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IS 13580: Internal Fuses and Internal Overpressure Disconnectors for Power Electronic Capacitors PDF

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Preview IS 13580: Internal Fuses and Internal Overpressure Disconnectors for Power Electronic Capacitors

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13580 (1992): Internal Fuses and Internal Overpressure Disconnectors for Power Electronic Capacitors [ETD 29: Power Capacitors] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 13580 : 1992 INTERNAL FUSES AND INTERNAL OVERPRESSURE DISCONNECTORS FOR POWER ELECTRONIC CAPACITORS UDC 621.316.923.621.319-4 @ BIS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 1992 Price droop 3 rewoP sroticapaC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC TE 29 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht rewoP sroticapaC lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacinhcetortcelE noisiviD .licnuoC ehT tcejbo fo this standard is ot etalumrof mrofinu stnemeriuqer gnidrager ,ecnamrofrep gnitset and ot edivorp a ecnadiug rof noitanidro-oc fo esuf and rotcennocsid .noitcetorp ecnatsissA has neeb devired morf CEI tnemucoD 33 ( ttceS ) 99 lanretnI‘ sesuf and lanretni erusserprevo srotcennocsid rof rewop cinortcele ’sroticapac issued yb eht lanoitanretnI -ortcelE lacinhcet noissimmoC ( CEI .) roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor OR ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. Is 13580 : .I992 Indian Standard INTERNAL FUSES AND INTERNAL OVERPRESSURE DISCONNECTORS FOR POWER ELECTRONIC CAPACITORS 1 SCOPE AND DLEIF FO NOITACILPPA 3.3 Internal Overpressure Disconnector 1.1 sihT standard seilppa ot lanretni -revo A gnitcennocsid ecived edisni a ,roticapac erusserp srotcennocsid and sesuf nehw desu dengised ot tpurretni eht tnerruc path ni eht ot tcetorp rewop cinortcele sroticapac esac fo lamronba esaercni fo eht lanretni derutcafunam gnidrocca ot SI 13648 : 1992 .erusserp rewoP‘ scinortcele .’sroticapac NOTES 1.2 sihT standard osla seilppa ot lanretni -revo 1 sihT rotcennocsid nac osla eb decalp edistuo eht erusserp srotcennocsid desu ot tcetorp -fles roticapac ,tinu tub si llits deredisnoc na largetni gnilaeh dezilatem cirtceleid sroticapac rof trap fo eht roticapac ,tinu dna llahs llifluf eht emas stnemeriuqer dna ssap eht emas stset sa eht -retni rewop .scinortcele lan erusserprevo .rotcennocsid 2 sihT ecived si yllamron desu ni sroticapac fo eht 1.3 sihT standard seod ton ylppa ot sesuf and gnilaeh-fles .epyt srotcennocsid rof hcihw eht ecivres ,snoitidnoc ni ,lareneg era elbitapmocni htiw eht -eriuqer 4 LARENEG stnem fo eht standard unless esiwrehto deerga neewteb rerutcafunam and .resahcrup 4.1 ehT esuf is detcennoc ni seires htiw eht )s(tnemele hcihw eht esuf is dednetni ot etalosi sesuF and srotcennocsid gnimrofnoc ot 1.4 fi eht )s(tnemele, semoceb .ytluaf ehT egnar this standard era dengised ot etalosi detluaf fo stnerruc and segatlov rof eht esuf is -ereht sroticapac stnemele ro roticapac ,tinu ot wolla erof tnedneped no eht roticapac ,ngised and , noitarepo fo eht gniniamer parts fo that ni emos sesac osla no eht bank ni hcihw eht roticapac tinu and eht bank ni hcihw eht esuf is .detcennoc roticapac tinu