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IR-UWB Detection and Fusion Strategies using Multiple Detector Types Vijaya Yajnanarayana, Satyam Dwivedi, Peter Ha¨ndel ACCESS Linnaeus Center, Department of Signal Processing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. email:{vpy,dwivedi,ph}@kth.se 6 1 Abstract—Optimal detection of ultra wideband (UWB) pulses using a wideband LNA. The signal is then converted into the 0 2 in a UWB transceiver employing multiple detector types is digital domain by a high sampling rate ADC and digitally proposed and analyzed in this paper. To enable the transceiver processed.IR-UWBpulsesareextremelynarrow(orderoffew r tobeusedformultipleapplications,thedesignershave different a nano-seconds)andoccupyveryhighbandwidth,thereforehigh types of detectors such as energy detector, amplitude detector, M etc., built in to a single transceiver architecture. We propose speed ADCs are needed for faithful digital representation of severalfusiontechniquesforfusingdecisionsmadebyindividual the IR-UWB pulses. The recentprogressin the ADC technol- 1 IR-UWB detectors. In order to get early insight into theoretical ogy, as suggested by [4], indicates that such high speed ADC achievable performance of these fusion techniques, we assess having good resolution with signal to noise and distortion ] the performance of these fusion techniques for commonly used T ratio (SNDR) of higher than 30 dB can be achieved for a detectortypeslikematchedfilter,energydetectorandamplitude .I detector under Gaussian assumption. These are valid for ultra bandwidth of 10 GHz. This has enabled the digital designs s short distance communication and in UWB systems operating for IR-UWB technology. In order to exploit the regulatory c in millimeter wave (mmwave) band with high directivity gain. bodyspecificationsoptimally,the transceiversmustoperateat [ In this paper, we utilize the performance equations of different a 3.1−10GHz range or in the unlicensed millimeter wave 4 detectors, to device distinct fusion algorithms. We show that the (mmwave) frequency [2]. v performancecanbeimprovedapproximatelyby4dBintermsof 9 signal to noise ratio (SNR) for high probabilityof detection of a The digital samples from the ADC will be processed by 0 UWBsignal(>95%), byfusingdecisionsfrommultipledetector a digital baseband processing block for detection. In many 4 types compared to a standalone energy detector, in a practical hardware platforms, a single UWB transceiver mounted on 0 scenario. sensors is used for multiple applications like ranging, local- 0 Index terms: Ultra Wideband (UWB), UWB ranging, Sensor ization,communication,etc.,eachusingparticularstatisticsof . Networks, Time of Arrival (TOA), Neyman-Pearson test. 1 the received samples for UWB pulse detection. For example, 0 I. INTRODUCTION largedistancecommunicationusingUWBmayemployenergy 5 An ultra wideband (UWB) communicationsystem is based detectoroveralargenumberofpulses;whereasshortdistance 1 : on spreading a low power signal into wideband. Impulse tracking application may use amplitude detector on a few v radio based UWB (IR-UWB) schemes are most popular as pulses. To enable the transceiver to be used for multiple i X they provide better performance and complexity trade-offs applications, the designers have different types of detectors r compared to other UWB schemes [1]. likeamplitudedetector,energydetector,etc.,builtintoasingle a IR-UWB schemes employ narrow impulse signals, which transceiver.Eachdetector1usesitsowndetectionalgorithmon can yield high time resolution, and hence can be used for the received samples to infer a hypothesis from the received accurate position localization and ranging. Narrow pulse du- samples and report it to the higher layers for further process- ration coupled with low amplitude due to the restriction from ing. These algorithms are typically implemented in FPGA regulatoryagencieslikeFederalCommunicationsCommission for faster processing, and hence, only the computed hard (FCC) makes the