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FREE GRATIS fjmimmmin iiiy iia u M P M B M iiia iiiiiiH a a y y B a iiii8 B B ii« iiii]iB y iiia iiiiia « iiiin iiiii|j TRI-LINGUAL f i ini i i iiiiiiiin innliiiiiiiijiiiiii hi 1-1 1 I I I I 111:11111 f i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 11 I I I 1 iinsi Vol. 15 No. 4 Winter 1992-3 Studying Pollution In The Passaic River English p. 1 - 5, Portugues p. 6 - 8, Espanol p. 9 -11 Learning By Doing: ICATW Goes To School Students from selected classes at Lafayette St., Oliver St., St. Benedict’s, St. Vincent’s and East Side High School will have an exciting addition to their curriculum this year. In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, they will learn to protect our environment. The Ironbound Committee Against Toxic Waste (ICATW) is teaming up with the American Littoral Society and Clean Ocean Action, two environmental organizations based in Sandy Hook, N.J., to help these students have a first hand experience in protecting our environment. Library Fun Students will learn what caused the pollution in the Passaic River, and what they can Ironbound children celebrated Halloween do about it. Students will test the quality of water at the Childrens’ Room of the Van Buren St. in the river, and see what lives there. They will Public Library. Prizes were awarded for the best take part in cleaning up the river, and do planting costumes. along its shores. They will learn about recycling The Van Buren St. Library runs a weekly and composting, and that what gets thrown into preschool program on Mondays from 10 AM to the sewers can hurt our oceans. Some students 11 AM for 3 and 4 year old children. The goal of will participate in stenciling a message onto storm the program is to introduce children to the library, drains which flow directly into the river to warn as well as to other children. Parents must stay in people that what gets thrown down the sewers the building during the class. can hurt the fish and the water. A group of The Library also runs occasional other students at Oliver St. school went to the New special programs. For information about the York Aquarium on October 14 where they learned Library and its programs, call 733-7750. directly from the staff there about the effects of pollution on life in the water. Students from all tehse schools plan to form a club and meet on Ironbound Childrens* Center Has their own to plan ways to better the environment Openings in Ironbound and the city of Newark. For information about how you can join the club, or how your school can be involved in future The Ironbound Childrens’ Center, porjects, call the Ironbound Committee Against located at 317 Elm St., has openings for Toxic Waste, 589-4668. children ages infant to 4 years old. The Childrens’ Center is one of 24 daycare Cover Photo: Ironbound students studying centers in the State of New Jersey which pollution in the Passaic River, working with the is accredited by the National Association Ironbound Committee Against Toxic Waste. for the Education of Young Children, if you would like information on the cost of daycare at the center, or spots available, please call the Childrens’ Center at 589- P. 2 - Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 6873. :■; Incinerator Endangering Health With Mercury * When Ironbound residents fought against having the garbage incinerator here, it was because they knew it would pollute the air with health-threatening chemicals. Now just what the neighbors feared is coming true. The garbage incinerator on Blanchard St. is giving off more mercury than it should be, and American Ref-fuel is not doing what it should be doing to reduce the amount of mercury being put into the air. What’s wrong with mercury? A recent resolution passed by the Camden County Freeholders describes it this way: "Mercury is a dangerous airborne contaminate of utmost threat to public health, which at very low oevels of Students learn about water pollution on the banks exposure can cause irreparable harm to humans, of the Passaic River through a new program including, but not limited to, damage to fetal brain sponsored by the Ironbound Committee Against tissue." Mercury can damage the central and Toxic Waste. See article, p. 2. peripheral nervous systems, particularly the developing nervous systems of fetuses and In October, the DEPE Task Force on young children. Mercury can be ingested, inhaled, Mercury published a report saying mercury from or absorbed directly through the skin. garbage incineration is dangerous to