is .detcennoc hcuS sesuf and srotcennocsid‘ era ton a etutitsbus rof a -hctiws gni ecived hcus as a rekaerb-tiucric ro eht ehT noitarepo fo an lanretni esuf is ni lareneg lanretxe noitcetorp fo eht roticapac bank, ro denimreted yb eno ro htob fo eht srotcaf nevig trap .foereht ni )a( and :)b( )a eht egrahcsid ygrene morf stnemele ro 2 ECNEREFER units detcennoc ni lellarap htiw eht ytluaf tnemele ro ;tinu and SI 13648 : 1992 rewoP‘ cinortcelE ’sroticapac is a yrassecen tcnujda ot this standard. )b eht enil tluaf .tnerruc 3 YGOLONIMRET 4.2 ehT rotcennocsid is dednetni ot tpurretni eht tnerruc ot all stnemele fo eht roticapac 3.1 snoitinifeD fo roticapac parts and ro emos fo .meht ehT reporp noitarepo fo eht seirossecca shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw rotcennocsid is tnedneped no eht ssenthgit-kael I SI 13648 : 1992. fo eht reniatnoc gnirud eht efil fo eht .roticapac / NOTE - ehT drow ’tnemeler ni this standard is desu ni ecnadrocca htiw eht noitinifed deniatnoc 5 GNITCENNOCSID iTNEMERIUQER ni roticapac ,snoitacificeps dna ton ni ecnadrocca htiw eht esuf .sdradnats ehT esuf shall elbane eht ytluaf tnemele ot 5.1 eb detcennocsid nehw lacirtcele nwodkaerb fo 3.2 lanretnI esuF stnemele srucco ni a egatlov ,egnar ni hcihw A ecived detaroprocni ni roticapac hcihw I+ is eht tsewol and us eht tsehgih eulav fo eht stcennocsid an tnemele ro a puorg fo stnemele egatlov neewteb eht slanimret fo ’eht tinu at ni eht tneve fo .nwodkaerb eht instant fo .tluaf 1 4‘ IS 13580: 1992 ehT dednemmoeer seulav rof u, and us era eht 6.4 ehT esuf detcennoc ot eht degamadnu :gniwollof )s(tnemele must eb elba ot yrrac eht egrahcsid stnerruc eud ot eht nwodkaerb fo .)s(tnemele u, = 0.8 UN u, = ees elbaT 1 6.5 ehT sesuf and srotcennocsid must withstand 5.2 ehT rotcennocsid shall elbane eht ytluaf eht egrahcsid ,tset ees 10. roticapac tinu ot eb detcennocsid rof egatlov up ot and gnidulcni u,. 7 GNIKRAM ehT dednemmocer eulav is: ehT gnikram gnidrager ecneserp fo lanretni esuf shall eb dedivorp no eht roticapac as a43 = 3-1 UN detacidni ni SI 13648 : 1992. ETON - ehT resahcrup llahs yficeps fi siht egatlov lliw eb exceeded. 8 ENITUOR STSET 6 DNATSHTIW STNEMERIUQER ehT )s(tinu shall evah passed all enituor stset deificeps ni SI 13643 : 1992. 6.1 retfA ,noitarepo eht esuf ylbmessa and eht rotcennocsid must withstand detar tnemele 9 EPYT STSET egatlov and detar egatlov neewteb eht slanimret fo eht detcennocsid roticapac ,ylevitcepser 9.1 ehT epyt stset esirpmoc :gniwollof plus yna ecnalabnu egatlov eud ot esuf ro rotcennocsid ,noitca and yna trohs emit )a egrahcsiD tset ( ees OI ;) tneisnart egatlovrevo yllamron decneirepxe )b gnitcennocsiD tset no sesuf ees( 11 ); and gnirud eht efil fo eht .roticapac )c gnitcennocsiD tset no rotcennocsid 6.2 tuohguorhT eht efil fo eht ,roticapac eht ( ees 12 .) rotcennocsid shall eb elbapac fo gniyrrac -itnoc ylsuoun a tnerruc lauqe ot ro retaerg than l-1 nI ,noitidd.a eht sesuf and srotcennocsid shall eb semit eht mumixam elbissimrep s’tinu tnerruc elba ot withstand all epyt tset fo eht roticapac ( ees 14 fo SI 13648 : 1992 ) and eht sesuf stinu ni ecnadorcca htiw IS 13748 : 1992. elbapac fo gniyrrac ylsuounitnoc a tnerruc lauqe ot ro retaerg than mumixam elbissimrep 9.2 epyT stset era