detection of these pulses challenging [2], or soft-value decisions are available. In some applications, [3]. Generally, transmit signaling employs multiple pulses there are no stringent constraints to bind the usage of a and the receiver aggregates certain characteristics from these particular detector type; for example, demodulation of short pulseslikeenergy,amplitude,position,etc.,tomakestatistical rangelowratecommunicationdata.Inthesesituations,instead inferencesonthe transmittedinformationlike range(localiza- ofresortingtoasingledetectortypetoarriveatthehypothesis, tion) or transmitted symbol value (communication) etc. The decisioninformationfromallofthedifferenttypesofdetectors performanceofthereceiverdependsonhowwellthereceived can be concurrently utilized to make more informed decision pulse statistics are utilized for a chosen application. on the hypothesis. This will utilize transceiver infrastructure In this paper, we will consider the structure of a digital sampling receiver shown in Fig 1. The received signal is 1Detectors and detector types are interchangeably used. In Fig. 1, each filtered by an RF band-pass filter (BPF) and is amplified detector intheset,(Detector-1,...,Detector-L)areofdifferent type. better, and since every detector decision is new information TABLEI aboutthe signaled hypothesis,it shouldyield better reliability PARAMETERSONWHICHDETECTORSPERFORMANCEDEPENDS. and improved performance. Parameter Description The proposed transceiver structure shown in Fig. 1, is ap- PFA Probability offalsealarm plicable to the future evolution of our in-house flexible UWB SNR Signaltonoiseratio Np NumberofUWBpulsesusedindetection hardwareplatform[3],[5].Thisplatformcanbeusedforjoint Ep EnergyoftheUWBpulses ranging and communication applications. The platform has a s(t) ShapeoftheUWBpulses digital processing section comprising of an FPGA, where the proposed techniques of this paper can be implemented. Even thoughthe applicabilityof the techniquesare demonstratedin The transmitted signal under hypothesis H1 consists of NT frames, such that simulation,theresultsprovideanearlyinsightintoachievable performance. The variant of the proposed structure in Fig. 1 N ≥Ni ∀i∈[1,2,...,L], T p forhypothesestestingarealsoemployedin[6]and[7].In[6], the authorsdiscuss the UWB hypothesistesting for a bank of where,Ni,denotesthenumberofframesusedbyDetector-iin p similar analog detectors, where as in [7], authors proposes a thehypothesistest.EachframeconsistsofoneIR-UWBpulse, distributed fusion of results from multiple UWB sensors, by and during hypothesis H0 nothing is transmitted (NT empty allocatingthedifferentnumberofpulsestoeachsensor,under frames).Each UWB pulse is of fixedduration,T,represented the constraint of maximum number of allocated pulses, such by s(t), sampled at the rate, 1/Ts, and has Ns =T/Ts, sam- that the error is minimized. Thus, both are different from the ples. Thus, both hypotheses can be mathematically expressed proposed application of this paper. as In this paper, we formulate a binary hypothesis problem NT−1Ns−1 s(t−nT)δ(t−nT −iT ) under H of IR-UWB pulse detection, where decisions from different s 1 , (1) types of detectors are fused using different fusion methods 0nP=0 iP=0 under H 0 before deciding on the hypothesis as shown in Fig. 1. We where, δ(t), denotes the Dirac delta function and the model demonstrate the methods using three commonly employed usesN identicalframesin each hypothesistest cycle.This is UWBdetector-types(L=3inFig.1),havingenergydetector T similar to time hopped impulse radio (TH-IR) UWB models (ED), matched filter (MF), and amplitude detector (AD) for proposed in [1], [8], except that we are not considering time Detector-1,Detector-2andDetector-3respectively.Thebinary hopping, as it has no effect on the statistics collected by the decisions signaling the hypothesis from these three detectors d=[d ,d ,d ] arefedtothefusionalgorithmtoarriveatthe detectoracrossmultiple frames.The function,s(t−nT)δ(t− 1 2 3 nT −iT ), represents i-th