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IS 10189-2-1: Industrial process control values, Part 2: Flow capacity, Section 1: Sizing equations for incompressible fluid flow under installed conditions (Superseding of IS 10189-2-1:1992 PDF

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Preview IS 10189-2-1: Industrial process control values, Part 2: Flow capacity, Section 1: Sizing equations for incompressible fluid flow under installed conditions (Superseding of IS 10189-2-1:1992

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 10189-2-1 (1993): Industrial process control values, Part 2: Flow capacity, Section 1: Sizing equations for incompressible fluid flow under installed conditions (Superseding of IS 10189-2-1:1992 [ETD 18: Industrial Process Measurement and Control] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 10189 ( Part 2/8ec 1 ) : 1993 Indian Standard INDUSTRTALPROCESSCONTROLVALVES PART 2 FLOW CAPACITY Section 1 Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluid Flow Under Installed Conditions UDC 621.646~2 : 65*011-56 : 621-5 0 BIS 1993 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 1993 Price Group 3 lairtsudnI ssecorP tnemerusaeM and lortnoC lanoitceS ,eettimmoC DTE 18 FOREWORD sihT naidnI dradnatS ( traP teS/2 1 ) was detpoda yb eht uaeruB fo naidnI Standards, retfa eht tfard dezilanif yb eht lairtsudnI ssecorP tnemerusaeM and lortnoC lanoitceS eettimmoC had neeb devorppa lacinhcetortcelE noisiviD .licnuoC by the nI ynam lairtsudni ,snoitacilppa srecuder ro rehto sgnittif era dehcatta ot eht lortnoc .sevlav ehT tceffe fo eseht sepyt fo sgnittif no eht lanimon wolf tneiciffeoc fo eht lortnoc evlav is yllausu ton .elbigilgen tI is erofereht yrassecen ot ecudortni a noitcerroc .rotcaf lanoitiddA srotcaf era decudortni ot ekat tnuocca fo eht diulf ytreporp scitsiretcarahc that ecneulfni eht wolf yticapac fo a lortnoc .evlav sihT seires fo naidnI dradnatS no lairtsudnI ssecorP lortnoC sevlaV is gnieb detnirp ni lareves parts. gniwolloF parts evah os raf neeb :detnirp )a SI 10189 ( traP 1 ) : 1982 lairtsudnI ssecorp lortnoc sevlav : traP 1 lareneG stnemeriuqer and ;stset and )b SI 10189 ( traP ceSI2 )2 : 1992 lairtsudnI ssecorp lortnoc :sevlav traP 2 wolF ,yticapac noitceS 2 gniziS snoitauqe rof elbisserpmoc diulf wolf rednu dellatsni .snoitidnoc elihW gniraperp this standard assistance has neeb devired morf CET buP 534 : 2 : 1978 lairtsudnI‘ ssecorp lortnoc :sevlav traP 2 wolF ,yticapac noitceS gniziS snoitauqe rof elbisserpmocni diulf wolf 1 rednu dellatsni ’snoitidnoc issued yb eht lanoitanretnI lacinhcetortcelE noissimmoC ( CEI .) roF eht esoprup fo gnidiced rehtehw a ralucitrap tnemeriuqer fo this standard is deilpmoc ,htiw eht lanif ,eulav devresbo ro ,detaluclac gnisserpxe eht tluser fo a tset ro ,sisylana shall eb dednuor ifo ni ecnadrocca htiw SI 2 : 1960 seluR‘ rof gnidnuor laciremun seulav ( .