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IS 12970-5-4: Semiconductor devices - Integrated circuits, Part 5: Analogue integrated circuits - Essential ratings and characteristics, Section 4: R.F. and I.F. amplifiers PDF

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Preview IS 12970-5-4: Semiconductor devices - Integrated circuits, Part 5: Analogue integrated circuits - Essential ratings and characteristics, Section 4: R.F. and I.F. amplifiers

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 12970-5-4 (1992): Semiconductor devices - Integrated circuits, Part 5: Analogue integrated circuits - Essential ratings and characteristics, Section 4: R.F. and I.F. amplifiers [LITD 5: Semiconductor and Other Electronic Components and Devices] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 12970 ( Part 5/Set 4 ) : 1992 mEi?s w‘TT% Indian Standard ROTCUDNOCIMES SECIVED - D.ETARGETN1 STIUCRIC PART 5 ANALOGUE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ~ ESSENTIAL RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS Section 4 R.F. and I.F. Amplifiers UDC 621*3+049*77*037-33 : 621-375-4.029.5 Q BIS 1992 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHT 110002 December 1992 Price G;oup 2 rotcudnocimeS seciveD and detargetnI stiucriC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTL 010 STNETNOC Pages 1 E’UCS . . . . . . ... ... ... 1 2 SECNEREFER . . . . . . ... ... ... 1 3 YGOLONIMRET . . . . . . ... ... ... I 4 RETTEL SLOBMYS . . . ... ... ... 1 5 NOITCNUF .-. . . . ... ... ... 1 6 NOITPIRCSED FO TIUCRIC . . . ... ... ... 1 . 6.1 ygolonhceT . . . . . . ... ... ... 1 6.2 sliateD fo eniltuO and noitaluspacnE . . . . . . . . . 1 6.3 kcolB Diagram and lanimreT snoitcennoC . . . . . . *.. I 7 SGNITAR ( GNITIMIL SEULAV ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7.1 lacirtcelE gnitimiL seulaV . . . . . . . . . * . . 1 7.2 serutarepmeT . . . ._. . . . . . . 2 7.3 rewoP noitapissiD ( erehW )etairporppA . . . . . . ’2 8 RECOMMENDED GNITAREPO SNOITIDNOC ( NIHTIW EHT DEIFICEPS GNITAREPO ERUTAREPMET 2 EGNAR ) 8.1 rewoP seilppuS . . . . . . . . . . 2 8.2 tupnI slanimreT . . . . . . -. . . . 2 8.3 tuptuO slanimreT ,.. ._ . . . . . . 2 8.4 rehtO slanimreT . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8.5 lanretxE stnemelE . . . . . . . . . I._ 2 8.6 langiS seicneuqerF . . . . . ._. . 2 9 LACIRTCELE SCITSIRETCARAHC . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9.1 scitsiretcarahC at 25°C ( tneibmA ro tnioP-ecnerefeR erutarepmeT ) . . . 2 9.2 stceffE fo snoitairaV fo erutarepmeT ro ylppuS segatloV no eht scitsiretcarahC 3 ( detouQ ni 1.9 ) 01 LACINAHCEM SCITSIRETCARAHC AND REHTO ATAD . . . . . . 4 11 NOITACILPPA ATAD . . . . . . .