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IS 13080: Pesticide - Pirimiphos-Methyl, Technical PDF

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Preview IS 13080: Pesticide - Pirimiphos-Methyl, Technical

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13080 (1991): Pesticide - Pirimiphos-Methyl, Technical [FAD 1: Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” i IS 13080:19§1 :_ : TTtfmTm Indian Standard PESTICIDE - PIRIMIPHOS-METHYL, TECHNICAL - SPECIFICATION UDC 632’95 : 547’853’3 PIRIM Q BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 May 1991 Price Group 1 sedicitseP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC FADC 1 . FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht sedicitseP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht dooF and erutlucirgA noisiviD .licnuoC ,lyhtem-sohpimiriP lacinhcet is deyolpme ni eht noitaraperp fo ladicitcesni .snoitalumrof lyhtem-sohpimiriP is eht detpecca nommoc eman yb eht lanoitanretnI noitazinagrO rof -azidradnatS noit ( 0SI ) rof eht ladicitsep lacimehc -sohplyhtemid-O~~-ly-4-nidimiryplyhtem-6-onimalyhteid-2-O .etaoihtorohp ehT laciripme and larutcurts ealumrof and ralucelom mass fo lyhtem-sohpimirip era nevig :woleb Empirical Formula Structural Formula Molecular Mass SP303NozHllC 3’503 nI eht noitaraperp fo this standard, eud noitaredisnoc has neeb nevig ot eht snoisivorp fo eht Insecticides Act, 1968 and eht seluR demarf .rednuereht ,revewoH this standard is tcejbus ot eht snoitcirtser desopmi rednu eseht reverehw .elbacilppa roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav . ni this standard. IS 13080: 1991 Indian Standard PESTICIDE - PIRIMIPHOS-METHYL, TECHNICAL - SPECIFICATION )b noitacidnI fo eht ecruos fo ;rerutcafunam 1 SCOPE )c etaD fo erutcafunam and etad fo ;yripxe sihT standard sebircserp eht stnemeriuqer and eht sdohtem fo sampling and tset rof -sohpimirip )d hctaB ;rebmun ,lyhtem .lacinhcet )e teN mass fo ;stnetnoc )f lyhtem-sohpimiriP ,tnetnoc tnecrep ( 2 REFERENCES and m/m 1; ehT naidnI Standards detsil ni xennA A era )g ehT muminim yranoituac eciton as dedrow yrassecen stcnujda ot this standard. rednu eht and seluR Insecticides Act, 1968 demarf .rednuereht 3 REQUIREMENTS 5.2 ehT reniatnoc yam osla eb dekram htiw eht 3.1 Description dradnatS Mark. ehT lairetam shall eb ni eht mrof a krad straw deruoloc ot nworb/der diuqil at serutarepmet 6 SAMPLING evoba 20°C. ehT lairetam yam niatnoc slatsyrc evitatneserpeR samples fo eht lairetam shall eb fo lyhtemsohpimirip ni secart and shall eb eerf drawn as debircserp ni SI 10946 : 1984. morf suoenartxe .rettam NOTES 3.2 Miscibility with Trimethyl Benzene, Technical 1 erofeB gniward evitatneserper ,selpmas smurd llahs enO trap fo eht lairetam shall eb yletelpmoc eb dekcehc rof eht ecneserp fo slatsyrc dna fi ,dnuof tsum eb .dewaht To etatilicaf ,siht eht smurd yam eb elbicsim htiw eerht parts fo lyhtemirt ,enezneb derots ni a mraw moor ro yllaitrap desremmi ni ,lacinhcet gniwohs ton erom than a tniaf .ytidibrut yletaredom toh retaw ( mumixam erutarepmet C°05 ) rof a doirep fo ton erom naht 24 sruoh roirp ot 3.3 ehT lairetam shall osla ylpmoc htiw eht .gnilpmas stnemeriuqer deificeps ni elbaT 1. 2 ecnO deviecer ni eht ,yrotarobal eht selpmas llahs eb derots at a erutarepmet woleb .C°52 4 PACKING ehT lairetam shall eb dekcap ni naelc and yrd 7 TESTS dlim leets drums ylbatius dereuqcal morf .edisni ehT reniatnoc shall osla ylpmoc htiw lareneg 7.1 stseT shall eb deirrac tuo yb eht sdohtem stnemeriuqer as nevig ni SI 8190 traP( 2 ) : 1988. derrefer ot ni 3.2 and 1oc 4, 5 & 6 fo elbaT 1. 