnilpmas .emmargorp fI the nevig nehw the evitcejbo si gnirotinom -dnuorg sevitcejbo do ton edulcni noitinifed of the water for noitanimatnoc morf esuffid or -tniop edutingam of the elbarelot error, a yllacitsitats ecruos .stupni desab gnilpmas emmargorp si .elbissopmi roF ytilauq ecnallievrus of elbatop seilppus ( or Diffuse contamination of groundwater yna other detaler-esu gnirotinom ytivitca ), the laropmet noitairav ni ytilauq at a elgnis tniop SI nehW gningised gnirotinom skrowten ot yfitnedi the tsom tnatropmi factor. par tsom _imreted evisnetxe ecruos-esuffid noitullop of ,srefiuqa the ,sdnan ylhtnom or neve ssel tneuqerf gnilpmas esu of gnitsixe gnilpmas stniop ni the mrof of lliw eb etauqeda nehw the esoprup of gnilpmas egral yticapac noitcudorp seloherob si -mocer si ot assess the ytilibatius of retawdnuorg as a dednem as yeht nac edivorp detargetni selpmas ecruos of gniknird water. Refer ot SI 3025 morf a egral emulov of the .refiuqa ,revewoH ni ( Part 1 1 : 1986 dna yna lanoitan yrotutats emos cases of desilacol or wol ytisnetni noitullop stnemeriuqer for lareneg ecnadiug no gnilpmas the esu of siht epyt Of eloherob yam etulid the ycneuqerf .tnemssessa More tneuqerf gnilpmas noitanimatnoc ot slevel woleb the lacitylana yam eb deriuqer ot esiminim yna cilbup htlaeh noitceted ,timil ni these cases rellams yticapac sksir ni those snoitautis where sretawdnuorg are depmup seloherob are .dednemmocer ehT part desu for elbatop seilppus tuohtiw .noitcefnisid of the refiuqa tsom evitisnes ot noitullop si that raen the yradnuob neewteb the detarutas dna roF sevitcejbo other naht elbatop ylppus -lievrus detarutasnu .senoz gnilpmaS seloherob dluohs ,ecnal the gnilpmas ycneuqerf dluohs eb nesohc therefore edulcni at tsael eno htiw a neercs raen gnidrocca ot the noitairav ni ytilauq of the -dnuorg ot the ecafrus of the detarutas .enoz Other water rednu ,noitagitsevni ni htob a laropmet dna dellird-esoprup seloherob dluohs eb detelpmoc laitaps .esnes ytilauQ segnahc ni retawdnuorg dna deneercs revo tnereffid depth slavretni of the are yllausu hcum erom laudarg ni emit dna space .refiuqa gnilpmaS seloherob dluohs eb detacol naht those ni ecafrus waters. nI emos srefiuqa tuohguorht the area of .tseretni tI si -dnemmocer there are factors gnicudorp lanosaes snoitairav ni ed that setis are nesohc ot tneserper the tnereffid ytilauq dna ni other cases, ylralucitrap where lacigoloegordyh dna esu-dnal snoitidnoc dna rstawdnuorg noitullop si ,gnirrucco there are areas deredisnoc ot eb ylralucitrap elbarenluv ot short mret snoitairav of neewteb lareves sruoh esuffid .noitullop dna tuoba two syad ni the noitisopmoc of selpmas deniatbo gnirud a gnipmup .elcyc esehT -airav Point-source contamination of groundwater snoit evah ot eb dezingocer erofeb a mret-gnol emmargorp si .denifed nehW gniyficeps gnilpmas stniop ot rotinom ecruos-tniop ,noitullop hcus as that gnisira morf suounitnoC gnirotinom of pH, erutarepmet dna a waste lasopsid llitdnal ,etis ti si yrassecen ot lacirtcele ytivitcudnoc nac edivorp a lufesu snaem redisnoc the noitacol of the etis of the noitullop of gniyfitnedi the deen ot esaercni or decrease the ni noitaler ot the retawdnuorg wolf .noitcerid gnilpmas ycneuqerf for sdnauimreted that tsum erehW ,lacitcarp ti si dednemmocer that a eb desiretcarahc yb .gnilpmas nI case suounitnoc gnilpmas