discrete sample of the n-th frame binary decision regarding the hypothesis, d . s fused under hypothesis H and is denoted by s(n,i). The received The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 signaliscorruptedbyGaussiannoise.Thus,thereceivedsignal II, we will discuss the system model. Here, we will define used in the hypothesistest under both hypotheses is given by the signal model which will be used in the rest of the paper. Section III, discusses different fusion strategies. In Section NT−1Ns−1 x(t−nT)δ(t−nT −iT ) under H IV, we will discuss the analytical expression for P as a s 1 D function of PFA, and SNR for matched filter, energy detector NnPT=−01NiPs=−01 , (2) and amplitude detector for multi-pulse IR-UWB signal. In w(t−nT)δ(t−nT −iTs) under H0 Section V, we will evaluate the performance of the different nP=0 iP=0 fusion strategies. Finally in Section VI, we will discuss the where, x(t), is the received pulse shape. The function, x(t− conclusions. nT)δ(t−nT −iTs), represents the i-th sample of the n-th receivedframeunderhypothesisH andisdenotedbyx(n,i). 1 Similarly, w(t−nT)δ(t−nT −iT ), representsthe Gaussian II. SYSTEMMODEL s noise corresponding to the i-th sample of the n-th received We consider a binary hypothesis for detection, with H frameandisdenotedbyw(n,i).Weassumeasingle-pathline 0 representing signal is absent and H representing signal is of sight (LOS) channel, thus, the received samples, x(n,i)= 1 present. Each of the different types of detectors like MF, ED, βs(n,i)+w(n,i), where, β, indicates the path loss. etc., in the UWB transceiver constructs a test statistic from Typically, the UWB channels are subject to multi-path thereceivedsamples,basedonwhichinferenceismadeabout propagation, where a large number of paths can be observed H orH bycomparingtheteststatistictosomethreshold,γ. at the receiver. However, if the transceivers are in close 0 1 Different detector types have different ways to construct the proximity with clear line of sight, the detectors here rely on teststatistic,andthushavevaryingdegreesofperformancelike the first arriving path or LOS, this is in contrast to traditional probabilityofdetection,P ,probabilityoferror,P ,etc.Apart channelmeasurementandmodeling.IftheUWBtransceiveris D e fromthechosenteststatistic,theperformanceoftheparticular operatingatmillimeterwavefrequencies,duetothecombined detectoralso dependson allor few of the parameterslisted in effect of higher directivity gain due to the RF-beamforming the Table I. and higher absorption characteristics of the channel results in AnalogFrontend DigitalBasebandProcessingBlock d 1 Detector-1 F U Detector-2 d2 SIO N RF BPF LNA ADC .. ALGOR dfused ... ITHM . Ts d L Detector-L d=[d1,d2···,dL]anddfused∈{H0,H1} Fig.1. Depictionofdirectsamplingreceiverarchitecturewithmultidetectorfusion.The(Detector-1,...,Detector-L),arethedifferentdetectortypesavailable inthetransceiver. Thedi,i∈[1,...,L],indicates thebinarydecisions madebythedifferent detectors[1] withregardtohypothesis. Thedfused,indicates the fusedbinarydecision forthechosenhypothesis. single-path LOS channels for distances less than 100 meters. F1ch0oarrGathHcetze,trridastnuiscecsetooivfehtrihgoehpecerhraaretniflnneegcl,tiintohntehse,asrfserufermqaucpettinioocnnyssbaoanfnddsisnlcegaslteste-tprhianatngh d...dd21L ... dfused ddd...L21 ... dfused LOS channel is valid only for extremely short distance of (a)ANDfusion (b)ORfusion order less than 10 meters [3], [5], [9], [10]. These short distance high speed UWB applicationsinclude transferjetand d1 twmraiorcdetaleeblslpser.oUpWSoiBstehdo(wuhteUrlSeoBsws)ilol[f1m1ga]e,kne[e1rth2al]ei.tdyAi,slcwsuoes,suiaosdneopmβtian=thge1ma.asItiinmcatplhllyee ddd...21L P >≤LL//22 dfused dd...2L MAPFusion dfused signal model proposed in (1) and (2), we assume perfect (c)Fusionbasedonmajority (d)Maximum aposteriori (MAP) synchronization, otherwise there will be degradation of the fusion individual detectors (and fused) performance. Fig.2. Depiction ofdifferent decision fusionmethods. InthenextSection,we