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IS 11507: Synchronous Belt Drive -Pulleys PDF

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Preview IS 11507: Synchronous Belt Drive -Pulleys

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 11507 (2009): Synchronous Belt Drive -Pulleys [PGD 31: Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Accessories] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ts 1I115«l1 : 2«lO~ ~SO5294 : 1l98Sl lJIl<rf}2/ 4FfCfJ ~ ~ ~ gcnq.Ch(1-q) - ;yrtr/9UT ) ( q$(if/ indian Standard SYNCHRO~~OUSBELT DR~VES - PUllEYS ( First Revision) ICS 21.220.10 ©BIS2009 BUREAU OF ~ NDDAN STANIDARDS MANAK SHAVAN, 9 SAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEWDELHI110002 June 2009 PriceGroUip5 US 1l1l5Cm1: ~~ I ~Slt» 5~~: 1l$$~ indianStandard SYNCHRONOUS BELT DR~VIES -- PUllEYS ( First Revision ) 'j] $<r:~lPifi valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based],onthis International Standa~d areencour- This ~ntemational Standard specifies tile principal cbarac- aged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent =,~~",; ••teristicsofsynchronous·pulleys·forouseinsynchronousendless~.,.edition'of'the'''standaroHndicated"below."Membel'S'of"IEC'and'?"~~...=~ belt drives11 for mechanical power transmission and willere ISO maintain registers of currently valid International.Stan- positive indexingor synchronization mayberequired. dards. The principal characteristics include ISO 254 : 1981, Quality, finish and balanceof transmission pulleys. 81 tooth dimensions andtolerances; bl pulley dimensions andtorerances; c) qualityspecification. Asfarasdimensionsareconcerned,thepulleysspecifiedinthis 3."iJ.'U Theinvolutetoothprofileresultsindifferentdimensions lnternanone:Standard,forpitch codeMXL,maybeusedinter changeably with the belts specified in ISO52SS-1 and for each pulley diameter. Therefore, to specify the involute tooth dimensions wo.uldrequireavery voluminous table. For ISO5298-2. thisreason,asweI!asbecauseofthedifficultyinspecifyingthe curved sideofan involute tooth, dimensionsara,specified for thegeneratingtool rackrequiredtoproducethe'involutetooth. The following standard contains provisions which, through 31.'U.2 Dimensions,andtolerancesfor the generatingtool rack referenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsof'thisInternational forsynchronouspulleyswithinvoluteteetharegivenintable 1 Standard. Atthe.timeofpublication, theedition indicatedwas and figure 1. ' 1) Thesedriveshavebeenknown undervariousnamesinthe past, for example:timing belt drives,positivebeltdrives,gearbelt drives. 11 IS 11507: 2009 !SO 5294: 1989 A---t---~ ! ttl ~i ~ l ~g~ ~ r ~ Ph I I Figure1 - G'lnora,ing tool rack for pulleys with involute teeth Table 1 - Dimensions and tolerances for generating tool rack for pulleys with involute teeth r I I r I l. _2 .L_.:=. Ii ~~~~ iN~fu:m:O~~ll~r " rnm PIIb I,n Irdeg,1reesI +mOm,OShII, +irO:,Gfl-2Tl.+~0,05bl·g.~oin.eoaIr min rIIl ,n I mm II in Imm II In I Z I J:0,003 .t0,000 I I ±0,12 I U 0 0 0 ±0,03 l O,OOl I, t0,03 t 0,001 I r~I-'~:~~'?~--10-<-Z-<-2311--~' I I f' F!