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Preview IS 13353: Automotive vehicles - Garage equipments - Technical parameters

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13353 (1992): Automotive vehicles - Garage equipments - Technical parameters [TED 6: Automotive Body, Chassis, Accessories and Garage Equipments] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Indian Standard AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES-GARAGE EQUIPMENTS- TECHNICALPARAMETERS UDC 725.381 @ BTS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 4 March 1992 evitomotuA seirosseccA and egaraG tnempiuqE lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DET 9 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht evitomotuA seirosseccA and egaraG tnempiuqE lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht tropsnarT gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC nI eht noitaraperp fo this standard, elbaredisnoc assistance has neeb drawn morf TSOG -211.4 1984 metsyS‘ fo ytilauq scitsiretcarahc fo ;stcudorp egarag stnempiuqe erutalcnemon fo ’scitsiretcarahc issued yb RSSU etatS eettimmoC rof Standards ( TSOG .) 1s 13353 : 1992 Indian Standard AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES - GARAGE EQUIPMENTS - TECHNICAL PARAMETERS 1 SCOPE 3 EQUIPMENT FOR LIFTING AUTOMOTIVES sihT standard sevig lacinhcet sretemarap fo cisab sepyt fo egarag .stnempiuqe 3.1 Functional Requirements 3.1.1 Classification of Requirements 2 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS )a epyT ( ,yranoitats elbavom ;) 2.0 ehT ytilauq stnemeriuqer rof laudividni )b epyT fo ;evird spuorg fo egarag tnempiuqe shall eb as nevig .woleb )c gnitfiL ,yticapac ;snot and )d gnikciP up metsys ( ro gnippirg metsys .) 2.1 tnempiuqE rof gninaelC and Washing snoitarepO 3.1.2 Requirements of Technical Eflectiveness 2.1.1 Functional Requirements )a detaR ,rewop kW; )b deepS fo ,gnitfil m/s; Classification of requirements )c muminiM thgieh fo eht pirg/pu-kcip ;mm a> epyT ( ,yranoitats elbavom ;) )d gnikroW ria erusserp ,desu MPa; )b esopruP ( ,srac buses, ,skcurt owt )e Mass, ;gk and sreleehw ;) )f llarevO ,snoisnemid .mm lC epyT fo eht gnikrow tnenopmoc ( brush, ,tej noitanibmoc fo brush and ,tej cte ;) 3.2 Reliability Requirements d) pmuP yticapac rof( washing htiw a )esoh 3.2.1 Requirement of Trouble-free Operation etunim/sertil and ;erusserp and detaR elbuort eerf deurcca gnitarepo ,emit h. )e ecneserP fo retaeh rof eht washing .dnuopmoc 3.2.2 Requirement of Longevity Requirements of technical e f iciency ecivreS efil llit ti nettirw ,ffo sruoh fo )a detaR ,rewop kW .noitarepo 3.2.3 )b rebmuN fo eht sedom fo ;noitarepo Maintainability Requirements )c aerA and emulov deipucco yb eht naeM evitceffe sruoh-nam rep gnicivres ,boj ,noitallatsni 2m and ;3m and .sruoh-nam )d Mass, kg. 3.3 Ergonomics Requirements 2.2 ytilibaileR stnemeriuqeR 3.3.1 gnivoM ,ecrof N ( fgk .) 