‘)desiver ehT rebmun fo off tnacifingis secalp deniater ni eht dednuor ffo eulav dluohs eb eht emas as that fo eht deificeps eulav ni this standard. SI 10189 (Part Z/Set 1) : 1993 Indian Standard INDUSTRIALPROCESSCONTROLVALVES PART 2 FLOW CAPACITY Section 1 Sizing Equations for incompressible Fluid Flow Under Installed Conditions 1 SCOPE noitidda ot the .gniwollof 1.1 sihT dradnats ( Part teS/2 1 ), sevig the dohtem for 3.1 Choked Flow noitanimreted of wolf yticapac for evisserpmocni diulf A ,gnitimil or mumixam wolf noitidnoc that srucco as H ni lairtsudni process lortnoc .sevlav tluser of noitaziropav of the diuqil gniwolf nihtiw the av .e.1I 1.2 ehT snoitauqe detneserp ni siht dradnats are desab ETON - htiW dexif telni )maertspu( ,snoitidnoc ti si no the illuonreB noitauqe for nainotweN -serpmocni detsefinam yb the eruliaf of gnisaercni erusserp -ilereffid elbis .sdiulf yehT are ton dednetni for esu nehw -non lait ot ecudorp rehtruf sesaercni ni eht wolf .etar dekohC nainotweN ,sdiulf diulf ,serutxim ,seirruls or dilos-diuqil wolf lliw eb deinapmocca yb rehtie noitativac ro .gnihsalf ecnayevnoc smetsys are .deretnuocne fI eht maertsnwod erusserp si retaerg naht eht diuqil 2 -REFERENCE ruopav ,erusserp noitativ,ac .srucco gnihsalF occurs fi eht maertsnwod erusserp si lauqe ot ro ssel naht eht diuqil SI 10189 (Part 1) : 1982 noitacificepS‘ for lairtsudni ruopav .erusserp process lortnoc sevlav : Part 1 lareneG stnemeriuqer dna tests’, si a yrassecen tcnujda ot siht .dradnats 3.2 Fitting 3 SNOITINIFE)I Any ecived hcus as a ,recuder ,rednapxe ,woble ,eceip-T or ,dneb hcihw si attached yltcerid ot a lortnoc .evlav roF the esoprup of siht ,dradnats the noitinifed nevig ni 2 of SI 10189 (Part :)1 1982 llahs ,ylppa ni 4 ERUTALCNEMON Symbols Description Unit c wolF tneiciffeoc ,,,A( K,, C,) suoiraV [see SI 10189 (Part 1) : 19821 d lanimoN evlav ezis mm D lanretnI retemaid of the gnipip 111111 evlaV elyts reifidom sselnoisnemiD Fd diuqiL lacitirc erusserp oitar factor sselnoisnemiD FF diuqiL erusserp yrevocer factor of a lortnoc evlav tuohtiw sselnoisnemiD LF attached sgnittif denibmoC diuqil erusserp yrevocer factor dna gnipip sselnoisnemiD PLF yrtemoeg factor of a lortnoc evlav htiw attached sgnittif gnipiP yrtemoeg factor sselnoisnemiD PF sdlonyeR rebmun factor sselnoisnemiD RF laciremuN stnatsnoc suoiraV (see Note 1) ,,N ,zN ,zN etulosbA cimanydomreht lacitirc erusserp kPa or rab (see Note 2) CP etulosbA ruopav erusserp of the diuqil at telni erutarepmet kPa or rab vp telnI etulosba erusserp derusaem at the maertspu erusserp kPa or rab Pl tap teltuO etulosba erusserp derusaem at the niaertsnwod -serp kPa or rab PZ erus tap laitnereffiD erusserp &ewteb maertspu dna maertsnwod kPa or rab Au erusserp taps ( l)f i p2 ) mumixaM elbawolla erusserp laitnereffid for lortnoc evlav kPa or rab AP,,, )L( gnizis sesoprup tuphtiw attached sgnittif 1 SI 10189 (Part 2/Set 1) : 1993 __--- .