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Preview irradiation embrittlement, thermal annealing and surveillance of reactor pressure vessels vienna ...

International Atomic Energy Agency lWGJtRPC-79/3 i IAEA INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON RELIABILITY OF REACTOR PRESSURE COMPONENTS IRRADIATION EMBRITTLEMENT, THERMAL ANNEALING AND SURVEILLANCE OF REACTOR PRESSURE VESSELS VIENNA, AUSTRIA 26 FEBRUARY 1 MARCH 1979 Reproduced by the IAEA in Austria December '"T-J IRRADIATION EMBR1TTLEMENT, THERMAL ANNEALING AND SURVEILLANCE OF REACTOR PRESSURE VESSITLS VIENNA, AUSTRIA 26 FEBRUARY - 1 MARCH 1979 Chairman of the Meeting L.E. Steele Head Thermostructural Materials Branch Materials Science and Technology Division Naval Research Laboratory Washington DC 20875 USA Scientific Secretary of the IAEA IWG-RRPC IK. Terentiev,IAEA CONTENTS SUMMARY (Including Conclusions and Recommendations of the Meeting) 1 OPENING SESSION Regulatory aspects of radiation embrittlement of reactor vessel steels 5 Pry or N. Randall SESSION 1. RADIATION EMBRITTLEMENT Radiation embnttlement predictions for reactor pressure vessels g K.E. StaMkopf, T. U. Marston Effect of residual elements and nickel on the sensitivity to irradiation embrittlement of SA508 CL.3 pressure vessel steel and weld 18 P. Petrequin. P. Soulat, B. Houssin Radiation damage and annealing of Cr-Mo-V steel 28 M. Vacek, S. Havel, M. Brumovsky Irradiation embrittlement of a variety of RPV steel plates and weldments 35 LM. Davies, J.H. Venables, T.J. Williams Size effect in radiation damage 48 At. Brumovsky SESSION II. SURVEILLANCE I Utility experience with reactor vessel surveillance 60 S. Rothstein Current technical aspects concerning PWR reactor vessel surveillance programme 81 C. Buchalet A Belgian operating experience in pressure vessel surveillance programme 87 Ph. Van Asbroeck, P. Gubel, H. Tourme, J. Van der Velde Results of the steel surveillance programme for the pressure vessel of the Dutch 50 MWE Dodewaard BWR 97 LB. Dufour, E. Lijbrink, W.L Zijp Present status of reactor pressure vessel steels surveillance in Japan 112 S Miyazom. T. Kodaira Recent experiences and problems in conducting pressure vessel surveillance examinations 113 J.S. Perrin SESSION 111 SURVEILLANCE II Possibility of using small size specimens for toughness evaluation of pressure vessel steels in surveillance programmes 119 P. Petrequin, P. Soulat The assets and limitations of the Charpy V-notch approach to pressure vessel safety in the surveillance programmes - A proposal for modifications 130 5. Rao The analysis of reactor vessel surveillance program data 138 E.B. Norris Analysis and interpretation of nuclear surveillance results 144 \LN. MCELROY et ai. Characterization of the neutron environment for commercial LWR pressure vessel surveillance programme 173 S.L. Anderson SESSION IV. ANNEALING Reactor vessel annealing to restore toughness — An engineering assessment 180 T.R. Mager, T. U. Marston (Abstract only) Survey of postirradiation heat treatment as a means to mitigate radiation embrittlement of reactor vessel steels 181 J.R. Hawthorne irradiation effects on reactor pressure vessel steels. Influence of flux and irradiation annealing behaviour 195 P. Petrequin, P. Soulat Hardness annealing behaviour of short- and long-term irradiated reactor pressure vessel steel specimens 200 D. Pachur Programme of post irradiation annealing studies 206 US. Sivaramakrishnan A simplified theoretical approach to explain a possible, dose rate-dependent saturation effect of irradiation embrittlement 214 C Leitz LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 223 SUMMARY condition after neutron irradiation so as to assure vessel integrity for the reactor's economic life. This applies to both current and futuie light water reactor (LWR) systems. With this basis, the participants, Introduction organizers, authors, and discussors freely provided the latest available The specialists' meeting on "Irradiation embrittlement, thermal information as well as ideas for added research and development to meet annealing and surveillance of reactor pressure vassal steels" was organized the theme goal. within the programme of activities of the IAEA International Working Group on Reliability of Reactor Preasure Components (IWO-RRPC), and held at Papers from 3elgium, Chechoslovakia, Prance, the Federal Republic of IASA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, on 26-28 February 1979. Germany, India, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States cjvered various topics within the framework of studies on The subject meeting was followed by the Research Coordination meeting irradiation