deredisnoc dilav fi yeht era tinu tnerruc dedivid yb rebmun fo lellarap esuf demrofrep no sroticapac fo a ngised lacitnedi paths. htiw that fo eht roticapac ,dereffo ro no a roticapac fo a ngised that seod ton reffid morf 6.3 ehT esuf and eht rotcennocsid shall eb ti ni yna yaw that thgim tceffa eht seitreporp elbapac fo withstanding eht egrus tnerruc .)si( ot eb dekcehc yb eht epyt .stset elbaT 1 tseT egatloV neewteB slanimreT (CIauses5.1, 10.1 and )4.11 I ac Capacitors dc Capacitors I non gnilaeh-fles gnilaeh-fles non gnilaeh-fles gnilaeh-fles I I ac tseT egatlov 2 uNJ\/i 1’5 ’V/NU 2 - - - dc tseT egatlov 2 ?ru 2 uxJdi UN 1’5 N ehT-ETON Y, dna ,u seulav evoba are desab no the egatlov that yam yllamron rucco across the roticapac tinu slanimret at the tnatsni of lacirtcele nwodkaerb of the .tnemele ehT resahcrup llahs yficeps fi the ,u dna ,U seulav reffid morf the stated .seno 2 SI 13580 : 1992 10 DISCHARGE TEST 3 nI laiceps ,sesac ri yam eb yrassecen ot dnetxe eht stset !itnu owt ro erom a.rw0dkaerb fo roticapac 10.1 ehT units shall eb degrahc yb snaem fo stnemele evah .derrucco ehT rebmun fo -kaerb cd and neht degrahcsid hguorht a gap detautis as snwod at hcae egatlov timil llahs ni hcus Sesac eb esolc as elbissop ot eht .roticapac yehT shall tcejbus ot tnemeerga neewteb rerutcafunam dna .resahcrup fI eht rebmun fo snwodkaerb si ,dedeecxe eb detcejbus ot evif hcus segrahcsid nihtiw 10 eht segatlov detats ni 11.4 yam evah to eb .desaerc,ri .setunim 4 snoituacerP llahs eb dekat nehw gnimrofrep siht tset tsniaga eht elbisop noisolpxe fo a roticapac ehT tset egatlov shall eb lauqe ot 1.1 UN. .tinu fI revewo.b a mumixam kaep tnerruc is 5 ehT egatlov llahs eb yllaudarg desaercni ot eht ,deificeps eht egrahcsid tnerruc shall eb detsujda deificeps .eulav yb noitairav fo eht gnigrahc egatlov and eht a) Capacitor preheating - ehT roticapac tinu si ecnadepmi fo eht egrahcsid tiucric ot a eulav detaeherp ni a rebmahc erofeb gniylppa eht :fo tset egatlov at eht reppu .timil gnitaeherP erutarepmet ( 100°C ot 150°C) si nesohc yb eht I ttst = 4-l & rerutcafunam ot eveihca a lacitcarp trohs emit ( emos setunim of emos sruoh ) ot eht tsrif nihtiW evif setunim retfa this ,tset eht tinu .nwodkaerb shall eb detcejbus ot a egatlov tset neewteb A rewol gritaeherp erutarepmet dluohs eb desu slanimret ( ees elbaT 1 .) nehw gniylppa eht tset egatlov timil : ot diova snwodkaerb erofeb gnihcaer eht tset .egatlov roticapaC tnerruc si ot eb dedrocer gnirud eht .tset ehT ecnaticapac shall eb derusaem erofeb eht egrahcsid tset and retfa eht egatlov .tset ehT NOTE -TO tneverp evissecxe lanretni diuqil erusserp eud ot hgih erutarepmet eht tinu yam eb stnemerusaem shall ton reffid yb an tnuoma deppiuqe htiw a feiler ebnt gnidulcni a evlav gnidnopserroc rehtie ot nwodkaerb fo an hcihw tsum eb desolc at eht instant fo gniylppa tnemele ro ot gniwolb fo an lanretni .esuf eht tset .egatlov )b Electrical breakdown of the element - emoS 11 DISCONNECTING TEST ON FUSES stnemele ni eht tset tinu era hcae dedivorp htiw rof elpmaxe a ,bat detresni neewteb eht cirtceleid 11.1 Test Procedure .sreyal hcaE bat si detcennoc ot a etarapes .lanimret gnitcennocsid tset no sesuf is demrofrep To niatbo nwodkaerb fo na tnemele suht ,depiuqe The tsrif- at eht reppu cd