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IS 13385: Specification for fire extinguisher 50 litre capacity wheel mounted water type (Gas Cartridge) PDF

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Preview IS 13385: Specification for fire extinguisher 50 litre capacity wheel mounted water type (Gas Cartridge)

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13385 (1992): Specification for fire extinguisher 50 litre capacity wheel mounted water type (Gas Cartridge) [CED 22: Fire Fighting] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” REAFFIRMED 2007 IS 13385 : 1992 50 - ) - ( Indian Standard FIRE — 50 LITRE CAPACITY WHEEL MOUNTED WATER TYPE (GAS CARTRIDGE) — SPECIFICATION UDC 614·846 © BIS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BA HADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1992 Price Group3 AMENDMENT NO. 1 MARCH 2002 TO IS 13385: 1992 FIRE EXTINGUISHER-SO LITRE CAPACITY WHEEL MOUNTED WATERTYPE(GAS CARTRIDGE)- SPECIFICATION (Foreword)- Insertthefollowingclausebeforelutpara: •A schemefor labelling environment friendly products known u ECO Markhas beenintroduced atthe instanceofthe MinistryofEnvironmentandForests(MEF), Oovemment of India. The ECOMarIe wouldbeadministaed by the Bureau of Indian·Standards(BIS)undertheSISA~ 1986U pel"die RaoIUIionNo.71dated 21February 1991 and No.425dated28October 1992publisbedintheOazeaeof theCiovernmentofIndiL Foraproductto becli&iblcfor mmtinawithECO logo,it shallalsocarrythe lSIMarkafDISbesidesmeetingadditionaloptionalmvironment friendlyrequirements. Forthispurpose,theStandardMilt.ofDISwouldbe• sin&Je markbeingacombinationofthelSIMarkandtheECOlogo. Requiftmen1l to be satisfied fora product 10qualifyforthe BISStandardMadefor ECO _ being included intherelevant publisbed standards through anamendment. These requirementsareoptional;manufacturingunitsarefree10optfor the lSIMnalone also. TheamendmentisbasedontheOazeueNocificadonNo. 160daIed 1April1999for o.zeae FueExtinguishersu environmentfriendlyproducts published inthe ofthe GovernmentofIndia.' ( Pagtl 4, clmue lOA ) - Insat the followinl new clause after lOA and renumberthesubsequentclauses: '11 OmONALREQUIREMENTSFORECO MARK 11.1 G..-aIRequInmentB 11.1.1 Anyfire extinguisher having BISStandardMarkqualifies forconsideration ofECOMark. 11.1.2 The products manufacturer must produce the consent clearance • pel" provision of the Water (Pnvention and Control ofPollution) Act, 1974, WlIkr (PNwmtlon and Control ofPoUUllon) Cas Act, 1977 and Air (Prwention and ControlofPollution)Act, 1981respectively alODawithauthorizationifrequired t underEnvirofllMnI(Protection)Act. 1986,andtheRulesmadethereunderto the BureauofIndianStandardswhileappiyinlforBOOMark. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2002 TO IS 13385 : 1992 FIRE EXTINGUISHER- 50 LITRE CAPACITY WHEEL MOUNTED WATER TYPE ( GAS. CARTRIDGE)- SPECIFICATION ( Page 1 clause7.5,lin«7)- Insert'maximum'after'6.5 mm'. t I Page 2, Table 1,51No. (v)] - Delete. I Page'2, Table 1,SINo. (ix) ]- Substitutethe followingforthe existing: ix)Nozz~ a) Leadedtin-bronze OrLTB20fIS318 b)Brass TypelollS319 or Or1ofIS29. c) Plastic IS7328 ( Page3.clause 7.8.