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IS 13384-1: Cathode Ray Tube Based Data Display Monitor, Part 1: Colour PDF

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Preview IS 13384-1: Cathode Ray Tube Based Data Display Monitor, Part 1: Colour

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13384-1 (1992): Cathode Ray Tube Based Data Display Monitor, Part 1: Colour [LITD 16: Computer Hardware, Peripherals and Identification Cards] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” 1 iJ ,.I IS 13384 ( Part 1 ) : 2991 Indian Standard EDOHTAC YAR EBUT DESAB ATAD YALPSID ROTINOM - NOITACIFICEPS PART 1 COLOUR UDC 621’3’066 : 535’6 0 BIS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1992 Price Group 3 retupmoC aideM lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTL 37 DROWEROF sihT naidnI dradnatS was adopted yb the uaeruB of naidnI ,sdradnatS after the draft dezilaniF yb the retupmoC aideM lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb the scinortcelE dna noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC SI 13384 (Part 1) : 1992 Indian Standard CATHODE RAY TUBE BASED DATA DISPLAY MONITOR - SPECIFICATION PART RUOLOC 1 1 SCOPE 5.1.2 The mumixam rewop noitpmusnoc shall eb deificeps yb eht .rerutcafunam sihT standard seificeps eht lareneg and ecnamrofrep stnemeriuqer rof edohtaC yaR ebuT desab ruoloC 5.2 slortnoC Data yalpsiD .rotinoM 5.2.1 ehT gniwollof slortnoc yllamron elbissecca ot 2 SECNEREFER eht resu shall eb dedivorp : ehT naidnI Standards nevig ni xennA A era yrassecen )a ssenthgirB stcnujda ot this standard. )b tsartnoC 3 TERMINOLOGY )c rewoP ffO-nO hctiws roF eht esoprup fo this standard eht mrret and -inifed 5.2.2 ehT gniwollof tes-erP slortnoc yam osla eb -orp snoit nevig ni SI 1885 traP( teS/25 1 ot )51 and SI 4545 dediv rof tnemtsujda at eht emit fo :gnicivres traP( )1 : 1983 shall .ylppa )a sucoF GNLKRAM4 )b cnyS lortnoc - latnoxiroh~ and lacitrev 4.1 hcaB tcudorp shall eb ylbigel and ylbiledni dekram )c BGR gain lortnoc htiw at tsael eht :gniwollof )d Width lortnoc a) s’rerutcafunaM eman ro ,kram-edart )e ytiraeniL lortnoc - latnoziroh and lacitrev )b ledoM noitangised and laires ,rebmun lf thgieH lortnoc 4 lanoitiddA markings rof ytefas hcus SP hgih egatlov stniop htiw rieht egatlov ,egnar )g kcalB level lortnoc rof ,der eulb and neerg )d yrtnuoC fo ,erutcafunam 5.3 Degaussing : Automatic at switch-on 4 Mains ylppus egatlov egnar and mains 6 STNEMERIUQERYTEFAS ,ycneuqerf ehT rotinom shall mrofnoc ot eht gniwollof ytefas 9 esuF and its ,gnitar .stnemeriuqer esehT stset shall eb deirrac tuo ni -rocca l3i tuptuo/tupnI ,stniop and ecnad htiw SI 13252 : 1991 and shall teem eht -eriuqer stnem deificeps .niereht 4 mumixaM .noitpmusnoc-rewop a) gnizinoI )yaR-X( noitaidaR 213.4( fo SI 4.2 retteL slobmys and lacihparG slobmys desu ehtni 13252 : .)1991 markings shall eb as rep SI 3722 straP( 1 and )2 and SI )b noitcetorP against cirtcele kcohs and ygrene 12032 straP( 2 ot )11 .ylevitcepser slobmyS ton -ed sdrazah 1.21( fo SI :%231 .)1991 denif ni eht standards denoitnem and all rehto -kram ings shall eb ylraelc deifitnedi yb eht rerutcafunam ni lc noitalusnI 2.21( fo SI 13252 : .)1991 eht manual deilppus htiw eht .tnempiuqe 4 lacinahceM htgnerts fo edohtac yar sebut and noitcetorp against stceffe fo noisolpmi %341( 4.3 A yranoituacerp