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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Irradiation models for ULXs and fits to optical data Christopher Copperwheat1, Mark Cropper1 Roberto Soria1,2 and Kinwah Wu1 1 Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6NT, UK 2 Harvard-Smithsonian Centerfor Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Received: ABSTRACT 7 Wehaveconstructedamodelwhichdescribestheopticalemissionfromultra-luminous 0 X-raysources(ULXs),andhaveusedittoconstraintheparametersofsevenULXsys- 0 tems.OurmodelassumesabinarynatureforULXs,andaccountsforopticalemission 2 from an X-ray irradiated companion star and accretion disk. We apply our model to n sixdifferentULXopticalcounterpartsobservedwithHST,andone observedwiththe a ESOVLT,anddeterminethemass,radiusandageofthedonorstarsinthesesystems. J In addition, we obtained constraints for the black hole (BH) mass in some cases. We 6 use the mass accretion rate implied by the X-ray luminosity of these sources as an 2 additional constraint on the donor star, by assuming the mass transfer is driven by the stellar nuclear evolution. We find that in general the donors are older and less 1 massive than previously thought, and are consistent with being of spectral type B. v We discuss how these results affect our understanding of the evolution and history of 4 ULXs.WherewecanconstraintheBHmasses,wefindthemtobeconsistentwithstel- 76 lar mass BHs or intermediate mass BHs of order ∼ 100M⊙. We make predictions for future observations of optical/infrared ULX counterparts, calculating binary periods 1 for different BH masses in each of the seven sources. 0 7 Key words: black hole physics — X-rays: galaxies — X-rays: stars — accretion, 0 accretion discs / h p - o r 1 INTRODUCTION debate. The emission from ULXs may not be isotropic. t If the emission is collimated or relativistically beamed s Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs) are point-like, non- a (Kinget al. 2001; K¨ording, Falcke & Markoff 2002; Fabrika : nuclear X-ray sources which have inferred X-ray luminosi- 2004), the accretion rates of the systems do not need v ties in excess of 1039erg s−1, assuming that the emis- i to violate the Eddington limit. However, there is evi- X sion is isotropic. Some sources have X-ray luminosities dence that some sources are truly ultraluminous (Fabbiano even greater than 1040erg s−1, which is far in excess of r 2004). An example is the ULXs associated with extended, a the Eddington limit for a stellar mass black hole (BH) diffuse Hα nebulae, which are more naturally explained with mass 3–20M⊙. ULXs have been observed in many by models with isotropic illumination of the interstellar nearby galaxies (Fabbiano & White 2003; Swartz et al. medium by a central X-ray source (Pakull & Mirioni 2002; 2004; Liu & Bregman 2005), implying that they are pop- Miller et al. 2003). Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscilla- ulous. To explain the large inferred isotropic luminosities tions (QPOs) in the X-ray emission from some sources of these sources, it has been proposed that the accreting (M82 X-1: Strohmayer& Mushotzky 2003; Holmberg IX object isablackholeofmass50−10000M⊙–anintermedi- X-1: Dewangan, Griffiths & Rao 2006; NGC 5408 X-1: ate mass black hole (IMBH) (Colbert & Mushotzky 1999; Strohmayeret al. 2007) suggest non-beamed emission and Makishima et al. 2000). Such a mass range fits between hence a truly high luminosity for those sources. Low- those of the two well-known populations: the stellar mass frequency breaks in the power density spectra of NGC4559 BHs commonly found in our galaxy and the supermassive X-7 (Cropper et al. 2004) and NGC5408 X-1 (Soria et al. BHs in active galactic nuclei. The existence of IMBHs has 2004) are also consistent with accretors more massive than important consequences for the theories of BH formation galactic BHs. However, population studies based on the lu- and evolution. It is still a mystery how supermassive BHs minosity function of ULXs suggest a more modest upper wereformed.AcontinuousBHmassspectrumwouldsuggest limit on the mass of IMBHs than previously thought. The an evolutionary link between the three classes, thus allow- break in the luminosity function at ∼ 2.5 × 1040erg s−1 ing us to better understand BH formation in the younger (Swartz et al.2004;Gilfanov, Grimm & Sunyaev2004)sug- universe. WhetherIMBHsexistornotiscurrentlyunderintense (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Chris Copperwheat, Mark Cropper, Roberto Soria, Kinwah Wu geststhebulkoftheIMBHpopulationliesbelow∼150M⊙, 2 MODEL assuming accretion at theEddington limit. 2.1 Irradiation in ULX binaries Another argument proposed for IMBH accretors is TheCopperwheat et al.