~ l~'''- l -i I 28 I 0,O~5 0,61 0,024--II I l--=-i I II: 2,03.2 0,08 0,64 0,3 O,Ol::! 0,23 0,0':19 a,SUB "0,02 _, Z>24 I i I 20 I ~r0,67 I0,0265. I 1- I I I 3~O,125- ~;- 1 ~'8 ~;;o~--;~T~~~2-' r:,"':X-lt z;,.10 25 0,84 I 0,033 0,96 0,038 0,012 - .-----t L~~ -t- I -, -L_ ~ e>10 5,08 0,2 25 1,4 0,0'"..>5' 1,27 0,05 0,61 0,024 I 0,61 0,024 0,508 0,02 ~t-I - +--- - I-- -i-- -t-- - -I---t- - -t---t--- - --I-~-':-'~t_-~~O-_3-_t '\ Z>10 9,525 0,375 2,13 0,084 3,1, 0,122 0,00 0,034 0,53 -+ +-_ _ -+-_ _ +-_ _ -+-__-+-_ _ -1-_ _ -+-_ _ -1-__-1-__-1-_°,_°2_1._ I I 14<Z" 19 1,04 0,041 ~ r----- 12,7 0.5 20 2,59 0,102 4,24 0,167 1,47 0,058 1.372 0,054 z> 19 1,42 0,056 ! XH z>18 22,225 0,875 20 6,88 0,271 7,59 0,299 2,01 0,079 1,93 lxx~ l;;;j z>18 31,75 1,25 20 10,29 0,405 11,61 0,457 2,59 0,106 2,82 0,111 0,12 2 " US ~~507: 2009 USC 52S41 : ~SS9 31.2.2 Dimensions andtolerancesfor straight-sided teeth (see figure2)aregiven in table2. 3.2.1i Involute teeth are normally recommended for syn ~hronousbeltdrives. Sincestraight-sidedteeth areinuse,their specificationsarealso included. I [J J ~I I RgU162 - Straight-sided teeth i I Table2 - Dimensions smelltoDeV'sm:es for [pulleys with straight-sidedteeth 'j 'bmax. 211 mm in mm in mm in mm in o - MXL 0,84 ±O,OS 0,033 ±0,002 0,69 -O,OS 0,027 _8.002 20 0.25 0.01 0•13 +O0,OS 0,005 +g.002 0,508 0,02 .' 0,96 +g,os 0,038 +g,OO2 0,84 -.8OS 0.033 - 8.002 25 0,35 0,014 0,3 tO,OS 0,012 ±0,002 0,508 II 0,02 I XL 1,32 ±O,OS 0.052 ±0,002 1,65 _o0,08 0,055 _00,003 25 0,41 0,016 0•64 +O0,OS 0,025 +00,002 0•508 I 0'02 1. 3,05 ±0,1 0.12 ±0,004 2.67 -0o,10 0.105 --00.004 20 1.19 0,047 0,046 +g,005 0.762 0,03 H 4,19 ±0,13 0,165 ±0,005' 3,05 _8,13 0,12 - 8,005 20 1,6 0,053 .0.063+g,005 1,372 0,054 ! )(H 7.9 ±0,15 0,311 to,DOS 7,14 -8,13 0,281 -8,005 20 1.98 0.078 2,39 +g.13 0,094 +g,005 2,794 0,11 )(XH 12,17 ±0,18 0,479 ±0,007 10.31 _g.13 0.405 _8,005 20 3,95 0.156 3,18 +g,13 0.125 +g,005 ,3,048 0,12 3 IS 11507: 2009 ISO 5294: 1989 3.3 Pltch-to-pltch tolerances arcofapulley, aregivenintable3.Thistoleranceappliestothe distancebetween thesamepoint oneitherthe rightorleft cor Toleranceson the amount of deviation of beltpitch between responding flanks of adjacent teeth. adjacentteeth, andonthesummationof deviationswithin000 Table3 - Pitch-to-pitch tolerances ! o Allowable deviation of pitch utstldem.,arne er i i ~~~-_._--~-- B::~~::~:&~~O S::mmetionwithin a gooarc I in I mm in mm in ~ I I , I ___~_ _ d_o'_2_5.' _ __0 do< t II 0,03 O,ODt i 0,06 0,-00-2 lII I -~-t If-._25.,4-<.-d.o._".SO,8 I -1.<do. <; 2 0,03 OO,,GOl~,0,0~3_ I .SO,8<do<::101,6 2<do< 4 0,03 LO,OO4 -- -- --- - - 101,6< do<;1n,8 ---4-<-d-o_'" 7 0,03 0,001 0,13 0,005 --,--- .. - 177,8<do<::304.8 I 7<do<12 0,03 0,001 0,15 0,005 1c--;;-;;:;·-~--~----·-.- do 12<do<20 0,03 0,001 0,18 O,OD7 ~,~.] do'>508 do> 20 0,03 0.001 0,2 ..1.- IS 11507: 2009 ISO 5294: 1989 4 Pulley dimensions Users are advised that the values given fOI b apply also to l pulleys with only one flange. 