health, and How much mercury are Ironbound recommending that mercury from incinerators be residents breathing? The garbage incinerator’s reduced by 95%! (Unfortunately, the DEPE is permit allows it to give off 140 micrograms of giving garbage incinerator operators lots of time - mercury per cubic meter (ug/dscm) or 0.16 until 1997 - to install the equipment to control pounds of mercury an hour. This equals 1400 mercury, and they can take until the year 2000 to pounds or 7/10 of a ton per year. That’s a lot of meet the lower levels of mercury which will be mercury, right? allowed). But tests show that the incinerator is really The DEPE report recommends that giving out more than that. One test came out at incinerators only give off 65 ug/dscm of mercury 750 ug/dscm - almost 5 times more than what is by 1997, and only 28 ug/dscm of mercury by the allowed in their permit! And 11 times more than year 2000. what the Department of Environmental Protection At times, Ironbound residents are breathing & Energy (DEPE) now says is a "safe" amount. 5 times this amount already! To compare this with "This level of mercury is outrageous and other countries: Holland has a limit of 85 dangerous. This incinerator should be closed now ug/dscm. Sweden, Denmark, and Germany before any more damage is done to our health currently have a limit of 65 ug/dscm. and our children’s health," said Beatrice Speziale, The DEPE has fined American Ref-fuel, a member of the Ironbound Committee Against owner operator of the incinerator, for violating its Toxic Waste (ICATW), the group which led the mercury permit - but only $2000, even though fight against the garbage incinerator. American Ref-fuel has not done what the DEPE continued on p.4 Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 - P. 3 Mercury, continued asked it to. been fighting the Passaic Valley Sewerage The DEPE ordered American Ref-fuel to Commission’s plan to build the world’s largest submit a plan and implementation schedule to sludge incinerator here," said Arnold Cohen, from separate waste containing mercury from waste to the ICATW. "The public needs to know that there be burned by March 13,1992. But so far the only are already real potentially harmful health affects probram Ref-fuel to collect the mercury is from the incinerator, and that we will be breathing collecting batteries from hospitals! The only way even more mercury if we get another large a responsible Newark resident can dispose of incinerator here." their mercury batteries is to take them to the City Recycling Depot at 80 Miller St. between 8:30 AM and 4 PM. This is not very practical for the average person. Other towns in the County do not even have this option. Some of the other Important Phone Numbers sources of mercury in our garbage - such as flourescent light bulbs, thermostats, latex paint, DEPE Air Pollution 669-3935 etc. - have no where to go but in the DEPE, 24 hour hotline 609-292-7172 incinerator. DEPE, Emergency Response 669-3955, The DEPE also ordered Ref-fuel to submit Noise/Smells: Suburban Regional Health a report by Feb. 13, 1992 on the feasibility, Commission 325-3212 effectiveness, costs and benefits of new or altered City of Newark Recycling 733-6685 air pollution control devices which would remove Airplane Noise Complaint 645-3103 more mercury from the gases coming out of the Air Quality 1-800-782-0160 smokestack. Nine months later, what has been Newark Code Enforcement 733-6481 done? Technologies already exist which can catch up to 95% of the mercury coming out of City Department of Engineering: the stack. "Why hasn’t American Ref-fuel put in the Broken traffic signals 733-6181 new equipment which can control mercury? Tree trim and removal 733-8938 Because they would rather put the money in their Water main breaks, open pocket then spend what it would cost for the hydrants 733-3654 ewuipment," said Mariarosa Da Costa, from the Street light burnouts 733-4770 ICATW. "Obviously peoples’ health is not a high Street cleaning & repair 733-3644 priority to them. If it was, they would be doing Sewer repair & backup 733-3654 what the DEPE ordered, and taking action to stop Night emergency 733-3716 Bulk garbage removal 733-3644 this mercury." Sludge incinerators are also a large source Garbage complaints 733-6322 of mercury going into the air. Existing sludge Lot cleaning 733-6515 incinerators already put about 400 pounds of Building construction mercury a year into New Jersey air. In New inspections 733-8068 Jersey, sludge incinerators are allowed to release more mercury than