(2005)modelassumesabinarysys- based on thedetection of a spectral component interpreted temwithaBHaccretingmatterfromacompanionstar.We as emission from a cool accretion disk (Miller et al. 2004). assume the X-ray emission from the ULX is isotropic. Our However, this spectral argument has been disputed (e.g., modelconsiderstheeffectsofradiativetransportandradia- Stobbart,Roberts & Wilms2006;Gon¸calves & Soria2006). tive equilibrium in the irradiated surfaces of both the star Alternative spectral models based on high-temperature, and an accretion disc, using the prescription described in super-Eddington disks have been proposed (Stobbart et al. Wuet al. (2001). 2006; Ebisawa et al. 2003). It has also been suggested We assume the disc is geometrically thin, and for the that super-Eddington accretion can occur in BH systems starweincludebothgravityandlimbdarkeningeffects,and through a thin disk covered by a Comptonizing corona theeffectsof radiation pressure. Weassume thecompanion (Socrates & Davis 2005; Done& Kubota 2005). An accre- staris filling itsRochelobe andtheBH is accreting matter tion disc dominated by radiation pressure may exhibit via Roche lobe overflow. This provides a geometrical con- strong density clumping. If the density inhomogeneities are straint on the system that is key in our determination of on length scales much smaller than the disc scale height, the optical luminosity of both the star and the disc. These such clumpy accretion discs could permit the radiation lu- assumptions are valid when the X-ray luminosity is in ex- minositytoexceedL byfactorsof∼10−100(Begelman cess of 1040erg s−1, since the donor star cannot generate Edd 2002). a sufficient stellar wind in order to maintain the accretion raterequiredbythisX-rayluminosity.However,someofthe sources we detail in this section have X-ray luminosities of Since the X-ray data alone can be interpreted in dif- theorderof1039ergs−1.Atthispointitisconceivablethat ferent ways, we have sought an alternative channel to the accretion mechanism could be a wind from a massive X-ray investigations by which the nature of ULXs can supergiant.Inthiscasewecannotconstrainthebinarysep- be elucidated. The ULX may contain a stellar mass BH arationwithouttemporalobservationsthatrevealthebinary with super-Eddington accretion or an IMBH. The opti- period, which means we cannot quantify the stellar irradi- cal/infrared(optical/IR)propertiesofULXswillbestrongly ation. However, a wind-fed BH would only intercept a few affected by the intense X-ray radiation field heating the percentofthestellarwindfromastar,andsogiventhemass donorstarandaccretiondisk.Theemissionfromtheheated star may be the dominant optical component (as in the accretionrateof∼10−7M⊙/yrnecessarytoprovidetheob- case of high mass X-ray binaries). Alternatively, theoret- servedX-rayluminosity,awindlossof∼10−5M⊙/yrwould be required from the star, which is very high. ULXs also ical modelling has shown that the heated accretion disc tend to have lower column densities than the typical wind- might dominate (Rappaport, Podsiadlowski & Pfahl 2005; fed sources observed in the Galaxy/LMC (Stobbart et al. Copperwheat et al. 2005), analogous to low mass X-ray bi- 2006).WethereforeconsiderRochelobeoverflowastheac- naries. In Copperwheat et al. (2005) we considered such a cretion mechanism to be a reasonable assumption for all of binarymodelforULXandderivedaformulation whichcal- thesources down to 1039erg s−1. culatedtheintensityandcolourvariationsfromtheintrinsic Copperwheat et al. (2005) showed that the results of andre-radiatedemisisonasafunctionofseveralparameters the irradiative calculations could depend sensitively on the such as X-ray spectral hardness, black hole mass and incli- assumed hardness of the X-rays, which is specified by a nation. The predictions of the calculations can be used to parameter ξ, where ξ = S /S and S and S are the identify the optical counterpart, to determine the intrinsic h s h s hard and soft components of the X-ray flux respectively. propertiesofthecomponentstars,andtodeterminetherel- AsinCopperwheat et al.(2005),theabsorptioncoefficients ative contributions of the star and disk. We may also use of the soft and hard X-rays are k κ and k κ, where κ the optical/IR emission as a diagnostic of the X-ray emis- s h is the absorption coefficient of the optical radiation and sion and theaccretion processes in ULXs/IMBHs. k > 1 and k < 1 defines our soft/hard X-ray convention. s h The band boundary is a parameter to be determined. In In recent times, there have been a number of opti- Copperwheat et al. (2005) we found that if we set k =2.5 s cal observations of ULXs with the Hubble Space Telescope and k = 0.01, then for an input spectrum consisting of h (HST)and groundbased 8-m class telescopes. Theseobser- a blackbody and power-law component, this results in a vationshaveresultedintheisolationofopticalcounterparts soft/hard band boundary of 1.5keV. of some ULXs, and have provided colours and magnitudes Determining the hardness ratio of the incident X-rays in the optical wavebands (see, e.g. Kaaret, Ward & Zezas on the accretion disk