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IS 11298-3-1: Plastic films for electrical purposes, Part 3: Specifications for individual materials, Section 1: Polypropylene films for capacitors PDF

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Preview IS 11298-3-1: Plastic films for electrical purposes, Part 3: Specifications for individual materials, Section 1: Polypropylene films for capacitors

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 11298-3-1 (1991): Plastic films for electrical purposes, Part 3: Specifications for individual materials, Section 1: Polypropylene films for capacitors [ETD 2: Solid Electrical Insulating Materials and Insulation Systems] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ‘*s;r$Q q 6$ j’y ‘aR E-A FF~RM El, 195&7’ IS 11298 ( Part 3/Set 1 ) : 1991 Indian Standard PLASTIC FILMS FOR ELECTRICAL PURPOSES-SPECIFICATION PART 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL MATERIALS Section 1 Polypropylene Films for Capacitors ( First Revision ) UDC 621’315’616’96-416 : (678’742’3) : 621’319’4 0 BIS 1991 BUREAU 0% INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 September 199 1 Price Group 2 diloS lacirtcelE Insulating slairetaM lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTE 2 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( traP ceSl3 I ) was yb~detpoda eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht diloS lacirtcelE Insulating slairetaM lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa yb eht lacinhcetortceleE noisiviD .licnuoC sihT standard is eno fo eht seires fo naidnI Standards hcihw slaed htiw citsalp smlif rof lacirtcele .sesoprup ehT seires stsisnoc fo eht gniwollof eerht parts: traP 1 snoitinifeD and lareneg ;stnemeriuqer traP 2 sdohteM fo ;tset and traP 3 snoitacificepS rof laudividni .slairetam sihT standard srevoc eht stnemeriuqer rof enelyporpylop smlif rof .sroticapac ehT tsrif noisiver fo eht standard has neeb nekatrednu ot ekat erac fo eht ecneirepxe and kcabdeef deviecer morf eht .yrtsudni nI eht noitaraperp fo this standard, assistance has neeb devired morf CEI toD : 1X ( lartneC eciffO ) 143 noitacificepS rof citsalp smlif rof lacirtcele :sesoprup traP 3 noitacificepS rof laudividni .slairetam teehS 1 stnemeriuqeR rof enelyporpylop smlif rof ,sroticapac issued yb eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE noissimmoC ( CEI .) roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav ro~devresbo ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ffo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor ffo laciremun seulav ( revised )‘. ehT rebmun fo -ifingis tnac secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. IS 11298 ( Part 3jSec 1 ) : 1991 Indian Standard PLASTIC FILMS FOR ELECTRICAL PURPOSES-SPECIFICATION PART 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR INDIVIDU-AL MATERIALS Section 1 Polypropylene Films for Capacitors First Revisioti ,) ( 4.4 1 SCOPE Telescoping 1.1 sihT standard ( traP teS/3 1 ) srevoc eht ehT laixa gnitfihs fo snoitces fo eht slit llor evitaler stnemeriuqer fo plain and yzah enelyporpylop smiif ot rehto annular snoitces shall eb as :swollof ( dezillatem-non ) rof .sroticapac ehT lairetam Up ot 150 mm htdiw : 5’0 mm mumixam shall eb edam morf enelyporpylop remylopomoh and shall mrofnoc ot SI 11298 ( traP 1 ) : 