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Preview IS 12933-2: Solar Flat Plate Collector, Part 2: Components

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 12933-2 (2003): Solar Flat Plate Collector, Part 2: Components [MED 4: Non-Conventional Energy Sources] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” REAFFIRMED 2003 IS 12933 ( Part 2 ) :2003 'Jiff\:!6)l/ AFiC/? ~~c:~~-~ Indian Standard SOLAR FLAT PLATE COLLECTOR-SPECIFICATION PART 2 COMPONENTS ( Second Revision) ICS 27.160 © BIS2003 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 June 2003 PriceGroup 2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 JUNE 2005 TO IS 12933 (PART2): 2003 SOLAR FLAT PLATE COLLECTOR- SPECIFICATION PART2 COMPONENTS (SecondRevision) ( Page 2, clause 7.3~2, last sentence) - Substitute the following for the existing: 'The ballshall becleaned aftereachtest.' (ME04) ReprographyUnit,BIS,NewDelhi, India AMENDMENTNO.2 DECEMBER 2008 TO IS 12933 (pART 2) :2003 SOLARFLAT PLATE COLLECTOR- SPECIFICATION PART 2 COMPONENTS (SecondRevision) (Page 1,clause6.1)- Substitutethefollowing forthe existing: 'The collector boxshallbemadeofanyoforanycombination ofthefollowing materials: a) Aluminum alloyconforming toIS737orIS733, b) Fibreglassconforming to IS 10192, c) CRCAsteel sheetconformingtoIS513, d) GalvanizedsteelsheetsconformingtoIS277, and e) HRCsteelsheetsconforming toIS 1079. [Page2,clause 6.2(i)(a)] - Substitute'1.4'for'1.6'. [Page2,clause6.2(i)(b)] - Substitute '0.45'for '0.7'. (Page 2,clause7.3.1, line2)- Substitute 'Fig. l'for 'Fig. 9'. (ME 04) ReprographyUnit,BIS,NewDelhi,India Non-conventional Energy Sources SectionalCommittee, ME 04 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Non-conventionalEnergy Sources Sectional Committee had been approvedby the Mechanical EngineeringDivisionCouncil. This standardwas firstpublishedin1990. Itwasrevisedin 1992with aviewtoalign itwiththe latesttechnology andalsopracticesbeingfollowed intheIndianindustriestomakeitmoreamenabletocertification. Thecomponents were covered in six sections and the requirements ofcover plate, collector box, absorber and insulation were modified. Inthisrevisionattempthasbeen made toremoverestrictions inuseofmaterialforvariouscomponentslikecover plate, collector box and its insulation, etc, requiring the collector to meet the performance requirements and keepingrooms for innovationsand improvements. In orderto facilitate the reference and use, this standard isone ofaseries ofsolar flat plate collector standards. Otherstandardsare as follows: IS No. Title IS 12933 Solarflatplate collector-Specification: (Part I) :2003 Requirements (secondrevision) (Part3) :2003 Measuringinstruments(firstrevision) (Part 5) :2003 Test methods (secondrevision) Part4ofthisstandardwhichcoveredperformancerequirementsandacceptancecriteriaforsolarflatplatecollectors was subsequentlywithdrawnand itscontentsincorporatedinPart 1. For the purpose ofdeciding whethera particularrequirement ofthis standard iscompliedwith, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960 'Rules for rounding offnumerical values (revised)'. The numberofsignificantplaces retained inthe roundedoffvalue shouldbethe same asthat ofthe specifiedvalue inthis standard. IS 12933 (Part2) :2003 Indian Standard SOLAR FLAT PLATE COLLECTOR-SPECIFICATION PART 2 COMPONENTS ( Second Revision) 1 SCOPE rough surface and shall satisfy the requirementsgiven in5. J.J This standard (Part 2) specifies the requirements forvarious componentsofsolar flatplate collectorfor 5 TEST water heating. 5.1 TransmittanceTest 1.2 This standarddoes not apply tothe following: 5.1.1 Transmittancetestisperformedattheendoftest a) Collector in whom heat transfer fluid may sequencerecommendedin40fIS 12933 (Part 5). change phase,that is,thecollectorsdesignedfor "\ normal fluid temperature above 100°C with 5.1.2 The cover glass ofthe solar collector shall be waterasthe heat transferfluid, removedandmountedon testframefacing duesouth. (1 Thetiltofthecoverglassshallbekeptsoastofacilitate b) Concentrating collectors, used in a system measurementofsolarradiationontheglasssurfacenear designed to generate mechanical energy/ normal incidence. In no case, the angle ofincidence