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इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 11761 (1997): Multi-wall paper sacks for cement [CHD 15: Paper and its products] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 11761:1997 Indian Stcthdard LLAW-ITLUM PAPER SKCAS ROF TNEMEC - NOITACIFICEPS ( First Revision ~cs 55.080; 9l.loo.io 0 BIS 1997 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 January 1997 Price Group 3 repaP and pluP desaB gnigakcaP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DHC 016 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS tsriF( )noisiveR was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht repaP and pluP desaB gnigakcaP lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacimehC noisiviD .licnuoC repaP sacks era doog etutitsbus rof eht lanoitnevnoc etuj bags ecnis yeht era eerf morf egapees and evig retteb noitcetorp morf erutsiom and .ria ,revewoH erac has ot eb nekat rof handling meht gnirud ,gnillif ,egarots and noitatropsnart esuaceb eht esu fo skooh is yltcirts detibihorp ni this .esac noitazitelleP fo dellif repap sacks gnirud rieht handling and noitatropsnart sevig meht an dedda egatnavda revo eht etuj bags. sihT standard was tsrif dehsilbup ni .6S91 At that emit eht tnemec sawyrtsudni at latnemirepxe egats htiw eseht sacks and ylno dettessug-nwes-devlav epyt repap sacks erew fo esu ni eht .yrtnuoc revO eht sraey ygolonhcet has neeb dcpolcved and rehto epyt fo sacks osla won derutcafunam ni eht yrtnuoc rof gnikcap .tnemec nI this noisiver stnemeriuqer rof sacks htiw detsap dne evah neeb .dedulcni gnidnepeD no eht tnempoleved suoiravni sdleif stnemeriuqer fo ,slairetam sevisehda and pord tset evah osla neeb deifidom ni this .noisiver A emehcs rof gnillebal tnemnorivne yldneirf stcudorp nwonk as 0CE Mark has neeb decudortni at eht ecnatsni fo eht yrtsiniM fo tnemnorivnE and stseroF ,)FEM( tnemnrevoG fo .aidnI ehT 0CE Mark dluow eb deretsinimda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards )SIB( rednu eht 1986 as rep eht snoituloseR BISAct, .oN 71 detad 21 yraurbeF 1991 and .oN 425 detad 28 rebotcO 1992 dehsilbup ni eht ettezaG fo eht tnemnrevoG fo .aidnI roF a tcudorp ot eb elbigile rof gnikram htiw 0CE ,ogol ti shall osla yrrac eht 1SI Mark fo SIB sediseb gniteem lanoitidda tnemnorivne yldneirf .stnemeriuqer roF this ,esoprup eht dradnatS Mark fo SIB dluow eb a elgnis kram gnieb a noitanibmoc fo eht 1SI Mark and eht 0CE .ogol stnemeriuqeR ot eb dciifsitas rof a tcudorp ot yfilauq rof eht SIB dradnatS Mark rof 0CE ,ssenildneirf has neeb dedulcni ni this noisiver desab no eht ettezaG noitaciritoN .oN 364 detad 7 rebmetpeS 1995 rof gnigakcap egakcap/lairetam traP( I repaP draoB and scitsalP )setanimal as tnemnorivne yldneirf excluding stcudorp dehsilbup ni eht ettezaG fo esehT.aidnI stnemeriuqer lliw eb ;lanoitpo gnirutcafunam units lliw eb eerf ot tpo rof eht 1SI kram enola .osla ehT eettimmoC elbisnopser rof noitalumrof fo this standard is nevig ni xennA .B roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eh dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav .‘)de~.Vlr,( ehT rebmun fo tnacifingis secalp dcniatcr ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs cb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI :16711 7’991 Indian Standard MULTI-WALL PAPER SACKS FOR CEMENT - SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 EPOCS 5.3 Adhesive sihT standard seificeps stnemeriuqer rof -devlav evisehdA desu shall eb detaert ylbatius ot tsiser ,dettessug-nwes and detsap-devlav sdne llaw-itlum laiborcim htworg as era .yrassecen repap sacks dednetni rof eht gnikcap fo 50 kg fo .tnemec 5.4 Sewing Tape 2 SECNEREFER The sewing epat desu shall eb fo elbisnetxe tfark ro eperc epat fo htdiw 55-05 mm and shall eb deulg ot ehT naidnI Standards detsil ni xennA A niatnoc eht retuo ylp gnola htiw a rellif droc fo eht emas snoisivorp hcihw hguorht ecnerefer ni this ,txet lairetam fo at tsael 8 mm htdiw no rehtie .edis etutitsnoc snoisivorp fo this naidnI .dradnatS At eht emit fo ,noitacilbup eht snoitide detacidni erew 6 NOITCURTSNOC .dilav llA standards era tcejbus ot ,snoisiver and 6.1 ehT kcas shall eb edam fo eerht ro erom -llew seitrap ot stnemeerga desab no this naidnI -dnatS detsen seilp fo eht epyt fo repap as deificeps ni dra era degaruocne ot etagitsevni eht ytilibissop fo 5.1 and 5.1.1, eht noitanibmoc fo eht srepap ni eht kcas gniylppa eht tsom tnecer snoitide fo eht naidnI gnivig a latot muminim elisnet ygrene noitprosba Standards detacidni ni xennA I, )AET( eulav fo 548 J/m2 gnola enihcam noitcerid 3 TYPES )DM( and 274 *m/J gnola ssorc noitcerid .)DC( hcaE laudividni ylp shall eb detset rof its elisnet llaw-itluM repap sacks shall eb fo gniwollof owt htgnerts and hcterts ni eht ssorc and enihcam -cerid :sepyt snoit yb eht dohtem deliated ni 12.3 fo SI 1060 )a Type -l dettessug-nwes-devlaV , and traP( )1 : 1966. ehT seulav fo AET thus deniatbo )b Type2- detsap-devlaV .sdne rof hcae ylp shall eb dedda ot niatbo eht latot AET rof gniylpmoc htiw eht muminim .tnemeriuqer 4 YGOLONIMRET 6.1.1 ehT rehto seitreporp fo eht tfark repap shall roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht snoitinifed eb as :rednu nevig ni SI 9 028 : 1978 and SI 9042 : 1978 lS Property Value Method of Test shall .ylppa No. 5 LAIRETAM )i noitagnolE at MD - 2.5 12.3 fo SI 1060 ,kaerb ,tnecrep traP( )1 : 1966 5.1 lairetaM fo noitcurtsnoc shall eb rehtie kcas tfark repap ro elbisnetxe tfark ro depmirc repap ro Min CD - 4.5 d0 a noitanibmoc fo .eseht ,revewoH noitanibmoc fo )ii raeT ,rotcaf MD - 100 12.7 fo SI 1060 kcas tfark and elbisnetxe tfark repap is ton -mocer Min traP( 1 ) 6691: .dednem CD - 120 51.1 ehT retuo ylp shall evah a decuder egappils Cl0 )iii ,ytisoroP OOl/ceS lm 2.5 xidneppA A fo citsiretcarahc rof eht esae fo gnikcats fo dellif tnemec bags. ,)yelruG( Max SI 3413 : 1977 5.2 gniweS daerhT 6.2 Shape and Dimensions ehT daerht desu rof gniwes eht kcas shall eb edam kcas shall eb fo rehtie eht -sug-nwes-devlav The fo larutan ro citehtnys erbif ro a noitanibmoc fo dettes epyt ro detsap-devlav sdne epyt and fo .eseht ehT muminim gnikaerb daol fo eht daerht snoisnemid as nwohs ni .giF 1 and .giF 2 -evitcepser shall eb 