is not straightforward and is compli- 2004; Liu, Bregman & Seitzer 2004; Kuntzet al. 2005). In cated by the presence of absorption. Absorption tends to thispaper, weapply ourmodel to determinetheproperties harden the X-rays. If the absorbing region which produces of the ULXcounterparts observed by these telescopes. thishardenedspectrumisintrinsictotheX-rayemittingre- gion itself, the disk and star will be irradiated by the same In Section 2 we briefly reprise the Copperwheat et al. hard X-ray spectrum that we observe. If the absorbing re- (2005)modelanddescribetherecentrefinements.InSection gionislocatedbetweenthebinarysystemandtheobserver, 3weapplyourmodeltosevenULXsources.InSection4we then the irradiating X-rays will be much softer than is ob- discuss the implication of our results on the current views served. regarding thenatureof ULXsand IMBHs. By examining X-ray observations from ULX X-7 in (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Irradiation models for ULXs and fits to optical data 3 NGC4559(Cropper et al.2004)weseethatforthissource, given that many ULXs are in low-metal environments such reasonablephysicalvaluesforthehardnessratiorangefrom asdwarfgalaxies.Low-metalstarsalsoloselessmassinstel- ξ ∼ 0.1 to ∼ 1. In this paper, we set the hardness ratio to lar winds (Eldridge & Vink 2006). Therefore, we speculate 0.1 since we expect a locally soft irradiating spectrum. In that they may end their lives with bigger cores, which can Section 4.6 we examine how varying this parameter affects more easily collapse directly into BHs (Heger et al. 2003). our results. WenotethatweassumetheGenevamodelsandmetal- Inordertodeterminethemassaccretionratesandirra- licity to be correct, so we have not taken into account any diatingfluxforeachsource,weusethecharacteristicaverage systematicerrorintroducedbyadifferencebetweenthestel- values of X-ray luminosity as given by the authors listed in larevolutionasdescribedbythosemodels,andtheevolution Table 1. We note that this may be a source of uncertainty ofadonorinaULXbinarysystem.Abinaryevolutioncode in ourresults: since theX-rayobservations are not contem- is not necessarily more appropriate, since we do not know porary with the optical observations, the X-ray luminosity whenthebinaryevolvedtoasemi-detachedstate,andsowe andspectrumatthetimeoftheopticalobservationmaybe donotknowtowhatextentthenormalevolutionofthestar different. hasbeendisruptedbythemasstransfer.Wethereforeusea Weassumethecompactobjectinthebinarysystemisa single-starmodelinthispapertodescribethesimplestcase, BH,butwedonotassumeittobeanIMBH.Forallsources where the donor star has not been significantly perturbed we use BH masses of 10 – 1000M⊙ in our model, a range bythe mass transfer. that encompasses both a stellar mass and an intermediate massnaturefortheBH.WedonotuseBHmassesofbeyond 1000M⊙sinceatthispointtheopticalemissionisdominated 2.3 Mass accretion rate as a constraint of the byalargedisc,andincreasingtheBHmassfurtherhaslittle system parameters additional effect on our model results. Similarly, results for Forsomeofthesourcesinouranalysisopticaldataaloneis a BH mass of 10M⊙ can be taken to apply to BHs with sufficienttodeterminetheparametersofthedonorstarwith masses less than this. good accuracy. For the others there is a large uncertainty even in establishing the luminosity class of the donor star, 2.2 Inclusion of stellar evolution models because the data can be fitted by a wide range of stellar parameters.Inthissituation,wecanuseadditionconditions AswellasdetailingourmodelinCopperwheat et al.(2005), to constrain theparameter space. we applied it to the candidates for the optical counterpart Weconsideramethodthatmakesuseoftheinformation of ULX X-7 in NGC 4559. We took the masses, radii and provided by the X-ray data and model stellar evolutionary luminosities of various main sequence (MS) and supergiant calculations, which is essentially independent of the opti- stars from the tables in Allen (1973). We included these cal/IR photometric observations. The X-ray luminosity L x parameters in our model, and hence were able to calculate of an accreting object is given by therelation the optical luminosity of the ULX if the companion star in the binary system was described by those parameters. We L =ηM˙c2 , (1) x plottedtracksoncolourmagnitudediagrams,whichdescribe where M˙ is the mass accretion rate and η is the efficiency the effect on the optical luminosity when the BH mass was parameter. For accretion onto BH, we may take η = 0.1, varied. We compared these tracks to the measured colours which is sufficient for the purpose of this study. A ULX and V band magnitudes of the candidates. This allowed us luminosity of 1040erg s−1 therefore corresponds to a mass to constrain theproperties of possible candidates. In this paper we have further developed our loss rate of M˙ ≃1.8×10−6M⊙/yr for thedonor star, if we assumeall mass outflowfrom thestarwill beaccreted