~ )- Delete. (Page4, clause 7.13) - Insertthefollowingafter firstsentence: 'Tolerancefor wheeled carriageshall be 10mm.' (CED22) RepropphyUait.BIS.NewDelbi.ladia AMENDMENT NO. 3 SEPTEMBER 2003 TO IS 13385:1992 FIREEXTINGUISHER- SOLITRECAPACITYWHEELMOUNTEDWATERTYPE (GASCARTRIDGE)- SPECIFICATION ( Page4,clause7.12)- Insert'minimum'after'25mm'. (CED22) ReprographyUnit,BIS,NewDelhi,India AMENDMENT NO. 4 APRIL 2005 TO IS 13385: 1992 FIREEXTINGUISHER- 50LITRE CAPACITY WHEEL MOUNTED WATER TYPE (GAS CARTRIDGE)- SPECIFICATION (Pa,~ 1.clause3)- Add .±0.5l'at theend. ePage1.claus«7.1)- Substitutethefollowingfortheexisting: 7.1 The cylinder shall be of weldedconstruction having cold or bot drawn cylindrical portionwithhemisphericalellipsoidalortorisphericalendsweldedto itor two halves(upperhalfshorter)coldor hot drawnhavinadomeandbottom dishofhemisphericalorellipsoidalortorisphericalandcircumferentiallywelded qether. Acylindricalskirthavinaminimmn 2Smmheightshallbeweldedto thebottomdish. 7.1.1 Where carryinghandle and/or supportina fittingsare fitted 10 the body. these shall be either welded or brazed. Thecanying handle shall bemadeof mild steel orstainlesssteel rod not less than 6 mm in diameterorfabricatedout ofmild steel or.tainlesssteel sheetsofsamethicknessu the bodyandtheclamp for holding the:'foam m.king nozzle shall be of mild steel sheet/plutic having thicknessnotlessthanthatofthebody. (Pa,e 1,cltJIUe7.2)- Insenthefollowing newclause: 7.2 Body The material u* in the construction ofextinguisher bodiq shall beweldable. Thefinermateri~lsshallbecompatibletothebodysteel to livengood welds. A cylindrical ring shall be fitted/welded to the bottom dish. Minimum wall thicknessofthebodyshallbecalculatedusingtheformula: " a) Forcarbonsteelbodies, D t = - + 0.7 300 AmendNo.4toIS13385 :1992 b) ForausteniticstainIesIsteel bodies, D t=- + 0.3 600 where t =minimumthickness,inmm;and D=externaldiameterofthebody.inmm. ( Pag~ 1,clmuc 7.2 ) - Renumber die existinl clause '1.2' as ..,t3'and substitutethetide 'J.ts'jor'Body'andnmumbersubsequentclauses. UK: (Pag~4,clmue8 )- Substitute thefoIlowina for existina: 8.1 All internal and external surfaces of the body shall be completely epoxy powder coatedto minimum 0.050mmthickness. The thickness of the COMins shall be measured asBiveninIS 3203. Theinternalsurfaceofthebodyshallbe plasticIrubbercoatedandliningshallbeof• minimumthicknessof0.5inmasan alternativetopowdercoating. 8.1.1 Tes:lor Adhuion ofPItutk ~I'(TYIM Test) - Subject the unfilled extinguisherCOapressure 15kgfkm andstorefor 120+4 hat 27±l"C. -0 Release the pressure and examine the extinJUisber internally for crackinl, separationfromthewanofthebodyorliftinaofthelining.andbubblesbetween theliningandthebody. 8.2 PhosphatinginaccordancewithprovisionsofIS 3618 may beappliedon the externalsurfaceofthebodyasanalternative. '.1 )- ( Page 4, cltuUe Insert -orPost OfficeRed' after·firered' and 'orNo.538' after ~o.536'. (CED22) RepoaraphyUaiI.81S.NewDeIai,.... 2 AMENDMENT NO. 5 MAY 2006 TO IS 13385: 1992 FIRE EXTINGUISHER- 50LITRE CAPACITY WHEELMOUNTED WATERTYPE (GAS CARTRIDGE)- SPECIFICAnON [ Page 1,clause7.1.1 ( see also Amendment No.4) ] - Substitute '20 mm' for '6 mm'. (Page4,clause7.10)- Substitute'250 g'lor'300 +109' • •0 (CED22) ReproppbyUnit,818,NewDelhi,India

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