4.1 PUlley width 4.2 Pulley diameter Thepulleywidthdesignation, thenominalpulleywidth,andthe minimum actualpulley width required, b for flanged pulleys, l bl' for unflangedpulleys (seefigure 3), aregiven in table4. 4.2.1 Pulleydiametersaregiven in table 5. Table 4 - Pulley widths I Minimum unflanged Nominal pulley Pitch pulley width width code bt' mm in mm in 5,6 0,22 7,1 0,28 8,9 0,35 5,6 0,22 7,1 0.28 8.9 0,35 56,6 2,23 62,6 2,46 XH 300 76,2 83,8 3,3 898 3,54 -- -- - 400 ._.101,6 110,7 -- -4,-36_. --- 11-6,.7._---4,59-- ~ 200 50,8 55,6 2,:>.3 64,1 2,52 I I 300 76,2 I 83,8 3,3 91,3 3,GS XXH I I 400 101.6 110,7 4,36 118,2 4,65 500 127 137,7 5,42 145,2 5,72 NOTE- Theminimumunflangedpulleywidth(bf')maybereducedwhenlhealignmentofthedrivecanbe I conlrolled, bUIshallbenot lessthantheminimum flangedpulleywidlh (hrl. Figure 3 - Minimum pulley width 5 ES ~11501: 2«]«]Sl OSO 5294}: '1JSlag PullevdlemGters ,. Num~Gv Pitch codeM~1l. Pltcilcado~l. I?ltchcoda~L. of Pitch Outside Pitch Outside Pitch Outside teGthll diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in 10 6,47 0,255 5,95 0,235 10,11 0,398 9,6 0,378 16,~7 0,637 15,55 0,617 11 7,11 0,28 6,61 0,26 11,12 0,438 10,61 0,418 17,79 0,7 17,28 0,69 12 7,76 0,308 7,25 0,285 12,13 0,478 11,62 0,458 19,4 0,764 18,9 0,744 13 8,41 0,331 7,9 0,311 13,14 0,517 12,63 0,497 21,02 0,828 20,51 o.ses s.os 1~ 0,357 8,55 0,337 14,15 0,557 13,84 0,537 22,84 0,891 22,13 0,871 osm 15 9,7 0,382 9,19 0,362 15,16 0,597 14,65 24,26 0,955 23,75 0,935 '13 10,35 0,407 9,84 0,387 16,17 0,637 15,65 0,617 ·25,87 1,019 25,36 t 0,009 17 11 0,433 10,49 0,413 17,18 0,676 16,67 0,655 27,49 1,082 26,98 1,032 '8 11,64 0,458 11,13 0,438 18,19 0,716 17,58 O,6SS 29,11 1,146 28,6 1,126 19 12,29 0,484 11,78 0,464 19,2 0,756 18,69 0,736 30,72 1,21 30,22 1,19 :ro 12,94 0,509 12,43 I 0,489 20,21 0,795 19,7 0,776 32,34 1,273 31,83 1,253 1211 13,58 0,535 13,07 0,515 21,22 0,835 I 20,72 0,815 33,95 1,337 I, 33,45 1,317 22 14,23 0,55 13,72 I 0,64 22,23 0,875 21,73 0,655 35,57 1,401 35,07 1,381 I I 1231 14,88 O,58S 14,37 0,555 i 23,24 0,915 22,74 0,895 37,19 ~,464 36,68 1,444 1241 15,52 0,611 15,02 0,091 24,26 0,955 23,75 0,935 38,81 1,528 38,3 1,500 I 25 16,17 0,637 15,65 0,617 25,27 0,995 24,76 0,975 40,43 1,592 39,92 1,572 1261 16,82 0,652 16,31 0,642 26,28 1,035 25,77 1,015 42,04 1,655 41,53 1,635 I 1271 17,46 0,688 16,95 0,858 27:13 1,074 26,78 I 1,054 43,65 1,719 43,15 1,699 28 18,11 0,713 17,6 0,693 28,3 1,114 il,79 I 1,094 45,28 1,783 44,77 1,763 1391 19,4 0,764 18,9 0,744 30,32 1,194 29,81 1,174 48,51 1,91 48 1,89 32 20,7 0,815 20,19 0,795 32,34 1,273 31,83 1,253 . 51,74 2,037 51,24 2,017 33 23,29 0,917 22,78 0,897 36,38 1,432 35,87 1,412 58,21 2,292 57,7 2,272 40 25,87 1,019 25,36 O,S99 40,43 1,592 39,92 1,572 64,68 2,540 64,17 2,526 . MJ 31,05 1,222 30,64 1,202 48,51 1,91 48 1,89 77,62 3,055 77,11 3,036 I lID 38,81 1,528 38,3 1,508 60,64 2,387 60,13 2,367 97,02 3,820 96,51 3,8 72 46,57 1,833 46,05 1,813 72,71 I 2,865 72,26 2,845 116,43 I 4,584 115,92 4,554 S4 I !!3 12G l 155 11 Valuesfor numberofteethinbracketsarelistedforinformationonlyand should beregardedas non-preferredsizes.

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