5 MARKING 7.2 Quality of Reagents 5.1 ehT reniatnoc shall eb yleruces desolc and Unless deificeps ,esiwrehto erup slacimehc and raeb ylbigel and ylbiledni eht gniwollof -mrofni dellitsid retaw ( ees SI 1070 : 1977 ) shall eb noita ni noitidda ot yna rehto noitamrofni as deyolpme ni .stset deriuqer rednu eht and Insecticides Act, 1968 seluR demarf :rednuereht NOTE - eruP‘ ’slacimehc llahs naem slacimehc taht od ton niatnoc seitirupmi hcihw tceffa eht stluser fo )a emaN fo eht ;lairetam .sisylana Table 1 Requirements for Pirimiphos-Methyl, Technical ( Clause 3.3 ) SI No. Characteristic Requirement Method of Test, Ref to A--_-------~ Tc------- xennA fo esualC .oN fo traP .oN fo sihT dradtnaS SI 6940 : 1982 SI 1448 : 1982 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) )i lyhtem-sohpimiriP ,tnetnoc tnecrep 90’0 B - yb ,ssam Min )ii erutsioM ,tnetnoc tnecrep yb ,ssam Max 0’2 - 4.1 - )iii evitaleR ytisned at 27/27”C, nlM 1’16 - 5 - )vi ytidicA ( sa H,S04 >, tnecrep yb ,ssam Max 0.5 - 13.5.4 )v hsalF tniop ( lebA ,) “C, Min 37.8 - - 20 1 SI 13080:1991 ANNEX A ( Item 2 ) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS No. Title IS No. Title l 1070 : 1977 retaW for lareneg yrotarobal 8190 tnemeriuqeR for gnikcap of esu ( second revision ) (Part 2) : 1988 :sedicitsep Part 2 diuqiL 1448 hsalF tniop yb lebA sutarappa sedicitsep ( second revision ) (P : 20) : 1982 ( first revision ) 6940 : 1982 Methods of tests for sedicitsep dna rieht snoitalumrof ( first 10946 : 1984 Methods of gnilpmas for -inhcet revision ) lac grade sedicitsep ANNEX B [Table 1, Item (i )] DETERMINATION OF PIRIMIPHOS-METHYL CONTENT B-l GENERAL dna neht ekam pu the emulov ot the kram htiw .mroforolhc A noitrop of the elpmas si devlossid ni a -orolhc mrof gniniatnoc lanretni dradnats .ekil ehT 2.4-B Preparation of Standard Pirimiphos-Methyl evitca enacedatco-n tneidergni tnetnoc si detamitse Standard Solution gas yllacihpargotamorhc yb gnirapmoc htiw a ecnerefer dradnats of nwonk .ytirup hgieW yletarucca tuoba 0’2 g of dradnats lyhtem-sohpimirip otni a lm-OOl cirtemulov .ksalf 2-B SUTARAPPA evlossiD ni OI lm of .mroforolhc ddA 25 lm of 1.2-B saG hpargotamorhC lanretni dradnats noitulos morf a ,etterub shake ot evlossid the lyhtem-sohpimirip dna ekam pu A gas hpargotamorhc dettif htiw a emalf -azinoi the emulov htiw .mroforolhc noit detector dna na .redrocer-muc-rotargetni ehT evitseggus gnitarepo snoitidnoc are nevig ,woleb 3.4-B Preparation of Sample Solution hcihw nac eb degnahc dedivorp noitazidradnats si :enod hgieW yletarucca a ytitnauq of elpmas ot -noc niat 0’2 g of lyhtem-sohpimirip otni a lm-OOl Column ,ssalG 2 m gnol dna 6 mm 0.D cirtemulov ksalf dna add 10 lm .mroforolhc ddA packed htiw ~1 tnecrep SE30 no 25 lm of lanretni dradnats noitulos morf a etterub dica washed etilec 345 ( 021-001 dna shake ot evlossid the lyhtem-sohpimirip hsem ). noitidnoC the nmuloc yb elpmas dna ekam pu the emulov htiw .mroforolhc gnigrup htiw negortin at C°003 .thginrevo retfA ,gninoitidnoc 4.4-B Estimation pretreat the nmuloc htiw 3 -cejni snoit each of 10 1“~ of lyliS 8 at Before gnitrats the ,sisylana tcejni eciwt 3 lr of eno etunim slavretni ot diova dradnats lyhtem-sohpimirip ot etarebiliuqe the gniliat of the peaks dna ot niatbo metsys dna esu the data morf these -otamorhc retteb .ycneiciffe smarg ot set the rotargetni .sretemarap yrraC tuo the etacilpud snoitcejni of dradnats dna Temperature elpmas snoitulos dna record the detargetni areas nmuloC 22O’C for each peak. noitcejnI C°062 Detector C°003 S-B NOITALUCLAC lyhtem-sohpimiriP ,tnetnoc tnecrep yb ssam Carrier Gas and Flow Rate negortiN 50 nim/lm lm X R2 x P = negordyH 50 nim/lm 2m x RI riA 300 nim/lm where 2.2-B Microlitre Syringe - 1p-ol .yticapac ml = ,ssam ni g, of