eloherob ot rotinom the ytilauq of the gnirotinom setacidni the rate of ytilauq segnahc retawdnuorg yltcerid htaeneb the noitullop ecruos si ,gnisaercni neht the gnilpmas ycneuqerf dluohs si .dellatsni nI noitidda at tsael eno gnilpmas eb desaercni for yna sdnanimreted of ;tseretni eloherob dluohs eb deneercs revo a worran depth ,ylesrevnoc fi the rate of egnahc decreases, or egnar yletaidemmi woleb the water ,elbat so that stops, the gnilpmas ycneuqerf yam eb .decuder yna stnatullop ssel esned naht water lliw eb erom nI those cases where there has neeb a elbaredisnoc ylisae detected. rehtruF gnilpmas stniop dluohs egnahc ni ytilauq of yna ylsuounitnoc derotinom eb detacol at evissergorp secnatsid nwod the ,dnanimreted ti si elbasivda ot redisnoc osla ciluardyh tneidarg morf the ecruos of -imatnoc gnidnetxe the egnar of sdnanimreted ot eb ,noitan dna noisivorp edam for gnilpmas morf a ylenituor ,desylana as a .noituacerp egnar of depths. noitaredisnoC osla dluohs eb nevig ot the noitacol of eno or two seloherob pu suounitnoC gnirotinom si osla a lufesu snaem of the ciluardyh tneidarg morf the ecruos of -noc gniyfitnedi the tsom etairporppa emit ot elpmas ,noitanimat so that the area1 tnetxe of the depmup noitavresbo seloherob hcihw are gnieb noitullop emulp nac eb .deifitnedi hcuS seloherob desu ot niatbo evitatneserper selpmas of refiuqa yam osla eb of ecnatsissa ot ytilauq lortnoc water. erehW tnacifingis snoitairav are recorded ,seiduts yb gnidivorp noitamrofni no the tnetxe of ( k ,/ool nihtiw the depmup egrahcsid ) siht laitnetop noitanimatnoc yb the gnilpmas -orp ylbaborp setacidni lacol tneisnart snoitidnoc ,erudec ylralucitrap where the sisylana of trace nihtiw the eloherob flesti gnirud the ylrae stages slairetam si of .tseretni of gnipmup dna selpmas dluohs ton eb detcelloc litnu the gnirotinom stseggus that na muirbiliuqe 5.2 Frequency and emiT of gnilpmaS has neeb reached. fI on tnacifingis y-tilauq -airav snoit rucco neht the emit at hcihw the elpmas si lacitylanA stluser morf a gnilpmas emmargorp detcelloc after the tnemecnemmoc of gnipmup deen ot edivorp setamitse of the deriuqer -rofni deen ylno eb tneiciffus for the eioherob to eb noitam nihtiw the elbarelot errors denifed ni the .degrup IS 13969 : 1994 5.3 Choice of Sampliog Method selpmaS dluohs ton eb detcelloc morf gnipmup seloherob litnu the pmup has neeb gninnur for a tneiciffus htgnel of emit ot evomer the gnidnats 5.3.1 Factors Afecting Representative Sampling water ni the eloherob nmuloc ot erusne that wen nI order ot eveihca evitatneserper gnilpmas nihtiw water si gnieb nward yltcerid morf the .refiuqa na ,refiuqa the gnilpm’as dohtem sdeen ot eb ehT gnipmup emit deriuqer nac eb detaluclac elbapac of gniwardhtiw selpmas whose -isopmoc yletamixorppa morf the ezis of the ,eloherob the noit stcelfer the lautca laitaps dna laropmet -moc gnipmup rate dna the ciluardyh ytivitcudnoc tub noitisop of the retawdnuorg rednu .yduts ecniS dluohs eb erom yletarucca denimreted yb -inom the ytirojam of gnilpmas stniop ni srefiuqa are gnirot yna segnahc ni pH, erutarepmet or sllew or ,seloherob yeht lliw brutsid the larutan lacirtcele ytivitcudnoc of the depmup :retaw ni retawdnuorg metsys dna siht yam eb yllaicepse these cases selpmas dluohs ton eb nekat litnu decnuonorp as a tluser of decudni lacitrev hcus emit that on tnacifingis