embrittlement, surveillance, and thermal annealing to correct on "Analysis of the behaviour of Advanced Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels radiation damage. It -las agreed that the collective result in the long mi would be to provide the jasic data on which to base criteria for under Neutron Irradiation", held at the same place on 1-2 March 1979. assurance of LWR vessel integrity. Such information is considered of value both co those companies (or nations) now owning operating reactors The specialists' aeeting was attended by 55 participants from and to those companies (or nations) contemplating the acquisition of a 15 countries. nuclear power plant or plants. The research coordination meeting was attended by 12 participants and 10 observers from 12 countries. The technical papers and technical discussion emphasized new developments in our understanding of irradiation embrittlement, the Some 27 reports and oral contributions were presented and discussed influence of individual component elements of vessel steel3 on sensitivity at the specialists' meeting. General discussion at the end of the to neutron radiation, the fracture response of steels to conventional (usually Charpy V-notch) fracture tests, the potential value of new, lesc meeting identified the main findings and results and resulted in preparation conventional fracture mechanics (quantitative) tests au applied both before of the) recommendations. and after irradiation, the current national or company approaches to Burveillance of fracture response of vessel steels and the potential for Dr. L.S.Steele, U.S.A, served as the Chairman of the meeting. In radiation damage correction by postirradiation heat treatment or annealing. cooperation with the participants he worked out the recommendations and The latter included discussions of the factors responsible for the susmarised conclusions which wars approved at the final session of the engineering feasibility of this process which would be applied only as neeting. "last resort". The most significant observations and recommendation? are as follows: Summary of the reports and discussions and recommendations of the meeting 1. Flux or Irradiation Rate Effect. Several authors described observations (both from surveillance and experimental studies, mainly the former) sugtreBting The basic theme of this meeting was the exposition of knowledge which the possibility for a significantly lower maximum level of embrittlement will permit the evaluation or projection of the reactor pressure vessel for low fluxes. Evidence from test reactor studies suggested that the phenomenon was more pronounced in steels of generally low radiation mainstay of current ( «*i future) surveillance programs the bent possible sensitivity while surveillance studies showed no discrimination between use be made of 3uch data. One approach is to use computer based curve steels. One theoretical analysis procedure was shown which had been fitting techniques and improved instrumented, load-deflection measurements. tested on steels irradiated in a test reactor for as long as ten years. Results of surveillance programs containing new miniature "fracture mechanics" (FW) speciments having potential for quantitative analysis Recommendati on under linear-elastic conditions were reported. Similarly, results of irradiations conducted using a variety of small Wi specimens were The preliminary evidence must be evaluated by further data and reported though no standard testing and analysis methods beyond the theoretical analyses including specially designed low flux linear elastic analysis of ASTM B-399 were provided. Extensive discu3!>ions irradiation experiments and further correlative evaluations on fracture tests led to several points of general consensus. These aroj of surveillance capsules containing identical steels or those of the sane type and similar in composition. The fundamental Recommendations physical processes involved must be explored and better explained a. Surveillance capsules should contain FV" specimens which 2. Composition and Residual Element Effects. Data provided reinforced provide valid stress intensity values to temperatures (us the fact that copper content (especially in the range above 0.20 percent) high as possible. Preferred is a 25-mm thickness specimen. was most effective in causing embrittlement (both transition and toughness This is an effort to describe radiation induced increases level). A less dominant yet unmistakable effect was shown for phosphorus in some critical reference temperature as carefully as and nickel (especially above I.03S). Other evidence showed possible possible without overwhelming problems of