3.3.2 ecroF no eht revel ( ladep ) fo eht revird 2.2.1 Requirement of Trouble-free N .)fgk( detaR eerf-elbuort deurcca gnitarepo ,emit h. 4 TNEMPIUQE FOR NOITACIRBJIL AND 2.2.2 Requirement of Longevity GNILEUFER ecivreS efil llit ti is nettirw ,ffo sruoh fo 4.1 Functional Requirements .noitarepo 2.2.3 4.1.1 ClassiJication of Requirements Maintainability Requirement )a epyT ( ,yranoitats ,elbavom elbatrop >, ?raeM evitceffe sruoh-nam rep gnicivres ,boj .sruoh-nam )b epyT fo eht ,evird 1 IS 13353 : 1992 c> ecneserP fo noitacirbul tank ( dedulcni 5.2 Reliability Requirements ni eht ,erutcurts ton elbaliava ,) 5.2.1 Requirements of Trouble-free Operation 4 ecneserP fo retaeh rof eht ,tnacirbul and detaR eerf-elbuort deurcca gnitarepo ,emit 4 rebmuN fo gnitacirbul guns. .sruoh 4.1.2 Requirements of Technical Effectiveness 5.2.2 Requirements of Longevity lanimoN ,erusserp MPa ( 2mc/fgk ;) a) ecivreS efil llit tsrif rojam ,riaper h. mumixaM ,erusserp MPa ( 2mc/fgk ;) b) yrevileD ( rednu detar snoitidnoc ,) 5.2.3 Maintainability Requirements c> ,mm/g ;nim/ertil naeM riaper ,emit .sruoh d) yticapaC fo eht gnitacirbul ( gnileufer ) 5.3 Ergonomics Requirements tank: gnivoM ,ecrof N ( fgk .) detaR ,rewop kW; e) f> gnikroW ria erusserp ,desu MPa /fgk( 6 GARAGE POWER OPERATED 2mc ;) WRENCHES riA ,noitpmusnoc ;nim/3m g) 6.1 Functional Requirements rebmuN fo eht sedom fo ;noitarepo h) sseneniF fo ,noitartlif ;sertemorciM 6.1.1 CIassiJication Requirements j> )a epyT ( ,epyt-roolf epyt-lennahc ;) cificepS ria ,noitpmusnoc k) )b gnikroW elpicnirp ,rewop( aitretni ;) im/”m n nim/3m and nim/g roaPM n&/l -aPM- )c esopruP ( nuts rof eht stlob-V fo fael detar ,rewop )m cificepS ,rewop ; and springs, leehw nuts, cte .) yreviled )n llarevO ,snoisnemid .mm 6.1.2 Requirements of Technical Eflectiveness a> 4.2 Reliability Requirements mumixaM ,euqrot ;mN b) mumixaM euqrot ni eno ,tnemegagne ;mN 4.2.1 Requirements of Trouble-free Operation Cl mumixaM retemaid fo eht ,daerht ;mm Rated eerf-eIbuort deurcca gnitarepo ,emit 4 euqroT ,egnar ;m.gk sruoh fo .selcyc e> detaR ,rewop kW; 4.2.2 Maintainability Characteristics )f cificepS ,rewop detaR rewop naeM riaper ,emit .sruoh mumixam euqrot 4.3 Ergonomics Characteristics )8 ecneserP fo eht msinahcem rof adjusting eht thgieh fo eht gnikrow ;tnenopmoc 4.3.1 ecroF no eht srevel ( sladep ) fo eht evird h) ehT aera hcihw ti seipucco ( rof lennahc N (Ml. epyt rewop detarepo sehcnerw ;) 4.3.2 gnivoM ,ecrof N ( fgk .) >j Mass, ;gk and 5 GARAGE COMPRESSORS )k llarevO ,snoisnemid .mm 5.1 Functional Characteristics 6.2 Reliability Requirements 5.1.1 Classification of Requirements )a epyT fo rosserpmoc ( !elbavom 6.2.1 Requirements of Trouble-free Operation yranoitats ;) detaR eerf-elbuort deurcca gnitarepo ,emit )b lanimoN ,egrahcsid ;nim/sm .sruoh )c noitcuS ,emulov ;nim/3m and 6.3 scimonogrE stnemeriuqeR )d ,erusserP MPa ( 2mc/fgk .) 6.3.1 etroP rof gnivom eht rewop detarepo 5.1.2 Requirements of Technical EfSectiveness ,sehcnerw N ( fgk .) )a detaR ,rewop kW; 6.3.2 ecroF rof gnixif eht eldnips fo eht rewop )b Mass, ;gk and detarepo sehcnerw ni eht gnikrow ,noitisop N C) llarevO ,snoisnemid .mm ( fgk .) 2 3 IS 13353 : 1992 7 TOOL REMOVAL EQUIPMENT demrof gnidrocca ot ytilibacilppa fo rieht ytilauq tnemeriuqer era nevig :woleb 7.1 Functional Requirements 7.1.1 Classification Requirements Applicability Groups Nomenclature of the )a epyT ( ,yranoitats ,)elbavom Equipment tnempiuqE rof gninaelc Washing snoitallatsni )b snoisnemiD to eht seryt ot eb detnuom and washing -arepo rof selibomotua ro ,detnuomsid ;mm and snoit )c rebmuN fo snoitarepo ot eb deirrac .tuo tnempiuqE rof gnitfil egaraG stsioH , 7.1.2 eht selibomotua egaraG Jacks Requirements of Technical Eflectiveness a) detaR ,rewop kW; ( fi elbacilppa ) gnitacirbuL and -leufer decroF gnitacirbul gni tnempiuqe tnempiuqe rof segarag b) cificepS ,rewop re~~~e!