garbage incinerators. "This is another reason why we have been P. 4 - Ironb ound Voices - Winter 1992-3 Earth Summit Report "In Rio it was the United States against the rest of the world. We are considered the outlaws, said Don Clark, a Nutley New Jersey resident and Executive Secretary of Cornucopia of New Jersey. Mr. Clark was talking about the Earth Summit held recently in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Mr. Clark said that overconsumption of resources by the United States is seen as the greatest threat to the world’s environment by all Freeholder Joseph Parlavecchio received an ICC other countries. T-shirt when he presented a check to Joseph "Our lifestyle is subject to worldwide Della Fave, Director of the Ironbound Community criticism. The United States is very greedy. We Corporation, while Frank Giantomasi, Counsel for use twice the energy per person as any other the Board of Freeholders, and June Kruszewski country. Many developed countries have (center) and Lorraine Limaldi, members of the pledged.7% of their Gross National Product for Ironbound Board, look on. helping poorer countries. We don’t even pledge .2% for aid, and that is practically all loans, not Keeping The Pressure On NHA grants. Many countries pledge .7% for their environment. We don’t pledge anything." "Future generations will be amazed at how The Newark Coalition for Low-Income blindly we worship free enterprise, technology, Housing kept the pressure on the Newark consumption, and greed, while 20% of humanity Housing Authority by taking them back into court goes to bed hungry each night, and another 20% recently for their failure to build new low income breathe unhealthy air; where 77% of the apartments, and repair the vacancies they have. population earn 15% of the world’s income; where Judge Dickinson Debevoise, said the 51 % of the pregnant women suffer from nutritional Newark Housing Authority has a history of "failing deficiencies; where 2700 tons of CFCs miserably." He also criticized the Department of (chlorofluorocarbons which destroy the ozone Housing and Urban Development (HUD) saying, layer) will enter the atmosphere this year; where "HUD has not done its job to see that the money an acre of rainforest is destroyed every second." it gives to Housing is used properly." Mr. Clark’s comments were made in a The Newark Housing Authority has not built recent Cornucopia newsletter. a single new apartment in five years. 20 to 30,000 people unconnected to There are over 3000 vacant apartments. government agencies attended the Earth Summit, The Judge ordered weekly meetings as well as approximately 10,000 government between the Housing Authority, HUD and the representatives from countries all over the world. Coalition. During the meetings, he set up Gray Russell, also from Cornucopia deadlines by which the Housing Authority would Network, recently presented a slideshow about have to finish work on the first 659 apartments. the Earth Summit at the October 1992 meeting of The Housing Authority also agreed to repair 100 the Ironbound Committee Against Toxic Waste. vacant apartments a month. The Coalition is now publishing a newsletter. To get copies, or for more information, call (201) 484-8833. Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 - P. 5 A Duzia Suja Torna Lodo Viscoso Doze empresas, a maior parte delas nao estando localizada em Newark, despejaram cerca de 7 milhoes de libras de residues metcilieos na rede de esgotos "Passaic Valley" durante 1990, isto de acordo com um relatdrio divulgado em Julho pela Coligagao "Clean Sludge". Essas empresas sao responsciveis por cerca de 95 por cento dos resfduos metcilieos que foram registados como tendo sido langados no sistema PVSC (Somente empresas dumda certa envergadura devem por lei registar as substancias que despejam no sistema de esgotos). A Comissao de Esgotos do Passaic Valley (PVSC) tern vindo a estudar a melhor maneira de As crianqas do Centro Infantil do Ironbound se libertar desses lodos. Requereu at6 licenga celebraram o Halloween com uma festa muito para construir "o maior incinerador de lodos do especial. O Centro Infantil tem vagas nos seus mundo," aqui no Ironbound. Porem, grupos de infantirios, assim como no prdprio centro, para residentes, tais como a Coligagao "Clean Sludge", crianqas com idades compreendidas entre infante tern vindo a pressionar para que os lodos sejam e 4 anos. O Centro Infantil do Ironbound 6 um de utilizados para fins uteis, tais como adubos. Se o 24 infantarios em New Jersey, acreditado pela lodo est&, no