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Preview IS 13946-1: Determination of rock stress- Code of practice, Part 1: Using hydraulic fracturing technique

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13946-1 (1994): Determination of rock stress- Code of practice, Part 1: Using hydraulic fracturing technique [CED 48: Rock Mechanics] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 13946 ( Part 1 ) : IS84 m&T rn% Indian Standard DETERMINATIONOFROCKSTRESS- CODEOFPRACTICE PART 1 USING THE HYDRAULIC FRACTURING TECHNIQUE UDC 624121.5 Q BIS 1994 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 . February 1994 Price Group 4 Rock scinahceM lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CED 48 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS ( Part 1 ) was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilanif yb the Rock scinahceM lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the lrviC gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC lacitreV stress no a rock ssam seirav ni a erom elbatciderp noihsaf naht latnoziroh stress esuaceb the remrof si yliramirp affected yb the thgiew of .nedrubrevo nehW na gninepo si decudortni ni the ,ssamkcor the larutan state of stress si debrutsid yllacol as the rock ssam sniatta a wen state of .muirbiliuqe ehT stress dnuora na gninepo gnitluser morf suoirav edam-nam seitivitca si demret decudni< stress’ as opposed ot nigriv stress or etulosba stress hcihw sebircsed the ,lanigiro debrutsidnu state of stress. ehT larutan state of stress si netfo demret as in-situ stress. dnuorgrednU in-situ stress si semitemos yltneiciffus hgih ( evitaler ot the rock ssam htgnerts ) ot esuac rock gnitsrub ,gnillaps ,gnilkcub ,gnivaeh or other dnuorg lortnoc .smelborp nI hcus cases, egdelwonk of the state of in-situ stress si of lacitirc ecnatropmi ot the ngised dna noitcurtsnoc of gnireenigne serutcurts ni a rock .ssam nevE ni cases where the effects of stress are ssel ,citamard the mumitpo shape, noitatneiro dna tuoyal of dnuorgrednu ,serutcurts as llew as the ssenevitceffe dna etamitlu cost of rock troppus ,smetsys nac eb yltnacifingis decneulfni yb the in-situ stress. srotcaF gnitceffa the sedutingam dna noitatneiro of in-situ stress edulcni the thgiew of gniylrevo dna ,slairetam cigoloeg serutcurts ( no lacol dna lanoiger selacs ), cinotcet forces nihtiw the earth’s ,tsurc laudiser stress dna the lamreht stress. ehT ytixelpmoc of the snoitaler neewteb these factors dna the utis-ni stress yllausu stibihorp elbailer noitamitse of rock stress. 111 ,noitidda stress tonnac eb derusaem ,yltcerid dna therefore, rock stress noitanimreted seuqinhcet yler no the tnemerusaem of emos esnopser ( e.g. ,tnemecalpsid ,niarts noitamrofed ) that si decudni yb a ecnabrutsid of the rock .ssam hT s derusaem esnopser of rock ni a debrutsid-sserts enoz ( e.g. the llaw of a lennut ) si ,detalopartxe morf the gninepo ,sdrawtuo hguorht a laciremun ledom or lacitylana ;seuqinhcet or stnemerusaem tsum eb edam aiv a elohllird that sdnetxe otni na debrutsidnu noiger of the rock .ssam lareveS sdohtem evah neeb deirt ot evirra at a elbailer snaem of gnirusaem in-situ stress. Each offers tnereffid segatnavda dna segatnavdasid htiw respect ot a ralucitrap .elbacilppa tnereffiD sdohtem for tnemerusaem of rock stress evah neeb derevoc ni gniwollof ruof parts hcihw evah got ediw :ecnatpecca Part 1 gnisU the ciluardyh gnirutcarf euqinhcet Part 2 gnisU a MBSU epyt elohllird