1985, dnoyeB 150 mm htdiw : 0’1 mm mumixam unless esiwrehto deificeps ni this standard, 4.5 Shiner in-the Slit Roll 2 SECNEREFER ehT renihs is a tnemngilasim fo eno ro erom turns 2.1 ehT gniwollof naidnI Standards era yrassecen hcihw syalpsid a shining .ecnaraeppa srenihS yam stcnujda ot this :dradnatS eb dewolla at eht start fo a slit llor ro at a ,nioj tub yeht shall ton deecxe 1 .mm IS No. Title 4.6 rebmaC ni eht tilS lloR 4905 : 1968 sdohteM rof modnar sampling roF widths up ot 380 ,mm eht rebmac dluohs ton 11298 noitacificepS rof citsalp smlif rof deecxe 3 mm nehw a mlif 5’1 ertem ni htgnel is ( traP 1 ) : 1985 lacirtcele sesoprup : traP 1 -ifeD laid no a htooms talf .ecafrus snoitin and lareneg stnemeriuqer 4.7 ecafruS fo eht mliF 11298 noitacificepS rof citsalp smlif rof in Slit Rolls ( traP 2 ) : 1987 lacirtcele sesoprup : traP 2 ehT ecafrus fo eht mlif shall eb mrofinu and -non sdohteM fo stset .gnikcolb tI shall eb eerf morf enil marks, -itrap etaluc ,rettam ,sretsilb selknirw and selppir os as 3 YGOLONIMRET ot eb yllanoitcnuf .elbatpedca ehT lacitpo -orp seitrep shall eb tnetsisnoc morf llor ot .llor 3.1 roF eht esoprup fo this standard, eht -inifed snoit nevig ni SI 11298 ( traP 1 ) : 1985 shall 4.8 Resin .ylppa ehT mlif shall eb derutcafunam morf ,nigriv -tcele 4 LARENEG STNEMERIUQER lacir edarg enelyporpylop niser fo citcatosi tnetnoc ton less than 94 .tnecrep 4.1 llA slairetam ni a tnemngisnoc shall ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer nevig ni SI 11298 traP( 1 ) : 4.9 noitatneirO 1985. ehT mlif shall eb ylluf detneiro os as ot evah 4.2 ehT nioj fo eht mlif shall eb at ton erom than decnalab lacisyhp .seitreporp eno ecalp rof a htgnel fo eht mlif up ot 1 000 .sertem hcaE llor shall ton niatnoc erom than 4.10 Sag ni eht tilS lloR owt .snioj A thgirb deruoloc erusserp evitisnes ehT erudecorp rof eht noitanimreted fo sag has evisehda epat elbisiv morf htob sdne fo eht llor neeb deniltuo ni 7.3.3 fo SI 11298 ( traP 2 ) : 1987. shall eb desu os that eht noitisop fo eht nioj is ylisae nwonk ot eht .rotarepo ehT sag os derusaem shall ton deecxe eno tnecrep fo eht htdiw fo eht slit llor deyolpme rof -erusaem 4.3 tnemngilA fo eroC .tnem ehT htdiw fo eht eroc shall ton eb less than that ehT-ETON gas dluohs ton rednih eht htooms fo eht .mlif gnidniw fo eht mlif gnirud roticapac .gnirutcafunam 1 IS 11298 ( Part 3/Set 1) : 1991 4.11 Curl on the Slit lloR 6.2 Liquid Adsorption ehT nialp enelyporpylop mlif llahs yal talf nehw roF yrotcafsitas noitcurtsnoc of detangerpmi .dnuownu roF the yzah enelyporpylop ,mlif the sroticapac the noitprosda of the tnangerpmi yb the ssentalf si rednu .noitaredisnoc mlif yam deen ot eb dellortnoc nihtiw niatrec .stimil fI ,deriuqer the dohtem of ,tnemerusaem 4.12 ynihS dnaB ni the tilS slloR the emit dna erutarepmet ,desu dna the noitprosda nI yzah mlif sdneb are ton .elbarised ehT -ixam stimil llahs eb agreed neewteb the reilppus dna mum elbawolla timil of ynihs dneb ni yzah mlif si the .resahcrup ehT preferred dohtem llahs eb as tcejbus ot tnemeerga neewteb ehi resahcrup dna nevig ni 32 of SI 11298 ( apart 2 ) : 1987. the .reilppus 5 ECNATPECCA/ENITUOR STSET 6.3 Compatibility with Impregnants 5.1 ehT gniwollof tests llahs eb deirrac tuo ot The compatibility of the mlif htiw detceles -e!eid check the ytimrofnoc or esiwrehto of the lairetam