-. . ., 4 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( traP teS/S 4 ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht rotcudnocimeS seciveD and detargetnI stiucriC lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht scinortcel?l and noitacinummoceleT noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard ( traP teS/S 4 ) is eno fo a seires fo standards no detargetnI .stiucric sihT standard traP( noitceS/S 4 ) slaed htiw eht laitnesse ratings and scitsiretcarahc fo eugolana detargetni ,stiucric gnirevoc R.F. and .F.I .sreifilpma sihT standard is desab no CEI buP 3-847 rotcudnocimeS‘ ,secived detargetni stiucric - traP 3 : eugolanA detargetni ,’stiucric issued yb eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE noissimmoC ( CEI .) nI gnitroper eht stluser fo stnemerusaem edam ni ecnadrocca htiw this standard, fi eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac is ot eb dednuor ,ffo ti shall eb enod m ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1966 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( desiver .‘) IS 12970 ( Part S/Set 4 ) : 1992 Indian S farzdad ROTCUD.NOCIMES SECIVED - DETARGETNI STIUCRIC PART 5 ANALOGUE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS -ESSENTIAL RATINGS AND CHARACTERlSTlCS Section 4 R.F. and I.F. Amplifiers -jb 111e noitacilppa of lanretxe lortnoc slangis ot I’ SCOPK a iccili,”pF .lanimret sihT dradnats ( Part teS/S 4 ) ,:revoc the -ncssc lait sgnitar dna scltsirctcarahc of .F.R dna .F.T 6 NOITPIRCSSID FO TIUCRIC sreifilpmA for cugolana .stiucric 6.1 Technology 2 SECNEREFER ehT gnirutcafunam ygolonhcet dluohs eb stated. ehT naidnI sdradnatS detsil z\oleb arc yrassecen for .elpmaxe rotcudnocimes cihtilonom -targetni stcnujda ot siht :dradnats lcc ,tiucric niht mlif detargetni ,tiucric dirbyh detargetni ,tiucric ,ylbmessa-orcim etc. SI No. Title 5881 lacihcetortcelE -acov 6.2 Details of Outiine and Encapsulation (Part teS/7 5) : 1971 yralub : Part 7 -imeS 6.2.1 erehW elbacilppa ecnerefer ot dradnats rotcudnoc ,secived seniltuo dna sesab ( see SI 5000 seireS ) or -tuo noitceS 5 detargetnI senil dna esab gniward gniwohs noisnemid dna stiucric dna -cclcorclm secnarelot dluohs eb .nevig scinort 6.2.2 Method of noitaluspacne dluohs eb .nevig 5173 lettcL slobmys for ( traP 1 ) : 1791 rotcudnocimes secived : 6.2.3 Block-lliqqrun~ and Termitral Connections Part 1 lareneG a5pect.s fS.ljJ( r/nisQler ) The margaid-kcolb dna the noitacifitnedi of the snoitcennoc dluohs eb nwohs no the emas snoisnemiD 01 -imes .gniward fI the noitaluspacne has cillatem parts, rotcudnoc secived yna noitcennoc ot meht morf lanretxe slanimret 12970 rotcudnocimeS secived --.- dluohs eb .detacidni ehT snoitcennoc htiw yna ( Part 1 ) ; 0991 dotargrtnl stiucric : detaicossa lanretxe lacirtcele tnemele dluohs eb traP 1 lareneG stated ( ser osln 9 ). 3 YGOLONIMRET As lanoitidda ,noitamrofni the etelpmoc -irtuele lac margaid nac eb ,decudorper gnidulcni ro-I ehI esoprup of siht dradnats smret dna tnacifingis citisarap ,stncmcle tub ton ylirassecen snoitinifed nevig ni SI 1885 ( Part teS/7 5 ) : llti\\ snoitacidni of the seulav of the tiucric 1971 dna snolsivorp of 3 of SI 12970 ( Part I ) : .stnenopmoc 099I llahs .ylppa 7 RATJN~S ( GNITIMIL SEU,lAV ) 4 RET‘IFL SLOBMYS 7.0 ehT sgnitar nevig t\um noitarepo roF the esoprup of siht ,dradnats rettel