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IS 13163: Mine haulage tracks - Laying - Code of practice PDF

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Preview IS 13163: Mine haulage tracks - Laying - Code of practice

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13163 (1991): Mine haulage tracks - Laying - Code of practice [MED 8: Mining Techniques and Equipment] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 13163 : 1991 qw?itT wm arsvf - *f% Fif@r u m-$i ff mf i+ TT+- Indian Standard MINEHAULAGETRACKS -.LAYING- CODEOFPRACTICE UDC 622’625’144 : 006’76 @ BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARC NEW DELHI 110002 September 1991 Price Groop 2 eniM noitatropsnarT lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DMH 8 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht eniM noitatropsnarT lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht yvaeH lacinahceM gnireenignE noisiviD .licnuoC nI gninim dleif eht ecnatropmi fo tneiciffe enim egaluah metsys is gnieb desilaer yad yb .yad ylreporP laid, straight and dedarg kcart is dedrager as sign fo tneiciffe tropsnart .metsys mumixaM ,tuptuo yllacimonoce and htiw mumixam ,ytefas era eht yek sretemarap rof gninimreted eht ecnamrofrep fo a enim egaluah .kcart sihT standard is detcepxe ot edivorp mrofinu senilediug ot esoht gniyal and using eht .skcart ehT standard osla sedivorp feirb noitamrofni no lacidoirep noitcepsni and ecanetniam fo hcus .skcart IS 13163 : 1991 ZndianS tandard MINE HAULAGE TRACKS - LAYING - CODE OF PRACTICE 1 EPOCS 4 MATERIALS sihT standard sebircsed a edoc fo ecitcarp rof 4.1 suoiraV slairetam and strap/stnenopmoc desu ni gniyal eht enim egaluah skcart shall gniyal enim egaluah .skcart mrofnoc ot denimretederp and detceles-erp standards and .smron laicepS noitnetta shall eb 2 SECNEREFER nevig elihw gnitceles and using rails; hsif setalp ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era yrassecen and hsif ,stlob srepeels and liar ;sgninetsaf eguag stcnujda ot this standard: ,seit ballast, .cte 4.2 elihW gnitceles and using eht ,slairetam IS No. Title strap/stnenopmoc eud noitaredisnoc shall eb 3029 noitcirF srellor rof enim nevig ot lacimonoce tub tneiciffe esu fo skcart ( traP 1 ) : 1979 egaluah :skcart traP 1 -hceT gnipeek eht ’ytefas‘ tcepsa evoba all. lacin ylppus snoitidnoc 4.3 ecniS eht ytilauq fo ballast s?h a yrev 9203 noitcirF srellor rof enim tnatropmi gniraeb no eht standard fo eht dehsinif ( traP 2 ) : 1979 egaluah :skcart traP 2 ,kcart eht tsom elbatius elbaliava lairetam shall lellaraP srellor eb desu all eht .semit weF detseggus slairetam 3029 noitcirF srellor rof enim :era ( traP 3 ) : 1979 egaluah :skcart traP 3 )a dehsurC ,etinarg derepaT and lacitrev srellor and latnoziroh and lacitrev )b dehsurC emil ,enots syellup )c dehsurC blast ecanruf slag, )d dehsurC drah ,enots 3029 noitcirF srellor rof enim ( traP 4 ) : 1979 egaluah :skcart traP 4 )e detceleS enim ,skcor and srelloR htiw cillatem-non )f desuF reliob .sreknilc epor gniraeb secafrus 4.4 ehT laitnesse scitsiretcarahc fo ballast shall 9227 : 1979 