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IP Addressing and Subnetting, Including IPv6 PDF

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KEY SERIAL NUMBER 001 JF87NBH615 002 KFJB876AAZ 003 LK1AN65498 004 FH766T1NA9 005 JF786B12BV 006 NN7 FH419AS 007 FF8AF73198 008 776FNGF67B 009 7683NG5T99 010 WE67822VMA PUBLISHED BY Syngress Media, Inc. 800 Hingham Street Rockland, MA 02370 IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING INCLUDING IPv6 Copyright (cid:14)9 2000 by Syngress Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher, with the exception that the program listings may be entered, stored, and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ISBN: 1-928994-01-6 Copy Editor: Adrienne Rebello Proofreader: Jim Melkonian Technical Editor: Mark Blanchet Graphic Artists: Emily Eagar and Vesna Williams Indexer: Robert Saigh Co-Publisher: Richard Kristof, Global Knowledge Product Line Manager: Eva Banaszek We would like to acknowledge the following people for their kindness and support in making this book possible. Richard Kristof, Duncan Anderson, Jennifer Gould, Robert Woodruff, Kevin Murray, Dale Leatherwood, Shelley Everett, Laurie Hedrick, Rhonda Harmon, Lisa Lavallee, and Robert Sanregret of Global Knowledge, for their generous access to the IT industry's best courses, instructors and training facilities. Ralph Troupe and the team at Rt. 1 Solutions for their invaluable insight into the challenges of designing, deploying and supporting world- class enterprise networks. Karen Cross, Kim Wylie, Harry Kirchner, John Hays, Bill Richter, Michael Ruggiero, Kevin Votel, Brittin Clark, Sarah Schaffer, Luke Kreinberg, Ellen Lafferty and Sarah MacLachlan of Publishers Group West for sharing their incredible marketing experience and expertise. Peter Hoenigsberg, Mary Ging, Caroline Hird, Simon Beale, Julia Oldknow, Kelly Burrows, Jonathan Bunkell, Catherine Anderson, Peet Kruger, Pia Rasmussen, Denelise L'Ecluse, Rosanna Ramacciotti, Marek Lewinson, Marc Appels, Paul Chrystal, Femi Otesanya, and Tracey Alcock of Harcourt International for making certain that our vision remains world- wide in scope. From Global Knowledge At Global Knowledge we strive to support the multiplicity of learning styles required by our students to achieve success as technical professionals. As the world's largest IT training company, Global Knowledge is uniquely positioned to offer these books. The expertise gained each year from pro- viding instructor-led training to hundreds of thousands of students world- wide has been captured in book form to enhance your learning experience. We hope that the quality of these books demonstrates our commitment to your lifelong learning success. Whether you choose to learn through the written word, computer based training, Web delivery, or instructor-led training, Global Knowledge is committed to providing you with the very best in each of these categories. For those of you who know Global Knowledge, or those of you who have just found us for the first time, our goal is to be your lifelong competency partner. Thank your for the opportunity to serve you. We look forward to serving your needs again in the future. Warmest regards, Duncan Anderson President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Knowledge vi Cameron Brandon (MCSE, CNE, CNA, MCSE+Internet, A+, Network+) works as a Network Engineer/Administrator in Portland, Oregon, and he specializes in Windows NT with BackOffice Integration. He helped in Intel Corporation's large-scale migration at its Oregon facility to Windows NT. Cameron completed all of his certifications in five months, demonstrating that determination and a strong sense of direction are the key to success in one's career. Ryan Russell (CCNA, CCNP) has been employed in the networking field for more than 10 years, including more than five years working with Cisco equipment. He has held IT positions ranging from help desk support to network design, providing him with a good perspective on the challenges that face a network manager. Recently, Ryan has been doing mostly infor- mation security work involving network security and firewalls. He has completed his CCNP and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. John Pherson (Microsoft MCSE and MCT, Novell Master CNE and Master CNI, and Certified Cisco Systems Instructor), has more than 18 years of technical-consulting and technical-management experience in the comput- er industry, specializing in networking technologies and operating systems. He also has a B.S. in Business Administration. John has been a member of several CompTIA (Computer Industry Technology Association) commit- tees responsible for the growth and direction of the A+ Certification. He is also a contributing author to several books, including CCNA Study Guide (Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1998) and the MCSE: Networking Essentials Study Guide (Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1998). He is a member of American Mensa, Ltd. John is currently employed as an Instructional Consultant at Global Knowledge in Dallas, TX., and he also provides independent net- work consulting services. vii J.D. Wegner is a founder and director of The Empowerment Group, Inc. He has been working with computers for over 30 years. The last twelve of those, he has been involved with the design, installation and support of data networks. As an instructor and Course Director for Global Knowledge, he has presented topics ranging from Internetworking with TCP/IP to Web Security to IP Address Management to thousands of IT professionals in the U.S. and abroad. His clients include many of the Fortune 500 as well as several government agencies. He lives in Hickory, North Carolina with his wife, Laurie, and their two children, David and Sarah. Robert Rockell has been at Sprint Internet Services for the past 3 years. He currently works in the Operations Engineering department, where he and his group are responsible for top-level technical escalation of all Internet operation problems. In addition, Rob runs an IPv6 network with over 50 customers attached. If interested, you can join the 6Bone through Rob's network by writing him at rrockell@sprint.net. Technical Editor Marc Blanchet (Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca) is a network engineer work- ing at Viagenie Inc. as a consultant in network security, network architec- tures and electronic commerce for companies, organisations and govern- ments. He has been involved in TCP/IP since 1983. Marc wrote a book in French entitled TCP/IP Simpli.fii published at Iditions Logiques. At the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), he has been involved in many working groups, especially in IPv6 group, for which he wrote a few stan- dard documents. One of those is about IPv6 address assignments. Marc is also an architect of the IPv6 CA*Net network and the 6tap IPv6 exchange. He is a regular speaker at conferences and gives courses about TCP/IP, Security, IPv6 and other related subjects. viii contents PREFACE xix m yth is Rook is Necessary xx Content of this Book xxi Editor'sj Acknowledgments Mi CHAPTER ' 1 IP Addr 2 C h 3 5 6 7 8 Add ;o 10 10 12 Exa 13 PUrpOSj 13 The Ba 19 W h 19 Cor 21 nn 1.5 Decir-,,jl Frv ii:-nlmt Mask Values 23 Crea!.!i< Tlark4 for Various Networking Problems 26 Add InleracE ion 27 Res ec2 Addresses 30 Detenninirg tlw fian~ocf Acfdrrsses within Subnets 3 1

Internetworking Protocol (IP) addresses are the unique numeric identifiers required of every device connected to the Internet. They allow for the precise routing of data across very complex worldwide internetworks. The rules for their format and use are governed by the Internet Engineering Task Forc
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