slobmys COVCI the of the detargetni tiucric dna revoc the deificeps nc‘\l-g ni SI 3715 ( Part 1 ) : 1971 llahs .’llppa c&nar of gnitarepo .serutarepmet erehW hcus 5 %QITCNJXI \gnitar cr~; .tnedneped-erutarepmet qiht -nepcd ecned dluohs he .lcct1:ciltni 1.S hrcifilpmA dednetni l(t cb desu for oidar ycneuqer‘I or ctnidcmrctnl ycneuqerf snoitces 01 noItl~cinulnmo2 L dna n:ci5ivclct 01 oidar srcviccer . I 5.2 ,:epyT sreifilpmafo dedulcni arc those gnivah 1: ning lortnoc noircnuf or a retimil ;noitcnuf n! the cast of a niag lortnoc ,n)citcnuf the rehtie cb iccnimreled ylcritnc nihtiw co~itwl nwb- ’clli dci\:rgctni tiucric ( CGA ) or cb lccnint-lClclt 1 IS 12970 ( Part J/Set 4 ) : 1992 )b mumixaM elbissimrep elppir no eht. 8.4 Other Terminals ylppus .)s(egatlov Nommal )s(eulav fo eht )s(egatlov ro/dna c) mumixaM seulav fo stneisnart ro suoirups )s(tnerruc fo eht signals ( rof elpmaxe CGA signals morf eht seilppus rof a deificeps egatlov ) and, erehw ,etairporppa fo ecruos and emit .noitarud daol .secnadepmi 4 mumixaM eulav fo eht egatlov neewteb a nommoc ylppus lanimret and esac ro a 8.5 External Elements ecnerefer ,lanimret erehw .etairporppa Values and secnarelot rof eht lanretxe stnemele ETON - ehT ecneuqes fo eht noitacilppa fo that must eb detaicossa htiw eht .tiucric ylppus egatlov d!uohs eb erehw,nevig .etairporppa 8.6 Signal Frequencies 7.1.2 tupnI Terminal Voltage(s) and/or Current(s) ehT egnar fo gnitarepo signal seicneuqerf rof mumixaM seulav htiw tcepser ot a nommoc hcihw eht scitsiretcarahc fo eht reifilpma era ecnerefer .lanimret .dilav 7.1.3 Output Terminal Voltage(s) and/or Currents 9 LACIRTCELE SCITSIRETCARAHC mumixaM seulav htiw tcepser ot a nommoc ecnerefer .lanimret 9.0 lacirtcelE scitsiretcarahc dluohs eb detats as 4.1.7‘ :swollof Other Termmal Voltage(s) and/or Current(s) f for example, AGC terminal ) )a fI lanretxe stnemele era laitnesse stnemele mumixaM seulav htiw tcepser ot a nommoc rof eht noitarepo fo eht ,tiucric eht ecnerefer .lanimret seulav fo eht lacirtcele scitsiretcarahc dluohs eb nevig htiw eht deificeps lanretxe 7.2 Temperatures stnemele .detcennoc 7.2.1 Operating Temperatures )b fI lanretxe stnemele era lanoitpo ,ylno muminiM and mumixam seulav fo tnerbma ro eht lacirtcele scitsiretcarahc dluohs eb tniop-ecnerefer gnitarepo .erutarepmet nevig rof eht detargetni tiucric .enola ehT tceffe no eht scitsiretcarahc fo adding 7.2.2 Storage Temperature deificeps lanretxe stnemele dluohs neht eb detacidni ni noitacilppa data. muminiM and mumixam .seulav 3.7‘ rewoP Dissipation ( Where Appropriate ) 9.1 Characteristics at 25°C ( Ambient or Reference-Point Temperature ) mumixaM eulav revo eht gnitarepo erutarepmet .egnar 9.1.1 Power ( or Supply Current ) Consumption 8 RECOMMENDED OPERAT I NG ( Pm > CONDITIONS ( WITHIN THE SPECIFIED lacipyT mumixam eulav rednu deificeps -idnoc OPERATING TEMPERATURE PANGE ) .snoit ,, 9.1.2 8.1 Power Supplies Input Characteristics ,)sei(ytiraloP )s(eulav and )s(ecnarelot rof Input impedance or admittance )s(egatlov ro/dna )s(tnerruc