68.5 N. .yl ehT htgnel fo eht kcas yam yrav and shall eb 1 STITCH LINE 1s:3 1—10 I I I I I I t I / I I I I 1 I I i I / I — L \ 38s3 GUSSET 419t5 4025 FIG. I N4LJLTI-W&L PAPER SACK FOR PACKING 50 kgCEMENT (VAIVED-SEW&-GUSSE~D TYPEJ I I I I ?r I :[ -: I 500 I 5 + All dimensionsinmi!lil]]etres. FIG. 2 Mu1,TI-WALL PAi>ER SACK FORP.4CKING50kgCEMENT (VALVEII-PWTEDENDTYPE) 2 , IS :16711 1997 deificeps yb eht resahcrup gnidneped no eht eruliaf ni gnitsrub gnidael ot ,egapees eht tol shall erutarepmet fo gnillif and eht ytisned fo eht tnemec eb deredisnoc .gniliaf ot eb dellif yb .mih ehT pot and mottob htdiw ni 9 LANOITIDDA STNEMERIUQER FOR 0CE detsap dne epyt sacks yam osla yrav and shall eb MARK deificeps yb eht .resahcrup ehT kcas shall eb suitab- yl detarofrep rof epacse fo .ria erehT shall eb 9 ot 9.1 General Requirements 12 sehctits rep 10 mc htgnel fo gnihctits ni -devlav 9.1.1 ehT tcudorp shall mrofnoc ot eht -eriuqer dettessug-nwes sacks. stnem rof ytilauq and ecnamrofrep debircserp 6.3 Ends rednu 3 ot 8. 6.3.1 htoB sdne fo dettessug-nwes-devlav sacks 9.1.2 ehT repap and repap sdraob desu rof eht shall eb dehcatta htiw deulg eperc ro elbisnetxe erutcafunam fo gnigakcap segakcap/slairetam shall repap epat and neht nwes htiw eht gniwes daerht ylpmoc htiw eht tnaveler naidnI Standards. htiw eht gnicrofnier rellif .droc 9.1.3 ehT rerutcafunam shall ecudorp ot ,SIB eht 6.3.2 htoB sdne fo detsap-devlav sdne sacks shall latnemnorivne tnesnoc ecnaraelc morf eht -noc eb detsap htiw evisehda as deificeps ni 5.3. denrec etatS noitulloP lortnoC draoB as rep eht 7 PIIISNAMKROW snoisivorp fo Water (Prevention and Control of Pol- lution) Act 1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of ehT seilp shall eb ylreporp tub ton ylevissecxe Pollution) Act 1981 gnola htiw eht ,noitazirohtua fi .desaerc nI eht noitcurtsnoc fo eht kcas ,ebut eht ,deriuqer rednu eht Environment (Protection) Act retuo ylp tif shall eb hcus that at eht tniop fo 1986 and eht selur edam ,rednuereht elihw gniylppa ,erutcafunam hcae ylp shall eb rellams ni -mucric rof 0CE Mark. ecneref than eht txen retuo ylp nihtiw eht -agnole noit stimil fo eht lairetam ni redro ot ;erusne neve 9.2 cificepS stnemeriuqeR daol noitubirtsid neewteb eht .seilp eraC shall eb 9.2.1 ehT lairetam shall eb fo eht gniwollof owt nekat ot erusne etauqeda lanidutignol ,palrevo sepyt gnidneped no eht raw lairetam desu ni eht lauqe gusset noitamrof and tops gniulg ytitnauq :erutcafunam and enil fo .gniulg )a Type -A derutcafunaM morf plup -niatnoc 8 GNITSET gni ton less than 60 tnecrep yb mass fo plup edam morf slairetam rehto than ,oobmab 8.1 gnilpmaS shall eb as rep erudecorp laid nwod ,doowdrah doowtfos and .deer ni SI 10528 : 1983. )b Type B - derutcafunaM morf plup edam 8.2 gninoitidnoC morf 100 tnecrep etsaw repap ro -lucirga ehT repap kcas samples morf eht tol rof gnitset lairtsudni/larut .etsaw shall eb denoitidnoc as rep SI 1060 traP( )1 : 1966. ETON - ehT rerutcafunam llahs edivorp yratnemucod ecnedive yb yaw fo etacifitrec ro noitaralced ot siht tceffe ot 8.3 rlorD tseT SIB elihw qylppa rof 0CE kram rof stnemeriuqer rednu )a( neT sacks shall eb nekat morf a tol fo sacks dereffo dna )11( .evoba rof .gnitset ehT sacks shall eb denoitidnoc and 10 GNIKRAM AND GNIKCAP dellif as rep eht sliated nevig ni SI 11052 : 1984. hcaE kcas shall neht eb detcejbus ot eht gniwollof 10.1 repaP sacks shall eb deldnub and ylbatius laitneuqes :spord dekcap ni foorpretaw lairetam ro as deerga nopu neewteb eht resahcrup and eht ,reilppus rof .ylppus enO pord hcae no tnorf ,edis kcab ,edis thgir ,edis tfel ,edis mottob and .pot ehT pord thgieh 10.2 ehT 0CE dekram gnigakcap -kcap/lairetam shall eb 0.85 m rof eht tsrif owt spord taht( is, ega yam eb dlos gnola htiw snoitcurtsni rof reporp tnorf and kcab )sedis and 0.3 m rof spord no eht esu and edom fo efas lasopsid os as ot esimixam its gniniamer sides. ecnamrofrep and eziminim wastage. 8.3.1 ehT sacks shall eb denimaxe rof gnitsrub 10.3 hcaE kcas shall eb dekram htiw eht gniwollof gnidael ot egapees fo eht stnetnoc at eht dne fo noitamrofni detnirp no :ti hcae .pord ehT tol shall eb deredisnoc passing fi ton )a tnaveleR tcudorp sliated gnola htiw eht erom than eno kcas shows eruliaf ni gnitsrub -dael eman fo eht tcudorp ;rerutcafunam gni ot .egapees ehT tol shall eb deredisnoc gniliaf fi erom than owt sacks shows eruliaf ni gnitsrub -dael )b teN mass fo eht ;stnetnoc and gni ot .egapees ,revewoH fi owt sacks shows eruliaf )c oD‘ ton esu ,’skooh ylbareferp gniwohs eht ni ,gnitsrub a dnoces tes fo 5 sacks morf eht emas gnidnopserroc lairotcip noitartsulli as rep tol shall eb detset and fi erom than eno shows 1s 1260 traP( )2 : 1979. 3 SI :16711 1997 10.3.1 ehT sacks yam osla eb dekram htiw eht .rednu ehT sliated fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw eht gniwollof :noitamrofni ecnecil rof eht esu fo dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg )a oD‘ ton ,’pord ylbareferp gniwohs eht -cip ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo lairot noitartsulli as rep SI 1260 traP( )2 : morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards. 1979. 10.3.3 Additional Requirements for EC0 Mark )b oD‘ ton pord no ,segde srenroc and ,’sdne ylbareferp gniwohs eht gnidnopserroc -cip hcaE kcas yam yalpsid ni feirb eht airetirc lairot noitartsulli as rep SI 1260 traP( )2 : rof hcihw eht tcudorp has neeb dellebal as -norivne 1979. tnem .yldneirf 10.3.2 BIS Certitication Mm-king tI shall eb ylbatius dekram no hcae kcas The tcudorp yam osla eb dekram htiw eht dradnatS that 0CE Mark lebal is elbacilppa ylno ot eht Mark. gnigakcap egakcap/lairetam fi tnetnoc is ton yletarapes derevoc rednu eht 0CE Mark .emehcs ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo Bureau of Indian Standards Act, NOTE - It may be stated that the EC0 Mark is applicable 1986 and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam -ereht to the product or packaging material or both. ANNEX A esualC( )2 LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS No. Title IS No. Title yrassolG fo smret gnitaler ot 1060 sdohteM fo sampling and tset rof 9028 ’ ’7gl repap sacks traP( )1 : 1966 repap and deilla :stcudorp traP 1 9042. 