-__ Symbols Description Unit mu~nixaM allowalk pressure laitnereffid for lortnoc evlav kPa or rab gnizis sesoprup htiw attached sgnittif cirtemuloV wolf rate h/”Ul mumixaM cirtelnulov wolf rate ni choked snoitidnoc h/”m tuohtiw attached sgnittif luulnixaM cirtclnulov wolt rate ni choked snoitidnoc h/’ln tuohtiw attached sgnittiC evlaV sdlonyeR reblnun sselnoisnciniD Head ssol tneiciffeoc of a recuder or rednapxe sselnoisnemiD ritanieniK ytisocsiv iii( )sekotsitnec 6-O1 s/?n (set Note 3) evitaleR ytisned ,+[/IP( = I .O for water ~a 15.5” C) ssclnoi\ncmiD 5 NOI~AILA’I’SNI rate eb&hs detaluclac as HOLLOWS: 5.1 In gnizis lortnoc ,sevlav gnisu the syihsnoitaler detuescrp ,niereh the wolf stneiciffeoc detaluclac arc N, . F,, F’,, C (1) demussa ot edulcni lla head sessol neewteb erusserp Q = taps detacol as nwohs ni .giF .I tI dluohs eb ooted that ,eenk-I the wolf tneiciffeoc C evlav( gnizis )tneici’ileoc the snoitacol of the maertspu and downshun cruqscrp llahs XI denilnrctcd :yb taps evah uccb dexif at the retuo stimil nwohs iii Part 1 of siht dradnats .giF( 3). esehT wolt stneiciffeoc llahs ) yllamron eb derapnIoc htiw those detsil ni evlav (2) srerutcafunam trutarctil hcihw osla sedulcni lla head sessol morf OWI epip sretelnaid maertspu hguorht xis NOTE - ,iF si ytinu nehw eht lortnoc evlli~ si dellatsni retenlaid ulaertsnwod of the lortuor .evlav tuohtiw dehcatta .sgnittif l$ lliw xl ytinu nehw tLre!uhrut 5.2 gnizisroF ,sesoprup a nluluixalu elbawolla etusscry wolI .tsixe SET 7.1 dna 7.2 Lor noitanimreted co~xlitions laitnereffid has neeb decudortni ot yfitnedi choked .wolf lo these factors. N1, the laciremun ,tnatsnoc sdneped no eht stinu desu ni eht lareneg gnizis noitauqe dna the epyt 6 LUIENEG GNIZIS SNOITAJIQSI or wolf stneiciffeoc A,,, K,, or .~’YI seulaV rof N1 era nevig ni elbaT 1. 6.1 Non-choked Flow 6.2 Choked wolF ehT noitauqe for the woll rate of a elgnis nainot-ueN diuqil hguorht a lortnoc evlav ltchw gnitarepo rednu 6.2.1 Choked Flow (IVitlrorrt Attuclrcd Fittings) dekohc-non snoitidnoc si drvired morf the cisab -tof ehT muulixanl rate at hcihw wolf lliw pass hguorht a alum as ni 2.3 of traP I sihtfo .drad\lats ehT wolI lortnoc tnevlav choked wolf snoitidnoc leehw dellatsni giVCJ1 UPSTREAM 11 PRESSURE TAP t-7 TAP \I d ‘b 6 3- lP 4 p2 CONTROL VALVE OR CONTROL VALVE WITH ATTACHED F_lTTINGS .GIF 1 ERUSSERP PAT LOCMWNS 2 IS 10189 (Part 2/Set 1) : 1993 tuohtiw dehcatta sgniltif llahs eh detaluclac sa :swollof nI siht ,noitauqe eht rotcaf cC si eht ciarbegla mus fo ehtlla evitceffe yticolev daeh stneiciffeoc fo ail sgnittif em c 1 ___~- - FF TV dehcatta ot eht lortnoc .evlav ehT yticolev daeh -iffeoc N, . LF . FR . (3) tneic fo eht lortnoc evlav flesti si tou .dedulcni (I..) = OP/P X. = & + !:r + ,RC - 5132 (10) ecueH : :erehw & = maertspu ecnatsiser ,tneiciffeoc (4) C? = maertsnwod ecnatsiser ,tneiciffeoc NOTE - ehI mumixam elbawolla erusserp laitnereffid ‘Qt = telui illuonreB ,tneiciffeoc dna rof lortnoc evlav gnizis sesoprup taht( ,si eht muminim <BZ = teltuo illuoureB .tneiciffeoc erusserp laitnereffid at hcihw eht mumixam wolf etar )srucco htiw eht lortnoc evlav dellatsni tuohtiw dehcatta nehW eht sretemaid L fo telui dna teltuo sgnittif cra sgnittif yam eb dcraluclac :swolloE ,lacitnedi ,nc = Zwi dna pord tuo fo eht .noitauqe nI ilS esoht sesac ni hcihw eht gnipip sretemaid gnihcaorppa Xl‘n?