eton as ,swollof shall raeppa no eht retuo ecafrus fo eht kcab revoc yltnenimorp : fQ SI 13252 : .)1991 ‘Do ton evomer eht kcab revoc tuohtiw yllatot -nocsid 4 ehT rotinom ebut dluohs evah an eralgitna rognitaoc rehto tnemtaert ot tneverp fo,eralg gnitcen mains ’.ylppus eht .rotarepo 5 GENERALREQUIREMENTS NOTE -In cane of availability of cfdficate regarding implo- sion pmofncss from pidnretubc mamhctunr. This test may~not 5.1 Power Supply Requirements be carried out. rewop ylppus shall eb an largetni trap fo eht 7 CME/IME STNEMERIUQER 5.1.1 The rotinom and shall eb elbapac fo gnivig detaluger tuptuo rof mains egatlov 240 V f 10 tnecrep htiw ehT detcudnoc noissime and detaidar llahsnoissime eb mains ycneuqerf 50 zH f 3 .tnecrep detimil ot eht stnemeriuqer deificeps ni elbaT 16 and )ltaP(48331 2991: IS 1.1.01 epyT Table 18 respectively for Class A equipment in Tests IS 6842 : 1977 (with Amendment 2). However, the equipment shall meet the limits for Class B equipment The testss pecified in Table 2 shall constitute type testa if is to be used in residential areas. and shall be carried out in the sequence mentioned therein. 8 PERFORMANCE REQUAREMENI’S The performance requirements of the video monitor rebmuN ofsamples shall be in accordance with Table 1. For types tests, number ofsamples shall be three of the 9 OPERATINGANDINSTRUCTIONMANUAL same model, type and make of the monitor selected preferably at random from a regular production lot. An operating and instruction manual containing infor- The samples shall be distributed for various tests as mation relating to installation, operation, routine specified in Table 2. maintenance and safety precautions shall be made available with each monitor. The manufacturerw ould 10.1.13 Criteria for acceptance particularly specify the particularc omponent for which adequate care needs to be taken to ensure proper There shall be no failure in any of the type tests. In case replacement at the time of servicing. of failure, twice the number of samples shall be taken and subjectedto the tests in which failure has occurred 10 TESTS and other tests that have a bearing on the test results. 10.1 Classlflcation of Tests No failure shall be permitted .in the m-tests. Table 1 Petformanee Requirements SI No. )1 i) Visual examination The monitor shall beftee from worhansbip defec& sharp edges, burrs, scratches, nicks, power-on blemishes. missing phosphor dots, bubbles and any other visible defect. AlMaateuera shall be flxecl properly. All steel chassis parts shall be coated to prevent rust and comxion. All frame parts shall have conductive surfaces. ii) Controls UA external controls shall perform intended functions and shall be clearly and indelibly marked. )2 Gemoetric distortion a) Picture outline distortiou Not more than 6 percent in ea& direction (vertical and borlzontal) to be tested in accordaoce with 4.4 of IS 4AS (Part 3) : 1Y83. b) Non-linearty due to scsmtinp Total diitortlon not more than 10 percent in each direction. To be : teeted in accordance with 4.3 of IS 4545 (Part 3) 1983. 3) Ripple distortion due to mains 0’5 percent of pichre tube width for a diffm of 1 Hz between mains and frame fquency to be tested in accordance with 42 of : IS 4545 (Part 3) 1983. Picture size stability Better than 3 percent in both directions over range of brightness 4) control tobete&edinaccordancewitb2.1ofIS454S(Part3): 1983. 