noitamrofed eguag Part 3 gnisU -RISC or epyt-ORISC llec htiw 9 or 12 niarts seguag Part 4 gnisU kcajtalf euqinhcet ciluardyH gnirutcarf euqinhcet si the ylno rock stress noitanimreted euqinhcet that has neeb yllufsseccus deilppa ot deep .elohllird sihT euqinhcet has, therefore, dnuof noitacilppa ni in-situ characterization snoitagitsevni aiv lacitrev selohllird morf the .ecafrus gnirutcarfordyH yam osla eb enod across pre_ gnitsixe tnioj seloh ni the elohllird dna seulav of in-situ stresses ot eb .deniatbo ehT eettimmoc elbisnopser for the noitalumrof of siht dradnats si nevig at xennA .A IS 13946( Part 1 ) : 1994 Indian Standard DETERMINATIONOFROCKSTRESS- CODBOFPRACTICE PART 1 USING THE HYDRAULIC FRACTURING TECHNIQUE 4 SLOBMYS 1 SCOPE 1.1 sihT standard ( traP 1 ) srevoc eht dohtem roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht gniwollof fo noitanimreted fo eht etats fo stress slobmys shall :ylppa in-situ dnuorgrednu hguorht a llird eloh using ciluardyh htped at tset enoz woleb dnuorg gnirutcarf .euqinhcet H = ;level ehT tset ,sedivorp ni ,lareneg eht sedutingam citats erusserp daeh fo erutcarf Pb = and noitcerid fo eht mumixam and muminim ;diulf sesserts ni eht enalp ralucidneprep ot eht llird .eloh V = mass ytisned fo ;kcor pcl - laitini erop retaw ;erusserp 2 SECNEREFER fP = erutcarf noitaitini ;erusserp ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards ’era yrassecen ,P = gnipmup ;erusserp stcnujda ot this standard: sP = suoenatnatsni ni-tuhs ;erusserp Pr = erutcarf gninepoer ;erusserp SI .oN eltiT lacitrev stress; II’C - 11315 dohteM rof eht evitatitnauq muminim latnoziroh stress; noitpircsed fo -iunitnocsid dmin = seit ni kcor mass: mumixam latnoziroh stress; and omsx = T elohllird erutpur htgnerts fo eht ( traP 1 ) : 1987 noitatneirO = .kcor ( traP 6 ) : 1987 erutrepA 5 SUTARAPPA 11358 7891: yrassolG fo smret and slobmys elbacilppa ot kcor 5.1 Drilling Equipment scinahcem 5.1.1 ynA gnillird tnempiuqe elbapac fo -cudorp 3 YGOLONIMRET gni a elbats eloh ot eht deriuqer tset htped yam eb .desu ehT eloh retemaid dluohs suit eht roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht snoitinifed elbaliava rekcap tnempiuqe ro vice versa. nevig ni SI 11358 : 1987 shall ,ylppa ni noitidda ehT gnillird tnempiuqe dluohs osla eb 5.1.2 ot eht .gniwollof elbapac fo gniniatbo eroc samples ni eht ytiniciv fo eht tset snoitces ni redro ot etaulave -llird 3.1 erutcarF noitaitinI erusserP eloh erutpur htgnerts and ot enimaxe -itnocsid gniruD noitazirusserp as eht erusserp is -saercni ytiun snoitatneiro and .scitsiretcarahc de htob laitnegnat and lacitrev sesserts yam emoceb .elisnet erutcarF lliw rucco fi eht 5.2 Packer Equipment ( see .giF 1 ) decudni elisnet stress sehcaer eht llird eloh rekcaP tnempiuqe shall esirpmoc eht :gniwollof erutpur .htgnerts )a A metsys ot etalosi a tset noitces fo -llird ehT llird eloh diulf erusserp at eht tnemom fo .eloh elbatalfnI ,srekcap hguorht hcihw elohllird erutpur is demret as erutcarf noitaitini a retaw wolf epip runs, shall eb desu ot erusserp ro nwodkaerb .erusserp laes eht seloh gnilbane a tset noitces ot eb .dezirusserp elbuoD rekcap ,metsys 3.2 erusserP-ni-tuhS hcihw etalosi a trap fo eht ,eloh shall retfA gnitcejni a tneiciffus emulov ot etagaporp yllareneg eb ,desu rub a elgnis ,rekcap erutcarf htgnel lauqe ot tuoba eerht semit eht hcihw setalosi eht esab fo a ,eloh yam elohllird ,retemaid noitcejni is deppots and osla eb .deredisnoc roF