~lA (1.: = ;’r ,I[( - )&Fil (5) dna gnivael eht lortnoc sevlav era ,tnereffid tk jEc 6.2.2 Choked Flow (WI/I A ~tmAed Fittings) stneiciffeoc era detaluclac sa :swollof ehT mumixam etar at hcihw wolf lliw pass hguorht a lortnoc evlav nehw dellatsni htiw attached sgnittif llahs -l=,< 4i eb detaluclac as :swollof 0 fI the telni dna teltuo &nittif eri ,htgnel-trohs -renuuoc PI - vP,F yllaic ,elbaliava cirtnecnoc ,srecuder the lr dna 2< Q~(LP) =N, .F,y .FR .C (6) stneiciffeoc yam eb detamixorppa as swollof : P/P, :ecneH 021 2 I telni recuder ylno I< = 0.5 [ 1 - $- )II( Qmx (LP) d P’f’o c = r 2 2 N, . PLF . FR ~1 -F,:P, 0D d 1 NOTE - 11~~ mumixam el~lawolla erusserp laitnerefCid rof lortnoc evlav gnizis sesoprup taht( ,si eht muminim teltuO recuder )rcdlIli>lxe( ylno & = 1.0 : I 1 - erusserp laitnerctfid at hcihw chL mumixam wolf etar (12) )srucco htiw eh: lortnoc evlav dellatsni htiw dchcnlla telnI dna srecuder 01 laul~c ezis OII; l~,t sgnittif yam eb detaluclac sa :swollnf 2 2 [ 11 5.1=&+15 I g, (13) ehT F,, seulav lc~~aluclac hti\\ the evoba < factors 7 DETERMlNATION OF C:ORREC’FION FACTORS yllareneg dael ot noitceles 01 evlav seiticapac ylthgils 7.1 I’ipiog Geometry Factor F,, regral naht .deriuqer sihT noitaluclac eriuqer .noitareti F,, the gnipip geon~etry I‘;lctor, si ~~ ~~cssary to tnuocca nehW the telni dna tcluo sgnittif are other naht those for sgnittif dehcattI; maertspu I; dn 1 rj maertsnwod ot a debircsed ,evoba the ecnatsiser ,stneiciffeoc lc dna ,& lortnoc valve .ydob ,FehT rolcaf \I 111e oitar of the wolf tsum eb deniatbo yb test ecnis yeht are ton ylidaer .elbaliava rate hguorht a lortnoc evlav dellatsni htiw attached 7.2 Reynolds Number Factor FK sgnittif ot the wolf rate that dluow tluser ‘li eht lortnoc evlav erew dellatsni tuohtiw dehcatta sgnittif dna tested FH, eht sdlonyeR rebmun factor, si deriuqer nehw -non rednu lacitnedi snoitidnoc hcihw lliw kit ecudorp tnelubrut wol[ snoitidnoc are dehsilbatse hguorht a choked wolf ni rehtie noitallatsni (see .giF 1). oT teem lortnoc evlav esuaceb of a wol erusserp ,laitnereffid a a mu~nixam elbissimrep ’lo,noitaived r5 ,tnecrep the hgih ytisocsiv ,diulf a yrev llams wolf ,tneiciffeoc or a F,, factor llahs eb denimreted yb test. ehT erusserp noitaniblnoc thereof. laitnereffid llahs eb detimil ot values hcus that IXX ehT FR factor si denimreted yb gnidivid the wolf gnikohc of the wolf .stucco tneiciffeoc nehw tnelubrut-non wolf snoitidnoc tsixe yb nehW detaluitse seulav are ,elbissimrep the gniwollof the wolf tueiciffeoc derusaem ni the eluas noitallatsni noitauqe yam eb :desu reduu tnelmlrut .snoitidnoc 1 fI on test stluser are ,elbaliava F,< yanI eb denimreted FI>= (9) morf the evruc nevig ni .giF :2 gnisu a evlav sdlonyeR I rebmun detaluclac morf the gniwollof :snoitauqe Re, = NOTE - seulaV rof NZ :cra nevig ni Tal;le 1 3 IS 10189 (Part 2/Set 1) : 1993 sihT noitaluclac lliw eriuqer .noitareti detaluclac morf test data gnisu the gniwollof :noitauqe ehT detekcarb ytitnauq ni the evoba noitauqe accounts for the yticolev“ of approach”. Except for nepo-ediw 1 llab or ylfrettub ,sevlav siht tnemenifer has ylno a thgils ,F p, - 0.96p, effect no the Re, noitaluclac dna nac yllareneg eb nc&:I as .ytinu 7.3.2 Combined Liquid Pressure Recovery Frx-tar and