5) Hum-bar Not more than 5 percent when measured asa percentage of voltage amplitude of video signal to be tested in accordance with 15 of : 7s 4545 (Part 4) 1983. )6 EHT voltage Not more than 30 LV. )7 Power interrupt response The mointor shall meet the. functional performance requirements : after the following sequence i) Switch on the power ii) Inte~pttbepowertothemonitor100~msattbelsoeof 6 operations per minute. . iii) Check functional performance. NOTE - Other performance requirements may be agreed to between the manufacturer and the buyer. 2 IS 13384 (Part 1) : 1992 10.1.2 Routine Tests noitarelecca 2 g rof 105 setunim ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 9000 traP( )8 : .1891‘ The gniwollof shall etutitsnoc enituor stset : )i kcehC rof noitarepo fo eht rotinom 11.3 Burn-Ia )ii kcehC ytefas stnemeriuqer as rep 6 rotinom shall eb detcejbus ot ni-muB at tneibma The )iii kcehC rof ecnamrofrep stnemeriuqer as rep 1, erutarepmet rof 240 sruoh htiw rewop no and htiw a mettaptset as nevig :woleb 2 and 4 fo elbaT 1. 10.13 Acceptance Tests _ i ehT gniwollof shall etutitsnoc ecnatpecca stset ~: * )i kcehC rof noitarepo fo eht .rotinom )ii kcehC repsa 4,s and 6. )iii kcehC as rep 1, 2,4 and 7 fo elbaT 1. ehT sampling plan and LQA shall eb as deerga ot neewteb eht rerutcafunam and eht reyub and shall eb detceles morf SI 10673 : 1983. )a( (b) 11 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS k+. 1 NI-NRUB PATIERN 11.1 Bump nrettap sball etanretla neewteb )a( and )b( at tsael The shall eb detcejbus ot pmub tset deirrac tuo ecno yreve net .sdnoces The monitor ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 9000 traP( ceSI7 )2 : ni9791 dekcap ,noitidnoc htiw eht gniwollof seitireves : 11.4 Dry Heat )a rebmuN fo bumps : 0001 2 10 The rotinom shall eb detcejbus ot yrd taeb tset rednu no-rewop noitidnoc htiw ytireves 40 eerged )b kaeP noitarelecca : 40 g edargitnec rof 16 sruoh ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 9000 )c rebmuN fo sedutitta : 1 lamroN( sixa as -idni traP( ceSt2 )5 : 1977. detac yb an worra ro yb gnitacidni eht edis hcihw is “up” no eht ).gnikcap 113 Damp Beat Cyclic llabsrotinom eb detcejbus ot damp taeh cilcyc tset 11.2 The Vibration ni rewop ffo noitidnoc deirrac tuo ni ecnadrocca htivv ‘he rotinom shall eb detcejbus ot noitarbiv tset ni SI 9000 traP( teS/S )2 : 1981 at a erutarepmet fo 40 dekcap noitidnoc at a ycneuqerf fo 10 ot 55 ,zH and eerged edargitnec rof owt .selcyc Tabk 2 Schedule for Type Tests ) (Clause G-P Ttlt ChIneRtferuce No. offhmpha 0) czilcck formarking requiremeats 4 3 Ckeck for geoeral rquinmnts ChOCki Or afsty ~lJiN?meOrS 5 3 Cbcckfor EMr/EMC rcquiremenm Check for performance rquire- 6 3 ments 7 ~3 8 (Tablet) 3 11.1 1 1) Bump 11.2 1 2) Vibration Dryht 11.4 1 Damp kat Cold 11.5 1 11.6 1 3) Bum-in 11.3 1‘ 3 IS 13384 (Part 1) : 1992 11.6 cold 11.7 Functional Checks After each environmental/durability test, the per- The monitor shall be subjected to Gold test in power- formance of the monitor shall be checked using offconditionwithseveritymimrs 1Odegreecentigrade standardt est patterns of the type specified in 2.12 of for two hours carried out in accordance witb IS 9000 (Part 2iSec 4) : l977. IS 4545 (Part 1) : 1983. At the end of all environmental/ durability