snoitairav ( i e. lacimehc dna ciluardyh .stneidarg ZII 10% ) are .devresbo nI en;os gnilpmas ,snoitautis larenint lairetam ehT tsom evitceffe sdohtem of gnikat selpmas yam etalumucca ni gnilpmas seloherob neewteb morf na refiuqa ni hcihw retawdnuorg ytilauq gnilpmas snoitarepo gnitluser ni the water nihtiw seirav htiw depth are ot elpmas cificeps refiuqa the eloherob nmuloc gnieb evitatneserpernu of snoziroh gnisu yHaiceps detcurtsnoc noitavresbo that ni the refiuqa rednu .yduts gnilpmaS seloherob or, ,ylevitanretla ot elpmas morf delaes seloherob dluohs therefore eb degrup erofeb snoitces of .seloherob nI the ,remrof elbatrop gnilpmas yb gnipmup ot waste a emulov of water gnipmup tnempiuqe nac eb desu ot pntup selpmas tnelaviuqe ot at tsael the lanretni emulov of the morf a seires of noitavresbo seloherob ni ylevitaler eloherob .flesti esolc ,ytimixorp each detelpmoc dna deneercs ot elbane selpmas ot eb nward morf a tnereffid depth egnar of the .refiuqa nI the ,rettal selpmas are lacitreV noitacifitarts ni retawdnuorg ytilauq yam depmup morf a delaes noitces of a eloherob yb eb larutan or a ecneuqesnoc of .noitullop roF snaem of a pmup-rekcap ,ylbmessa ybereht ,elpmaxe tsom esuffid noitullop stluser ni a erom gnidivorp a snaem of a etercsid elpmas of water detullop reyal of retawdnuorg at the top of the nihtiw a cificeps depth egnar of the refiuqa detarutas refiuqa whereas stnatullop that are ( see 4.2.4 ). sihT gnilpmas dohtem si ylno erom esned naht water dnet ot etalumucca evoba dednemmocer for esu ni detadilosnoc ,srefiuqa a ssel elbaemrep reyal at depth, or at the esab of ti si ton etairporppa for esu ni seloherob the .refiuqa gnilpmaS sdohtem therefore deen detelpmoc htiw a neercs dna levarg pack. ot eb elbapac of gnitceted lacitrev as llew as area1 snoitairav ni retawdnuorg .ytilauq Depth sampling ehT dohtem of gnilpmas osla sdeen ot tcelfer the Depth gnilpmas stsisnoc of gnirewol a gnilpmas seitixelpmoc of retawdnuorg wolf ni that ti tsum ecived ( see 4.2.2 dna 4.2.6 ) otni the eloherob or take tnuocca of the refiuqa wolf msinahcem ,llew gniwolla ti ot llif htiw water at a nwonk (whether erussif or ralunargretni ), the noitcerid depth, dna gniveirter the elpmas for refsnart ot of the How dna the ciluardyh stneidarg ni the na etairporppa ,reniatnoc where .yrassecen sihT ,refiuqa hcihw nac ecudorp gnorts larutan swolf dohtem of gnilpmas si yllamron ylno elbatius for pu or nwod the eloherob nmuloc .flesti -noitidarT esu ni noitavresbo seloherob that are ton gnieb ,ylla two nanmac gnilpmas sdohtem are -yolpme depmup hguohtla depth selpmas nac eb detcelloc ed, yleman depmup gnilpmas dna depth ;gnilpmas morf seloherob gnirud gnipmup fi there si raelc htob evih rieht sesu dna iI ,snoitatin hcihw deen access past the pmup hcus as a dilos access ebut ot ab ylluferac JereJisnoc nehw gniyfitnedi the dellatsni for the .esoprup De_pth selpmas dluohs scope for rieht .esu reven eb detcelloc ntorf nihtiw the dilos gnisac of a ,elol!erob ecnis the water tonnac evah detanigiro Pumped sampling at the depth at hcihw the gnilpmas ecived~ si detavitca ,dna rednu citats ,snoitidnoc yam evah depmuP selpmas morf noitcudorp seloherob desu deretla ni ytilauq eud ot lacimehc or for slbatap or other seilppus yzm esirpmoc a lacigoloiborcim .ytivitca erutxim of water gniretne the nepo or deneercs htgnel of the eloherob