lyhtem-sohpimirip 3-B STNEGAER ;dradnats R = peak area of ;elpmas 1.3-B eoacedatcO-n - lacitylana tnegaer grade a ~- peak area of lanretni ;dradnats ( see Note rednu .)5-B P = tnecrep ytirup of lyhtem-sohpimirip 2.3-B lyhteM-sohpimiriP ecnerefeR dradnatS - of ;dradnats nwonk .ytirup ma = ,ssam ni g, of elpmas nekat for the 3.3-B lyliS 8 or tnelaviuqE ;tset dna 4.3-B mroforolhC - cihpargotamrohc grade. peak area of lyhtem-sohpimirip ;dradnats 4-B ERUDECORP 1R = peak area of lanretni .dradnats 1.4-B noitaraperP of lanretnI dradnatS noituloS NOTE - lonacedatcO osla nac eb desu sa lanretni hgieW yletarucca 0’2 g enacedatco-n otni a lm-OOl .dradnats nI esac lonacedatco si ,desu eraperp a 0’5 cirtemulov ,ksalf evlossid ni 10 lm mroforolhc ( v/v ) noitulos ni .mroforolhc 2 . I I I Standard Mark I ehT esu of the dradnatS Mark si denrevog yb the snoisivorp of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 dna the seluR dna snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no stcudorp derevoc yb na naidnI dradnatS syevnoc the ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw the stnemeriuqer of that dradnats rednu a llew denifed metsys of ,noitcepsni gnitset dna ytilauq lortnoc hcihw si desived dna desivrepus yb SIB dna operated yb the .recudorp dradnatS dekram stcudorp are osla ylsuounitnoc checked yb SIB for ytimrofnoc ot that dradnats as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD of snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil for the esu of the dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam or srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf the uaeruB of naidnI .sdradnatS I I Bureau of Indian Standards SIB is a yrotutats noitutitsni dehsilbatse rednu eht ot etomorp Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 suoinomrah tnempoleved fo eht seitivitca fo ,noitazidradnats gnikram and ytilauq noitacifitrec fo sdoog and gnidnetta ot detcennoc srettam ni eht .yrtnuoc Copyright . SIB has eht thgirypoc fo all its .snoitacilbup oN trap fo eseht snoitacilbup yam eb decudorper ni yna mrof tuohtiw eht roirp noissimrep ni gnitirw fo .SIB sihT seod ton edulcerp eht eerf ,esu ni eht esruoc fo gnitnemelpmi eht standard, fo yrassecen ,sliated hcus as slobmys and ,sezis epyt ro edarg .snoitangised seriuqnE gnitaler ot thgirypoc eb desserdda ot eht rotceriD ( snoitacilbuP ,) .SIB Revision of Indian Standards naidnI Standards era deweiver yllacidoirep and ,desiver nehw yrassecen and ,stnemdnema fi ,yna era issued morf emit ot .emit sresU fo naidnI Standards dluohs niatrecsa that yeht era ni noissessop fo eht tsetal stnemdnema ro .noitide stnemmoC no this naidnI dradnatS yam eb tnes ot SIB gnivig eht gniwollof ecnerefer : toD : .oN FAD 1 ( 4041 ) Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No. etaD fo eussI txeT detceffA UAERUB FO NAIDNI SDRADNATS :sretrauqdaeH Manak ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg, weN ihleD 110002 senohpeleT : 331 01 31, 331 13 75 smargeleT : Manaksanstha ( nommoC ot all seciffO ) lanoigeR :seciffO enohpeleT lartneC : Manak ,navahB 9 rudahaB Shah rafaZ Marg 331 01 31 WEN IHLED 110002 331 13 75 nretsaE : 41/l C. .I .T emehcS IIV M, V. .I .P ,daoR alotkinaM 37 86 62 ATTUCLAC 700054 nrehtroN : SC0 ,644-544 rotceS 35-C, HRAGIDNAHC 160036 53 38 43 nrehtuoS : C. .I .T Campus, VI ssorC ,daoR MADRAS 600113 235 02 16 nretseW : ,ayalakanaM 9E MIDC, ,loraM irehdnA tsaE( ) 6 2’3 29 59 YABMOB 400093 sehcnarB : .DABADAMHA .EROLAGNAB .LAPOHB .RAWHSENABUHB .EROTABMIOC .DABADIRAF .DABAIZAHG .ITAHAWUG .DABAREDYH JAIPUR. .RUPNAK .ANTAP .RAGANIRS .MARUPAHTNANAVURIHT detnirP at ,cdartnirP weN ,ihleD aidnI

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