entanto, contaminado com Associaqao Nacional para a Educaqao Infantil. produtos metcilieos e outros qufmicos, nao serve Para mais informaqoes chame: 589-6873. para adubo. Tanto a industria como a populagao utiliza o sistema de esgotos do PVSC. os produtos quimicos sao retirados) ou entao "Estas companhias estao a despejar os seus impedindo que tao grande quantidade de problemas nos residentes de Newark," afirmou materials tdxicos seja despejada no sistema de June Kruszewski, do Comit6 do Ironbound Contra esgotos. Produtos T6xicos (ICATW). "Se eles queimam CSC publicou tambSm um relatdrio onde esses lodos, acabaremos por respirar esses aponta que, ao quimar-se tal lodo, contribuir-se-6 tdxicos met&licos. Estara isto certo?" para a fraca qualidade do ar que j6 se respira As doze companhias estao localizadas em Lodi, nesta &rea. CSC afirma que, quando se queima Elizabeth, Haledon, Nutley, Paterson, Clifton e lodo tbxico, metais tbxicos e organicos (como Newark. dioxinas) sao langados para a atmosfera. A Coligagao "Clean Sludge" pretende que Os relatdrios "Metals Out, Quality In", a PVSC proceda ci purifigao do lodo que recebe "Assessment of Costs for Sludge Management de modo a que ele possa ser utilizado para a Options At PVSC" e "Sludge Incineration: A adubo, em vez de ser queimado. PVSC pode Disfavored Option" podem ser obtidos purificar esse lodo atraves de melhores contatando CSC. Para mais informagao, 6 favor processos de "prStratamento" (durante os quais telefonar para (201) 589-4668. P. 6 - Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 Incineradores Proibidos Em Rhode Island O estado de Rhode Island baniu reciclado, composto, ou reusado. completamente os incineradores! Membros do Comite do Ironbound Contra O senado estadual aprovou uma lei em 14 Lixo Toxicos (ICATW) estao instando com New de Julho de 1992 banindo os incineradores. A lei Jersey para tomar as mesmas decisoes de diz (em parte) "incineragao, de lixo sdlida, e um Rhode Island e pare de operar os incineradores. dos metodos mais dispendioso na eliminagao de "O que 6 verdade em Rhode Island e verdade em lixo, e este m6todo arruinaria as finangas do New Jersey. Os incineradores sao uma ameaga estado e dos municipios, colocando em perigo para a saude e seguranga das criangas de New os interesses da populagao." Jersey. New Jersey deveria seguir o exemplo de Os residentes do Ironbound tern aprendido Rhode Island e proibisse o uso de incineradores," a veracidade deste fato. diz Arnold Cohen membro do ICATW. "Os 4 No primeiro ano de operagao, o incineradores do estado de Nova Jersey incinerador da Blanchard St. j& foi multado em deveriam ser fechados." $462,000, por eliminar enormes quantidades de mercurio, sulfur dioxide e nitrogenio oxide na atmosfera. As autoridades do condado do Essex estao tentando ganhar aprovagao do estado, para cologao de bonus no mercado financeiro no valor de $40.1 milhoes, afim de cobrir os debitos j& adquiridos com a operagao do incinerador. Sem estes bonus, o preco por tonelada de lixo incinerado subiria para $47.00. "Em vez disso, as despesas serao passadas para os nossos filhos e netos os quais pagariam altas taxas afim de liquidar as dfvidas contraidas na emissao dos bonus," disse Gene Aguilera, morador do Ironbound. "O senado de Rhode Island estava correto quando escreveu sobre os custos conhecidos e por conhecer na Biblioteca Divertida operagao do incinerador." Crianqas do Ironbound celebraram o Halloween Estas doas novas nao somente na Sala das Crianqas da Bilbioteca Publica da economizar& dinheiro para o estado, tambem Van Buren St. Foram entregues prdmios as ajudar6 o meio ambiente. Como disse a lei do melhores mascaras. Esta biblioteca dirige um estado de Rhode Island, "mais de 400 poluentes programa semanal de pr6-escola, as segundas- tbxicos, incluindo chumbo, mercurio, dioxin e feiras, das 10 ks 11 horas da manha. O objectivo gases cicidos, sao langados no ar, atraves da deste programa 6 o de introduzir e integrar as incineragao de lixo solido. O que se sabe e o que crianqas na biblioteca, assim como a esta para se saber sobre as consequencias m6s comunicaqao com outras crianqas. Os pais que o incinerador trar£ para os residentes de deverao permanecerno edificio durante as aulas. Rhode Island, e para o meio ambiente, sao A bilbioteca publica da Van Buren St. organiza, inaceitaveis. ocasionalmente progamas especiais. Para mas Em vez de incineragao, a lei de Rhode informaqoes, chame 733-7750. Island diz que pelo menos 70% do lixo sera Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 - P. 7 