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Citations Acknowledging using our IRIS-Related facilities and Data as of December 2015, updated August 2016 Please send corrections and/or additions to [email protected] Aagaard, B.T., R.W. Graves, A. Rodgers, T.M. Brocher, R.W. Simpson, D. Dreger, N. A. Petersson, S.C. Larsen, S. Ma, and R.C. Jachens (2010), 'Ground-Motion modeling of Hayward Fault Scenario Earthquakes, Part II: Simulation of long- period and broadband ground motions', Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100(6), p. 2945-2977 doi: 10.1785/0120090379 Abbott, E.R., and M.R. Brudzinski (2015), 'Shallow seismicity patterns in the northwestern section of the Mexico Subduction Zone', Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 63, p. 279-292 doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2015.07.012 Abbott, R.E. (2001) "Geophysical constraints on seismic hazard and tectonics in the western Basin and Range," Department of Geological Sciences Reno: University of Nevada, p.135 Abbott, R.E., and J.N. Louie (2000), 'High shear wave velocities under precarious rocks might explain their proximity to the San Andreas fault', EOS Transactions, AGU Fall meeting suppl., abstract #S51C-05, 81(48), p Abbott, R.E., J.N. Louie, J.N. Brune, and R. Anooshehpoor (2000), 'Shallow site response at precariously-balanced rock sites near the San Andreas fault', Presented at Southern California Earthquake Center, Annual Meeting in Oxnard, California, p Abd el-aal, A.-a., and M. Soliman (2013), 'New Seismic Noise Models Obtained Using Very Broadband Stations', Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170(11), p. 1849- 1857 doi: 10.1007/s00024-013-0640-7 Abdelsalam, M.G., S.S. Gao, and J.-P. Liageois (2011), 'Upper mantle structure of the Saharan Metacraton', Journal of African Earth Sciences, 60(5), p. 328-336 doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.03.009 Abdetedal, M., Z.H. Shomali, and M. Gheitanchi (2015), 'Ambient noise surface wave tomography of the Makran subduction zone, south-east Iran: Implications for crustal and uppermost mantle structures', Earthquake Science, 28(4), p. 235-251 doi: 10.1007/s11589-015-0132-1 Abdetedal, M., Z.H. Shomali, and M.R. Gheitanchi (2014), 'Crust and upper mantle structures of the Makran subduction zone in south-east Iran by seismic ambient noise tomography', Solid Earth Discussions, 6(1), p. 1-34 doi: 10.5194/sed-6-1-2014 Abdolali, A., C. Cecioni, G. Bellotti, and J.T. Kirby (2015), 'Hydro-acoustic and tsunami waves generated by the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake: Modeling and in situ measurements', Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans), 120, p. 958-971 doi: 10.1002/2014JC010385 Abdulnaby, W., H. Mahdi, H. Al-Shukri, and N.S. Numan (2014), 'Stress Patterns in Northern Iraq and Surrounding Regions from Formal Stress Inversion of Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions', Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171(9), p. 2137-2153 doi: 10.1007/s00024-014-0823-x 1 Abdulnaby, W., H. Mahdi, N.S. Numan, and H. Al-Shukri (2013), 'Seismotectonics of the Bitlis–Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt in Northern Iraq and Surrounding Regions from Moment Tensor Analysis', Pure and Applied Geophysics, p. 1-14 doi: 10.1007/s00024-013-0688-4 Abdulnaby, W., H. Mahdi, N.S. Numan, and H. Al-Shukri (2014), 'Seismotectonics of the Bitlis–Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt in Northern Iraq and Surrounding Regions from Moment Tensor Analysis', Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171(7), p. 1237-1250 doi: 10.1007/s00024-013-0688-4 Abell, J.A., J.C. de la Llera, C.W. Wicks, N. Gourmelen, T.H. Dixon, F. Amelung, and G. 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Ekström (2003), 'The June 2000 Mw 7.9 earthquakes south of Sumatra: Deformation in the India–Australia Plate', Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B1), p. ESE 6-1 to ESE 6-16 Abercrombie, R.E., M. Antolik, K. Felzer, and G. Ekström (2001), 'The 1994 Java tsunami earthquake: Slip over a subducting seamount', Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(B4), p. 6595-6608 Abercrombie, R.E., and G. Viegas (2011), 'The August 2011 Virginia and Colorado Earthquake Sequences: Does Stress Drop Depend on Strain Rate?' AGU, Fall Meeting 2011, abstract #S11B-2240, 11, p. 2240 Abercrombie, R.E., T.H. Webb, R. Robinson, P.J. McGinty, J.J. Mori, and R.J. Beavan (2000), 'The Enigma of the Arthur's Pass, New Zealand, Earthquake 1. Reconciling a variety of data for an unusual earthquake sequence.' Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, p. 16119-16137 Abers, G.A. (1998), 'Array measurements of phases used in receiver-funtion calculations: Importance of scattering', Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 88(1), p. 313-318 2 Abers, G.A. (2000), 'Hydrated subducted crust at 100-250 km depth', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 176, p. 323-330 Abers, G.A. (2005), 'Seismic low-velocity layer at the top of subducting slabs: observations, predictions, and systematics', Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 149(1-2), p. 7-29 Abers, G.A., L. Auger, E. Syracuse, T. Plank, K.M. Fischer, C. Rychert, A. Walker, J. Protti, V. Gonzalez Salas, W. Strauch, P. Perez (2004), 'Imaging the subduction factory beneath Central America: The TUCAN broadband seismic experiment', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 21, p. 0524 Abers, G.A., A. Ferris, D.H. Christensen, and E.V. Meyers-Smith (2002), 'The Alaskan slab imaged: Results from