onto method by using the Geneva stellar evolution models of theBH. Lejeune & Schaerer (2001) to provide more realistic stel- Wesupposethatmasstransferoccursduetothedonor lar parameters, and also to provide constraints on the de- star overfilling its Roche-lobe, and the transfer is driven by rivedages.Weprimarilyusethehighmass-losstrackswhich a gradual volume expansion of the star as it evolves away are recommended for use when dealing with massive stars from its main-sequence phase. For a quasi-steady state, the (Maeder & Meynet 1994). These extend up to a stellar age of 107.5yr. We supplement these with the standard tracks rate of mass loss from thedonor star M˙2 is given by wgrheeanterwethwanishthtios.cWonesiidneprultestshemsaestsivoef ssttealrlsarwpitahraamnetaegres M˙2 = ζ2sM−2ζ2r hτ2J − τ1th − τn1uci , (2) at each point along the evolutionary tracks into our model. We use our model to produce colours and magnitudes ap- where M2 is the mass of the donor star, ζ2s and ζ2r are the adiabatic indices of the mass donor star and its Roche propriate for the irradiated star and disc. We do this for loberespectively,τ isthetimescale oforbitalangularmo- all relevant tracks, which enables us to include stellar age J mentumloss,τ isthethermaltimescaleofthedonorstar as an additional parameter in our analysis. We repeat this th andτ isthenuclearevolutionarytimescale ofthedonor process as we vary the other important parameters, such nuc star(Ritter1988;D’Antona, Mazzitelli & Ritter1989).Sta- absinXar-yrasyyslutemmin,oasnitdy,BtHheminacssli.nWateiondeascnrdiboerdietnhteatpioanraomfettheer blemass transfer occurs when ζ2s−ζ2r >0. Theorbital evolution ofbinary undergoingmasstrans- space relatively completely in Copperwheat et al. (2005). fer is governed bythefollowing equation (see Wu 1997): An additional parameter, introduced by our use of the Geneva tracks, is the stellar metallicity. We use a sub- a˙ =2J˙−2M˙2 1−β −1 1−β −α(1−β)(1+q) ,(3) solar(Z=0.2Z⊙)metallicitythroughout.Thisisappropriate a J M2h q 2(cid:16)1+q(cid:17) q i (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Chris Copperwheat, Mark Cropper, Roberto Soria, Kinwah Wu where a is the orbital separation, J is the orbital angular alargefractionofULXsarefoundtobeundergoingthermal- momentum,q isthemass ratio M1/M2, β is thefraction of timescale mass transfer then the parameter space is much mass loss from the donor star accreted onto the BH, α is smaller than we examine, since the runaway scenario can the specific angular momentum carried away by mass loss only occur with a mass ratio q>q . crit fromthesystem,and“dot”denotesthetimederivative.For InEquation8wetakethemasstransfertobeproceed- conservative mass transfer, which is assumed in this study, ing on the nuclear evolutionary timescale; thus we do not we haveJ˙=α=0, and β =1. It follows that consider thermal-timescale transfer in this paper explicitly. Ourmodelbreaksdownwhenthethermaltimescaleiscom- a˙ =−2 q−1 M˙2. (4) parable to the nuclear evolutionary timescale of the donor. a (cid:16) q (cid:17)M2 In this case the star cannot adjust to the mass loss fast The Roche-lobe radius R of the donor star and the enough to prevent runaway, unstable mass transfer. Then L orbital separation a is well aproximated via theouterlayersofthestarcannot remain inradiativeequi- librium and theassumptions of our model are violated. R 0.49q−2/3 L = (5) Note from Equation 2 that our formalism is versatile a 0.6q−2/3+ln(1+q−1/3) enough to consider thermal timescale mass transfer (in this (Eggleton 1983). The Roche-lobe filling condition requires casethemasstransferratecannotbededuceddirectlyfrom R = R, where R is the radius of the donor star. Suppose thestellarevolutionary track).Ourirradiation modelisap- L thatthemasstransferisquasi-steady,i.e.R˙ =R˙.Bycom- plicableirrespectiveofthemechanismandtimescaleofmass L bining theseconditions with Equations 4 and 5, we obtain transfer. M˙2 R˙ q = , (6) M2 R(cid:20)2(1−q)+(1+q)[2/3−g(q)](cid:21) 2.5 Inclination and orientation considerations Forall ULXsthe inclination with respect to theobserver is where thefunction g(q) is given by currently unknown. At one extreme, the orbital plane of a (2/5)q−2/3+q−1/3 3(1+q−1/3) −1 binaryisperpendiculartotheplaneofthesky(cos(i)=0.0). g(q)= (3/5)q−2/3+ln(cid:2)(1+q−1/3) (cid:3) . (7) In this case with a thin disk, all of the optical flux we ob- serve will be from the star. For any other inclination the For mass transfer driven bynuclear evolution, optical flux will also contain a disc component, the relative M˙2 ≈ −γτM2 , (8) 1co.0n.trTibhuetpiohnasoefowfhtihcehcwoimllpianncrioenassetaarsactost(hie) itsiminecwrehaesnedthtoe nuc observations were made is also unknown. If the star is in where γ is a positive, slowly varying parameter depending superior conjunction with respect to the observer, the ob- on the spectral type and mass of the donor star and the servation will be of the irradiated hemisphere of the