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Preview IS 10951: Polypropylene Materials for Moulding and Extrusion

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 10951 (2002): Polypropylene Materials for Moulding and Extrusion [PCD 12: Plastics] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” Is 10951:2002 Indian Standard POLYPROPYLENE MATERIALS FOR MOULDING AND EXTRUSION (First Revision) ICS 83.080.20 (3 BIS2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Februay 2002 Price Group 7 Plastics Sectional Committee, PCD 12 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Plastics Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Products Division Council. Polypropylene (PP) isanother member ofthepolyolefin family, sinceitsmonomer, propylene, isanunsaturated hydrocarbon andbelongstoaclassofchemicalcompoundscalledolefins.Becausethemonomersofpolypropylene andpolyethylene (ethylene) aresosimilar,thepolymershavemany ofthesimilarproperties. However, there are several major differences, including density (polypropylene’s islower),servicetemperature (polypropylene’s is higher), rigidity (polypropylene is more rigid), resistance to environmental stress cracking (polypropylene’s resistance ishigher), and susceptibility tooxidation (polypropylene isworsethanpolyethylene). Polypropylene ischaracterized by good mechanical properties, excellent chemical and thermal as well as electrical properties and aesthetic appeal in applications such as clear films. Its lower cost per unit weight and high yield on a volume basis, due to the lowdensity, offers considerable economic advantage tothe converter and end-user. Polypropylene maybeprocessedbyextrusion,injectionmoulding,andblowmoulding.Itmaybet%rtherprocessed by compression moulding and thermoforming. This standard was first published in 1984 with the title ‘Specification for polypropylene and propylene — Copolymer thermoplastics — Designation’. Inthis first revision the following changes have been made: a) The title and scope have been modified. b) The designation system has been thoroughly revised to align the same as far as possible with the corresponding 1S0 standard. The types are differentiated from each other by a classification system based ontheappropriate levelsofdesignator properties suchasflexuralmodulus izodimpactstrength, melt flow rate (MFR) and information about intended application, method of processing important characteristics, additives, colour, fillers and reinforcing materials. c) The basic concept of type (product approval) and acceptance (product identification) tests have been introduced to make this standard more meaningful. Onthe basisoftypetest theproduct identification criteria isderived andfixed andthevaluesobtainedforvariousacceptance testsbecome thecontrolling specifications. This revision does not provide engineering and performance data which may be required to specifi amaterial for a particular application or method of processing. Considerable assistance has been derived from 1S0 1873-1:1995 ‘Plastics — Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1 Designation system and basis for specifications’ and ISO 1873-2:1997 ~Plastics— Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 2 Preparation oftest specimens and determination ofproperties’ issuedbytheInternational Organization forStandardization (1S0) while preparing this revised version of the standard. For the typical additional properties specified in6.3.2 of this standard, the purchaser should establish his own correlation between the properties of the processed articles and the material properties required for their achievement. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation ofthis standard isgiven in Annex C. For the purpose of deciding whether aparticular requirement ofthis standard iscomplied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same asthat ofthe specified value inthis standard. IS 10951:2002 Indian Standard POLYPROPYLENE MATERIALS FOR MOULDING AND EXTRUSION (First Revision) 1SCOPE indicate a broad classification and in most circumstances specific values of the designator 1.1 This standard prescribes the designation system, properties and other characteristics asgiven in6shall requirements, methods of sampling and tests for be required. polypropylene (PP)thermoplastics material. Itapplies to the material ready for normal use in the form of 3.2 The designation shall