electricity, shalldeviate morethan 15°fromthenormal incidence. c) Collectors in which the thermal storage unit is an integral part of the collector so that the 5.1.3 Theglobalsolarradiationshallbemeasured using collection and the storage processes cannot be apyranometeronthesurfaceofglasscoverforaperiod separated, of5min andthe values shall beintegrated. Just after, similar measurements oftheglobalsolarradiationshall d) Unglazed flat plate collector, bemadeatthesameinclination through theglasscover e) Installationormountingofsolarcollectors, and for a duration ofnext 5 min and the values shall be integrated. The ratio ofthe integrated values ofthe f) Tracking mechanism of the sun following global solar radiation received throughthe glass cover collectorsystem. andthatreceivedwithoutglasscovershallbecalculated. 2 REFERENCES This ratio shall represent transmittance value for the cover glass. . The standards given in Annex A contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute 5.1.4 This test shall be carried out on a clear sunny provisionofthis standard. Atthetime ofpublication, day and near solar noon so as to minimize effect of the editions indicated were valid. All standards are diffuse and reflected components ofsolar irradiance subjecttorevision,and parties toagreementsbasedon onthe value oftransmittanceofthe coverglass. this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityofapplyingthe most recent editionsofthe SECTION 2 COLLECTOR BOX standards. 6 MATERIAL 3 TERMINOLOGY 6.1 The collector box may be made ofmaterial or For the purpose ofthis standard, the terminologyand combinationofmaterials asgiven below: definitionsgiven inIS 12934 shall apply. a) Aluminium(AI)(see IS737 or IS733), SECTION 1 COVER PLATE b) Fibre glass (see IS 10I92), c) Coldrolledcarbonannealed(CRCA)steelsheet 4 MATERIAL (see IS513), The coverplate shall beoftempered/toughenedglass d) Galvanizedsteel sheets (GS) (see IS277), and [seeIS2553 (Part 1)]. The solar transmittanceofthe coverplateshallbeminimum 82percentatnearnormal e) Hot rolled carbon steel sheet (HRC) (see IS incidence. The glass shall be free from bubbles and 1079). IS 12933 (Part2) : 2003 6.2 Theminimum thicknessofthematerials,specified 8 FABRICATION in6.1,shall beasgiven below: 8.1 For aluminium boxes, inert arc welding or gas Sf. Material Thickness,Min brazing may be used to weld the side channels atthe No. mm comers. Bottomsheetmaybejoinedwithspotwelding orself-threadednickel-platedscrews. Incaseofascrew i) Aluminium: joint, wooden battens shall be provided to secure the a) Channelsectionforsides 1.6 screws. Thescrewed/rivetedjointsshallbemade leak b) Sheetforbottom 0.7 proofby sealing paste ofzinc oxide based or rubber c) Supportforglass retaining 1.2 based or silicon rubber based or epoxy based d) Sheetforentirebody 1.0 compound. ii) Fibre glass 3.0 8.2 Fibre glass boxes shall beconstructed ina single iii) Galvanized/stainlesssteel sheet 0.80 mould without anyjoint. Boxes shallhave metal strip iv) CRCAlHRC 0.91 embeddedwhereverscrewsaretobefixedformounting theglass. 7 WORKMANSHIPAND FINISH 8.3 AboxshallbemadeofAl/CRCA/HRC/Galvanized steel/any other material as specified in 6.2 through 7.t All the surfaces shall be smooth and free from welding/rivetting. The rivetted joints shall be made roughness, raised spots, scale or any other surface leakproofbysealing paste asper8.1. defects. Sharp edges andcomersshallberounded off. SECTION 3 ABSORBER 7.2 The collector box when made ofCRCA or HRC sheets, shall be given corrosion resistance coating on 9 ABSORBER both sides. These coatings may be ofthe following types and if used shall satisfy the requirements given 9.1 The absorber shall consist ofrisers, headers and against each: sheet forabsorber. Base TypeofCoating Thickness Testtobe 9.1.1 The absorber may be ofcopper, aluminium, Material Qualified stainless steel or mild steel with proper protective coating. Thethickness ofthesheetsshallbechosen so (I) (2) (3) (4) astoensureadequate strength andstability againstthe Steel a) Painting Resistanceto pressures toprevent swelling, distortionorruptures. abrasionasper 7.3 9.1.2 Therearetwotypesofabsorber,namely:(a)with b) Electroplated 40 lim,Min I)Thicknessas selective coating, and (b) with non-selective coating. zinccoating per9.2.1 of Absorber shall conform to the temperature test (see IS 1573) IS1573 performed inaccordance with 9.1.4. 