willdiscussthefusionstrategiesfor fusing individual detector decisions (refer to Fig. 1). for designinga fusion technique that is optimal in probability III. FUSION RULESFOR IR-UWB SIGNALDETECTION of error sense. For any prior probability for H and H , the 0 1 We consider a general counting rule, that is, deciding fusion rule that minimizes the probabilityof error is given by for H1, if the sum of the decisions, Li=1di, exceeds the maximum a posteriori (MAP) formulation given below. threshold, k. If we define the decision Pof the i-th detector in the Fig. 1, as di = 0 and di = 1 for hypothesis H0 and Pr(H |d)H≷1Pr(H |d). (3) 1 0 H1 respectively,thenthespecialcasesoftheseincludesimple H0 fusion rules such as “AND” (k = L), “OR” (k = 1), and Where, d, is a L-size vector of binary values signaling the “Majority-Voting”(k =L/2). These fusion rules are depicted hypothesis of the decisions made by different detectors (refer in Fig. 2a, Fig. 2b and Fig. 2c. These rules are simple to to Fig. 1). We can write (3) as implement and has been proved to posses robustness features with respect to performance as shown in [13], [14]. log Pr(H1|d) H≷10. (4) The counting rule based fusion is biased either toward (cid:18)Pr(H |d)(cid:19) 0 H0 hypothesisH (UWBpulsedetectioninourmodel),ortoward 1 If we define sets I, S and S as H . For example, fusing using the “OR” rule will have supe- H1 H0 0 rior detection performance, but will also have a larger false I := {1,2,...,L}, (5) alarm rate. Similarly, the “AND” fusion rule is conservative S := {i:d =1}, (6) in the UWB pulse detection, but has superior false alarm H1 i S := I\S :={i:d =0}, (7) rate performance. These aspects are further illustrated with H0 H1 i numericalexamplesinthelatersections.Ifwedefinethemis- where,d ,isthebinarydecisionofthedetector-i(i∈I),then, i classification of the hypothesis as an error and the objective P irsulteodmisicnuimssiezdeatbhoevperoabreabsiulibty-oopftimerarol.r,TPhies, tihsetnhethmeodteivcaistiioonn Pr(H1|d) = p(d1)i∈YSH1PDii∈YSH0(1−PDi) (8) Here, we assumed that the decisions of each of the detectors paroethiensdisepHen1daenndt opf(·e)adchenoottheetrh.ePp1roisbatbhielitpyrodbenabsiitlyityfuonfcthioyn- r(n,i) NnPpk=−01NiPs=−01fk(r(n,i)) Tk ≤>γγkk dk (PDF). Pi is the probability of detection of the detector-i in D Fig.1. Similarly, we can write Detector P Pr(H |d) = 0 Pi (1−Pi ) (9) Fig.3. Generic detector structure. Thedifferent detector types usedifferent 0 p(d)i∈YSH1 FAi∈YSH0 FA functionfk(·),toconstructtheteststatistic, Tk. P is the probability of hypothesis H . Pi is the false alarm 0 0 FA 1 ofthei-thdetector.Inmanyapplicationssuchasincommuni- 0.9 cation, hypothesistesting is used for symboldecoding,where 0.8 boththehypothesesareequallylikely.Substituting(8)and(9) 0.7 in(4)andassumingbothhypothesesareequallylikely,weget 0.6 the decision rule as PD0.5 Pr(H |d) Pi 0.4 log(cid:18)Pr(H10|d)(cid:19)=i∈XSH1log(cid:18)PFDiA(cid:19) (10) 00..23 MMEEADDDFFstssthiihimmmeeououurrllleaaeatttttiiiiicocooaannnll (1−Pi) H1 0.1 ADtheoretical + log D ≷ 0. 0 (cid:18)(1−Pi )(cid:19) -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 i∈XSH0 FA H0 SNR[dB] Unlikethe countingrulebased fusion,the MAPfusionrule Fig. 4. Theperformance ofdifferent detectors intheory and simulation are employed in (10), requires Pis and Pi s at the fusion center. shown. A normalized second order Gaussian pulse of width 10 ns sampled D FA at5GHz,isusedinthesimulation. Inpracticethisisnotalwaysavailable.Also,thefusionrulein (10),canbeviewedasaweightedcountingrule,alsoknownas “Chair-Varshney”rule[15].InthenextSection,wewillderive and compare it with a threshold to decide on a hypothesis. the detection performance of these detectors, which will be Depending on the test statistic generation function, f (·), we k used in the later Sections to evaluate the fusion performance. have different types of detectors like matched filter, energy detector, amplitude detector, etc,. In this paper, we use MF, IV. DETECTORPERFORMANCE ED, and AD detectors, thus