morf tner$lfid depths. sihT nevE nihtiw the nepo or deneercs noitces of gnilpmas dohtem si therefore, ylno dednemmocer ,seloherob depth gnilpmas nac ylno eb of detimil where retawdnuorg ytilauq si yllacitrev mrofinu eulav esuaceb larutan or decudni swolf nihtiw the or where a etisopmoc lacitrev elpmas of -ixorppa eloherob nac ekam the nigiro of the selpmas yletam egareva noitisopmoc si at1 that si ,deriuqer .niatrecnu Depth gnilpmas si ylno elbatius fi as thgim eb the case nehw gnilpmas water the suigiro of the selpmas ( ni smret of the depths detcartsba morf a eloherob for elbaton ylppus of water wolfni otni the eloherob ) are .nwonk .sesoprup nI these cases, ’gnidneped no the -llew sihT yam eb deveihca yb gninimreted the depths head ,noitcurtsnoc the water elpmas dluohs eb of water wolfni ot the eloherob dna swolf nihtiw detcelloc as esolc as elbissop ot the tixe morf the the eloherob nmuloc morf noitaterpretni of ,eloherob ni order ot diova elpmas ytilibatsni elohnwod sgol of ,erutarepmet ytivitcudnoc dna smelborp ( see 5.4 ). wolf rednu gnipmup dna citats .snoitidnoc 4 1s 13969 : 1994 erehW ti si yrassecen ot egrup seloherob si tseb deirrac tuo gnisu hguorhtwolf llec smetsys ( see 5.3.1 ) morf hcihw depth selpmas are ot eb that tneverp tcatnoc neewteb elpmas dna ,nekat ti si dednemmocer that the eloherob si .erehpsomta depmup gnisu na ria tfil ,ecived roirp ot .gnilpmas etis-nO noitartlif of selpmas si dednemmocer for gnisilibats ,selpmas ylraIrtc:rrap erehw noitacificeps Other sampling methods si rednu .yduts A ediw egnar of noitartlif aidem nO snoisacco nehw the evoba gnilpmas sdohtem si elbaliava dna sedulcni esolullec desab -mem tonnac eb desu or are thguoht ot eb ,etauqedani enarb ,sretlif ni noitidda ot ssalg erbif dna ti si dednemmocer that selpmas morf etercsid etanobracylop .sretlif No elgnis muidc.rr nac eb stniop ni the refiuqa dluohs eb deniatbo yb eno yllasrevinu ,dednemmocer hguohtla ssalg erbif of a yteirav of utis-ni gnilpmas .secived esehT sretlif evah emos egatnavda revo other aidem of edulcni suorop spuc or retemozeip stniop morf ralimis pore ezis ( e.g. esoluilec sretlif ) ecnis yeht hcihw water si extracted yb muucav or gas -sid kcolb ssel yltneuqerf tey edivorp ralimis noitartlif .tnemecalp lareveS stnemurtsni nac eb dellatsm ycneiciffe ni smret of elcitrap ezis .noitneter ehT ni a elgnis eloherob dna emos of the secived are dednemmocer pore ezis for lareneg esoprup osla elbatius for esu ni the detarutasnu .enoz retawdnuorg work si 0’4 ot 0’5 ,m hg!lohtla selpmaS morf ralucitrap depths yam osla eb other pore sezis yam eb ,elbareferp gnidneped deniatbo yb retaw-erop .gnilpmas sihT sevlovni nopu the ralucitrap gmlpmas esoprup dna the gnitcartxe water ( yllausu yb noitagufirtnec ) morf dnaninrreted of .tseretni revetahW muidem si lios or rock selpmas deniatbo yb dcsilaiceps core desu for ,noitartlif ti si dednemmocer that -bus .gnillird tI sedivorp the tsom evitceffe dohtem tneuqes stluser ( gniwollof sisylana ) eb reported of gniyfitnauq lacitrev snoitairav ni ytilauq dna as ’elbaretlif‘ seiceps ( gnitouq the etairporppa si osla a yrev evitceffe dohtem of gnilpmas the pore ezis of the retlif ) rather naht ’devlossid‘ detarutasnu .enoz ,revewoH for cidoirep .seiceps tI si ylralucitrap tnatropmi that no gnirotinom ti has the egatnavdasid of gniriuqer etis noitartlif of