2)Adhesiontest 9.1.3 Theexposedsideofabsorberwhenpainted,shall asper9.3of IS 1573 bedegreased andsuitableprimer shallbeusedpriorto theapplication ofpaints(preferablymatblackstoving c)Powdercoating 40 lim,Min Resistanceto abrasionasper enamelpaint). Thepaintshallsatisfytherequirements 7.3 ofwithstandingtemperature asgiven in9.1.4 without showing any damage ordiscoloration. 7.3 Resistance to Abrasion 9.1.4 TemperatureTest 7.3.1 The apparatus required for this test shall be as given inFig. 9ofIS 5116. It comprises ofasteel ball Asample piece ofthe absorberhaving minimum area of1mmdiameter,whichis fixedattheendofacounter of400clll2shallbeheated inanovenattemperatureof poised arm. The arm iskept horizontal. 175°C for2h. Afterheating,thesampleshallbetaken outfromtheovenandcooledatroomtemperature. The 7.3.2 The above apparatus shall be applied to the cooledsampleshallbeinspectedvisuallyfordamages, surfaceundertest. Theballshallbemovedafterloading ifany. There shallnotbeanyappearanceofblistering withnotlessthan 1500gataspeedof3-4cm/srelative /rupture/peelingoffofthecoated/paintedsurfaceand tothesurface. Iftheindicatorbulblights,thesurface is of.weakening ofthe bonding between absorber sheet deemedtohave beenpenetrated. Formetallicpaints, a and risers/headers. visualexaminationofthescratch shallbenecessaryin ordertodeterminewhetherthefilmhasbeenpenetrated. 9.2 RISER ANDHEADER The finish is deemed to have failed if the scratch has 9.2.1 StaticPressureLeakage Test jaggededges, isgreaterthan 1mmwide,orpenetrates the film. The ball shall be cleaned after eachtest and Riser and header assembly designed for working shall beinspected to verify that itsdiameter is 1mm. pressure upto245 kPa(2.5kg/crn-)shall betested for 2 IS 12933(Part2) :2003 leakage at a minimum hydraulic pressure of4?0kPa conductivity.Thermalconductivityshallbedeterminedat100 (5kg/ern"). Forthesystem designedforhigherpressure °Cmeantemperatureinaccordance withIS3346. than 245 kPa(2.5 kg/cm-),the assemblyshallbetested 10.2 Aluminium foil shall be used for covering the at a pressure twice the design pressure. This test back aswell asside insulation. shall be performedinaccordancewith 5.3ofIS 12933 (Part5). SECTION 5 GASKETS AND GROMMETS 9.2.2 BondingBetween Riser andSheet 11 MATERIALS Full length ofall risers shall be welded with 11.1 Gaskets used for sealingthe glass with collector absorber sheet. In case of brazing! soldering! TIG boxmaybeofneoprene/silicon/EPDMrubberchannel welding ofcontinuous nature, unbrazed/ unsoldered section. portionshouldnot exceedmorethan 10percentofthe length ofriser. For brazing/soldering, minimum 60 11.2 Grommetsforsealingthecollectorboxandheader percenttin solderorsuitable brazingmaterialshall be joint may be one ofthe following type and shall fit used. Theflux usedforsoldering/brazingshallbenon properlysothat nodust can pass throughthejoints: greasy. a) Neoprenerubber, In case ofbonding of aluminium sheet and b) EPDM" coppertube, only rolled bond/pressure bondabsorber c) Silicon rubber, and jointshall be accepted. d) Insitu formation ofany ofthe above material. SECTION 4 COLLECTOR BOX INSULATION 12 TEST 10 BACKAND SIDE INSULATION 12.1 Grommets and gaskets shall conform to the 10.1 Insulation shall be provided at back and sides. thermalshock test given in12.1.1. Thermal resistance (R) ofinsulationmaterial shall be minimum 0.96 m? DC/W for back insulation and 12.1.1 ThermalShock Test minimum0.48m2DC/Wforside insulation. Thisshall Thesampleofgasketandgrommetsshall bekeptinan be derived afterdeterminingthermalconductivity(K) electric oven at atemperature of125DC for 4 h. After value at 100DC mean temperature in accordance with heating, the samples shall be taken out and cooled in IS 3346. air for 2 hand shall again be put inthe oven at 125°C NOTE- Thermal resistance (R) value shall bederived by for4h. The sampleshall betaken out and cooledand theequationR=UK . shall be inspected for any appearance ofcracks or where Listhickness ofinsulation material andK isthermal brittleness. 3

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