star. orbital parameters. The faster the donor star evolves, the If the star and the observer are in inferior conjunction, the higher the mass transfer rate will be, and how rapid mass observation will be of the hemisphere facing away from the transfer occurs is dictated by the evolutionary timescale. BHandthereforethefluxfromthestarwillcontainlittleor The rateof expansion of thestellar radius R˙ and hencethe noirradiated component. massaccretionrateM˙ atparticularevolutionarystageofthe We noted in Copperwheat et al. (2005) that the geo- donor star can bederived from stellar evolutionary tracks. metricconstraintsofthebinarysystemdeterminedwhether Unless stated otherwise, we set the the mass accretion reprocessedlightfromthediscorthestardominatedtheop- rate for sources with X-ray luminosities L ∼ 1040erg s−1 x tical/IRemission. Thediscistruncatedbytidalforces, and to be ∼ 10−6M⊙/yr and other sources with Lx ∼ 1039erg sowhentheseparationbetweenthestarandtheBHislarge, s−1to be∼10−7M⊙/yr. the disc is also large and hence more likely to be the domi- nantopticalcomponent.Alargeseparationisaconsequence ofassumingahighBHmass,soahighBHmassimpliesdisc 2.4 Mass transfer timescale considerations dominatedoptical/IRemission.Wewouldexpectthatincli- Someofthemodelsconstructedtosupportstellar-massBHs nation would therefore dominate the geometrical effects in in ULXs propose they are intermediate- or high-mass X- highBHmasssystems.AlowBHmassgenerallyimpliesthe raybinariesundergoingaphaseofmasstransferonthermal emission is dominated by the donor star. We would there- timescales (King et al. 2001; King 2002). fore expect thephase of the star to havea significant effect Thermal-timescale mass transfer can occur when the on the results only in the cases where we assume a low BH ratio q of donor mass to BH mass exceeds a critical value mass. q ∼ 1. The mass transfer is initiated by orbital evolu- We concentrate our analysis on the general case where crit tion of the binary or nuclear evolution of the star, and for thereisanirradiatedcomponentfromboththestarandthe mass ratio of q>q theRoche lobe of thesecondary will disc. We therefore start by assuming cos(i) = 0.5. As we crit shrink in response to the transfer. This will result in more demonstrated in Copperwheat et al. (2005) thisorientation of the donor spilling out of the Roche equipotential and a already results in a strong contribution to the optical flux phase of rapid mass transfer. In response to the mass loss, from thedisc, and increasing theinclination to cos(i)=1.0 the donor will decrease in size. In general, we find that the has little additional effect. By considering the cases where thermal timescale is much shorter than the nuclear evolu- the star is in superior and inferior conjunction we examine tionary timescale for early type stars. On the other hand, the phases where the stellar contribution to the observed relativelymassivedonorsarerequiredtoachieveq>q .If optical emission is strongest and weakest for this inclina- crit (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Irradiation models for ULXs and fits to optical data 5 tion.Wethenadditionallyconsidersuperiorconjunctionand AsinCopperwheat et al.(2005),wefindthatcandidates2, cos(i)=0.0,describingthecasewhenalloftheopticalfluxis 3 and 4 are consistent with our model only when we use a fromtheirradiatedhemisphereofthestar.Whenweassume BH mass of ≃1000M⊙ and an inclination of cos(i)=0.0. inferiorconjunctionandtakecos(i)=0.0,wewouldseeonly Soria et al. (2005) suggested that candidate 1 was the theunirradiatedhemisphereofthestar.Inthiscaseitwould mostlikelycounterpart.ThefindingsofCopperwheat et al. be appropriate to use a standard unirradiated star. These (2005) are consistent with this and so for our further anal- extremestates allow ustoexplorerelatively completely the ysis of this source we will assume candidate 1 is theoptical inclination and phase orientation parameter space. counterpart. In Figures 1 and 2 we plot the confidence contours for the stellar age, mass and radius against the BH mass, for aninclination ofcos(i)=0.5inFigure1andcos(i)=0.0in 3 APPLICATION TO OBSERVATIONS Figure 2. We assume the star is in superior conjunction in Wenowapplyourcalculationstotheobservedopticalcoun- both cases. terparts of six ULXs observed with HST, and one observed We see first that there is an upper bound on the BH with the ESO VLT telescope. The photometric values we mass of ∼35M⊙ in the cos(i) =0.0 case. As for the donor have used are in Table 1. Where necessary, we have con- starparameters,ifweexaminethecos(i)=0.5casefirstwe vertedthevaluestoabsolutemagnitudesusingthedistances see that the age ranges from 107 – 108yr, the mass ranges given in thetable. from5–20M⊙ andtheradiusisbetween9and30R⊙,with WehavecorrectedthevaluesfortheNGC4559andthe thelowerradiiimplyingahigherBHmass.Forthecos(i)= NGC1313ULXsusingtheGalacticE(B−V)valuesgivenin 0.0 case the age and mass range is similar. The radius lies Soria et al.