consist of following powder, granules or pellets and to materials information given inthe order presented and shall be unmodified ormodified bycolorants,additives,fillers, codified indifferent blocks as indicated below: etc. Block 1 For Indian Standard 1.2 This standard is applicable to all propylene Block2 Identification of the plastic by its homopolymers andtocopolymers ofpropylene witha symbol (PP) and information about contentofother 1-olefinsoflessthan50percent(m/m), the composition of the polymer as well as blends of polymers containing at least (see 3.3) 50percent (m/m)ofaforementioned polymers. Block3 Position 1:Intended application or method of processing (see 3.4). 1.3 It is not intended to imply that materials having Positions 2 to 8: Important the same designation give necessarily the same characteristics, additives and performance. This standard does not provide supplementary information (see3.4) engineering data, performance data or data on Block4 Designator properties (see 3.5) processing conditionswhichmayberequiredtospeci~ Block5 Fillers or reinforcing materials and a material for a particular application andior method their nominal content (see 3.6) ofprocessing. Block6 Forthepurpose ofspecifications, an If such additional properties are required, they shall optional sixth block may be added be determined in accordance with the test methods containing additional information specified in 6.3.2 if suitable. The first character of the individual block shall be a hyphen. Theblocksshallbeseparated from eachother 1.4 This standard does not apply to propylene-based bycomma (,). rubber. If a block is not used, this shall be indicated by 1.5This standard does not cover masterbatches. doubling the separation sign, that is by two 2 REFERENCES commas (,,). The Indian standards listed in Annex A contain 3.2.1 For Block 1the number and year ofthis Indian provisions which, through reference in this text, standard shall be indicated. constitute provisions of the standard. At the time of 3.3 Block 2 publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to Inthisblock, afterthehyphen, polypropylene plastics agreements based on this standard are encouraged to are identified by the symbol “PP”, followed by a investigate the possibility of applying themost recent hyphen and a single code giving additional editions of the standmds listed inAnnex A. information onthe polymer as specified in Table 1. 3DESIGNATION 3.4 Block 3 3.1 The designation system given in 3.2 into which Inthis block, information about intended application the materials are classified according to method of and/or method of processing is given in position 1 processing, their designator properties such as and information about important characteristics, flexural modulus, izod impact strength and melt flow additives and colorants inpositions 2to 8.The code rateandcertainothersupplementary information shall tobe used are specified inTable 2. be used. The designation system is only intended to If information ispresented inpositions 2 to 8and no 1 IS 10951:2002 specific information isgiven in position l, the letter If a property value falls on or near a range limit, the X shall be inserted in position 1. manufacturer shall state which range will designate the material. If subsequent individual test values lie Table 1Code Used for Additional on, or on either side of the cell limit, because of Information in Block 2 manufacturing tolerances, the designation is not (Clause 3.3) affected. 3.5.1 Flexural Modulus Code Definition (t) (2) The flexural modulus shall be determined in H Propylenehomopolymer accordance with IS 13360(Part 5/See 7)/1S0 78. R Tbcrmoptastic propylene random copolymer The possible values of flexural modulus are divided containinganotheroiefinicmonomer(ormonomers) havingnofunctionalgroupotherthantheoletirric into six ranges, each represented by a2-digit code as group,copolymerizedwithpropylene specified inTable 3. Bl) Thermoplasticpropyleneimpactcopolymerconsisting oftwoormorephasesofeitherapropyleneplasticH Table 3 Ranges of Flexural Modulus in Block 4 orapropyleneplasticRandrubberphasescomposed ot propylene and another olefinic monomer (or (Clause 3.5.1) mnnomers)havingnotimctionalgroupotherthanthe oleiinicgroLIpa,ddedin-situ orphysicallyblendedwith Code Range ofFlexural Modulus (MPa) thepropyleneplasticmatrix. (t) (2) I)‘rbisgroupofpolymersweretermed‘block’copolymersinthepmt. 