tests, performance check shall be conducted as per 1,2 and 4 of Table 1. ANNEX A (Clause 3) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARD!3 IS No. Title IS No. Title 1885 (Part 52/ Electrotechnical vocabulary : Part PartUSec4: Part 2 Gold test, Section 4 Gold test Seclto15) 52 Data processing 1977 for heat-dissip&ingit enu Withg radual change of temperature 3722 (Parts 1 Letter sysbols and signs used in and 2) electrical tec,hn+logy: Part 3/Set 5 -: Part 3 Dry heat test, Section 5 Dry Part 1 General guidance onsymbols 1977 heat test for heat dissipating items and subscripts tsrif( noisiver ) withgradual change of temperature Part 2 Reference tables for symbols Part S/Set 2 : Part5 Damp kat (cyclic) tes< Se4ztion and subscripts (fist revision ) 1981 2 12 + 12h cycle 4545 Methods of measurement on Part 7JSec 2 : Part 7 Impact test, Section 2 Bump receivers for television broadcast 1979 transmissions: Part 1: 1983 General considerations Cfirst Part 8 : 1981 Part 8 Vibration (sinusoidal) test R?lJi&u) 12032 (Parts 2 Graphical symbols for diagrams in Part 3 : 1983 Geometrical properties of the to 11) I\ ‘thef ield of electrotechnology picture (Fst )noisiver lM73 : 1983 Sampling plans and procedures for 6042 : 1977 Limits for el ectromagnetic inspection by attributesf or electronic interference (Fst )noi&m items 3mQ Basic environmental testing IS 13252 : 1991 ‘Safety of Information Technology procedures for electronic ad IlX Pub 950 Equipment including Electrical electrical items (1986) Business Equipment’ ._-_ I IS 13384(P art 1) : 1992 B ANNEX SEPYT OF COLOUR MONlTORS DNA RIEHT CHARACTERISTICS B-l GENERAL a) 304% mm (12 in) b) 355’6 mm (14 in) El.1 This Amex is intended for providing general information on the common types of colour video c) 482’6 mm (19 in) monitors and their GharaGteristiGs. The types covered not comprehensive butbavebeen chosen in view of B-3 OTHER CBARACTERISTICS are their usage in the country. It is recommended that the different types of Colour Video Monitors conform to B-3.1 Table 3 details the characteristics of the the characteristics as specified in this Annex. following types of &our video monitors depending on the graphic adaptor used : B-2 DIMENSIONS a) C.G.A (Colour Graphic Adaptor) B-2.2 The diagonal screen of the video monitor may b) E.G.A (Bnhanced Graphic Adaptor) have one of the following dimensions : c) V.GA (Video Graphi,: Adaptor) Table-3 citsiretcarahc C.G.A E.G.A. V.G.A 1) Resolution (Mix) Hori- 540 x ux) (optionally for 640X300 640X480 zontal (pixels) x ved- ;gixfii lications caI (Iines) Jp 2) Tube dot pitch (Max) 0.51 038 for 12 in screen 031 for 12 in~screen 0’39 for 14 in screen 0’39 for 14 in screen 047 for 19 in screen 0’47 for 18 in screen )3 Video input Analog with 07 RGB 4) SYN Composite sync Cm, Composite sync (TIL Composite sync (TIL level negative) or sepa- level negative) or sepa- level negative) or sepa- etar cnys ,mC level) rate sync (ITL level) rate sync (TTL level) or \ sync on green (-ve 0’3 V) 5) Connector _ 9pinDtypeorlSpinDtypeorBNC - 6) Horixontal frequency 155KI&~O5KHZ 7) Vertical frequency 6oHx 6OHZ 50/6OLWHz 8) Band width (min) 1oMHx 2oMHx 3oMHx 9) Brightness (at maxi- mum setting of bright- Greater than 40 Nits Greatert han 40 Nits Greater than 40 Nits ness control)

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