Aprender Fazendo: A ICATW Envolve-se Nas Escoias Os estudantes de certas classes selecionadas das escoias da Lafayette St., Oliver St., St Benedict’s, St. Vincent’s e do Liceu do East Side terao uma materia excitante adicionada a materia deste ano. AI6m a de ler escrever e da aritmetica vao aprender a proteger o ambiente. O Comit6 do Ironbound Contra Lixo T6xico (ICATW) juntamente com a "Sociedade Littoral Americana" e a "Limpeza Activa do Oceano", ambas as organizagoes com base em Sandy Hook, N.J., vao ajudar estes estudantes na sua primeira experiencia de protegao ao nosso ambiente. Os estudantes vao aprender a razao pela qual o Rio Passaic est6 poluido e o que podem fazer por ele. Os estudandes analizarao a Os Seus Dirertos A Servigos Hospitalares qualidade da £gua do rio e verao o que vive nela. Sob a lei do Estado de New Jersey, Tomarao parte na limpeza do rio e na sua devem providenciar servigos gratis, ou de baixo recuperagao.' Aprenderao reciclagem e custo, a residentes de salarios baixos, incluindo compostagem e que o que se langa nos esgotos ilegais, que nao tenham direito a Medicaid ou pode detiorar os oceanos. Alguns estudantes Medicare, e cujas despesas hospitalares nao participarao na marcacao de peixes usando sejam cobertas por seguros de saude privados. etiquetas e aprenderao como os esgotos pluviais Somente ter6 direito a pagamentos de sao langados no rio para avisarem o publico de tratamentos feitos por doutores do hospital. Se que o que langa nos esgotos pode ferir o peixe tern algum seguro privado, o "Cuidado Caritativo", e detiorar a nossa 6gua. pode ser usado para pagar as quantias nao Urn grupo de estudantes da Oliver St. foi cobertas. ao Aquario de New York no dia 14 de Outubro e Cada hospital tern a obrigagao de Ihe ali foi-lhes explicado pelos prdprios tecnicos apresentar uma carta com informagao sobre o residentes o efeito da poluigao na vida existente "Cuidado Caritativo," quando der entrada no nas aguas. Os estudantes de todas estas escoias hospital. Dependendo dos seus ganhosfamiliares esperam formar um clube e decidirem eles voce poder£ qualificar para despesas gratis ou proprios quais os meios mais adequados reduzidas. (Isto nao 6 o mesmo que a lei de Hill- melhores para melhorar o ambiente no Ironbound Burton, que cobre algumas despesas e na cidade de Newark. hospitalares algumas vezes. Se a sua conta nao Para pedir informagoes do modo como for iliminada pela Hill-Burton, faga perguntas podes associar-te a este clube ou como a tua sobre o "cuidado caritativo.") escola se pode envolver em projectos futuros, Para mais informagao, contacte: Legal telefona para o Comity do Ironbound Contra Lixo Services of New Jersey, (609) 242-0776, e Toxico, tel: 589-4668. pergunte pelo artigo do jornal "Looking Out," de Agosto de 1992. P. 8 - Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 Descartados Incineradores En Rhode Island El estado de Rhode Island ha descartado seguridad de los residentes de Rhode Island, completamente los incineradores de basura! particularmente nifios." El senado del estado pas6 una ley que tub Miembros del Comitb en Contra de firmada en Julio 14, 1992, descartando la Desperdicios T6xicos del area de Ironbound incineraci6n. La ley dice (un una parte) "la (ICATW) estan pidiendole a New Jersey que siga incineracibn de desperdicios solidos es el mbtodo la valentfa de la gente de Rhode Island en cerrar mbs costoso de desperdicios que se sabe, los incineradores. escalando el costo que tomarb una substancial y "Lo que es verdad en Rhode Island es norazonable frontera en los dos estados y el verdad en New Jersey. Los incineradores pasan presupuesto municipal al punto de poner en una amenaza a la salud y seguridad de nuestros riesgo los intereses del publico." nihos en New Jersey tambibn. New Jersey debe Residentes de Ironbound ya aprendiero la de seguir la actitud de Rhode Island y descartar verdad de estas palabras. En el primer ano de la incineracibn," dijo Arnold Cohen del ICATW. operacibn, el incinerador de basura en la calle "Los cuatro incineradores existentes en New Blanchard ya a sido multado $462,000 por regar Jersey debbn de empezar el proceso de cierre." en el aire grandes cantidades de mercurio, sulfur dioxide, y nitrogeno oxidado. Oficiales del Condado de Essex, estan tratando de hacer que el estado apruebe la venta de $40.1 millohes de dolares en bonos, que atraves de esa venta se cubran los gastos y deudas que se deben ya por la operacibn del incinerador. Sin la opcibn de los bonos el costo de quemar basura el el incinerador pudiera subir a $47 