02 <400 06 >400 buts 800 Table 2 Code Used in Block 3 10 >800 but< 1200 16 >1200 but< 2000 (Clause 3.4) 28 >2000 but< 3500 Code(Position 1) Code (Positioos 2-8) 40 >3500 (t) (2) 3.5.2 Izod Impact Strength A Processingstabilized Thenotched izodimpact strength shallbedetermined B Blowmoulding B Antibtocking c Calendering c Coloured inaccordance with IS 13360(Part 5/See 4)/1S0 180. D Powder The possible values of notched izod impact strength E Extrusion E Expandable are divided into six ranges, each represented by a F Extrusionoffilms F Specialburning 2-digit code asspecified inTable 4. characteristics G Generaluse G Granules H EXtrUSiOl~\OatiOg H He a t-ageingstabilized Table 4Ranges of Izod Impact K Cableandwirecoating K Metaldeactivated Strength in Block 4 L Monofilamentextrusion L Lightorweather (Clause 3.5.2) stolilized M Injectionmoulding M Nucleated Code Izod Impact Strength kJ/m2 N Natural(nocolouradded) P Pipeandtubeextrusion P Impactmodified (t) (2) Q Compressionmoulding 02 <3 R Rotationalmoulding R Mouldreleaseagent 05 >3but<6 s Sintering s Slipagent 09 >6but<12 ~ Tapemanufacture T Transparent 16 > 12but<20 x No indication 25 >20 but<30 Y Textileyams.spinning Y Increaseelectrical 35 >30 conductivity z Antistatic 3.5.3 Melt Mass Flow-Rate (MFR) The melt flow-rate (mass) shall be determined in 3.5 Block 4 accordance with IS 13360(Part 4/See 1)/1S0 1133at In this block, the range of flexural modulus is 230”Cwith a load of 2.16 kg. The possible values of represented by a2-digit code (see 3.5.1), the range of melt flow rate are divided into eleven ranges, each impact strength by a 2-digit code (see 3.5.2) and the represented by a3-digit code as specified in Table 5. range of melt flow rate by a 3-digit code (see 3.5.3). The codes are separated from each other by hyphens. 2 Is 10951:2002 Table 5 Range of Melt Mass Flow Table 6 Code for Fillers and Reinforcing Rate (MFR) in Block 4 Materials in Block 5 (Clause 3.5,3) (Clause 3.6) Code MFR (g/10 rein) Code Material Code Form (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) 000 <0.10 B Boron B Beads,spheresb,alls ()()I >0.10 buts0.20 c Carbon D Powder 003 >0.20 buts0.40 F Fibre 006 ~0.40buts0.80 G Glass G Ground 012 >0.80 but< 1.5 H Whiskers 022 > 1.5but<3.O K Calciumcarbonate 045 >3.0 buts 6.0 L I)r-~1]“los~ 090 : 6.ObutS12.0 M I)Mineral,I)met~, 200 >,12.0but<25.O Z)Mineralfijlers 400 >25.0 buts50.0 s Synthetic,‘)organic 700 >50.0 T Talc w wood 3.6 Block 5 x Notspecified x Notspecified z OtberslJ z Otbersl) In this block, the type of filler and/or reinforcing l)Thesematerialsmaybefurtherdefinedbytheirchemicalsymbol. material is represented by a single code inposition 1 Inthecaseofmetals(M), itisessentialtoindicatethetypeofmetal and itsphysical form by asecond code in position 2, bymeansofitschemicalsymbol. the codes being asspecified inTable 6. Subsequently z)Mineral fillersshallbedesignatedmorepreciselyifasymbol is (without aspace), themasscontent maybe givenbya available. 2-digit number in positions 3 and 4. Mixturesofmaterialsand/orformsmaybeindicatedbycombining therelevantcodesusingthesign“+”andplacingthewholebetween 3.7 Block 6 parentheses,Forexample,amixtureof25 percentglasstibre(GF) and 10percentmineral powder (MD) would be indicated by Indication of additional requirements inthis optional (GF25+MD IO). block is a way of transforming the designation of a material into a specification for a particular 3.8.1 Apolypropylene homopolymer (PP-H) intended application.Thismaybedoneforexamplebyreference for film extrusion (F), with antioxidants (processing to a suitable published Indian standard. stabilized) (A) natural (not coloured) (N), having a tlexural modulus of I 660 MPa (16), an impact 3.8 Coding Examples strength of 4 kJ/mz(05) and a melt flow rate of 2.9 g/1Omin (022), shall be designated as: 1s 10951 P P – H F–A–N 16-05-022 I I Ill Ill II I I Block 1 I Ill Ill II I I (Indian Standard) Ill II I I Ill Block 2 Ill Ill II I I (Identification of the plastics) II Ill II I I Symbol I Ill II I I Homopolymer ~ ~ ill II I I Block 3 II II I I (Intended application or processing, Ill II I I additives and supplementary information) J~~ II 1 I For film extrusion I I II Processing stabilized, natural (not coloured) I ,, I I I II Block 4 I I II I I ‘Des;Et;;, :xu;:s)~ i i I Impact strength ~ I I Meltflow rate I Designation :–1S 10951:2001, –PP–H, –F–A–N, –16-05---022 3 1s 10951:2002 3.8.2 A thermoplastic propylene impact copolymer of 1200 MPa (10), an impact strength of 22.5 kJ/m2 (PP-B) for extrusion of sheets (E), with antioxidants (25)andameltflowrateof 1.5g/10min(012),without (processing stabilised) (A) having flexural modulus special modification but coloured (C), would be designated as: Is 10951 PP- B E-A-C 10-25-012 I I Ill Ill Ill I Block 1 I Ill Ill Ill I (Indian Standard) Ill Ill I Ill Block 2 111 Ill Ill I (Identification of the plastics) II Ill Ill I Symbol I Ill Ill I lnlpactcopolymer~ ~ Ill Ill I Block 3 Ill Ill I (Intended application or processing, Ill Ill I additives and supplementary information) Ill Ill I For extrusion ofsheet ! 