~~R ( fi egaraG srosserpmoc egaraG srosserpmoc elbacilppa ;) rewoP nevird sehcnerw rewoP nevird -nerw lc Mass, ;gk and segarag sehc rof segarag d) llarevO ,snoisnemid .mm looT gnivomer -piuqe gnitnuom-eryT jigs 7.2 Reliability Requirements tnem 7.2.1 Requirements of Longevity 9 APPLICABILITY OF QUALITY ecnanetniaM .eludehcs REQUIREMENTS 7.3 scimonogrE stnemeriuqeR 9.1 ehT stnemeriuqer nevig ni this standard yam eb desu ni riaper ,sboj lacinhcet -acificeps ecroF rof gnivom eht ,gij N ( .)fgk noit fo eht egarag tnempiuqe fo cificeps sledom 8 GROUPS OF GARAGE EQIJIPMENT .cte ACCORDING TO APPLICABILITY OF 9.2 ehT noitacifissalc fo eht lacinhcet -arap THE QUALITY REQUIREMENTS sretem etairporppa ot eht ralucitrap epyt fo 8.1 spuorG fo eht egarag ,tnempiuqe hcihw era stnempiuqe era nevig ni xennA A to F. IS 13353 : 1992 ANNEX A ( Clause 9.2 ) EQUIPMENT FOR CLEANING AND WASHING OPERATIONS Nomenclature of the Groups of Equipment ~----_-_---_---_-- h_-_--__-_----_.--~ Quality Characteristics Washing snoitallatsnI Washing snoitallatsnI Washing snoitallatsni dedivorp snoitallatsni rof senil rof dedivorp htiw a tej dedivorp citamotua selibomotua htiw and htiw htiw a gniyrd denibmoc sehsurb tej and esoh snoitallatsni sehsurb rof washing and gniyrd (1) )2( )3( )4( )5( )6( ycneiciffE - + retaW noitpmusnoc rof z z - - washing eno elibomotua aerA deipucco yb eht + noitalIatsni retaW erusserp - rebmuN fo sedom fo noitarepo + cificepS rewop + detaR eerf-elbuort deurcca + gnitarepo emit gnitarepO efil llit ti is nettirw ffo + ecivreS efil lIit ti is nettirw ffo + naeM evitceffe sruoh-nam rof + ’+‘ setacidnI ytiIibacilppa ‘ - ’ setacidnI ytilibacilppa-non ’+-‘ setacidnI detimil ytilibacilppa ANNEX B ( Clause 9.2 ) EQUIPMENT FOR LIFTING Nomenclature of Groups of Equipment Quality Requirements r__-__--_------ *-----_----_-_ -----7 stsioH rof egaraG Jacks htiw egaraG Jacks htiw egaraG desinahceM evirD dnaB ro tooF evirD mumixaM gnitfil thgieh kz f etaR fo gnitfil : muminiM thgieh fo eht pirg + + cificepS rewop yticapac T - detaR eerf-elbuort deurcca + : + gnitarepo emit ecivreS efil llit ti is nettirw ffo naeM evitceffe sruoh-nam rof : : -z ecnanetniam gnivoM ecrof + + ecroF at eht eldnah ( ladep ) fo 1 - + eht evird ’+‘ setacidnI ytilibacilppa ’--‘ setacidnI ytilibacilppa-non ’f‘ setacidnI detimil ytilibacbppa 4 SI 13353 : 1992 ANNEX C ( Chxw 9.2 ) LUBRICATING AND REFUELLING EQUJPMENT erutalcnemoN of the Groups of Equipment Quality Requirement IT------------- -__-_-_-_-_-_------~~ decroF srotacirbuL rof segarai sknaT rof gnillif yranoitatS 1 elbavoM elbatroP lio ro ekarb , diulf - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mumixaM erusserp + + ++++++- - - yrevileD ( rednu deificeps + + + + + ++++ + + snoitidnoc ) yticapaC fo eht tank dedivorP( + + +++ + + + + + + ti is ereht ) rebmuN fo sedom fo noitarepo + + ----+f$ _ _ sseneniF fo noitartlif + + +++ -t t + + - - cificepS ria noitpmusnoc + _-f--f- _ _ cificepS rewop detar + - +--+--+ - - detaR eerf-elbuort + + +++ + +++ - + deurcca gnitarepo emit gnitarepO efil llit muidem riaper + + +++++++ - + naeM riaper emit + + +++++-l-+ + + - -+__+- _ + ecroF no eht srevel ( sladeP ) fo eht evird ecroF no eht lortnoc srevel + + +++ + + + + + + gnivoM ecrof - +++ - - - + + - Mass - - - - - +++- - - ’+‘ setacidnI ytilibacilppa ‘ -’ setacidnI ytilibacilppa-non ’f‘ setacidnI detimiI ytilibacilppa 5

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