temperature and beneficial effects of silicon on "shelf" toughness and a detrimental fluence gradients. Meanwhile, the application of precracked effect of arsenic on both transition and "shelf". Charpy specimens and standardized computer baaed curve fitting procedures are endorsed to enhance the accuracy Recotnaendati on (and adequacy) of small impact test specimens. Continued efforts to produce pressure vessel steels low in the b. It is crucial that shelf ("ductile") toughness be defined cited critical elements and in residual elements generally to operating temperature levels on a reliable qualitative (clean steels) must be made. This alone should result in the basis but arbitrary Charpy energy criteria must be applied minimization of radiation embrittlement and reduce the need until such tests are proven. When proven these new fracture for extensive surveillance in future reactors. Nevertheless, tests must be used to cover the "full" upper shelf toughness because a number of older reactors contain these elements including the whole regime of operating reactor temperatures. (especially copper in welds), it is essential that quantitative Meanwhile, it is recommended that more Charpy specimens be and fundamental bases (physical phenomena) for such effects be used in surveillance and their testing cover the range to developed. reactor operating temperatures. (This need is made more urgent by revelations of possible thermal and strain aging 3. Pract re Tests. Most irradiation results are reported in terms of propensity in some currently used vessel steels.) the largely qualitative Charpy V-notch tests. As this specimen is the Large section tests (test bars and simulated vessels) are results and aiding in the fundamen*al understanding of encouraged for both unirradiated and irradiated conditions. radiation damage of ferritic steel::. However, it is realized and accepted that such tests will d. Piirther use of the damage function analysis approach to only be confirmatory - that is, provide a standard basis assess the relativo damaging potential (induced proportior for small specimen modelling (and projection) of reactor change) of neutrons by energy groups was believed to be operating conditions. important. e. The amplication of standards for developing neutron dose The use of systematic, statistically based methods of in terms of the more universal criterion, displacements analysis must augment the foregoing, especially in per atom (DPA), was endorsed with the reservation that part reconstructing older reactor conditions or making projections conventions for reporting neutrons greater than some from the existing bank of Charpy impact data. energy level as u.l or 1,0 MeV be continued in parallel. 4. Neutron Dosimetry and Spectrum Analysis •j. Surveillance, The Techniques Therefor. Several authors described extensive dosimetry programs for now The delegates and participants unanimously approved in principle surveillance programs but much of the potential problem of embrittlement the inclusion of surveillance programs of even greater scope than in the lies with older reactors wherein dosimetry was much less. r\jrther, past. The accepted thesis was that the cost of surveillance programs is it was noted that the nature of a reactor and its operating history may negligible compared to possible reactor "downtime." h\irther, the suggested change significantly over a period of years. These factors have led to analytical efforts in understanding radiation damage, steel fracture a consensus that, as with fracture, we must be able to analytically behaviour and the neutron environmentr cited above, will provide vital, augment limited data from older surveillance programs. This situation confirming complements to individual reactor surveillance studies. is made less severe however by the fact that well documented reference steels were placed in early surveillance capsules and that these nay Recommendations. serve as a reference standard for comparing results or for projecting to a. Surveillance programs are essential. the future if necessary. A clear call for advances in international b. These programs should include the material projected to standards for neutron dosimetry and related surveillance techniques was bo limiting in terms of potential I'ai failu-o after made by several speakers. neutron degradation and the fullest possible complement Recommendations. of neutron dosimeters, a. Improved dosimetry packages should be applied in future c. Orwontional Charpy fracture specimens must be augmented surveillance programs. by small fracture mechanic:; specimens oven though no b. Systematic, statistical analyses of past data may help standard for interpretation of data therefrom is yet define conditions for older reactors even if dosimetry available (:;oe item (a above). The number if .