IIPP AAddddrreessssiinngggg && SSuubbnneettttiinngg MMaaddee EEaassyy WWoorrkkiinngggg wwiitthh IIPP AAddddrreesssseess IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn You can probably work with decimal (cid:132) nnuummbbeerrss mmuucchh eeaassiieerr tthhaann wwiitthh tthhee binary numbers needed by the ccoommppuutteerr. Working with binary numbers is time- (cid:132) consumiing && error-prone. 3 OOcctteettss The 32-bit IP address is broken up into (cid:132) 44 oocctteettss, wwhhiicchh aarree aarrrraannggeedd iinnttoo aa dotted-decimal notation scheme. AAn octtett iis a sett off 88 bbiitts && nott a (cid:132) musical instrument. Example of an IP version 4: (cid:132) 4 TThhiinnkkiinngg iinn BBiinnaarryy The binary system uses only 2 (cid:132) vvaalluueess “00 && 11” ttoo rreepprreesseenntt numbers in positions representing iinnccrreeaassiinngg ppoowweerrss ooff 22. We all are accustomed to thinking (cid:132) && workkiing iin tthhe ddeciimall systtem, which is based on the number 10. 5 TThhiinnkkiinngg iinn BBiinnaarryy ((CCoonntt..)) To most humans, the number 124 (cid:132) representts 110000 ++ 2200 ++ 44. To the compputer, this number is (cid:132) 1111100, which is 64 (26) + 32 (25) + 1166 ((224)) + 88 ((223)) + 44 ((222)) + 00 + 00 6 Each position in a binary number (cid:132) representts, riighhtt tto llefftt, a power off two beginning with 20 & increasing by one power as it moves left: 20, 21, 22, 24, etc. 7 CCoonnvveerrttiinngg ttoo DDeecciimmaall You’ll need to convert binary to (cid:132) ddeecciimmaall && vviiccee vveerrssaa ttoo ccoommppuuttee subnets & hosts. SSo, iitt’’s ttiime ffor a quiickk reviiew llesson (cid:132) in binary-to-decimal conversion. There are 8 bits in an octet & each bit (cid:132) can only be a 1 or a 0. 8 CCoonnvveerrttiinngg ttoo DDeecciimmaall ((CCoonntt..)) What then do you suppose is the largest (cid:132) ddeecciimmaall nnuummbbeerr tthhaatt ccaann bbee eexxpprreesssseedd in an octet? Eight 1’s (1111 1111) 9 CCoonnvveerrttiinngg ttoo DDeecciimmaall ((CCoonntt..)) Now, for double the money, what is its (cid:132) equivalent decimal value? 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 The binary number 1111 1111 converts into the decimal number: 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 255 10