tset egatlov U, nevig ni a egrus egatlov fo tneiciffus edutilpma is deilppa neewteb eht bat dna‘ elio fo eht sliof fo eht elbaT 1 and deilpitlum yb 1.1 and ,neht as deifidom .tnemele noos as elbissop retfa eht gniwolb fo eno ,esuf roticapaC tnerruc si ot eb dedrocer gnirud eht at eht rewol cd tset egatlov fo O&9 UN Until .tset gniwolb fo rehtona .esuf the 11.2 Capacitance Measurement ehT esuf noitca must eb hcus that eht egatlov retfA eht ,tset ecnaticapac shall eb derusaem pord ssorca eht detset tinu is lauqe ot ro less ot evorp that eht )s(esuf has ( evah ) .nwolb than 10 .tnecrep A gnirusaem dohtem shall eb desu that is fI eht egatlov pord is erom than 10 tnecrep yltneiciffus evitisnes ot tceted eht ecnaticapac lanoitidda sroticapac nac eb tup ni lellarap ot egnahc desuac yb eno nwolb .esuf esaercni eht lellarap derots .ygrene ehT stset no sesuf era demrofrep rehtie no eno 11.3 Visual gnikcehC etelpmoc roticapac tinu ro no owt units, fi retfA eht gnitcennocsid ,tset on tnacifingis ereht is ylno eno esuf .edisni noitamrofed fo eht rematnoc shall eb .tnerappa enO fo eht gniwollof tset serudecorp ,)a 11.1.1 )b ro an evitanretla dohtem shall eb .desu‘ fI 11.4 egatloV tseT on tnemeerga has neeb ,dehcaer eht eciohc is A egatlov tset shall eb deirrac tuo yb gniylppa tfel ot eht .rerutcafunam 1.1 semit eht egatlov denoitnem ni elbaT 1 rof a doirep fo 10 s. NOTES 1 tA eht reppu egatlov ,timil eno lanoitidda esuf ro( eno htnet fo eht desuf stnemele yltcerid ni )lellarap 12 GNITCENNOCSID TEST ON detcennoc ot a dnuos s(tnemele dewoila ot eb DISCONNECTOR .degamad 12.1 Test Sequence 2 ehT tset egatlov llahs eb deniatniam rof 10 sdnoces retfa a nwodkaerb ot erusne eht esuf sah The test shall eb deirrac tuo On a roticapac detcennocsid yltcerroc dedianu yb noitcennocsid fo eht rewop .ylppus .tinu 3 “4 SI :08531 2991 Unless deerga ,esiwrehto a roticapac hcihw has ehT gniwollof snoitidnoc ebyam :deniatbo passed eht ecnarudne tset ( under consideration ) )i ehT retemma Z and eht retemtlov U htob yam eb .desu etacidni .orez nI this esac eht esuf shall eb .dekcehc fI ti has ,nwolb ti ehT roticapac shall eb detnuom ni a -talucric shall eb .decalper nehT eht egatlov is gni ria nevo gnivah a erutarepmet lauqe ot eht deilppa ot eht roticapac and fi eht esuf mumixam tneibma ria erutarepmet fo eht swolb again eht erudecorp is .detpurretni erutarepmet yrogetac fo eht .roticapac fI eht esuf seod ton ,wolb eht erudecorp gnitsisnoc ni eht noitacilppa ot eht nehW all eht parts fo eht roticapac evah roticapac egatlov as debircserp ni smeti dehcaer eht erutarepmet fo eht nevo eht )c and )d evoba is deunitnoc using ylno gniwollof tset ecneuqes shall eb demrofrep htiw eht hctiws ,K eht tiucric nevig ni .giF 1. )ii ehT tnerruc detacidni yb eht retemma siZ rewol than 66 tnacrep fo eht laitini eulav a) With eht rotceles sehctiws Hand K ni noitisop ’1‘ and a ylevitcepser eht N and eht retemtlov U setacidni 1.3 UN. ehT tnerruc shall etacidni that at tsael egatlov ecruos is tes ot 1.3 UN and eht eno rotcennocsid ni eht roticapac has roticapac tnerruc is .dedrocer ehT N .detpurretni nI this esac eht erudecorp is ecruos is ca rof gnitset ca sroticapac ;detpurretni and cd rof cd .roticapac )iii ehT tnerruc detacidni yb eht retemma b) ehT T ecruos is tes ot &iOl eht hctiws Z is rehgih than 66 tnecrep fo eht laitini H is neht tes ot noitisop 2 and eht .eulav nI this esac eht erudecorp is elbairav rotsiser is detsujda ot evig a cd deunitnoc as rep smeti )c( and .)d( trohs tiucric tnerruc fo 300 mA. nehW eht erudecorp is ,detpurretni eht c) hctiwS H is tes ot noitisop 3 and hctiws roticapac is delooc ot eht tneibma erutarepmet K ot noitisop b ot ylppa eht cd tset egatlov and eht egatlov tset neewteb slanimret and ot eht roticapac hcihw is deniatniam reniatnoc is deirrac tuo gnidrocca ot 1.01 fo litnu eht retemtlov setacidni -ixorppa SI 13648 : 1992. yletam orez rof 3 ot 5 .sdnoces ehT muminim tiucric-trohs tnerruc fo eht N rotareneg at eht roticapac slanimret is 2 000 A d) hctiwS K is neht tes ot noitisop a again ro as deerga neewteb rerutcafunam and .resu ot ylppa eht tset egatlov o: eht roticapac rof a doirep fo 3 nim nehw eht tnerruc ehT detar tnerruc cZ fo eht esuf shall eb ton is again .dedrocer less than 21,. SEL EC TOR \CAPACITOR TlNu _ SWITCH UNDER TEST FIG. 1 CIRCUITT O PERFORMT HED ISCONNECTINGTE ST 4 ‘\ 1 4 IS 13580 : 1992 12.2 Test Requirements that eht esuf is dengised ot ;etalosi fi eht tnemele semoceb .ytluaf retfA eht nwodkaerb At eht noisulcnoc fo eht ,tset eht erusolcne fo fo an tnemele eht esuf detcennoc ot ti lliw hcae roticapac shall eb tcatni tpecxe that wolb and etalosi ti morf eht gniniamer trap lamron noitarepo fo a ,tnev ro ronim egamad fo eht ,roticapac hcihw swolla eht tinu ot fo a esac ( rof elpmaxe skcarc ) is dettimrep eunitnoc ni .ecivres ehT gniwolb fo eno ro dedivorp eht gniwollof era :tem erom sesuf lliw esuac egatlov segnahc nihtiw eht bank, nehw seires snoitcennoc is .desu a) gnipacsE diuqil lairetam yam tew eht retuo ecafrus fo eht roticapac tub shall ehT egatlov ssorca dnuos )s(tinu must ton ton llaf ni ;spord deecxe eht eulav nevig ni eht tnaveler standard. b) ehT reniatnoc fo eht roticapac yam eb gnidnepeD no eht lanretni noitcennoc fo eht demrofed and degamad tub ton ;nekorb units, eht gniwolb fo eno ro erom sesuf yam osla esuac a egnahc fo egatlov nihtiw eht .tinu lc semalF ro/dna yreif selcitrap shall ton ehT gniniamer stnemele ni a seires puorg lliw eb dettime morf eht .sgninepo sihT yam evah an desaercni gnikrow egatlov and eht eb dekcehc yb gnisolcne eht roticapac rerutcafunam shall, no ,tseuqer evig sliated fo ni ezuag ( eseehc htolc .) gninruB ro eht egatIov esir desuac yb nwolb .sesuf gnihcrocs fo eht ezuag is neht deredisnoc ot eb a noiretirc fo ;eruliaf esuaceB fo eht gnilaeh-fles seitreporp fo eht 4 A egatlov tset shall eb deirrac tuo ni ,roticapac snwodkaerb era ton suoregnad and ecnadrocca htiw 10.1 fo SI 13648 : 1992 od ton esaercni eht tnerruc .yltnacifingis ,tuB ni eht tneve fo gnisir erusserp ( rof elpmaxe desuac yb lamreht ,ytilibatsni hcihw yam rucco NOTE - evissecxE noitaname fo semuf gnirud eht at eht dne fo eht ,roticapac ro ni emos ,sesac tset dIuoc eb suoregnad yb an evissecxe rebmun fo gnilaeh-fles -kaerb ,nwod desuac yb emertxe sdaolrevo ) eht -fles 13 GUIDE FOR FUSE AND DISCONNECTOR gnilaeh rewop roticapac must eb detcetorp yb PROTECTION an lanretni erusserprevo rotcennocsid ro ehT esuf is detcennoc ni seires htiw eht tnemele tnelaviuqe .secived

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