cirtc sdiulf llahs eb denimreted gnisu a ,dohtem htiw respect ot the detalupits stnemeriuqer nevig agreed nopu neewteb the reilppus dna the -rup ni 4 dna :6 chaser. sihT dohtem ,yam for ,elpmaxe eb desab a) noitcepsnI of lareneg stnemeriuqer ( see 4 ), no gnillews or ytilibulos of the mlif ni the diulf no noitanimatnoc of the diulf or the .mlif )b ,ssenkcihT c) Space factor, 6.4 Dissipation Factor Under Impregnated d) ,htdiW Conditions e) edistuO ,retemaid ehT stnangerpmi dna the sdohtem of gnitset desu f) ,ytisneD tuohguorht the roticapac yrtsudni yrav ylediw dna g) elisneT ,htgnerts ynam of the slairetam dna serudecorp are h) ,noitagnolE .yrateirporp )j ,egaknirhS erehW noitapissid factor of mlif rednu detangerpmi k) cirtceleiD ,htgnerts snoitidnoc tsum eb ot na agreed ,dradnats the )m emuloV ,ytivitsiser gnitimil seulav dna the dohtem of tnemerusaem )n noitapissiD factor, .tsum eb agreed neewteb the reilppus dna the .resahcrup p) cirtceleiD tnatsnoc dna q) lncirtcelE weak spots. nI-ETON noitaredisnoc fo eht ediw yteirav fo stnangerpmi yadot elbaliava dna rednu -poleved 6 ECNAMROFREP STNEMERIUQER tnem rof roticapac ,noitacilppa on ciftceps stset /dna , ro stimil nac eb nevirt ni siht .dradnats rof .elumaxe 6.1 nehW tested gnidrocca ot the tnaveler sdohtem ees 6.2 rof dliuqil ,noitprosda 6.3 rof noiiacificeps debircsed ni SI 11298 ( Part 2 ) : 1987, the lairetam ytilibitapmoc htiw cirtceleid .sdiulf dna 6.4 rof -issid noitap rotcaf rednu detangerpmi .snoitidnoc llahs mrofnoc ot the stnemeriuqer nevig ni elbaT 1, 2 IS 11298 ( Part 3/Set 1 ) : 1991 Table 1 Propertywise Requirements for the Rough ( Hazy ) aad Plain Polypropylene Film ( Applicable to Slit Rolls Only ) ( Clause 6.1 ) Sl Property Clause Ref. of Requirements Tolerance Remarks No. IS 11298 ( Part 2 j-1987 ’i( (3) (4) (5) (6) niZenkcihT snorcim 4.5 Preferred thickness ylnO retemorcim -kciht a) For plain film :-6, +6% ssen llahs eb deredisnoc 8, 10, 12, 14, 15’2, 16.5 18 and 20 b) For Hazv film :- %59 ylnO thgiew ssenkciht 8, 9, 16, “11, 12, 14, llahs eb deredisnoc 15’2, 16’5, 18 dna 20 2. ecapS rotcaf rof yzah 4.5 10 f2 ehT ecaps rotcaf -uclac mlif ( tnecrep ) detal no hcae fo eht net retemorcim gnidaer llahs eb nihtiw 5-16 tnecrep 3. htdiW ni mm 8 derrefreP shtdiw era ton 10.5 mm ehT htdiw fo eht mlif si nevig no tnuocca fo eht up ot a tcejbus fo tnemeerga taerg yteirav fo -icapac 150 mm neewteb ]eht resahcrup srot ni hcihw eht smlif 0.lA mm dna eht reilppus era ot eb desu evoba 150 mm htdiw 4. lloR edistuo retemaid 200 ~5 ni mm ytisneD ( 3mc/mg ) 6.1.2 0 905 -&0’005 :: elisneT htgnerts at 12 140 muminiM etaR fo levart fo eht kaerb ( 3mm/N ) deificeps retemosnet dluohs eb 100 )i gnola DM I etunim/mm )ii gnola DMC zJ noitagnolE at kaerb 12 40 muminiM - htob gnola DM dna deificepS DMC ( tnecrep ) taeH egaknirhs :)tnecrep( )i gnola DM 24 ‘I 4 mumixaM Test conditions: )ii gnola DMC L mumixaM 100°C rof 10 setunim DC cirtceleiD htgnerts 19.2 lanimoN muminiM Average ehT etar fo esir fo -lov ( norcim/stlov ) ssenkciht ni laudividni egat llahs eb 500 stlov nwodkaerB egatlov snorcim tes ( mm/Vk ) _---=c L-----7 6 250 350 ehT eulav llahs eb -moc 11-S 300 400 detup no eht sisab fo 50 212 450 525 snoitavresbo 10. emuloV ytivitsiscr ( ni 16 1 x 10’8 muminiM mliF -kciht leveL fo mc-mho ) at 27&2”C deificeps ssen ( ni egatlov dna 60&51/o RH eulav