and erehw -orppa ,etairp .)s(ecnadepmi nI eht esac fo hgih ( wol ) :ecnadepmi lacipyt and muminim ( mumixam ) seulav fo tupni 8.2 Input Terminals ,ecnadepmi ro : lacipyt and mumixam ( muminim ) seulav fo tupni ,ecnattimda as 8.2.1 )s(eulaV fo eht )s(egatlov ro/dna )s(tnerruc noitcnuf fo ycneuqerf ni eht deificeps ycneuqerf fo eht tupni signal and erehw ,etairporppa fo egnar and rednu deificeps ,snoitidnoc ,gnidulcni eht. ecnadepmi fo eht signal .ecruos erehw ,etairporppa eht CGA ro lortnoc 8.2.2 )s(eulaV fo eht bias no eht tupni ,slanimret .snoitidnoc erehw .etairporppa . Input bias current ( where appropriate ) 8.3 Output Terminals ( IIn ) lacipyT and mumixam seulav rednu deificeps 8.3.1 lanimoN )s(eulav fo eht )s(egatlov ro/dna .snoitidnoc )s(tnerruc fo eht tuptuo signal and erehw ,etairporppa fo eht daol .ecnadepmi Offset voltage and/or current ( where 8.3.2 )s(eulaV fo eht bias no eht tuptuo -imret appropriate ) ( VIO ITO) nals, erehw .etairporppa mumixaM .eulav t 2 1S 12970 ( Part ceSj5 4 ) : 1992 ylp~lrrS voltage rejection ratio ( wkre causc~:~ ~+pccified egnahc ni tuptuo signal egatlov deificeps seulav :fo approprimte ) ( PSRR ) - ylppus (egatlov Mnxirnum tduc. - ,ycneuqerf ‘).I.3 U~tlpirt Chnracteristics . . ecruos and daol ,sccnadcpmi and trplriO impedapice or ndmiltancc ~~ egnar fo tuptuo signal egatlov slevel 10f In eht ‘t,~~:c fo wol ( hgih ) :ecnadepmi lacipyt which the specified egnahc fo tuptuo is dm: mumixam ( muminim ) seulav fo tuptuo .dilav ,ecnadedmi :ro lacipyt and muminim -ixam( tuptuo ,ecnattimda as a Illpzlf liiniting vnllngc ( Jar limiting l?lllrll ) \all.lcs 01 I‘unction of ycneuqerf ni eht deificeps ycneuqerf tmlplijkrs only ) egnar and rednu deificeps ,snoitidnoc ,gnidulcni mumixam seulav fo eht tupni signal Typical and erehw ,etairporppa eht CGA ro lormoc egatlov that lliw esuac eht tuptuo signal ot .snoitidnoc esaerced 3 dh morf its mumixam level rof deificeps seulav :fo Mirsimum oufput signal ._ ylppus ,)s(egatlov eht tuptuo signal ,tnerruc h9inimum value of eg~:tlo~ ro rewop rof deificeps seulav :rof -- ,ycneuqerf and -- . . daol ,ecnadepmi _ ccruob and daol .secnadepmi ffo&LC 3 IL1r signal ,ycneuqerf ji-equcncy, point ( II~Y~ approprinte ( fc ) ylppu> ,)s(egatlov _-- tnemtsujda fo gain lortnoc ( erehw mumixaM eulav fo wol ,ycneuqerf 3 dB point, and muminim fo hgih ,ycneuqerf 3 Bd etairporppa ,) and value ,tmop rednu mumixam gain .snoitidnoc roF .noitrotsid sreitilpma passing eht cd ,tnenopmoc hgih -tuc ffo ycneuqerf .ylno Gail1 muminiM and lacipyt seulav fo egatlov gain, ro tnerruc gain, ro drawrof ,ecnattimdasnart ro rewop gain, rof deificeps seulav :fo 9.1.6 egnrerA esioN Figure --- ylppub ,)s(egatlov lacipyT and, erehw ,etairporppa l~~axil~lul~~ - ,ycneuqerf ,seulav rof deificeps seulav ~’lo ecruos and daol ,ecnadepmi -- ylppus ,)s(egatlov tuptuo signal ,edutilpma and - tupni signal edutilpma ( crchw -o’ippn _ gain lortnoc gnivig mumixam gain ( erehw etalrp ,) etairporppa .) - bandwidth, - ecruos ,ecnatsiser and C’o~r~rol range of voltage gain (for