(2005)andMucciarelli et al.(2005)respectively, between 51 and 72R⊙ when we assume thisinclination. and AV/E(B−V) = 3.1. For the M101 ULX we use the These values are consistent with candidate 1 being of E(B−V)fromKuntzet al.(2005),whichincludesGalactic a similar mass and age to the other candidates within the reddeningandreddeningfromthediskofM101.Inthecase errorcircle(Soria et al.2005),withitsincreasedluminosity of the NGC 5204 ULX, we follow Liu, Bregman & Seitzer dueto theeffects of irradiative heating. (2002) for the reddening correction, using n =1021 cm−2 H andassumetheGalactic relation n =5.8×1021E(B−V) H (Bohlin, Savage& Drake1978).Theremainingobjectswere 3.2 ULX X-6 in M81 already corrected for Galactic reddening. This source has an average X-ray luminosity of 2 ×1039 WedeterminetheuncertaintyinthevaluesgiveninTa- erg s−1(Roberts & Warwick 2000). Liu et al. (2002) found ble 1 by taking the error given for the original photometric an optical counterpart they considered unique to this ULX values, and combine this with any additional uncertainty (designatedNGC3031X-11inthatpaper),andreportedB, we have introduced by correcting for reddening. We base V and I magnitudes derived from HST ACS observations our confidence intervals on these errors, and fix the X-ray (Table 1). luminosity and hardness. We assume the distances given in We first examine the case where this source is at su- Table 1 to be correct, and so do not introduce any addi- perior conjunction and cos(i) = 0.5. We find that for this tional uncertainty where we have converted from apparent orientation ourmodelisapoorfittotheobservationat the to absolute magnitudes. 90% confidence level: the irradiated disk/star are together For each source, we take each evolutionary track in tooluminoustomatch theobservation foranycombination turn,andcomparingtheavailablephotometricobservations of star and BH. We therefore chose to adjust the hardness with our model calculations, calculate the variation in the ratio of the irradiating X-ray spectrum in this case in or- χ-squared statistic along it. We then combine our tracks, dertofitourmodeltotheobservation.Whenwelower ξ to and determine the range of the important parameters to 0.01,wefindagoodfittothedata.Weshowtheconfidence 68%, 90%, 95% and 99% confidence levels. The results of contoursinFigure3.Weseethatthestellaragerangesfrom ourcalculationsareinFigures3to11andTables2to5.We 106 –108.7yr,withalowerstellarageimplyingahigherBH show all four confidencelevelsin thefigures, butthevalues mass. The stellar mass ranges from 1.5 – 14M⊙, and the we quote in the tables and the text are taken at the 90% stellar radius ranges from 2.5 – 8R⊙. confidencelevel. Whenweassumethestartobeininferior conjunction, weagain requireareduced hardnessratio of ξ=0.01 in or- dertoobtainagoodfit.Wefindthatmostoftheparameter 3.1 ULX X-7 in NGC 4559 space that we found fitted with our model for the superior Soria et al. (2005) used HST WFPC2 observations to conjunction case is contained within that here. In addition, study the optical environment of ULX X-7 in NGC 4559, we find that for low BH masses we can fit larger stars of a source with an average X-ray luminosity of 1040erg radius 10 – 17R⊙ with the observation. These parameters s−1(Cropper et al. 2004). They found eight possible candi- representcaseswherethemajorityoftheopticalemissionis datesfortheULXopticalcounterpart,listingtheB,V and fromtheunirradiatedhemisphereofthestar.Thesmall,but I standard magnitudes for each in table 2 of that paper. notinsignificantdisccontribution,aswellastheRochelobe C We applied our model to this source in shapeofthestaraccountsforthedifferencebetweenourfit- Copperwheat et al. (2005). We now do this again, us- ted stellar parameters and those of Liu et al. (2002) in this ing the revised model as described in Section 2. We apply inferiorconjunctioncase.AthigherBHmassestheemission the extinction correction for absorption within our galaxy isdisk dominated and ourresults arenot dependenton the giveninSoria et al.(2005)tothephotometricobservations. phaseof thestar. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 Chris Copperwheat, Mark Cropper, Roberto Soria, Kinwah Wu Table 1. The photometric data we have used for the ULX in this work. Where necessary, we have converted the figures given in the referencestoabsolutemagnitudes andhaveappliedreddeningcorrectionsforgalacticabsorption. MB MV MRc MIc Distance(Mpc) NGC4559X-7 −7.22±0.19 −7.03±0.16 −6.98±0.16 10 (Soriaetal.2005) M81X-6 −4.28±0.04 −4.18±0.03 −4.20±0.07 3.63 (Liuetal.2002) M101ULX-1 −6.19±0.15 −5.92±0.12 −5.81±0.16 7.2 (Kuntzetal.2005) NGC5408ULX −6.4±0.2 −6.4±0.2 −6.1±0.1 4.8 (SubaruandHSTarchivaldata) HolmbergIIULX −6.03±0.19 −5.78±0.11 3.05 (Kaaretetal.2004) NGC1313X-2(C1) −4.7±0.18 −4.5±0.18 −4.2±0.18 3.7 (Mucciarellietal.2005) HSTMAG F220W F435W F606W F814W Distance(Mpc) NGC5204ULX −8.51±0.11 −6.49±0.11 −5.44±0.13 −4.38±0.13 4.3 (Liuetal.2004) Weexaminenextthecasewhencos(i)=0.0(Figure2). 