snorcim elbacilppa ni( )stlov ~~~~-h~~_~--~ ol< 210 5;: rebmuN fo selpmas = 5 11. noitapissiD rotcaf at 17 2 x 10-r mumixaM lartneC eulav fo evif C°72 48-52 zH dna deificeps stluser llahs eb ,detroper 500 stlov‘ CA eulav ehT elpmas ezis llahs eb ,hcus sa ot tius eht -ccle sedor deyolpme ,21 cirtceleiD tnatsnoc 17 2.2 50*0* - at C°72 dna 48-52 zH 13. lacirtcelE stopskaew 20 lanimoN mumixaM mumixaM ehT tset egatlov ot eb ( 5/stnuoc %nr ) mlif -kciht .oN fo .rep deificeps deilppa llahs eb 200 V ssen ni elbissim eulav DC rep norcim desab no snorcim kaew stops eht lanimon ssenkciht derusaem fo eht .mlif ytivitisneS revo a mlif llahs eb deificeps area fo 5ma 6 6 8 dna 9 4 dnaOl 12 214 1 NOTE 1 - hcaE dna yreve tils llor llahs eb dekram htiw thgiew ssenkciht detaluclac morf eht ten thgiew ro eht tils ,llor htgnel dna demussa ytisned fo 0,905 mg rep cibuc .mc NOTE 2 - roF a tol fo erom naht eno ,not eht egareva thgiew ssenkciht llahs ton yrav yb erom naht +5 tnecrep fo eht lanimon .eulav NOTE 3 - roF gninimreted eht ecaps rotcaf rof yzah ,smlif retemorcim dna thgiew ssenkciht llahs eb derusaem no eht emas elpmas fo a tils .llor NOTE 4 - gnilpmaS nalp llahs eb sa rep xennA .A 3 IS 11298 ( Part 3/Set 1 ) : 1991 ANNEX A ( Table 1, Note 4 ) SAMPLING PLAN as .evitcefed ehT tol shall eb deredisnoc as -noc A-l SAMPLING gnimrof ot eseht stnemeriuqer fi eht rebmun fo A-l.1 Lot sevitcefed dnuof ni eht elpmas is less than ro lauqe ot eht gnidnopserroc elbissimrep rebmun nevig ni eht slit sllor fo eht emas ezis derutcafunam nmuloc 3 fo elbaT 2, esiwrehto eht tol shall eb morf eht emas lairetam rednu ralimis snoitidnoc .detcejer fo noitcudorp shall eb depuorg rehtegot ot -noc etutits a .tol 2.l-A ehT rebmun fo slit sllor ot eb detceles morf hcae tol shall dneped nopu eht ezis fo eht tol and Table 2 Sample Size and Premissible Number of shall eb ni ecnadrocca htiw snmuloc 1 and 2 fo Defectives elbaT 2. esehT slit sllor shall eb detceles morf eht tol at .modnar nI redro ot erusne eht ssenmodnar Lot size Sample Size Permissible Number of Defectives fo ,noitceles erudecorp nevig ni SI 4905 : 1968 ( sdohteM rof modnar sampling ) shall .dewollofeb (1) (2) (3) up to 50 5 0 3.l-A airetirC rof ytimrofnoC 51 to 100 8 0 101 to 300 13 1 ehT slit sllor detceles at modnar gnidrocca ot snmuloc 1 and 2 fo elbaT 2 shall eb detcejbus ot 301 to 500 20 1 hcae fo eht .stset A slit llor gniliaf ot yfsitas eht 501 to 1000 32 2 tnemeriuqer fo yna fo eseht stset shall eb demret _1-_ 0_0y1_ Ia_n d above 50 - 3 4 Standard Mark ehT esu fo eht dradnatS Mark is denrevog yb eht snoisivorp fo eht uaeruB of naidnI Standards Act, 1986 and eht seluR and snoitalugeR edam .rednuereht ehT dradnatS Mark no stcudorp derevoc yb an naidnI dradnatS syevnoc eht ecnarussa that yeht evah neeb decudorp ot ylpmoc htiw eht stnemeriuqer fo that standard rednu a llew denifed metsys fo ,noitcepsni gnitset and ytilauq lortnoc hcihw is desived and desivrepus yb SIB and detarepo yb eht .recudorp dradnatS dekram stcudorp era osla ylsuounitnoc dekcehc yb SIB rof ytimrofnoc ot that standard as a rehtruf .draugefas sliateD fo snoitidnoc rednu hcihw a ecnecil rof eht esu fo eht dradnatS Mark yam eb detnarg ot srerutcafunam ro srecudorp yam eb deniatbo morf eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards.

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