-.pocimon:: was minimal. sh-mld be increased and the temperature of tests extended c. A US program with international support for a mock-up to that of reactor operation. experimental facility to test and compare results on both d. Archive materials matching those in reactor should be dosimetry and related changes in critical vessel steel retained for possible future clarifying tests or analyses. properties was endorsed as one means for validating surveillance e. Great care in capsule design, specimen and materials conditions and thus the possibility for taking actions to minimize the documentation, dosimetry, and temperature monitoring is already small chance for catastrophic failure. Similarly, exhaustive essential to any good surveillance effort. evaluations of composition effects and of the physical phenomena involved in irradiation embrittlement are now being carried out in several nations. f. .Vhere possible complement long-terra surveillance by These efforts are highlighted by the IAEA sponsored coordinated research analytical efforts, by parallel irradiations in sister program which specifically seeks to analyze the potential (radiation reactors or test reactor facilities. resistance) of improved 3teels from steel makers in hYanco, Germany and g. Related analytical studies of the neutron environment Japan. This program, to be completed in 19 '2, 3hould prove the high should focus on the projection of results in terms of radiation resistance of advanced composition steels regardless of national exposures anticipated at the one quarter thickness source and also provide invaluable correlations of small fracture mechanic location of the vessel wall, thereby reducing the tests. major conservatism inherent to the use of the inside The general views of delegates and participants was that the meeting vessel wall or capsule position for projecting served as a positive step toward meeting the theme goal of assuring the embrittlement. structural integrity of all light water reactor pressure vessels. o. Thermal Annealing to Correct Embrittlement The effectiveness of thermal annealing for correcting amU it llement was described by several authors and was universally recommended to be studied thoroughly but used only as a "technique of last resort". Conclusions These points represent the most fully discussed matters, those considered most important to reactor vessel integrity. Generally' the discussions were addressed to older pressurized water reactors wherein steels known to be relatively sensitive to embrittlement (especially welds) were used. (Newer vessels are generally constructed of less sensitive steels.) A new and potentially more positive development was cited. This was the observation of a possible flux effect resulting in an apparent saturation of embrittlement afttr exposure at low flux rates. Full documentation of the extent and piiysical nature of this phenomenon may greatly reduce the concerns for radiation embrittlement, as well as the need for extensive surveillance and annealing studies. Meanwhile, analytical approaches for reworking old data, both fracture and neutron environmental, should advance our confidence in the knowledge of vessel II. SWAMPS AND ALLIGATORS 5 Obviously in the big picture, the swamp to be drained is to establish con­ fidence in the structural integrity of the reactor vessel. Some of my friends Opening Session in the nuclear industry mirht say that NRC regulations are the alligators in that swamp, which distract them from the objective. One might ask, why is there regulation of nuclear power but not of fossil-fuel power, nor of oil refineries, REGULATORY ASPECTS OF RADIATION chemical plants or highway bridges. I believe the main reason is that people are not willing to let the nuclear industry develop its own rules for struc­ EMBR1TTLEMENT OF REACTOR VESSEL STEELS tural integrity by learning from its mistakes, as the other industries have done. The mistakes may cost too much. We hope the NRC provides another line of defense against such mistakes. In trying to fulfill this role, it is NRC PRYORN. RANDALL* policy to make full use of the National Standards effort. An obvious example USNRC here is the ASTM* Recommended Practice on Surveillance, £ 185, which is incor­ porated by reference in Appendix H to 10 CFR Part 50. I. INTRODUCTION The first of the technical distractions, which I categorize as alligators or as the tips of icebergs, is the criterion for measurement of the adjustment One purpose of this conference, as I see it, is to re-examine the conven­ of reference temperature. Traditionally, this temperature shift was measured tional wisdom about neutron radiation erobrittlement and the'methods used to at the 30 ft. lb. level of energy as determined by Charpy V-notch tests. Then counteract embrittlement in reactor vessels. Perhaps, there have been suffi­ the ASME** Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code began to make use of lateral expan­ cient advances in fracture mechanics, core physics, dosimetry, and physical sion measurements on Charpy specimens. In 1972, the reference temperature, •etallurgy to permit a forward step in the quantitative treatment of the sub­ RT was defined in the ASME Code in terms of the nil-ductility transition ject. Certainly this would be consistent with the position of the U.S. Nuclear temNDpTerature from dropweight tests, with 35 mils lateral expansion and 50 ft lb Regulatory Commission (the NRC) in general. "There nas been a continued evolu­ energy from Charpy tests as supplomental criteria. Appendix G of our regula­ tion towaru increased specificity." This statement appeared in the response tions, 10 CFR Part 50, adopted the two Charpy criteria as the measure of shift prepared by the staff to a request from the Commission to explain how the staff due to radiation to be consistent with the Code and to be conservative, However, decides to apply a new requirement and to whom, i.e., to back-fit or forward- as everyone knows, the 50 ft lb criterion becomes inoperative when the upper fit-only or whatever. shelf is below 50 ft lb and it is too conservative when the upper shelf energy approaches 50 ft lb. This it has done for some radiation-sensitive materials Pressure for increased specificity, i.e., for fleshing out general design such as high-copper welds. Having no alternative, we are revising the regula­ criteria, co^es from "technical surprises" in the form of operating experiences tion to drop the 35 mil lateral expansion criterion and reduce the 50 ft lb to or froni research information, and from attempts to improve our confidence in 30 ft lb, but we do not regard this as the final word. the safet> o* plants, especially new plants. Regulators don't like technical surprises: not pany people do, except research types. Our goal is to have anticipated an*, evaluated all possible modes of failure with sufficient quanti- Efforts to develop a more sophisticated method for characterizing the tativeness that the probability of failure can be estimated with some accuracy. Charpy shift have begun. The first step is to standardize the curve-fittinij Failing t^iis, regulators demand large margins of safety to cover our ignorance. technique for Charpy data. ASTM Subcommittee E 10.02*** has a task group Although, »s ?--e often accused of having an insatiable appetite for large mar­ working to develop a recommended practice. A prime example of the proposed gins, we rea;i> prefer to have less ignorance. methods is that of Dr. William Oldfield, who uses the hyperbolic tangent func­ tion to describe the transition curve mathematically. The four constants of the "tanh-fit" are then used to describe the adjustment of reference temper" This brings me to the subtitle of this talfc--"swamps and alligators". We ature completely, rather than in terms of the temperature shift only. have a saying, used by someone accused of overlooking the "big picture", "when you are up to your. . .in alligators, it is hard to remember that your objective was to drain the swamp". I want to classify the activities discussed at this conference in terms of fighting alligators versus draining swamps. To use a different anal-ogy, a lot of -our activity focuses on the tip of the iceberg. I American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Ft., Philadelphia, Pa. want to remind you of the underlying objectives and the unresolved problems. 19103. For each problem, I will discuss briefly the research efforts that the NRC is ** sponsoring and the additional work that I feel is needed. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY. 10017. *** Office of Standards Development, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Subcommittee on Behavior and Use of Nuclear Metallic Mate-ials in Nuclear Washington, O.C. 20555. Systems of ASTM Committee E 10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications.

of SA508 CL.3 pressure vessel steel and weld. 18. P. Petrequin the inclusion of surveillance programs of even greater scope than in the past. on this subject by fundamental physical metallurgy methods might be a useful Thirdly, the effects of radiation embri tt lenient of reactor vessel supports.
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