una tonelada. "En vez de eso, el costo lo van a pasar a nuestros hijos y nietos, que pagaran mbs altas impuestos para pagar la deuda de la opcibn de los bonos," dijo Gene Aguilera, un viejo residente del area de Ironbound. "El senado de Rhode Island estuvo correcto cubndo escribieron que se sabia y no se sabia a donde llegaria el costo del incinerador." En vez de incinerador, las leyes del estado Ninos del Ironbound Childrens ’ Center celebraron de Rhode Island dijeron que por lo menos el 70% Halloween con una bonita fiesta. El Centro de de sus desperdicios seran reciclados, Ninos tiene vacantes para infantes, a 4 ahos de compuestos, o reusables. edad. El Centro de Nihos de Ironbound es uno No solamente esta nueva ley salvarb el de 24 centros en el estado de New Jersey dinero de Rhode Island, sino que tambien acreditado por el Associacidn Nacional Para la salvarbn el medio ambiente. Como las leyes del Educacidn de Nihos Menores. Para m£s estado de Rhode Island dicen, "Sobre 400 informacidn llamar al tel: 589-6873. polutantes, incluyendo, plomo, mercurio, dioxins y gases bcidos son conocidos de ser arrojados por incineradores de desperdicios solidos. Lo que se sabe y no se sabe, amenaza la salud y la Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3 - P. 9 La Docena Que Hace Los Problemas Doce companias, muchas no localizadas los desperdicios afecta la calidad del ambiente. en Newark, echaron casi 7 millones de metales CSC dijo que cuando se quema este desperdicio en el systema de desague de Passaic Valley en se quema el dioxin sale al aire. el 1990, acordando con el reporte de Julio echo por el grupo "Clean Sludge Coalition". Estas companias fueron responsables por mas de un Otra Perdida Para Pagadores De 95% de los metales que se reportaron en Passaic Impuestos En Essex? Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC) (solamente algunas companias estan obligadas a reportar la La nueva Autoridad de Utilidades del cantidad de metales que desechar en el systema Condado de Essex autorizd una aplicacidn para de desagues). producir $14 millones en bonos para financiar sus La Comision de Passaic Valley (PVSC) a operaciones y satisfacer una lista de deudas estado tratando de desaserce de este incurridas por el incinerador de basura. desperdicio. Elios han aplicado para un permiso "Este asunto de los bonos parece otra para construir el incinerador mas grande aqui en perdida para los pagadores de impuestos," dijo el Ironbound. Pero la "Clean Sludge Coalition" Joe Nardone, del Comite en Contra de el esta peleando para que este desperdicio se use Desperdicios Tdxicos de Ironbound (ICATW). para algo constructivo como compuestos. Pero si "Oficiales del Condado le daran mcts este desperdicio esta contaminado no puede ser trabajos y cosas buenas a sus amigos. Los que recycable y no se puede usar para compuestos. estaran pagando la deuda por anos m6s Las dos industrias y duenos de casa usan el adelante seran nuestros hijos y nietos." PVSC. El costo de quemar la basura en el "Estas companias estan echando sus incinerador en el Condado de Essex subira a problemas en Newark", dice la residenta June $39.00 por tonelada para el ano entrante de Kruszewski, un miembro del Comit6 de Ironbound acuerdo al ejecutivo del Condado D’Alessio. El en Contra de Desperdici6s T6xicos (ICATW). "Si Condado le debe $42 millones a la Autoridad de ellos queman estos desperdicios nosotros vamos Puertos de Nueva York/Nueva Jersey por las a respirar estos metales. <LNo es verdad?" operaciones del incinerador. El Condado estimd Las 12 companias estan localizades en por menos el costo de disponer de las cenizas y Lodi, Elizabeth, Haledon, Nutley, Paterson, Clifton nosotros que pagamos impuestos somos los y Newark. llamados a pagar por esta deuda. En ves de La Coalicibn "Clean Sludge" (CSC) quiere aumentarles el costo a todos aquellos que estan que PVSC limpie esta situacidn para que pueda enviando basura al incinerador y dejarles saber a usarse para fertilizante y compuesto y no todos cu&nto es lo que realmente cuesta quemar quemada. PVSC puede limpiar su desperdicio la basura, el Condado ha establecido una nuevo con un proceso de pre-tratamiento (donde se "Autoridad de Utilidades". sacan todos los quimicos) o priveniendo que El pasupuesto propuesto para la Nueva desechen estos quimicas en el primer lugar. Autoridad de Utilidades es mas de $3 millones! El CSC dio un reporte que decia que quemar costo solo del personal es de $14 millones! P. 10 - Ironbound Voices - Winter 1992-3

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