gnittes eht ciluardyh metsys is delaes ro ni-tuhs gnidleiy eht srekcap and laes eht tset lavretni -uardyh suoenatnatsni .erusserp-ni-tuhs cil ro gas noisnapxe shall eb .desu ehT 1 IS 13946 ( Part 1 ) : 1994 TO PUMP FLOWMETER PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS to PUMP HIGH PRESSURE ROD-, IRE ,PRESSURE TRANSDUCER C OMPASS /.ii GNISUOH IMPRESSION PACKER- 4 S m / PACKER DRILLHOLE- \ / /- DRILLHOLE a) gnirutcarfordyH Tool b) Impression rekcaP FIG. 1 SCHBMATICR EPRESBNTATION 2 IS 13946 ( Part 1 ) : 1994 laitini rekcap gnittes erusserp sdneped no 5.5 Measuring Eqaipments eht rekcap .epyt fI eht lanretni erusserp gniwolloF gnirusaem stnempiuqe shall eb :desu sehcaorppa eht rekcap ,erusserp eht rekcap erusserp dluohs eb desaercni ot a )a erusserP srecudsnart rof tnemerusaem fo level tneiciffus ot tneverp egakael past diulf erusserp at eht ecafrus ro -aidemmi eht .srekcap ylet evoba eht .rekcap )b roF gnitarapes eht srekcap srecaps shall eb )b A erusserp eguag ro recudsnart ot -aem .desu ehT htgnel fo eht tset noitces shall erus rekcap noitalfni erusserp htiw a eb nesohc morf eht noitavresbo fo eroc elbitapmoc level fo ycarucca ot eht ro/dna elohllird wall snoitidnoc yb snaem lavretni erusserp .eguag fo sdohtem debircsed ni 5.5. A muminim htgnel fo evif semit eht elohllird retemaid )c tnemurtsnl ot drocer diulf wolf htiw .emit is ylnommoc .dednemmocer ehT srekcap dluohs .edivorp 6 PROCEDURE 5.3 Fluid Injection Equipment 6.1 Drilling and Inspection diulF noitcejni tnempiuqe shall esirpmoc eht 6.1.1 eloH retemaid and ezis fo elohnwod :gniwollof ciluardyh gnirutcarf tnempiuqe shall eb detceles desab no eht tnempiuqe .elbaliava retfA -reted a) A hgih erusserp gnipmup metsys elbapac noitanim fo eht tset noitacol and ,htped a -llird fo gniniatniam a tnatsnoc wolf revo eht eloh dluohs eb sunk htaeneb that htped ot egnar fo erusserp detcepxe gmrud eht edivorp eht tset .slavretni laniF eciohc fo eht .tset tset enoz htgnel and htped shall eb edam desab nopu eht erutcarf citsiretcarahc fo derevocer ehT gnipmup metsys dluohs evah tneiciffus seroc ro no noitcepsni fo eht elohllird wall yb yticapac ot emocrevo eht sessol-noitcirf an lacitpo ro citsuoca gnigol .loot ni eht ylppus sdor and ot etaitini .serutcarfordyh 6.1.2 kcoR gnittuc ro/dna seroc shall eb -axe denim fi liated ot enimreted kcor scitsiretcarahc b) tneiciffuS ylppus ,sdor gnibut ro esoh at eht tset .snoziroh ehT eciohc fo srekcap and yllausu desu ot rewol eht rekcap otni eht noitalfni erusserp yam eb detceffa yb kcor -drah .elohllird ness and ssenhguor fo eht elohllird wall. 5.4 Inspection Equipment 6.1.3 oT raelc eht passage rof eht rekcap ynA fo eht gniwollof stnempiuqe yam eb desu ylbmessa eloh yam eb dehsulf ot devomer ot dnif eht noitcerid fo :serutcarfordyh sirbed ro/dna eht llird tib yam eb derewol ot 4 elohllirD epocsirep ro noisivelet aremac eht tset htped ot raelc eht passage rof eht rof lausiv .noitcepsni A oediv gnidrocer rekcap .ylbmessa fo a gnitseterp noitavresbo is -egatnavda suo rof nosirapmoc .sesoprup 6.1.4 ehT noitatneiro and serutrepa fo -igoloeg lac seitiunitnocsid htiw eht tset noitces shall eb b) citsuocA .reweivelet detamitse and dedrocer ni ecnadrocca htiw c> SI 11315 traP( :)1 1987 and SI 11315 traP( )6 : elohllirD repilac hcihw is lufpleh ot 1987 .ylevitcepser sihT osla sevres as a tset-erp erusne that eht detangised tset noitces is nur fo eht erutcarf noitatneiro .tnemerusaem fo elbatius retemaid rof yrotcafsitas