noitcirF rellor sgnitnuom eb as nevig .woleb rof enim egaluah skcart 4.4.1 tI shall ton elbmurc ro etargetnisid ylisae 3 YGOLONIMRET rednu gnikrow snoitidnoc xhtie eud ot daol ro eud ot tew .sgnidnuorrus roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht gniwollof snoitinifed shall .ylppa d 4.4.2 tI shall evah a hgih lanoitcirf citsiretcarahc os that eht mass shall dnib llew rehtegot nehw 3.1 nI-gnixoB laid nwod and tey niamer suorop ot wolla eganiard and ot maintain an citsale daor .deb tI snaem gnittup ni eht ballast ni eht secaps neewteb eht .srepeels 4.4.3 ehT resraoc lairetam shall eb us3d rof eht laitini reyal fo ballast and eht renif rof eht lanif .3.2 Fettling gnikcap and gnitfil ot .edarg tI is eht krow enod ot erusne that eht kcart is no 4.4.4 dehsurC slag and xknilc :ra elbatiusnu eht- enil and that all sevaw era .devomer rof pmld snoitidnoc as yeht dael ot desaercni noisorroc fo eht rails. 3.3 noitamroF 4.4.5 ecniS emos enim skcor etargetnisid ni tew ehT trap fo eht kcor roolf fo eht yawdaor no ,snoitidnoc erac shall eb nekat elihw using eseht hcihw kcart is laid. ralucitrap kcor ballast. 4.4.6 tsallaB fo treni lairetam shall eb derreferp 3.4 gninepO Out ni esac fo yssag senim erehw esu fo suoecanobrac tI snaem gnivomer eht ballast ot eht mottob fo lairetam hcus as yllaoc ,elahs ,laoc ,cte is ot eht repeels and ni eht secaps neewteb eht eb .dediova .repeels 5 MARKING AND SIZE OF ROADWAYS 3.5 gnikcaP 5.1 Marking tI snaem gnitresni ballast rednu repeels ot erusne syawdaoR shall eb edxm hcus that eht enil fo reporp noitubirtsid fo .thgiew sdaor shall eb raluger htob no straight as llew I IS 13163: 1991 as dnuor .sevruc tI shall eb derusne that eht dekram no eht edis fo eht yawdaor at a yawdaor is fo mrofinu tneidarg and its -ngila denimretederp thgieh evoba eht lanif liar .level tnem shall erom ro less eb straight tpecxe at .sevruc ehT kcart shall eb laid htiw reporp 8.2 yB gnikram edarg senil no htob sides fo eht tnemngila dca .tneidarg ,yawdaor ssorc gnillevel fo eht kcart shall eb .ysae ,oslA eht kcart sreyal yam gnirts ssorca 5.2 eziS eht yawdaor and erusaem nwod ot eht liar .sdaeh ehT sezis fo eht syawdaor shall eb hcus that, gnidulcni eht ,ecnaraelc yeht mrofnoc ot eht 9 SLENNAHC yrotutatS ,stcA seluR and .snoitalugeR 6 GNITSALLAB 9.1 nI. tew ,snoitidnoc a lennehc shall eb dekram and tuc at eno edis ot etatilicaf wolf fo .retaw 6.1 gnitsallaB fo skcart is tnatropmi morf ecnamrofrep tniop fo .weiv tsallaB shall eb 9.2 htpeD fo eht lennahc shall eb hcus that eht hcus that ti sllifluf its cisab snoitcnuf hcus as ot lamron retaw level ni eht lennahc shall niamer refsnart eht deilppa daol revo a egral gnitroppus woleb eht mottob fo eht ballast. ,cc.:frus gnidloh eht srepeels ni a latnoziroh ralp e tub wolla meht ot eb ylidaer detsujda- ni a 9.3 egdE lacitrev eralp ot maintain tcerroc tneidarg and edivorp an citsale .deb-daor egdE fo eht lennahc shall eb at tsael 600 mm morf eht eguag enil fo eht kcart ot wolla tcerroc 6.2 gniyaL fo tsallaB ballasting. ,oslA sdne fo eht srepeels shall ton kcolb eht .lennahc 6.2.1 oT ereperp eht ,noitamrof eht roolf fo eht yawdaor shall eb ylhguor dedarg tuo at a 9.4 nI emos sesac ti yam osla eb deriuqer ot htped fo at tsael 100 mm ot 300 mm morf eht eril eht lennahc htiw doow ro etercnoc slabs ot mottob fo eht liar gnidneped no eht ecnetepmoc pots rush fo retaw washing yawa eht lennahc fo eht kcor noitamrof no hcihw eht kcart is sides and yletamitlu gniyortsed eht eganiard gnieb laid tcejbus ot eht noitidnoc that hcus .metsys ssenkciht shall ton eb less than eht ssenkciht fo eht .repeels 9.5 fI ti is deriuqer that eht lennahc has ot ssorc eht ,kcart neht ni that ,esac eht lennahc 6.2.2 A kciht deb fo ballsst gniyrav neewteb shall eb yletelpmoc derevoc revo and detcetorp 75 mm ot 150 mm gnidneped nopu noitidnoc morf egakcolb at hcae ,dne ecnis hcus a and daol llehs eb dedivorp neewteb eht repeels egakcolbI yam yldipar dael ot gnidoolf fo eht and eht .noitamrof .debdaor 6.2.3 erehW elbaredisnoc roolf tfil is ,detapicitna this htped fo noitamrof shall eb desaercni ot 10 NOITCEPSNI AND ECNANETNIAM wolla rof artxe ballast hcihw nac neht eb devomer ot maintain eht tcerroc liar level and edarg as 10.1 ecnO eht kcart has neeb laid and ni-dexob eht roolf .sesir ti shall eb laitnesse ot wollof a citametsys eludehcs fo noitcepsni and ,ecnanetniam ot 6.2.4 tsallaB shall eb daerps erofeb eht srepeels peek eht kcart ni a efas noitidnoc and rof eht era laid. eziS fo ballast shall ton eb regral than tneiciffe gnikrow fo eht egaluah ,metsys ehT ~50 mm ron renif than 15 .mm eludehcs fo noitcepsni and ecnanetniam shall edulcni ,yliad ylkeew and annual skcehc ot eb 6.2.5 tI is tnatropmi that eht srepeels shall evah edam and evitcerroc snoitca ot eb .nekat a mrif troppus and ballast shall eb depmat rednu meht and ylralucitrap rednu eht sdne and 10.1.1 redru eht rails, elihw ti shall eb esool rednu eht Daily Inspection and Maintenance elddim fo eht .kcart 1.1.1-.ol egaluaH ,kcart desu yb ,sevitomocol shall eb denimaxe at tsael ecno ni 24 .sruoh tI 7 GNIKRAM FOR KCART SENIL is dednemmocer that all yvaeh egaluah skcart 7.1 seniL fo desoporp skcart shall eb dekram shall eb denimaxe ni eht emas .yaw ylraelc no eht foor fo eht .syawdaor esehT ehT nosrep egrahcni fo hcae gang rof shall eb nwonk as kcarT‘ .’seniL noitcepsni and ecnanetniam fo kcart reyal shall 7.1.1 ehT kcart enil shall eb dekram yltcerid yliad enimaxe and troper no all eht kcart reyal evoba eht eno liar fo eht ,kcart os that yb rednu his .egrahc ehT tnemegnarra yam edulcni gnibmulp nwod this ,enil rehtona liar nac eb that eh walks eno yaw and sedir eht rehto tes ot .eguag .noitrop eH shall erusne that all ,stniop -ssorc ings and elbavom parts era ylhguoroht denimaxe and .detacirbul ynA tcefed dnuof gnirud eht 8 GNIKRAM FO EDARG SENIL noitcepsni shall eviecer his noitnetta~etaidemmi 8.1 ehT edarg senil rof kcart shall eb ylraelc and shall eb .deifitcer 2 IS 13163 : 1991 10.1.2 Weekly Inspection and Maintenance syellup mrofnoc ,ot SI 9203 ( Parts 1 ot 4 > : 1979. ehT sgnitnuom shall mrofnoc ot SI 9227 : 1979. It shall edulcni eht :gniwollof 10.1.3 .4nnual Inspection and ~Maintenance 4 llA srenetsaf