we have, k ∈ {MF, ED, AD}. As discussed in Section II, each transmit frame constitutes Nk denote number of frames used by the detector-k, in the p a UWB pulse,s(t), sampledat1/Ts. We defineframeenergy, hypothesis testing. The r(n,i), denotes the received samples Ep as and is equal to x(n,i) and w(n,i) during hypothesesH1 and Ns−1 H respectively. E = s2(n,i). (11) 0 p Xi=0 A. Matched Filter We assume all the frames in the transmission are of same For matched filter, the test statistic in (14) will have pulse shape, s(t), and energy, E . As discussed in (2), the p f (r(n,i))=r(n,i)s(n,i). (15) receivedsignalunderbothhypotheses,H1andH0iscorrupted MF by AWGN noise samples, w(n,i). We assume that these The performance in terms of probability of detection for noisesamplesareindependentandidenticallydistributed(IID) matchedfilter,PMF,asafunctionofprobabilityoffalsealarm, with w(n,i) ∼ N 0,σ2/Ns , where N, denotes the normal PMF, and SNR isDshown in Appendix-1 of [16] to be distribution, such t(cid:0)hat the to(cid:1)tal noise energy in the frame is FA given by Ns−1 PDMF =Q(cid:16)Q−1(PFMAF)−qNsNpMFSNR(cid:17), (16) E w2(n,i) =σ2. (12) where Q is the tail probability of the standard normal distri- Xi=0 (cid:2) (cid:3) bution. Here, E, denotes the expectation operator. We define signal- B. Energy Detector to-noise ratio, SNR, as In energy detector, the test statistic in (14) will have E p SNR= . (13) σ2 f (r(n,i))=r2(n,i). (17) ED TypicaldetectorstructureusedinFig1isasshowninFig.3. The performance in terms of probability of detection for Each detector will construct a test statistic, T , such that k energy detector, PED, as a function of probability of false D Npk Ns−1 alarm, PFEAD, and SNR is shown in Appendix-2 of [16] to be Tk =nX=0 Xi=0 fk(r(n,i)), (14) PDED =Q−Xν12(λ)(cid:16)q2NpEDNsQ−1(PFEAD)+NpEDNs(cid:17). (18) Where QX2(λ) is the tail probability of the non-central chi- TABLEII square distrνibution with ν =NEDN , degrees of freedom, and CONFIGURATIONOFPARAMETERSFORDIFFERENTDETECTORSUSEDIN p s THEFUSION. centrality parameter, λ=NEDN SNR. p s Detector Type PFA Np C. Amplitude Detector Matched Filter 10−7 100 EnergyDetector 10−1 1000 In the amplitudedetector, the test statistic in (14) will have Amplitude Detector 10−4 100 f (r(n,i))=|r(n,i)|. (19) AD D. Simulation Study The performance in terms of probability of detection for The performance equation for energy detector, (18), as- amplitude detector, PAD, as a function of probability of false D sumes large number of pulses are used in the detection. Sim- alarm, PAD, is shown in Appendix-3 of [16] to be FA ilarly, for the amplitude detector, the performance equation, PAD (23), assumes a UWB pulse shape given in (22). In this PDAD =Q(cid:18)Q−1(cid:18) 2FA (cid:19)−α NpADEpSNR(cid:19) section, we will simulate the detectors and demonstrate the q (20) validity of the approximations, for a practical UWB signal PAD +Q(cid:18)Q−1(cid:18) 2FA (cid:19)+αqNpADEpSNR(cid:19) sfreatumpesihsoowfn10innsTdabulreatIiIo.nW,heavuisnegaosniegnnaolrmmaoldizeeldinsewchoincdhoeradcehr where α is defined as Gaussianpulseasdefinedin(22)withτ =3.33ns,sampledat 5GHz. The received samples are corrupted by AWGN noise Ns−1 with variance 1/SNR (since pulses are normalized, that is s(i)=αEp. (21) Ep =1). Monte-Carlo simulations are done using 1000 inde- Xi=0 pendentrealizations. The detector performancein simulations are shown in red, matches the analytical expressions in (16), As shown by (21) and (20), the performance of the ampli- (18), and (23), shown in blue in Fig. 4. Notice that in Fig. 4, tude detector depends on the shape of the UWB pulse used. different detectors are optimal at different SNR regions. For WehaveconsideredanormalizedsecondorderGaussianpulse applications, where there are no stringent constraints to bind as described in [3]. This is given by the usage to a particular detector type, instead of resorting −2πt2 −τ2+4πt2 to a single arbitrary detector to arrive at the hypothesis, s(t)=−4πe τ2 (cid:18) τ4 (cid:19). (22) decision information from all the detectors can be fused to make more informed decision on the hypothesis. This will Here τ can be used to control the impulse spread. Energy utilize transceiver infrastructure better to provide improved normalized pulse, Ep = 1, with τ = 3.33 ns, sampled at performance. We will evaluate the performance of proposed 5 GHz, will result in α=4.49. Thus, for this pulse shape the fusion methods in the next Section. performance of the amplitude detector is given by V. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OFFUSION METHODS PAD For counting rule based fusion discussed in Section III, PDAD =Q(cid:18)Q−1(cid:18) 2FA (cid:19)−4.49qNpADEpSNR(cid:19) with L = 3, having MF, ED and AD as detectors for (23) “AND”, “OR” and “Majority-Voting” fusion, we should have PAD +Q(cid:18)Q−1(cid:18) 2FA (cid:19)+4.49qNpADEpSNR(cid:19) k = 3, k = 1 and k > 2 respectively. We performed Monte-Carlo simulations with similar signal configurations From (16), (18), and (23) the performance of matched describedinSectionIV-D.Wegenerated1000randomsignals filter, energy detector and amplitude detector depends on corresponding to hypotheses, H and H as defined in (1). 1 0 environment(SNR) andonthesystem configurationortuning The probability of correct detection of hypothesis, H , when 1 variables like number of frames considered in the hypothesis H was indeed signaled, P , and the probability of mis- 1 D testing,N ,andprobabilityoffalsealarm,P .Inthematched classificationofhypotheses,P ,wasevaluatedusingthefusion p FA e filter and energy detector, the performance is agnostic to the rules discussed in Section III. The false alarm, P , and FA system specifications like pulse shape, which are fixed for a number of frames employed, N , for each detector type are p givenhardware.However,in the amplitudedetector,detection takenfromTableII.Resultsforfusedprobabilityofdetection, performance depends on the shape of the pulse as shown in P , and probability of error, P , are as shown in Fig. 5a D e (20) and (21). As discussed in Section I, each detector is and Fig. 5b respectively. Notice that for a fixed SNR, the pre-configured with detection parameters like N , P , etc., probabilityof detection is high for the “OR” fusion, however, p FA considering a particular application in mind. For an example the probability of error is also high due to the higher false configuration shown in Table II, the probability of detection, alarm rate. P ,versesSNRusingtheanalyticalexpression(16),(18),and The performance is also evaluated using the MAP fusion D (23) is as shown in the blue color plots of Fig. 4. rule (10), for a detector set, (MF, ED, AD), yielding decision (a)Probabilityofdetection (16), (18) and (20) for analyzing the fusion performance. We 1 analyzed the performance in terms of detection probability 0.8 and probability of error for different fusion methods like 0.6 D “AND”,“OR”and“Majority-Voting”.ThisisshowninFig.5a P 0.4 ORfusion and Fig. 5b. Using the Bayes rule, we derived an optimal ANDfusion 0.2 Majority-Votingfusion fusion rule (10) for UWB detection, which is optimal in the 0 probabilityoferrorsense and comparedits performance.This -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 is shown in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b. (b)Probabilityoferror Results indicate that by making a suitable choice of fusion 0.6 ORfusion rule, a trade-off between detection and false alarm can be ANDfusion 0.4 Majority-Votingfusion achieved.Forexample,Fig. 5a, showsthat ORfusionis more Pe biased toward detection, however, it also results in higher 0.2 errors (due to false alarms, refer to Fig. 5b). If the error performance is critical for the UWB application, then MAP 0 fusion formulation gives superior performance in terms of -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 SNR[dB] errors as shown in Fig. 6b. In general, if there are multiple detectors available in the UWB transceiver platform, then Fig. 5. 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