3.4 M101 ULX-1 Inthisorientation,wecanfitourmodelwiththeobservation The source designated ULX-1 in M101 has a peak X-ray forahardnessratioofξ=0.1.Wenotefirstofallthatthere luminosity of ≃ 1.2×1039erg s−1. Kuntzet al. (2005) re- isanupperboundontheBHmassof33M⊙.Thestellarage that fits with the observation ranges from 107.9 – 108.7yr, portedauniqueopticalcounterpartandreportedB,VandI magnitudes recorded with the HST ACS instrument. From and the mass and radius range from 3 – 5.5M⊙ and 10 – these data, they deduced the companion star was a B type 15R⊙ respectively.Thesevaluesfitequallywell,whenweset ξ = 0.01, since the stellar luminosity is much less sensitive supergiantwithamassof9to12M⊙.Theyalsoobservedno significant variation in the optical magnitudes over a sixty to changes in theX-rayhardness than the disk. day period. Liu et al. (2002) found the field stars in the vicinity of athssisumUeLXtheradnogneorininagtehefrUomLX1.b0in×ar1y06is–of1.a0s×im1i0la8ryra.geIf, wwee stellaWrahgeenowf1e0u8s–e1a0n8.7inycrl,inaamtiaosnsooff2co–s7(Mi)⊙=a0n.d5awreadfiinudsoaf seefromFigure2thatthestellarparametersareverytightly 6–30R⊙,withlowerradiusvaluesimplyingamoremassive BH. constrainedinthecos(i)=0.0case.Inthecos(i)=0.5case As in the case of the ULX in NGC 5204, we find our (Figure3),weseethatthereisalowerlimitontheBHmass modelisaverypoorfittotheobservationwhenweuseanin- of 20M⊙ if we constrain thestellar age in this way. clinationofcos(i)=0.0.Again,thepoorfitiscausedbythe upperbound on the mass accretion rate – when we remove thisconstraintwefindastarofage107.0yrto107.3yr,mass 11–100M⊙andradius12–33R⊙fitstheobservation.These are much looser constraints on the stellar parameters than thosereportedbyKuntzet al.(2005).Byallowingemission 3.3 ULX in NGC 5204 from both an irradiated star and disk component, the ob- servation fitswith a much wider range of binary systems. HST WFPC2 and ACS observations of theoptical counter- part to a ULX in NGC 5204 were described in Liu et al. (2004). This source has an X-ray luminosity of L ≃ 3× 1039erg s−1. We took the photometric measuremenxts from 3.5 ULX in NGC 5408 Liu et al. (2004) and corrected those magnitudes for inter- NGC 5408 contains a ULX with an X-ray luminosity of stellar absorption using the NH column density given in 1040erg s−1. This source was initially thought to be con- Liu et al. (2004). sistent with a beamed microquasar (Kaaret et al. 2003). Wefind ourmodel is avery poor fit totheobservation More recent studies have shown disk emission and QPOs, when we orient the system so as to include an irradiated which could be interpreted as evidence for an IMBH disk and/or stellar component. This poor fit is caused by (Soria et al. 2004; Strohmayeret al. 2007). However, a soft ourconstraintonthemassaccretion rate.Whenweremove disk component may also be explained by alternative this constraint we find our model implies a companion star scenarios that do not require an IMBH (Stobbart et al. with a mass of 60 to 110M⊙, a radius of 13 – 15R⊙ and 2006;Gon¸calves & Soria2006).Therefore,inthisandother an age of 106.3yr or less. This is a young, massive star that sources characterized by an X-ray soft excess, optical con- is evolving rapidly in radius and is hence transferring mass straintsonthesystemparameterscanhelpbreakthedegen- at a high rate, so when we set an upper limit on the mass eracy. accretion rate as implied from the X-ray luminosity, this WeusethearchivalHST/WFPC2andSubaruobserva- solutionisprecluded.Thebestsolutionwiththisconstraint tions to determine B, V and I photometric magnitudes for appliedisforaBHmassof1000M⊙ andastellarage,mass theopticalcounterpart.Thereareinfactanumberofcandi- and radius of 105.3yr, 52M⊙ and 9R⊙ respectively. dates for the optical counterpart within the Chandra error We note as an aside that, when we remove the con- circle: we assume here the counterpart is the source which straint on the mass accretion rate, there is an upperbound appears most luminous in theV-bandHST observation. on the BH mass of 240M⊙ when we assume an inclination We examine the cos(i) = 0.5 case first (Figure 5). We of cos(i)=0.5. see that we can fit a donor star of mass 6 – 24M⊙ to the (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Irradiation models for ULXs and fits to optical data 7 1e+09 1e+09 1e+08 1e+08 s) s) yr yr e ( e ( Ag 1e+07 Ag 1e+07 ar ar ell ell St St 1e+06 1e+06 100000 100000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Ms Ms s ( s ( s s a a M M ar 10 ar 10 ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Rs Rs s ( s ( u u di di a a R 10 R 10 ar ar ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun Figure 1. Confidence contours for the binary parameters for the Figure2.AsforFigure1,butwithabinaryinclinationofcos(i)= sourceX-7inNGC4559,assumingcandidate1istheopticalcoun- 0.0. terpart. We assume a binary inclination of cos(i) = 0.5, superior conjunctionwithrespecttotheobserverandthestar,andastellar metallicityofZ=0.2Z⊙.WeuseanX-rayhardnessratioofξ=0.1. Thered,black,greenandbluelinesdenotethe68%,90%,95%and 99%confidence intervalsrespectively. observational data over the entire BH mass range. These 67M⊙)donorisalsopossiblewhenweuseaBHmassofless stars have ages of order 107yr and radii of 23 – 44R⊙. We than 30M⊙. see also that when we assume a BH mass of greater than In the cos(i) = 0.0 case, we see from Figure 6 that an 100M⊙, we can fit more massive (< 100M⊙), younger and upperboundof110M⊙ exists.Thedonorstarhasanageof more compact stars to the observation. A very massive (> 107–107.8yr,amassof6–15M⊙ andaradiusof23–43R⊙. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Chris Copperwheat, Mark Cropper, Roberto Soria, Kinwah Wu 1e+09 1e+09 1e+08 1e+08 s) s) yr yr e ( e ( Ag 1e+07 Ag 1e+07 ar ar ell ell St St 1e+06 1e+06 100000 100000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Ms Ms s ( s ( s s a a M M ar 10 ar 10 ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Rs Rs s ( s ( u u di di a a R 10 R 10 ar ar ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun Figure 3. Confidence contours for the binary parameters for the Figure4.AsforFigure3,butwithabinaryinclinationofcos(i)= sourceX-6inM81.Weassumeabinaryinclinationofcos(i)=0.5, 0.0andahardnessratioofξ=0.1. superiorconjunctionwithrespecttotheobserverandthestar,and a stellar metallicity of Z=0.2Z⊙. We use an X-rayhardness ratio of ξ = 0.01. The red, black, green and blue lines denote the 68%, 90%,95%and99%confidence intervalsrespectively. A very massive (> 80M⊙) donor is also possible when we metricdata of thisLx =1040ergs−1 ULX.They found two use a low BH mass. possible candidates for the optical counterpart of this ULX withintheChandraerrorcircle.TheygaveB,VandRmag- nitudes for the candidate designated C1 in that paper, and 3.6 ULX X-2 in NGC 1313 VandRmagnitudesforthecandidateC2.Thissecondcan- Mucciarelli et al. (2005) analysed archive ESO VLT photo- didatewas not detected in the B-band. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Irradiation models for ULXs and fits to optical data 9 1e+08 1e+09 1e+08 s) 1e+07 s) yr yr e ( e ( Ag Ag 1e+07 ar ar ell ell St 1e+06 St 1e+06 100000 100000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Ms Ms s ( s ( s s a a M M ar 10 ar 10 ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Rs Rs s ( s ( u u di di a a R 10 R 10 ar ar ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun Figure 5. Confidence contours for the binary parameters for the Figure6.AsforFigure5,butwithabinaryinclinationofcos(i)= ULXinNGC5408.Weassumeabinaryinclinationofcos(i)=0.5, 0.0. superiorconjunctionwithrespecttotheobserverandthestar,and a stellar metallicity of Z=0.2Z⊙. We use an X-rayhardness ratio of ξ = 0.1. The red, black, green and blue lines denote the 68%, 90%,95%and99%confidence intervalsrespectively. We applied our model to the photometric data of both ment (Liu et al. 2007). We see in Figure 7 that an upper candidates. We find the non-detection of C2 in the B-band bound of 100M⊙ exists for this source when we set the in- makes it inconsistent with being an irradiated donor star clination to be cos(i) = 0.5. If we take Figures 7 and 8 and/ordisc.WethereforetakecandidateC1tobethecoun- together we see that the donor star mass ranges from 6 to terpart.Thisdeterminationhasbeenconfirmedbyarecent, 38M⊙, with the upper bound decreasing to 23M⊙ in the moreaccurateastrometricstudywiththeHSTACSinstru- cos(i) = 0.5 case. For cos(i) = 0.5 the radius is 3 – 6R⊙. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 Chris Copperwheat, Mark Cropper, Roberto Soria, Kinwah Wu 1e+09 1e+09 1e+08 1e+08 s) s) yr yr e ( e ( Ag 1e+07 Ag 1e+07 ar ar ell ell St St 1e+06 1e+06 100000 100000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Ms Ms s ( s ( s s a a M M ar 10 ar 10 ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun 100 100 )n )n u u Rs Rs s ( s ( u u di di a a R 10 R 10 ar ar ell ell St St 1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 BH Mass (M ) BH Mass (M ) sun sun Figure7.ConfidencecontoursforthebinaryparametersforULX Figure8.AsforFigure7,butwithabinaryinclinationofcos(i)= X-2inNGC1313,assumingcandidateC1istheopticalcounterpart. 0.0. Weassumeabinaryinclinationofcos(i)=0.5,superiorconjunction withrespect totheobserverandthe star,andastellarmetallicity ofZ=0.2Z⊙.WeuseanX-rayhardness ratioofξ=0.1. Thered, black, green and blue lines denote the 68%, 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervalsrespectively. Setting cos(i) = 0.0 results in the radius increasing to 7 – 3.7 ULX in Holmberg II 18R⊙. This ULX has an X-ray luminosity measured at up to 1040erg s−1 (Kaaret et al. 2004), although it is highly vari- able. It is associated with a diffuse, photoionised nebula, (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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