87g1 dohteM fo tnemerusaem and (revised) noisserpxe fo eht snoisnemid fo 1260 lairotciP gnikram rof handling repap sacks traP( )2 : 1979 and gnillebal fo :sdoog traP 2 10528 : 3891 dohteM fo sampling rof ytpme lareneG sdoog dnoces( revision) repap kcas rof gnitset sdohteM fo tset rof lacitrev -mi 3413 : 1977 esaB repap rof nobrac repap (Jlrst 1 1o52 : 4sgl tcap pord tset no repap kcas revision) IS 11761: 1997 ANNEX B (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION repaP dna pluP desaB gnigakcaP lanoitceS ,eettimmoC CHD 016 Chairman Representing IRHS .P .V W~AKARAN naidnI etutitsnI fo ,gnigakcaP iabmuM Members ~RHS .K .B ATP&C (Alternate ot irhS .V.P Narayanan) IRHS LINA LAWRAGGA yrtsiniM fo ecnefeD ,)AQGD( weN ihleD IRHS .S .N AVAXZAVIRS (Altemare) UFHS .A .B 4-7t~~t.A draC draoB xoB ,gnirutcafunaM Calcutta IRHS .S .B AREMA (Alternate) IRHS .S .N EKDAHB Tata liO slliM ,dtL iabmuM tRHS .V NAMARAvrS )etanretlA( IRHS HSIRBMA AVAGRAHB 1IA aidnI llamS repaP slliM ,noitaicossA iabmuM IRHS YAJNAS AMREV (Alternate) U~HS .V .C AVAGRAHB etarotceriD fo tnalP noitcetorP enitnarauQ & ,egarotS dabadiraF IRHS .S .K GHOSH (Alternate) IRHS .D .K LAROB aidnI slioF attuclaC,dtL ~RHS .B BOSE( Akrnate) IRHS .K NAWAHC.S oxalG aidnI ,dtL iabmuM II-AMIRHS E LOBO (Alternate) IRHS .D .C SAD etarotceriD lareneG fo seilppuS & ,slasopsiD weN ihleD IRHS .R .C AMRAHS (Alternate) IRHS T. .B DEB ITC ,dtL Calcutta DR .K .L ABAG noitaredeF fo tiucsiB ,srerutcafunaM weN ihleD IRHS .K .C AVAUG (Alternate) IRHS NAMUS GHOSH B & A skcaS ,dtL Calcutta IRHS PIDUS NES (Alternate) DR .M .B IRAHUAJ naidnI pluP & repaP lacinhceT ,noitaicossA rupnarahaS DR .A .G INRAKLJLK (Altemate) IRHS .U .B NAHCNAK yrtsiniM fo ecnefeD (R & ,)D weN ihleD IRHS REDNIVAR RAMUK (Akrnafe) IRHS .S .K ROOPAK lartneC pluP & repaP hcraeseR ,etutitsnI rupnarahaS IRHS .Y .V tooS (Alternate) IRHS .P .R IRAHTOK L&T ,dtL iabmuM IRHS .R .P KAHCOOS (Alternate) IRHS .J .S UKAHTAM naidnI orgA repaP slliM ,noitaicossA weN ihleD IRHS .P .V ATHEM tnemtrapeD fo lairtsudnI yciloP dna ,noitomorP weN ihleD IRHS .A .K EEJR~AHC (Alternate) IRHS .A .S NANAYARAN llA aidnI repaP dna deillA stcudorP srerutcafunaM ,noitaicossA iabmuM DR .A .N REYAN Skan gnigakcaP ,stnatlusnoC weN ihleD IRHS YAJNAS REYAN (AJtemare) DR .S .N YEDNAP etuJ lacigolonhceT hcraeseR ,baL Calcutta DR .A DEY (Alternate) IRHS .M .V .G OAR aidnI repaP srekaM ,noitaicossA Calcutta IRHS JONAM DU?T (Alternate) EVITATNESERPER naidnI repaP slliM ,noitaicossA Calcutta EVITATNESERPER yawliaR ,draoB weN .ihleD IRHS .A ROY ekoorB dnoB notpiL aidnI ,dtL erolagnaB IRHS VIJAR HAS lartneC pluP ,slliM dagnoS IRHS .N .K LAWRAGA (Alternate) ~RHS .P .D HAHS noitaredeF fo detagurroC xoB srerutcafunaM ,noitaicossA iabmuM rp~C .N .K RAWAD (Alternate) DR .S .V SINGH tseroF hcraeseR etutitsnI dna ,segelloC arheD Dun IRHS .G .M RUHTAM (Alternate) IRHS .V K SOOD eltseN aidnI ,dtL weN ihleD IRHS .V K AREG (Alternate) DR .R .S ,NALAPOGAJAR rotceriD ,lareneG SIB -xE( oiciffo Member) rotceriD )mehC( Member-Secretary ~RHS .N .K LAP tnioJ rotceriD ,)mehC( SIB (Continued on page 6)

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