ciboreana retawdnuorg dluohs repeated gnillird dna si therefore na evisnepxe eb deirrac tuo rednu ciboreana .snoitidnoc dohtem of .gnilpmas nI lla cases ti dluohs eb derusne that elpmas 5.4 ‘Transport, Stabilisation and Storage of sreniatnoc are dereviled ot the yrotarobjl ni a y!thgit delaes ,noitidnoc protected morf the Samples effects of thgil dna evissecxe :taeh fi siht si ton retawdnuorG selpmas are netfo nekat at setis ,enod elpmas ytilauq yam egnahc yldipar eud ot etomer morf yrotarobal .seitilicaf ehT rennam ni ,egnahcxe-sag lacimehc snoitcaer dna the hcihw retawdnuorg selpmas are stored dna msilobatem of .smsinagro oslA ti dluohs eb- deldnah erofeb sisylana si therefore ylemertxe derusne that selpmas hcihw tonnac eb desylana tnatropmi fi stluser are ot eb evitatneserper of nihtiw a yad are desilibats or .devreserp roF snoitidnoc at the emit of .gnilpmas roF lareneg storage revo short ,sdoirep gnilooc ot C°4 yam ecnadiug no these aspects, refer ot SI 3025 eb ;deilppa for gnipeek revo regnol ,sdoirep ( Part 1 ) : 1986 tub tnuocca dluohs eb nekat of gnizeerf ot C°02- si .elbasivda fI the rettal the gniwollof cificeps .ecnadiug euqinhcet si ,desu ti si yrassecen ot erusne that the elpmas si yletelpmoc thawed erofeb esu as ehT tsom tnacifingis melborp ni dnuorg water the gnizeerf process yam evah the effect of -noc gnilpmas si that of gniniatbo na etarucca -acidni gnitartnec emos stnenopmoc ni the renni part of noit of water ytilauq ni the .ecafrus-bus smelborP the ,elpmas the part that freezes .tsal esira esuaceb of the lacisyhp dna lacimehc segnahc that rucco as selpmas are devomer morf selpmaS yam osla eb devreserp yb the noitidda .refiuqa tsoM retawdnuorg gnilpmas sdohtem of ,slacimehc tub care dluohs eb nekat that the tluser ni the elpmas gniogrednu erutarepmet dna nesohc dohtem of noitavreserp does ton erefretni erusserp segnahc hcihw nac retla hcus selbairav htiw the tneuqesbus yrotarobal .noitanimaxe as pH, lacirtcele ,ytivitcudnoc lacimehcortcele ,laitnetop edihplus tnetnoc dna devlossid gas 6 YTEFAS SNOITUACERP tnetnoc ( ylralucitrap negyxo dna nobrac edixoid ). nI nrut these segnahc yam retla the lareneG ecnadiug no ytefas srettam si nevig ni noitaiceps of emos .stneutitsnoc cirehpsomtA 1s 3025 t Part 1 ) : 1986 tub the gniwollof ytefas tcatnoc yam gnirb tuoba ralimis segnahc dna osla tluser ni ,noitadixo desae-icni lacigoloiborcim aspects dluohs eb deredisnoc nehw gnilpmas ,ytivitca ,noitatipicerp noitasilitalov dna segnahc .sretawdnuorg ni ecnaraeppa ( e.g. ruoloc dna ytidibrut ). tI si tnatropmi for retawdnuorg selpmas that as ynam ehT ecafrus area dnuora sllew dna seloherob snoitanimreted as si elbacitcarp are deirrac tuo dluohs syawla eb regarded htiw emos noituac etis-no or as noos as elbissop after the elpmas has ecnis there yam eb ksir of ecafrus ,espalloc neeb .detcelloc sihT si ylralucitrap tnatropmi yllaicepse dnuora dlo .sllew gnigatS dna sreddal ni respect of ,erutarepmet pH, lacimehcortcele nihtiw shafts yam eb efasnu dna a proper ytefas ,laitnetop lacirtcele ,ytivitcudnoc ytinilakla dna ssenrah tsum syawla eb nrow nehw gniretne .sllew devlossid gases ( yllaicepse negyxo ). A -noc tA tsael two snosrep dluohs eb tneserp gnirud suounit tnemerusaem euqinhcet si elbareferp dna yna gnilpmas :noitarepo eno nosrep dluohs 5

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