1 1 ,, t I Impact strength I I1 Meltflow rate I ( Designation :–IS 1095[ :2001, –PP–B, –E–A–C, –10–25-012 3.8.3 Apolypropylene homopolymer (PP-H) intended and amelt flowrate of3.5g/1Omin (045), reinforced for injection moulding (M),having aflexuralmodulus with 40 percent talc powder (TD 40) shall be of4500 MPa (40), an impact strength of2kJ/m2(02) designated asfollows: Is 10951 PP– H M -02-045 T-D-40 I 1111 I II I 1111 Block 1 I 1111 I II I 1111 (Indian Standard) 1111 I II I 1111 Block 2 1111 I II I I1j1j1l1 (Identification of the plastics) Ill I II I Symbol I I I 1111 II Homopolymer _--_-ill I II I 1111 I Iiij Block 3 I II I I (aIdndteitnivdeesdaanpdplsiucaptpiolenmoerntparroyceinssfoinrgm,ation) I II II II 1Ii1i11 i For injection moulding II I I,p I II I Block 4 ;il~ ,11 i (Designator properties) ,Ili I II Flexural modulus I Ill, ,~pact strength ~ I ~ ,11 Melt fjOW r-ate ~ Ill i I Block 5 ill; I (Fillers or reinforcing materials l!!, and their nominal content jl! Talc Powder I Mass content, percent ~ ~ Designation :–IS 10951:2001, –PP–H, –M , 40-02-045, –T–MO 4’ 1S 10951:2002 3.8.4 Coding Example (Designation Transformed into having aflexural modulus of 1650 MPa (16), an a Specification) impact strength of4.0 kJ/m2(05), amelt flow rate of 3.0 g/1Omin (022) and meeting the requirement of A polypropylene homopolymer (PP-H) intended for IS 11197,shall be designated asgiven below: tape manufacture (T), which is light stabilized (L), Is 10951 PP– H T–L 16-05-022 IS 11197:1985 99 I Ill Ill II I I I I I I Block 1 I Ill Ill II I I I I I I (Indian Standard) Ill Ill II I I I I I I Block 2 Ill Ill II I I I I I i (Identification of the plastics) II I I I I I I Symbol 1 ill I I I I I I Homopolymer ~1 Ill I I I I I I Block 3 ,11 I I I I I I (Intended application or processing, ,11 I I I I I I additives and supplementary information) ,!: I I I I 1. I For tape manufacture I I I I I I Light stabilized~ ‘ I I I I I I Block 4 I I I I I 1 (Designator properties) I I I I I I Flexural modul.s~ ! I I I I I I Impact strength ~ I I I I I I I I I Block 5 I I i I (Fillers or reinforcing materials I I I I and their nominal content I I I Not used I I I I i I Block 6 (Additional information) I I I I o‘etheteirngpub‘lhlseh‘eedqulinrdelrannensttsan‘fdard ~ I I Designation :–1S 10951:2001, –PP–H, –T–L, –16-05-022, ,IS 11197:1985 4 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN 4.3 Compression Moulding It is essential that specimens are always prepared by Compression moulded sheets shall be prepared in the same procedure (either injection moulding or accordance with IS 13360 (Part 2/See 1) using the compression moulding), using the same processing conditions specified inTable 8. conditions. The test specimens required for the determination of The procedure to be used for each test method is the properties shall be machined from the indicated in Table 9. compression-moulded sheets in accordance with IS 13360 (Part 2/See 4)/1S0 2818 or stamped using 4.1 Treatment of the Material before Moulding appropriate punch. Before processing, no pretreatment of the material A frame mould may be used, but it is necessary to sample isnormally necessary. start cooling whilst simultaneously applying the fill pressure. This avoids the melt being pressed out of 4.2 Injection Moulding the frame and avoids sink marks. Injection moulded specimens shall be prepared in For thicker sheet (4 mm approx), a positive mould accordance with 1S 13360 (Part 2/See 3)/1S0 294-1 hasbeen foundto work satisfactorily. The preheating or IS 13360 (Part 2/See 7)/1S0 294-3 using the time depends on the type of mould and the type of conditions specified inTable 7. energy input (steam, electricity). For frame mould, 5 5

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