ampli- - .ycneuqerf jiers I\,iih facilities for e.Yternally applied gain c.onfrol signnls ) 9.2 Fffects of Variatious of Temperature and muminiM eulav fo eht latot egnahc ni egatlov Supply Voltages on the Essential Characteristics gain ( desserpxe ni slebiced ) that yam eb ( see 9.1 ) deveihca yb eht noitacilppa fo a deificeps egnar ehT segnahc ni eht gniwollof scitsiretcarahc fo .c.1t egatlov deilppa ot eht lortnoc tupni htiw erutarepmet and ylppus segatlov dluohs eb ,lanimret rof deificeps seulav :fo .detats - ylppus ,)s(egatlov sihT noitamrofni dluohs eb nevig rehtie rof eht - ,ycneuqerf lacipyt eulav fo eht citsiretcarahc ro rof eht ~- ecruos and daol ,ecnadepmi timil ( mumixam ro muminim ) eulav fo eht - bias snoitidnoc at eht lortnoc ,lanimret .citsnetcarahc and sihT noitamrofni dluohs yllamron eb nevig as tuptuo egatlov ecnerefer .level noitacilppa data rof eht ,ecived and ton as ecnatpecca airetirc rof ecnatpecca against a CGA range of input sigrtal ( for amplifiers .noitacificeps ehT data dellac rof ni 9.2.1 dluohs ulith internal AGC ) eb nevig at a deificeps eulav fo ylppus )s(egatlov muminiM eulav fo eht egnahc ni tupni signai and eht data dermqer ni 9.2.2 dluohs eb nevig egatlov ( desserpxe ni slebiced ) deriuqer ot at a erutarepmet fo 25°C. 3 IS 12970 ( Part 5,Sec 4 ) : 19k2 mumixaM signal tuptuo ( 9.2.1 Variaaion with Temperature c) ). )d niaG ( erehw .etairporppa rewoP ( ro ylppus tnerruc ) noitpmusnoc ), a) ( 9.1.1 ) )b tupnI ecnadepmi ro ecnattimda ( .) REHTG10 MECH ATADANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND edutingaM and, erehw ,etairporppa laer ro/dna yranigami .trap snoisivorP fo 5.5 fo 1s 12970 ( traP I ) : 1990 )c Ouput ecnadepmi ecnattimda shall ,ylppa OS ( ). edutingaM and, erehw -rtrppa ,etairp laer ro/dna yranigami .trap 11 APPLICATION DATA )d niaG ( erehw .etairporppa ). noitamrofnI gninrecnoc eht 5noitairav fu 11.1 9.2.2 Variation irith Supply Voltages eht scitsiretcarahc nevig ni 9.1 htiw ylppus ,egatlov ,erutarepmet ecruos and daol ecnadepmi )t: rewoP ( ro ylppus tnerruc ) noitpmusnoc yam eb .nevig ( 9.1.1 ). )b tupnI ecnadepmi ecnattimda 11.2 ynA rehto tnenitrep noitamrofni gninrecnoc ( .) edutingaM a::, erehw -orppa ralucitrap snottacilppa yam eb ,nevig rof ,etatrp laer ro/dna yranigami .trap ,elpmaxe gnitnuom .snoitidnoc 4 . dradnatS Mark ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht Bureau of the Indian Standards, Act, 1986 and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no stcudorp derevoc yb an naidnI dradnatS syevnoc eht ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo that standard rednu a llew denifed metsys fo ,noitcepsni gnitset and ytilauq lortnoc hcihw is desived and desivrepus yb SIB and detarepo yb eht -orp .recud dradnatS dekram stcudorp era osla ylsuounitnoc dekcehc yb SIB rof ytimrofnoc ot that standard as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil rof eht esu fo eht dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards.

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