Piping Geometry Factor with Attached Filtin,~:s FI_p NOTE - seulaV rof zN dna N4 are detsil ni elbaT 1. seulaV rof dF :era F,, si cbt denibmoc diuqil erusserp yrevocer rotckI dna gnipip yrtelnocg factor for a lortnoc evlav dellatsni htiw ja 0.7 ro( lortnoc sevlav htiw owt lellarap wolt shtap hcus sa detrop-elbuod ebolg dna ylfrettub ;sevlav dna attached .sgnittif tI si deniatbo ni the emas rennaln as FL. )h 1.0 rof ,hcton-V ,llah dna detrop-elgnis ebolg .sevlav tnorF test data where the diulf si neewtebretaw C’S dna seuiaV rof Fd rof rehto evlav selyts era ton nwonk at ,C°04 F, si detaluclac gnisu the gniwollof :noitauqe siht .emit 7.3 Liquid Pressure Recovery Facton %Sk=pLF 1 -- 7.3.1 Liquid Pressure Recovery Factor Without N, . C pI - 0.96 p,, (16) Attnclred Fitting FL oT teem a mumixam elbisGmep noitaived of 5+- -rep F, si the diuqil erusserp yrevocer factor of the evlav .tnec FLp rmst eb deninneted yb .gnitset nehW tuohtiw dehcalta .sgnittif sihT factor stnuocca for the detainitse seulav are ,elbissimrep elbanosaer ycarucca ecneulfni of the evlav lanretni rjrtemoeg no the evlav yam eb deniatbo yb esu of the gniwollof :noitauqe yticapac at choked .wolf tI si denifed as the oitar of the lautca mumixam wolf rate rednu choked wolf -idnoc FLp=d$F)f (17) snoit ot a ,laciteroeht dekohc-non wolf rate hcihw dluow eb detaluclac fi the erusserp laitnereffid desu was the ecnereffid neewteb the evlav telni erusserp dna the tnerappa anev“ ”atcartnoc erusserp at choked wolf 2 5 d2 .snoitidnoc gnisU water neewteb C°5 dna C°04 deificeps ni the Here lcX si the yticolev head ,tneiciifeoc & + ,&? of as test ,erudecorp see SI 10189 (Part 1) : 1982,. _,p- si the gnittif attached lnacrtspu of the evlav as derusaem VALVE REYNOLDS NUMBER Rev .GIF 2 NUMSERF KIOR F, FOR SIZIW ACOKIROL VALVE 4 B 10189 (Part 2/Set 1) : 1993 neewteb the maertspu erusserp tap dna the lortnoc evlav diuqil at telni .erutarepmet tA ruopav seru’sserp raen ydob .telni ehT effect of a gnittif ahead of a evlav yam zero, siht factor si 0.96. ecudorp gnizis errors greater naht 5 .tnecrep seulaV of FF yam eb denimreted morf the evruc nevig 7.4 Liquid Critical erusserP oitaR Factor FF ni .giF 3, or detamixorppa morf the gniwoilof :noitauqe FF si the diuqil lacitirc erusserp oitar factor. sihT factor si the oitar of the tnerappa anev“ ”atcartnoc erusserp at FF = 0.96 - 0.28 if 9 (18) choked wolf snoitidnoc ot the ruopav erusserp of the c a 2 ABSOLUTE RUOPAV ERUSSERP vp iif3SOLUTE CIMANYOOMREHT LACITIRC ERUSSERP CP .GIF 3 LIQIJIACIK I’I~~APLR,E SSURE E&to FACTQK FI; , Table 1 Numerical Constants N ( Cluuses 4, 6.1, 7.1 and 7.2 ) tnatsnoC Flow~coeNicient C Formulae units A, Is v C” Q &D P19laPw 4 P Nl 6.3 x lo3 1 x 10-l 56.8 x lo-’ m3/h mm kPa kg/m3 6.3 x lo4 1x100 8.65 x 10-l m3/h mm bar kg/m3 N? 1.23 x 1o-‘2 1.6 x 1O-3 2.14x 10-3 mm N4 3.72 x Id 7.01x lo4 n 7.6 x lo4 m3/h NOTE - (Jse of the numerical constants provided in this table together with the practical metric units specified in the table will yield flow coefficients in the units in which they are defined.

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