and hsif stlob shall eb detset htiw remmah and a rennaps and denethgit llA main egaluah skcart and nem gnidir fi dnuof .esool oslA eht rails and srepeels skcart shall eb denimaxe at tsael ecno a raey as shall eb dekcehc rof ,skcarc seiutcarf cte deificeps ni and decalper fi ;dedeen llA hsif setalp shall eb ,devomer eht b) llA sevruc shall eb detcepsni ot kcehc sdne fo eht rails ,denimaxe ,denaelc hsif setalp repus noitavele and ;tnemngila desaerg and stlob ;de!io and nrow tuo hsif setalp 4 llA stuonrut and sgnissorc shall eviecer .decalper llA srenetsaf and srepeels shall eb ralucitrap ;noitnetta and denimaxe-er rof rehtruf esu ro gnidracsid erofeb eseht era desu-er retfa annual .noitcepsni 4 noitcepsnI fo ,stnemngila slevel and ecnaraelc gnola eht htgnel fo eht skcart 10.2 ynA srenetsaf ro srepeels ro rehto -moc shall eb .edam stnenop hcihw od ton raeppa ot eb ni doog ,noitidnoc shall eb denimaxe rednu daol that is, ehT daeh lamp fo eht ,sevitomocol fi as eht niart passes revo ,meht as eseht stcefed ,elbaliava shall eb desu ot tceted bad tnemngila yam ton eb .delaever and .level ehT nosrep egrahcni rof noitcepsni and ecnanetniam shall stand tuoba 15 ot 20 11 TYPICAL SECTIONS OF TRACKS sretem morf eht evitomocol and neht yb gnikool sdrawot eht daeh lamp, eh shall ees eht ,stcefed 11.1 l&cipyT noitces ssorca straight elgnis kcart yawdaor- htiw eganiard lennahc is nevig ni fi ,yna rof evitcerroc .noitca .giF 1. latnoziroH and lacitrev srellor desu rof 11.2 lacipyT noitces ssorca devruc elbuod kcart gnidiug ,sepor skid ,setalp ,cte shall eb dekcehc yawdaor htiw eganiard lennahc is nevig ni and decalper fi dnuof .degamad srelloR and .giF 2. THIS RAIL TO BE LAID FIR ST AND SFT TO RAIL GAUGE SET TO LINE :R L H RAIL II - / / _ 22.9 -- \ \ ‘ROX BALLAST PACKED ‘BALLAST AID LOOS LY TIGHTLY UNDER CENTRE Ok SLEEP&S SLEEPERS FOR AND IN BETWEEN A LENGTH OF SLEEPERS ABOUT 229mm EACH SlDi OF RAIL llA snoisnemid ni .sertemillim FIG. 1 TYPICAL SECTION ACROSSS TRAIGHTS INGLE TRACK ROADWAY WITH DRAINAGE CHANNEL 3 SI 1991:36131 ALONG ROAOWAY ROX BALLAST PACKED TIGHTLY WALLAST DIAL YLESOOL REDNU SREPEELS FOR, CENTRE OF ,SREPEELS EGANIARD A LENGTH OF TUOBA NI BETWEEN SREPEELS LENNAHC 229mm HCAE EDIS OF DNA NI BETWEEN TRACKS THE. LIAR All dimensionsi n millimetres. 2 FIG. TYPICAL SECTION ACROSS CURVED DOUBLE TRACK ROADWAY WITH DRAINAGE CHANNEL 4 Standard Mark ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht Bureau of Indian and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no Standards Act, 1986 stcudorp derevoc yb an naidnI dradnatS syevnoc eht ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo that standard rednu a llew denifed metsys fo ,noitcepsni gnitset and ytilauq lortnoc hcihw is desived and desivrepus yb SIB and detarepo yb eht -otp .recud dradnatS dekram stcudorp era osla ylsuounitnoc dekcehc yb SIB rof ytimrofnoc ot that standard as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil rof eht esu fo eht dradnatS Mark yam be detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards.

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