BEAAR', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 52, p. 1071 Abers, G.A., A. Ferris, M. Craig, H. Davies, A. L. Lerner-Lam, J. C. Mutter, and B. Taylor (2002), 'Mantle compensation of active metamorphic core complexes at Woodlark rift in Papua New Guinea', Nature (418), p. 862 - 865 Abers, G.A., K.M. Fischer, G. Hirth, D.A. Wiens, T. Plank, B.K. Holtzman, C. McCarthy, and E. Gazel (2014), 'Reconciling mantle attenuation-temperature relationships from seismology, petrology, and laboratory measurements', Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(9), p. 3521-3542 doi: 10.1002/2014GC005444 Abers, G.A., J.B. Gaherty, G. Jin, R. Verave, P.Y. Irarue, J.A. Calkins, and W. R. Buck (2011), 'Imaging to The 2010-2011 CDPapua seismic experiment', AGU, Fall Meeting 2011, abstract #T24A-01, 24, p. 01 Abers, G.A., Y. Kim, J.B. Gaherty, Z. Eilon, G. Jin, and R. Verave (2012), 'Imaging to understan exhumation of UHP rocks during riffting: the 2010-2011 CD Papua seismic experiment (Invited)', AGU 2012 Fall Meeting. Abstract # T42C-06, p Abers, G.A., L.S. MacKenzie, S. Rondenay, Z. Zhang, A.G. Wech, and K.C. Creager (2009), 'Imaging the source region of Cascadia tremor and intermediate-depth earthquakes', Geology, 37(12), p. 1119-1122 doi: 10.1130/g30143a.1 Abers, G.A., J. Nakajima, P.E. van Keken, S. Kita, and B.R. Hacker (2013), 'Thermal–petrological controls on the location of earthquakes within subducting plates', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 369–370(0), p. 178-187 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.03.022 Abers, G.A., S. Rondenay, K.C. Creager, S.D. Malone, Z. Zhang, A.G. Wech, J.R. Sweet, T.I. Melbourne, and B. R. Hacker (2007), 'Imaging Subduction, Episodic Tremor and Slip in the Pacific Northwest: Cascadia Arrays For Earthscope (CAFE)', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 43, p. 07 Abers, G.A., J.C. Stachnik, and D.H. Christensen (2003), 'Constraints on the mechanism of attenuation and thermal structure in subduction zones: Results from BEAAR', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 22, p. 0452 3 Abhishek, R., V.K. Gaur, S.S. Rai, and K. Priestley (2009), 'Seismic signatures of the Pan-African orogeny: implications for Southern Indian high-grade terranes', Geophysical Journal International, 176(2), p. 518-528 Abt, D.L., K.M. Fischer, G.A. Abers, M. Protti, V. González, and W. Strauch (2010), 'Constraints on upper mantle anisotropy surrounding the Cocos slab from SK(K)S splitting', Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B06316), p. 16 doi: 10.1029/2009JB006710 Abt, D.L., K.M. Fischer, S.W. French, H.A. Ford, H. Yuan, and B. Romanowicz (2010), 'North American lithospheric discontinuity structure imaged by Ps and Sp receiver functions', Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B09301), p. 24 doi: 10.1029/2009JB006914. Abubakirov, I.R., V.M. Pavlov, and N.N. Titkov (2015), 'The mechanism of the deep-focus, Sea of Okhotsk earthquake of May 24, 2013 as inferred from static displacements and broadband seismograms', Journal of Volcanology and Seismology, 9(4), p. 242-257 doi: 10.1134/S0742046315040028 Accardo, N.J., D.A. Wiens, S. 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Gaur (2011), 'Crustal structure of the Darjeeling(cid:0)Sikkim Himalaya and southern Tibet', Geophysical Journal International, 184(2), p. 829 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04868.x Acton, C.E., K. Priestley, S. Mitra, V.K. Gaur, and S.S. Rai (2007), 'Variation of Rayleigh and Love Wave Fundamental Mode Group Velocity Dispersion Across India and Surrounding Regions', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 13, p. 1621 Adam, J.M., and B. Romanowicz (2015), 'Global scale observations of scattered energy near the inner-core boundary: Seismic constraints on the base of the outer-core', Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 245, p. 103-116 doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2015.06.005 4 Adam, J.M.C., and S. Lebedev (2012), 'Azimuthal anisotropy beneath southern Africa from very broad-band surface-wave dispersion measurements', Geophysical Journal International, 191(1), p. 155-174 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05583 Adamová, P., and J. 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Humphreys (2010), 'New constraints on the properties of the Yellowstone mantle plume from P and S wave attenuation tomography', Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B12311), p. 11-11 - 11-18 doi: 10.1029/2009JB006864 Adams, D.D., M. West, and J. Ni (2003), 'Pn Tomography at the intersection of the Rio Grande Rift and Jemez Lineament', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 31, p. 0815 Aderhold, K., and R.E. Abercrombie (2015), 'Seismic Rupture on an Oceanic– Continental Plate Boundary: Strike‐Slip Earthquakes along the Queen Charlotte– Fairweather Fault', Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(2B), p. 1129-1142 doi: 10.1785/0120140227 5 Aderhold, K., K.E. Anderson, A.M. Reusch, M.C. Pfeifer, R.C. Aster, and T. Parker (2015), 'Data Quality of Collocated Portable Broadband Seismometers Using Direct Burial and Vault Emplacement', Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(5), p. 2420-2432 doi: 10.1785/0120140352 Aderhold, K., and B. 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Abercrombie, R.E., M. Antolik, K. Felzer, and G. Ekström (2001), 'The 1994 Java .. Ahern, T.K. (1998), 'Global communication systems and their impact on IRIS .. Frederiksen, F.A. Darbyshire, S.A. Stein, and D.M. Jurdy (2013), 'The
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