gnitaes fo .srekcap 6.1.5 A elohllird repilac gol ni redro ot diova 4 noitatneirO loot ot erusaem tnemngila gnicalp srekcap ni sezisrevo snoitces fo eht and straightness ni esac fo yna noitacidni eloh is .dednemmocer fo evissecxe .noitaived 6.1.6 ehT rekcap ylbmessa shall eb detresni ot e> citengaM ssapmoc desu ot tneiro saremac eht denimretederp ,htped eht htped shall eb ro sreweivelet rof noisserpmi .srekcap ,dedrocer and eht srekcap era detalfni ot a etanretlA snaem fo noitatneiro shall eb erusserp tneiciffus ot laes against eht deilppa desu ni eht ygolorenim fo eht kcor hcihw diulf .erusserp is ylekil ot tceffa eht ssapmoc .gnidaer citengaM hcir kcor ( that is nori -rof 6.1.7 nehW gnillif eht noitcejni ,gnibut erac snoitam ro cisab suoengi skcor ) yam eb shall eb nekat ot etanimile ria morf eht .metsys .tcepsus cipocsoryG ,sessapmoc hcihw depparT ria yltaerg sesaercni eht -ibisserpmoc maintain eht noitatneiro fo eht noitcepsni ytil fo eht metsys and has an esrevda tceffe no ecived morf eht eloh ,ralloc yam eb eht etar fo erusserp pu-dliub gnirud tset lavretni .desu .noitazirusserp 3 IS 13946 ( Part 1 ) : 1994 7 TESTING 7.6 ehT eloh noitcepsni shall eb deirrac tuo ot evresbo and drocer erutcarfordyh snoitisop and erusserP shall eb derotinom rehtie at eht 7.1 .noitatneiro dnuorg ecafrus ro nihtiw eht tset .noitacol nehW eht erusserp is derotinom at eht dnuorg 7.7 ehT elohllird erutpur htgnerts fo eht kcor ,ecafrus eht erusserp ni eht tset lavretni shall eb yam eb detamitse morf yrotarobal stset no eroc desaercni vlwols ot erusne laminim erusserp samples ro yam eb deniatbo yb -rapmoc in-situ sessol ni eht .gnibut nehW erusserp is derotinom gni eht erutcarf noitaitini erusserp htiw -esbus nihtiw eht tset ,noitces erusserp sessol era -nu tneuq gninepoer .erusserp .tnatropmi oN standard rof noitazirusserp etar ro wolf etar ;stsixe revewoh a nommoc egnar fo 8 CALCULATIONS noitazirusserp etar fo 0. 0.2-I ces/aPM yam erehW eht gnipmup erusserp is derusaem eb .dewollof ehT noitazirusserp etar shall eb 8.1 dellortnoc yb eht tnatsnoc wolf etar .detheles yltcerid at eht tset ,enoz Pr, P, and P, yam eb deniatbo yltcerid morf eht emit susrev erusserp ehT etairporppa wolf etar ot eveihca eht derised tolp ( ees .giF 2 .) noitazirusserp etar shall yrav gnidneped no eht llarevo ytilibisserpmoc fo tset ,metsys hcihw erugiF 2 stneserp an dezilaedi ciluardyh -rutcarf ylegral stcelfer eht yticitsale fo eht ,gnibut eht gni erusserp .drocer ehT lareneg mrof fo eht htgnel fo eht ,gnibut eht ytilibisserpmoc fo eht erusserp drocer sdneped no eht evitaler -ingam diulf and eht emulov fo diulf ni eht tset .metsys sedut fo eht lapicnirp .sesserts nI ,lareneg peed stset htiw egral retemaid gnibut shall eriuqer rehgih wolf setar than eloh-trohs nehW eht enalp fo gnirutcarfordyh is ylraen stset htiw rellams retemaid .gnibut lellarap ot eht elohllird ,sixa eht gniwollof 7.2 ehT rekcap erusserp dluohs eb yllaitini tes snoisserpxe yam eb desu ot niatbo eht lapicnirp llew woleb eht detapicitna nwodkaerb ;erusserp :sesserts eht rekcap erusserp dluohs eb desaercni at eht emas etar as eht noitcejni .erusserp ehT -ecorp Omln D P8 erud secuder eht ytilibissop fo erutcarf noitaitini 3 desuac yb eht rekcap .erusserp ,revewoH retfa urnax a T - P, - Pi - P, eht hguor egnar fo gnirutcarfordyh ,erusserp at ( rof laitini noitazirusserp elcyc ) a ralucitrap etis is ,nwonk eht tneuqesbus ,P3 - srekcap nac eb detalfni ot eht deriuqer/derised @mar = P, - P, erusserp ni elgnis .egats ehT tset lavretni rof( tneuqesbus noitazirusserper elcyc ) erusserp shall eb dedrocer against .emit As erusserp ,sesaercni htob laitnegnat and lacitrev ehT elohllird erutpur htgnerts (T) is denimreted evitceffe sesserts nac emoceb .elisnet ecnedivE fo morf yrotarobal ,stset hcihw ledom eht -uardyh eruliaf shall eb deniatbo morf erusserp emit cil gnirutcarf ssecorp ( )elbareferp ro eht elisnet evruc and erutcarf noitaitini erusserp shall eb htgnerts deniatbo morf tcerid ,noisnet ro .deton nailizarB .stset etairporppA snoitcerroc rof eht stceffe fo elpmas ezis and tset noitarugifnoc 7.3 retfA gnitcejni a emulov tneiciffus ot -aporp yam deen ot eb .edam ehT lacitrev stress is etag a erutcarf htgnel lauqe ot tuoba eerht yllausu assumed ot eb eht stress detareneg yb semit eht elohllird ,retemaid noitcejni shall eb eht htped and ytisned fo gniylrevo .kcor ehT deppots and eht ciluardyh metsys shall eb noitcerid fo ,,,T( is ni eht erutcarf enalp and delaes ro shut ni gnidleiy eht suoenatnatsni lanogohtro ot .nInru shutting erusserp .)SP( lanoitiddA noitazirusserp selcyc shall eb desu ot enimreted eht erutcarf 9 REPORTING OF RESULTS gninepoer erusserp ),P( and lanoitidda -erusaem stnem fo eht ni-tuhs erusserp .)SP( 9.1 General Information 7.4 tneuqesbuS noitazirusserper elcyc dluohs eb ehT troper dluohs edulcni eht gniwollof lareneg detcudnoc at ,ralimis tnatsnoc wolf ,setar rehgih :noitamrofni ro rewol wolf etar selcyc yam eb dedda at eht )a A noitpircsed fo eht tset etis .noitacol noitercsid fo eht .rotarepo esU fo rehgih ro rewol swolf etar selcyc ni eht stress noitaluclac )b A lacinhcetoeg gol fo eht tset noitces dluohs eb deificeps and denialpxe ni eht troper gnivig all elbaliava noitamrofni and -ni fo .stluser gnidulc eht dedrocer lacigoloeg -itnocsid ytiun scitsiretcarahc and elohllird wall 7.5 retfA eht tset is ,detelpmoc eht srekcap .snoitidnoc shall eb detalfed and eht tnempiuqe shall eb c> derevocer morf eht .elohllird eraC dluohs eb A lacigoloeg noitpircsed fo kcor ,detset nekat that eht srekcap era ylluf detalfed erofeb gnidulcni kcor epyt and ytilibaliava fo gnitpmetta ot evom .meht .eroc 4 1 ) : 4991 I§ 13946 ( Part Pf = FRACTURE INITIATION PRESSURE [P FRACTURE REOPENING PRESSURE P,=SHUT IN PRESSURE P,=SHUT IN PRESSURE PO = FORMATION PORE PRESSURE -. I_ TIME- .GIF 2 DEZILAEDI CILUARDYH GNIRUTCARF ERUSSERP RECORD )d ehT tset ,htped htgnel fo eht tset enoz )c snoitatneserpeR fo erutcarf ,srecart -snoc and elohllird .ezis detcurt morf noisserpmi ,srekcap no shpargotohp ro/dna citsuoca reweivelet la, DETAILED INFORMATION sgol fo tset .slavretni ehT troper dluohs edulcni eht gniwollof deliated )d A noitpircsed fo eht dohtem desu rof noitamrofni rof hcae tnemerusaem :noitacol gnitaluclac .,,,TC nI esac eht elohllird erutpur htgnerts is denimreted yb )a shparG gniwohs gnipmup ro wolf ,etar yrotarobal ,stset eht yrotarobal tset noitcejni erusserp susrev emit rof hcae stluser and eht dohtem fo data ,noitcuder tset and a ’noitpircsed fo eht )s(dohtem gnidulcni snoitauqe ,desu dluohs eb desu ot noitceles and fi tcnitsid Pf, Ps P,, detroper ni tneiciffus .liated serusserp era ton .suoivbo b) detalubaT seulav fo tseT stluser gniwohs substantial seicnapercsid H, Pr, PO, Pr, P,, P, mumixam and muminim latnoziroh htiw rehto data and gnivig elbissop ro elbaborp sesserts and stress .snoitcerid snoitanalpxe fo eht .sesuac

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